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Found 4 results

  1. Over the last 4years I have been receiving letters from N Power at my address, but for the previous occupants. As I used to be an Npower customer I have opened a couple of these thinking they were my bills etc. and have found that the previous owner of my house is getting gas and electricity supplied to another address,but having all correspondence sent to my address still. I have tried contacting Npower dozens of times to stop this and every time they have said it will stop,but it never has. About 18 months ago they offered me £20 credit as compensation/goodwill gesture onto my account for the hassle it has caused. I have now left Npower and changed supplier yet despite their most recent promises I am still receiving mail to my address for this other account. Last night I called Npower again and once again explained the situation. I am now told that as I am not the account holder, that they cannot do anything and that they will keep sending mail to my address. I have explained that I am worried that somebody could be racking a debt up against my address and that if they are, that they could end up sending bailiffs etc. round to my house. Is thereanything I can do, or do I just have to accept that these clowns will continuesending me somebody elses mail.
  2. It seems in order for the post office to deliver their mail slightly cheaper, they have changed my postal address, not just the post code. I now no longer live in the town the house has belonged to for 150 years. Can they legally move my town adress as I thought boundaries had to be changed by statute? I am no longer on the voting/ Electoral role list for my town... or any other town. The insurance companies can't find me so can't insure me. The school is discussing whether my children will have to move. It is having a devastating effect on our family! Any and all help gratefully received.
  3. DCA has now accepted token payments. They have sent me a budget form to fill in. Am I obliged to give them details of my employment i.e employers name/address etc. I am concerned that they will attempt to contact me there. Many Thanks
  4. in 2002 we moved into a converted flat (3 flats in a house) on the top floor. we stayed there until 2012 then we moved to a 3 bedroom house. to our shock we got a water bill yesterday for 400 quid sent to our new house,for our old flat. now we have never paid water in the old flat and never were told to pay water by anyone. neither the landlord or the water company. we were under the impression it was included in the rent as no one asked us to pay it. i rang the water company and they said that the landlord never told the water company the flat existed until 2008. then when we left in 2012 they told them who used to occupy it. now surely something funny going on here? i wasnt asked to pay water bills in 10 years and all of a sudden when i leave im told to pay 400 quid a year later? i need to know my rights here please because something isn't right. if i was asked to pay the water bill from 2002 till 2012 then i would have done. but no one ever did. im totally confused here as it seems something dodgy is going on. any help appreciated please.
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