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  1. Hello, Do I legally have to give a DCA an income & expenditure form?
  2. Hi I am self-employed and have just began receiving letters from Fredrickson Internatinional re overdue NI contributions for £500. They have said their next point of action is for an HMRC officer to visit me or for court proceedings. Does anyone have experience of this? Should I make contact with this company or contact HMRC? I don't want to make contact with Fredrickson as I know they have a very dodgy reputation. Thanks
  3. Hopster

    Hopster v Egg

    I have paid £495 to one company - since been served with a default notice by Egg - now past the due date - was told no problem if this happened - have emailed them but no reply !
  4. Hi there, I moved house mid Jan this year. With one thing and another it took a few weeks to get all of our change of addresses done, and one of the few I couldn't do online or by phone was Barclays Bank. I don't use them as my main bank anymore, but have held an account since I was a child which I used during university and had quite a big overdraft on. I had been paying small amounts off this overdraft so that I could eventually close the account, but it was still £900 when we moved. I filled out a postal change of address form they have, and sent it off. I received a letter back to my new address, thanking me for the update, but saying I needed to go into branch as the signature they held on file for me needed updating. This was end of Feb. Again, I work long hours and didn't get around to this for a while, but had assumed they had acknowledged the change of address. Went into branch mid March, to be told I didn't have an account with Barclays anymore, and that they had closed it due to 'tracing issues'. Turns out they had sent a couple of things to my old address that got returned, and they hadn't acknowledged my change of address form because I hadn't been in to update my signature. Staff in branch at that point said the account was still with their in house collections team, and should be easily sorted. They agreed to call me back within the following few days to confirm the next steps. Got a call a few days later saying actually it had already gone to a DCA (the previous week apparently) and that I needed to contact them. Gave me the details for BCW, but no reference number or anything more than their phone number. I wrote a complaint to Barclays asking that they allow me to just clear the overdraft directly with them, and also wrote to BCW (whom I had not heard from at all at this point) saying the same. They quickly wrote back saying the account would be put on hold whilst they investigated. In June, both wrote to me saying my complaint would not be upheld as 'I had failed to provide enough details about the situation to allow them to investigate'. Not sure how as I had explained the situation fully and sent copies of my change of address form, the letter of acknowledgment etc. I again wrote back to both saying I would be putting in a complaint via the FOS as I didn't feel they had dealt with it well. I also put in my letter to Barclays that I was still willing to pay them back directly, but they have ignored all correspondence from me. The FOS acknowledged my complaint but said it could be several months before they have an answer, s o to be honest I have just waited - kind of surprised that I had heard no more from BCW, and not sure who I could even make any payment to at this point. Probably naively I assumed that as my complaint was still in progress all was on hold. It has plagued my thoughts on a daily basis, and aside from this, I did have a good credit file with everything up to date etc. so it's really worrying me. this weekend I get a letter from a different DCA - Moorcroft, addressed to me, but with no indication at all of what it's in relation to - just says they believe I live at this address, and need to contact me regarding a personal matter. I have been feeling sick to my stomach all weekend and unsure what to do now... Could it be that BCW have passed it on? Surely moorcroft would have put in their letter who they were acting on behalf of if so? Do I write to Moorcroft and ask for more detail and see what they come back with? Who can I actually make any payment to? I can't pay it all in one go, but could probably do it in two halves end of October and November with some juggling. I fully accept I had the overdraft and just want it gone and sorted, but I also don't want to give money to some random company that might not even be the right one. Ideally, Barclays would let me pay them back directly, but they won't respond anymore, and would that even be correct? Have they now sold the debt on or are these DCA's just acting on their behalf? The default placed on my credit file, which I'm also really upset about, is from Barclays, and there is no search or info placed on there by anyone else. Just terrified that someone is going to come knocking at my door all because of a stupid change of address. Apologies for the long winded account, and thanks in advance for any advice.
  5. Hi there Would love some advice on my situation.. Link initiated court proceedings against me for an alleged debt of £9k. I asked for a copy of the CCA which this failed to provide. I mentioned this in my registered defence to the court. The court went on to demand that the DCA provide the court and me with a copy of the CCA by a set date otherwise the judge stated that the case would be struck out. That date passed 3 days ago. I didnt receive a copy of the CCA. My questions are: Should I call the court to ask whether they received a copy of the CCA? If the court hasn't received a copy of the CCA, am I supposed to apply for the case to be struck out some how, or should I leave it to the judge to make good on his stated intentions of striking out the claim? If I am supposed to apply for the case to be struck out and I dont, what could happen? Could the DCA apply for more time? If the court has receive a copy of the CCA, given that I have not, is the DCA still in breach of the courts motion, in which case should I tell the court that I haven't, and would this result in the case still being struck out? And I guess an obvious question is, in my particular case, should the claim be struck out by the court, can the DCA have the claim reopened if they eventually find a CCA? Things get abit more complex. After the DCA originally failed to provide a copy of the CCA within 12 working days as required by law, I issued them with a Section 10 data protection notice. This means that they must delete any details they have about me from their systems, and are not permitted to sell my details to another party. I sent a copy of the notice to the court. In this case, even if they had managed to send the CCA to the court and I by the date demanded by the judge, aren't they in breach of the section 10 notice for still having data about me on their systems (e.g the CCA)? And if this is the case, doesn't this invalidate this and any other claim they were to try and make against me re this alleged debt so the court would have to strike the claim out? If they are in breach of the section 10 notice, what further action can I take - especially in the case that they may sell on the alleged debt to yet another party? I know there are a lot of questions here, and I really appreciate your input.
  6. Hi there, I would appreciate assistance with this matter. A bit of history - I bought a car in June 2007 from CarCraft and the finance was provided by BCT on a HP basis. In April this year I lost my job and entered into an agreement with BCT to reduce my payments to a token amount due to my only income being benefits. I missed a month's payment before the agreement was put in place and then have been in contact with them every month to renew the temporary payment agreement. This week I have received 2 letters from BCT - one of them informing me that they have passed my account to their recoveries team. It lists the balance outstanding on the account, the arrears and default sums. They go on to say the account has been passed to a Debt Recovery Agent who have been instructed to either - collect the vehicle, - arrange payment of the arrears or, - collect the outstanding balance if the car has been sold by them or me. It also informs me that, if suitable payment can't be agreed with their agents, and I do not choose to surrender the vehicle to them voluntarily they will apply to the courts to obtain possession of the vehicle and any legal costs incurred would be applied to my account. However, if I choose to surrender the vehicle, they will sell it at auction and any shortfall between the balance and the sum received for the vehicle at auction will need to be repaid by myself. They include a list of typical debt collection agenct fees that, if incurred, I may also be liable to in addition to any balance of the original account. The second letter is the Notice of Termination. This informs me that, because I have breached the agreement and have not taken the steps specified on the default notice to resolve it, they have terminated the agreement. They state they are the legal owners of the vehicle and demand it's immediate return. If I do not contact them and make a satisfactory arrangement to do this they will repossess the vehicle and, costs incurred in doing so will be added to my debt with them. They state the same outstanding balance and total arrears but do not mention the default sums mentioned on the previous letter. Now comes the interesting part............ I dug out my paperwork from when I got the car and, on the HP Agreement document, where it mentions repossession it says that "if you do not keep your side of this agreement but have paid at least one third of the agreement (and give a figure), we may not take back the goods against your wishes unless we obtain a court order. If we do take the goods without your consent or a court order, you have the right to get back any money you have paid under this agreement." In the booklet "A Guide To Your Hire Purchase Agreement" they state that, "if we do terminate, you must immediately return the vehicle to us at your own expense and in a condition which meets your obligation under Clause 4.2 above. If you do not do so, we will be entitled to repossess the vehicle." There seems to be a discrepancy between the two documents so I'm unsure which to take notice of in regards to returning the vehicle to them and their right to repossess it as the second document seems to say they don't need a court order irrespective of the amount paid back. Part of me says hand the vehicle back to them to minimise the added costs to myself by another part says make them take me to court as they have had 4 years of payments on a 5 year payment plan. Can anyone advise me what to do next? I can't scan documents but can type up anything from the agreement I've signed, the booklet about the agreement or the letters from them (I've kept all letters since I got into problems but have to say most dealings have been over the phone so far but they send a letter after payment agreements were made with them on the phone). Thanks for any help, Feebee_71 Is no-one able to help with this? Feebee_71 Bump - PLEASE!
  7. Have there been any recent changes in what cca request we send ie Credit card cca and loan cca? Mr W
  8. I was just going to bed (I work nightshift now) when someone started banging my door so hard, I thought it was going to come off its hinges. My dog ran down the stairs barking. After a few minutes I heard someone close a car door. A few minutes later they came back and started banging my letterbox. I'm in my PJs so not going to answer the door. Eventually, after about 5 minutes they left the street. I looked out the spyhole and saw something attached to my door knocker. It was a postcard from Intrum Justitia chasing an alleged debt for Virgin. This is what it says: Dear XXXX I called today whilst you were out. I will call again at 9.00pm tonight with minder Please call me on XXXXXX Our free collection service has been provided to assist you in paying your account. We regret that if payments are not maintained we may have to take action in the County Court. This could involve you in the additional expense of legal fees and costs and affect your ability to obtain credit in the future. Date 18/11/2014. Surely, threatening to come back at 9pm with a minder is illegal? In my view, that is intimidation. I am a widow with only my son here. He has had a lot of ill health in the past (kidney transplantee) and the last thing I want is him to end up getting thumped. There is no CCJ for this alleged debt but one thing's for sure, I will be dumping Virgin when my contract is up in January. It is a comparatively small debt - £400 for a mobile I got for my son. Unfortunately, both of us lost our jobs at the same time and we've only recently got new ones. As far as the DCA goes, I admit to nothing and I will NOT be intimidated or harrassed at that time of night (or any other time for that matter). These bullies will more than likely come back at 9pm (are they allowed to come banging doors at that time?) so I want to know how to deal with them - and they will NOT get access to my house. Any advice you good people can give will be greatly appreciated.
  9. I am worried about some debts that i struggled with after a relationship split. My ex ran up the debts in my name and then left, leaving me to sell up and move to avoid losing my home. I couldnt pay some CC's and i left to live overseas. I have now returned and found out that in my absence my family members were traced by DCA's and subjected to constant harassment. My sister had a solicitor write to them to say the debt wasnt hers. I used her address for mail briefly after i moved overseas. She now says that she was taken to court for information on me?? this doesnt make sense as i thought they could not contact a 3rd party in this way? The debts are now 6yrs old but i am worried. I am not working and have been ill for a number of years, I am struggling to make ends meet as it is and cannot afford to pay these debts. Any advice is appreciated. thank you.
  10. ive been out of work for 5 months living on my over draft of £1500 i always had this under control when i was working and was hardly in it, now the bank keeps putting £31 a month interest on top which has now put me in a unplanned over draft of £132.00 totalling my overdraft now to £1632.00 I had lloyds tsb send me a letter saying i must settle £132.00 by this day and if i dont they will pass it on to solictiors etc. i phoned them saying i can make a payment of £5.00 per month until i get back into work but they said no. their solicitors want me to pay the full £1632.00 and state daily interest will occur as well now i feel there is no way out for me what is the point in me making an offfer of repyament if these are sticking daily charges on top of it until it is out of control. Now they are demanding i pay the full amount within 14 days Lloyds TSb even made me fill out an Income and expenditure form then didn't bother replying back to me then i get this letter. What can i do ? end of the day they should freeze all interest and charges so this can be cleared.
  11. Hello everyone, So, back to those reputable lovable rogues Lowell Portfolio.. In September 2011 I obtained my partners Equifax report which showed a debt to Lowell Portfolio 1 for £341.44, dated 10/09/2008, defaulted 21/11/09. OH didnt recognise the debt, Equifax told us it originated from O2. OH contacted O2 by phone on 6th September 2011 to be told they told they could not find any reference for the debt and his ‘normal’ O2 account was completely up to date and always paid on time. They referred me back to Lowell. I then sent a letter to Lowell requesting the original consumer credit agreement. They replied on 8th June 2012 to tell me that “Following investigations we have concluded that the debt is not linked to you. As such we have removed your personal details from our database”. They refunded me the statutory fee. I have this evidentiary letter. I then spoke to Equifax to have the entry removed and Lowell (via Equifax) informed me that only O2 could remove the “incorrect link”. Basically they ech blamed each other. Equifax will not act without theirs or O2s instruction. At the same time I obtained my credit report from Callcredit. There was, as of 15th June 2012, no entry relating to any default whatsoever. Its still to this date not on Experian. We assumed it would go with the deletion of the OHs details from Lowells database. But when we went for a mortgage a few weeks ago, we were refused on the basis of this unsettled debt. We appealed but they wouldnt have it; whilst the debt is still on there they wont look at us regardless of whatever evidence we have. To make matters worse, Lowell have searched the OHs Callcredit file back in October this year, even though the debt was not listed there at the time of their promise to remove his details. Clearly as a last ditch attempt to keep the (now statute barred) debt alive. They have also searched Experian, but not listed the debt. Never any contact with him directly I might add. Surely, in light of the letter stating the debt is not his, we have some legal right of redress to force them to remove the entry and cease the unwarranted searches on his credit file? Any ideas on what to do? I dont want to have to wait a year for this to expire from his file when they cant prove it was his in the first place. I would instruct a solicitor if I thought it would scare them, but they dont seem to behave in a way that would respond to it. As horrendous as this may sound to some, I'd pay it if they agreed to remove the default completely but I doubt they would consider that either! Thanks in advance for your input. Ry
  12. Hi everyone. Just writing in the hope that I could maybe get some advice. A few years back I had an account with JD WILLIAMS for a catalogue. Made some purchases from it, was making repayments as normal etc. They even sold me some sort of PPI now that I think of it. Thing is, I lost my job, split up with the ex wife and now, fast forward a couple of years ahead I have had lowell chasing me for the debt, which now, thanks to me being stupid and hiding from it has ended up rocketing to a total of over £4000!!! I know for sure that the majority of this balance is made up of charges and late fees etc. today i received a court summons through my door which was issued on the 10th of february. I know i have only 14 days in which to acknowledge the claim, im not too sure what to do now, as i would like to try and claim back the PPI on the account a nd try and get back as much charges as possible so that I can get the balance back to as close to what it was (approx £1000) and then start repaying the debt. I know full well i should have made more of an effort to do this beforehand but now i just want to fix this mess as best as i can. Could anyone please point me towards the right direction? thanks in advance
  13. I have an issue with Vodafone, they have sent me a letter saying i owe £401 as my contract was cancelled, the contract was cancelled because they did not set up the direct debit, I have paid them £245.21 since march 14 asked on their "chat" if i could make a plan to repay the rest @£61.83 per mth for 6 months told "phone collections" I do not want to converse with people on the phone and felt harrased by the way the chat rep was refusing to give me any other option of contact, they have threatened me with collectors and a further £100 charges to cover this, why cant a company of their size make a decision to accept or refuse my offer without all this harrasment and stress?
  14. Hi all I owe £167.08 to Southern Water Services. This is for the full year. It has been passed on to DCA and I am not sure what to do. Option: ring southern Water pay off the ammount and not even bother contacting the DCA and leave them hanging for their so called 'admin' fee of 45£. Not had this situation before and any help appreciated Attached is the letter received today 25th dated 22nd thanks BB
  15. I wonder if the learned amongst you can help me with the following. It is regarding a credit card I took out with MBNA in August 2000. It was assigned to a DCA and the DCA has issued a claim against me. For as back as I can remember whenever I have asked MBNA for a copy of the executed agreement they have supplied the following documents, copies of which I have attached. 1. 1. Signature form 2. 2. T&Cs of credit agreement 3. 3. Financial and related conditions 4. 4. Latest T&Cs When I took out the card, I called MBNA, my details were taken over the phone and a pre-populated application form was then sent to me in the post. I signed it and returned it. I don’t ever remember receiving the two documents (2 & 3) above - T&Cs of credit agreement and Financial and related conditions. Both MBNA and the DCA have insisted they relate to the same credit card and that the document (4) Latest T&Cs were the current ones for the same credit card. A few months ago I applied to have the claim struck out on the basis that the prescribed terms were missing and that the default notice was invalid as it made reference to a non-existent condition. This is really obvious when the documents are checked and cross referenced. I pointed out the following and mentioned Wilson and another v Hurstanger Ltd (1) Condition 3 refers to non-existent condition 2.4. (2) Condition 4B refers to non-existent conditions 2.4, 3.5 and 3.6. (3) Condition 5 refers to non-existent condition 2.1 (4) Condition 5a refers to non-existent condition 2.1 (5) Condition 5c refers to non-existent condition 13.1 (6) Condition 8 (APR) refers to non-existent condition 1.11 (7) Condition 9 refers to non-existent condition 1.8 (4) Condition 13a refers to non-existent condition 2.1 (5) Condition 13b refers to non-existent condition 13.1 (6) Condition 15 is misleading I also pointed out that in the document I signed there isn’t a term stating the credit limit or the manner in which it will be determined or that there is no credit limit. The judge didn’t strike out the claim as she claimed I hadn’t convinced her enough!! Now as the matter stands, the claim will be heard sometime next year. In the mean time, I have successfully claimed back PPI on the account. I am now disputing the default notice on the basis that as MBNA debited PPI premiums without my authority the figure quoted in the default notice is incorrect and invalidates the default notice. The fact that they refunded the premiums without much of a fight is confirmation of this. For this I will be relying on the WOODCHESTER LEASE MANAGEMENT V SWAIN judgement. However a couple of days ago the DCA sent me a new set of T&Cs (headed t&cs just supplied) in the attachments. They now claim that these are the T&Cs that were applicable to my credit card when I first took it out. As you can it is illegible but all the missing prescribed terms seem to be there. Where do I stand with this? If they were T&Cs should they be headed Credit Agreement regulated by the CCA 1974? It just seems a little too convenient that after I raised the above points in court, they are able to produce a document addressing all the missing prescribed terms. Can anyone help me with and offer some advise as to how to challenge them on this. Many Thanks
  16. Hi, Hope this is not a stupid question but after paying a token £1 per month payment for a number of years my debt has been passed onto a new Dca and they want proof that I'm on benefits. I can provide a photocopied letter from the SSA but my question is a data protection one, , can the information they hold on me be passed to outside 3rd parties and any other agencies or is it held by them 'in house'. Many thanks...
  17. Letter here from Droyds (great name). Would very much like to tell them to foxtrot oscar, but the address is just Droyds, Bradford West Yorks BD1 1ZA. In tiny, tiny light grey text in the bottom corner of the letter is "Proprietor; Holdsworth Collections LTD, 2 Holdsworth St, Bradford BD1 4AH"
  18. DCA has now accepted token payments. They have sent me a budget form to fill in. Am I obliged to give them details of my employment i.e employers name/address etc. I am concerned that they will attempt to contact me there. Many Thanks
  19. Ok guys alot of negatives comments could come out of this but im looking for the supportive comments I took out a contract back in December 2011 phone was a Samsung Galaxy S2 now what really miffs me off with these companies is they only offer a 12 month warranty with all phones and they give you a 24 month contract Now i had the S2 for 9 months brilliant phone i loved it only until one day i woke up and the phone wouldn't turn on took the back off to check for any signs of water damage and all the little strips was white so that indicates no damage to the phone so i sent it off to Vodafone waited for a week to be told it had liquid damage inside the phone and wanted to bill me £100 to fix it i kicked off stating the phone has no damage to it and i am not paying £100 for nothing so then Vodafone said they would pay half to fix the phone again i refuse to pay £50 for something which is still in warranty. They was having none of it so i told them give me the phone back and ill have it checked by someone i know who specializes in Samsung mobile phones he took the phone apart and said there is no sign of liquid damage in the phone all the strips inside the phone was white as i said Contacted Vodafone and they was having none of my findings so i left it at that So the guy i know tried to fix the phone and said that its had its days and would be far to expensive to repair the phone. I have sent Vodafone an email today to Stefan Langkamp asking if vodafone could kindly reset my contract from scratch and issue me with a new phone of my choice way i see it is they get my custom again for another 24 months and they dont get the hassle about the S2 which is now broken. Still not had a reply yet hopefully if that dont work then people here may have some kind advice. I dont want the contract cancelling as i would struggle to obtain another contract due to some debt i have recently cleared off. I just want a phone which i would feel like im getting my monies worth i had paid for that S2 within the 10 month period of having the phone as all my bills was averaging around £45 - 50 a month due to work commitments etc i tried contacting Samsung regarding the issue but i had no reply off them
  20. Hi sorry 1st post Hope im doing this right I have received confirmation that Argos card have upheld my claim however, they have stated; ' as soon as we receive your signed acceptance we will arrange for the debt you have with Lowell Group to be reduced by £567.02 in the first instance and any excess will be paid to you'. ' The Financial Ombudsman Service does not have jurisdiction over insurance taken out prior to 14 January 2005.' So I cant ask them to step in unfortunately. They have confirmed by email today: ' Further to your recent email regarding your Coversafe refund, I can confirm that since your Argos Card account was Debt sold to the Lowell Group, in line with our current process we pay off any remaining debt with Lowells from your refund and any excess remaining would be paid to yourself directly. However, Lowell's have since confirmed that your current outstanding balance with them is £3080.81, therefore the amount of £567.02 would be paid off towards the outstanding. I hope this clears up any confusion. If you can return your signed settlement, I will be able to process the refund as soon as I receive the settlement.' Can anyone please help me put together a reply I feel it should be up to me who gets paid and I do have more pressing debts I am not sure what to say because of the FOS not having any jurisdiction. Many thanks in advance for any assistance
  21. My good friend has been chased by numerous DCA's over the last 5 years for 2 credit card debts. One for £1,000 and the other for nearly £4,000. Due to the inefficiencies and disorganised nature of the DCA's we've managed to keep them all at bay and they've now all been quiet for the last 3 months. My friend is now wanting to move house but we're worried the DCA's could issue county court proceedings to her current address and she won't know about it until it's too late. Should we notify DCA's she's moving or just keep quiet? We're very conscious the debts will become SB in approximately 6 months so don't want to miss any correspondence this late in the game,
  22. Hi everyone I need help with completing my defence against a claim from a well known DCA that needs to go in 5 days from now. The particulars of claim are .... The Claimant claims the sum of xxxxxxx being monies due from the Defendant(s) to xxxxxx bank Plc under a bank account facility regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974 and assigned to the Claimant on 8/12/2011. The Defendant(s)'s account number was xxxxxxx. It was a term of the bank account that any debt balance would be payable in full on demand. The Defendant(s) has failed to make payment as required by the statutory default notice served by xxxx bank. The Claimant claims the sum of xxxx and costs. The Claimant has complied, as far as is necessary, with the Pre-Action Conduct Practice Direction. Thanks to the fantastic help offered to people on this forum I think I have the main elements of my defence sorted out but ..... I believe the particulars of claim (above) are faulty as they refer to a default notice and If I understand correctly, default notices do not apply to bank account debts? Unfortunately I have only just discovered this. I have spent months chasing the Claimant for this default notice with a CPR 31.14 request for that document. The Claimant never responds to any CPR requests so I have applied for and obtained a court order for them to produce. This order has not been complied with. Not knowing what to do and not knowing there was in fact no such thing as a default notice I kept applying to the court for more orders to produce in the hope that they would take some action to force the claimant to produce or issue some sanction against the claimant. Long story short .... My last application to the court was again for the document with an unless order that the case be stayed until the Claimant complies and produces the document. This order wasn't granted. Instead the case was transferred to my local court for a 'strike-out' hearing??? The Judge didn't treat it as a 'strike out' hearing but rather what I think was an allocation hearing. Dates were set for my defence to be submitted, a date for the Claimant to reply to the defence and a date for the hearing. I think I'm being stitched up by the court as it attempts to avoid it's responsibility to enforce it's own orders?? The bank seems to be playing with delaying tactics responding to my SAR application so I won't have the information from them before the deadline for my defence I feel I am being forced into submitting a partial defence and that the courts are heavily biased towards the DCA in these cases. Any help or advice would really be appreciated.:!: I want to fight the "£$% DCA parasites but I'm not sure what to do next???? Do I submit a partial defence? Make another application to extend the time to submit my defence? Make a complaint to the court(s)? All of the above??? Many thanks digiguide
  23. Hi all. I have a Very account with a credit limit of £750. The balance is currently £294. I've only ever spent £200 on the card. I paid way more than the minimum every month until i had a dispute with them. I ordered a rug but didn't like it and sent it back. the money never got credited back to my account. They sent it to NDR. and then capquest. there's loads of late payment, administration fees and interest every month. Its now under my debt management plan with step change but i really think its wrong. I dont have all the statements and letters but have written to capquest and very with a SAR and a CCA request and am awaiting a response. Any help? x
  24. I am just checking my credit file and there are loads of searches from DCA's and there is a note from equifax "a Enquiry Agent company, has made an inquiry against your credit report on 17/03/2014 . If you were not aware of or did not consent to this search, contact CABOT FINANCIAL EUROPE or Equifax for clarification". Is this normal practise?
  25. We have recently received a letter from a bank, saying that they have investigated our claim, and have found PPI on 2 previous loans, for which they are offering 2 payments. One of the loans has been paid off some years ago, and the other one has been defaulted on quite a while ago(over 6 years). The loan we defaulted on has been sold to a DCA, since 2013. We are currently repaying the 2nd one via a DMP. Are we entitled to receive all of the payment they are offering, even though one of the loans is in default, or just the payment of the loan that has already been paid off? I have read some articles on the internet, and it looks like we could get all of it, as the loan which has been sold to the DCA, is no longer anything to do with the lender, as they have passed all rights on to the DCA. Ideally, if we received the full payment, our plan is to obtain a settlement figure to clear this debt and others. Just found letter from DCA, confirming they have bought the debt, and also on the back it says that they are the legal owners.
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