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  1. Hello all and thanks in advance for taking the time to read this. I am a business seller on ebay and instructed UPS (via P2G) to deliver a £240 pair of speakers to one of my customers based in the UK. It was fully insured and tracked but did not require a signature. On the scheduled delivery day I received a message from the buyer saying they had returned from work to find a card through the door which said that the parcel had been left on their doorstep but no parcel was there. The on-line tracking confirmed delivery to their doorstep. I did not specify that their doorstep would be a safe place so i'm rather surprised they just left it here, especially as the area crime rate is 2 the national average for theft! I advised my customer to look all around the house, in bins and to check with neighbours but to no avail, it just wasn't there. I have made a claim with them but it has been rejected, they just say it was delivered to a "safe place" as per their T&C's and are washing their hands of it although they have offered to pay the cost of carriage as a "gesture of goodwill" I am just wondering if there are grounds for me to bring a case in the small claims. I don't see how a doorstep can be described as a safe place especially when I haven't specified a safe place. I have looked on Google maps at the delivery address and it's a small terraced house with a small front yard which fronts onto a busy road...not exactly hidden from view or protected from the elements for that matter. Any help or advise gratefully received Regards Chris
  2. Hi all, I am new to this site so please forgive me if I have posted in the wrong place. I have been fined £1200 by a magistrates court around 2 months ago. At the time I was not able to pay and was instructed by my solicitor to state that I could pay in instalments once I had an income to avoid a harsher punishment by the judge who was not in the best of moods on the day. I was advised by my solicitor and court staff to contact the collections department for fines to offer an amount I could pay monthly, every offer I ever made was refused for a payment plan but they kept telling me I could still make payments if I wished to do so. To this day, I genuinely have been unable to make any payments. Since becoming unemployed prior to this fine, I had to find a way to create an income. I set up a private limited company in August 2018 working from home selling goods online. I am the director of this company and 100% shareholder. My question is, now that I have started to receive letters from the court stating that further collection acticiry will take place, can bailiffs or court officers take control of assets/stock belonging to the private limited company which I am the director of? Any help would be appreciated as I am expecting a knock on the door any day now. Every week any money I make is being reinvested into existing and new stock, packaging, supplies etc. I am not yet paying myself a wage. I started this company with a surprise tax refund cheque and through selling my personal belongings as I needed to create a source of income as I was struggling to find work. This has paid off as my business is now getting somewhere so to speak. If I have missed any crucial information please forgive me and I will reply asap to any questions or requests for further information. I want to know whether what I have now finally built could be taken away by bailiffs / court collection officers!! Kind regards Hks91
  3. Two days ago I bought a freeview box from Littlewoods but after plugging it in and having a look, it is completely unsuitable, I can't even read the channels in the guide. Can I return this and cancel the order please or will it be refused because I plugged it in ?
  4. Women winning battles: Recreating the Wrens unit which helped win the War READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/women-winning-battles-recreating-the-wrens-unit-which-helped-win-the-war
  5. Hello gang Looking for some advice, I received a PCN from Cambridgeshire County Council last Sunday for reason "Parked without payment of the parking charge - Code 11) I had bought a ticket for the period in question but a gust of wind it must have slipped it off the dashboard as I closed my door. I still have my ticket and I was wondering if I have a case to appeal and if there is a template you suggest I could use? I have never appealed before - never actually had a PCN before. It's for £50 but will be reduced to £25 if I pay within 14 days, which is next Sunday. Thanks for your help Jameson Thanks
  6. Hi all, I am new to this forum and apologise if this is the wrong section to post this. I live in London and was involved in an accident yesterday. As I was leaving the bus, a man ran to get on the bus and collided into me, giving me an ankle injury. I didn't know if it was broken or just sprained, but figured it may have been broken as I almost fainted moments after. Do I have any rights to receive compensation i.e. from the man? Thanks.
  7. I intend to get professional legal advice on this as I'm making my Will, but I thought I'd test the water here first. Please don't ask questions about the reasons for my wishes, it is a complex situation and I don't want to discuss it. Circumstances: I own my home outright, I am the sole owner. I bought the house outright with no mortagage and only my name is on the deeds. My girlfriend moved in with me when I took possession and a few months later her son moved in as well with my agreement. They are both named on the Council Tax and have bank accounts and mobile phone bills at the address, her son is an adult and out of full time education. All other bills are in my name only and my partner makes no contribution to the bills nor has she contributed anything to the maintenance or improvement of the property over the 6 years we have been here. If my partner does a food shop alone she uses my credit card account which is in my sole name but she has a card as 'Mrs Homer' so it's not actually in her own name. As we are not married and according to information I have been given, my partner has no legal claim to the property at all upon my death. I have checked and that does seem to be correct, despite some people saying common law rules apply, which I understand to be false. I intend to write a Will which will bequeath the property, savings and goods to my sister and her children, with advice for the house to be sold. My question is: Can my Executor give notice to my girlfriend and her son to move out so the property can be sold and do they have to comply? My intention is to Will an amount of money from the sale of the property to my girlfriend's son to help him get on the housing ladder and the rest of it to go to my Sister's family. Nothing will be bequeathed to my girlfriend, so she will have to make her own living arrangements (I am sure that will be with her son). It doesn't sound too complex but I wondered if anyone had experience of this?
  8. in October 2016 I've started a 2 years contract with Vodafone but after half a year I couldn't keep up with the payment and didn't pay since then. I do plan on getting rid of the debt once I'm fully back on track, I can't afford it at the minute and hoped I still have some time before any legal action can be taken. Recently I started receiving letters from Lowell Financial Ltd, headlining with "Pre-Legal Assesment". Do I have to be worried about any legal action? My Vodafone contract ends in Oct 2018 in theory. Are they able to file a CCJ even if they bought a debt of a contract that is not even brought to an end? I have read many other posts where people come with contracts that are 5-6-7 years old, and I'm here wondering how worried should I be about this letter. See the letter below. Thank you in advance.
  9. A man goes into a bar and says can I have an orange juice and lemonade please? The waiter says – no, we don't do that. The man says do you sell orange juice? Yes. Do you sell lemonade? Yes. Then simply take a glass and put in some orange juice and some lemonade. I'm sorry we can't do that. Then bring me a glass of lemonade and a glass of orange juice and I'll mix them myself. Yes Sir. Which country are we in?
  10. I have an ancient Myjar default from 2012 from when they tried to pursue £1055 against £50 borrowed. It went through a few DCAs who sent standard threat letters which were easily seen off with section 77 requests but no court action was ever taken, and it should have gone SB in March. I was looking forward to it being gone from my file on today's Noddle update, however instead I've found that 1 week before the default reached 6 years, it was suddenly marked 'satisfied' and it now appears as a satisfied closed account rather than having dropped off my file altogether, where presumably it will sit until 2024. Obviously it's new status is far less damaging than the active default, but not as good as it having disappeared and when I'm so close to having a clean sheet on my credit file I don't want this thing hanging around on it in any form. How can they mark it as satisfied when it has never been acknowledged?
  11. Hi Guys, I have recently received a letter from a collection agency demanding I pay the sum of £419.42 in relation to council tax owed to Plymouth City Council from 2011. I have sent a number of emails to Plymouth City Council asking why I owe this money. After completing my degree in 2011 I was forced to sign on and claim housing benefit as there was no suitable work available. My degree was a complete waste of money, but that's a separate issue. After sending and receiving a number of emails they have eventually told me that the reason I owe the money is down to the fact I never informed them of my address change, when I moved out of my student house and into another house share. However, this is not true I remember distinctly informing them and this was reaffirmed to them again at a later date when I was forced to claim JSA again after securing a month's work. They have gone to the Magistrates Court and obtained a Liability Order, which I believe has been done falsely as I do not owe the money because I was exempt. I raised a complaint but they are not budging on their position. Is there anything I can do? Any help greatly appreciated. Cheers, Jake
  12. A strain of influenza which hit Australia and affected 98,000 people, is set to come to Britain and could case our worst epidemic for fifty years. Will it or wont it.I am taking no chances how about you. The vulnerable groups include the over-65s, pregnant women, children from six to 24 months and those with long-term *illness such as *diabetes, heart disease and asthma. https://www.unilad.co.uk/health/deadly-flu-outbreak-in-uk-expected-to-kill-thousands/ Well i have not much time this morning to hang around. I am nipping off sharpish to the vets to have my Flu Injection. Adios must fly. Tawnyowl.
  13. Hi, I suffered a change in circumstances leading to a significant drop with my salary. I was unable to honour my direct debit to Harlands to cover my gym membership for Xercise4Less so cancelled it without giving them any notice. I find out later that they charged me a £25 admin free as per their terms and conditions. The T&Cs mentioned were news to me as not aware of any. None were presented at the time I took my membership out, and all I signed was the direct debit mandate to authorise them to deduct £9.99 on a monthly basis. I eventually found the T&Cs in the acknowledgement email from Harlands, but they were hidden within the DD instruction and mandate so I missed them. Also the principle term states that this agreement will commence once signed by both parties - neither party has signed and Harlands/X4L didn't seek a signature. Due to the too'ing and fro'ing, misinformation, adding charges willy nilly, they are now saying the balance is now £171.74. I sent Harlands a letter offering £13.99 to cover membership costs between 2nd May and 12th June (based on Slick's template on this forum - thank you), but this has now lapsed and no further contact has been received from Harlands. I've gone through the complaints procedure with X4L, and not received a satisfactory reply. X4L are insisting that I pay £34.99 to cover one months gym membership and an admin charge (this has been dropped from £171.74). My argument is the t&cs weren't agreed and I should pay nothing as I haven't received anything that I haven't paid for although I did offer to pay £13.99, and . The next course of action I was going to take, was to raise a complaint with the relevant ombudsman, but can't find who the relevant ombudsman is. Does anyone on this forum know who the relevant ombudsman is? If there is no relevant ombudsman, what is my best cause of action? Thanks, in anticipation
  14. The Great Repeal Bill – which does the opposite of what it says http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/theresa-may-great-repeal-bill-parliament-brexit-negotations-deal-a7837616.html One of the key points in the Brexit referendum and since has been the returning of power to the elected British Parliament YET the great repeal bill - includes a part which effectively gives absolute power to the PM and a handful of her senior ministers COMPLETELY bypassing the British democratic process. "The Great Repeal Bill proposes to delegate power to Government in the form of a Henry VIII clause which will enable Government to change all EU-derived primary and secondary law by means of a secondary act (usually a statutory instrument) with limited or no Parliamentary scrutiny or oversight. In the second of her two posts on the Bill, Joelle Grogan argues that this runs counter to democracy, legal certainty, the rule of law and the ultimate supremacy of Parliament itself." http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/brexit/2017/06/05/the-not-so-great-repeal-bill-part-2-how-henry-viii-clauses-undermine-parliament/ This should be opposed with your every breath whatever your beliefs on Brexit or ANY other subject. I have no real issue with the main part - bringing required EU legislation into British Law, ONLY with the complete negating of British democracy which May has bolted on to it - Which I unequivocally oppose.
  15. HI there I'm wondering if someone can point me in the right direction please. I'm in the early stages of reclaiming my PPI back on my Yorkshire Building Society mortgage, which was taken out in 2002. I have all my mortgage statements except the one for 2012, which I requested from them yesterday and they're going to send me. My main question is which of the 4 spreadsheets is the right one to use? I'm thinking it's the first one (StatIntSheet v101)? The PPI payments are paid monthly, but the amounts paid each month differ from year to year. Thanks in advance for any advice. Carol
  16. Hi all, first post. Just got a little question about CCJ defense response times. I filed my defence today (Sunday) online. Today is the last day I have for filing the defence. I should not of left it till the last day but I was waiting for a response from the claimant which only came the previous day. I had 33 days from the day of service in total to file my defence. My defence will not be processed by the court until tomorrow which will be the 34th day after the day or service. So my question is does the defence have to be processed by the court within the time you have to file a defence (in my case 33 days after DOS) or is it that as long as you have uploaded it before the time runs out you are safe? Thanks
  17. I'd like to start this thread with a big, fat 'mea culpa' and declaring my limited company insolvent AND declaring personal bankruptcy are the only routes left to me & I'm at peace with that. I have confirmed this having spoken with my accountant, an insolvency practitioner the accountant recommended, the Citizens Advice Bureau and Business Debt Line. My question, however, is in which order do I execute these? Business first then personal? I've had conflicting advice from the IP and BDL. I only want to do this once (obviously) and do it right so am nervous of starting in case my decision leads to adverse recourse. Please all you smart, helpful people, please advise?
  18. Hi all, Thanks in advance for any help. I received an over-payment charge from a previous employer in October with a deadline for payment in 6 weeks. At first they miscalculated the charge and over-charged me - I did the calculations and got back to them to state that I believed it was incorrect. They replied that they would look into it a few weeks later sent me a new invoice with a lower (more accurate) charge. I have been in email and phone contact with them about this since the first letter. Following the second invoice, I then submitted another query re a tax return I was due in the month that they overpaid me for, and I was just checking that this tax return had not been included in the over-payment. I also stated my full willingness to pay the charge once this had been clarified and noted that I had missed their initial 6 week deadline - but that was because they had taken so long re-calculating the charge, and then I only had 2 weeks in which to pay 1.5 grand. In their email response to this, they stated that the reminder letters were automatic, and that I would receive another in December/January unless they had received confirmation of my payment. I paid the charge in later December. Following this, I emailed to confirm that I had paid. I did not get a response to this email. I also did not receive a reminder letter in December or January so assumed this meant they had received confirmation of my payment as stated in their previous email. I have had no contact with them since I emailed to confirm payment in early January and did not receive a reply. I have now been sent a letter from a solicitor stating that I have to pay the full amount in the next 14 weeks, straight to the solicitor, or they will take me to court and I will be liable for court fees. I have already paid the amount in full. I have the bank receipt from the initial payment as well as bank statements showing the payment going out of my account. I am visiting the bank today to see if they can provide me with anything more formal, or even send confirmation to the solicitor directly. Is there anything other forms of evidence I can acquire from the bank in order to prove my case? I am now paranoid that the payment did not go through or that it was made to the wrong account, but I gave the bank the original letter and asked them to input the bank details on the letter. I have also checked the details myself. If it was sent to the wrong account - am I able to get the money returned? The money has been taken out of my account. Thanks in advance.
  19. Can someone help me with my question? I need remortgage and on experian I have almost excellent scoring and HSBC has the best deal for us, so i need to know which credit agency they using. Thank you
  20. Hi I need a bit of advice regarding trying to get £626.24 from Expedia for car hire which never turned up at the airport. I paid by credit card Halifax hoping this would ensure if anything went wrong - I should have know. After repeated emails and phone calls to Halifax/Lloyds they told me they couldn't claim our money back as the car was waiting for us at the airport (which it wasn't) - they just took Expedia's word for it - what can I do. Below is an email I sent to Halifax outling all the details/times/dates screen shots etc On the 24th May I paid Expedia £626.24 online using my Halifax credit card for 11 days car hire in Corfu from 14th July 2016 to 25 July 2016 with collection at 10pm at Corfu airport *see screenshot. On the 25th May I called Expedia to add a baby car seat to my reservation. I was informed by Expedia to call the Corfu office to arrange this, they gave me their number 0030 2109735000. The car hire company in Corfu added a car seat at an extra cost of £33.00 which I agreed to pay at the airport upon collection. The Corfu office then advised me I would also be charged £18 for a late pick up after 9pm. I told them this was not included in the original price when I booked online and there was nothing on the website to say this was an extra charge. The Corfu office advised me to contact Expedia. Expedia told me to pay the additional cost and email them the receipt and they would reimburse me (see email screenshot). This concerned me so I did some research and looked at Expedia's reviews on Trip advisor with regards to car hire in Corfu which only increased my concerns. I was so concerned that I called the Corfu office a week before we went on holiday to check that they had a 7-seater car with car seat and that they were aware we would be arriving at 9:45 local time. I was assured by the people in the Corfu office that they were aware of my requirements and everything would be fine. They also took mine & my wife's mobile contact numbers. Our flight from Manchester (Flight# LS951) on the 14th July 2016 was delayed before take-off by aprox 30mins. We arrived at Corfu airport at about 10pm local time. We left the departure lounge about 10:20pm local time passing all the car hire companies and holiday reps holding placards with company logos and the names of people they were expecting. I checked each one asking if they were waiting for Mr Ewing regardless of whether they had my name on the card or not. No-one was waiting for me. I left my wife and four children, the youngest only 18mths old, whilst I made inquiries with every single car hire, coach transfer and taxi desk inside and outside the airport to find the car hire company without any success. I called the car hire company at 10:50 local time and got voicemail *see phone screenshot. I called back one minute later (10:51) and this time a guy answered who took my name & number, said he would look into it & call me back. At about 11pm it was clear that everybody who'd arrived on that flight had left and there was just me and my family in a very small, empty airport with one departure exit. Me, my wife & 4 very tired & hungry children stood around the empty airport and waited for another half an hour for a phone call that never happened. At about 23:20, with no sign of any car we decided our only option was to get a taxi to our accommodation at a cost of 101 Euros. At 21.38 GMT (23.38 local time) *see phone screen shot, I received a call from the car hire company wanting to know where I was? I explained that as we had been waiting at the airport with no sign of any hire car for over an hour we'd got a taxi to our resort. The guy took our phone number and said he would call someone and to wait for a return call. The 1st phone call was to see what he could do. The second phone call was to tell us he would ask if he could get the car delivered to us next day at our resort. The 3rd phone call was to tell us to call the office tomorrow morning to see what they could do as nobody was available. The following day they called me at 8:35GMT/10:35 local time *see screen shot, for 14 minutes. The lady I spoke to preceded to argue with me insisting that the car had been available at the airport as arranged. She asked me if I thought they were lying which struck me as odd? The lady said that the car could not be delivered to Sidari and if not collected by 5pm the following day, at the airport, the car would be hired to someone else. As we desperately needed this car I said that I would try to organise transport back to the airport to collect the car myself. I also said that I would contact them beforehand if there was a problem getting there by 5pm as my wife has a disability and is unable to look after all 4 children alone. After trying many different avenues to get to the airport (the local bus service & travel back would have taken about 4/5hrs) I just couldn't do it without realistically taking my wife and four children back to the airport in a taxi at a cost of another 101 Euros. When I called the office they promptly reminded me that they couldn't deliver the car and the order would be cancelled. I asked about a refund of the £626.24 I had paid weeks in advance which they said was nothing to do with them and I would have to speak to Expedia. I called Expedia on Monday the 18th July *see screen shot, to log my complaint. They said they would look into the matter and call me within 24hrs to confirm the refund had been authorised. They didn't call back. At this time I had had enough of the whole disastrous situation that had so far cost me £626.24 plus 101 Euros, numerous international calls from my mobile at my expense as well as taking up the first 3 days of my holiday – we never did hire a car which made everything more difficult as we'd chosen a secluded location because we knew we'd have a car. The day after I arrived home, 26th July, I called Expedia *see screenshot, who told me the matter was still being looked into and that I would receive confirmation of a refund by email. I am still waiting to hear back from them. I want a full refund of £626.24 and if necessary will forfeit the extra costs incurred as mentioned above. Please find enclosed screen shots of all phone calls made, copies of emails and other relative correspondence received from the car hire company.
  21. Hi I have several defaults for various amounts totalling approx. £5000. For whatever reason I didn't pay my bills for several months and am now in a position to begin tackling this mess. I can probably pay off all of the debt in around nine months settling several smaller accounts within three months. Lots of the debts have been sold on to various debt collection agencies. They're offering me various discounts to write off part of the debt which I am open to for obvious reasons. However I am also keen to begin the process of rebuilding my credit rating ASAP and am wondering whether it is better to settle in full for this reason? I've also read that if you only settle partially, the remainder of the debt can be sold on which is concerning. If I decide to offer a partial settlement which is then accepted, how do I avoid that scenario? Thanks
  22. Not sure which forum to post this in. I signed an estate agent agreement this week and have since had a friend who wants to rent my house with a view to buying it in the future. The agreement I signed is as follows: typr of agreement - sole selling period - 20 weeks then 14 days notice to terminate and I see that I also signed a waiver of my cancellation rights. Do I have to keep it on the market for 20 weeks even though I don't want to sell it now? Many thanks.
  23. Hi Looking for information here. We purchased a little Citroen the other day Collected it after it had been taxed at 9.10am. My wife then used it for work transport and parked it on a side road. When arriving back to her car at 2pm there was a clamp and sticker on it saying no tax. i rang the number given on the leaflet and was told car was not taxed. Yet we had purchased in the morning. The lady said the car was clamped at 10.05 in the morning. Surely DVLA would know that tax would be on it? So i paid the fine to release the clamp. £100. How do i go about getting this back as they are in the wrong. My next question is , i was going to cut the clamp off, what would be the legalities regards this??
  24. Hi, Another car drama, me and cars just don't get on... Bought a 2005 Land Rover from a small dealer 250 miles away all of 9 days ago on finance, which decided to break down yesterday, dead alternator... I contacted the dealer this morning to say i wasn't happy and that it would need to be repaired, and offered them a quote from my local independent Land Rover specialist of £712.49... They went on to state that the warranty provided with the car would only cover repairs up to £300, well having been through this drama before (pre 2015 and with SoG) i know that the dealer is liable for the repairs to my 9 day old car but have been nice enough to offer to phone some other repair garages to get further quotes, none of which have yet got back to me. I feel i should immediately get the ball rolling with regards to taking action, i have no interest in waiting too long or playing games, i work for the emergency services and having a working vehicle is essential for me... I have drafted letters for both the dealer and finance company (attached) however i wondered where i would stand with regards to getting reimbursement for hiring a car? Thanks in advance Paul
  25. Some banks have been hacking away at the worth of your savings, making 171 cuts in 6 years.Some people are getting screwed out of £178.50 a year! According to Which?, some banks are considerably worse than others, as they crunched the numbers on 212 instant-access cash ISAs from 21 banks and building societies. Which? said NatWest had the largest amount of cuts per account, with eight across two accounts over six years. The bank's e-ISA used to earn savers 2%, but for those who haven't moved their money will now be getting a paltry 0.25%. Which? also saw that Tesco Bank had made three rate cuts on one account, and at RBS, they'd made two cuts on one account, and Barclays made 13 cuts across seven accounts. The worst banks for cutting ISA rates are, in order: NatWest Tesco Bank RBS Barclays M&S Bank HSBC http://www.bitterwallet.com/banking/which-banks-are-cutting-your-isa-savings-92417
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