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  1. Hi, looking for some help here as to how I can get Hermes to cough up and refund me my money after losing my parcel. On the 7th January 2019 I sold a circular saw on eBay for £150.00, because of the weight I decided a courier was the best and cheapest way to send it to the buyer. It was dropped off at my local pick up point on Friday the 9th January for next day delivery. It was over a week before the buyer got in touch to ask me what was happening with the package, I was of the understanding it should’ve been with him by now. It was saying on Hermes website the parcel was at a local depot. I sent Hermes a couple of tweets asking for someone to get in touch with me, no one ever got back to me. I finally got in touch via email where I was told my parcel has been lost. Hermes then claimed that as it was a saw it was classed as a sharp object therefore it was classed as a prohibited item, I argued that I took the blade out before I sent it (not true). They then said that despite it not having a blade it still falls under dangerous items and so they wouldn’t be refunding. I’ve since sent them 2 emails asking further questions and have had no reply. can anyone advise me where to go from here, my last email I told them if they didn’t refund my money in the next week I would be taking it to small claims court, is this the right route to go down? Or maybe there’s another method I should be taking? thanks in advance for any help and advice. kevin
  2. I sold an item on Etsy sent with myhermes and my customer didn’t receive it. The item was posted on December 11th but the buyer didn’t inform me they had not received until January 15th. I informed myhermes who said that they could not locate the parcel but would not pay compensation as I informed them after 28 days. The item is worth £20 so within the standard compensation rate. their terms state: You must notify us in writing of any claim for Loss or Damage or Late Delivery within 28 days of the date of the relevant Order. If you fail to do so, we will not be liable to you for it, except where you are able to prove that it was not possible for you to notify us of your claim in writing within this time limit. I offered as proof that I could not notify them as my buyer had not informed me of the loss. They have refused this as proof stating that proof is only where the sender has been hospitalised?! I’ve asked them to clarify the proof term and direct me to where this is written in their terms but they can’t provide this. I’d appreciate some help with moving forward with this please. Are they within their rights to refuse compensation and put a 28 day limit on informing them of a lost parcel? Can they refuse as proof the fact that I was not informed of the loss by my customer before the 28 day period?
  3. Hi,I'm new here. Without mentioning names, I bought car for 5.5k. described as"drives like new", immaculate condition" etc. Within 28days, red EML light come on, had it locally diagnosed as issue with electronic throttle and exhaust pipe seized shut. I immediately notified the trader, who largely ignored me. I consulted mechanics and was told the serious fault and I better be off rejecting it, under CRA 2015. I had written the dealer (independent garage) quoting my reasons to reject the car, gave them two weeks to issue refund, meanwhile I am without a car. They fobbed me off again, did not collect car,did not diagnose nothing. So after two weeks, I sent letter before action via email and recorded delivery. They called back asking me to take the car to nearest garage and if reasonable they'd pay. I did not agree reasonable part however I had to tow the car to another reputable garage for further diagnosis and quote. It came to 900+. After 5 days of issuing the quote, they came back saying too expensive and I should bear all costing to take car to them and they will fix it(towing would cost around 500). I obviously rejected and went ahead with repairs, now asking them to pay the bill or there is a Small claims on their way. Before you comment, please note following reasons I also rejected,apart from the cost of towing, which they asked me to pay. 1) they sold car with the main warranty provider, I did not get the document but all of their cars had their branding all over (approved dealer, 6m warranty) but I found out they lied. I had various dealings with the warranty company, who sent their staff to REMOVE all their branding trafer fraudulently was using. I have confirmation of this . 2) Autotrader reviews - I naively trusted the reviews, more than 50 ,nearly all 5*. Upon my issues, I went through one by one, and realised they are suspicious. After lengthy dealings with AT, they were found that 46 of those(including dealers responses to those great reviews) were fraudulent. Based upon the fact that they left me with no car for a month, lied to me about everything as stated above I could not be expected to trust them to repair anything to the required standard. (They must have cleared all fault codes prior to selling the car!) There are other matters that I cannot comment on due to legal reasons too. My question is : has anyone been in rotelt similar situation and any tips before small claims? TIA
  4. Hi, I purchased a Peugeot 207 from a reputable dealer (or so I thought) for just under £3000 just over six weeks ago. This car is on finance. The car broke down, the clutch has gone completely, just after six weeks and I have driven less than 200 miles in the car. The dealer are blaming me for the fault and are refusing to put this right. I have quoted the consumer law 2015 at them stating that they have to prove the car didn't have the fault when I purchased it. They are still refusing to deal with the situation and that I have to pay for repair. Now I am desperate to get the car back on the road as I use it to commute and to pick up my kids from my estranged spouse. Should I pay for repair and try to claim it back? Should I just cancel the finance? Any advice on this welcome. Thanks Oh and to name and shame the dealer this is "Crescent Cars" in Baldock Hertfordshire.
  5. Hi Folks, Looking for a little bit of help. I recently purchased a VW scrioco from a dealership. Good ratings in fact 5* across the board. Car was £7500, 2010 model, 56000 Miles. Got the car home on the Sunday (20 mile drive), Went to work on Monday and saw an oil patch on the floor. Contacted the garage about this issue and told to clean the skid on the bottom of the car as it may have pooled from the recent oil change. Did this then about 5 days later it was still happening. At the same time i also noticed that the coolant was leaking whilst the car hand been driven all weekend. Filled the coolant up 2 times and all drained out. Went to start the car to head into the garage to let them run a diagnostics report and the car battery was dead and wouldn't turn over. Told the garage via email and phone that i would like to reject the car under the CRA 2015 as within the 30 days. The dealership have rejected this as they believe its wear and tear. and wouldn't used a mediator to sort the problem out, in fact they wouldn't put anything in writing. The car is currently with them for a diagnostics report. Looking for a bit of advice as my next step, and what to do really as i believe these problems deem the car of unsatisfactory quality and also not fit for purpose. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  6. Having some issues with O2 as of March this year as they have decided to link 2 accounts for another person with the same name and DOB as myself, however this other person has a middle name and i do not. I do not have any accounts with O2. 18/3/18 Received letter stating i was in breach of contract for not paying my O2 bill. 22/3/18 Received letter telling me they had stopped me making calls and texts. 23/3/18 Checked call credit report and O2 had already linked my address with the debtors in Janurary 18 and had both accounts listed. 23/3/18 Emailed call credit stating the incorrect information. 2/4/18 Received letter from O2 telling me they had disconnected my phone. 7/4/18 Requested credit report from Experian. 20/4/18 received letter from call credit stating that O2 had not bothered to respond to them, and are unable to amend the entries to my credit file without the permission of O2. 20/4/18 same letter as above also stating that the disputed entries will be supressed from my credit file, however, O2 can remove the suppression at any time. 21/4/18 complaint letter sent to Experian stating the incorrect accounts and linked addresses. 17/5/18 Received email from Experian telling me O2 had supplied the following details "The link is correct as the account was registered to the disputed address." 1/5/18 Received letter from Experian stating O2 had removed the accounts but not the linked addresses. 1/5/18 Complaint send to ICO about Experian knowingly registering wrong information on there systems even though it had been proved it was not me O2 were looking for. 5/6/18 sent SAR to Experian 5/6/18 SAR sent to O2 8/6/18 Received letter requesting what specific information i wanted from Experian. 11/6/18 Sent Experian an email stating i wanted the information between themselves and O2 to see what had been said about the matter. 11/6/18 Received email back from Experian stating that they had supplied the information the comparison data sets in the additional information i could request. No information regards conversations about themselves and O2. What O2 have done here is add accounts and linked addresses to a serial debtor on my credit report , opening the floodgates for all of these other companies to jump on the bandwagon adding CCJs , Defaults, Late payment accounts to my credit files. They are refusing to remove the wrong data from my Experian report and as stated above have not even replied to call credit about the issue. No reply as yet from the ICO as they are running 8 weeks behind about the Experian complaint. Next steps to take against O2 if anyone has any suggestions, AGAIN O2 are the ones that have opened the floodgates for all of the other comapnies to throw wrongful information onto my credit files without even bothering to do the correct checks. ***Please also note that my Experian credit report in April stated O2 were the source of the linked address, however my credit file in June states Experian are the source of the linked address*** Something funny going on i think. Thanks
  7. I booked a hotel last week on Hotels.com. I found it a lot cheaper on another website, filled out the online form for a price guarantee and Hotels.com responded and confirmed they would match it. I was told that I should pay the hotel directly and then within 72 hours after check out I would be refunded.. I did all of this, on day of check out I contacted them and they said to wait a little longer. They then said that they would not do the price match as they could not verify it, I said I am not accepting that etc. They said they would but they said that my details are not matching (email or telephone number that I booked with). I am 100% sure that I booked with the details I have given them, plus I have email confirmations of my reservation going directly to my email that I have given, along with my phone number. They have told me that they cannot do anything without the correct details. I have provided screenshots etc but they are not having it. I think that hotels.com have changed my details so that I can not benefit from the price guarantee. Any idea what I should do? It is quite a bit of money that I am due back! Thanks!
  8. I will try and be as brief as possible with this. My partner hired a taxi from a local cab hire firm back in July 2017. He paid a deposit on taking the car. The original car had a lot of problems and kept getting taken into the garage for repairs. As it was licensed to another county, they could not provide another vehicle when repairs were being made and therefore could not work. Another time with this particular car, was told it was repaired, filled the tank £50 and then it broke down again (no recovery or breakdown service offered either, despite paying £200 per week!). They said they would get a replacement car, told it would be an Octavia - then given a Dacia Logan (may be fine for nipping around town) totally not cut out for taxi work! Still paying the same rent. As he got licenced locally, he asked for a locally licensed car (to avoid past issues). They dragged their heels with this and finally got given another Dacia in Jan 18 despite saying he didn't want another Dacia as it is majorly uncomfortable to work in. Finally managed to get our own car plated so returned the car to taxi hire firm. I emailed and checked account balance was zero and have email to confirm it was. Contract states a period of 6 weeks for return of initial deposit. Waited the six weeks, didn't get it, I called and was told no it was 8 weeks and would be paid on a certain date. Waited another two weeks, still nothing. Called again and told the woman who deals with it is on holiday. Chased again the following week to then get an email stating that as he did not keep the last car for 6 weeks that he would not be getting back his original deposit and also that he owed them about £150. This figure is not correct and is due to their errors when car was taken in for repair etc half way through the week when rent was paid in advance. I called CAB and they have told me to write letter to them with the argument that it was a continuation of the original contract as he had a car from them permanently from July 17 to Feb 18. I just wondered if anyone can help me out with some wording for the letter to them. I have heard that many other people have had trouble getting deposits back. The company are highly unprofessional imo. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  9. Recently Online using a CC I bought a Tyre Pressure Management System from Fit2Go. At the time I was unable to access their T&Cs etc. the unit was delivered however it was no longer needed so I returned it the next day which was the 24th Aug. I also emailed them to ask about the returns policy but got no answer until today. They state; "Unfortunately we only take returns back if the item is within warranty and is faulty. Can I ask why you don’t think it will be suitable?" I was under the impression that most stuff anything bought Online could be returned within 14 days after delivery with no questions asked. The item was returned in the original packaging. Please advise. Thanks.
  10. Apologies this is a long story..... Bought a used car from large flashy Range Rover garage on 31/03/18 for £18,500. Husband gets train to work and I walk so we hadn’t really used the car much at the start but noticed something wasn’t right so called trader. They offered to look at the car but at their chosen garage which was 30 miles away and we had to take it there. Husband took the day off work to drive it there and was given what I can only describe as an old banger as a courtesy car. Garage repaired the car (replaced Haldex?) but couldn’t find all the problems we had listed (it got stuck in reverse occasionally and didn’t automatically change gear smoothly and got stuck in first gear once) we drove another 30 miles there and back to collect it. A few days later the fault returned. To be honest there were a few other things we weren’t happy about by this point, rear camera had stopped working, one of the rear passenger doors wouldn’t open. Now we’re out of pocket and fed up with the whole situation and called the garage to tell them that the problem had returned and we wanted to return the car as we had only had it for 2 months. The garage offered to repair it again and refused the request for a refund. We wrote to the garage, quoting the Consumer Rights Act and that we didn’t have to accept a second repair and that they should refund us. They refused. We then got an independent check by the RAC (cost £300) who found problems with the gearbox and confirmed rear camera, door was faulty. A day later I drafted an email to them (I always send Rec del letter too) explaining that we’d got it checked out and would now like to request a refund again. I also phoned the rmi to start Mediation as apparently if you take court action, a judge won’t be happy if you’ve not tried this first. However, before I sent the email yesterday (sat 14/7) I got a phone call from my husband saying the car had broken down. Couldn’t get it started Called the RAC and 6 hours later they stuck it on a truck and brought it back to our house. It is now on our drive, we can’t do anything with it as it won’t start. What do we do now? Go straight to legal proceedings? Call the flashy garage people and tell them to come and get it, which I reckon they won’t! And advice greatly appreciated
  11. Hi I'm posting this on behalf of a friend who is at the end of her tether regarding the treatment she is receiving from the local Council. Long story short, she has been placed in temporary accomodation along with her 5 kids aged 2-14, having had to leave the emergency accomodation she was put in after her senile old father threw her and the kids out on the street one night. The house has the bog standard set up of front door, back door from lounge to the garden and a side door. She has only been given keys to the front door meaning she has very difficult access to the garden, but what worries her most is if there was a fire or they had to get out the property quickly the only way out is the front door which wouldn't be much use if that was blocked by a fire. She spoke to a woman at the council this morning who in a nutshell said "oh well we try not to give keys out to the back doors you'll just have to manage and if you had to escape you'd just have to try and get out the window instead"!!!! Surely this can't be right? If she's paying rent to stay in a property surely she has the right to access and exit it through all it doors? Any advice appreciated as they talk to her as though she's some kind of ****** chavvy single Mum which she's far from being. Thanks
  12. Cutting a very long story short. Applying for ESA first time in January two letters were enclosed with the ESA50 form requesting a home visit and recording for a ESA F2F assessment. Received Maximus letter for ESA f2f assessment at beginning of April at one of their medical centres. Rang Maximus and told them there was no letter from them to give the reasons why a home visit was not granted. Was told by Maximus the DWP Decision Maker has disallowed the home visit. Rang DWP and told them Maximus said the DM has refused a home visit and and asked the reasons why. Was told by the DWP staff that is was wrong the DWP's DM do not make any decision with regards to home visit nor get involve with F2F assessment that is the job of Maximus their medical contractor. Went back to Maximus and told them what DWP said the appointment was cancelled. Received couple of phone calls from Maximus requesting a letter from the GP to back up the home visit request. GP faxed letter to Maximus stating cannot attend a f2f at a centre due to medical/clinical reasons. Maximus confirmed by phone that they have received the GP supporting letter at the beginning of May 2018 and was told they will send a letter of their decision about the home visit by four different staff. Received several letters to attend appointments at different dates from Maximus including a phone call to ring them very important and very urgently with regards to a f2f at their centre which was to take place some 3 weeks later strange. Each time received a phone call two days before the appointments due date to cancel appointments because their recording machine is broken and that it will take a very long time before hearing from them. Received another letter last week to attend yet another appointment at their centre at the beginning of July but still received no letter with regards to the home visit whether it has been granted or refused. Non of the cancellation letters stating appointments was cancelled because of broken recording machines it just said appointment rescheduled sorry for the inconvenience. Maximus has on record they've book for a Taxi as their making reasonable adjustment but send no letter stating that fact. New appointment letter had not stated a Taxi has been booked for the appointment it just said please attend 10 minutes before the appointment time. I'm looking for a template letter with regards to disability discrimination and harassment from Maximus/contractor and a sample letter under the equality act 2010 requesting a home visit with regards to Maximus making reasonable adjustments for a f2f assessment under the equality act. Any help will be appreciated.
  13. Hi guys, Google has brought me here as it appears a few of you have had similar issues to the one I'm having. Car crashed into back of mine while I was stopped at lights, guy accepted responsibility and his insurer contacted me to arrange repairs (Well, actually their repairer contacted me, I never once heard from the insurer as I recall) They also arranged a replacement vehicle for me which I assumed to be a courtesy car but in fact, as I now know, turned out to be a credit hire. I'm now getting solicitors letters because the insurer is now refusing to pay out for the car and I, like a few others here, have been asked to provide bank statements and credit card bills to aid recovery of the money. I'm confused how this is anything to do with me bearing in mind I had no involement in any of the arrangements and as far as I'm aware, sued the services approved by their insurer. P.S. I've spoken to my insurance who gave me a big "Not my problem"
  14. My Son agreed to do some work for a customer to install and improve their bathroom. The customer agreed to pay half of the fitting charge then the rest on completion. Customer paid for all materials and ordered her own bathroom furniture. Prior to her ordering this my son made her aware that in order to install a shower into the available space she would have to have a sliding door on the shower cubicle. We got to the last day of fitting and noticed she has bought a hinged shower door which will not fit. I offered to complete the work on Friday and messaged her to arrange this and requested that she guarantee to pay the remainder of fitting charge on completion the same day. She messaged back saying she would NOT guarantee this as she felt there was a lot to finish. She then sent me an email quoting Consumer Regulations (2013) stating that I am obliged to provide pre-contract information and a cooling off period of 14 days. She states that she is now choosing to invoke this and has 1 year and 14 days. We had a verbal contract and she has now stated she wishes to cancel my services and I am not to return to their property. I have completed 95% of this work and I am owed £860.25 for this. Customer has stated that they will get another independent tradesman to value the work done to date and will pay what they tell her or request a refund - in reasonable time. This has left me unable to pay sub contractor for electricity work and myself unable to pay my own bills etc. Can anyone give me advice on my next step? By the way the customer was over the moon with the work done to date, however, her Father turned up at the property 2 days ago and told me to go off home. I picked up my tools and left saying I would speak to my customer to arrange to finish the work.
  15. Hope someone can advise me please. I am a landlord who has rented to a 'guaranteed rent' letting agency and they have been fine up to now. My house has been let via the local council housing as temporary accommodation. But, now I find myself in a situation where I need to either sell or remortgage and the tenant's son is refusing entry to another agency with interested buyers and also the biggest problem I have is that a surveyor is due to attend to survey the property next Friday and the letting agent is advising that I arrange with the tenant's son for the surveyor, which he is refusing. The tenant's son was very abusive and aggressive to a prospective buyer who arrived to view as arranged with the tenant (viewer intended to still rent out as a landlord) and the selling agent and viewer were forced to leave the property. What can I do?
  16. Ordered a shower enclosure from Aquabliss. Turned out it was the wrong size by a small margin. Had to order a replacement immediately as we had a builder in doing the work. I emailed Aquabliss to arrange the collection of the shower enclosure (3 packages) which are still in their original packaging. They have refused to do so stating that it is the customer's responsibility. They say that they can exchange it, but they cannot collect it. They say that I have to arrange collection and delivery of the items back to them. These items came on a pallet and I have already got a quote of £56.00 for one of the packages which considering I spent over £400 on this shower enclosure and another £340 on its replacement, I am now out by over £400. I offered to pay reasonable postage costs if they arranged it and they could deduct it from the refund. They have point blank refused. I have now put in an official complaint. From what I can see, I rejected the item within 14 days as it was the wrong one. I have been reasonable in offering costs for collection etc. I feel like I am butting my head against a brick wall.
  17. I recently bought (January 18th 2018) an ex display sewing machine for £1499.00 (advertised on their website that ALL of their ex display machines are serviced before going out to customers) first off the lady on the phone told me that they do not post out on Saturdays and it would cost £20 for delivery, as this was on a Thursday I failed to see the relevance. The machine was posted out via courier (Parcel Force) and arrived on January 20th. I set the machine up (Husqvarna Topaz 50) downloaded the complementary software from the Husqvarna site and prepared to sew by connecting the machine to my laptop, there was NO response from the machine, the USB port on the machine was not lightning up. All I could do was sew designs that came pre-programmed with the machine (which defeats the object and pleasure of being able to transfer bought designs) I contacted the shop and the person who answered the phone immediately tried to blame the courier for 'throwing' the machine around, however, she did say that sometimes during transportation that the USB cable can become dislodged from the Motherboard, she made arrangements to have the machine collected, it duly was (January 25th) While I was on the phone with the assistant I asked her for the invoice and serial number of the machine so that I could register it (safeguarding my warranty) she told me I needen't worry as they would be registering the machine on my behalf. It did cause some concern to me (which I tried to get across) but was spoken 'down to and over' All my partner (whose credit card was used to make the payment) had was a till receipt and a Barclaycard statement indicating that a payment had been taken out by the establishment. On January 27th the machine was returned to me, I once again set it up only to discover that the machine would not stay threaded, the top thread kept 'leaping' pout of the take-up lever/rocker arm, sending messages on the screen to clear threads from the embroidery area when there were NO threads present. I phoned the shop (AGAIN) They told me it was 'user-error' from my end and that I MUST have been using 'cheap' threads, the wrong stabilizer, did I 'floss' the machine (flossing: hold the SILK threads in BOTH hands and do a sawing motion through the tension disks)..... As anyone who sews knows that silk is NOT the strongest medium for sewing, it is a soft material only used for decorative sewing. The lady on the phone 'walked me through' a few steps (don't know how she could tell what I was or wasn't doing on the phone.... Immediately after threading and placing my foot on the pedal the thread broke, her remark was....'Hmm, never had one that went THAT quickly) I know, should have recorded phone call. I again phoned on the 29th, they insisted I 'pop' along to the shop and use the machine in front of them to see if I was doing something 'wrong' Now, I told them that it wasn't THAT easy for me to get to them (they are nearly 70 miles away from me) Sn February 2nd I phoned them and told them in no uncertain terms that I DO NOT want the machine and could I have the money credited to my partners credit card, at this time I was speaking to the wife of the owner who told me I was NOT entitled to any sort of refund!! I told my partner who rang them (Feb 2nd) somehow they managed to persuade him to allow them to a SECOND repair.......I categorically told them I did NOT want the machine!! I sent a recorded letter informing them that I am NOT willing to accept something that does not fit the bill of 'in perfect working order' When my partner spoke to them they had agreed to send a courier to collect the machine. I also sent them a video of the machine acting up. I followed up with ANOTHER recorded letter (after taking advice from Which Magazine) legal team, sent a short term right to reject (?) letter.................. The shop owner still ISN'T playing ball, he's still insisting that I 'pop' over and take advantage (only offered after the first letter to him) of their two day 'getting-to-know-your-machine' course. In a letter he sent to me (dated Feb 13th) he said he would be more than happy to prove to me that there was NOTHING wrong with the machine and that I had accepted the machine with a fault (he's admitted that the machine came to me with this fault) he also states that if I no longer want the machine that I should say so in writing and he could sell it on my behalf, but for him doing so it would cost me £100. I have since had another letter from him ( an after thought, I think) letting me know that the machine stitches beautifully and not to forget that I have a five year warranty. He's also sent me an email (dated Feb 28th) in which he's attached 2 PDF documents letting me all about the modifications of the Husqvarna take up lever (2009 and 2011) a link to the 'Buy with confidence website, to which he is a member he states and I quote from his email "They can assist you with any consumer/retailer issues, and we have to abide by their findings, they can also put you in touch with a Trading Standards Officer if needed all at no cost to you". no mention of giving me my refund. in my last recorded letter to him (22nd Feb) I gave him 14 days to refund my money or I will take it to the next level....... . Asking for advice from those in the know on this forum, what is the next step please.
  18. Hello everyone, I'm currently a single mum of 2 and claim working tax credit and child tax credit. My boyfriend and I are thinking of moving in together (him moving into my home). I said I will inform Tax Credits accordingly and make a joint claim once he moves in. The problem is, he has made it very clear that he will not provide proof of his wages etc (it's his privacy). He said that he wants to provide and we won't be eligible for anything so I should just call them and close my claim. My question is: Can I just call to say I wish to end my tax credit claim as my boyfriend will be living with me?. Will they not ask for his employer, salary details etc? I don't want to end up with an overpayment. Also, is there a best time to close tax credit claims because my friend said that I should wait till end of tax year April or July? Really confused so any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.
  19. A terrible thread title but its as good as i could do Im trying to help a family member out with advice. I've told them to make an appointment to see CAB and also their Occupational Therapist but wondered if anyone on here would have any clue on the subject... So they are husband and wife and live in a 3 bed council house. The wife is on numerous disability benefits mainly for a degenerative bone disease (has x amount of crumbling/broken vertebrae and numerous other related problems) and the husband doesn't work and is the carer. The marriage has broken down and the husband isn't doing any of the caring. The wife wants to split and move out but the husband doesn't and they are both on the tenancy. Because he doesn't want to move or split up she cant ask the council for a move to a one bed place. husband and wife are constantly rowing and there has been violence and its also very likely to happen again. It sounds a bit boring to me now seeing it written down but in reality things are really boiling over and the wife is at her wits end. She OBVIOUSLY has the option of leaving but not only would she lose her house but the council have also said they would not be able to put her anywhere else. To me the best outcome would be if the council would swap the 3 bed house for 2 single flats but as im writing on behalf of the wife she is obviously more worried just about her. It seems the husbands refusal to accept a failed marriage has anchored her in a kind of limbo. Any advice please?
  20. Hello Everyone Would any one be able to offer any advice on my situation please ? Went Bankrupt 6 years ago, all unsecured debt. One of the debts was a payday loan by Quick Quid. All creditors amended their entries on my credit reports to show that the debt was satisfied and the default dates were on or before my date of bankruptcy order. These are the ICO guidelines. All well so far. Quick Quid have recorded my account as Defaulted which is correct but the date of Default is 3 years after my Bankruptcy order. This is against ICO guidelines. I wrote to call Credit and raised a dispute and they simply wrote back and said 'Quick Quid have not responded to your dispute so you need to contact them yourself' I have done that and they are not responding either. Any suggestions on what I can do / put in my next letter of complaint ? Cheers
  21. Good morning,I am looking for advice on where I stand legally when landlord is trying to claim all of my deposit on a property I have now left. I lived at the property for seven years but was given one months notice to quit on October 4th(rent due on 5th of month) as the landlord informed me that she was selling the property after failing to remortgage it. I told her that I believed I required two months notice but she said that I was wrong,however I cooperated with many viewings on the property and was informed that the property had been sold and vacant possession was required. The sale fell through and she then said that she was in no rush for me to move. I found a property for which she gave me a good reference and I left the property on Nov 4th. I applied for my deposit through the DPS scheme,claiming back the full amount of £856.49 but she has declined the full amount for the following reasons: 1.Rent arrears of £550.00 which I assume would be for the month Nov/Dec as my rent was always paid in full to the date I left and had never been in arrears. 2.Missing items £250.00 - The check out inventory was not done by the landlord so I am unsure what she is referring to.The only items that I am aware of are a washing machine and a dishwasher.These items are no longer there as during the tenancy the items broke and the landlord was informed at the time and I was asked to dispose of them.I have text messages to confirm this. 3.Gardening £50.00 - The garden was left clean and tidy,the only exception being fence panels that had fallen during storms,I also have photographic evidence of this. I am not sure how relevant the next point is but when the estate agent selling the property spoke to me he asked for a current gas safety certificate but the last one I had was dated 2014.He informed me that this check has to be done by law every year. When I left the property I left new flooring and carpets that were purchased in August this year,everything was left clean and tidy,the only damage being structural i.e.severe.damp on a number of walls and ceilings,guttering broken, leaking pipes and upstairs electrics not working..The landlord had been informed of these issues but had taken no remedial action. I need to know if: 1/ I am liable for the rent arrears as she has claimed or can I leave during the notice period. 2/ Is she in breach of contract for not doing repairs or failing to carry out the yearly gas check. I realy cannot afford a solicitor and need to know my best course of action. Thank you.
  22. Hi, I have made two attempts at buying a cagoule from the online retailer, BoohooMan.com with voucher codes and have been hit with problems both times. The first time, of which the cagoule was reduced from £20 to £13.99 including delivery, the item was supposedly to be delivered by Hermies, and was delayed twice before the retailer demanded for the item to be returned and I was given a refund. When I tried a second time, the cagoule was reduced from £20 to £15.99 including delivery, using a voucher code with Unidays. This time around the delivery was arranged with DPD. However, the item was delayed for arrival with DPD and the retailer changed the delivery arrangements to Hermies and has now been delayed twice again. I now fear that the item will not be delivered and I will have to pay again at full price for my goods. Do I have the right to demand the delivery of the cagoule that was ordered, instead of giving me another refund?
  23. Hi all, Thanks to anyone who would mind taking the time to read this and advise me if possible. I received a 2 fines from the magistrates court. 1 for no tv license (fair enough) and one for driving without insurance (although the car wasn't been driven it was just parked on my street as it was broken down and id transferred my insurance onto a new vehicle. Taxed to be on the road but didn't realise it had to be insured as well, my bad but I guess that's by the by). In the midst of this I was granted a debt relief order and was granted £300 by the official receiver to cover the TV license fine (strange as that fine was for £200) but left the insurance fine outstanding. initially as I wasn't working deductions were been made from my benefits. When I returned to work in January 2017 this stopped I didn't make any payments as id lost my paperwork and expected to hear from them regarding payments and thought id pick it up from there. In the meantime I got myself another fine. ( I know, I know but it was cheaper to be found guilty and pay £400 than pay a solicitor to find me not guilty) I began making payments for this fine immediately. In mid May I received a letter from the South Yorkshire Enforcement unit giving me one reference number to cover all my fines. It showed the amount i'd paid and the balance. (though there was no reference to the £300 that the insolvency officer had written off under the DRO). Again I continued making payments and have regularly paid £50 a month every since. In total since April I have paid £560 towards the fines. Then I received a letter from collectica. A notice of enforcement. Showing the correct balance of £883.50 but they have also added on £75 for god knows what. I rang them and explained to the guy who answered that I had made regular payments to my fines and had been doing since April. I asked if I could continue making payments at the amount I had been - £50.00. This was a big no no. He wanted half the money up front before agreeing to a payment plan. I explained to him that I had just been discharged from my DRO and that I was very careful with my budgeting. I tried to explain to him that by paying him more that I could afford the money would have to come from another pot i'd be sorting one problem and creating another. He told me his was a priority debt, I explained I have no other debt anymore and that this was the only one outstanding my payment history should clearly show that I am trying my best to clear it. We went back and forth for about half an hour. I stood my ground. I refused to pay anymore than I could afford, explained that i'm certainly no sat with a 50" T.V on my wall and that if they come to my house the only thing they will find of value is my sons PS4 which is about 3 years old. (and my car which my mum bought me for work, now been parked out of the way of my house. His final offer was of an initial payment of £280 and a payment plan. Otherwise I would be charged for bailiffs attendance and get more fees, worst case scenario been arrested. I told him at this point id welcome a change to plead my case in court. Although I suspect they would rather just add more fees onto the debt that I have been trying to clear. I told him this was the most insane act of bullying ever. They can clearly say I have been making regular and timely payments directly to the court, now they want to eliminate all that money I've struggled to pay by sticking it back on in fees meaning that it will take me even longer to pay. How the hell is that even I thing?!!!! I told him I may as well have kept all the money I paid so that when they wanted an initial payment I could have made it. This makes absolutely no sense to me. I have worked my ass off to get out of debt and despite paying on time they are determined to land me back in it. I got off the phone and resolved nothing. He told me I have another few days to agree to his terms before a bailiff will call at my house (he'll be very disappointed by the nothing of value that I have ) its hassle I just don't need. I got off the phone and made my due payment of £50 but again to the courts not to collectica. Does anyone have any advise for me please? This is infuriating for me that they can see I am not ignoring the fines I am paying each month yet they seen hell bent on making the debt larger. Also can anyone advise what to do regarding the £300 the DRO shows they have allowed towards these fines that is not showing on the letter I received from the courts. Many Thanks
  24. Hi everyone, I'm hoping someone can offer some advice with an online shop problem. I bought an E-cig kit from a shop online which I received a week ago. This morning when I turned it on, the screen is faulty - it has like lines all down it right across it. I contacted the shop I bought it from who don't want to know. I was told that even though I had bought a full kit - mod and tank in a sealed box, that he could not take the tank back due to hygiene reasons as it goes in your mouth. I don't get this as I know that vape shops who have faulty goods returned send the whole kit back to the manufacturer who in turn refunds them. No vape shop will take back part of a kit and it must be returned in its original box. After being pushed, he said he might replace the mod but could not guarantee it would be in a sealed box - all mods are bought in sealed boxes. He said I would have to trust him that he would not send me an old reconditioned replacement ! He point blank refused to replace the whole kit with a new one so I told him in that case I would want a refund to which he refused and said I obviously didn't know the law. He then said if he was to consider anything, he would have to make sure that I had not damaged the mod myself - I am OCD about all my mods. They are all like new I am so fussy with them so no I didn't damage it myself. Again I was told that I obviously don't know the law and that he doesn't have to give any refund. This guy is really dodgy. I paid for the kit through paypal Does anyone know what I should do now? Thanks for any advice you may have
  25. Posting on behalf of my partner who has experienced an issue with unauthorised transactions on her HSBC current account. Between the 10th November and the 13th several transactions were made at a local coop supermarket to buy goods and get cashback as well as one ATM withdrawal of £130. Upon discovering the transactions had been made my partner immediately contacted HSBC and reported the card as stolen and went through their fraud process aswell as reporting the theft to both Action Fraud and our local police. Now, I was under the impression that the FCA guidelines stated that HSBC should refund the transactions my partner has raised yet they refused to do so "pending an investigation" Also as these transactions pushed her into an unauthorised overdraft she is STILL being charged a daily fee which HSBC refuse to freeze. Yesterday my partner received a phone call from the HSBC fraud department stating the case was closed and they were finding her liable as the card was present at the time of these transactions and her correct pin had been used. I fail to see how this can be the case as at the time of these transactions we were hundreds of miles away from where they were carried out and my partner can prove this as she made a payment using apple pay in a store 300 miles away around the same time that there was an ATM withdrawal! I have spoken to the bank on her behalf this morning as she is a vulnerable adult with learning difficulties to be told that all HSBC can do now is lodge an appeal against the fraud teams decision which can take anything between 6 & 8 weeks. What is my best course of action to at least get the overdraft fees waived or frozen as I have now given up the hope the bank would have a soul and realise this is a genuine case of fraud against a woman who is suffering serious mental anguish aswell as financial hardship due to their frankly callous and uncaring attitude. Any help appreciated, thanks in advance!
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