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  1. I rented out a property in 2017 for 12 months to a lady who had sold her house. Due to a poor credit rating she paid 12 month upfront. It quickly became apparent that she had sold her house to then expect housing benefit to cover the rental at the end of the contract. I served her all the correct paperwork telling her she would have to vacate at the end of the tenancy. She refuses to leave, she is not eligible to the amount of housing benefit to cover the rental. The housing benefit she is receiving she is keeping it herself so is in arrears. Last week we were in Court for a possession order. She was given notice in September 2018 but simply doesn't want to leave. I ticked the box requesting that the hearing be heard in my absence but was given a hearing date. The Judge on the day said she didn't know why this was and was clearly annoyed. It all went downhill from there. The tenant just stated that she wanted to stay, was told that it was not an option and must vacate. With the minimum 14 days to the maximum 42 days, the Judge gave her 42 something I thought was for extreme cases of illness. Clearly there was an error somewhere along the line and if the decision had been made when the possession order was looked at, the week prior, I would be 35 days into this period instead of 42. She has had over 3 months to find alternative accommodation but with a worse credit rating than when she started, housing benefit, no reference and only trying private landlords she won't be vacating anytime soon. I feel I have been unfairly treated by the Judge. I would have expected 28 days for her to vacate and the Judge to see through the obvious lies the tenant was telling in Court. Have I got a valid complaint about the Judgement, I understand it won't change but I feel my position hasn't been taken into account.
  2. Good morning, I have outstanding balance with EON for £624 and have done since 2016. I have always disputed this balance as it appeared far too high for 2 months bills where I was not living in the property due to renovations work. The last payment on the account was in September 2015. To cut a long story short, I was due to set up a payment plan with simply past due credit who put the account on hold after I questioned EON sharing 6 late payments on my account in 2016. EON refused to refuse the payment markers and I wrote to the past due credit in February 2018 again asking to set up a payment plan but received nothing back. Last week, out of the blue, I received a letter from EON requesting a the full balance by 31st January or a default would be put on my account or if I did pay monthly by arrangement, "we will share the information about the arrangement with the CRA". My credit files are squeaky clean and near maximum with both agencies apart from the one with Equifax which bizarrely after 2017 showed payments on my account to EON then last month it showed a late/missing payment in December 2018 despite no arrangement being in place. I want to pay the full balance but am worried about how negatively it will impact my credit history as I've heard that "settled" can be viewed very negatively - some also say that a payment arrangement can be almost as negative as a default! Could anybody kindly give me some advice please?
  3. I called up the payment line to claim back my surety fee today after my vehicle had been clamped by the NSL on behalf of the DVLA for no tax. I was told I had until yesterday to claim it back. It was stated in the leaflet i was given that i had 15 days to claim. Today is the 15th day, but the payment centre said yesterday was the 15th day. I had my car clamped on Tuesday 29 January. Today is Wednesday 13 February which is exactly 15 days after my vehicle was clamped. I am awfully distressed about this as i desperately need the refund. What can i do? Where can i take this?
  4. Today in the post I received a claim form from TM Legal Services for a debt that I owed to payday loan company Lending Stream. The original address on the claim form had been crossed out in red pen and my current address was hand written in the box to the right of this. The date on the claim form is 10/10/2018, the date that is marked on the franking stamp on the envelope is 07/11/2018. I called the court and they advised I have received a judgement by default on 06/11/2018. I had started an affordability complaint with the original lender Lending Stream via letter on 01/10/2018. In this letter I gave them my current address. They are the only lender I had to send a letter to as the rest I have done via email. Unfortunately, I sent this by first class post and not recorded delivery. I have not had an acknowledgement from the lender to this letter. I called the company TM Legal Services who initially advised it was the court that sends out claim forms. When I pointed out that the envelope that the claim form came in had a return address of their company and was posted the day after the judgement was obtained they put me on hold. They came back and said that they received the original claim form back as undelivered and had done a trace on me to find my current address to send out the claim form. I called the court back and explained this and they said I can apply to get the judgement set aside at a cost of £255. I have sent a further letter of complaint to the original lender and advised the financial ombudsmans office of the situation, however they say that when the complaint comes to them if referred (29/11/2018 is 8 weeks) they are unable to instigate the removal of the CCJ even if my complaint is upheld. I now don't know what to do. Should I apply for the judgement to be set aside now or wait for the reply from the lender/complaint to the financial ombudsman's service? At the time of the loan I had 6 defaults for various utilities and loans in my recent credit history as well as an outstanding balance of over £3500 with other short term lenders. The original debt was for £850 but now with court costs and interest stands at £1780. If I apply for the judgement to be set aside, is that there is an ongoing affordability complaint a valid reason, along with the fact that it was sent to a previous address? Is the fact that it was sent to what the company alleges is my last known address and not my current one enough of a reason to get it set aside or will I have to show that there is a chance I will win the hearing? Will the 30 day period after the CCJ to pay reset if the judgement is set aside? I work in an industry regulated by the FSA so a CCJ will likely cost me my job. Apologies for the long post. Thanks a lot for reading if you got this far.
  5. I'm not sure if I am in the right area, but hope someone can re-assure us we are doing the right thing. I am a leaseholder in a block of retirement apartments. Two years ago, with 100% agreement of all leaseholders in the block (70) some residents acquired RTM and after lots of visits to other blocks, and doing all the checks they could, the RTM company employed a new MA. After 12 months they decided that these new MA's were actually worse than the original ones, so they terminated the agreement after 12 months by highlighting breaches, using a solicitor. They then employed another MA who, after 12 months, appears to be extremely efficient etc. The problem we have is that the 'old' MA won't release our fund to the new MA. They promised on four occasions over a period of 5 months to hand over at the end of a month, and, to date, they have handed over approximately 30% of our funds. After 3 months, we employed a leasehold solicitor to chase the funds. We were informed that we had to know exactly how much they owed us, by virtue of audited accounts. As the MA would never issue bank statement, invoices or monthly financial updates, we cannot do this. So the legal advice was to go to court to obtain all the account documentation. This was set for a date 10 months after the contract was terminated. Two weeks before the hearing, and after yet another broken promise of transferring the funds, the MA wrote a 'without prejudice' letter saying they would hand all the funds and paperwork over but not until a week after the hearing, as it would take that long to produce the final accounts. Because of this, our solicitor advised us to adjourn the hearing as it would save the costs of going to Court. The RTM Company refused on the basis of all the previous broken promises. From that we had constant pressure from our solicitor, changing almost on a daily basis, to adjourn. These pressure varied right up to the fact that, in the solicitors opinion, the RTM Company would have to pay costs of both sides, amounting to a total of around £18,000 + VAT. There was also a request for £1,500 + VAT immediately for a barrister, suddenly required three days before the hearing. Never mentioned this before in the cost estimates. Our RTM Company was braver than I would have been - they believed that there was no way the judge would deem them unreasonable knowing all the broken promises they had received. So they still refused to adjourn the hearing. Then came a Tomlin Order, written by 'the other side', which offered all the paperwork we required, except Bank Statements and cheque books, if the hearing was adjourned. I understand from paperwork I have seen that the RTM Company still refused until a point where their own solicitor assured them that the accounts could be quantified without the Bank statements. so they agreed to accept the Tomlin Order and adjourn the hearing. Four days after the time limit set out in the Tomlin Order, some invoices and a ledger run off was received. There was also a copy of service charge accounts prepared by the company themselves, not by an accountant. on looking at these documents, half the invoices were missing and there was not information regarding income to the service charge account or the reserve funds. We are now up to date ..... Our solicitor is now telling us we need to go back to Court to ask the Court to order the MA to obey the Tomlin Order. The RTM has explained to the rest of us leaseholders that they are in dispute with the solicitor as they believe all this will do is allow the MA to break it again and again, and they would have to take it back to the Court time and time again. There seems to be no penalty on the MA for breaking what they believe was an official Court order. the solicitor ignores their request for an explanation, and continues to talk in language that doesn't mean anything (according to the RTM) The RTM is asking for support to change the solicitor at this stage. They want to take the MA to Court for theft as they say simply that it is our money and someone wont give it us back. They want to find a solicitor who would do this for us. A number of leaseholders (who as a reminder are retired) don't really understand what is happening and are extremely concerned and upset that for (now) 12 months we have not been able to correctly manage the block and it is beginning to look a mess, reducing the value of our flats. Can anyone please advise what they would do in our position?
  6. Hello, I was completing a credit check after being refused to get a specific type of finance and to my horror I found out I had been issued a CCJ on the 2/10/18. After ringing Northampton they informed me that the CCJ was issued over a parking ticket issued on the 30/01/17 by JD parking. correspondence to do with this had been sent to a previous address, and even when I was living at this address at the time of the alleged incident I never received any letters about receiving a parking ticket. Now the location that this occurred was at my friends flat where he has a parking permit that was in my car at the time. I have received the evidence from JD parking's solicitors and there are a few reasons why I think their evidence is not credible, firstly the photo of the windscreen is not a full photo and has clearly been taken to omit the parking permit from the photo, the timestamps on the photos have also clearly been manipulated and added after they were taken - the timestamps state it is 22:45 yet in the photo you can tell it is the middle of the day, not that the time makes a difference to being allow to park there it just shows they are not credible. (if anyone wishes to see the photos I am more than happy to share them). I am on the electoral role and I pay council tax and many other utility bills so I feel like they have not even tried to find me in my absence of a reply and just let it all happen. I know I need to fill out a N244 form but I need help to make sure I complete all the sections correctly and that I have a strong chance of being awarded with it being set aside My hopes is that I can get the money for the N244 for back from either JD parking or their solicitor and also having their claim thrown out for being absolutely false. After reading the guide on this site I should also contact JD parking and ask for their consent to set aside? this seems bizarre because they are surely going to say no? I am looking to be applying for a mortgage in the next few years and fear that this will seriously affect my chances of being successful, so thank you for all and any help. This is a template letter I am going to email to JD Parking to get their consent to set aside the default judgement. "Dear JD Parking, Reference: Claim xxxxxxxxx JD Parking v xxxxxxxx Your Reference: parking ticket ref from POC I have recently become aware of a County Court Judgment in Default obtained by yourselves/your client on 2nd October 2018 for an alleged private parking charge from 30/01/2014 for Vehicle Registration xxxx xxx. I am writing to request JD Parking/your client consent to set-aside the Judgement. I am currently drafting my formal application to the court to request the judgement be set-aside pursuant to CPR 13.3 for the following reasons; 1) According to your Particulars of Claim in the case the alleged incident took place on 30/01/2017. At this time, DVLA records would show that the vehicle xxxx xxx, was registered at my current address, with myself as the registered keeper. 2) I have never received any communication from JD Parking and was entirely unaware of any Private Parking Charge being made against my vehicle until finding the CCJ registered against me when checking my credit file, and obtaining copies of the original claim and judgement document from the court. 3) After reviewing the evidence received from your solicitor it is clear that I should not have been issued with a private parking charge, I had a permit to park where I did but that was blatantly omitted from the photo taken of my car parked in the bay. The time stamps have also been manipulated and added on after the photos were taken, there is no seconds displayed and the time stamps state it to be 22:45 which is clearly wrong as it is broad day light outside, this proves your evidence is not credible enough to have served me with this private parking charge. According to publicly available information my circumstances are far from being unique. The industry’s persistent failure to use correct and current addresses results is an unnecessary burden for individuals and the justice system across the country. This is a topical issue: I note that the Justice Minister The Rt Hon Sir Oliver Heald QC MP announced on the 23rd December 2016 a consultation and information campaign to help protect consumers from debt claims. The consultation will look at ways to; better protect consumers who are sent mail to inaccurate addresses and verify addresses again before a claim is sent. The Minister added that In the digital age, we must ensure companies pursuing unpaid debts make every reasonable effort to contact individuals, rather than simply relying on a letter to an old address. I therefore request you/your client consents to set-aside the judgement and provides me with all documentation / information relating to the original parking charge so that I may consider my position. Had I received the original charge it is likely it would have been settled immediately. You will be aware that this application without consent will cost a £255 court fee. As it is your/your clients failure to take reasonable care that any letters and the subsequent court claim were issued to the correct address I will be asking the court to order you/your client pay the costs of the application along with any further costs allowed by the court. I look forward to hearing from you/your client within 7 days after which time I shall be submitting my application to the courts. Yours sincerely xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
  7. Hi folks, It would be valuable if any of you guys may offer an insight on my and my siblings current situation after the passing of our father a few years My Dad, a successful businessman, divorced my mum years ago when I was in my early 20s. Their marriage had been pretty dysfunctional for a long time so it wasn't surprising. My Dad remarried a few years later to a subordinate from the establishment he worked for, also a divorcee. After originally having some animosity towards her for the divorce, perhaps misplaced, over the ensuing years we got to know her personality. To say she is materialistic, shallow, and a goldigger is an understatement. My Dad was the exact opposite. He was intellectual and thick skinned she a bit of a dullard and seemed to only be interested in appearances and acquisition of new items. My Dad was coerced by her to acquiesce to this over the years, antithetical to his upbringing. We could see the change in him and there was tension but mostly civility between us and her for him. She seemed controlling with him. Him having to be home at certain times etc. All of us children concurred on her personality. He brought the majority of wealth to the relationship. My Dad tragically died a few years ago in bad circumstances. He was unconscious for a while and passed away some days later. She was not at the hospital at the time. My Dad left a TIC Will on the house leaving her a life interest and £multiple k in money, half his large pension. The Will was generic and not personalised at all. The beneficiaries were her kids and us equally on the house. We believe it’s possible she coerced him into a will that didn't immediately allow any estate to the beneficiaries if he passed first. She didn't offer a penny of his capital even as a token gesture. She lives in a nice house in with no money worries. She also refused an executor access to the will file for unknown perhaps insidious reasons. One of my siblings does not need any advance on the inheritance. I'm currently disabled living on ESA and on my uppers and my other sibling wants to move out of his flat. We cannot do anything currently. I may pre decease her as I have health issues. I know it was my Dad's Will but do you think she should at least talk to us about the situation? Maybe he was coerced. We have thought of an equity release scheme but knowing her personality with money she may be obdurate and make things worse by changing her will. Her daughters seem to be in her mold. We all got on really closely with my dad and were devastated at his early passing. I had a deep depression. I am really struggling financially and this constant worrying about money and her is affecting my MH badly. Is there a loan one can take out against being a beneficiary in will? What can we do? Thank you kindly in advance.
  8. Hello, I have received a number of letters from DRP (the debt recovery company that NE Parking Ltd use). My car was parked outside a hotel that has been closed down for over a year from 8-11pm at night. put a ticket on the windscreen so far down that I didn't notice it was even there until 3 days later when I turned my wipers on to wash my windscreen. The picture they included on the original letter shows my car but doesn't have the ticket on the screen in the window. I have ignored about 6/7 letters from them and now have received a 'final settlement offer to avoid court action'. Has anyone else got this far with them? Do they actually issue in Court? Thanks in advance.
  9. Online guides will help renters and leaseholders to know their rights READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/online-guides-will-help-renters-and-leaseholders-to-know-their-rights
  10. Hi Guys. Not proud of this even though I am having some problems. I have received a summons for not paying a fine (not taxed) on time and they won't let me take an out of court settlement although I have been in this situation before with them (several times) and have been able to pay out of court. When I phoned they said there was a note on my account and the legal team won't speak to me. It seems odd that I don't get an explanation or can speak to anyone about it?
  11. Hello, Unfortunately I recently lost my job and will have to move back with family to weather the storm while I look for new employment. I plan to rent a PO box with a private company (the address will actually start with "SUITE N") to retain privacy in case things go wrong and I start missing payments. Will banks accept this new PO box address? Thanks for your help!
  12. I intend to get professional legal advice on this as I'm making my Will, but I thought I'd test the water here first. Please don't ask questions about the reasons for my wishes, it is a complex situation and I don't want to discuss it. Circumstances: I own my home outright, I am the sole owner. I bought the house outright with no mortagage and only my name is on the deeds. My girlfriend moved in with me when I took possession and a few months later her son moved in as well with my agreement. They are both named on the Council Tax and have bank accounts and mobile phone bills at the address, her son is an adult and out of full time education. All other bills are in my name only and my partner makes no contribution to the bills nor has she contributed anything to the maintenance or improvement of the property over the 6 years we have been here. If my partner does a food shop alone she uses my credit card account which is in my sole name but she has a card as 'Mrs Homer' so it's not actually in her own name. As we are not married and according to information I have been given, my partner has no legal claim to the property at all upon my death. I have checked and that does seem to be correct, despite some people saying common law rules apply, which I understand to be false. I intend to write a Will which will bequeath the property, savings and goods to my sister and her children, with advice for the house to be sold. My question is: Can my Executor give notice to my girlfriend and her son to move out so the property can be sold and do they have to comply? My intention is to Will an amount of money from the sale of the property to my girlfriend's son to help him get on the housing ladder and the rest of it to go to my Sister's family. Nothing will be bequeathed to my girlfriend, so she will have to make her own living arrangements (I am sure that will be with her son). It doesn't sound too complex but I wondered if anyone had experience of this?
  13. So a little back story, 3-5 years ago my credit file was HORRIBLE I had defaults a plenty, a CCJ and could not access any credit at all apart from provident doorstep loans. Fast forward to now, I have 4 credit cards 1 x Ocean card with a £400 limit - had for 3+ years 1 x Aqua Card with a £1200 limit - had for 2+ years 1 x Marbles Card with a £2500 limit - had for just over a year 1 x Barclaycard with a £800 limit - had for under 3 months I also have a 4k Loan via On Stride Financial which I am paying off, never missed a payment. And a car Loan via Moneybarn which I have also never missed a payment on. I am sensible now and feel lucky to have the above available credit, albeit it some have high interest rates, but you have to start somewhere right. my credit rating is still classed as poor. My main question is, I currently have 2 defaults and 1 x CCJ on my credit file, 1 default is due to drop off (6 year mark) before the year is out and my CCJ will drop off in the first quarter of 2019 (again 6 year mark since ccj was issued) when these 2 drop off I will be left with 1 default, will my credit rating improve much. When am I likely to be able to apply for mainstream cards such as Virgin, MBNA, Halifax etc......
  14. I stole from primark, stupid choice and will never happen again. The goods totalled to £53 and I was told that, because of this, the police had been notified but will not show up today. This leads me to believe I will hear from them - will this happen? Regarding RLP, everyone has said to ignore the letters which is exactly what I'll do. My only concern is the debt collectors - will they show up at my house? Or just letters? The security guard took my passport and photocopied it with my address and mobile number. The local mall security also showed up and took my details. I know I'm banned from this store and now on some sort of list that, if I'm seen, they have to keep an eye on me. Basically, will there be any outcome from the police for this matter? I'm 21, female. I have never done this before and I am extremely embarrassed by it. I don't want my family or other half finding out, so will the letters be it? Thanks
  15. I've decided to post this in the Homelessness section, despite there being several issues at once and I need your advice, but mods, feel free to move this to a different section if necessary. My situation: - Just about to become 50 - Have lived in a terrible and dodgy guest house for 2.5 years. It wasn't dodgy and terrible when I went there - When I went there I had a job and a single room. Now I've been on the dole for some time (on and off) and I am forced to share a room with other people. - New people and new staff have come through the years and they have brought... how can I say.. dirtbags! Dodgy and abusive gits, people with a hefty criminal record, etc. - The owners are the same but have given up on patrolling the place. They only come every now and again. - Over the months I've been verbally abused by both staff and guests, mainly because I'm not in their circle of booze and drugs and what have you. This afternoon I was threatened by a fellow guest for petty reasons. I managed to speak to the owners. One of them says he'll do what he can but I can't trust him anymore. - I'm struggle to find a job and leaving the place immediately is not an option. Virtually no landlord would rent to a 50yo unemployed, at least not in my area. So, in other owrds, I'm stuck here. - Part of the staff (the dodgy ones) hate me and they told me straight in my face that they'll do what they can to convince the landlords to kick me out (I have no formal rental contract. I pay month to month) and I think they are very close to their goal. So my questions are: 1) In the immediate what can I do? I was thinking of calling the police but what can they do? And the landlords have already hinted that if I call the police, my future at the place is at stake. 2) If they do kick me out, can I receive help as homeless? I'm on benefits, but I have some savings (under £6k). Please I beg you not to think I'm just an intentional bum. I was in IT circa 10-15 years ago but my career is finished and I have nowhere to go. Thanks for reading.
  16. I was wondering if banks will remember my bad debt even though they sold it on many years ago and it is no longer on my credit file. I applied last year for a TSB account and after acceptance, once I supplied my ID my application was declined. I have never banked with TSB although I did have a defaulted loan and current account with HBOS. Both long ago sold on and now Statute barred
  17. Hi, I have a question about last wills and testaments. I am a dual French/British citizen married to a British citizen and we have lived in the UK for almost 20 years. We own a house in the UK (as joint tenants). We want to write a will that will say to whom we want our respective share of the house to go to once we are both dead. We have no children and won't be having any. In my case, I want my share to go to my husband but I want to make sure that when he dies, if I'm already dead, my share goes to my siblings in France, who are French citizens, and not to my husband's family or new partner for example. Could someone please help me and let me know how I can make sure that his happens? Are there specific types of wills for UK people who want to leave their assets to someone in Europe? I have received very conflicting advice from some solicitors. Thank you very much in advance! Sonia G
  18. Hi, Sorry for the details but its been a long stressful journey that never seems to get better. We started the process of buying a new build property using the shared ownership scheme in early July. We used the builders recommended mortgage brokers and conveyancing firm. This is where the problems started. The mortgage broker messed up our income calculations and we ended up with a hard credit search from a lender that would not have lent to us. They then could only find 1 more lender who deals with shared ownership but needed 5% more deposit. We managed to get the extra 5% with help from family so continued with the purchase. We instructed the law firm and got a fixed quote. Later on they said they made a mistake and asked for more money after we had instructed them. All of this we can live with. But now, 11 weeks after we first instructed the law firm, the housing association who is part of the shared ownership transaction has said we must exchange next week and complete 2 weeks after this or they will withdraw from the sale, leaving us homeless if this does not complete as we are currently renting. Our conveyancing firm said they had been waiting for replies from the other side but did not chase them up even though it had been 20 days since they sent the queries. This left it too late for us to exchange and complete on time. We need advice as to where we would stand legally if we do not complete on time? Do we have a case to claim against someone for our financial losses so far? I can provide more details if needed. Cheers Digots
  19. My daughter has recently been left a large sum of money and we have been advised that the will stipulates the funds are paid to and held by my wife. The funds are to be used to help our daughter purchase a property for herself and her children. Whilst the idea is very well intentioned our daughter would like to use some of the funds to help out with immediate needs for herself and family. How legally restrained is my wife in releasing funds ?. (we have not seen the will itself and have only received a letter from the executing solicitor saying how much money , how it is supposed to be used and a request for suitable banking details for them to transfer the funds). There is also a concern as to whether such a large sum appearing in our bank will be seen as income and the tax man get involved. ( will banks create a trust fund account ?)
  20. New rules will protect fans from ticket touting READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-rules-will-protect-fans-from-ticket-touting
  21. Hello All In 2012 I took out a payday loan with PaydayUK for the sum of £400. At the time of taking the loan out I was on a low income and I wasn’t able to pay my rent I took out the loan to cover rent costs - stupid idea I know but at the time I had no other way of getting the money I didn’t pay this loan back as I couldn’t afford too. I vaguely remember contacting them to advise them of this but they were really unhelpful and I just ended up not paying and I heard nothing for 5 years. In December 2016 I received a letter from PRAC/BW Legal saying they have purchased the debt - I ignored this and heard nothing further up until now . I have received 2 emails from them also - they were just copies of the letters I had received in the post The most recent letter (final request for payment)states that if I don’t contact them within 14 days, my account may considered for legal action and it states that the next letter I receive will be a letter of claim prior to the issuing of a county court claim BW claim I owe £420 and I think this is incorrect . I decided to check my credit reports and my bank account. On my credit report it states I borrowed £500 and I know for a fact I did not take that amount. I also checked my bank statements and it shows the payment of £400 which was paid in - and it also shows that they had taken a total Of £314 over various payments with my card from February to May 2012 as they had CPA - I remember at one point they completely cleared my account and they gave a me a measly refund of £34 - I remember calling them angrily as they’d completely emptied my account and stated that they would keep on taking money from my account so I think I may have cancelled my card. I have not made any other payments and I have not had any contact with payday uk or PRAC/BW Legal I’m assuming they are getting heavy handed as I’m pretty sure it’s getting close to the 6 Years (not sure how I would find out when the 6 years is up) Just wanted to know what action I should take? What is likelihood of them actually taking me to court Any advice will be greatly greatly appreciated Thank you in advance
  22. Capita look to be in trouble, wonder where this will go, especially in view of the Capita/Equita/Ross 'n Robbers stitch up at many infested councils. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2018/jan/31/shares-in-uk-government-contractor-capita-plunge-40-after-profit-warning
  23. Hi, the area I live in is due to go from live-service to full-service UC in April of next year, which is roughly when I'm due for reassessment of ESA. I'm in the Support Group right now. Am I right in thinking I will stay on ESA if I pass the WCA with the right points, and won't move onto Universal Credit? Thanks
  24. I was in a rush for a charity event, which the irony of the whole situation. I didn't have the change for the second set of chocolates (£2) I just walked out with them. I was taken into a small room and after being given a talk on not doing it again I wasn't banned or given anything to sign, as I was told it wasn't worth the hassle given the extent of the items, and was just given a verbal warning. However on a paper they wanted my address, will I be getting any fines in the mail, or third party fines? If so would I have to pay it?
  25. The following news article featured on SCOOP today: http://www.publicsectorexecutive.com/Public-Sector-News/london-council-to-launch-ethical-debt-collection-for-residents?dorewrite=false/Page-1749 https://www.scoop.it/t/lacef-news
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