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  1. Hi, I've just found myself in a situation, whereby I was caught without money in my account on the day by DD was due - and now I'm being charged the £25. However, I would like to carry on using the gym, - and not pay the £25 - is that possible? Very annoyed, as I really am enjoying the gym - particularly because it's a good hobby when I don't have much money! However, my integrity is swelling, and I can't bring myself to let them rob me.
  2. Hello Last year, me and my girlfriend joined an X4L gym on a monthly contract basis. We paid the first month on the spot when joining (28th Oct) and shortly after had a bad experience. I went online and saw how bad this place is and we decided to cancel. I wrote down all the things I had to do and when, hoping to avoid this. I sent the cancellation request on 9th Nov online as instructed, saved the 'receipt' and also have the confirmation email that came through a few days later. I allowed the final payment to come out on the 27th Nov and then cancelled the DD on the 28th Nov. That's 48 days before the following payment would have been. I've stuck to the terms, yet here we are. As I mentioned, we both joined. I did everything for us both at the same time. I haven't heard a thing from them, but they are chasing my girlfriend. So far, their demands are 2 months membership plus x2 £25 penalties (sorry, 'admin fees'). Most threads around here are people cancelling DD without letting them know, etc. I can't be bothered to write a letter and post it, considering it's obvious they don't care and will just continue. I just wanted to check, am I OK to bounce their emails and forget about it? I know they have no powers... Or, shall I send a letter with the dates in, anything else?
  3. HI All, I wondered if anyone can help me. I recently received a small claims court summons from BW Legal for a parking charge for £100 dated 07/12/2012. The sum they now claim has risen to £273. I did not know anything about this and have never received a parking ticket or any correspondence whatsoever. In the particulars of the claim, they refer to the PCN dated 07/12/2012 and the issue date of the claim form was 28/12/2018 I obviously thought this was a statute barred debt as 6 years have passed and filed a defence to that effect. I have now received a letter this morning stating that they are continuing with the claim? Please can someone let me know why a Legal firm would continue with a claim that is "Statute Barred" am I missing something or do they know something i dont? Why would they waste their time, my time and the courts time chasing something that they have no right or legal recourse to do so Any help or advice would be very welcome Cheers
  4. First time poster here desperate for some advice after google has proved fruitless. This is a long ongoing story so please forgive the length and thank you in advance if you manage to read everything. I bought my first car 28/06/2018 from a car dealership in Hounslow, ATM Motor Trade. I found the car on Auto Trader, the dealer had good reviews and it was a good deal for the car that I wanted. The drive from my house was around 90 minutes each way but I was confident I was going to love the car. The saleswoman seemed knowledgable and friendly and I bought the car that day. I paid by bank transfer (stupid looking back) and drove the car home. Already on the drive home there were some minor problems with the car not wanting to change into third gear which I put down to my inexperience in driving it and figured I would learn to do it properly. I was also trying to be eternally optimistic and hoping the car was fine despite my instincts now starting to say otherwise. I got into the car the next day and the check engine light was on. This concerned me enough to get the bus to work but I also called the dealer to explain that the engine light was on. They said it was just an issue with the emissions on the vehicle, there’s nothing to worry about and it’s safe to drive. I asked for this to be put in writing for me - already losing my trust and sensing the worst - but that was declined. Having lost all faith in the dealer, I decided to take the car to a trusted mechanic for an assessment. He plugged in the diagnostics computer and also did a thorough check of the vehicle. The number of faults that came up on the computer was higher than 20 and that’s without the physical issues that were found: holes in air pipes, badly worn brake discs, a puncture, even the battery wasn’t attached properly. I took photographs of all of the evidence on the diagnostics computer and areas of the car where the faults could be seen and then the mechanic and I decided it would be best to wipe the faults from the cars internal computer to see if they would recur. I emailed the dealer that day with the evidence I had and told them I would be returning the car for a full refund under the Consumer Rights Act. Initially they tried to offer a repair or a replacement instead but as you can imagine I had no faith in them at this point. Eventually they agreed I would return the car to them. I did so on 08/07/2018. I had driven the car a total of three times - two of those being home from the dealer and back again. The saleswoman was the same person who sold me the car and after much resisting sent me a text message to say that I had returned the car and could expect a refund in 14 days. After the 14 days were up I received an email claiming that there were no faults with the car, they claimed they had driven it everyday with no issue and it was “functioning” and therefore they would not be offering me a refund. They also would not return the car to me but only offered a replacement vehicle. I declined this offer and stated once again I wanted my money back. I have not heard from the company themselves since this date. I ended up escalating the issue to MCOL. The dealer did not respond to the service of the claim, a judgment was made against them and then I finally sent a county court enforcement officer to collect on my behalf. In the meantime the company (a limited company) changed their trading as name therefore rendering my paperwork and claim invalid as the company “no longer existed”. I did not know when I made the initial claim that they were a LTD company trading under a different name. Initially the name was ATM Motor Trade which they changed to Quality Motor Trade Centre (the irony!). I made a request to the court to change the company name on my paperwork and reserve the papers. I have since discovered they have now opened up a whole new business and are trading under this name instead! I am now at a loss for what to do. They currently owe me £2500 which I borrowed in a loan from my bank. I can not afford another car as I’m repaying the initial loan and I’ve been forced to revert to public transport (which is horrendous in my area). It seems they will do anything in their power to avoid paying and are obviously skilled at avoiding the courts. Any help would be much appreciated. I once again apologise for the length of this and thank you for reading.
  5. I have a couple of debts I am paying monthly to dca' s , balance on each about £550. I have some money coming to me. Even though I am repaying by arrangement, could I still make a full and final settlement offer to clear them?
  6. Hi All, I recently had my car breakdown and after being diagnosed by the AA as a fault that needed a garage to repair it the car was recovered to a local AUDI main dealer thinking i would be in safe hands. They diagnosed the car with a sensor fault to begin with and they replaced that at a cost of just under £500 including fault diagnosis, however, this never fixed the fault they said and the car still had the original fault. So they carried out futher tests and then told me after 14 days that the car and a major ECU fault that would cost at least an additional £1500 + vat and 8 weeks to get the part. All this time i required a hire car as they didn't have a spare courtesy car. Not happy with the service or the diagnosis, and the fact that i was expected to pay for the initial repair of £500 that they said wasnt the fault it was the ECU. I also at the time of booking the car in for the original fault explained i had AA repair cover and they said that fine, as this cover provides me with the ability to have upto £500 of repair costs meet for a small payment of £35 excess. but it has to be a reputable garage where to work is carried out, and the car has to be repaired to be able to claim. Having some knowledge of cars and car repair, i wasnt happy with there diagnosis or the initail treatment, and i said i would take the car elsewhere for a 2nd opinion. Knowing the car could originally be driven i aksed if that was possible but they insisted i pay the original bill, to which i argued and they reduced it to a still unsatisfactory £360. I asked if the car could be driven to a garage 3 minutes drive away and they said now, it now wasnt running, so i had to arrange a tow truck to recover it. This i did and when the tow truck got there and i went to collect the car the car did infact drive. We still recovered the car to the garage as the tow truck was they and the other garage started to fault find, and they sent the ECU for testing with a specialist company that after some time discovered infact there was no ECU fault as the main dealer had stated and after the ECU being placed back in to the car some 57 days later the car has run fine since. I would like to ask as i have directly incurred a substantial amount of cost (£2000) due to the inaccurate fault diagnosis which they charged me for, and i would like to find out if it is possible to take action against this garage for failure to diagnose the fault correctly? I havent approached the AUDI dealer or AUDI as yet, as i wanted to find out what rights i have before i go fighting this with them. For armed and all that! Thank you in advance for any advice. Mario
  7. Hello all, I'm in the process of renting a flat through an established letting agent and they are taking a long time to send the tenancy agreement. I have signed a contact with the agency and made the initial payment for the first months rent 15 days ago, and should be moving in soon. Whats the course of action to take to ensure i get something in writing asap, as txt messages and phone calls do not work, it's always "will be with you soon".
  8. Hi Everyone, I would really appreciate your help here, as I think the Post Office home insurance are mis-advising people. I am moving out of my housing association flat to a house I just bought with my girlfriend. I have a 6 week overlap for the two properties so we can renovate and decorate prior to moving in. I already have contents insurance for the new house. My flat was covered for the last 6 years by the Post Office, I told them I am moving and have to cancel the insurance as there is already insurance at the new house, so they can't insure it. As such they have to cancel insurance at the flat as I won't be living there and can't transfer the insurance to my new property. However, they are still wanting to charge me an £35 early cancellation fee. Surely this isn't right, as they can no longer legally provide a service to me? Are they [causing problems] people like me out of £35? Many thanks in advance!
  9. Hello, I have a disputed Cabot debt of between 5-10k which was sold on to them by my former bank a few years ago. I had previously written to my original creditor with a CCA request, allowing them 12 (+2) days to provide the requested documents, then received a letter from them saying they were going to comply with my request and get back to me. I didn't hear anything from them again. The bank then sold the disputed debt to Cabot. I wrote to Cabot earlier this year with the following: I refer to previous correspondence in relation to the alleged agreement, copies of which are attached. The letters refer to a formal request under the Consumer Credit Act 1974 sec. 77-79 for a true signed copy of the alleged agreement referred to in the above account number. I would like to point out that this alleged account is formerly in dispute. The original creditor failed to comply with my statutory request within the allowed time limit of 12 (+2) days and have defaulted in respect of this alleged agreement. Additionally, this alleged agreement is unenforceable until such time as the default is removed or enforced by a court of law. Under FCA rules it is a further offence to attempt to enforce this alleged agreement until such time as the default is removed. Please be aware that I will not hesitate to report the unlawful sale and collection activity of this alleged debt to the appropriate regulatory authorities including, but not limited to, Trading Standards, Information Commissioner’s Office, Financial Ombudsman Service, if further demands for payment do not cease immediately. However, after blocking their number I am still getting text messages from them asking for me to call them quoting their reference number. After the last text, I phoned them to ask what they wanted to speak to me about and they reminded me that I still owe the debt. I said that I do not acknowledge the debt and that it was unenforceable. They then gave me some rubbish saying by confirming my name and date of birth I am acknowledging the debt is mine. They have my old address and have probably been sending demand letters there. Would it be wise to write to them, asking them to stop harassing me, and give them my new address just in case they decide to issue a court summons as I don't want to risk getting judgement by default. I should point out that the debt is now 6 years old so doesn't appear on my credit file. Thank you for your help.
  10. in October 2016 I've started a 2 years contract with Vodafone but after half a year I couldn't keep up with the payment and didn't pay since then. I do plan on getting rid of the debt once I'm fully back on track, I can't afford it at the minute and hoped I still have some time before any legal action can be taken. Recently I started receiving letters from Lowell Financial Ltd, headlining with "Pre-Legal Assesment". Do I have to be worried about any legal action? My Vodafone contract ends in Oct 2018 in theory. Are they able to file a CCJ even if they bought a debt of a contract that is not even brought to an end? I have read many other posts where people come with contracts that are 5-6-7 years old, and I'm here wondering how worried should I be about this letter. See the letter below. Thank you in advance.
  11. Hello, In a nutshell, I left the UK in 1990 to live in France, was unable to keep up mortgage payments and unable to sell resulting in a repossession in 1991. A DCA chased me (I don't know whether they purchased the debt or were working on a commission basis), the last I heard from them was about 1997. Since 1999 I have been living in Italy and have rebuilt myself. Neither the DCA nor mortgage company have contacted me since 1997, but I do not think that they have my address. There are no CCJs listed against me at my last UK address. Is there anything that they can do now as I continue to be a non-resident? If my address became available is there anything that could be served against me? Thanks for any advice...
  12. Could someone please advise on the “6-years and it lapses” rule, I want to know if it still is in place, and also if it then has relevance for the following. 5 years ago I acted on advice from the wonderful people on this forum. I had previously retired at 65 after a business collapse, and was facing constant letters/calls from debt collectors regarding some related debts amounting to £36K across 5 business credit cards, 1 personal card, and a small-business loan. As a result of great advice I was able to hold my ground and even go on the attack, and after a year or so 4 of the debts were wiped out and a 5th “will not be pursued until we can furnish a copy of the original agreement”. That DCA was a total shambles, so that seems extremely unlikely 4+ years later still. My query today relates to the personal credit card, which was being dealt with by DCA 1st Credit. I offered a token payment of £5/mth because at that time I had not discovered this forum and had no idea that the financial sector worked in such heavily self-serving ways, nor that I had options. The offer was accepted and I made 3 payments, though by that point I had found this forum which opened my eyes wide! I wrote to 1st Credit notifying them that the credit card issuer had not dealt acceptably/completely with previous concerns (long story!), that I would not be making any more payments, that they should return the case, and that I would be contacting their client seeking proper action and that they would be included in any subsequent formal complaint themselves if they continued collection processes in the meantime. Other than asking for details once, which I ignored, I never heard from them again. I have now received two letters a few weeks apart advising “1st Credit has now become Intrum UK Ltd”, requesting a payment arrangement for that debt. I don’t know whether 1st Credit just changed their name, or Intrum Justitia (one of ‘my’ earlier DCAs) has bought their book, but either way it seems 1st Credit just shoved it to the back of the shelf 5 yrs ago, not returned it nor done anything with it themselves. My knee-jerk is that if the 6-year rule still applies, they are now trying to resurrect the case before it lapses. Part of me says to ignore them and see where it goes, though another part of me wants to snap-back setting a line of defence advising Intrum to return the case to the card issuer who I am contacting requiring them to deal properly with already-notified matters that they have yet to complete, with a warning of a formal complaint should they continue to chase. I’d greatly prefer getting to a 6 year cutoff however and just washing my hands of the whole stressful matter, than opening a level of formalities all over again and having all the stress for a year at least and most likely on in to our mid-70s. I’d just like to get on with living, as all was extremely upsetting to my wife who was/is not a strong woman after losing all our assets, our house and a second property, and living hand-to-mouth on just our state pension in rented accommodation and not the comfortable retirement we had expected. So regarding the “6-years” rule, is it still in force? If so, would contacting fresh-face Intrum with a stand-down notification letter end the 5 year lack of any contact just a year before it could help close the door? Or maybe has that already been ended with the appearance of Intrum asking for an arrangement, beginning a fresh 6-year requirement? So … should I ignore Intrum’s contact for a while longer, or get in quickly with a defence by going in to attack mode which no doubt would drag out for at least a year … by which time the 6 year rule would apply anyway if it is still in place as a potential backstop as long as I don’t break the silence? I would welcome some focus so I can see more clearly what makes the best sense … and also any pointers to new or changed legislation/codes-of-conduct /proper forms-of-words/etc that may be keeping me unknowingly out of step with things these 5 years later. Many thanks if you can guide me at all.
  13. I recently won against PRAC financial in a claim they made against me for a disputed PDL. (The dispute is still awaiting FO decision). Exact reasons the judge quoted were no evidence of assignment of the debt to PRAC and no evidence of a Default letter sent. Also their default was in the wrong company name. My other thread regarding the claim... https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?484274-PRAC-BW-claimform-old-PaydayUK-PDL-Debt-***Claim-Dismissed*** Today I had an email about a change to my credit report. Turns out the change is PRAC reporting a missed payment. Considering I won the claim what do I need to do to them. I assume writing to them stating the judge ruled no default/assignment so they have no right to either use my data, make changes to my credit record or in any way deal with me. Then demand they remove all entries? Any tips/examples floating around that will guide me?
  14. Hi, I’m new here. Can anyone answer these questions? 1) Is all your JSA stopped when you are sanctioned, or is only a percentage of it stopped? 2) If after being sanctioned you go on hardship payments, do you still have to be available for work? 3) And if you do still have to be available for work, can you be further sanctioned while on hardship payments? I’ve just started getting JSA and have not been sanctioned, but the above questions have occurred to me.
  15. After owning the same car for over 20years I found myself needing to replace it. I purchased a car last year (August 17) which was £0 tax. All the relevant paperwork was sent off and i received the new keeper registration document. What I didn't realise is that i needed to register my car online. In November 17 my vehicle was clamped for being untaxed. I was totally shocked and couldn't understand why this was as i did not have to pay tax on it. My mistake. I paid the fine of £100 to get it unclamped after registering the car. I thought that was it. However, I have now received a letter to say that must pay out an out of court settlement of £30.00 to stop DVLA taking me to court! I dont understand how that can be if i have paid the fine and corrected my mistake. I was not told that i would be charged an additional £30 2 months later! Surely, this money making and cannot be legal Does anyone else experienced this? please advise. Do I pay the £30 fine
  16. My husband [62] worked for a local family firm of printers [20 people] for the past 10 years. Ten years of night shifts [which he loved], late salaries, salary cuts, unhealthy/dangerous workplace [rain falling on his working machinery], he would get left out of company communications [policy changes] and the list goes on their penchant for cutting corners and demeaning temporary staff, but whenever there was a rush job behind schedule my husband would be called out. And would resolve. Thanks to forty years of printing experience. One habit that drove me completely nuts: no salary slip ... at time of pay. Always weeks later or not at all, unless he tracked it down with management. Husband ran his own system at home to calculate any overtime expected in pay period etc. Then if a discrepancy existed, it would be weeks before it got sorted or, instead of sleeping, he'd go back to work during the day to talk face-to-face. In early Summer letters were sent out about redundancy and the firm struggling. They made his role redundant in August with c£5K and his last day was 25 September 2017. [As devastating as this was, we were relieved: he was not in the position of two of his colleagues who were told the company would never make them redundant as it could not afford their payout after 25yrs!] Final salary was late and caused the usual mayhem - mortgage failed. Days went by and his payout did not turn up until a call to the 'lady who does salaries'. To this day, his final salary slip and P45 have not arrived. An email from me two days ago remains unanswered. It made me sit and catalogue all he has put up with in order to meet his part of our financial responsibilities [while I run a micro-business to assist us and our teenage son]. Made me so . [being older he has struggled to find replacement posts online or locally and I can see a very black hole opening up before us. We have finally got him to apply for JA but unsure what assistance, if any, is available. Worried but resilient.] Can anyone in the community advise me on how to tackle his employers, please? Actually we could do with all sorts of directional arrows but one thing at a time. Sincere thanks in advance to those who care.
  17. Hi everyone. I'm a new member on here. I came across the site when researching tenancy deposit schemes and I've read through several threads but can't seem to find and guidance in relation to my particular problem. Briefly, in September of last year I agreed to rent a property with a private landlord. I had a few concerns about the property but the landlord assured me they would be dealt with once I moved in. But I needed somewhere to live quickly and my mother paid the deposit. The rent was to be paid by housing benefit. There was mould throughout the property, there was a leak from the soil stack or a blockage causing it to seep out from where the two pipes join, a couple of electrical sockets that were loose from the wall etc. I paid the deposit in cash and received a receipt. After several weeks the landlord had not repaired any of the above despite my texting and phoning him. At the same time he began to phone and text me demanding the rent but there was a delay at the housing benefit and the payment had not yet come through. He threatened in the text messages to come round to the property on specific dates and turf me out and take the keys back. I felt intimidated by him and told him by recorded delivery letter that I was going to give him 28 days notice to leave because he hadn't fixed any of the things he had promised. He had no problem with this and texted the sooner the better and that he still hadn't had the rent. I left the property and asked him for the deposit back and he said he was keeping it because he was still owed money. I then found out online that the deposit should have been protected. I asked him about this so that it could go to a resolution but he would not give me the details but kept on saying that he had protected it. He then came back to me and said that I owed him four months rent for leaving early, fees that he had paid to an electrician to fix a pendant - which was one of the jobs I had asked him to fix - fees for a skip to empty the property even though it was empty when I left etc. I realise I'm rambling on. What I'm trying to determine is whether the tenancy was valid when he didn't protect the deposit? Has he a right to claim back four months rent from me when he didn't protect the deposit in the first place? Did the agreement lose any legitimacy when he failed to do that? I ask because despite my continued asking him he will not return the deposit and I'm thinking about taking it to court. All I want is my deposit back. Nothing else. He has since had the back payments up until the time I left the property. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks
  18. Hi, I have been paying off an old debt to original creditor at £10/month for the past 9yrs. I recently got a letter from Nolans Solicitors telling me that Marlin have appointed them to request payment of the full amount which is over £9k, a way load more than original debt. I have noticed the original debt is no longer on my credit file I have still kept paying the £10/month to the original debtor. Can anyone advise what I should do? It was taken out about 12yrs ago. Thanks
  19. I had a seizure a couple of weeks ago, first one ever, and the hospital told me to speak to the DVLA, who told me I had to complete a declaration (FEP1 form) so they could assess my fitness to drive. According to the guidelines it could be a 6 month ban. However the form says "you must not drive if your doctor says you cannot drive". Neither my doctor or the consultant at the hospital will give me a decision - they say that's for the DVLA to decide. So, while the form is being processed etc - am I OK to drive, since no one has said I can't?
  20. I was in a rush for a charity event, which the irony of the whole situation. I didn't have the change for the second set of chocolates (£2) I just walked out with them. I was taken into a small room and after being given a talk on not doing it again I wasn't banned or given anything to sign, as I was told it wasn't worth the hassle given the extent of the items, and was just given a verbal warning. However on a paper they wanted my address, will I be getting any fines in the mail, or third party fines? If so would I have to pay it?
  21. Hello, I'm looking for some advice. At the end of May this year I purchased a used VW Golf GTD from a main VW dealer in West London. The car was six months old and sold to me as a former demonstrator. I paid £22K for the car. At the point of purchase the dealer informed me that he was waiting on the spare key and I drove away with only one key. Seeing as this was a VW dealership, I felt I could trust that said key would be sent to me. After numerous emails between myself and the representative at the dealership, he finally informed me at the beginning of August that the key had arrived, yet needed to be coded to the car. This would require me to return the car for a morning. I live fifty miles away (a trip via the dredded M25) This is easily an hour and a half trip, each way. I challenged him on why it needed coding if it was the spare key, it should already be coded. He simply ignored me and advised me to bring my car in. Due to injury requiring hospitalisation, I was unable to do anything during July and August. I am now picking up where this left off. I contacted the dealership today to find out that the representative that sold me the car has since left the company. I spoke with the used car sales manger who simply told me that the car HAD to be bought to their dealership to have the work done. I have suggested that I take it to my local VW dealership but he refused claiming that they had issues in the past when dealing with dealerships not in their franchise group. As a 'gesture of good will' he has offered to have my car collected and driven to them to have the coding done. Then the car dropped back off to me, with some fuel added. I have no signed documentation from the purchase day stating that the spare key was missing and was 'to follow'. I only have the email chain from the dealer, confirming that he is obtaining the key for me. My wife is my only witness to the transaction and arrangement over the spare key. What are my options please?
  22. Wheres my Murdock sky takeover thread gone? Murdock controls this site does he? Explains the policies and practices here.
  23. I gave 4 weeks notice over 2 months ago now and should of received 4 weeks pay plus holiday entitlement. I did not recieve to holiday pay but they said they would investigate it. It dragged on all month and I did a few shifts for them after my notice was served to help with staff shortages. Today I was paid for the extra shifts I did for them but still no holiday pay. If they are saying I am still staff (bank staff) because I'm helping with a couple of shifts can they deny my holiday pay? Even if I was bank staff I don't see how I would be able to use holiday time because you only get offered shifts short notice when you are bank staff. This firm came in in January as a takeover. I have still received not contract from them. Thanks guys. George
  24. I took out a Service Plan agreement less than 14 days ago and want to cancel. Essentially you pay £26.99 a month for 18 months and it covers a major and minor service, fair enough. However, Ive decided to cancel and simply pay for each service in lump sums as it will in fact be better for me if I want to change cars within the timeframe as if I did then the balance is due which again is fair enough. However, I have NOT claimed on the plan at all and speaking to VW financial services they are saying ok but that it takes up to 28 days to cancel (funny how it only took 20 minutes to set up) and that the first payment is due within that period and they will take it and its non refundable. Other than cancel the direct debit, have I any recourse and is it me, or does this sound like pretty dubious practice anyway?
  25. Dear All Almost two years ago received a claim from Restons for £2,500 but with no details. Filed defence requesting details of claim and made a CCA request. Cabot didn't come back until a week ago, with copies of some documents, containing terms and conditions, and copy of agreement, stating that they are now entitled to obtain Judgment. Have to see if it is genuine. I have noticed that they have not provided copy of Deed of assignment, I requested. Not sure if important? Also it appears that the authorisation of Cabot Financial has lapsed with the FCA, which is the name they've used on the Claim form. Does this mean that the claim is not valid and they have to reapply? Also, over half of the amount they are claiming consists of bank charges. Not sure if Default or Termination notices are relevant if they have bought any debts. Please help
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