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Found 2 results

  1. Hi all. I have a Very account with a credit limit of £750. The balance is currently £294. I've only ever spent £200 on the card. I paid way more than the minimum every month until i had a dispute with them. I ordered a rug but didn't like it and sent it back. the money never got credited back to my account. They sent it to NDR. and then capquest. there's loads of late payment, administration fees and interest every month. Its now under my debt management plan with step change but i really think its wrong. I dont have all the statements and letters but have written to capquest and very with a SAR and a CCA request and am awaiting a response. Any help? x
  2. Hi, I have a Amex card with a 3k credit limit and did the following in the same calendar month. Balance zero I spent 2k Balance 2k I then made a payment from my bank account to pay that 2k off Balance zero I spent 2k Balance 2k Seems pretty basic to me. When my monthly bill arrived I was charged 15GBP for being over my credit limit. When I queried this, I was told that AMEX add up ALL your spend in a month, and ignore any payments you make, and if that comes to more than the credit limit then you have been over your credit limit... I wrote to Customer services to complain about this and was told my complaint was not being upheld as this is standard policy for credit limits and I was wrong..... I actually like Amex usually but this is ridiculous right ? Or do I simply not understand what the term really means ?
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