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  1. Hi, Sorry for the details but its been a long stressful journey that never seems to get better. We started the process of buying a new build property using the shared ownership scheme in early July. We used the builders recommended mortgage brokers and conveyancing firm. This is where the problems started. The mortgage broker messed up our income calculations and we ended up with a hard credit search from a lender that would not have lent to us. They then could only find 1 more lender who deals with shared ownership but needed 5% more deposit. We managed to get the extra 5% with help from family so continued with the purchase. We instructed the law firm and got a fixed quote. Later on they said they made a mistake and asked for more money after we had instructed them. All of this we can live with. But now, 11 weeks after we first instructed the law firm, the housing association who is part of the shared ownership transaction has said we must exchange next week and complete 2 weeks after this or they will withdraw from the sale, leaving us homeless if this does not complete as we are currently renting. Our conveyancing firm said they had been waiting for replies from the other side but did not chase them up even though it had been 20 days since they sent the queries. This left it too late for us to exchange and complete on time. We need advice as to where we would stand legally if we do not complete on time? Do we have a case to claim against someone for our financial losses so far? I can provide more details if needed. Cheers Digots
  2. This thread is designed to assist you with obtaining as much information as you may need to get a good understanding of certain types of benefits including 1. Universal Credit (UC) 2. PIP (Personal Independent Payments (PIPs) 3. Contribution based Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) 4. Contribution based Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) for people who are eligible for UC The link below was first published 22/03/2013 and updated 23/04/2015 If you wish to know more please follow the link below and then spend some time looking through the large amount of links and data listings to find your benefit or question. Please see here https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/advice-for-decision-making-staff-guide Although this link is meant for the Approved Decision Makers (ADM) anyone can read them to gain an entry level of knowledge for your benefit. If you follow the above link and wish to know about being sanctioned you would then need to find the relevant number of the document within that link, in this case the link would relate to K1-K9 and so on. This link above covers so much information and may be of use to you. Getting to know what is/maybe required of you can be found within this link. I also covers living together as a married couple (LTAMC) since many posters often ask how many nights can a partner stay over that question is answered here for you in detail. See E4 for this information If you have found your question in the link and still need to ask questions please start your own thread within this part of the forum see below. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/newthread.php?do=newthread&f=160 Note to readers sorry for the long list in the link/s but they are worth reading and you could benfit from what you find contained within.
  3. Hi All, Apologies if this sounds like a daft question but should a NOA contain certain wording to be valid? The sentence I am interested in is as follows: 'has assigned all of its respective rights, title and interest of the above referenced account including the outstanding balance to....' Thanks.
  4. Hi Guys I understand that you want to be careful to prevent people who are incensed from posting things that may bring the site into disrepute. However, there are times when a certain word is the only one that can be used. The online s-c-a-m where buyers (particularly from overseas and notably from one particular area in a vast continent) seek to defraud unsuspecting sellers is a s-c-a-m and there is no other word which really describes it. That word is very necessary to get the message across to those who have no idea they are being s-c-a-m-m-e-d. To automatically over-write it with "scammed" makes a nonsense of the message. The term 'defrauded' does not project the same essence. Please will someone reconsider 'releasing' this word?
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