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  1. parkingbill2018, where are you with this case? I've got the same problem on the same location, but mine is on early stage, have only passed to the ZZPS LTD Could you please update when you get a resolution Thanks,
  2. Well good old Gordon Brown or was it Laudy Fraudy in the New Labour govt who tried to stop the DWP from issuing these because the DWP always gets things right as they stated in a Parliamentary question response. Uproar followed by a U-Turn occurs rather quickly iirc! Well after the DWP quietly stopped collecting statistics on their food bank referrals.... just like all that other data they claimed they didn't collect but was released after massive fight even ignoring the Information Commissioners Rulings. They've actually gone and done it! Stopped all referrals to food banks... and who did they announce this too? Originally found this via a Reddit post pointing me to here http://www.leweseye.co.uk/social-security-benefits/dwp-bans-local-foodbank-referrals/? Now gaining national news traction and hopefully we can add to the traction as quite frankly I'm beyond appalled!
  3. I had an appointment for dental treatment last week. I parked the car, with a blue badge and 'clock' correctly displayed, on the opposite side of the road. This is an area previously covered by double yellows and had, 12+ years ago, been a service bus stop. I am fully aware that no service buses have used this stop since the opening of a new Interchange down the road in 2006. It is a popular parking place for blue badge holders as it is a quiet stretch of road since the buses stopped running through there, other services with stands in the next street stopped using this area of town last year when a gap in the dual carriageway was plugged and traffic lights removed as part of other works taking place. But, the council have since marked out a 'Bus Stop' at one end of the parking area and claim this is for a community transport minibus for the disabled. These minibuses have run for some years now and my understanding was they went a different way, dropping off and picking up on the other side of the road to where I was parked. I contested the ticket. They've written to say no, I was parked in a bus stop and therefore have to pay. I disagree. I accept that they have marked out the 'Bus Stop' and put a thick solid yellow line against the kerb, which I didn't see when I parked between other vehicles already there as it was raining heavily. I have checked, this work has been done in the last year. I used Google street view to see how it was marked last year, just double yellows although the whole stretch had green tarmac. Before I appealed the ticket I checked with https://www.askthe.police.uk/content/Q388.htm and there is a single line which says under PLACES WHERE YOU CANNOT PARK, 'A bus stop during hours of operation;'. So as part of the 'informal appeal', as they term it, I had said "I have challenged (the council) to tell me the hours of operation for this stand". They have not supplied this information. I am not against the disabled persons bus service, being a blue badge holder myself, but I question the legality of the stand being there. It is not for service buses and therefore would not have 'hours of operation' in that respect, meaning I complied with the information I obtained from the Police website. The community transport service is pre-booked, so by definition not a 'public service' bus as we know them. The 'bus stop' is therefore not in use for service vehicles and I was parked there outside any known 'hours of operation'. But where do I get this sort of thing verified so I can make a formal request to the council for repayment of the PCN on the grounds I was parked legally ? I am paying it under protest as they double the amount if not paid within 14 days.
  4. I came to return my brother's car and parked on the suspended bus stop which had been closed due to Gasworks mains replacement. Below is my letter to Newham, I have appeal on 18th Jan 2019 and need some guidance. The PCN ….. was issued while the vehicle was parked on the Bus Stop on Plashet Road. Plashet Road was closed due to Mains Replacement work on Green Street. Stukeley Road had notices stating that it was closed from 28th July to 5th October. The works overran the above schedule and I wasn’t aware of its completion until after I was informed about PCN. My brother was replacing carpet at his home and had borrowed by Toyota Previa to dispose off old carpet at the tip in Jenkins Lane. I came on Sunday to replace the car, I parked his little Swift and drove off with my Previa. Later my brother found the above-mentioned PCN on his car and sent me a message. I accept parking his Swift on the bus stop as the bus stop was suspended since the start of the work, all buses were being diverted via Stukeley Road. Had the notices stated the correct date and if the notices were removed after the completion of the works I would have realised the bus stop suspension was removed and not parked the Swift where I did. I will appreciate if you will revoke this penalty as I didn’t park the Swift to cause any obstruction and nor was it intentional. I hope to hear from you very soon.
  5. I parked in a no through road which leads to the entrance to a supermarket car park and a derelict building site, which after many years of standing empty is finally being redeveloped. The road is accessed from a main road, where there are normal road markings and no signs stating that you are entering a private road and there is No Parking or any charge if you do park in it. Shoppers often park in this road for a short time whilst they go the supermarket, even when there are spaces available on the store car park. One day I parked in the road because the supermarket car park was full. I parked for less than 10 minutes behind a car that was already there and didn’t think anymore of this until I received a PCN in the post from a private parking management company. I was shocked that this stated I had parked in an un-adopted road which was no parking allowed and had a £100 parking charge. The council confirmed the road is un-adopted whilst the site is being developed. The company had taken photos of the car I was driving, which was parked alongside a derelict building in the road. The signs stated Attention Private Land – The site is managed & operated for No Parking at anytime and that there is a parking charge of £100. These signs are not in the line of sight of a car driver and when you leave the car to go to the entrance of the supermarket they are behind you and there are no signs in your line of travel. You might see the signs on your way back to your car, but that is obviously too late. The signs are on the perimeter of the building site, which the derelict building is part of, and they refer to “Land” and “Site”, so you would assume they refer to the building site being developed, and not the road. If the road is included then there should be a sign at the entrance stating this is a Private Road and the terms and conditions that apply, as was in the Supreme Court case Parking Eye Vs Beavis. To make matters worse the signs on the derelict building are not illuminated and are less visible at dusk when I parked and when it is completely dark they cannot be seen at all! I disputed the charge with the management company because there were no signs at the entrance of the road and the ones on the building alongside which I parked had not been visible and referred to the building land/site. This was rejected because the IPS had approved the signs and location of them. I tried to appeal to the Site Owner/Director of the company who are developing the site, but he ignored my letters. His company finally did respond after my Father wrote to them. They confirmed that they had appointed a parking management company to control misuse of their land. I and other shoppers, unaware of that this is a private road with no parking, are hardly misusing the land by parking here for a few minutes! Even Police have been seen parking here and I am aware that at least one unmarked Police car was issued with a PCN. The management company have had many requests from the Supermarket store management and people like me to improve the signage and/or paint double yellow lines, to remove any ambiguity, but they have repeatedly refused. One store manager even complained that an employee of the Management company was parking by the derelict building, adding further to the misleading situation. In fact I am sure it was one of their employees whom was parked in front of me when I was issued with my PCN. It certainly was the same type and colour of car that I have seen driving around checking for parked cars. My Father did a study and saw 13 cars park there in one hour one lunch time, including an armed Police woman! I foolishly tried the IAS appeal process, knowing that I only had a 20% chance of being successful, because it is well known that this is not independent at all. True to form my appeal was rejected, even though I had pointed out and given proof that the evidence given by the management company was incomplete and the site plans and photos showing the signs were over two years old and not what were in place when my alleged parking offence took place. The Arbitrator dismissed these facts and still rejected my appeal and asked me to pay the charge within 14 days. I informed the Parking Management Company that I did not accept the decision of the IAS and the reasons why. I stated that I would not be paying the charge and requested that they followed the correct legal process and take me to court and not waste time and money passing this onto a debt recovery company. My letters, including to the MD were ignored and the charge was increased to £160, to cover admin charges. I heard nothing for four months then out of the blue I received a letter from a Debt Recovery company asking for the £160 to be paid. I have denied the debt, and asked them to ask their client to take me to court, so that this can be decided fairly. Their response states if the account remains unpaid it will progress to the legal stage and be passed to the solicitors. I would welcome further advice to what I have already received. This situation has been very upsetting and stressful for my family and I, especially when I am an honest, law abiding citizen, who has not committed any parking offences before. In the meantime, roll on the passing of the Private Parking Bill!
  6. Just an outline. My father parked near his home where he was not aware that it had become a parking zone. Parked on the road side where he did not notice any signage stating he was not able to park in that area. He later received a parking fine and disputed it sending evidence of where he parked and where there was no parking signs stating he could not park in the area as well as the information below: On page 52 of the Department of Transports booklet ‘Know your traffic signs, 2015 and relating to controlled parking zones, it states ‘The times when these operate should be shown on signs at the bays; these times may not be the same as those shown on the zone entry sign’. There are no bays on the road and there was no signage. The letter was sent to them on 1st January 2018 in response to their letter dated 21/12/18. During this time they stated that they sent my father a 'Notice to Owner' dated 15/02/2018, however he did not receive this until the date for response was past. He wrote to them on 2nd April explaining this. However in this letter they also rejected my father's appeal and a request was made to pay the lower rate of £65. They did not respond to my fathers letter until 13th June 2018, over 2 months later. At this time my father was abroad burying his brother and visiting other sick relatives and returned to the UK on 9th July 2018. (He left the UK on 11th June). By this time the time limit for completing a Witness Statement or responding had run out and although the reason for this was explained to them and copies of his passport and ticket was sent to them, they stated it was 'unfortunate' that he did not receive it in time and increased the amount to £195. They also did not respond to his request to pay the lower amount in this letter. My father then sent a postal order for £65 instead of the £130 in a letter dated 14th July, and they have now responded in a letter dated 28/9/18, over 2 months later stating that he did not make representations to the Notice to Owner dated 15/2/18 or pay the full amount and as a result the amount was increased by 50%. An £8 fee was further added for and Order of Recovery with a Witness Statement attached. They sent an Order of Recovery on 11/7/2018 with a Witness Statement attached but instead of completing the statement a letter was sent instead dated 14th July. The have waited over 2 months to then state that the £65 cannot be accepted as full and final payment and still want him to pay £195 minus the £65. Although they have stated 'Should you have grounds to file a Witness Statement out of time he should contact Northampton County Court but then go on to state that filing a late statement will not cancel the PNC or reduce the outstanding amount, I think this is quite pointless as nothing would be achieved. I hope this is not too complicated. Is there anything that can be done considering my father's predicaments and their inconsiderate behaviour:?:
  7. Hi.. First post on here so please just let me know if I do anything wrong. I've been reading through all the letters people have sent to Harlands etc but not sure they're specific to my situation. I was going through a tough time financially and cancelled the Harlands direct debit without letting them know first which I acknowledge was a massive mistake and has caused some issues. After the fine raising in price to something daft like 60 quid, I sent them this that I'd found on here - Dear Sir/Madam I refer to my membership at Xercise 4 Less gym in Kirkstall which was a month to month agreement. I cancelled my direct debit mandate in June but realise now that I should have given 30 days’ notice to cancel. Cancellation of the DD mandate was adequate notice of my wish to cancel. So I now offer to pay £11.99 for the notice period. I will not pay you any administration or cancellation fees. If you confirm in writing that you will accept the amount of £19.99 in full settlement of all that I owe, I will pay you promptly. If you fail to accept my offer within 14 days or you demand any higher amount, I will pay you nothing and my offer will be withdrawn. Yours Faithfully, Jack From: Harlands Customer Services Sent: 06 July 2018 10:17 ***** Subject: Important information regarding your membership payments to Xercise 4 Less Dear Mr ***, Please find attached a letter regarding your direct debit instruction, reference number for .... Xercise 4 Less. If you have any questions, please call the Harlands customer service team as per the attached letter, quoting reference number Yours sincerely, Harlands Customer Service Team I didn't hear anything back from that and they've carried on sending me texts / letters from Harlands to my old address. Today Credit Resolution Services text saying "You have been sent an email from CRS regarding your account. Please check your inbox... etc." I now receive a letter from them stating that I owe £140 pounds (Original £80, plus CRS £60 in admin fees). Re: CRS Ref No: **** Xercise4Less Leeds Ref. No: ***** We've been employed by Xercise4Less Leeds as your membership remains in arrears. As a result of this, our fees totalling £ 66.50 have been added. Therefore, your account balance now stands at £ 140.48. WE WANT TO REACH AN AMICABLE RESOLUTION WITH YOU! In order that we can do this, please ring our non-premium rate number - 01444 449165. WHAT ARE THE OPTIONS? 1. You want to continue your membership - The club want nothing more than for you to get the full benefits of your membership. You simply need to pay your arrears and either set up a new Direct debit with us for your remaining months or rejoin Xercise4Less Leeds if your membership has expired. You may also be entitled to a discount if you are able to settle your account balance in one payment. 2. You believe you've cancelled your membership - We understand the numerous reasons why people stop going. We'll listen to your reasons and do everything we can to resolve your account in line with the terms of your membership. 3. You're experiencing financial difficulties - We know times can be tough and therefore have a variety of possible solutions to assist you, including monthly payment plans that you can afford and recommending independent organisations that may be able to assist you in severe circumstances. We'll cease further letters for 7 days, so please call us on 01444 449165 before then. Yours sincerely For Credit Resolution Services Nuria Manson Collections Department Has anyone got any advice on what to reply with considering I've already sent an email saying I'll settle for £25? My monthly membership was only £9.99 and I didn't think I would have to pay any further for a service that I would not be using if I just cancelled the direct debit. Thanks for reading!
  8. Hi All, Here is the story: I check my car daily to make sure there are no new noticeable scratches and I did it last night and there were none on my wing mirrors. After driving to work and parking on the road this morning, I pushed my passenger wing mirror in as always to prevent it being hit and noticed 2 pretty big scrapes on it. The problem: I have no recollection of hitting or scraping my wing mirror on anything, then it occurred to me that I may not have known if I had because I put my music quite loud when driving as it helps me focus. Then I started worrying that maybe I hit and damaged a car and then remembered reading about the offence of failing to stop. I decided to call 101 and report that I may have committed the offence and told them 3/4 locations which I drive through to get to work as it would have happened in one of those locations. My question: If I did hit a vehicle and it's reported to the police what are the penalties? Bearing in mind that this is my first motoring offence (other than the 1 parking ticket I have ever received as a driver), I've been driving for almost 3 years and have no other criminal offences. I've read I could get disqualified from driving, up to 10 points and a fine of up to £5,000. Is this correct? Thank you in advance for any help.
  9. Aquilon Medical Nebulisers: people urged to stop use immediately READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/aquilon-medical-nebulisers-people-urged-to-stop-use-immediately
  10. Apparently I owe WDA some money. I don't recall the loan, but it was from a time (2012 or 2013) that I had lots of pay day loans. I have paid off or resolved all of them apart from these prats who out of the blue around 6 months ago started calling me. Likely it was £100-£300 (lol) When I answer I refuse to give them any personal details "go through data protection" and say I don't know who they are. If I owe them money then send me a letter. But they don't. I mean they don't have my current address but where I lived at the time my friend lives there still so I can get any letters addressed to me there as far as I know. I was told early on to check my credit file if I don't recognise the debt but I don't see anything on there. I have told them I will report them to the FCA if they continue to call but I haven't done this. Should I? Thanks for any advice!
  11. The following news article featured on SCOOP today: http://www.publicsectorexecutive.com/Public-Sector-News/london-council-to-launch-ethical-debt-collection-for-residents?dorewrite=false/Page-1749 https://www.scoop.it/t/lacef-news
  12. 2 years ago I requested DWP several times (verbally and in email) to remove my phone number from their systems and to stop calling me. - Their response to this complaint = "would i like a callback" doh.... Eventually DWP removed my phone number from their systems after I had notified them that I will resort to legal action if they do not do this. Since then, if I have had to contact DWP then I have refused to give my phone number. Some weeks ago I received a phone call from DWP CEO Office. This phone call should not have been made due to my previous request. In response to this phone call I contacted complaints resolution team and spoke with someone who has been dealing with my complaints since 2015, she stated that as far as she can see and as far as she knows, my telephone number has been removed from their systems and she can't possibly see where the CEO office obtained my number from. The cynical side of me suggests that DWP made this phone call out of spite in relation to my complaint of a few weeks earlier where DWP CEO staff implied I am a liar, then when I proved I am not a liar by quoting her a reference number she refused to apologise. I need to stop phone calls from DWP, but despite the fact that they have removed my number from their system, I still receive unwanted phone call from their CEO office. Breach of my privacy by DWP - informing my parents of my complaints.... During the phone call (which should not have been made), DWP first spoke with my father and somehow managed to verify that he is myself. DWP then went on to discuss my previous complaint with my father who was not aware I had a historical complaint (hes only aware of recent complaints). This has made my parents even more stressed in the knowledge of an historical complaint as since they have been helping support me financially during DWP pathetic excuses of they cant pay claim because my go fit note not matches exact date of claim etc. For my parents to learn that I had struggled financially previously and have an outstanding complaint worries them more as they are nearly 80. They were hoping that my complaints surrounding 2015 to present date would result in DWP realising that they are wrong not to pay benefit for sickness, this would then repay my debt to my parents who have been financially supporting me. For my parents to learn of a more historical complaint which has been ignored just adds to their worry. DWP called me 2 years after them removing my number from their system and requesting no phone calls due to mental health reasons. They also disclosed my personal details with my father. For my mother to hand me the phone saying its "DWP talking about your complaint from years ago" with a flushed worried complexion is horrible. I am trying my best to keep her from such worry given her age and health, the same for my father. Thanks to DWP incompetence they are both aware... I need to stop these phone calls! How?????
  13. Hi, Just wondering if I make a complaint about irresponsible lending will that halt any action being taken on a debt? Had 3 letters from Moriarty Law re Motormile for old payday loans with Northway Broker Ltd to my ex's mums house. This was in June! Have only just been told by ex's mum that she opened these letters and that she told them I dont live there anymore. The letter states 'In the event we do not hear from you within the next 14 days we have been instructed to issue proceedings without further reference to yourself.' Now as I say this was in June. They havent been in touch since but worried about them going to another previous address and trying to do a ccj there. There are three separate loans -£286.47 £218.75 and £318.96 Not sure how to move forward with them any ideas would be great thank you.
  14. Hi all, the register keeper has received out of the blue a notice of enforcement for "entering and stopping in a box junction in march 2017". unbeknown to them and without any prior communication from TFL or equite, this Equita letter is demanding £278 which is made of £203 debt and £75 Compliance stage fee! the date on the equita letter stating the date of the contravention is also incorrect on the equita letter. tfl states it was in November last year. they are asking for the money within two days too, is that even legal? just seen the photos from 2016, looks like the keeper has entered the box junction and half the car is blocked from exiting. can we speak to someone to reduce the PCN to the original amount if we have not received ANY communication? not sure what to do and the keeper (related to me) is very worried. seen this on the TFL site, do they not have 30 days to issue? 15/11/2016 PCN Issued 23/12/2016 Charge Certificate Issued sorry contravention date is : Contravention date and time: 09 November, 2016
  15. Hi, I have emigrated from the UK, but Lowell keep sending letters to my old address. They are being marked with 'No Longer at This Address - Return to Sender' but, after being returned, they send out a new one to the same address. How do I make these guys stop? For what it is worth, I do not even owe the debt. Prior to moving, I cancelled my contract with Plusnet. I paid off the last remaining month, then cancelled the direct debit just in case they forgot to close things off on their end. That is exactly what ended up happening as, a month later, they sent me an e-mail asking me to get in touch with them over money I owed them for the previous month. I did so and I was told that they no longer have me on their list of active customers, so they are not sure why I was billed and they told me that I didn't owe them any money. A couple of weeks later, a letter arrived in the post. I have googled the address and traced it to Lowell's. It appears to me that Plusnet have sold off a debt that doesn't exist, who will now not stop sending letters. As I am overseas, the letters are not being opened and there is not a great deal that I can do to respond to this. Does anybody have any suggestions?
  16. Dear BT, I am a new customer - I switched because I was told you were 'The Best'. I am happy with the Broadband services For the most part, I am happy with the telecom services, however, you MUST cease blocking calls to my land line. Specifically, you must cease telling the people you are blocking - that I have made the request to block them. I haven't - the reasons I have not asked you to do this, are A: one of the numbers you appear to be blocking is a hospital and I need to receive these calls - the other is a good friend ... and B: I wasn't even aware this service was available? How many other customers are not aware that calls are being blocked simply because the person making the call chooses to with-hold their number for one reason or another? Please don't try and say it is because of SPAM callers - with the technology you have - you should be able to differentiate, aside from which - I have already received 3 SPAM calls today.. why weren't they blocked?. Please take note that I am rapidly becoming an unhappy customer ! cagger citizenB
  17. Hello everyone, I'm hoping to receive any suggestions on an ongoing matter with UKPC and DRP. I have been issued with 4 tickets from UKPC almost 2 years ago for not parking my car within my designated space. UKPC is patrolling our underground parking to impede unhautorized parking on our parking bays. My car is parked just underneath a grille overlooking to the basement of the building. There were some water leakings affecting the entire building so workers had to undergo a month long repairing job. While working on it they let a lot of concrete debries fall through the grille and into my car's bonnet and to avoid further damages I had to park just half a car length short of my bay. This was not in any way obstructing any other parking spaces nor any car manouverings but nevertheless UKPC issued me with those charges. I have endlessly tried for them to understand and remove the charges by putting in writing through our managing agency but they are not willing to do it. They have instructed Debt Recovery Plus to act on their behalf, they have sent several letters intimating payment but after one year they have stopped chasing me. Finally a couple of weeks ago, DRP sent me a FINAL NOTICE letter for a sum of £99 each (x4) after which they will say they will start legal action against me. I have read quite a few threads on the matter but I'm not sure what the best course of action would be. Any help would be really appreciated, thank you.
  18. Hi people from the forum, I am in a situation where I would appreciate assistance. I am not a native speaker so apologies in advance for any mistake that might be in there! I got into a one-year contract with a gym in July, consisting of monthly payments of 60 pounds; in October I was accepted in a masters degree (which I had not applied for at the time I registered at the gym) in a foreign country. I enrolled and left the UK, but I left my bank account open and there was some money on it, I did not hear from the gym until January, when it turns out the money had been depleted and they had been unable to collect payment. I immediately contacted the gym and asked if I could cancel on the grounds that I now didn't have a job anymore (I had one prior to my enrollment but obviously had to quit) and wasn't even in the UK. I assumed this would be valid as an unforeseen change of circumstances. The person asked me for proof that I did not work anymore, so I directed her to my former HR. I did not hear back so I assumed everything was well, and I stopped the debit from my account. Two months later, another representative from the gym contacted me, notifying me that I owed two months. I referred him to my prior emails, and he showed me an email the first person had sent me, which I had not seen, where she stated that since I had quit and had not been fired, I still owed the money. I re-explained my situation, that I had no income now and was living in a different country, and the guy told me he understood, that he would put a note on my account and that I should notify him of when I would be able to make payment again. I told him next October (as my masters will be finished and I will have a job -hopefully), and thanked him for his understanding. I assumed everything was fine. Then last week my former roommate told me I had received a letter from ARC Europe (I asked her to open it in case it might be something administrative I had overlooked). Though I am two months late (120 pounds) and have gotten an email from the guy at the Gym that I would be able to resume payment later, a "J. Turner" requests I pay 299 pounds within ten days or he may go to court. Now I know this is more or less typical behavior from solicitors, but I don't really understand why they would come after me after the guy at the Gym emailed that I was fine, and why they'd ask for 299 pounds. What do you think of this situation? What is my best course of action, considering I will probably not be coming back to the UK in the near future, even after my masters? Thank you!
  19. 2007 stepdaughter and her husband took a secured loan (against house) for £10k. They subsequently separated and daughter was left high and dry to pay mortgage, loan and bills etc. Inevitably she fell into arrears but managed in 2014 to pay off all the arrears and has continued to pay monthly. The loan term ends in April 2017 and she has now been told she must pay £32k in further interest and legal charges. If she doesn't pay they will repossess. This would bring the total cost of the loan to over £50k as she has already paid them in excess of £23k. Ombudsman has investigated but says her claim against them is out of time according the paperwork she has seen from Swift. I was thinking of writing to the company and asking them to extend the term and freeze the charges and perhaps to offer to pay a lump sum to reduce the cost - but we can only afford a couple of thousand. Would they be obliged to accept an offer to continue payment? We fear the only alternative would be for her to sell the house but she has three children of 17, 13 & 12. Would paying a debt solicitor for legal advice/intervention be likely to help in any way? Finally although permanently separated she and her husband are still legally married but has not even contributed child maintenance. Would it be reasonable to give Swift his contact details and ask them to serve proceedings on him also? As you can tell - we are in turmoil and need advice urgently on what steps we can take to prevent my stepdaughter and her children being made homeless.
  20. Hi, hopefully this is the right place to put this! today I received a letter from the BTP with a NIP asking for name and address of driver. It states 'This offence can be supported by photographic evidence from an offence detection device. The driver of vehicle *my vehicle* is alleged to have committed an offence contrary to one or more of the following offences under the Road Traffic Act, 1968. Failure to comply with a red traffic light signal at Nutbourne Level Crossing' I was driving with my boyfriend in the car also, as we were approaching the level crossing the light turned orange but it would've been too dangerous to stop (I was driving within the speed limit). We both only saw an orange light and no red light. I have never had any driving convictions etc, am a mental health nurse and points on my licence would not be great for me, especially for something that I do not think is fair as I mentioned, stopping would've been more dangerous. Just looking for any sort of guidance/help with what I should do! Thanks!
  21. Strictly, speaking this is not a subject that would normally feature on the 'bailiff discussion' section of the forum. However, with the subject matter regularly featuring on the popular TV series; Can't Pay We'll Take it Away' it may well assist some viewers. Anyone watching the TV series would have seen the many instances of a tenant is being evicted. Routinely, the tenants had been advised by their local authorities that in order to gain assistance with emergency housing, that they must remain in the property until the actual eviction. It would seem that this practice must stop. The following is taken from a recent article from the Sheriffs Office: Housing minister, Brandon Lewis has told all local authorities to stop routinely advising tenants to stay put until the enforcement agent arrives before they can be accepted as homeless. Mr Lewis has written to all the chief executives of local councils saying that households should not be put in this position, and clarifying the guidance about homelessness. In his letter he says, “Authorities should not routinely be advising tenants to stay until the bailiffs arrive; there is no barrier to them assisting the tenant before this. By doing this, local authorities miss a valuable opportunity to prevent homelessness.” Mr Lewis writes that the statutory Homelessness Code of Guidance, which local authorities are required by law to have regard to, is clear on this matter and contains guidance on how they should treat homelessness applications where a tenant has received a valid S21 notice. This is what Mr Lewis’s letter highlights about what the guidance states: -Housing authorities should not, in every case, insist upon a court order for possession and that no local authority should adopt a blanket policy in this respect. -If the landlord intends to seek possession and there would be no defence to an application for a possession order, then it is unlikely that it would be reasonable for the applicant to continue to occupy the accommodation. -Unless a local authority has very good reason to depart from the statutory guidance, then they should not be placing households in this position.
  22. Hello, Probably as most of the people here I feel like I've been heavily fined for minor offence. As mentioned in the Title I'd been issued a PCN for 'Parking on a restricted bus stop/stand'. The most important question for me now is whether I should pay full amount (£154) or take it to the court. I don't know if I have the case here and whether it is worth risking for that kind of money. Also the way I dealt with it up to now was probably not too good and on top of it I'm not British which makes it even more difficult for me to understand all these legal procedures. here is the story: 1. On 02/04/2015, 22:15 at Doncaster airport I stopped in the bus bay. It's located just outside the fenced carpark but apparently is still within airport premises. I guess it might have been ca.30s and to be honest I don't remember why I stopped. As I had a kid with me and just picked up my parents from the airport it might have been some safety issue (not fastened seatbelts) or just simply to set the sat nav. I'm not from the area and didn't exactly know which way to go meaning I had to stop somewhere and that bay seemed to be the safest place there. 2. I received a PCN on 20/05/2015 with a £60 discounted rate. 3. I appealed (in my own way, not too professional and legal manner - unfortunately I confirmed in my letter that I did stop in that bay and tried to explain the circumstances.) and obviously it was rejected on 06/06/2015 having found no extenuating circumstances. Still could have paid £60 but decided to appeal to IAS as suggested in the letter. 4. I went to IAS webpage but there was no option suitable to my case so I just left it. 5. I've received a letter on 13/04/2016 from VCS that the case had been moved to legal department: BW Legal and should pay the outstanding balance (£154) or it will be taken to Court They threaten me with CCJ, affecting my credit score and employability. Any suggestions welcomed. Personally I'm leaning towards paying the penalty and getting it off my head. £154 is not a fortune.
  23. Hi, hope for some advise. I paid my road tax via the DD scheme at my local post office back in September and set up the monthly payments via my bank. I have not authorised my bank to stop payments but the DVLA have stopped requesting payments and are now claiming that my car is not taxed. I have had no letters stating wht payments have not been requested and paid as agreed but it would appear that i am being held accountable for the DVLA breaching the DD scheme which seems a bit unfair. Any advice would be appreciated.
  24. Hi, I'll just explain the situation. Mother in law used to live with us. Mother in law had a catalogue debt at our address. She moved and Cabot have sent collection letters to her new adddress. Debt seems excessively high. Mother in law is a typical doddering old lady and doesnt understand what is going on. Debt was with cabot and she was paying it, they sent it to fredricksons at which point we found out about it and realise the amount is almost double what she owed. We send Freds a request for credit agreement and statement of account. Freds send it back to Cabot as they were only acting as agents of cabot and cannot supply the documents. At this point we with mother in laws permission send cabot a letter stating we are going to administer her account for her and all post it to be sent to us in her name at our address (the address she originally set up the account at). Mother in law signed a declaration on this letter giving us permission to act in her name. Cabot have not answered this declaration, of note Fredricksons did use us as her contact address. We sent Cabot a long letter explaining that the amount on the account is disputed, that we wish to see a statement and credit agreement, also that all contact is to be via letter in mother in laws name at our address. We also stated as Freds had been unable to supply docs that the account was in dispute. (Cabot received the demand for docs on 25th Feb recorded) Cabot are STILL sending Mother in law demands, means forms to fill in and general debt collection letters to her address, they refuse to deal with us as her reps and seem to be ignoring the requests for docs and disputes etc. Mother in law getting very upset at letters, she has even tried ringing them (obviously we told her not to do that any more) Is there any regulations we can use to force Cabot to deal with us in her name? What is the next step to take with regards to them not supplying docs? Do we complain to financial ombudsman? It seems to me they know we are playing by the rules they cannot follow so they are instead bullying Mother in law who they see as a weak link.
  25. Hi, I need some advice please. I have just returned from holiday to find a CCJ waiting for me for an old loan I had with Cash4UNow about 2 years ago. The Judgement states '1st stop recoveries claim this amount in respect of an unpaid loan funded by Nova Loans. The defendant failed to abide by the terms of the contract. Ist stop recoveries purchased this debt from Nova Loans and subsequently sent a notice of assignment to the defendant to advise. The defendant has failed to respond to any correspondence or communication from the claimant thus denying the claimant any opportunity in assisting the defendant in attempting to bring the matter to an amicable conclusion' The judgement is for £479.99 + £35 court costs - Total £514.99 The claim form has a typed signature Emily Taylor (Claimant) When I had the loan from Cash4UNow, I paid back everything on time and had two payments left to make - I supplied them with my new debit card details but they failed to take payment. I received no correspondence chasing the outstanding amount until several months later at which time I was unable to pay the sum due. I am not 100% certain but I am not sure if I received a default notice or not. Also I have received, little contact from 1st Stop Recoveries - they did try to call me at work but I cannot take calls of this type at my workplace. I ideally through my line of work can't really afford to have a judgement against me. Is it possible if I get in touch with 1st stop recoveries that I could still negotiate to pay this debt and avoid a judgement being entered against me? Otherwise should I just admit liability and complete the form or would I have grounds on the basis that due to the system error at Cash4UNow that they did not take payments when due, to challenge the judgement or part of it? Advice please as not 100% certain how best to proceed with this. Many thanks
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