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  1. Hi I know it's Christmas but really hope someone can help me out urgently, I've had a claim through from cabot financial with 'right hassle' acting on their behalf for a very old Egg account. I submitted the AOS now need to put together a defence in the next 2-3 days and submit by thursday next week (i think that's the deadline having used the 33 day from service calc). Claim details/points Claimant - CABOT FINANCIAL (UK) LIMITED Address for docs & payments - WRIGHT HASSALL LLP Date of issue – 24/11/14 POC - POC ATTACHED but I can type this out if need be. [ATTACH=CONFIG]54992[/ATTACH] - Not sure if important but POC seems to include a mistake or two: using # symbols instead of £, also they quote a #19,***.** balance for the debt (far in excess of the c14K at close of account!?) and then go on to ask for interest of exactly the same total: "The Claimant therefore claims the sum of #19,***.** interest under s89 County Courts Act 1984 and costs." surely this is wrong and a basis to defend/strike out? Claim Value - ALMOST £20,000 Original Creditor - EGG (Card Account closed 2006) Type of Account - CREDIT CARD ACCOUNT Agreement entered pre-2007? - Yes 2004 Account assigned by Debt Purchaser? - Yes, by CABOT (bought from Egg 2009) Notice of Assignment? NOT SURE if I have a properly worded NOA: - had a letter from EGG (OC) late 2009 stating "We hereby give notice of the transfer of the debt due to us by you.. ..On XXX 2009 your account was sold to Cabot Financial.. .Any further communications and payments must therefore be addressed to Cabot...etc." -had a "Welcome to Cabot" letter stating similar (is that acceptable as an NOA) Default Notice from the original creditor? - YES 2006 but not sure if correct Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? - YES BUT NOT EVERY YEAR (not in 2011 & 2012) Why did you cease payments? - BUSINESS IN TROUBLE SO SEVERE FINANCIAL DIFFICULTIES What was the date of your last payment? - to the OC May/June 2006 (can check exact date if needed) - to the DCA not sure either late 2008 or very early 2009 Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? Possibly - PPI charged when not asked for, this was refunded (2004) but can I use this? - CCA request to ARC in early 2009 recorded post, responded with a copy of a signed Egg Agreement but not the entire terms, very brief 2 pages - pretty sure I wrote back "account in dispute" as requested docs not supplied but what if I can't find letter/postal proof? Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt managementicon plan? YES, I wrote to them saying that I had severe financial issues asking for account to be put on hold, that I had been in touch with National Debtline (gave them the ref number) and had been making recent smaller payments, They wrote back saying no can do. PPI - as mentioned above never requested/applied for but charged at the start of the account, I lodged a complaint and was refunded the 2 charges. Interest - The interest has been accruing since the account moved on and has grown from c£14k to almost £20k, surely this is wrong when there are no details as to how they have come by an interest rate, what terms do they rely on etc? Can anyone help me out with some advice please, am I on the right track with some of my thoughts above? Most urgently I'm not sure if i should send any further CCA requests to Cabot or WH or even Egg? Too late for a CPR31.14? If i can get the letters into the post tomorrow morning they will reach the DCA/OC by Monday morning recorded delivery which gives almost a week - but I need to send them by 12pm tomorrow so if anyone is out there please advise. Many thanks. GF2k
  2. Hi, bit of a background. Most dates are from letters. Blue are the dates from correspondence. 02/07/15 - contravention occured, CCTV observed 08/07/15 - Council applied for my details to DVLA 14/07/15 - Council received the details and posted PCN I have not received the PCN 24/08/2015 - Charge Certificate was sent (£90 or so) 01/09/2016 - PEC warning Letter was sent (£90 or so) I opened both letters on 09/09/2015. As I didn't remember entering any Bus Lane I drove to the place. Once there I remembered I did enter the road when looking for a venue for my Wife's birthday. I couldn't see any signs as there was a bunch of diggers and other road working machines parked on both sides of the road. The sign says "Bus and Access Only". As I went half way that road to check the pub it is access. The pub is not accessible by any other road. It sits bang in a middle of Bus and Access only road. I phoned up Council stating that I never received PCN and on top of that I was within restrictions as I was accessing a venue located on that road. Was advised to fill 2 forms (don't remember what forms). Couple of days later I filled the forms and posted them. Haven't heard from the Council since. 27/11/2015 - Council sent TE3/TE9. I honestly don't remember if I got them. Irrelevant anyway as I sent forms already. 08/01/2016 - Warrant of Control was authorised and notice sent to Enforcement Agency Some time in January enforcer turns up and wants nearly £500. I sent him away and contacted CAB. As advised filled forms (Out of Time Witness Statement and Statutory Declaration) stating that I have not received the PCN in a first place and I did coply with restrictions as I used the read as access to the venue which is on that read. Northampton refused the application. Now the case is back with enforcers unless I fork out £100 (no hearing) or £255 (with hearing) and apply for review. Why on Earth Northampton refused I have no idea. When I called TEC they said that officer refused based on reply from the Council. Looks like Council decided here even if it is a side in a case. Now I have to fork out £100 or £255 to have it reviewed and still not certain of the outcome especially if has been refused before despite the fact that I had 2 valid grounds for having Out Of Time granted. As far as my research so far any of this grounds on its own should warrant acceptance of Out of Time. Please advise if there is anything else I can do. Just to clarify, Main problem is should I received PCN I would have appealed against it. Mainly as I can't afford any extra expenses and I do watch very carefully where I drive or park. Having said that if I lost the appeal I would have to pay "only" £60. I definitely can not afford £500. Got to think twice before forking out £100 for review and £255 is out of reach. Regards
  3. I'm new to the forum & would really appreciate some help. I need to access my credit file. How do I do this & what is the most reliable way of doing it? I want to receive as much information & detail as possible. Thanks in advance for your help.
  4. Hi All, First thing, is this notice now legal or does it need more work? READ THIS NOTICE Removal of ‘Implied Right of Access’ Notice: Except: Family, Friends, Postal Services, Delivery Services and the Emergency Services - (limited to the time needed to deal with the reported emergency), a Bailiff with a valid Court Order Signed by a Judge including full printed name of Said Judge. (Note: A Bailiff has NO legal right to force access (nor is it implied by this notice) to a residential property, only by “Peaceful” enter by invite only)). Any other person(s) and/or any companies not on the exceptions list above will be liable to Prosecution for Trespassing - definition: [Entering onto land without consent of the landowner/homeowner or Tenant] and be fined £1000. Access MUST have been granted by prior appointment ONLY by the landowner/homeowner or Tenant of the Property. Note: CCTV is in use on this PRIVATE PROPERTY. Thank you. Second, if you have this notice up can this be used as a defence against the "amended in 2014" Dangerous Dogs Act", which states "Except Trespasses", meaning your Dog will not be taken away as the "Implied Right of Access" Notice (excluding people named on the Exceptions) are now trespasses. Thanks for any input and help. Paul Barnes
  5. I got behind with my TSB credit card payments because I have been off work due to illness. I sent TSB a valid sick certificate signed by my doctor. They have now sent me a large form which not only has to be filled out by a doctor but if I sign it will give them access to my medical records. I told them that they have a medical certificate and they are insisting I sign the form or face legal action. Can they do this?
  6. Hi I would like to put a SAR in finding out what information my employers hold about me (I work for my local council). In particular interest are some emails which a colleague who left under a compromise agreement sent about me. My employer has email archives dating back ten years so I know they are still available but wasn't sure how to word the request to make sure that these are included. Any ideas Thanks
  7. Barclaycard will offer its customers free, regular access to their Experian credit score from Friday, This is Money can reveal. The credit card giant, which has 10.5million customers, will offer the service online and then roll it out to its mobile app from January. The credit card provider says the Experian tie-in aims to help customers 'understand their financial footprint and get on top of their finances.' Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/cardsloans/article-3323849/Barclaycard-gives-10-5m-customers-free-access-credit-scores-data-shows-six-ten-never-checked-it.html#ixzz3rwHBmhfT
  8. Hello again seems all my posts are related to motoring I parked in barnet hospital and didn't put the whole of the car number in the ticket machine . I have kept the ticket I wasn''t driving my own car . Now received "charge"asking for drivers details etc How do I progress with this in light of the recent events .
  9. Hi all please can anyone give me some advice before i contact them. I got a new boiler from b/g in 2007 and they financed it with w/f i was paying £68 pm but now i pay £80 pm. I have been paying every month but now my hours have been cut at work and i cannot afford the monthly payments and i was going to get in contact with w/f to see if i could reduce my payments to £20 pm but i have read all the horror stories from people who try to deal with them. my question is can i reduce my payments and ask for the interest to be frozen and can w/f add other cost on to my loan like missed payment fees and fees for sending a letter. any help will be most appreciated kind regards michael Just a bit more information for you. I got a statement from from them in November and it had default sum interest on it. i did miss one payment about four years ago but i increased my payment and it is well payed off so i dont understand why i am still paying default interest. i did phone them up and they said i will still be getting interest on the loan as i defaulted on it.my monthly payment was £69 pm i have been paying them £88 pm for the last three years i keep getting phone calls from them asking me to increase my payments so i dont think they will accept a reduce payments even if i cannot afford to pay them the full amount. one more thing when i took out the loan they said my last payment will be on november 2017 now they say it will be march 2018.
  10. On 28/9 I attempted to buy some Tyres from a well known online Tyre distributor, upon entering my Paypal Mastercard payment details, the payment was immediately declined. Thinking it was simply a glitch with the checkout / website I waited a few minutes and then tried again, which was also declined, finally I tried a third time and this payment was also declined. I then checked my emails, to find that I had three emails from Paypal confirming that each of those three declined payments had been individually deducted from my paypal balance, 3 individual payments totaling £736.68. I then logged back into the Tyre Vendors' website and confirmed that no active orders had been placed with them, a phone call also confirmed the fact that they have received no payment from me, and had no orders on the system. I then logged into my Paypal Access card account, to see that the three declined payments hadn't actually been made, but were now appearing in a 'pending' status, and there was no way of cancelling them. I then contacted the card issuer - Prepay Technologies, using the 0845 number provided by Paypal, the person I spoke to, was very sympathetic but declared that there was no way that they could manually cancel off the three payments held in pending status and return the balance to my paypal account, and I would have to wait until 25th November for the pending status to essentially time out and the balance to be returned. Not happy at hearing the news that over £700 was going to be out of my reach for nearly two months, I asked to speak to a more senior member of staff who basically repeated the same thing, but advised me to contact Paypal to see if there was anything they could do to overturn the original payments to the card. So I contacted Paypal on their support number, who were even less helpful than Prepay Technologies, they stated that all they could do was escalate my complaint to an "Account Specialist" who would let me know their decision within 48 hours. Needless to say, that was almost a week ago and no email has been received. A further call to chase it up with Paypal has resulted in them simply washing their hands of the problem, stating that obtaining the refund is an issue between me and Prepay Technologies, and I should contact the card support 0845 number, and so the circle continues..... Obviously having £736 gone from my Paypal balance and tied up and out of reach for nearly two months simply from what are essentially duplicated declined transactions, is a problem, and the lack of funds is also now preventing me from making the purchase I had originally wanted to do in the first place. I'm guessing that the rules for prepayment cards differ from normal credit cards, but are they really able to hold a refund from what were immediately declined transactions for that long?. Any advice would be much appreciated.
  11. I popped in to a Metro Bank branch in South London recently to open a business instant access deposit account. Their website says "No Metro Bank Business current account is required." They tried to sell me their business current account, which is not free unless you have more than £5,000. When I refused, they asked me why I wanted an instant access account, and I told them that I just want a basic account. They said that you cannot make an online transfer out unless you have another Metro bank account, so I opened a personal current account, and I was accepted for that, but a credit check was made, so it affected my credit rating. The business instant access account needed to be approved by a business manager. I called him the next working day. I work as a professional but I am not a member of a professional body (it is not illegal in the industry that I work in). He said they can't open an account because of this reason. I submitted further paperwork to his colleagues by visiting the branch (which is not in my home town) and waiting for about 25 minutes, after convincing him over the phone that would be acceptable to open an account. He then called me the next day saying that the account will not be opened because I will be using the business instant access account as a business current account and that I will be using it to deposit payments from customers He also said that they have a right to close it if I do. Nowhere does it say in the terms and conditions that you cannot use it as such. Also, their Account features state that you can use it as follows: • Receive electronic payments (CHAPS, BACS, faster payments, SWIFT, standing orders and internal transfers) • Pay in cash and cheques He also said that I cannot use the account to make an online transfer to my personal current account, even though I was informed by the customer service adviser who opened my personal current account that I could. To add insult to injury, I asked him to send me a letter or email saying why he is refusing to open the account, but he wouldn't do that, saying "we don't send out these letters." They have wasted my time. The business manager didn't say at first that a business current account was required. The excuse he gave me for not opening the account at first was that I was not a member of a professional body. Now he says you can't use the business instant access account as a current account, even though their website says that you don't need a business current account to open an instant access account. I made a formal complaint by telephone to the business centre. I explained what happened, but they defended him. They said he had the discretion to refuse to open an instant access account if it was to be used as a business current account. I challenged them to tell me the exact clause in their terms and conditions, but they couldn't find it. This is ridiculous. Why does he have full discretion? What if someone made a complaint against him? Now I am left with a credit check, which was made for a personal current account that was missold, and no business instant access account. Please do not trust anything this bank says about this account. They will try and sell you a business current account to make money out of you from charges, and they will refuse opening the instant access account by saying you cannot use it as a current account, even though there are no restrictions as such in their terms and conditions.
  12. Hi Everyone I needed all my data connected from all my accounts due to HMRC pointless investigation I sent my SAR request over 60 days ago and heard nothing It was sent recorded delivery and it was signed for with my £10 postal order What is my next action ? I assume i need to send a follow up letter ? Anyone know of a good template and what my chances are Thank you
  13. Hi all I've just received a letter from the dwp saying I owe £700 and I must pay within the next two weeks. Its half twelve at night and I'm so stressed I can't sleep. Well actually I'm watching a really good film. Does anyone have a template letter I can send these people? First template letter, I want to know if this money is really owed by me which I doubt. Secondly a letter stating they can have £ per week from my benefit and stop sending me scary letters don't you have IT system to sort out. Thanks caggers
  14. p3t3r wrote: The Notice Of Removal Of Implied Right Of Access - this is a perfectly valid notice, - my opinion of this is backed up by the ruling from Judge Pugh which is shown earlier in this thread. The notice is akin to 'No Cold Callers' notices which are supplied by various police forces, councils etc. In relation to bailiffs, the notice is not considered to be valid. Firstly, there is no implied right of access for a bailiff since it is an explicit right. The bailiff has the right to attend the property and as such ignore the notices. IMPORTANT: Anyone relying on this notice to get rid of the bailiff is more likely to suffer financially since they are presumably under the illusion that such a notice would simply get rid of the bailiff. In this instance, the notice is absolutely useless because the bailiff does not have an implied right whatsoever, the bailiff has an explicit right - which is backed up by UK legislation which affords such right to the bailiff. Again, this is backed up by Judge Pugh. So, whilst the notices are akin to 'no cold callers' notices and apply to the vast majority of people, the notices do not apply to people who have a legal right to attend your home. The bailiff has a legal right in UK law to attend a debtors home. The reliance on such notices by individuals can lead to a dangerous scenario since the individual is under the false illusion purported by FMOTL that the notices are valid. Again, to put it simply, the notices are not valid to anyone who has a legal right to attend a home - and this includes bailiffs who are given the legal right to attend a home. Now, turning to a possibility as to how the notice is valid against bailiffs. EU law, ECHR, human rights... Lets take an example of council tax. If a debtor can not pay council tax, then their ability to pay should be assessed by a court. My opinion: If the person does not have an ability to pay, then allowances should be made by the court. In no circumstance should a liability order be granted on a person who does not have an ability to pay their council tax since as this is perverse! There is absolutely no point in instructing bailiffs to attend a debtors home and therefore significantly increase the debt by adding on bailiff fees. However, in the case of a debtor who can afford to pay but does not pay, then bailiffs should attend. IMO, bailiffs should be used as a last resort against the debtor who refuses to pay where all other possibilities have been exhausted such as deductions from benefits, salary deductions etc. There are IMO various EU laws which would help with the validity of the Notice Of Removal Of Implied Right Of Access. Firstly, the right to a fair trial. There is absolutely no fair trial in the scenario of council tax where liability orders are processed almost automatically, 'rubber stamped' by the Judges. This goes against ECHR article 6, the right to a fair trial. If the debtor has not had a right to a fair trial as defined by ECHR article 6, then the bailiff should be informed of this in conjunction with ECHR article 8, the right of respect for his home, family etc. The debtor should make their case known to the bailiff and the bailiffs client. If the bailiff does not leave the property after being informed of ECHR article 6 and article 8, then it could be argued that the bailiff is in violation of those applicable laws. This is my opinion and until someone actually tests the legality of this in a court, then it is just that, an opinion. A (BBC?) report which can be seen from one of my links in this thread from a few years ago states that the use of bailiffs should decrease since the human rights act. Unfortunately, I feel the reverse has happened in the fact that liability orders are rubber stamped and as such bailiff use has increased rather than decreased. Again,I reiterate that use of such notices are ineffective against bailiffs and other people who have a legal right under UK legislation to attend the home of a debtor. However, as Judge Pugh has outlined, the notices are valid toward those people who do not have a legal right to be at the property. Usage of such notices used in conjunction with that of various EU laws and human rights should IMHO prevent the bailiff from attending the property until such time that a FAIR TRIAL (article 6 ECHR) has occurred. The debtor should then escalate their case using ECHR and EU law in order to provide remedy. Summary: Notice of implied right of access is perfectly valid, but not valid against people (bailiffs) who have an explicit legal right to attend. However, such right should be examined under EU law since I feel that more often than not, article 6 has been violated (fair trial) which would then lead to article 8 violated. EU law / ECHR - This trumps UK law! Whilst people may have an explicit right under UK law to attend a debtors home, this is not necessarily so using EU law. Discuss.
  15. I started an Access to medicine course (level 3, basically A levels, but a bit easier than A levels) in September last year. I received the highest possible grade in all my modules except one. The possible grades are as follows: pass, merit and distinction. In general for these types of course a pass = above 40%, a distinction = above 70% and a merit is in between. However, instead of % grading they have very subjective grade criteria, from which the marker gets to choose a grade for each criteria and then average them all for the final grade. The module in question was a research paper, in which I got a "pass". The requirements called for a 3,500 research paper. We could have covered anything as long as it was related to medicine. Normally the projects are marked by one particular tutor, but this year another tutor marked half of the projects and the work was split between them. My work was marked by this new tutor, who was my project supervisor. My project supervisor gave me feedback on my final draft on the day of submission, and she did this to at least 3-4 other people. I implemented her suggestions (even though a few of them had nothing to do with the aim of my project - which suggested she didn't know what the aim of my project was). Some of these people got extensions from the course coordinator due to the last day feedback, but as my supervisors suggestions were brief and she never indicated that she thought my project was in trouble, so I submitted it. Throughout the year I got the impression she had not read any of the drafts I had sent her because her feedback often asked why I hadn't included certain information in my project, information that was actually in the draft in her hand - she just didn't read it and had obviously just skimmed it for a minute. Before I handed in my paper, I sent it to an A level extended level project tutor (a very similar piece of work) who went through it for me. She offered me advice on how to improve it, and said in its current form it is worth about an A/A*. I made the suggested improvements and handed it in. When I found out that I got a "pass", I immediately went to my course coordinator to complain. He told me it is very unlikely that it will be remarked by someone else, and kept implying that I just don't like my grade. He took me to see the project to make sure the grades on his clipboard were not just misrecorded, and I had indeed got "passes" in pretty much all the grade descriptors for my research paper. On the back of the grade paper there was a brief 4-5 line comment on my work from the person who marked it. The comments only said positive things. I confronted my course coordinator about this, and he came out with "we focus on the positive here". He looked at it and said "well, looks a bit brief to me. Maybe that is why you got that grade. It seems to be clear and concise with no waffle, but maybe you didn't have enough content. How many words is it?". My paper was 5,652 words (before references and table of contents), 2,152 more than required. We were told we were allowed to go over. He said the most he can do is pass my comments on to the person who marked it, but I'm not getting a remark from a different person. This is another defense he used to avoid giving a remark: We even have an external moderator” I was told, “who looked at a number of the projects”. I suspect their role is mostly to make sure that the college isn’t handing out distinctions to people who don't deserve them (which would devalue the course and course's designer and validator). These external moderators do not do blind, independent regrades of work which are then compared to the original grade to see if they match. GCSEs and A levels also have external moderators, but this is not used as an excuse to not have another person look at work that is in question I opened a formal complaint with the college, which said they would investigate if "our assessment and moderation procedures were followed". I asked if this would include another person who wasn't involved in the dispute taking a look at my research paper, and they responded with "As this is now part of the college complaint process I regret I am unable to discuss any aspect of it." They have not told me the outcome of the investigation yet, but I want to know what my options are once they have responded so that I can prepare.
  16. Sorry trying to attach edited copy of response but keep getting an error message that I have exceeded my quota ? Please can someone kindly assist in fixing problem. I have had a reply from Window Company who have cashed my check stating that under the contract reference I quoted, the current info they have is our previous address details and contact numbers. I did mention that we have since moved and provided evidence of both addresses and mentioned if any further evidence required to kindly advise. They also state that the information is stored on their electronic database and is not to be shared with a third party ? Have they failed to respond correctly ? If someone can assist I will load up response. Cheers Baz
  17. It says I don't have permissions
  18. Six years ago (in 2009) a Freeman on the Land (FMoTL) supporter by the name of Mike Dobson (Mike:of the clan Dobson) drafted a Removal of Implied Right of Access notice which he used to ‘scare off bailiffs’. He advised on the Freeman Ireland website that the notice should be put up at the boundary of the ‘private estate’ and the ‘public access way/street’ and that if a bailiff came to the door of the house they should be politley told that they would be trespassing and that they would have just 60 seconds to leave before a call would be made to the Police. Due entirely to the internet, the Removal of Implied Right of Access notice drafted by Mike Dobson went 'viral' and appeared on the Freeman on the Land’s favorite media outlet; YouTube. In 2010, the notice first appeared on the popular FMoTL forum; Get out Of Debt Free. Within a short time all popular Freeman on the Land websites carried the notice with many of them making their own changes to the wording. In March 2014 I researched the background to these silly notices and started a thread on this subject which to date has received over 12,000 visitors (link below): http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?420602-Notice-of-Removal-of-Implied-Right-of-Access-(NOROIRA)....where-did-these-bizarre-notices-come-from PS: Unfortunately, the internet sites that recommended using this notice were unaware that the notice proved to be a complete and utter failure for it’s author; Mike Dobson (see link below) http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?420602-Notice-of-Removal-of-Implied-Right-of-Access-(NOROIRA)....where-did-these-bizarre-notices-come-from&p=4664219&viewfull=1#post4664219
  19. What is a "Subject access request" please? I am in a prolonged claim with AXA regarding a leakage of water in our kitchen that resulted in having to completely rebuild it. AXA did no inspections of base-units yet claim they were not damaged. We have evidence. I would like AXA to pay for all the replacement cost but they will not. Also, AXA dug up the kitchen floor to aid its drying out. AXA claims that its contractor did not do the work despite my evidence that it was its contractor. Will a "Subject access request" get the information out of the company that I need to progress the claim. We shall end up in Court otherwise in order to complete the claim of £6608. Where will I find the Form or what words shall I use to complete the "Subject access request" if it is worthwhile?
  20. Hi people I recently sent in a SAR to my previous Employer to see what information they held on me relating to an incident that happened at work. The request was sent to their Privacy and Data Protection Team, but looking at the information they sent me there appeared to be missing information (emails). Should the team deal with these requests covertly and not inform any parties that appear in the data held about me? Or is it procedure to inform any parties involved? They advised me that they need to inform parties to locate the information, but I suspect this information can be accessed through the Exchange Servers (email). Thanks
  21. I decided to send SAR to Natwest / RBS and I have now received a response advising that they have no agreement, ppi policy, statement details etc or even know if any ppi was in place ? I have about 95% of old statements from 1988 - 2001 when it was closed, clearly advising monthly PPI payments and the original Natwest Access Guide. Inside under Creditguard - For your peace of mind section, it clearly states that the premium is charged automatically to your credit card and nothing else about what is or is not covered etc but you have to complete postal coupon (in which is still intact) for further information. Is there a case of miss-selling here on the basis that it was automatically added or would it be refused as non-advised ? Thanks
  22. Hello, I am looking to refer a complaint to the financial ombudsman as I believe the company I am complaining about have overlooked a couple of key points. Firstly, I would like to review all of the information myself. Therefore, I need to submit a subject access request. Is the company required, under the law, to provide me with recordings of my telephone calls plus their own notes on my file? Many thanks
  23. Hi all, this is my first visit I have a 14 year old son who was recently diagnosed with Aspergers syndrome, which is a form of Autism. He has obsessive tendencies, which is one of the symptoms, and as such 'demands' that I take him to his favourite places on a Saturday. I approached my employer and asked for my hours to be amended to accommodate this and was open and honest and explained the situation fully. They made me fill in the relevant forms, and then knocked me back, stating their reasons, all of which dont hold any water. They first claim cost when I proved that cost would be zero and also that they couldnt 'cover my duty' of a Saturday, when I have evidence that my job has been covered every time that I was off on holiday on a Saturday. I have since become absent due to stress and anxiety and have attempted to contact my manager by email, requesting various documentary evidence that he claims to have to support him, but he has not answered three emails. My simple question is, where do I go next? Any help greatly appreciated
  24. Hi Please help OPOS are threatening me for a debt I had with access fast money. I borrowed 175 from access fast money 18 months ago with a total amount payable of 227.50.. I have made payments of 55 pounds to them via step change. I have sent several email letters of complaint to access fast money but they just ignore etc. they have now sent a final demand for 448 pounds. I have also told them to stop harassing me. They want 488 pounds off me. The original debt access fast money and Opos aren't on any of my credit files at all. I sent a cca and got an unsigned copy of an electronic agreement. What do I do now thanks
  25. Virgin Media Internet access is down for the whole area I live in, spoke to them a few hours on the phone, they said they are 'aware of the problem' and it should be fixed soon, this was over 5 hours ago! I'm at my sisters using her internet to post this on here, what can be done for Virgin Media to get off their backsides and fix it?
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