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Found 3 results

  1. Hi Folks, Cabots have been chasing me for years about a debt. I do not remember owing any money to santander but they say I owe £1200. I once wrote to them asking for proof of this debt but they did not respond. The debt has moved backwards and forwards between Cabots and a few other companies now Cabots have sent a letter saying they will instruct a solicitor to get a CCJ against me. What is my best course of action with this? They never give any account number details - just a balance of £1200!! Many thanks.
  2. Hi Guys I have received a letter of claim from Restons solicitors for a debt bought by Cabot financial. I have made a complaint to the financial ombudsman that the original creditor ‘ a credit card company ‘ refused to deal with several mistakes on my account over a year before Cabot bought the debt and simply told me to deal with the 3rd party debt collectors. The ombudsman said that as they were still the legal owners of the debt they had a duty to deal with me and not pass the buck to the debt collectors. The amount Cabot are claiming is for £1800 when the correct amount after deducting the disputed amount is £1150. My question now is, should I contact Restons who have sent me a letter of claim and say they will start proceedings on 18 05.2018 or Cabot or both and tell them its a disputed amount sold by the original owner of the debt and I have now made complaint to the FOS for which I have received relevant paperwork and a reference number. So would they like to put proceedings on hold whilst this matter is dealt with by the FOS as I see no point in starting court proceedings when they are trying to claim the wrong amount.I I don't dispute the lower figure. So far I have made no contact with either company.
  3. Hi, we have had a few accounts sold to cabots, This alleged debt of just under £6k is for a credit card account which was opened in 2005, it was defaulted in 2009 , it went through various dca"s before finally being sold to cabot in 2012 There is no ppi on it, last payment/acknowledgement was Nov 2008 im presuming it becomes stat barred in 5 months Cabots have been sending me letter after letter, I went down the CCA route again and they supplied a recon with no signature, no varied terms etc I have since ignored any further letters from them , but last week received a "notice of change letter " Cabot have now instructed Marlin to recover the alleged debt, Do I just ignore marlin too or do I resend another cca request etc Do marlin have any teeth and with it being stat barred in 5 months will they be more urgent in their desire to collect this alledged debt , Is Marlin just another arm of cabot or are they a seperate company altogether Thanks DB
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