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  1. A terrible thread title but its as good as i could do Im trying to help a family member out with advice. I've told them to make an appointment to see CAB and also their Occupational Therapist but wondered if anyone on here would have any clue on the subject... So they are husband and wife and live in a 3 bed council house. The wife is on numerous disability benefits mainly for a degenerative bone disease (has x amount of crumbling/broken vertebrae and numerous other related problems) and the husband doesn't work and is the carer. The marriage has broken down and the husband isn't doing any of the caring. The wife wants to split and move out but the husband doesn't and they are both on the tenancy. Because he doesn't want to move or split up she cant ask the council for a move to a one bed place. husband and wife are constantly rowing and there has been violence and its also very likely to happen again. It sounds a bit boring to me now seeing it written down but in reality things are really boiling over and the wife is at her wits end. She OBVIOUSLY has the option of leaving but not only would she lose her house but the council have also said they would not be able to put her anywhere else. To me the best outcome would be if the council would swap the 3 bed house for 2 single flats but as im writing on behalf of the wife she is obviously more worried just about her. It seems the husbands refusal to accept a failed marriage has anchored her in a kind of limbo. Any advice please?
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