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Found 3 results

  1. Looking for people who had these fees. please post here; http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/forumdisplay.php?356-CPP-Group-Plc
  2. Hi I recieved a parking fine for parking in a permit holders only area- however I feel that this was very unfair as although I now know that there were signs (placed high above the drives eye line) at the entrance to the road only - which I missed due to looking at the road name sigh (which is placed underneath these signs but at a much lower level). The area is a culdi sack which is zig jag in shape- after turning the corner and parking my car - I actually made a concious effort to check the lamposts and road for parking restriction signs (as were I live thats were they are) - of which there were none. Due to the position of my car I could no longer see the entrance to the road where the original signs are (also I would have seen only the back of the signs - that do not have any info on). I therfore felt that the signage is very unfair - I did appeal but it was declined stating that I had to drive past the original signs to enter the road. But I do know these new VERY HIGH level signs have caught many people out. Is there anything else I can do.
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