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Found 9 results

  1. Ordered a shower enclosure from Aquabliss. Turned out it was the wrong size by a small margin. Had to order a replacement immediately as we had a builder in doing the work. I emailed Aquabliss to arrange the collection of the shower enclosure (3 packages) which are still in their original packaging. They have refused to do so stating that it is the customer's responsibility. They say that they can exchange it, but they cannot collect it. They say that I have to arrange collection and delivery of the items back to them. These items came on a pallet and I have already got a quote of £56.00 for one of the packages which considering I spent over £400 on this shower enclosure and another £340 on its replacement, I am now out by over £400. I offered to pay reasonable postage costs if they arranged it and they could deduct it from the refund. They have point blank refused. I have now put in an official complaint. From what I can see, I rejected the item within 14 days as it was the wrong one. I have been reasonable in offering costs for collection etc. I feel like I am butting my head against a brick wall.
  2. I signed up to AA home insurance February 2017. I paid circa £120 up front for the year. I moved house in November 2017. It was cheaper to go with someone else, so I called aa to cancel my existing policy and also cancelled my dd. It seems that they tried to auto renew me in february and failed to take an annual payment. I have post redirection but didnt receive any notification of this. I have now received a default notice and a request for monies. After speaking to their customer service manager they have promised to review their records to see if I did call or not. I cannot prove that I did as my phone doesnt go that far back. I am sure they have very clever t&c's but do I have a leg to stand on?
  3. Am I liable for emptying a deceased's relative's flat of unwanted furniture? My auntie recently passed away I very rarely seen her and was shocked that I had a phone call on the weekend saying she passed away in hospital, as I'm her only living relative, I contacted the housing association about giving her flat up, they told me I would need to clear the flat I told them I can't due to other commitments and living too far away, they told me I would be liable to pay then so much for 3 items, can they do this? Am I liable for any costs?
  4. Apologies if this has been covered before, I had a look but could not see a similar thread. And the reason I wrote the above is because I am imagining this is a familiar complaint. It relates to a desktop computer I bought online from PC World and now wish to return. I am within the required 14 day time limit so I wrote to them asking for a refund. I pointed out that I had switched the machine on to test it and they then pointed me to their Ts and Cs which say that by doing that I could not now return the machine. I wasn't quite so certain they were correct about their right to refuse me a refund on that basis and I cited the fact that I was within my rights to test the computer at home in the same way as I would test one in a shop and that I would have tested a similar model on display before I bought it. No, they said (repeatedly) although they repeatedly failed to address my central point about doing the same as if I was in the store. I also pointed out that they had no right to absolutely refuse me a refund as they should, at the least, refund me my money less any drop in value by having tested it. Again they weren't having that. So we are at stalemate - but who is right? I'd be interested in any views as I intend to keep pushing this one with them!
  5. Hi, I would really appreciate if anyone could help me. At the beginning of February 2014 I was offered a senior role within a very reputed Financial Services organisation. However within the Background checks I found out that there was a CCJ against my name registered in December 2013. As soon as I got the information on 17th February, I contacted the Northampton County Court and they informed me that Parking Eye had secured a judgment against me for overstaying in a car park. The way Parking Eye operates is that they take a video evidence and then get in touch with the customer using their contact details from DVLA. Unfortunately the address Parking Eye was trying to get in touch with me was an old address which I had vacated 3 months earlier. I was at a very low point in my life and updating the DVLA address was one of the last things on my mind. By the time I could update my records in DVLA, ParkingEye was trying to get in touch with me at my old address and eventually they got a CCJ against my name in December 2013. I paid Parking Eye on 17th February itself as I didnt want the CCJ, however I have been told that paying off £165 at the first instance wasnt a wise thing. I now need some help in finding out what are the best options for me to get the CCJ removed / set aside from my file. Parking Eye has been sympathetic and they are in the process of sending a Consent Order to court stating the condition and asking them to set aside my CCJ. However I have been made aware that this a rare circumstance it depends on the judge who undertakes the case. I havent yet raised a N244 application but I wanted to know whether I should be doing the same in conjunction to Consent Order; or should I ask Parking Eye to stop sending the Consent Order and I send N244 application on my own? Any help or advice on the matter would be useful. I have never defaulted on any payment or credit agreement and otherwise have an excellent credit history. Unfortunately with the presence of the CCJ on my file I would not be able to secure any further employment within Financial Services industry in which I have worked for more than 12 years. Thanks in advance...
  6. Hello My motorcycle was clamped for not having a valid tax disc on display. The thing is I have declared the motorcycle on SORN back in March 2013. I checked the same on DVLA's site and it says (with other vehicle information) "SORN not due", which I think means the SORN is valid and not due yet. (Please correct me if I am wrong) Now comes the tricky bit. I have always kept this SORNed motorcycle (I have two and I haven't used the SORNed vehicle since it was SORNed) on the sidewalk. Today someone must have moved it. Bottom line is, it was clamped whilst on a side road. To be honest I don't need the motorcycle, as I don't wish to keep it. I have just not been able to get around to disposing it off. My question is what happens if I don't pay to have my vehicle released? There was a leaflet left on the motorcycle which says and I quote Since I don't want the vehicle, what happens if I do not pay? Will there be further fees or penalties? What is the best course of action? Thank you very much for reading and your help.
  7. http://uk.news.yahoo.com/study-bank-staff-still-mis-selling-000724699.html#rrOy79k
  8. Has anyone got a solution to these 10 or 20 message a day i receive from PPI and loan companies. I have asked countless times to be taken off list. Also have send "stop" back many time with no result. They just keep coming.:-x:-x
  9. Hi all, Sorry that my first post here is a question - I hope I'm in the right place I ordered a thermal binder through an Amazon marketplace seller a few weeks ago. The seller sent the wrong item, so I asked for a refund. They instead sent along the correct item, but I had already purchased it elsewhere, so I pressed the issue and demanded a refund, which I have received. In their last e-mail they made it clear they did not want the two items back - they asked me to destroy them. My question: I have made every attempt to return the items to them, but they explicitly said they don't want them back. Destroying and disposing of them will cost me money. Are these items now my property and can I sell them, for example on eBay? Thanks so much in advance to anyone who can advise me! edit: After looking around some more I suspect this may have been better on the "general consumer issues" forum. My apologies if this is the case. I'd be grateful if an admin could relocate it if necessary.
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