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  1. Hi everyone . I want to thank everyone in advance and also apologise in advance - as I realise my questions are probably very common here, but I have very little time left and I am overwhelmed with so much info on internet , while trying to do my duties at work and as a father. Summary : 1.My debts are in the region of 4,000 for a loan, credit card, overdraft and phone account. I started missing payments in 2010 due to family separation and depression, stopped making payments and stopped contact with lenders in 2011. Meantime paid some sums, made some agreements, paid some money on those agreements, on some haven't, don't have good recollection , don't know if i owe some of the debts, if they are for correct amount, if some of them are statue barred, unfair charges etc. 2.All of debts are now being owned by various debt collecting agencies, sometimes changing hands more than once. some already started offering me full and final settlements of 50-60 %. 3. For one of the debts(Cabot, original overdraft from Halifax in region of 1000, now 1400) a court proceeding has started december 2016) -claim form has been sent to Northampton county court. Currently I haven't sent any form back to court, as i called the solicitors representing Cabot - Mortimer Clarke Solicitors LTD and they agreed to give me time until 31.01.2017 to prepare my expenditure form and make offer for repayment and/or full and final settlement upon which they said won't continue with court proceedings as it is up to them to request them. Unfortunately they refused to give me written confirmation of that (twice) which leaves me in a situation where they can decide anytime to request court decision and court won't even know I am in contact and agreement with them while issuing the order. 4. My credit report has inaccuracies- default dates are years more recent than they should be and one of the debt collecting agencies (Cabot) opened a new account with same default date and amount of original debt, but no markers that this is debt bought from original lender, which might lead to confusion this is different debt imo while accessing my credit report. What would you advise me in this situation? My first aim is to get relevant and accurate information on debts, so i know where i stand. Do I have the right to ask the dca for all the info or need to contact the original lender ? Does the dca has the right to redirect me to request the needed info from original lender or they are obliged to provide it as the new owner of the debt. Also templates I found so far are just for one issue or used long time ago. I need a template which requests original agreement, payments, any voluntary arrangements we had, so I know if i owe anything, different amount or if it is already statue barred. What should be the fee i have to pay ? What will happen if they cannot provide the requested inf o- will debt become unenforceable until they do ? Can I use that also to correct my credit report ? I am not sure what template to use for debt for which there is already a started court case - I am afraid that when i send that request to the dca in question they might instruct their solicitors to request immediate judgment. Thanks again
  2. Any help would be appreciated. I am trying to establish whether my solicitor has acted negligent by not following the pre-action protocol in respect of a Disrepair claim which has now been settled, after 6 years of my local council denying liability under the OLA 1957. I had an accident during the period where liability was being disputed but my solicitor is claiming that he did not have the funds to pursue a PI claim but never advised me on this, and on checking the pre action protocol under Disrepair claim there is reference that would suggest that in any event, a claim for PI arising from a Disrepair claim could and probably should have been made by a qualified legal representative as the Disrepair procedure makes reference to a PI claim if an injury has occurred because of the disrepair, in this case a out-house flooded everytime it rained.
  3. Hi all, Sorry if this is in the wrong place. I have just checked my credit report and their are 2 entries for the same debt. One listed under credit cards with the original CC company and another listed under other accounts with the debt purchasers name. They both have the same amount owing and same account start date, but the debt purchser has the first default (and nothing else) listed almost 2 years after the CC company applied the default. Just wondering if this is something I should be worried about as the SB date is approaching.
  4. I have a charge order placed on my house by Bristol & Wessex Water for £1800. They recently sent me a letter stating that if I don't pay the full amount they will be taking legal action and apply for an order for sale. I then will be sent an order to vacate my property within 28 days. My house is owned outright with no mortgage and currently valued around £200K. I am living on a small private pension with no chance of paying back the debt. I went to the CAB who told me that I will end up homeless and living on the streets as there is no social housing available for single men. The Water company placed a CCJ on my credit record so it's impossible for me to borrow money to pay back the debt and keep my house. I could never understand why there were homeless people on the streets, but I do now. I will be joining them soon. What an idiot I was buying a house. If I had a council house I would have nothing to worry about and a safe roof over my head. I know a chap near here who lives in a housing association bungalow. He owes banks £73k and will not end up homeless. Comments welcome.
  5. I got a decision for my pip yesterday, 0 points. I phoned today and asked for mandatory reconsideration. They need a medical report from my doctor. The thing is the dr doesn't know how i live day to day, they only know my diagnosis's I have and medication i take. Will the dr only list my conditions and medications, treatment etc...?
  6. Hi, I was hoping to possibly get some advice. My kids where at a private school (fees paid till the end of the school year). Then this happens.. . http://www.shernoldschool.co.uk/118972__1.pdf and http://www.kentonline.co.uk/maidstone/news/shernold-school-inadequate-staff-checks-97172/ at which point we withdrew the kids from the school and moved them elsewhere. We have told the school that we where not happy (so have others) and we would not be paying the notice period (although the bill they have sent us appears to only be for half of the term Fast forward a few months of email exchanges to yesterday, we receive a letter from Redwood Collections looking to collect the outstanding amount. Its there typical "We are instructed to take all necessary steps to recover the sum shown, including legal action if required". Some (hopefully) useful points: 1. The school fees where paid in full till the end of the school year 2. My eldest son has moderate aspergers syndrome and ADHD (we have letters proving it and the school where aware of this) he also had major heart surgery in March of this year 3. My sons care team had tried to work with the school with regards to what is the best outcome for my eldest sons education. They weren't interested (can prove this as well). 4. All things said done we where going to move them regardless due to having (documented) concerns for a while. Whats the best way forward with this? Thanks in advance! P.S. Sorry to work around the "To be able to post links or images your post count must be 10 or greater. You currently have 0 posts." message, but I think the links are important to what is going on here.
  7. Hi. My friend was employed last year for about six months and suspected that his employer wasn't paying tax on my friend's wages. He never gave my friend a pay slip and paid him via bank transfer. My friend has just received a letter from HMRC showing how he is to receive a refund of money and shows his income for the last tax year (2015-16) and it shows the employment before his employer and after but not the employer he suspected of not paying his tax. My friend wants to know if there is a specified route to notify HMRC or does he just send a letter with the proof?
  8. Dear Cagers, I need some advice. On 30th of April 2015, while I was watching my son’s cricket match on ground, I received an email from Vodafone welcoming me on their network with a new contracted account which I never bought. I sensed something is wrong and called Vodafone customer service straight away. They told me after confirming my address and dob that I have just purchased a contract with an iPhone from them. I told them that someone must have used my details so please cancel it straight away. As I responded to this purchase very swiftly, iPhone delivery was also stopped. I was told that account is closed and matter will be forwarded to fraud department. I also advised Vodafone that please flag my details in your system as not to be sold any contract for a certain period to avoid any more attempts. That person later on bought one or two more contracts from Vodafone, one from EE and one from O2. I kept on informing and cancelling every time I get something in my mailbox or letterbox and thanks to all as they were all very cooperative and honest except ONE which is Vodafone. Now, here is the main story. On 13th of July 2015, I received an invoice from Vodafone dated 8th of July 2015 demanding £177.28 as invoice saying that I made two purchases of mobile phone contracts. I called them straight away but their automated call handling system DID NOT recognized the account or mobile number I had on that invoice and didn’t let me choose any option to go further with customer service. On this I thought that because of their computer is not recognizing the account or mobile number on invoice then the account must have been deleted and this invoice would have generated earlier OR in error. But I was wrong, after a week (on 19th jul 2015 ) I received a default notice in post from Vodafone dated 13th jul 2015 demanding same money otherwise I’ll be registered as bad debt with credit rating agencies. This was serious, next day, on 20th July 2015, after much struggle in finding vodafone’s geographical customer number (03333040191) I called and spoke to a lovely lady called ‘Candy’. She was helpful and after listening to me she promised that matter will be pulled back and passed to fraud team and I will receive a confirmation too in 72 hrs. After 2 weeks, A letter dated 3rd August 2015 was delivered to me on the very same day 03rd August 2015 ( How ) in the morning post from a debt collection agency called ‘Collect Direct’ demanding same money £177.28 urgently on behalf of Vodafone. I wrote a letter to collect direct explaining the story and also provided crime reference number which was obtained from ‘Action Fraud’ on these unauthorized purchases. After few days I received a comforting letter from Vodafone saying that A mobile phone account was opened in my name recently without my authorisation and has now been closed. We are now doing everything to prosecute the criminals. Being victim of fraud is worrying but we can’t disclose any further details due to legal reasons. We have also ensured all record of this fraudulent application has been removed from your credit file.’ This was very relaxing and I thought matter is finally put to rest. I never received any letter or email from Vodafone or Collect Direct after that about anything. It’s been a year to this incident now. As I am in property buying and selling business, I recently applied for a mortgage. To my surprise the broker came back to me saying that lender is only offering high rates as you have a default on your credit file. SHOCKED !! never ever missed a payment, how come there is a default !! I didn’t believe the broker and subscribed to Equifax and saw myself. YES, VODAFONE deceived me and marked a default on my credit file with same amount £177 and same account . I reverted back to lender explained all with all the paperwork I have but they won’t change their decision as they only go by the books. They say that they will recheck my credit file in first week of October 2016 (2 weeks from now) and if this default is still there then there will be only high rate mortgages and low amount of lending will be available for me. This will blow me out big time as my whole year’s investment and hard work will go down the drain and might run me out pocket and eventually out of business. My credit file matter at this time is very serious for me. I want to ask; - Is there any ways i could get my credit file fixed asap ?? - Would vodafone or equifax be able to do it before 2 weeks ? I am already started to make a flow chart for word press. SAR, LBA and MCOL procedures are also prepared to kick off but they need 14 days and then so on which will not sort my problem within 2 weeks. I haven’t spoken or written to Vodafone, Equifax and/or any solicitor yet and will do so after some advice on group. Thanks in advance to all who read and comment.
  9. Hi I have just noticed the EE have has placed a default on my credit report for £450 and it has been on there for two years before I noticed. I called the and they admitted that it should not have happened and will remove it within 48 hours. This is all well and good but I have not been able to get loans or credit cards in this time is there any way off getting compensation for there mistake? any help would be gratefully appreciated. Kind Regards SD
  10. Requested to reset password, after pressing on link, it states, expired even though I act straight away, so I send message for assistance and it is never sent. What's going on ?..
  11. The country has waited a long time to see Tony Blair’s face when this report comes out, there are suggestions that he should be stripped of all honours given to him, to sit on the Privy Council-who advise the Queen, and the title of ‘Right Honourable’ which he is not. Blair lied to the British people and to parliament (with the aid of his side kick Campbell, they should both be taken to court for starting an illegal war, which killed nearly 7,500 Iraq civilians plus the lives of 179 British servicemen and women, which also enabled the rise of ISS. Blair took absolutely no notice of experts and his cabinet so that he could make the case for war. If he is found guilty of lying then he should face the full force of the law. I have been reading a book called Broken Vows –Tony Blair the tragedy of power, by Tom Bower. It is a real eye opener in relation to his total time in power, and I have to say Brown was also responsible for what went wrong during the Labour years, by the shear animosity between them.
  12. Hi, I'm new to this forum. I have been off work with stress due since mid May and felt I was making good progress for a return to work. In early June I had a meeting with OH and in discussions we talked about a pilgrimage I was going on in Spain on 25/6/16. In their report to my employer this was recommended as a good thing for me to do in my build up to going back to work. At 5.07 pm on the 24th of June I received an email inviting me to attend an investigation along with a letter with the wrong address on it for the next week about the build up of why I was off sick. I tried to contact work and my union straight away but it was too late in the day for any phone answering. This threw me massively and I struggled to enjoy my sanctioned break as I was having to constantly check my emails for a new investigation meeting date. I received an email last Friday from HR telling me that she is now away for 2 weeks and it will occur on 20/7/16. Since then my mental health has deteriorated and I have been to my Doctor who feels that I am more poorly than before and has upped my medication and given me more Diazepam as I am suffering from panic attacks and my hands have begun to wobble quite frequently. I have been a full time member of teaching staff at a college for 8 years with a track record of outstanding observations. I no longer want to work at my place of work as I don't feel safe there. I have contacted my Union in order to get a settlement agreement and reference. I feel that my employer has failed in their duty of care for me. What are your opinions on this? Any advice or support is would be much appreciated. My emotions run from anger, betrayal, tears and fears for my future.
  13. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/copies-of-the-iraq-inquiry-report-for-families
  14. After a two-year investigation, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has published a series of recommendations for the energy market, including a cap on how much prepayment meters can charge. The watchdog has unveiled a package of 30 measures it claims will help drive costs down by increasing competition between suppliers and helping more people switch. Key changes are: A temporary price cap on prepaid tariffs. Opening up customer databases to rival firms. Removal of the 'four-tariff rule'. http://home.bt.com/lifestyle/money/mortgages-bills/energy-market-review-promises-prepayment-meter-price-cap-11364069708329
  15. We have had a disasterous refit of our shower, and are suffering leaks and noticed some cracked grouting too. We have been in touch with Citizen's Advice Bureau and the first thing they said we needed was a written report from a professional to explain what the problems are and how to put them right. However we are struggling to find a professional who is willing to put pen to paper to give us this. Reasons cited include they don't want to get involved in a legal battle, the repercussions for them going against some dodgy plumbers. Can anyone suggest how I can get a plumber willing to do this sort of report? Hope someone can help.
  16. 2 or 3 days ago I sent back my questionaire with supporting evidence to the benefit office. I have just contacted them this afternoon and they have said they have sent a report off to the DWP and I do not need to have an actual assessment. I am in the Support Group since 2013 and was due for renewal is this a good sign I am not being made to have a F2F???
  17. The following report has been issued today by Citizen's Advice: https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/Global/CitizensAdvice/Debt%20and%20Money%20Publications/Thestateofdebtcollection.pdf
  18. Morning All , hope someone can advise me as im totally bamboozeld. I recevied a letter today from 1ST credit who have been assigned by HFC bank to claim a full outstanding balance from me. How do i find out who are the original creditors?? , i think its was a sainsburys loan that i took out in 2002 that was passed on to HFC bank to chase. I checked my expeiran credit rating this morning and there was nothing on there from HFC ( or indeed no mention of the couple of creditors( aktiv and connaught) i have agreements with by paying back an agreed monthly plan.) My score was 994 out of 997 with no ccj's. all green ticks and no negatives going back 6 years. Showing no records before that. I have mentioned on another thread that i havent paid the sainsbury loan(£9000) since sept 2006, when i went through a divorce and ended up in rehab as i went off the rails. .I ve been given the advice that this debt is now statute barred.There is no mention of the sainsburys loan on my credit file ( i imagine because i havent paid it for 9 years) and the records only go back 6 years on my expiran file. the letter this morning has enclosed a standing order, asking for a £10 admin fee, and to set up payment terms. the thing that worries me is that the balance they are chasing is about a third of the sainsburys loan amount(£3000) . Do you think HFC have written off the debt, And 1st Direct are charging interest on that original amount for the last 3 years since it was statute barred( basically an arbitory figure)??. Im worried now that if this isnt the sainsbury loan that someone has run up a debt with HFC under my name!, although this would show on my credit file i would imagine. sorry if this ll sounds like a david lynch film, im just hopless and explaining myself and obviously with fiscal matters. please advise this poor old sod as my heads in a spin. many many thanks
  19. Hi all. I have received a letter from Debt Recovery Ltd acting on behalf of Civil Enforcement Ltd for a parking charge on 10 June 2013 in England, where I was not the driver. My wife is a Health Visitor and parked in a supermarket car park to go and see a new mum and baby and overstayed by about 15 minutes. We were then hit with this ridiculous charge which I have just ignored until now, as per advice but I have done some digging recently and found that the best thing to do is not ignore. Please can some kind person give me some advice? The letter states that I have to pay the full amount (which has increased from £45.00 to £150.00) or they will pass it back to the creditors solicitors and recommend that court action be taken. They quote Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012. What do I do now? Do I write to the manager of the supermarket and complain or am I too late for this as it is now with debt collectors? Or do I write to Civil Enforcement Ltd and state that I wasn't the driver, giving us time to appeal? Also, the letter was not marked "private and confidential". Am I wrong or should it have been? Anything would be helpful. Many thanks.
  20. Trying to get Experian to update my new address is like pulling teeth, even by phone. They always default to get you to sign that dam Credit Expert subscription at £15.00 a month. After threatening them with everything from CPUTR 2008, Data Protection Act 1998 etc due to their inertia in a simple request such as updating my new address as the previous info that have is inaccurate, I get this out of them for which you can then change your address details. You can order a Statutory Report for £2.00 and view it on line anything up to 5 days time via Email from original application. Just use this Web Address: http://www.experian.co.uk/consumer/statutory-report.html?intcmp=call_centre_statutory_report#orderReport
  21. Hello, I entered a DMP 12 years ago which still has another 8 years to go. Most of the debts defaulted me over 6 years ago so the records have fallen off my credit reports although I am still paying them through my DMP. The remaining debts I am attempting to get removed. Due to family issues money is very tight at the moment and I am starting to begrudge paying my DMP as I feel that the DCA's have probably had more money off me than they paid for the debt. I also regret not going bankrupt or simply not paying as either way I wouldn't have these payments hanging over me now as the bankruptcy would have ended long ago or the debts become statute barred. I wanted to "do the right thing" but now I am wondering what would happen if I simply stopped paying my DMP now (after I have hopefully got the remaining defaults showing backdated and therefore removed from my record). Could the DCA's get a CCJ ? If they did would it show on my credit report given that the debts have already fell off ?
  22. Interesting reading for London Councils last report. The Lead Adjudicator’s 2015 Annual Report is available here http://www.popla.org.uk/
  23. Bit of a long shot, but does anyone know how to get hold of the Tudor Walters report urgently, or could perhaps email it to me? You don't ask you don't get!
  24. i wrote my car off in an accident on 14th feb i admitted fault but insurance keep saying they are waiting for a police report before they pay out. I am still paying finance on the car and monthly insurance installments. how can i get them to speed things along everytime i phone i get a different story.
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