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Found 7 results

  1. Hi Just looking for some advice please. I hve received a letter through from DRP stating I was parked in Euro Car Parks Ltd, sainsburys car park in bolton for more than maximum period allowed. It states there is notice to intended court acion and £130.00 is payable. I was shopping then had lunch in sainsburys and didn't realise a maximum stay. What can I do?
  2. Hi All, long time since I have been on here, I see that advice may have changed from ignore PCN's. My daughter and her friend parked at the lcoal Sainsburys that allows 30 minutes free parking. What they didn't realise was that you still had to print a ticket to put in the windscreen showing £0 paid and a 30 minutes time. They both got PCN's, both tickets show the time which was under the 30 minutes, the PCN for failing to display a ticket. I advised them to ignore the letters, they have now received one of the 'pretend' Bailiff letters and the friend is afraid of getting CCJ's etc, I have advised that won't happen unless you go to court and then fail to pay. Do you think it is worth writing to the Parking Company saying that they were within the free 30 minutes so no loss has been incurred? I believe they both received a NTO and neither have kept a receipt from the shopping they did. Thanks all.
  3. I received a parking charge notice after inadvertently overstaying in Sainsburys car park in January. Previously I have had a ticket whilst parked in a local Aldi and believing that it wouldn't be enforced I ignored threatening debt recovery letters and they went away . Hence I didn't worry and ignored this notice. I then received demand for payment notice from DRP for £120 . My husband told me he'd heard that things had changed and that I should have paid . On the notice from DRP they quote "landmark decision " handed down 4th November 2015 in favour of parking operator who took motorist to court for non payment of parking charge - it says that this is important test case due to complex legal arguments used by both sides. This sounds very vague to me - however I don't want to risk any consequences which might affect my credit rating or a court case . Do I pay or not? I have no valid excuse for overstaying- just didn't really realise the time . I welcome advice!
  4. Having sorted my wife's charge at Morrisons, now trying to do same with Sainsburys and Euro Car Parks. ECP sent the initial parking charge, "issued" 10th February, letter dated 16th February. Interesting thing was that there was no first name on the letter. There are two of us here at this address, my son and myself, so the person to whom it was addressed was ambiguous. In my view they had not written to me. A second letter, headed notice to keeper was dated 9th March. Again no first names, only surname. I then heard nothing until a letter from Debt Recovery Plus was received, dated 7th May. This letter was addressed to me, and headed *Notice of Intended Court Action" which of course it was not. they demanded £130, £60 more than the alleged original charge. This letter referred to a letter dated 14th April, which I had not received. Wording was curious - "If you are liable for this charge and do not pay the full amount...." and threatening to pass a file to the creditors solicitor with a recommendation to commence court action. I replied to this letter saying, I had not received a pcn, nor a notice to keeper, nor a notice of keeper liability. I disputed the "debt", said they had not complied with the BPA Code of Practice, told them I would be writing to the landowner, which I have, and telling them if I had no response within 14 days I would consider this an indication that the matter was closed. This prompted a written, rather than a form letter, explaining some tosh about the BPA Code of Practice, quoting Clause 22.7 (incorrectly) about challenges not being possible, referring to the pre-court action code of conduct (irrelevant at this stage) with a comment that they were trying to resolve the matter amicably (strange given that the tone of their other letters was anything but amicable) and mentioning Beavis vs Parking Eye as a "landmark Case" and alleging that they believe that similar conditions applied (I think not as I understand it). They finally said that they may not reply to any further correspondence if it didn't provide further "evidence" I am drafting a further response and will thank them for not writing further to me and tell them I won't be writing to them again. I have written to Sainsburys but cannot believe the response I have got. We were actually customers at the store and I submitted receipts to show this, we also used our nectar card. It was answered by their customer services "Careline" - more like "Don't Careline" - saying that they did own the car park, but "would not be able to overturn the charge" which I know to be not true. They did thank me for taking the time to contact them! There will be a follow up letter addressed personally to their CEO. Interested to receive any comments from anyone. How would my view that ECP have not written to me because they only used second names in the initial letters stand up? thanks
  5. I recently received one of these annoying notices from Horizon Parking a t a Sainsbury's car park that I have used for the past 4-5 years without ever getting one even when leaving my car there for more than the free 60 minute period! Should I ignore the notice or pay it? It's £30, which will increase to £60 after 14 days. I've read on many forums that one should just ignore these. Is that right or has the law changed? Rgds radmm0
  6. My husband has just got back to our car in Sainsbury's car park to find a Euro Car Parks PCN on the windscreen demanding £60 (or reduced fee of £30) for parking 'longer than the maximum period allowed'. The parking time limit is 2 hours free parking and he stayed for 2 hours 30 minutes. We're regular customers at the store but we don't have a receipt to prove we shopped there at the time stated. The supermarket is quite big with a cafe so 2 hrs isn't a particularly long time and it also situated next to a retail park where you could spend all afternoon shopping. The car parks have no clear defining line and seem to merge into one. The signs on one side do state however, that it is Sainsbury's car park and there is a 2 hour max limit but the rest of the writing isn't really that clear. I've had a look at other posts and info about similar incidents but the more I read the less sure I am about what to do! Please can anyone give me advice?
  7. Hi everyone, and before starting with my request I would like to thanks everyone for their times on helping on the forum. We received a PCN on the 4/03/15 (see doc attached) asking for £70 discounted by £40 if paid within 2 weeks. My wife didn't realised that she couldn't stay longer than 2h. I contacted sainsburys who told me that they were not responsible for the car park therefore I should contact ECP. Yesterday we received the Notice to Keeper dated 24/03/15 (see attached) asking for £70 with a £1.5 handing charge if paid online! My wife is 38 weeks pregnant and takes her time when shopping. To be honest she just didn't know! I find this, out of order to be charged £70 for over staying by one hour, specially when she parks there to mainly shop at Sainsburys! Can I fight this ticket? If so, is it ok to send this? Dear Euro Car Parks As keeper of the vehicle, registration XXXX XXX, I have received your invoice number xxxxxx. The driver at the time tells me that as a regular customer of sainsburys they never realised the 2h time limits as there isn't any barrier in that car park or clear sign when you drive in,and that they are therefore not liable to pay you any money. Therefore I ask that you allow this appeal on those grounds. If you reject this appeal, please issue me with a valid POPLAicon code. Yours Recorded Keeper.
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