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  1. Hi, hopefully this is the right place to put this! today I received a letter from the BTP with a NIP asking for name and address of driver. It states 'This offence can be supported by photographic evidence from an offence detection device. The driver of vehicle *my vehicle* is alleged to have committed an offence contrary to one or more of the following offences under the Road Traffic Act, 1968. Failure to comply with a red traffic light signal at Nutbourne Level Crossing' I was driving with my boyfriend in the car also, as we were approaching the level crossing the light turned orange but it would've been too dangerous to stop (I was driving within the speed limit). We both only saw an orange light and no red light. I have never had any driving convictions etc, am a mental health nurse and points on my licence would not be great for me, especially for something that I do not think is fair as I mentioned, stopping would've been more dangerous. Just looking for any sort of guidance/help with what I should do! Thanks!
  2. Strictly, speaking this is not a subject that would normally feature on the 'bailiff discussion' section of the forum. However, with the subject matter regularly featuring on the popular TV series; Can't Pay We'll Take it Away' it may well assist some viewers. Anyone watching the TV series would have seen the many instances of a tenant is being evicted. Routinely, the tenants had been advised by their local authorities that in order to gain assistance with emergency housing, that they must remain in the property until the actual eviction. It would seem that this practice must stop. The following is taken from a recent article from the Sheriffs Office: Housing minister, Brandon Lewis has told all local authorities to stop routinely advising tenants to stay put until the enforcement agent arrives before they can be accepted as homeless. Mr Lewis has written to all the chief executives of local councils saying that households should not be put in this position, and clarifying the guidance about homelessness. In his letter he says, “Authorities should not routinely be advising tenants to stay until the bailiffs arrive; there is no barrier to them assisting the tenant before this. By doing this, local authorities miss a valuable opportunity to prevent homelessness.” Mr Lewis writes that the statutory Homelessness Code of Guidance, which local authorities are required by law to have regard to, is clear on this matter and contains guidance on how they should treat homelessness applications where a tenant has received a valid S21 notice. This is what Mr Lewis’s letter highlights about what the guidance states: -Housing authorities should not, in every case, insist upon a court order for possession and that no local authority should adopt a blanket policy in this respect. -If the landlord intends to seek possession and there would be no defence to an application for a possession order, then it is unlikely that it would be reasonable for the applicant to continue to occupy the accommodation. -Unless a local authority has very good reason to depart from the statutory guidance, then they should not be placing households in this position.
  3. I am trying to get my finances in order and have been reading up on forums about those who have had successes dealing with DCAs, but unfortunately my accounts don’t seem to make sense. I have four default accounts on my credit file, showing a D sign every single month on my account, but I have three payments from DCA going out of my account two I know why I am paying but PRA I don’t know what its for, and the two bank account overdrafts I have defaults for I don’t know what is happening with them and what to do. Should i send out CCA letters to all creditors including barclays and natwest? On my credit file are these four defaulted accounts Lender Idem Capital Securities Current Balance £1,868 I am paying this via direct debit reduced monthly installment at the moment, this has been passed from Agilent to Moorgate and now to Idem and I it was so long ago now I cant even remember who the original company was who I took a loan out with. Lender NWB Current Accounts Current Balance £1,691 It says I am paying £5 per month but I cannot see any standing order or direct debit going out of my account for £5 per month, so I have no idea what is going on with this account. Both Barclays & Natwest overdrafts have been passed over to DCA I am sure of it, but I am unclear on who they are or what is going on with these accounts. What shall I do? Do I chase up with the actual banks to see what information they can pull up (send SARS) Lender Barclays Bank plc Current Balance £1,590 Similar to my Natwest account, I do not have anything on my bank account showing I am paying them, yet it shows I am paying £18 per month, once again I do not know how to handle this and whether I have a DCA I am paying, I haven’t received any letters for a while and I don’t have a clue what I should do. Lender MKDP LLP Account Type Credit Card Current Balance £264 Finally I have a PRA Group direct debit set up for £8.86 per month but yet again I don’t know what debt this is for now, as it seems to have been set up some time back, with moving and getting married last year I lost a lot of paper work and I cant remember what DCA is for what account and why now. DCA payments: Idem Robinsons Way this is on my credit file under MKDP (are they the same company?)But there is nothing on my credit file saying I am dealing with Robinsons Way PRA Group £8.86 No clue whatsoever why I am paying this and for what account.
  4. Hi, I need some advice please. I have just returned from holiday to find a CCJ waiting for me for an old loan I had with Cash4UNow about 2 years ago. The Judgement states '1st stop recoveries claim this amount in respect of an unpaid loan funded by Nova Loans. The defendant failed to abide by the terms of the contract. Ist stop recoveries purchased this debt from Nova Loans and subsequently sent a notice of assignment to the defendant to advise. The defendant has failed to respond to any correspondence or communication from the claimant thus denying the claimant any opportunity in assisting the defendant in attempting to bring the matter to an amicable conclusion' The judgement is for £479.99 + £35 court costs - Total £514.99 The claim form has a typed signature Emily Taylor (Claimant) When I had the loan from Cash4UNow, I paid back everything on time and had two payments left to make - I supplied them with my new debit card details but they failed to take payment. I received no correspondence chasing the outstanding amount until several months later at which time I was unable to pay the sum due. I am not 100% certain but I am not sure if I received a default notice or not. Also I have received, little contact from 1st Stop Recoveries - they did try to call me at work but I cannot take calls of this type at my workplace. I ideally through my line of work can't really afford to have a judgement against me. Is it possible if I get in touch with 1st stop recoveries that I could still negotiate to pay this debt and avoid a judgement being entered against me? Otherwise should I just admit liability and complete the form or would I have grounds on the basis that due to the system error at Cash4UNow that they did not take payments when due, to challenge the judgement or part of it? Advice please as not 100% certain how best to proceed with this. Many thanks
  5. :-)Hi Have 2 NatWest credit cards taken out about 1995/1996 - on which I have been making token payments of £2 per month which just jogs along. £1400 outstanding on one card - £2200 on the other card. Token payments commenced about 2 years ago as lost job due to illness and have not worked since. I am 65 and now have heart failure problems - so trying to sort out affairs in case of further problems. I know I should CCA them - but what then. Do they write off debts? My GP can confirm my health position. It's crazy really - we all bailed out NatWest during banking crisis to the tune of some £20K+ each - so in effect they owe us! Your advices how to proceed would be greatly appreciated. Would it help to go through Citizens Advice or similar? Let me know what you think.
  6. Hi Guys I am in the same situation as you Bailey, so sorry to admit this folks but got in a bad situation with Uncle Bucks in late 2014 culminating in one I could not pay and 1st Stop Recoveries have also now sent me a Court Claim which I am also defending. I have sent CPR and CCA requests and will defend this plus submitting a claim to Uncle bucks regarding the facts that they did not carry out full affordability or credit checks.also allowed me 5 loans over 5 months. When I rang them in month 4 to try and decrease the payments, they suggested I just repay the loan and take another one out the same day! Is this familiar.Have you had a series of loans from them? Actually, in my years on CAG it is very rare for Payday Lenders to take Legal Action, they normally just harass people. Anything else I can to do to help on this Bailey, I will do
  7. Hi, I'll just explain the situation. Mother in law used to live with us. Mother in law had a catalogue debt at our address. She moved and Cabot have sent collection letters to her new adddress. Debt seems excessively high. Mother in law is a typical doddering old lady and doesnt understand what is going on. Debt was with cabot and she was paying it, they sent it to fredricksons at which point we found out about it and realise the amount is almost double what she owed. We send Freds a request for credit agreement and statement of account. Freds send it back to Cabot as they were only acting as agents of cabot and cannot supply the documents. At this point we with mother in laws permission send cabot a letter stating we are going to administer her account for her and all post it to be sent to us in her name at our address (the address she originally set up the account at). Mother in law signed a declaration on this letter giving us permission to act in her name. Cabot have not answered this declaration, of note Fredricksons did use us as her contact address. We sent Cabot a long letter explaining that the amount on the account is disputed, that we wish to see a statement and credit agreement, also that all contact is to be via letter in mother in laws name at our address. We also stated as Freds had been unable to supply docs that the account was in dispute. (Cabot received the demand for docs on 25th Feb recorded) Cabot are STILL sending Mother in law demands, means forms to fill in and general debt collection letters to her address, they refuse to deal with us as her reps and seem to be ignoring the requests for docs and disputes etc. Mother in law getting very upset at letters, she has even tried ringing them (obviously we told her not to do that any more) Is there any regulations we can use to force Cabot to deal with us in her name? What is the next step to take with regards to them not supplying docs? Do we complain to financial ombudsman? It seems to me they know we are playing by the rules they cannot follow so they are instead bullying Mother in law who they see as a weak link.
  8. Barry Beavis has just asked me to post up this petition for him. https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/111925 Barry Beavis
  9. Hi long time lurker. I have got into a situation where I have ran up some quite high debts with Mbna and Barclaycard and these are due to pop the interest rates very soon. I have been reading that sometimes a DMP is not the best way to get interest frozen and maybe to stop paying all together to get the debt moved to a DCA. I am a home owner with not much equity and owe roughly 15k to barclays and 10k to mbna all debts are 2 years old and fully paid no missed payments or chaerges on the account . thank you
  10. Hi, I'm hoping for some advice. My wife has a cell phone contract with Vodafone and in March she visited our local vodafone store and added 2 additional lines into her account. These were data only sim cards for use in portable devices that Vodafone offer on a 1 month minimum term contract (ie cancelled with 1 month notice.) These were used for a short term requirement, and in May she contacted Vodafone to give notice to cancel and remove these two sims cards via the online webchat. The customer service representative accepted the request and confirmed that the cancellation had been accepted and the cards would cease in 30 days. We have a copy of the transcript here. A couple of months later, my wife looked at her bill and saw that she was still being charge for the 2 data sims card. She called vodafone this time, and spoke to the customer care team. They acknowledged that the cancellation had been received and had not been cancelled in due to a systems error. They apologies, confirmed that the cancelation was now actioned, and promised to refund the months that were charged in error. In September, I turned on a device with one of these sim cards installled and found that it connected to mobile broadband service. I notified my wife, who checked her bill - and saw she was still being charged for the sims cards. They are still active and no refund received. This time she visited the store to express frustration. The store staff told here they cannot help and she must phone customer services. She phoned customers services. Was told that the cancellation has not happened in error and that it has now been actioned. Refund is forthcoming. In October the sim cards are still active. My wife is in tears with frustration, but I tell her to call again. this time she is told that because the card was used in September (when I switched on the device) she will not get a refund for September, but otherwise, it's an error, really, truly the cancellation has been processed and she will get a refund minus September. Last week, no refund, cards still being billed, we went back into the store and spent two hours making a nuisance to the poor staff there to try to resolve it. They say they can't do anything but make a note on the system for a supervisor to look. I'm looking for advise what to do next? Vodafone owe several hundred pounds in payments they've taken. While acknowledging that they should not be, they seem unable to stop billing for the service. We've both spend hours and hours trying to resolve it over 7 month period. My wife doesn't want to cancel the direct debit, because she still needs her phone, which remains active on the account under her contract. Can anyone suggest next steps? Thanks!
  11. Hi all, I have posted this on your facebook group but will also post on here just in case some of you do't use facebook but could still help. How the hell do we stop getting tax credits? I got a new job at the end of September and the pay varies from month to month as I get premiums for working different hours. In the last month I earned £1245 after tax and £1433 before tax. The month before last I earned £1227 after tax and £1420 before tax. Not much difference but this is just two examples. The lowest I could earn before tax is £1262. as my wage is not set I told the tax credits this who took an estimate which I thought was to low. I said I would call them back as I needed to talk to talk to my partner about it. We pay £80 a month for after school care to a registered child minder. We currently got £40 a month child tax credits. This was based on a wage of £15800 in my old job. At the thought of losing £10 a week we decided to cancel the tax credits as we didn't want to owe any money come the year end. We rang up and said we would like to stop all tax credits and the advisor said a letter would be issued to confirm this and we left it at that. We then had a reward notice come through telling us we was still getting £40 a month I rang back up and said that we had cancelled and we got told we could not cancel before the tax year end in April and we would still get these payments. We said we did not want the money. I said if I told you I got £17000 a year would this stop the payments. They said yes so thats what we did. My partner is on £12500 a year working 25 hours a week. Today I have just had another reward come through with my £17000 and my partners £12500 and we are still getting payments of £40 a month. Our issue us we don't want the money as no doubt when all calculations are worked out we will end up owing it back next year and its sthis situation we do not want to be in. Can anyone advise us what to do please? Many thanks
  12. I have an outstanding balance on a capital one card from years ago . I was recently contacted by Cabot financial saying that they want to work out a repayment plan. My partner said that as it was from years ago I should send a statue barred letter to Mortimer Clarke the solicitors working on behalf of Cabot. Have been waiting weeks for a reply and a letter has come today from Cabot saying that I made a payment on 25th August 2011. I honestly don't remember making this payment but now they say I have to repay the debt. Is there anything more I can do? The capital one debt is not on my credit file do you think that Cabot will get this put on there? I am working hard to rebuild my credit file after some stupid decisions from years ago. Thank you in advance for any help
  13. Hi all, I really need some straight advice. I've just discovered this site.. ..it has so much information that my head is spinning. I'm really not sure where or how to start dealing with my debt. I have debts of just over£25k to eight different creditors. Very, Isme, Marisota, Barclaycard, Aqua (2) Vanquis and Next. I've been with them from between 5 and 10 years. Due to a change in finances (im self employed) I haven't made a payment since January. I feel so ashamed! But I just cant afford to. I have just £131.62 left over each month which calculates to just £16.45 that I could now offer each creditor. I don't think they will be too happy with that but I can't afford to pay any more as I have already drastically cut all my expenditure which I also worry about as I dont have anything put away for kids xmas/birthdays etc... .I'm so very depressed and feel I have failed my children by getting myself in this situation. my daughter has a heart condition which may prove to be fatal within time....perhaps another 5 or 6 years. So with this in mind I wonder what advice others may have, I went to the debtchange website, filled out the expenditure form and they recommed I take out an IVA which would be paid off in 5 years with whats left over written off. As Im now a full time carer to my daughter my finances arent going to change much and the thought of having and giving very little to my daughter just makes me fall apart. What can I do. I haven't spoken to the creditors as the ones I have 'Very' and 'Isme' were really horrible. I just cant face talking to anyone. Please help x
  14. I am receiving nuisance sales calls from 02 on my mobile phone number. I have been rung up repeatedly every day sometimes twice a day and its getting a bit beyond the joke. Each time they ring I tell them where to go politely. I received yet another sales call from them again 5 minutes ago. Where can I go to stop nuisance calls on my mobile number?
  15. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?452689-Children-s-charity-bosses-praise-town-hall-over-decision-to-stop-bailiffs-calling-on-families-with-kids-at-home-Manche For the full story http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/childrens-charity-bosses-praise-town-10110772
  16. Any of the rail experts have a view on this ? My local TOC (C2C) seems to be tying itself in knots over whether a ticket valid from one station is also valid to the next stop as the cost is the same for both. So far I've been told, they ARE valid, they ARE NOT valid, or they are valid only if the ticket is a weekly season but not a daily one (this makes little sense as the criteria, i.e. the cost is the same, applies equally to both). The advice given here > https://www.ircas.co.uk/docs/c2c_Penalty_Fares_Leaflet.pdf would imply tickets are NOT valid but one must assume if permission has been given then this wouldn't apply ?
  17. I have had one case closed following a statutory declaration and at the new hearing the DVLA case was dismissed http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?451204-being-fined-for-lack-of-insurance-Dvla-**-case-dismissed**-or-is-it but Marston won't stop persuing me! The court say they have notified both the dvla and enforcement centre but they don't appear to have any record of it and will not listen to me or contact the court themselves to verify. Please, how can I force them to check their information and leave me alone. Thank u.
  18. Hello, I wonder if someone can help/assist me please and advise if I should appeal against a PCN that I have received. I have received a PCN stating I parked on a Bus Stop at 21:09 on a Saturday evening. I have viewed the PCN video footage and what I did was that I did pull up onto an edge of Bus Stop markings but it was for 30 seconds. I waited there as someone in-front of me was pulling out of a parking space. The video footage shows that they were indicating to leave the parking space and I thought I could pull in there after they had left. This is shown clearly on the footage. They were not able to move out quickly enough as it was on the main road and they were parked facing the wrong way to the traffic. The footage clearly shows that I pulled into the parking space once they had left. I would appreciate any help or advice. Thank you.
  19. We are planning to sell our flat and we know that our neighbors had issue with selling his property. He said the landlord told him that he can't sell it until they refurbish it to a good standard. He then went to his solicitors and they told him that the landlord has the authority to do so. He eventually refurbished the flat and sold it. But he said the landlord was even able to choose which buyer he wants and whether or not that they agree with the price. Is that even possible? Could it be that he has a shared lease ownership? I tried searching online to see if landlord has any control over the selling of the lease but I couldn't find anything.
  20. Hi, I'm new to this forum and see that most posts are regarding speeding but I wonder if anyone can help with a PCN for unloading in a bus lane. The PCN is issued for being "Stopped on a restricted bus stop/stand however the location wasn't a bus stop it was a bus lane. I'm probably lutching at straws but are the two the same or can I appeal on the grounds that the offence wasn't committed on s bus stop. Unfortunately i had no choice as there was nowhere else to park up and had to make the delivery. Any help will be gratefully received.
  21. Hi guys, looking for some advice. I signed up with Spectrum Financial Protection after getting into about £25k worth of debt 12 years ago. They charged me about a grand to set up with them and have taken a percentage of the repayments every month for the duration (I know, I know) and despite the long time frame my debt has barely gone down, due to the token payments of between £1 and £10 a month to each account. Spectrum are now Money Village, and after years of them not doing a lot (Spectrum originally told me I'd be debt free after 5 years) I gave up speaking to them or giving them annual statements of affairs. I still received regular letters from them, telling me the latest DCA has accepted my offer etc etc, but it's the most recent one that I want advice about. They (Money Village) say that as I haven't done a SoA since 2010, and therefore they can't give me the best advice (Lol is all I can say to that). They also say that they are obliged to tell me about free options with other DMPs, and that if I don't respond within 60 days they will stop making payments to the DCAs on my behalf (there are 5, who change every so often). I'm at a crossroads. The debts were defaulted by the banks in 2003, and are long off my credit file - I've had loans since and have managed them well as I was just a silly teenager when I took most of the original debts on. What can I expect if they stop paying my DCAs from August? I don't particularly want to keep on with Money Village anyway, as they've had enough out of me over the years, but at the moment the DCAs don't contact me and accept the payments, so it's been 'out of sight, out of mind' for ages, but this is looking like it's going to change, and I want to be prepared! Any advice would be massively appreciated!
  22. A county court ruling today confirmed that airline Jet2.com can no longer put the payment of delayed flight compensation on hold. The ruling could potentially affect thousands of passengers with similar flight delay compensation claims in the UK. A CAA spokesperson said: 'The judgment of District Judge Jenkinson at Liverpool County Court reaffirms our longstanding view that airlines should abide by the ruling handed down by the Court of Appeal in Jet2 v Huzar last year. 'There is no reason for airlines to place claims on hold and we fully expect them to pay passengers the compensation they are due.' http://www.which.co.uk/news/2015/02/airline-ordered-to-stop-delaying-compensation-396591/
  23. I ain't sure if i can post this here so plz delete if not allowed? If allowed then brilliant because I KNOW that this affects alot of us (even me)! So please sign and let's hope this can stop this bully advisers from doing this! OR AT LEAST TRY TOO! :/ https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/benefit-sanctions-must-be-stopped-without-exceptions-in-uk Make ur vote count!
  24. Hi all again, I got a letter from CRS about a debt on the 20/12/2014. I've recently got a lot of phone calls to my parents house phone from them. I said to them "I request all further communication in writing" then hung up. I am still getting calls from theses people, and they said "I would need to send a letter to remove my number". Could anyone direct me to a template maybe? Many Thanks Andrew
  25. i really need some advice. Firstly i do not have an account with brighthouse it is my husband who had a p.c from them. He has obviously missed payments as within the last year a representative from brighthouse has been to our house 3 times with the latest visit being yesterday. I dont answer the door so a note is put through so i know it is them. I get frightened when they turn up as my husband is out a lot so never here when they come and we have a 3 year old boy and i dont want him exposed to strange men cominr to our door . I get why they want to chase missed payments but it is nothing too with me . Can i do anything to stop them turning up at my door.
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