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Found 8 results

  1. Update on the infected blood inquiry READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/update-on-the-infected-blood-inquiry
  2. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/copies-of-the-iraq-inquiry-report-for-families
  3. The rail watchdog is launching an investigation into “rip off” rail machines after a Telegraph investigation revealed that passengers are routinely being denied the cheapest fares. Joanna Whittington, chief executive of the Office of Rail and Road, said that research suggests one in 20*passengers were being sold rail tickets by machines that are too expensive. This means the millions of rail passengers could be potentially be paying the wrong*train*fares for journeys. An investigation by the Telegraph in 2014 found that customers were forced to pay double the required fare*as a result of machines promoting the most expensive tickets and “burying” the cheapest options. Telegraph
  4. If you are on twitter, facebook etc please pass this link on to get as many signatures as possible. https://www.change.org/en-GB/petitions/david-cameron-and-theresa-may-establish-a-national-inquiry-into-allegations-of-organised-child-abuse Hopefully if enough people get behind this, the government will agree to hold some form of inquiry, perhaps on the same basis as the recent one on Hillsborough, which was independent and not Judge led.
  5. What does this story actually mean for us. Banks to reopen 2.5m PPI claims after FCA inquiry I have a claim against Capital One which they made me a final offer in October 2013. Due to a few personal reasons I did not put it back to the Ombudsman until this month and Capital One have admitted that it was incorrectly calculated but are saying it is time barred so the FOS cannot get them to recalculate. Does this story mean that they will be contacting me and coming clean about the miscalculation (I very much doubt this)? Will they be forced to open all claims where the amount was disputed? I fear that without the teeth behind it then not much will happen and who is going to be able to force the banks into recalculating - is it the FOS or the FCA? How is the FCA involved in all this. Can we complain to the FCA, in one case against Mastercard they have lied to me throughout the whole process so if they receive complaints then I will do this. Don't suppose anyone has an email for Martin Wheatley, chief executive at the FCA?
  6. Hi guys just a quick question. My partner has recently started work as a Christmas temp at toys r us. Her hours are Saturday - 1pm till 7pm and Sunday - 11am till 5pm. Our issue is that she has had to stay late every night an extra 30-60minutes to tidy the shop at store closing time and also had to attend training instore outside of her agreed hours. Now, she has just came home upset as she has found out that she may not get paid for the extra time she has put in outside of her normal agreed hours, is it true that she may not get paid or are toys r us being a bit naughty? she hasn't had her first pay date yet but I'm unhappy for her to come home nearly an hour later than she should because she had to stay to clean the store after her shift had finished, if she's not getting paid for it! Any advice would be greatly appreciated
  7. Hi; I need something like "status inquiry" from my bank; How can i get this? thank You for answers Leksy
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