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Found 5 results

  1. Can you help me with a ppi claim I have tried to claim. I had a credit card with citibank that was taken out back in around 2000. I had ppi on there which was costing me around £30-£40 per month. I had a CMC who said they could put a claim in for me, this was over 2 yrs ago. After all this time and numerous calls they have now closed the case for the following reasons. Citibank transferred my account to a bank called Opus. This was done without me knowing until I had a statement off them where I called them and found out that my account had been transferred to them for reasons I still don't know. I owed nothing on the card and Opus refused to send me a card as they were not issuing anymore. I can only see my account being transferred because I did't use the card for about 9 months as didn't want to and like I said I owed nothing on it. When the claim was put in and after many months, citi said the account was now with opus and had nothing to with them now, Opus said the account was with citi so the claim is against them. This went backhand forth and nobody would take responsibility over who the claim was against, even though I paid all ppi to citi. CMC sent the claim to the ombudsman and after about another year they replied saying there is nothing they can do and the case is closed with them. Is there anything I can do as I paid all this ppi and cannot get anywhere with it at all. In all the time I had the card I was self employed to and found out lately that even though I was paying ppi I was not covered as I wasn't employed The ombudsman was told this also. Can I get anywhere with this now or is it done and dusted. Please help. Many thanks
  2. I took out a Citicard in 2002 and got into difficulties due to being disabled. The debt was transferred to Cabot in 2006. Initially I made a small token payment of about £1/month but after reading very useful information on this website about the CCA I decided to dispute it and stopped payments in 2009. I sent CCA and SAR requests to Citibank and Cabot. Initially, both said there was a delay in obtaining the CCA. But, in April 2010 both sent me the same copies of the CCA as follows: I cannot see my signature and therefore, I do not beleive it has the prescribed terms. It just has my printed name and address. On Christmas Eve I got a claimform filed by Restons. Issue Date: 22 December 2014 Claimant: Cabot Financial (UK) Limited Particulars of Claim: The Claimant claims payment of the overdue balance due from the defendant(s) under a contract between the Defendant(s) and Citifinancial dated on or about Nov 04 2002 and assigned to the claimant on May 30 2006 in the sum of £5400. What is the value of the claim? £5400 Is the claim for a current or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? Credit Card When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? Before 2007 Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. - Debt purchase issued claim Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? Yes, received copy not original Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? No Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? No Why did you cease payments? Long term sickness/ disabled What was the date of your last payment? 09/2009 Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? No Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt managementicon plan? Yes ............................ I did receive a reconstituted Notice of Assignement (copy below) before I have no records of a default notice and definitely not every year. I ceased payments due to ill health. Full details of this was passed to Citifinancial and Cabot. Last Payment: 09/2009 I sent a CPR request on 03/12/2014 requesting a true copy of the credit card agreement and Notice of Assignment. I have no savings and I cannot afford any meaningful payment or maybe £5 to £10 per month due to me being disabled. I am quite prepared to go to court if I have a good chance. Is this worth defending? Please help.
  3. Hello All, Happy New Year, hope everyone had a great time over Christmas. I would like to seek advice please? I was “given” a Citi Credit Card when I got a loan out with them sometime in 2007. I had not signed any Credit Card Agreement for this. I realised recently that there were PPI premiums on there. Citi have agreed to refund all the premiums and give me interest although no period for the repayment has been stipulated on the offer letter. I have been reading through some of the forums and have sent a letter asking for a breakdown of how the offer has been calculated after reading some advice on here. Do I send a “SAR” letter with the £10 payment so that I know exactly what premiums were paid and what I should really be paid back. Citi obviously want to “set-off” against the outstanding balance that I still have on the card. After having read some of the forums on here, I have gathered that without the agreement, the debt is unenforceable? Can someone please clarify what this means? Does it mean that I cannot be taken to court but I obviously still have to pay the money back? I also believe that I had charges levied on the card due to missed payments. I believe these were those stipulated as being “reasonable”, like £12 charges. Does it apply even where there is no CCA for the card? I apologise for the number of questions and some that have already been asked before by others but I would like to tailor my replies to them according to my situation. I hope that I have posted this on the right forum - if not - I apologise. Thank you for any responses or suggestions that you might make.
  4. Hi Folks, Virgin poster here so please be gentle with me! I’ve been looking around the site and am really impressed with the wealth of knowledge and help that is available on here. It feels (like other posters have said) that I am not alone anymore! I’ve had a Citi card for quite a number of years now which was then changed to an Opus card. Being self employed and the economic climate what it is nowadays, I think it’s fair to say that I have got into a few financial difficulties. I think the last payment I made was around December 2010. Here’s a timeline of what’s happened up to now and what I need help with is where do I go from here? 13/04/2012 :- Letter from 1st Credit introducingt hemselves as the owner of the debt that was assigned from CC Asset Management on 23/03/2012. (First I knew about it). 23/04/2012 :- 1st Credit letter saying that Bankruptcy proceedings being considered. 30/04/2012 :- 1st Credit letter saying that Bankruptcy proceedings being considered and might pass to Connaught collections to consider an issue of a statutory demand. 08/05/2012 :- 1St Credit letter saying Bankruptcy proceedings being considered but they will give me a one off discount of 5%. 24/05/2012 :- Connaught collections letter to say that they have been instructed by Opus to recover the debt. If they don’t hear from me they will pass it onto their Bankruptcy Department for the immediate issue of a Statutory Demand. June 2012 :- Letter sent to Connaught collections stating “I never received any notification that Citicard were transferring my account to Opus, a copy of which I requested in order to verify that my Citicard account was in fact transferred to Opus and that I owe Opus this amount of money.” 30/07/2012 :- Letter from Connaught saying please find information as requested. Enclosed were photocopies of statements from 25/11/10 to 25/04/12, a photocopy of what I think are terms and conditions and a photocopy of Credit Agreement regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974. Not exactly what I asked for but hey ho! 02/08/2012 :- Letter sent to them asking for the information that I had previously requested. 20/12/2012 :- Letter from Connaught saying that enclosed is 1 - Notice of assignment sent to you by the original creditor on 13/04/2012, in accordance with section 136 Law of Property act 1925. (didn’t get this from the original creditor or in the first lot of photocopied stuff they sent me). 2 – Notice of assignment sent to you by 1stCredit (Finance) 3 Limited on 13 April 2012, in accordance with section 136 Law of Property act 1925 3 – True copy of the credit agreement at the time the account was opened and at the point of default. 4 – Statements. 17/01/2013 :- Letter from Connaught saying that they are“disappointed with me” and have forwarded the account to their solicitors MoonBeever. 21/01/2013 :- Letter from Moon Beever solicitors saying that they are instructed by 1st Credit (Finance) 3 Limited that I entered into a written agreement with CC Asset Management Ltd (nothing in any of the paperwork that they have sent has my signature on it or anywhere to sign for that matter)! Moon Beever have said in the letter that I have 16 days from the letter date to pay them or they may issue court proceedings. As I said at the beginning, what I would like is some help and advice as to where I go from here? Sorry for such a long post. Suss
  5. Looking for people who had these fees. please post here; http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/forumdisplay.php?356-CPP-Group-Plc
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