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Found 4 results

  1. Hello all, Thanks for taking the time to read my thread. My story is no doubt similar to many past and present, i am looking to now take control of my life and debt! After a period of tough times and illness i have started work/business again and on the road to mental well being. Background... 40k unsecured debt Self employed / Partner employed Discussed circumstances with Payplan and they recommend debt management plan or IVA I am concerned over IVA and the equity clause at year 4 as this is our nest egg, i have no pension and the property is in my spouses name but they tell me if they can prove i contribute to mortgage they could activate this clause. Given the above i am looking towards DMP which i am happy to undertake myself hopefully with guidance from more experienced folk. Our joint income at present covers households etc but only a minimum token payment off creditors which i am making. This will improve as i bring in more work/business and see no benefit in IVA and the negative stigma that could be viewed by being on the register trying to win contracts or endorsements by trading standards. I am seeking advice on 1/ DIY DMP or IVA is my thinking right? 2/ Next steps to formalize one of the above Many thanks in advance.
  2. Hello there. I have been served an N1 claim form from a dodgy builder I sacked for substandard work. The Statement of truth has been filled in by an unknown party ( Name printed and signed) but they have not stated who they are. They are NOT the claimants solicitor as he doesn't have one. Neither Claimant ,Litigation friend or Legal representative has been selected from the options and neither has the name of firm or position held . It seems clear to me that the statement of truth is not binding and the form should not have proceeded through the court system with this error. I am in court this Wednesday the 20th April. The question is - Is this claim form legally binding . What is my legal position. Is the claim void in its current state. Thank you.
  3. Appologies if I have asked this previously ... I am living in SE Asia and now wish to take out a small loan as we need work done on the home. The company that I have applied with is a big multi national company with offices in most major cities throughout the world and have applied through the local outlet. (The company is not attached to any UK bank, it is a mega American company located in SE Asia) Having a really bad credit record in the UK due to my thieving and obnoxious ex partner (now deceased) I finished up with a lot of debt on Credit Cards, Bank Overdrafts and one loan which are currently on my Credit Report Can this company that I have applied through use the UK office to obtain my Credit Report and if so are they/will they be breaching the DPA. Many thanks for help in advance
  4. I was discharged from bankruptcy 5 years ago. I require a full report from the TIB (trustee in bankruptcy)and would like to know if I have to pay for this and if I have to make an application to the Court if I get no response from the TIB. Do I have the right to know how the TIB managed the bankruptcy estate? ie who got paid who didn't etc etc. The TIB has never contacted me as all my dealings were with the official receiver, he was only appointed 3 days before my discharge and then represented by a creditor's solicitor, which I thought was a conflict of interests. I have a terrible gut feeling that the TIB has only paid out to the same creditor's solicitors, who is actually his own solicitor!!
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