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  1. I was caught stealing at tk maxx today. It was a very foolish thing of me I admit. Something that costed £7.99 and I didn't want to pay for it as I had already purchase worth £70.01 at tk maxx and didn't have enough money for what I wanted. I took of the security plastic tag off the box and put the item in my bag while I got busy with my daughter as she was crying and kicking a fuss. I continued to checkout with all my other items amounting to £70! Then left the premises. A security came running down the stairs and spoke to me saying I believe you have something in your bag which you haven't paid for. I said ok let's check I opened my bag and saw the item then remembered I put it in my bag. I forgot about it as I spent nearly 2hours in the store looking for lots of things. He escorted me to the back security room and asked me to place everything not paid for on the table. I then placed the only item that was in my bag worth £7.99!! He asked me did you steal the item. I said I didn't mean to they were so rude and shouting. He then said look I'm calling the police and I cannot wait for that woman to tell me. Then I was obliged to say I stole it so that he doesn't call the police. Then he cut off the phone and said to me if I admit I stole it I said yes and started talking again he was angry saying that I'm fed up now I'm calling the police cause you're not ready to tell me. Then said that how are you going to explain to your partner if I call the social services because you stole £7 your daughter got taken away!! I stayed quiet and didn't wana say anything so they don't call the police. Now reading other threads I guess there will be a letter coming for me to pay for god knows what because the item was left un damaged. Shall I tell my partner �� I'm scared. I do not work to pay off any money to anyone. Please help me. They took my ID CARD with my details on it . And forced me to take my provisional license out of my wallet to show my address.
  2. We have had a disasterous refit of our shower, and are suffering leaks and noticed some cracked grouting too. We have been in touch with Citizen's Advice Bureau and the first thing they said we needed was a written report from a professional to explain what the problems are and how to put them right. However we are struggling to find a professional who is willing to put pen to paper to give us this. Reasons cited include they don't want to get involved in a legal battle, the repercussions for them going against some dodgy plumbers. Can anyone suggest how I can get a plumber willing to do this sort of report? Hope someone can help.
  3. If you've been enjoying Tesco's Clubcard Boost events, where you can double the value of your points and the like - bad news - the last one is imminent, as the supermarket are scrapping the scheme. The last boost will be held from 16th May until 26th June, so don't dither. The idea is to make these schemes easier to understand, and to make Clubcard points simpler. Clubcard Boost events have given the opportunity to swap points online or in stores, in multiples of £5 for £10 vouchers which you can spend in specific departments. However, over on their website, they've said that these events will be axed after they'd heard customers requests to make the whole Clubcard system easier to digest. Tesco said that they recognise that the scheme 'needs to be simpler to understand and easier to use'. Instead of sporadic boosts, now, savings will be offered throughout the year. All the information you need about this, can be found over at Tesco, here. http://www.bitterwallet.com/high-street-news/tesco-axes-clubcard-boost-events-may-will-be-the-last-one-91829
  4. Hi everyone I found out this year that my father (who I'd never had contact with) had died over 2 years ago, and had left me £25,000 in his last will and testament (I have a copy of the will from public record). However, the executor is my brother (who I've also never met) who inherited the majority of the estate, and after some difficulty in getting a response out of him, he has responded saying that I was removed from the will as a beneficiary. The copy of the will that is on public record does have codicils on it, but they do not relate to the money I've been left. My brother has now stopped contact, and I'm unsure of what the next step is! The document is a high court document from the district probate registry at Oxford, but there is no contact details for anyone other than the executor (my brother). Any advice please on how to proceed?
  5. In mid July i sent a parcel via Parcel2Go. Have used them before and had no probs. This time i was sending a child's fancy dress costume back to a company as we had bought it but it hadn't fit, so it was a simple return. The item cost £30 (which we would be getting a refund for once returned). The courier fees were £4.02 (i did not chose to pay for the extra compensation cover - as i refuse to pay compensation to cover myself against the company not doing what i am paying them for). It was using My Hermes (via Parcels2Go). A week later we were contacted by Parcels2Go to say that the packaging was damaged, what should they do. I asked them to continue with delivery as hopefully the item wouldn't be damaged. We let the company we were returning the item to know that the packaging has been damaged and to inspect the item before signing for it, and to reject it if the item was no good. A few weeks later we had still not heard more. I asked on Parcel2Go live chat and again reiterated that i want the delivery to be attempted. Nothing further happened for a few days (i was following the tracking info online). I contacted them again via live chat and they confirmed that the item had been lost and to initiate a claim. I raised the claim for £34.04. Only £4.04 has been refunded. They are rejecting my claim for the cost of the lost item (£30) as i did not take out their extra insurance. I have spoken to them via live chat today to complain. I was told that they were not liable for the lost item as i did not take out their additional insurance. I asked to escalate and spoke to someone else via live chat who reiterated the same thing. I asked for their full complaints procedure and was given an email address which they say is the last step in the complaints procedure and they will issue a final decision (and they have reiterated a few times that they will 'just say the same thing that i have been already told'). Although it is only £30, i am willing to stand up for my rights and demand compensation for them losing my property. They have referred to Ts&Cs 6.7 "If we are liable to you for any reason, we shall (subject always to clause 7) only be liable to refund to you the cost paid for the Service(s), unless you have purchased compensation cover for your Consignment from us. " Can i have anyone's thoughts on their liability to compensate me for lost goods in this situation?
  6. I have started writing my Will and intend to leave my house to my son. However, I have discovered a possible snag. I understand that due to having a Charge Order against my property I can't leave it to my son. I am of the impression that my house must be sold after my death to pay the Charge Order which prevents my son from inheriting the property. Is this correct?
  7. We are moving back to the UK in a few months time after six years living in Australia. When we moved over here, initially I was paying my credit card debts until I just couldn't afford it anymore due to living expenses, and the charges the banks charged every time I transferred money to the UK. I have never been contacted by anyone during my time here or heard from anyone at all, although I did receive a letter regarding a strange account number, which could have been from a DCA,- that was two years ago. All my creditors knew that I was in Australia. Once we are back, I'm planning to not to have anything on my name, no bills, not a car, not on a rental contract, will definitely won't go on the electoral roll, I won't even have a mobile contract and most importantly will never ever apply for a credit card or a loan ever again. The only slight problem might be having a bank account, but I have one joint account with my OH. I was just wondering how long will it take before the threats start to arrive?
  8. Have been appointed the executor of an estate and am in the process of applying for probate. The will is fairly straight forward with just two named beneficiaries, so once all the assets have been identified, it shouldn't take too long to wrap up. However, one fly in the ointment turned up ranting and swearing to the point that the police were called. The two main points of contention were: The Black Sheep had not been notified of the funeral. Nothing was bequeathed to the B.S. (the will specifically stated that he was to receive nothing). His parting shot as he was escorted off the premises was that he would seek to contest the will. I suspect the deceased had anticipated this as a statement from her GP is included declaring that, in his opinion, there was no evidence of mental impairment. As there has been no contact between the B.S. and the deceased for over twenty-five years (not even a Christmas or birthday card), I don't see there is any grounds to contest the will. That said, I have come across a few (questionable) solicitors advertising a 'no win, no fee' service: I suspect the indemnity fee would be quite steep if they decided to take on a case. Aside from having to challenge a caveat if one is lodged before probate is granted, what are the prospects of any legal proceedings holding up probate ?
  9. Hi, my ex-partner (my daughter's Daddy) has landed a job that entitles him to free private health care for him and his 'family'. He's asked me if I'd like us (me and my daughter) to be included in the package. I'm currently on Income Support until May - will it effect this at all? Thanks in advance.
  10. Hello All, I would dearly like some advice, if youcan provide. I got into significant debt (132K) with 29creditors. This was due to my ownstupidity thinking I was managing my debts. In the end, I was taking out cash on credit cards to pay monthly minimums! How stupid can you get? I’m sure others have done this too! In mid 2010 I just didn’t have the money to continue to pay. All accounts were defaulted and I utilised the fantastic services of CCCS, now StepChange. They set up a DMP for me which meant I could be debt free by 2021. I have been paying these debts since November 2010 and have been able to increase payments as smaller debts have been paid and my disposable income has increased. I’ve been fortunate never to have missed a payment. Unfortunately, mostly due to the debts my marriage came to an end. This meant we had to sell our house. It did mean some disposable capital was available and this coupled with a loan from my sister meant I was in a position to offer al lcreditors a partial settlement of approximately 60 to 75%. I worked with StepChange to ensure the amounts etc. were correct and decided to send the letters myself to all remaining 22 creditors. From these, some came back and counter offered however in total I have been able to agree with and pay-off 19. Three have declined these all are managed by Moorgate /Idem Servicing. Who was original company: MBNA What type of debt: Credit Card Amount: At default £ 13500, 12400 when transferredto Moorgate in 2012 Now £8900 – I Offered £6000. When account was opened: Originally opened July 2006 Which company owns the debt now: Moorgate Is account defaulted: Nov 2010 Who was original company: MBNA What type of debt: Credit Card Amount: At default £ 1750, £1470 when transferredto Moorgate in 2012 Now £1068 – I Offered £800. When account was opened: Originally opened Jan 2006 Which company owns the debt now: Moorgate Is account defaulted: Nov 2010 Who was original company: Halifax What type of debt: Credit Card Amount: At default £ 1300, £1275 when transferredto Moorgate in 2012 Now £795 – I Offered £600. When account was opened: Originally opened Jan 2006 Which company owns the debt now: Idem Servicing (Moorgate) Is account defaulted: Nov 2010 I have spoken to Moorgate on a number ofoccassions and asked them to re-submit slightly higher offers and each time they have been rejected. Due to divorce, my disposable income will be less and I told them this and that I would be reducing my monthly payment soffer for the largest account from £105pm to £40, at least for the time being. In regards to the larger debt, about £3000of this was in default/late payment/interest charges added after I stoppedpaying, until the DMP had been agreed. I have asked them over the phone to provide a true copy of the CCA and they have said because they weren’t the original lender, they will have to request these and it could take up to a month. They want me to continue with my monthly payments in the meantime. Is there anything I could be doing to tryto persuade them to accept the partial settlements or should I just make thenew reduced payments and accept the situation? One thing to note, Moorgate have been verypolite with me and thus far haven’t been aggressive. Any advice or guidance would be welcome. Thanks you
  11. Ok here we go again. I've dealt with thousands and thousands of building insurance claims. Most claims are viewed by a loss adjuster who on the whole are reasonable ,realistic people in touch with prices and the unforeseen problems that can arise as the remedial work continues. Asprea on the other hand will quote prices so low there is no way the job can be completed to a good standard of workmanship. They will under price on materials and labour. ... Not my scene. My Mother in laws house has been flooded by a burst water main from a neighboring property. I've stripped out the ground floor floor coverings put in dehumidifiers and have a meeting with their "surveyor" in the morning. I won't be having breakfast. ..... The "Boy" they send out will suffice !!!! Will update as it progresses.
  12. Hello All, I discovered this site at the weekend and spent hours reading the post, its fantastic to see such friendly and helpful people giving each other support and I hope I can get some of that support here I have been going around circles with Vodafone, I have tweeted, called, been into the shop, sent letters, completed the online chat and all I seem to get ist he Vodafone run around, it seems there is no where you can turn for help and support. Even the feedback to the CEO's office that I found on the website returns nothing, the 48 hours that they promise to help has gone! I see that someone called Lee from Vodafone helps on these forums and I have seen the sticky thread about alerting him to a post but I have noticed that the link for the contact form takes you straight to the Vodafone homepage - can anyone help with that or alert Lee to my issue please. Anyone.... I am currently going back and forth with a few letters which I have copied and pasted below which explains the issues. The letters are not a full representation of all the calls and chats I have had with them as there is no amount of time in the world that I could detail every issue but I believe most of this is recorded on my account. LETTER TO VODAFONE JULY 2015 Since the start of my contract I have had numerous issues with coverage on my phone, particularly in relation to 2G, 3G and 4G. I have complained about this previously and have written to you before but I never had a reply, in honesty I didn’t follow this up as I felt I had nowhere to turn after 3 letters were not answered and the call centres didn’t help, so I relied on my Wi-Fi signal but now I have no Wi-Fi I am looking to use my phones more but am still having the same issues. When I took out the 2 contracts I was put on a 4G plan and was told 4G would bei n the area soon but I have never once had a 4G signal unless I was travelling to an area like London. My phones struggle to hold a 3G signal for longer than a few minutes, typically if I can find a 3G signal I will have a weak phone signal but after a few minutes the phone signal shows more bars but the 3G drops to either GPRS or nothing at all. My phone also cannot receive calls, I can be sat at home showing good signal and I get a missed call text message but the phone doesn’t ring. I am sure you will see I have made numerous attempts to get Vodafone to assist me on this however whenever I call or use the online help I get pushed from department to department and I get given information which is later retracted and I am given useless tests or tweaks to my phone which make no difference and are not followed up when I report a tweak has made no difference. I have lost count the number of times I have been told an update is being done on my nearest mast in 24 hours which will solve my issues – only to be told the next time that I call that there is no record of any work. I have adjusted the settings as requested and I have changed the sim card as requested – although I was only able to do this in one of my handsets as I was only sent 1 sim despite being told 2 would be sent. I have also been told a manager will call me back to discuss my complaint in 72 hours on a fee occasions but that never happens and I have also been promised compensation which I have never received. I have also been sent into the shop for help, only to be sent away from them as they told me there’s nothing they can do. The shop staff asked me to use the landline help phone but I was kicked out of the shop after being on the phone for about 30 minutes as they were closing. I have also been “hung up” on 3 times by your staff. I am hopeful the notes on my account show the full details of what has been discussed as I don’t have the time to list everything discussed and I certainly think you wont have the time to read all of that If I did put it. I understand that signal can be tricky at times but the fact I am getting this issue at most locations tells me there is something seriously wrong and I feel these needs to be dealt with urgently, if not I feel we need to come to amutual agreement to allow me to end my contract with you. I would therefore appreciate it if you could answer the following questions for me Why am I being charged a 4G plan and why was I allowed to join a 4G plan almost 18 months ago when there Is still no 4G in my area? Why am I not able to receive a 3G signal? Why are your staff giving me conflicting information? Why has this issue gone unresolved for so long? Why have I not been compensated for this? Why has my previous complaints not been followed up? Why do you feel you can charge me for a service you are not providing? I look forward to hearing from you within 5 days at outlined in your complaints procedure REPLY FROM VODAFONE (let me remind you I wrote this letter and they wrote a reply in the post) Dear Mr White Thank youfor writing to Vodafone I apologise for the inconvenience caused to you I understand your facing network issues at your place and we apologise for this inconvenience. I checked our terms of conditions for cancellation of your contract due to failure of services as mentioned in your email clause 11 of the pay monthly airtime conditions does give you the right to end this agreement by writing to us ift here is a complete failure of the network for seven days in a row due to something we have done. I have checked the network at your location and found that the 4G network is available at postcode only. We always try to give you the services when and where you want them however due to the nature of mobile communication technology it's impossible to provide a fault free service. This technical fault which happened due to the failure of a local mast in your location is not something we have done intentionally to interrupt your services.Further more the fault has already been acknowledged and our engineers are already working on this issue to resolve it as soon as possible and ensure that the 2G services I was stored as soon as possible. We also understand that you did face inconvenience in terms of availability of our network services. Considering the same I would like to offer you to credit 50% of line rental for one month including VAT. If you wish to accept this offer please reply to this email with your confirmation and we will apply this credit on your account. I trust the above information helps please write back if you have further query Regards Jigish Vyas Vodafone customer services MY REPLY TO VODAFONES REPLY (I have also sent this to the CEOS office) Thank you for your reply of 18th July, a copy of which is enclosed I am somewhat disappointed with the reply received, and I am afraid some parts do not make sense, therefore I would like some further clarification. Paragraph 3 states “I have checked the network at your location and found the4 G network is available at postcode only” can you clarify what this means?,especially as I have outlined on numerous complaint calls that this issues is happening in more than one location. I have given at least 5 different postcodes where this is happening. Paragraph 4, In relation to the technical fault on the local mast I have been given continuous conflicting information on this, I have been advised 3 times previously that this fault will be sorted within hours or the following day. On other occasions I am told there is no fault at all, and we are referring to more than 1 mast here as this issue is happening in more than 1 location. Can you clarify and advise when this issue will be sorted. Paragraph 5, your letter continually refers to our communication being via email which It is not and that I need to reply to this email to accept your compensation offer. I am prepared to accept the 50% line rental for both handsets on my account and I would appreciate you confirming the compensation will be applied to both accounts. I am only accepting this compensation as a good will gesture for some of the faults I have experienced so far – I am not accepting this as a closure of this matter and the issue still persists. I feel that the issues I am having warrants cancelling both of the contracts and I would like this actioned, however if you are not prepared to do this I would like you to consider offering me a cheaper line rental of about £25 amonth for both handsets/numbers so I can use this money to pay another network to provide me the services you should be providing me. I have also asked a number of questions in my first letter and you have failed to answer any of these, I have enclosed a copy of these and I would appreciate a response or a reason why you are not answering these queries? Finally as I feel you are not taking appropriate action in dealing with this matter I have forwarded details of our complaint to the Ombudsman and I would appreciate a “deadlock letter” if you are not willing to either cancel my contract or reduce the line rental as outlined above. I look forward to hearing from you within 5 days at outlined in your complaints procedure in relation to the above Yours sincerely
  13. Morning All, Hope you can help. Rossendales due today! Debt council tax relates to 2014/15, I was signed off by G.P for stress and anxiety after suffering post traumatic stress following a dreadful experience. I have all doctors sickness notes. The debt is due and I accept full responsibility for not acting correctly, I was not dealing with anything to be honest. Was on ESA now on JSA. O.k Sums outstanding to council £232.00, Rossendales added £75.00 compliance stage fee total due £307.00. I phoned Rossendales ofice explained my position, office refused to speak to me as now with an agent. Phoned spoke to the Baliff, he refused to accept a payment arrangement over phone and insisted on coming to see me in order to make a levy of goods and would then enter an agreement, however they would charge a £235.00 levying distress fee, making balance now due at £542.00. I phoned the council asking if I could make an arrangement, they advised "now with Rossendales, we cannot intervene." After my bad time, I am now trying to take control and I'm going down to the council personally this morning, what I found and I need help with please is the following:- Council tax guidance - Rt Hon Eric Pickles, "Local authorities should remain and prepared to deal directly with individuals at any point" Does this mean I can insist that the Council call back action from the Baliffs and make an agreement with me? I also have Guidance regulations 45 (b) section 5 (admin & enforcement) regulations 1992 (amended 2006), from these I am a little confused regarding how much the Baliff can charge for the Levy, section 2 a) does not exceed £100 = £12.50, b) 12.5% on the first £100, 4% on next £400, I don't need to go any further, are these charges based on original balance owed to the Council of £232.00 or to include Rossendale fee of £75.00. I may be wrong but I don't see how Rossendales can insist on coming into my home to charge this £235.00 ? I am willing to fight and pay but don't want to quote anything which is incorrect and look an idiot. Baliff due back today, can anyone advise please. Thanking you in advance.
  14. I sold an item on ebay, marked as collection only, and my buyer chose to send a courier to collect. I agreed to this to facilitate the sale - yes, everyone has told me this was a mistake. Buyer made all the arrangements, using Shiply - that was her mistake! Courier duly collected the item - a hand-carved coffee table sold for £250 - but has never delivered and will not return emails, texts or phone calls. In short, he has gone AWOL and taken my table with him. Ebay, of course, have taken £250 off me again and given it back to the buyer. Neither of us has the table. So how do I recover the goods? My buyer seems either unable or unwilling to trawl through her emails to find her booking confirmation, but in the meantime I have found his name (though I suspect it is false), email address, phone number, a copy of his terms and conditions, the city he is based in, and I have his van make and registration. What I don't have is an address, or my table, or £250 Can any one advise me on my next move.
  15. I wrote a will for a client of mine who named me as her executor. She was estranged from both her daughter and son and as she lived in a care home had no one to act for her. In her will there is a clause that quite clearly gives me as her executor the power to charge for any work done in the event of her death - the probate. My client passed away and I did everything that not only an executor would do but also much more besides such as attending the funeral, clearing her room and even the internment of her ashes. Her son has now issued a claim against me for the sum of the fees that I charged plus interest. He effectively believes that I should have done it all for nothing! Any advice would be appreciated. The claim is for over £4,000.
  16. Hi all. I run a business that repairs tablet devices. A customer came to me to have a screen repaired which I repaired with a 3 month warranty. The customer returned to show his screen was lifting up. This was due to his battery swelling inside the device, not because of the work I'd done . I replaced the screen again as I broke it when I tried to push it back into place over the swollen battery, so then I also replaced the battery as a 'good will gesture' and I didn't provide a warranty for the battery as it wasn't paid for . A month later, this battery now will not charge and I am of the opinion it's because of the inner workings failing due to the initial drop. Did I enter a contract by agreeing to replace the battery free of charge as a good will gestur or is it not my responsibility? If I replace the battery, the same thing will happen or another problem. All comments welcome. Thanks
  17. Over the past few months a large number of Facebook pages have been set up (mainly by Sovereign Citizen/Freeman on the Land activists). A common feature of these pages is the use of highly dubious methods of 'beating the bailiff'. The most common feature, and one that is sadly costing debtors dearly is the advice to refuse to speak or correspond with the enforcement agent and instead, to pay the amount of the actual 'debt' (Liability Order, parking penalty notice, court fine) direct to the creditor (minus bailiff fees of course). From further reading it would appear that the reason for refusing to 'engage' with the enforcement company is that by 'engaging' the debtor becomes a 'joinder' and therefore is agreeing to a 'contract' being entered into (a daft Freeman on the Land theory and one that has no basis in law whatsoever). A rather worrying suggestion that I have seen on quite a few of these sites recently is the advice to debtors to make a complaint about bailiff fees to the Magistrate's Court under the provision of Regulation 1 of the Magistrates Courts Act 1980. This is novel idea and one that again is being sold by 'Guru's' and has no basis whatsoever in law. Of course as with all such scams, there is no evidence whatsoever of any court 'successes'. This is despite the highly inaccurate 'claims' on these Facebook pages that once the summons is laid before the Justice of the Peace that the Justice will either issue a summons directed to the bailiff requiring him to appear before the magistrates' court to answer the information or more ludicrously; that a warrant would be issued ordering the bailiff to be arrested and brought to court to answer the charges. A copy of a recent 'template' is provided in the following post.
  18. Hi There, I've just received a County Court Claim in respect of sum of money owed to a previous employer for a lease car. I dont want to dispute it although i think there are a couple of things wrong with it and will look to pay it in full before the 14 day deadline. My question is will this show on my credit rating that a claim was issued against me? Many Thanks
  19. I have been estranged from my family for many years. I have just been informed that my father has died and that my brother is the executor. My mother is still alive so I take it all my fathers assets are transferred to her My question is my brother being given access to the will when the mother is still alive The death is being registered in the probate office so all assets can be passed to my mother As wills are public documents, can I have access to this will from the probate office even though my mother is still alive. That is what is confusing me Many thanks
  20. Summary. Ordered a new tablet PC from seller on Ebay. 24/12/2014 Despatched from London Showed as being accepted at Derby town DO on 30/12/2014 Estimated last delivery date 5/01/2015 6/01/2015 still shows as being help at Derby town DO Contacted seller (US based) who asks ME to chase it up with RM...Erm NO. I am not the customer so my contract is with the seller. They have to do the chasing. Checked Track and Trace today and it shows as being delivered from the Hayes DO, about 100 miles from me! I suspect that once the date for resolution has passed and I contact Ebay, they will say that as it has been delivered, there is nothing they can do. We will see.
  21. Got a NIP for 37 in a 30mph zone. asking for a photo and camera calibration certificate. I've also stated in the letter that it's likely I will be travelling abroad for quite a while (up to 6 months), and don't know exactly where I'll be staying. I've provided them with the address of the first hotel I'll be staying in, and that they must write to that address or i won't see any correspondence.The hotel will forward any letters once I've stopped staying there. I'm concerned they'll ignore what I've told them, and they'll end up writing to my uk address, and I won't see the letters. Not sure what else i can do. Obviously not willing to name myself as the driver until I see the photo, as it could have been my colleague driving at the time of the offence.
  22. This story appeared on Scoop today. http://www.inquisitr.com/1690876/if-you-dont-pay-tax-in-russia-the-bailiffs-will-seize-your-cat-miaow/#utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+google%2FyDYq+%28The+Inquisitr+-+News%29 The story bring back the stark reminder that taking family pets was indeed part of the initial proposal from MOJ way back in 2006. Thank goodness it was rejected in this country (but is still used in some foreign countries). I remember complaining at the time that such a proposal would result in aggressive action as we brits are by and large pet lovers.
  23. hi guys this is quite long winded so please bear with me ,thanks myself and my partner have been orange mobile contract customer for 15 years we had great service up to now my partner changed jobs in august 2014 and was paid diffrent time monthly ,so he phone orange up to change payments dates when our direct debit comes out the orange advicer said we couldnt do that but advised us to cancel direct debit and pay using our debit card for couple months then set up new direct debit with new payment date which we did now im aware our new month on our mobile contracts start on 8th of each month so bills must be paid by 4th each month ( we used pay on 20th each month before direct debit was canceled ,so 2 wks early ) on 1st dec 2014 we paid lastest bill by debit card and adviser set up new direct debit for 1st jan ( and 1st for every month after that ) on 3rd dec2014 orange sent out new direct debit confirmion that payment will come out on 1st jan 2015 and 1st every month after that in the post last week i noticed when i was checking my online banking that orange hadnt took there money on 1st jan yet ,i spoke to bank and they said direct debit was restained and was set back up and not to worry as it was matter time they take payment yesterday i checked my orange account online and said payment was over due ?so called orange up as thought this was strange ,the advicer said no direct debit was set up etc ,i said it was i had letter ,so i paid the overdue account on the spot as i dont like being late etc ,plus strange thing the advicer gave me £15 pounds off my monthly bill for next 2 months for hassel now its not hassel we worried about its our credit files ,im worried we get a late marker due to this ,even though a direct debit was set up they never took payment ,that means bill was 12 days late (we worried and furious as our credit file was been in fab nick for a year now due to fighting a 3 year dispute with welcome fiance over missed payments which we won and markers were removeed with your help) any advive would be great thanks
  24. Woah!!! Wonga will not face a criminal investigation after sending out fake legal letters to pressure customers into paying back their debts. City of London Police said that, after a ‘thorough review’ it has concluded ‘there is not sufficient evidence to progress a criminal investigation’.
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