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  1. If you are thinking of visiting the BA i360 in Brighton I would suggest reading “Tripadvisor “ reports and in particular low rating ones first . I believe there is a member of staff acting outside accepted parameters for security searching , in that this person appears to delight in searching ladies personal belongings , in one report the lady had to stop this person removing her underwear from her bag , clearly this sort of search of ladies personal belongings should only be carried out by a Female member of staff , it is not . This member of staff also is surly and combative if he is challenged when carrying out searches , in my case he was handling my photographic equipment bag in a rough way and I asked him to stop , which resulted in a threat of not allowing me in the attraction . I have written to the Communication Manager at the BA i360 , but as yet not had the curtesy of a reply.
  2. Apple have issued an urgent iPhone and iPad software update (iOS 9.3.5) that included a patch for a serious security vulnerability. The vast majority of iPhone owners are probably on iOS 9 right now, but you should check and install that version right away The malware in question, which was detailed in a report from Citizen Lab and Lookout security, is a serious compromise that’s never been observed against iOS devices before. But you can guard your devices and your personal data against the latest security threat simply by heading to settings and hitting the update button. http://www.theverge.com/2016/8/25/12651206/apple-iphone-security-threat-update-now
  3. Hi all, hope you can shed some light on this issue I am facing currently, 2 months ago I bought a second hand car from a local car dealer, I did a HPI check prior and it showed outstanding finance on the car I rang up both the car dealer and HPI to query it and I was told by both that it is a 'unit stocking' finance and it is commonly used by most car dealers to stock up cars on their forecourt and the finance would be paid off automatically within 2-3 days of purchase I went ahead and bought the car for above the average price due to it being in pristine condition with low miles etc.. I only realized recently that I still hadn't received the new V5 logbook in my name tried to ring the car dealer to see if they had forgotten to send of the old V5 to DVLA. After trying numerous times to get hold them I had no luck, they wouldn't answer their phones or no replies for emails etc, tried to go on their website and it was down too! I got very suspicious and did another HPI check on the car to my shock the vehicle Registration was showing 'at risk' on the security watch register! however it was not showing outstanding finance. I rang HPI and was told the security register was made by the financial company for whatever reason and gave me their contact number. I still haven't contacted them because I am seriously worried they could repossess the car. My question to you guys are should I mention about the HPI check I did prior to purchase or am I better off not mentioning it? my worry is they could say to me why did I buy the car if I knew there was outstanding finance on it? will the 'innocent consumer' rights be thrown out? if the 'unit stocking' finance on the car is still outstanding will the finance company chase after the purchaser or the car dealer? and what happens of the car dealer had gone bust? The car dealer at the time had many cars advertised on autotrader and even more on their website there was no reason for me to believe about their credibility or reputation. I have the receipt of purchase and the payment was made with a Visa debit card. If you guys could please advise me the best option I should proceed with I would be very grateful! Kind regards Ri.
  4. I was caught stealing at tk maxx today. It was a very foolish thing of me I admit. Something that costed £7.99 and I didn't want to pay for it as I had already purchase worth £70.01 at tk maxx and didn't have enough money for what I wanted. I took of the security plastic tag off the box and put the item in my bag while I got busy with my daughter as she was crying and kicking a fuss. I continued to checkout with all my other items amounting to £70! Then left the premises. A security came running down the stairs and spoke to me saying I believe you have something in your bag which you haven't paid for. I said ok let's check I opened my bag and saw the item then remembered I put it in my bag. I forgot about it as I spent nearly 2hours in the store looking for lots of things. He escorted me to the back security room and asked me to place everything not paid for on the table. I then placed the only item that was in my bag worth £7.99!! He asked me did you steal the item. I said I didn't mean to they were so rude and shouting. He then said look I'm calling the police and I cannot wait for that woman to tell me. Then I was obliged to say I stole it so that he doesn't call the police. Then he cut off the phone and said to me if I admit I stole it I said yes and started talking again he was angry saying that I'm fed up now I'm calling the police cause you're not ready to tell me. Then said that how are you going to explain to your partner if I call the social services because you stole £7 your daughter got taken away!! I stayed quiet and didn't wana say anything so they don't call the police. Now reading other threads I guess there will be a letter coming for me to pay for god knows what because the item was left un damaged. Shall I tell my partner �� I'm scared. I do not work to pay off any money to anyone. Please help me. They took my ID CARD with my details on it . And forced me to take my provisional license out of my wallet to show my address.
  5. CEOs of companies which fail to prevent problems with data security following cyber attacks face having part of their pay withheld under proposals outlined by a committee of MPs, which has also called for disclosure of data protection strategies in annual reports The Select Committee report recommended: Making advice on claiming compensation more readily available. Solicitors to provide advice to data breach victims Checking if existing measures are adequate. Clearer upfront info on cancelling contracts in the event of a data breach. Fines for companies that fail to guard against cyber hacks https://www.cchdaily.co.uk/mps-propose-tougher-ceo-sanctions-over-data-security-breaches The Select Committee's full report is here: www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201617/cmselect/cmcumeds/148/148.pdf
  6. Hi, I had a few questions on loan agreements. I was considering lending a large sum of money by virtue of a loan agreement (commercial purposes). However, I am unsure as to its enforceability and I am concerned about this. I was considering putting a clause under enforceability that enters into a secured loan agreement of property. My question is that how do I enforce this clause if for example, the borrower ends up selling the property without me knowing. Will just mentioning the secured loan in the agreement be sufficient or do I have to take other steps?
  7. Good Evening All, At present I am at a late stage of a job application which will require 'Security Check' level vetting. The role itself is involved with financial matters - however not with large sums of money. I have been offered the role pending successful clearance approval however will have to hand my current notice in before it comes back with a decision. At present I have two defaults on my account totalling ~£9,400 for which I have yet to agree a payment plan (no communication from either lender in over two years) however I do have all intentions to repay when my financial situation improves. This role would give me that financial ability. The debts were for a personal loan and for an overdraft. I've to complete my clearance paperwork for Monday after which it will be a two week turnaround, I fully intend on detailing everything about why the debt came about, how much it is and my plans on how to repay it - I have nothing to hide and will be very thorough/honest. My question; has anyone been in a situation like this before i.e. applied for a security check with defaults on the account? And what was the outcome? Could anyone advise the likelyhood of getting this approved as long as I am fully honest and up front? As always I appreciate everyones help and if you require any more information I will be available again in the morning. Thank you.
  8. Hi, I do not know where else to ask this question - if this is in the wrong place then please do let me know where to post this. In January of this year - I was shopping out with friends, and used the self service checkouts, as I only had a few items. I had picked up several items, including one where the label has peeled off, and had stuck to the bottom of the smaller item below it. I scanned through all of the items, and was surprised that the bill came to less than what I was expecting: I ignored it, and thought I was quids in, and could't do maths. on the way out to my car; a security guard followed me, and asked me to accompany him back into the store. Fine - he went through the items in my bag, and then found that I had not paid for three items (one item had stuck to another one), and the other two I had 'deliberately' not scanned through. Total value of the items roughly £11. The police were called, and subsequently I was given a police caution. £80 fine and a caution. No court action. Case closed. A few weeks later, I received a letter from RLP, and paid it. I didn't want the hassle of dealing with them. I've read stories here about what they do, and really just wanted it go away. I have applied for a job with a IT company, where I am required to obtain Security Clearance. I have a form here, which asks about Criminal convictions. Am I obliged to put this incident on the form? I want to put it on the form, for the simple reason of being honest and transparent. I'm not a liar. However, what I am worried about is whether this altercation will affect me getting this job (that has been one of the few jobs that i've really like the look of!). I will be putting this on the form, however, is this likely to impact me getting SC Clearance now or in the future? Does anyone have any experience of this?? Advice would be much appreciated. Cheers,
  9. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/defence-secretary-announces-40m-cyber-security-operations-centre
  10. Hello all, I am trying to get help with an issue surrounding my security deposit. I'll try to make this as brief as I can: I think that my former agency may have failed to protect my deposit properly, but I'm not sure: When I first moved to Nottingham I rented a property under one landlord. A month later I moved to a different property, with the same agency, but under a different landlord. The agency did not bother to re-submit a new deposit for this property. I spoke to the DPS and, according to them, "when a tenant leaves a property, the agent/landlord will need to release the whole deposit and then re-submit the deposit to us under the new address" The agency didn't follow the DPS's guidelines regarding this. The landlord of property 2 is claiming £160.00 of a deposit that was not paid to cover her property. I'm pretty sure she can't do that, but I need some form of legal advice to be certain. I tried contacting a solicitor but I just can't afford their fees. Nor do I qualify for legal aid, so I'm a bit stuck. I have contacted Notts housing advice but have yet to hear back. I would be hugely grateful for any advice relating to this, or any leads on affordable legal advice. Thank you
  11. A bit of a strange experience today. I had to wait about 45 minutes for a train, I thought that I would do that inside the station concourse as I usually do. I decided to wait near some shops inside, all of which were closed. A security guard approached me, told me that he was closing the retail section of the station and asked me to move on. I did as instructed and, headed for one of the waiting rooms. After entering the gents, I noticed that he had followed me in there. He didn't seem to use the toilet. He just stood there watching me. I left and sat down at a seat in the waiting room, planning on getting some work done on my laptop, only to have him stand in front of me staring at me. I asked him what his problem was, but he didn't reply. I left the waiting room, hoping that he wouldn't follow me, but he continued to do so. I asked him to leave me alone, at which point a British Transport Police officer walked by and asked what was going on. The security guard told him that the station was closing and that I was refusing to leave. I explained to the BTP that the station was still open for over two hours as I knew the time of my last train home. BTP then asked the security guard if I had been asked to leave the station, to which the reply was 'Yes'. I explained that I had been asked to leave the retail section, not the station, and that I had done as instructed. At this point the BTP asked to see my rail ticket. I showed it to him and he claimed that it was invalid. I claimed that it wasn't. The dispute was then taken to a revenue protection officer, who decided to issue me with a penalty fare as, despite the station I was at being the station I had to change at to get home, the ticket didn't permit me to wait inside the concourse for 45 minutes. Apparently I should have left and stood outside the station before returning to catch my train. My ticket was confiscated and I was left with a long walk home. I'm not really sure what to make of this as three members of rail staff appear to have got it all horribly wrong. What can I do from here though?
  12. This has just happened to me! Diid you pay DWF? im terrified. the police believed me that it was a genuine mistake so why am I receiving these scary letters from DWf. I didnt even leave the shop but CAB have told me I should pay the £150-seems ridiculous for a letter saying 'amount of goods taken- £0, amount of damage - £0 and security costs £150 Please help me I am not sleeping and do not want to go to court! After a self-scanning mistake (£3 vegetables unpaid on a £20 shop) the police were called and believed me that it was a mistake. There was no mention of RLP to pay but now sainsburys have banned me from their stores for life (a joke!?) and DWF are sending me letters asking for £150 or they will take me to court. I am terrified and not sleeping. The letter seems ridiculous as I didnt even leave the shop with any 'stolen' goods- the security stopped me before the exit doors. The police also didnt fine me or caution me, just wrote me a stop and search note. Can DWF claim this money? I cannot have a criminal record and do not want to go to court for a self-scanning error. I will never use the self-scanning tills again and feel badly treated by sainsburys. DWF are real solicitors so can they legally ask for these costs? Surely sainsburys didnt lose any money on my behalf or have to pay the security guards extra to rudely interrogate me. Also surely the supermarket has no right to retain my details or pass them on? Please help put my mind at rest. thanks
  13. Anyone who remembers those "I'm a PC, I'm a Mac" ads from some years back will surely remember that a key message that Apple wants to get across to potential customers was this: PCs have a malware problem, Macs don't. Of course, that message was partly spin — there had been malware for Apple computers, even before it had existed for PCs. But, as we reported last October, serious security holes have been found in Gatekeeper that could allow malware to completely bypass Gatekeeper's checks. But, as Wardle showed last year at the Virus Bulletin conference in Prague, there exists a way to waltz past Gatekeeper even if you had configured your Mac to use the maximum "App Store-only" security setting. Full article
  14. Since 8-8-2013 I have been in a constant battle with chesterfield borough council over the actions of council employed security guards in the council run shopping centre on this day. My disabled partner and special needs son had gone into poundland and on-going to the checkout to pay for their items they were confronted by a security guard who demanded to search their bags. They refused and went on their way, however they had only gone a few yards from poundland when my son was set upon bythe guard who had come up behind him grabbing him by the arm and then by the neck and dragging him backwards down the shopping centre back into poundland where he was held in the front of the shop while all the time being taunted by the guard stating in a loud voice that he was a shoplifter and a thief, my son had asked the guard to identify himself and he refused. During this time my son had tried to get away to go to his mother and he was attacked again and dragged around by his lapels. This abuse went on for around 20 mins until the police arrived. My son was then subjected to a stop search which proved he had done nothing wrong, he reported to the police that he had been assaulted by the guard and they took no action. The police did instruct my son to not to go and wait outside the shop for another guard to come and speak to him, my son thought this was so the guards could come and explain their actions, however when the guards manager arrived he handed my son a six month ban from the shopping centre, an act which i consider was out of spite and vengeance for being innocent. During this time my partner who had witnessed the attack on her son decided to go into the library which is next to the shopping centre and go downstairs to use the public phone to ring me as she entered the lift she saw a guard go running downstairs, on exiting the lift she was immediately set upon by one of two guards, who forcibly grabbed her and forced her into an alcove (so it would be out of view of the cctv camera pointed down the corridor) and pinned her up against a wall, when my partner was searched by the police she was also found to have done nothing wrong. As a result of the above i placed an appeal for witnesses on a local forum, and one person contacted me stating that his girlfriend who worked in the shopping centre had seen a security guard dragging a long haired young man backwards down the precinct towards poundland however this witness would not come forward i believe out of fear of retribution from this team of abusive guards. At one point a post appeared replying to my appeal which released private information concerning the complaints I had made to the police, council and other bodies about the above attacks the post also included details of complaints i had made to the police two years earlier on an unrelated incident. As a result of the negative post i wrongly assumed that this post was posted by a policeman I contacted the police professional standards and the matter was investigated by the police counter corruption unit, as a result of this investigation it was found that this post had come from a Chesterfield Borough Council computer and the post was made by the very same team of guards who had attacked my son and partner in a blatant attempt to discredit us, rather tellingly the police did not investigate further, I believe this inaction was prompted by the fact that had they done so they would have found that the guards were fed this information by a member of the police as certain information they had posted was only available from police files. As a result of the assaults the police became involved and on taking statements from these guards told us that their statements corroborated my partner and sons account of the attacks, and the two guards who had assaulted my son and partner were charged, However the guards were by this time claiming that they had been told by the poundland manager that my son and partner had stolen something (a fact refuted by the store manager) as a result they had reasonable grounds though at no point have they stated reasonable grounds for what, the CPS bought the case to the magistrates court in December 2013 were not prepared and did not take the cctv footage to the court they were criticised by the magistrates for being unprepared and the case was adjourned until January, three days before the case was due to be heard we received a letter from the CPS stating that they were discontinuing the case as the guards had reasonable grounds, We appealed this decision under the VRR right to appeal however this is just a rubber stamp exercise and since then they have flatly refused to relook at this decision. We have complained to the council under the councils three stage complaints procedure and two years and four months later we are at step two and no further forward,
  15. Dell admits security flaw was built into computers A security hole that could allow attackers to access users' personal data was inadvertently placed on Dell computers, the company has admitted. The hole represented a "profound security flaw" that could allow access to bank details and other personal data, experts said. Dell has issued guidance on removing the software that produced it. READ MORE HERE: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-34910649 This is the direct link to Dell article and removal instructions: http://www.dell.com/support/article/us/en/19/SLN300321
  16. Possible discipline over Security worry !. Wondering if anyone can see the situation from a different perspective. I moved to a different office from another public office to start a different job. Whilst training last Week, my trainer helped me and sat with me whilst I completed a form that could be emailed to another outside organisation. The organisation had a legal entitlement to receive this information. I did doubt this with my trainer but she just said send the email, so I reluctantly sent it. Shortly after, I discovered that I had ticked the wrong box on the form, which then stopped a warning message from appearing. The message would have said ‘ post this data only as an email would be a security issue’. I think it is something to do with the type of data and that the internet is not trusted enough, even though some personal data can be emailed via the internet. I recalled the message and phoned the organisation but they checked and said that the email had not been rec’d at their office. They doubted it was even sent, possibly due to the fact that I had added information to the subject line which is known to cause linking problems apparently. I know security ignorance is not going to help me as I have responsibility here too and I do not blame others as I should have refused to follow her instructions, However, I feel as though support has not been forthcoming and procedures have not been followed, not to mention my trainer who was actually training me how to complete and send this form. I feel that this supervisor was ignorant of the processes too and this has bounced on to me. I spoke to my line manager but she said don’t worry, so nothing was reported. However, my trainer said ‘you pressed the button’. I read up on security policy afterwards and my heart sank because it seems that this could fall under serious to gross misconduct, because even though I sent it to the correct people, I communicated the data under the wrong format ( email as opposed to post ) Even though it was an accident / error, partly due to training confusion I feel, my job could be on the line if it blows up. Everyone else seems unconcerned. If anyone has their own feelings, please share. Thanks very much stella
  17. I’m quite worried about this. I now have two-step verification set up, but I don’t understand how I could be logged into someone else’s account. At least it’s my son’s account, and not some stranger’s, but this simply shouldn’t happen. http://www.mcelhearn.com/serious-security-problem-with-amazon-how-is-this-even-possible/
  18. Hi all Am new here and have joined for some advice about a parking charge I received today. The car park at the shopping centre where I work( Scott arms great Barr Birmingham) is run by local parking security ltd and charges 50p per hour every day 8am till 8pm. To be honest I think it's ridiculous anyway to charge until 8pm when there is about 10 shops and a pub( frequented by a few regulars daily) with 2 shops being open at this time ( both betting shops) the car park which probably caters for about 30 cars never has more than 10 in it even at weekends! I popped home for a break around 7 arriving back at 7;20 because the place I normally park around the rear of the premises is secluded and unlit I parked in the car park in the only space visible from my counter at work so I can keep an eye on it. As luck would have it whilst distracted I got issued a ticket at 7;31pm despite there being 5 cars in the car park! £85 which I feel is disgraceful Would appreciate some advice in the past I know people would have said just not to pay but I know things have changed Cheers Paul
  19. My friend and I are 17 years old students with no income of our own. We have been sent demands from DWF solicitors for £150 security cost each for shoplifting at Sainsburys. We were told to respond within 7 days to avoid further action. We were really threatened by the letter and I looked up information on CAB website which says we could make an offer, of less than the asked amount, for full and final payment as long as we didn’t accept liability. So I asked DWP if we could do this and they said no we needed to pay it all. I have since seen this forum and wish I’d seen it earlier. Neither of us have admitted liability directly but I am wondering if our communication with DWP asking about making payments means we can’t now say: " Any liability to you or any company you claim to represent is denied." " I also refuse you permission to contact any other third party." We thought the £150 was a fine and we had to pay it. Can you advise me on what we should do next please.
  20. The management company at this appartment block have invited the devil into bed with them by bringing in Minerva Security to "manage" the car park. Minerva were supposed to hand out tickets to anyone not displaying a badge, but of course prefer the option of clamping instead, because then they can extort £120 from their victims. Minerva may well have authorisation from the management company to clamp vehicles parked in the communal parts of the car park which fall under their technical ownership. However all of the individual parking spaces in Whitehall Square are privately owned, and unless the parking space owner has authorised Minerva, they have no more right to clamp a vehicle in a private space, that they would to clamp a car on a driveway. If you have been a victim of this, post here for advice on how to claim your money back. And for Minerva reading this, Scottish Courts have declared wheel clamping to constitute "Extortion and Theft". Trespassing on peoples private property and fitting clamps to vehicles to extract a ransom payment to which you have absolutely no right is extortion So sue me, the truth is always an absolute defence against defamation. Wheel clamping has already been criminalised in every other part of the UK and the Stormont government is currently in a consultation about wheel clamping http://www.dojni.gov.uk/ford-launche...n-private-land It will be a travesty if they do anything other than follow the Scottish model.
  21. Hi, I hope someone can help, I have searched on here and see differing replies. I received a parking fine from LDK Security, I was 10 minutes late back to the car. It was in a place in the middle of Newcastle City Centre, that I did not realise was privately owned. As I got back to my car there was actually a traffic warden placing tickets on cars on the street next to where I was parked. I approached him to try and get my ticket removed. That's when he informed me it was a private area. His advice was not to pay it as they are not enforceable!! He was actually at the time about to put a ticket on the car of the lady who was issuing tickets in the private car park! I've been really busy and to be honest forgot about this fine, so it hasn't been paid. I have now received an issue for £125 fine for non payment of the ticket. Researching on here and online majority say ignore, some say to pay. What is the situation now, as most posts I've found about this company are a year or two old. Thanks in advance; I'm sorry if this is in another thread I couldn't find anything upto date.
  22. It has been revealed that the Police/Security services have installed fake mobile phone masts to intercept phone calls. There are apparently at least 20 in the London area. So far no one has officially confirmed their existence, other than to say that measures are taken to make the country more secure and to prevent terrorism or other crimes. Personally, I am in favour of as many security measures being taken as possible, but I do wonder whether the law is in place to allow this mass surveillance. The Home Secretary has previously said that only known suspects are targeted for surveillance and there is sign off by ministers or senior Police/Security officers.
  23. apologies this topic been discussed elsewhere I have been offered job that needs security clearance, SC 10 years ago I had a breakdown and did something really serious whilst under influence of alcohol, I did not harm others, there were mitigating circumstances and I was given a community order to receive medical help, had therapies like CBT, and had to attend clinic for 1 year, one day a every 3 to 4 weeks (I cant remember the exact frequency ) I feel of strong nature now, able to cope what life brings, would such a criminal record cause a fail in the clearance process ?
  24. There was a serious flaw in the software of BMW, Mini and Rolls Royce that come equipped with ConnectedDrive and affects some 2.2 million vehicles leaving them vulnerable. The flaw allowed the cars doors and windows to be open from a mobile phone. Researchers working for German automobile association ADAC discovered the security vulnerabilities and the potential for vehicles to be broken into last summer, but kept quiet about them. BMW have now uploaded a patch. If you are worried that your vehicle may not have received the update (perhaps because it has been parked in an underground car park or other places without a mobile phone signal, or if its starter battery has been disconnected) then you should choose “Update Services” from your car’s menu. The cars affected are: BMW 1 Series Convertible, Coupé and Touring (E81, E82, E87, E88, F20, F21) 2er Active Tourer, Coupé and Convertible (F22, F23, F45) 3 with Convertible, Coupe, GT, Touring and M3 (E90, E91, E92, E93, F30, F31, F34, F80) 4p Coupe, Convertible, Gran Coupe and M4 (F32, F33, F36, F82, F83) 5 Series GT and Touring (F07, F10, F11, F18) 6 Series Gran Coupe Convertible (F06, F12, F13) 7 Series (F01, F02, F03, F04) I3 (I01), I8 (I12) X1 (E84), X3 (F25), X4 (F26) X 5 (E70, F15, F85), X6 (E71, E72, F16, F86), Z 4 (E89) Mini Three-door and five-door hatchback (F55, F56) Rolls Royce Phantom Coupe and Drophead Coupe (RR1, RR2, RR3) Ghost (RR4) Wraith (RR5)
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