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  1. My partner who is on lifetime DLA is being reassessed for PIP. Having had an uphill struggle to claim other benefits and his pension, we are well versed with their tricks by now. This morning he a received a random phonecall from someone unwilling to identify themselves, who was asking for personal information. He refused, unless the person identified themselves and gave a return phone number (it was a 'private number on the caller ID) for him to call on. They refused point blank and said "There's no point in continuing the conversation and slammed the phone down" Despite the fact my partner has had no contact from the DWP or ATOS since he filled in his form. I immediately suspected this was ATOS, fortunately I was around the corner from their assessment centre at the time and went round. When I went in the person who I saw was the person who had called my partner! However they kept refusing to discuss anything with me (which is fair enough, except confirm it was them who had called my partner), but I requested a phone no so he could call up, confirm his details but much more importantly find out when his assessment is! She refused point blank and said that's "his problem for refusing to hand over his details". Cut a long story short (which was mainly filled with lies from this person about the PIP procedure) I found out his appointment is this Friday from the main ATOS call centre. WTF! we have had no letters, no text's and most importantly this woman was refusing to tell us when it was was! Anyway we have had the appointment shifted. Some quick questions. 1) Is there any chance this lady I spoke to, will be the one who will be doing the assessment ? i.e. is it the assessor who makes that phonecall before the appointment 2) We want to record assessment, how do i get written permission ?
  2. Many years ago I had serious financial difficulties. One of my loans was defaulted and terminated within the default period (nice). the account was sold over a year ago to a certain Crusoe brain trust I requested a copy of the CCA. This was a year ago after several letters saying they were trying to get a copy from the OC (good luck with that). Finally a letter arrived last week saying a copy of the original or a reconstructed CCA was enclosed which it wasn't nothing was enclosed not a sausage. It looks to me to be an automated letter. I know for a fact that the CCA does not exist as I requested it from the original OC a long time ago and also requested a full SAR it wasn't in there either. My question is do I just leave this as the account is very close to be SB? Would you contact the idiots or just let it ride? Thanks in advance Mr P
  3. Ok here we go again. I've dealt with thousands and thousands of building insurance claims. Most claims are viewed by a loss adjuster who on the whole are reasonable ,realistic people in touch with prices and the unforeseen problems that can arise as the remedial work continues. Asprea on the other hand will quote prices so low there is no way the job can be completed to a good standard of workmanship. They will under price on materials and labour. ... Not my scene. My Mother in laws house has been flooded by a burst water main from a neighboring property. I've stripped out the ground floor floor coverings put in dehumidifiers and have a meeting with their "surveyor" in the morning. I won't be having breakfast. ..... The "Boy" they send out will suffice !!!! Will update as it progresses.
  4. Hi, Here's one for you. I work as a freelancer. In June last year I agreed to work with a business, the deal was that I would sell my services through their brand and receive 60% on my billings, for months when I did not bill, I would receive a cash payment to tide me over. I signed an acceptance of offer letter with them and started working with them at the beginning of July. All went well and I quickly secured an opportunity to deliver some highly complex services to a large business I know well. I was concerned at my associates capability to support me with delivery and asked them if they wished to be involved. As the business would be worth several million over a 5 year period they readily reassured me. at this stage I pointed out that if we were going to bid for the work, it would have a significant impact on my short term sales. They told me not to worry. By Mid October, I had spent 6 weeks preparing the initial bid, the timescale with the client had slipped to early 2015 and I informed my associates, this time I offered them the choice of backing out of our relationship if they no longer wished to take the risk of supporting me whilst I bid for it. Again, they reassured me that they were very keen to remain involved and supported me 100% as well as thanking me for my excellent work. Despite this I was beginning to get some pressure to generate short term income so I started to work on a few smaller projects. This pressure increased and I began to have concerns around their capability to deal with a large and complex project especially from the financial perspective as the concerns seemed to indicate that cash flow may be an issue. On 30th November my invoice for October's work was due for payment. 3 days later the money had still not arrived so I wrote to them asking if they had processed the payment and received a cryptic reply along the lines of 'what was due to be paid has been paid'. a week later still nothing. At this point they started to demand information about my clients which was above an beyond the call of detail. I said i wold be happy to share it once their outstanding invoice had been paid. I chased it on two further occasions and was told by them that it was due to be paid and in the process. Again they asked for the detailed information, again I told them that once the outstanding invoice was paid, they would get this information. At this point they showed their true colours. I received a very aggressive email from a the other owner of their business stating that he had 'blocked the payment' because he was unhappy that I had not provided details that I was 'contractually obliged to provide' he then went onto libel me saying he had received information 'concerning me and my character' from 'anonymous individuals' . This email was shared with e 3rd party. I immediately wrote back stating that I did not respond to threats and that the email was libelous as he had not provided the information that he was party to nor had he identified the source - merely implied that it was negative and that he also shared the email with a 3rd party (which he did). I also pointed out that until Monday this week they had not shown any concerns over the quality of the work I had done to date, quite the contrary I had emails from them as well as two telephone conversations (recorded) where they praised my work to date and thanked me for it. I also pointed out that they had accepted the invoice and had been asked on 3 separate occasions where the money was and had on all those occasions been either directly reassured or reassured by implication that all was in hand. The response to this was to send me a copy of some terms of business which I had never seen and which were dated July (I had signed in June). They stated that I was in breach of contract because I had - a/ set up another similar business outwith their arrangement with the intention of 'cutting them out' (this business predates the relationship with this company and I have always been public about its existence, on twitter and on Linkedin and the business offers services that are in a similar field but completely unrelated to the business I had with the associate. Additionally the associates were well aware of the existence of the business and had never raised it as an issue in the past.) b/ in witholding the detailed client information they required I was in breach of their contract (the terms of business that I had not seen before). These state nothing about information and only state that if they deem that (unspecified) work is no carried out to their satisfaction, they can pursue me for all money paid to me prior to the date. I wrote to them informing them that I had never seen these terms before and on top of that had never been given any previous indication that my work had been substandard, in fact I had received plaudits for the quality of the work. The reply I got was to 'stop playing games' and that I had 'signed the contract and the terms in July (I actually signed it in June) and that I was bound by it. He also directly accused me of lying and shared the email with two 3rd parties. at this point I had had enough and informed them that our business relationship was over due to non payment of invoice and that I was handing the matter over to a debt collector. They wrote back again telling me to 'stop playing games' and accusing me of breach of contract and demanding that I repay them all money paid to date and returned a laptop by tomorrow (friday) or they would report me to the police for theft. - Since then (tuesday) I have received several emails asking me what I intend to do. I have not replied. - Now I did some checking up on these guys and don't like what I hear. The partner I appear to have fallen out with fancies himself as an amateur lawyer and his emails are full of faux legalese that doesn't make much sense at all. (My late father was a judge and I have a pretty good understanding of what this looks like). It appears he spends most of his time logging online claims through the small claims court so I am concerned that he is going to attempt this tomorrow. Now my reason for posting here is to get a 3rd party perspective on this. I intend to do the following: 1/ hand the debt to a debt collection business and instruct them to pursue it in writing as well as verbally 2/ I have written down the entire sorry saga as best as I can recall and tomorrow I intend to visit a commissioner of oaths and swear an oath on it and post it to myself recorded delivery 3/ pay my lawyer to write a cease and desist letter to the individual who has libeled me threatening him with action if he does it again. 4/ I am considering reporting them for fraud over the 'terms of business' which I had neither seen nor signed My main concern is 2 fold - 1/ to ensure that should he attempt an online small claims bid his claim will run into deep water quickly due to the defence I have and the counter claim. 2/ to make sure I can prove to the police (should he report me for theft) that the matter is civil, that return of the computer in question has been given an unreasonable timescale especially at this time of year (48 hrs) and that as it is a civil case and I am owed money by this business, I have a right to hold it for security and have indeed informed them that I would return it once the invoice was paid. Are my tactics sound and is there anything else I can do? I have limited funds for a fight? Research and having spoken to several people who have carried out the work I have done for them in the past shows that they are not to be trusted and I have heard similar stories. They are very foolish in acting in this way because I am very well known in the industry they work in and could make life very difficult for them in the future. I have not done so yet nor have I threatened them. thanks in advance
  5. I have an ongoing dispute with Amazon, I have tried to resolve matters to the best of my ability. I have serious health conditions that are covered by the Equality Act 2010. My health conditions make it very hard to make decisions, I'm forgetful at times and I can't plan ahead. Together, these factors make it difficult for me to carry out day-to-day activities. Under the Equality Act 2010 I am defined as a 'disabled person'. My health conditions are documented by my Doctor. May I say thank you very kindly beforehand for taking the time to read this, I live in Scotland and I'm severely dyslexic so excuse any grammar issues. recently had a sale on Amazon where I bought a "SEIKI SE39UY01UK 39-Inch 4K Ultra HD LED TV with Freeview" 26 dec dispatched on the 28th when it arrived it was broken, looked like somebody had dropped it on a corner when taking it out or off of something and the screen broke. I've tried several times to return the item as well as make a detailed complaint, I've tried to find out how to make a complaint to the company under the equality act of 2010. I cannot seem to find any details. Extensive details how to make payments, very little help on cancellations and other services especially for those that are covered by the equality act 2010. Telephonically several times I have tried to make it to a supervisor level in order to make a complaint never being allowed to. I have explained to the customer service agents that I cannot pack all of the contents into one original box and therefore have 2 to which the customer service agents have said yes that would be fine but when the delivery agent came to pick up they refuse to take it. The first delivery agent arrived after the allotted schedule time window made entry to the private stairwell and just left his card on my doorstep. The next delivery agent arrived on time but very aggressively ordered me to pack the contents from the extra box into the original box. To which I replied sorry I cannot" he then turned squaring his chest up to mine clenched his right first raised his left hand up and pointed at me and very aggressively and threateningly told me not to talk to him like that. To which I replied "leave now" I had to repeat this several times before he left. I do not believe that it was mindfulness of his job that stopped him from carrying out an aggressive act, but the fact that I have rehabilitated a very badly treated border collie who used to attack anybody that got too close. My collie like myself having grown up in Johannesburg do not accept threatening and aggressive behavior of any kind off of anybody especially, not those who are in employee and offering their services on my doorstep. The one and only he should have said was "I'm sorry sir would you be kind enough to pack them into one box is only scheduled to take one box and it's all I can take, or if you like you can contact Amazon and make the necessary arrangements and I can come back another time thank you by" I'm no expert, but being hired by Amazon makes them a representative of Amazon and I seriously doubt Amazon allow their staff or representatives to behave in an aggressive and threatening manner regardless of the circumstances. I was not the first act aggressively. I used to use Amazon on a fairly regular basis for books and goods, as well as services like TV and movie streaming, the only thing I felt I could do was remove my card details as they even make it difficult to cancel subscribed services or even find information. I really don't care about the £260 I don't want anybody on my doorstep from this company again, but I do want them to accept that they failed to meet their obligations under the 2010 equality act. I will never use their service again but I have taken the time to find some of their more sinister business dealings and will do my best whenever I hear anybody mention the name is to show them why they really shouldn't and I would really like a letter from them admitting that they failed on so many different levels. Sometimes a pen is so much mightier than the sword… 26th of December order TV. 28th is dispatched. called for return. The delivery agent leaves card does not try make contact. called to chat to supervisor was refused was also refused to make a complaint. And told it would be fine with having two boxes. Very aggressive interaction with the delivery agent. Tried twice to call and make a complaint to supervisor and gave up. I really, really do not want to interact with delivery agents again I will not have people acting aggressively towards me on my own doorstep. As previously stated I will never deal with Amazon again after this either. My question is really what to say who to say it to?
  6. Hi lovely people, I haven't been on this site for ages but I remember last time I had a problem I found it invaluable. Right, this is a long and complicated juicy nightmare ebay problem which I refuse to back down from. To start with, I bought a perfume from ebay - all looked fine on the description, seller had good feedback so I went ahead and bid. On receipt of the perfume I noticed it was a blatant fake and contacted the seller straight away. She seemed friendly and said it was a gift and had not realised it was a counterfeit as it was sealed. We arranged for me to send it back to her and she gave me her address and said that she had already refunded me. I know from experience that sometimes refunds take a few days to clear and I went ahead and sent it back. First mistake, I know, and second mistake - I sent it back just as normal 2nd class, with no tracking. I have never sent anything back before on ebay to a seller and was not aware of their tracking policy. I then realised that I had been conned as I never received the refund. The seller didn't contact me regardless of the messages I sent her off to ring up ebay customer services. Rang them and they said that I had to open a case against her but because I didn't have a tracking number they could not confirm if she had received the item back or not so could not refund me. I had to wait a few days whilst they tried to make contact. Obviously the seller did not respond to their messages every time I rang them about it they kept churning out the no tracking number spiel, so no refund. In the end they closed the case saying that they could not verify delivery. In the meantime I noticed that the seller had received another negative feedback regarding selling a counterfeit perfume. I appealed the case and highlighted this fact but again the same response from ebay. They suggested I tried to contact royal mail and try and get compensation. I reluctantly started a process with Royal stating that it might be lost in the post, hoping that maybe they could track it down. On Friday this week to my utter surprise I received the 'perfume' back. On the label that the post office stuck on 'item never called for' was ticked before it was returned to sender. I was really happy and optimistically thought that I could now get this sorted. I contacted ebay customer support stating that I would like the case reopened as I now have the perfume back and could they please advise me what to do next. In response they said: "In this case, we cannot verify the item was held at the post office or was returned to the sender as we have not received a valid tracking number so we have closed this case without issuing you a refund. Please understand that we’re also unable to grant an appeal on this case." ??? Not sure if I am being thick but I have the parcel back with the stickers on etc, I can verify the situation. I even took photos of the package and uploaded them to my one drive with a link that I pasted into the reply as there did not seem to be a way of attaching images. I said to them that this is the evidence that proves that the item was held at the post office. I went on further to ask them directly if I should send it back to the seller as track and trace this time so that they could keep tabs on it being returned. I didn't want to do anything with out their confirmation. This was their reply: "In this case, as you did not supply valid tracking showing the item had been delivered back to the seller, we closed the case without issuing you with a refund. For this same reason, we’re not able to approve your appeal." BUT I HAVE THE PERFUME BACK!!!! Arrghhh. This surely cannot be fair. It is not worth ringing them again as I get so frustrated and I will probably end up crying! Can anyone please advise me what I should do? I am thinking of writing to the ebay head office (I have their address) and even sending them the perfume as I don't want the thing. Someone even mentioned contacting the perfume company (in this case PRADA) stating that ebay have allowed this to happen and that the seller of the counterfeit product has made money from the transaction and has got off scott free. Another reason why this has upset me so much is that this was supposed to be a birthday present from my family who have saved up to give me the money and I feel like I need take this further. Many thanks in advance for your help and for reading my plight. I know I made some blatant mistakes but I now feel like I am in the right but ebay have washed their hand of me.
  7. Just click the link, then type in your postcode. Then watch the whole of the advert very carefully. http://taxi.ba.com/
  8. Just after some advice. It's probably to ignore them, but though i'd ask. I've been having communication from capquest over the last month or so, but have no idea what it is concerning. I had a letter a few weeks back claiming i owed them money, but they didnt say what for. I ignored the letter and binned it. Then the phone calls started. One a week, on a thursday around 1 pm like clockwork. The first 3 i picked up and he was asking for me by name. I didnt confirm and he said he needed info for DPA ( yea right). I refused to give it to him and he said he'd mark it as a refusal. I just hung up. Then last week, they called and left a message on the answer machine. They stated who they were, a reference number and my name. (Remember, they dont have any concrete evidence i live at this address). Then today another message saying doorstep collectors will be coming in the next 7 days if i dont contact them within 24 hours ( like thats gonna happen). I wonder what their doorstep lackies will say when they knock on the door and a 6ft 2 200lb ex rugby player opens it with an Alsatian running around the garden freely Now i know i should ignore this, but i want to have a little fun. Does anyone have an idea of a letter i can send them that doesnt confirm my identity and stops them pursuing me? One thing i am curious about is what they are after? Any debts that i have previously had would be well SB'd by now, and on a completely different address ( we moved to this address two years ago.) Any advice welcome
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