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  1. I intend to get professional legal advice on this as I'm making my Will, but I thought I'd test the water here first. Please don't ask questions about the reasons for my wishes, it is a complex situation and I don't want to discuss it. Circumstances: I own my home outright, I am the sole owner. I bought the house outright with no mortagage and only my name is on the deeds. My girlfriend moved in with me when I took possession and a few months later her son moved in as well with my agreement. They are both named on the Council Tax and have bank accounts and mobile phone bills at the address, her son is an adult and out of full time education. All other bills are in my name only and my partner makes no contribution to the bills nor has she contributed anything to the maintenance or improvement of the property over the 6 years we have been here. If my partner does a food shop alone she uses my credit card account which is in my sole name but she has a card as 'Mrs Homer' so it's not actually in her own name. As we are not married and according to information I have been given, my partner has no legal claim to the property at all upon my death. I have checked and that does seem to be correct, despite some people saying common law rules apply, which I understand to be false. I intend to write a Will which will bequeath the property, savings and goods to my sister and her children, with advice for the house to be sold. My question is: Can my Executor give notice to my girlfriend and her son to move out so the property can be sold and do they have to comply? My intention is to Will an amount of money from the sale of the property to my girlfriend's son to help him get on the housing ladder and the rest of it to go to my Sister's family. Nothing will be bequeathed to my girlfriend, so she will have to make her own living arrangements (I am sure that will be with her son). It doesn't sound too complex but I wondered if anyone had experience of this?
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