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  1. Hi all, Hope you had a great Christmas. Anyway, about this time last year I was carrying out sub contract work for a company called Betta Living installing kitchens. On this particular kitchen Betta Living made a long line of ordering mistakes supplying incorrect kitchen units and doors. This was nothing to do with us as installers this was all down to Betta Livings Installation management Team. We completed the kitchen as far as we could, around 90% and thankfully left the kitchen completely usable over the Christmas period. We were then asked by BL to return to fit the last two remaining wall units. I should point out that at this point I was already in dispute with BL with regard to already outstanding payments. So, we scheduled a day to return to this particular job but when we arrived they had once again supplied incorrect items so could do no work. Another week goes by and I received a part payment from BL with regard to the previously mentioned outstanding payments. (All this is just background info) So a week later when the new delivery arrived I was asked to return again to which I refused as I was convinced that I would be doing this for free. In short I finally agreed to return on the provision that we were paid the outstanding £400 to complete the work. I was promised that this would happen but being cynical I had the installation manager in question agree to me sending him an invoice via email for the outstanding sum and to reply to this email agreeing to it before commencing the work. I have the invoice together with all of their emails and ours in reply. To this date I have not received any payments from Betta Living with regard to this and would like opinions on whether or not I have a case worth pursuing via MCOL? Any input gratefully received. I think I have got it all down in this post but if any further clarification is need dont hesitate to ask. Many thanks
  2. Of course the private parking industry is really just a type of extraordinary rendition. In the same way that legitimate governments which are not prepared to get involved in torture or other unsavoury practices against people who they suspect of having committed crimes, but instead have them whisked off to countries which are far less scrupulous, the big retail names such as Asda, Lidl, Aldi, Morrisons, Tesco and the rest prefer not to get their hands dirty with the business of inflicting punishments on their ordinary everyday customers for minor infractions such as overstaying five minutes or 10 minutes in a car park for whatever reason so instead they get the private parking industry to do the work for them. The private parking companies are in the business of being hated. They're not bothered about their reputation. Their job is apparently to wage the proxy war on the ordinary customers of the big retail brands and at the same time to keep their big retail clients out of the picture so that the reputations and the goodwill of those big retail clients don't get dragged into the mud. If you have a look at this private parking forum, you will see that the name of the retailer who owns the car park is scarcely ever mentioned – pretty well never. Everything is focused on the private parking company and of course that means that there simply doing their job rather well. However, it has come to our notice that some of the retail names are starting to become a little troubled about possible damage to their reputation. If the victims of private parking companies were more prepared to focus on the retail brand behind the car parking facility as well as the private parking company which is operating on their behalf, it might help to force the big retail brands to face up to the damage they are doing to the lives and the economy of the people who are falling foul of Draconian parking measures. We understand that some of the retail brands are very receptive when their customers appealed to them directly to intervene in the levying of a parking fine by one of the parking management companies. Names which have cropped up in various conversations have included Lidl and also Morrisons. However, it is very likely that the others also do not want trouble and we feel that if you have become the victim of some parking fine which has been levied as a result of some insignificant infraction of some alleged contractual terms and conditions, that it would be worth your while writing to the supermarket or retailer concerned – at their trading address (meaning at the car park address) with a copy also to the head office complaining about what has happened and asking for them to intervene and to have a parking fine cancelled. We think that it is very important not to let the big retail brand clients benefit any more from the extraordinary rendition trick with their reputations are preserved even though at the end of the day, it is they who have decided to employ the private parking company. If you have received a parking ticket then you should write to the retailer both that they local branch as well as the head office
  3. Hi all Just need some valuable insight about the above PCN I received last week. I had an interview at one of the World Business Centres near Heathrow Airport at Newall Road. I was driving down from Luton, and was quite stressed about the interview. I parked my car at a private building next to the world business centre as parking at the centre was controlled by barriers. I forgot to check the parking fee and parked my car on one of the slots in that private building area. When I returned back in 45 mins after the interview there was a purple colour notice pasted on my windscreen to pay £45 within 21days or £90 within 28days. I did manage to catch hold of the parking attendant who issued the penalty and he did mention that he would not be able to destroy the notice as it was centrally operated. I have tried to go online as mentioned on the notice but the website seems to not work. I have read a few forums online about disregarding these notices as they are not legal notices? Before I would want to spend £45 for nothing, can someone guide me if I will get way by not paying the fine? Hope to hear from someone, Many thanks LK
  4. hi every one . ..i too have had these letters and i just had the letter saying that dcbl are now passing the PCN back to the NGPM .. my ticket was for parking in a disabled bay (i am disabled and was showing the badge ) the ticket man did not look in the car to see the badge on my dash board (my car has two dash boards and i put the badge on the lower one as the top one is slope and stuff slides down cant see it then ) . i have contacted the trading standards who have emailed me back tonight to say that NGPM will not cancel the ticket .dcbl want £605.00 off me due to there fees .. . the BMPA is dealing with the matter but NGPM lied to them by saying the ticket will be cancelled but didnt do it . BMPA have said they will be sending NGPM and dcbl letters but iv not heard anything yet .. i have told trading standards i will see them in court( NGPM) i got the ticket from capital retail park in cardiff i was in asdas at the time walked back to the car and the ticket guy was taking the photo of my car . then he put the ticket on the windscreen ..walked off i called to him and said the blue badge on the dash but the guy walked off ignoring me . .. i called NGPM told them what happened (they say i did not call them ) . this was back in 01/06/2014.. . the 1st letter i had off anyone of them NGPM OR DCBL was the 16/10/2015. . yea 16 month's later the popla wont help as i dont have the 10 digit code .nor will the BPA as i did not appeal . .NEVER HAD ANY LETTERS TO APPEAL ... so its down to the BMPA and the COURTS unless some one can help me .. i did tell the trading standards .. i got the woman in charge in my local trading standards as my MP contacted her on my behalf i said to her about the MOJ and the no judge signature or court papers . . she did not know any thing about it .. she said it must be how they do it if its on the letter ... i said the letter look like a 5 yer old has photo copied them on to the dcbl letters as they look all foggy and rubbish .. no way would i expect a company who is allowed to have these on their letters would use .. . i guess it might be to keep the costs down LOL or putting them up as the letters i had every 7 days of so was £100 then £180 then up to £340. then to £605.00 ..
  5. Hi All, I am a new poster on this forum. So therefore I apologise if I have posted this in the wrong place. the sheriff office in croydon. I had received a letter from the county court stating that I owe a ppi company a certain amount of money, which is true. However, I can not deal with company direct anymore and they have now handed it over to the sheriff office who are dealing with it all. They have sent bailiffs to my premises twice now and literally the payments have been increased from 658 pounds which is what the court issued to, 1300 and now 2700, which is ridiculous I must say. There were, no stamps on these letters they dropped through my letter box £1300 and £2700. I cannot afford to even pay these amounts at all. After their first visit, I gave them a call and I had said that I would like to set up a payment plan, I was told to put this in writing and send it to them by post. I had given them a letter and attached a cheque which has cleared and now gone through. I stated in this letter that we will stick to what the court said I should pay and never heard anything back, the payment had cleared, however to my surprise I have now received a 2700 fine which I cannot pay and they threaten to seize my goods which have no value despite them taking the cheque which insists that they have agreed to what I put in the letter. Any advice or help will be grateful
  6. Hi all. I too have been following with a lot of interest. I'm at the stage before the person above but on three different counts, so as you can imagine I'm a little more worried as currently dcbl want £340 x 3 and soon to be £605 x 3. My partner is starting to flap but reading Belles thread and now this has given me a bit of hope. The fines date back to June 2014, wasn't aware of the rules as I first moved in this place. Tried to appeal but no joy, ect ect. I'm now aware the dcbl can't touch me as their only act as a debt collector which is not allowed. Silver fox, do you advise I just pay the £100 x 3 to NGPM just to put it to bed, or even contact them to try and get them back down to £60 each. Any help would be great. I don't want to pay a single penny but I fear I have no choice unless I keep fingers crossed that they don't go for a CCJ against me. I fear it's more possible in my case as they have me on three different counts. Thanks
  7. Hi - we had a liabily order issued by Croydon Council for council tax arrears from 2005 and 2007. Long story about why but it was not a good time in my life. they have issued it to Conferro Collections who agreed on a repayment plan of £100/month which was fine I paid 2 months but then my hubby became redundant so only had my income which was not even enough to cover the rent - I get £900 and our rent is £1200. Contacted them to ask if they could defer payment agreed I could pay £50 in October and then £100 on 1st November. However could not make the payments on those dates. Only managed to pay £50. I also used to pay on 20th of each month which is when I get paid so was going to pay next amount of £100 on 20th November. Got a letter from them today to say full amount is due is not they will be sending some to house etc etc. Is there anything I can do as I don't have the full payment £443? Sharon
  8. Hi everyone, Last year in december 2014 i recieved a parking ticket in london (Tower Hamletts). I was a vistitor in this area staying at my friends for the day so i was told i could leave my car parked in front of the flat in the parking area. When i went to get my car the next morning i had a ticket on the windscreen saying i did not have permission to park in that area. I contacted Tower Hamletts via email and explained i was staying at a friends house that night they replied asking if i spoke to security during my stay about the ticket. I explained i did try to but was unsuccessful both times i went to speak to someone as there was no-one there (first time i was told to come back the next day to speak with security as no-one from security was working that day but there woul be someone there the next day however when i returned the next day again no-one from security was working). After this i received no reply from Tower Hamletts. in september 2015 i received a letter from Phoenix Commercial Collections Ltd claiming they had tried calling my phone and knocking my door however i had no missed calls or anyone knocking the door that day as i had been home all week with someone always at home. I did not take any action and i did not recieve any other letters yesterday giving me a 24 hour notice reading "REMOVAL NOTICE" "I have attended your property to collect the sum outstanding of £xxx.xx (inclusive of fees and costs, on behalf of the above named client) or remove your goods for sale at public auction. If i fail to receive contact to make arrangements for the collection of the above balance, i will return at a time convenient to me. You do not need to be at the property for me to remove your goods To avoid further action, contact me on xxxxxxxxxxx" When this letter came no-one had knocked the door besides the postman. Please advice me on what to do next. Do i need to pay them? I have no goods or job as i am a student.
  9. Me and my ex have been renting a flat for just over a year, we have a child and have recently split up. When it was clear the relationship couldn't be saved I put in notice to end the tenancy agreement (It's a big expensive place that I didn't want to continue with on my own and she wouldn't be able to afford), she was asked to confirm which she did and we were given a moving out date. She confirmed she had arranged to move in with family with our child until she was able to arrange a place, I know that this is fact as I actually double checked and confirmed everything was in place to ensure both would be sorted when the flat was gone. She's now gone to the council in an attempt to obtain a council house and has been advised by them to not leave the property, even after our agreement has ended and the flat has supposed to be handed back. They'll then sort her a place when she has been evicted. This obviously isn't on. My guess is I can wave goodbye to my deposit if she goes through with this which in the grand scheme of things I'm a bit annoyed about but it isn't the end of the world. I'm more worried about if I could be taken to court for failing to leave the property (although I will have left) or if I could be liable for any rent she may tot up or anything along those lines? Will they take legal costs etc out of the deposit? Could I be blacklisted anywhere? Thank you!
  10. Am I right in thinking that the HCEO employ there own bailiffs and there are also independent bailiff companies and are they part of the HCEO ?
  11. Hi, I feel like a serious error has happened. This weekend my 3 mobile connected me to other peoples phone calls. They could not hear me on the line but I could clearly hear other peoples phone calls instead of getting through to the people that I was calling. I feel like I have violated other peoples privacy. Plus does this mean anyone can listen to other peoples phone calls? One of the calls that I connected to was someone booking a hotel. If I had stayed on the line perhaps I would have gotten credit card details! All a bit worrying really.
  12. Hi, I have searched the forums for a couple of hours trying to get my head around the next step to take in reference to my letter titled: "Notice of Allocation to the Small Claims Track (Hearing)". Copy of letter [ATTACH=CONFIG]59738[/ATTACH] The case is regarding a landlord who took close to 2,000GBP without a signed contract in place and refused to refund my money. I never received the room or anything in return. Question I have (Sorry if they seem obvious, I haven't been to court before and I have searched for a while trying to find the answers) 1) Is this called a "Court Bundle"? 2) Do I send EVERYTHING to Edmonton Court AND my landlord who is the defendant? (I actually send all my evidence to the defendant? Witness statements and everything?) 3) What is typically included in this scenario (Court bundle?)? Are there any templates online for any of these documents? 4) I have incurred extra fees leading up to the hearing, how do I add this to the amount of attempting to claim? Is it possible? I have so far... - I have two witness statements (They are kinda just letters stating what happened; signed by the witness, nothing special) - A copy of my bank statement and an event log (The event log is what happened in my own words with times and dates) - The original contract (It has been signed by me, but not my wife, who was the TO-BE dual tenant). This contract never changed hands back to the landlord. Should I bring it? - I opened an original MCOL claim after the landlord provided me with false information regarding his name and address. I was told I couldn't proceed and had to open a new MCOL with his correct information. I spent £80 on doing this and wasted a lot of time. Should I include this? - I also found a lot of information online regarding the landlord, very bad posts on forums of very questionable nature (Like ripping off the UK government and terrorism). Is it worth including anything like this? or just leave it alone? Sorry if this seems obvious to the training eye, but I hope the comments also help others in my situation. Thank you
  13. Afternoon everyone I'm after some advice please. Today we have received a warrant of control from our local court (dated 6th but post marked 9th October) saying we have until Monday 19th October to pay an amount of £252.25 (balance after payment £8960.58). It says the creditor is Cabot Financial and can only assume this is the debt collection agency rather than the financial institute that we would originally have had an account with. Can any of you lovely people suggest what I can do with this. As it is due Monday was thinking of paying the £252 which would give us some time to try and find out who this is and see what we can do to either get it set aside (in our dreams) or more likely try and make an agreement for a payment plan. I have recently completed cancer treatment and will agree I wasn't at my most organised during the last 12 months but to stop any further worry need to get this issue resolved as soon as I can. Any advice and suggestions will be gratefully received
  14. Hi. Query regards driving other cars. I am insured to drive a Citroen c3. My policy states that i am allowed to drive other cars with the owners permission. Now how does this work when pulled over by the law if i am driving another car that has tax and mot but not showing any insurance.As the driver(me) is insured to drive it. If the car is sorn as not insured. Would the owner get notification of no insurance?
  15. I'm wondering if you could possibly offer me any advice, like you have kindly given to many before me. The Task Enforcement came this morning at 7am to tell me that my car had been clamped, and that I could un-clamp it by paying a fee of £535 It all started on 22.07.2015 when I was contacted by my old landlady. She told me I was being chased by Bailiff's for unpaid Congestion Charge Penalty Notice. I realized that DVLA must still have my old address, so I immediately sent off my driving license, and also called the Congestion people. They said that I now owed about £270 from entering the congestion area on 26.02.2015! But was too late to pay them. They kindly advised me this happens all the time and not to worry. There was another procedure. They put me in touch with the TEC. It was all very friendly. Having looked in my diary, 26.02.2015 I was on a job on Curtain road and retracing my steps on Googlemaps, I had turned around just inside the congestion zone without realizing at the time The TEC then sent me the PE3 & PE2 Statutory Declaration application forms, which I completed and had signed by a local solicitor (£10 charge) The TEC then sent me a letter on 04.08.15 to say that my APPLICATION WAS REFUSED without a hearing. There were options to apply for a review but they both had extra costs. I presumed I would have to bite the bullet and pay the full amount, and have been waiting for a final bill. Then the first correspondense from the Bailifs came this morning with a clamp. Aparently they are called Task Enforcement and I had to pay them £535 so that I could take my kids to school and drive to work I must add that the bailiffs were actually nice guys, and it saddened them that there was nothing they could do. They said they would wait in the van for five minutes whilst I had a think Is there any way of getting some of the money back now that I have paid it in full? Breakdown of payment below debt £202 Compliance stage fee £75 Enforcement stage fee £235 Thanks and best wishes Joe
  16. Hello all In a past life, I fell into the PayDay loan trap and when push came to shove couldn't afford to repay them. I was brave and went onto my credit report today and found that I have three PayDay loan related defaults, as follows: Motormile Finance Uk Limited £160 Account start date **/10/2010 Opening balance £ 205 Repayment frequency Monthly Date of default **/12/2010 Default balance £ 205 Motormile Finance Uk Limited £ 545 Account start date **/10/2010 Opening balance £ 884 Repayment frequency Monthly Date of default **/11/2010 Default balance £ 878 Instant Cash Loans T/A Payday Uk £ 361 Account start date **/10/2010 Opening balance £ 361 Regular payment £ £ 361 Repayment frequency Monthly Date of default **/04/2011 Default balance £ 361 I notice the Motormile ones have drastically differing amounts - applied charges I assume? I'd very much like to get stuff back on track in respect of my credit rating, and would appreciate advice on the best way to sort it out with the creditors. Many thanks in advance Mr Fish
  17. Hi my daughter was just leaving the house for work, opened the door to go out and a task enforcement bailiff stepped his foot inside the door blocking her exit. She told him to remove his foot but he wouldn't. He was collecting a debt for £826 for a vehicle that was registered fraudulently in my name which she explained to him. She called the police who were no help. He refused to budge until he was paid. Reluctantly we paid up for a fine that wasnt mine but the police said if we can prove it we can get a full refund. I been in contact with the DVLA relentlessly until they sent an apology letter removing me from their records for this vehicle. I have written to TE and they are investigating. really frustrated right now as it has keft me out of pocket and in rent arrears. Maz
  18. hi all im new to this site and would really appreciate as much help a i can get this morning 28/08/2015 i had a knock at the door which turned out to be a bailiff collecting council tax arrears from 2012 to 2014 ive had no letters from the council about any arrears or any from this company the company is called sheriff and penny private bailiffs limited there registered office address is 152 halesowen road, cradley heath, west midlands b64 5lp company reg No. 4900240 they have a po box 11614, edgbaston, birmingham, b16 9zg under there name on a letter he gave me he told me he wanted £649.66 or he was going to take goods like tv computers etc etc and would also take my car which is my partners, he wanted proof of the log book which i refused to get i did not let him in, i was able to use my size to keep him stud well back from my front door i told him ive never had any letter from the council about this debt which he replied that i should have i told him there is no way i can pay that and offered to pay a minimum payment of £20 a month he refused very rudely demanding i pay him £150 by cash or card to him then pay £50 a month which i still could not afford his reply was pay it or basicly loose goods he said he will gain access via the police to take goods from my house at which point i had to make sure my 2 young kids of 7 and 9 was no present i also asked for a breakdown of the bill as i said thats not all council tax surely he said no its 2 accounts 2012 to 2013 and 2013 to 2014 council tax outstanding is £264.66 enforcement fee is £235.00 and 2 compliance fee of £75 each account he also said any visits will be £110 each time but he said the next visit will be with a van and a trailer to remove goods and the car he demand he will return on tuesday 1st september to collect either the full amount or the £150 or he will bring police so he can take goods and the car i hope someone can help with this as he has rang me again whilst i type this to remind me he will be returning tuesday many thanks in advance
  19. Hello, this is my first post here and I desperately need advice. I owed £2,357.13 after a CCJ judgement to a veterinary practice. My dog had his leg amputated. The vet gave me a choice. Euthanize my dog or amputate the leg. I wanted neither. Did not have £1700 to pay for this. Hence the debt. No excuses for not paying, but my 6 year old daughter has a life threatening condition called 'Rett Syndrome'. She had been in and out of hospital around the time all this happened and nothing else seems important except her. The letters were put to one side and simply forgotten about. On the 20th July at 8am, A bailiff called from 'Court Enforcement Services Ltd' saying I owed £4286.76. This was the first time I had seen him, or even heard this! £2,357.13 to £4286.76 As soon as the door opened, his foot went across the threshold to stop me closing it. I explained I was getting my 6 year disabled daughter ready for school, and could he come back. He said no. He also said had I not opened the door, he would have broke in with the locksmith who was waiting down the road. If I didn't pay now, he was calling vans and porters to take my things and this would cost me £250 plus the porters too. I had to pay or he was clearing my house, everything but my daughters wheelchair. As a HCEO he was entitled to come in and I couldn't stop him or so he said. He would not part with any paperwork until I had paid him. I told him I never had that kind of money, which I didnt. The most I could get was £1300. That would have to be taken from my daughters account with charity money raised. I showed him this, (not that he cared). Transferred it into my own account and gave this to him crying. I then rang my Dad, who loaned me the rest. Both were paid by debit card. The debt was piad in full. All the time he was there, he sat on my sofa watching me feed my daughter smirking and on Facebook. No warning of him coming, no letters, nothing just him turning up. Ironically the next day. The notice of enforcement came saying I had till the 19th July to pay £2558.88!! A DIFFERENCE OF £1727.88 OVERNIGHT - no explanation of what for - I asked and was told 'probably solicitors fees' After an email to the said company for a breakdown, I was sent this High Court Writ - £2468.88 Compliance Stage (Administration Fee): £90.00 inc VAT 1st Enforcement Stage : £228.00 inc VAT + if the debt is above £1,000, there is a 7.5% = £228.00 plus £133.18 2nd Enforcement Stage: £594.00 inc VAT = £594.00 Sale or Disposal Stage: £630.00 inc VAT = £630.00 there is a 7.5% fee of the amount above £1000> = £130.81 There are 2 compliance stage fees of £90 - one is added to the notice of enforcement, a second to the final bill. The CCJ judgement debt was £2357.13 yet on their notice of enforcement it says its £2468.88. I hope this makes sense, and apologise if it doesnt. Im still in a state of shock. Can anyone please advise me what I can now do. I am devastated that I have been fooled and lied too like this. Thank You. Incidentally - The HCEO is one from the TV programme 'Cant pay, we'll take it away'
  20. Hi all, I've been told this is the very best place to come for sound advice, so here goes - it's a long convoluted story but I'll keep it as short as I can. I live in a one bed flat that occupies the front half of a three story town house. Last year, unbeknown to me, Scottish Power messed up billing on my account for electric (something to do with them changing their computer system to a new one). Then out of the blue I received a bill for £1100 - on top of what i had already paid / been paying. I questioned it (obviously!) They said the figure was correct and based on actual readings. I continued to question it and raised an official complaint. I have no TV and use my washing machine once every 2 weeks. I have a desktop pc that is on all day and a fridge freezer. That's pretty much it apart from small items like LED desktop lamp, phone chargers etc. So there's NO WAY I could be using the amount of electric they claimed I was using. So while this complaint was being processed by Scottish Power (A whole other nightmare!) I continued to pay £100 a month off the debt they said I owed. As obviously I would be using SOME electricity, just not the amount they claim. Few weeks back, out of the blue, a debt recovery agent turns up at my front door, threatens me with all kinds legal fees, court costs etc if i don't sign his paperwork and agree to having a prepayment meters fitted. Feeling intimidated, I signed his paperwork. This morning an electrician from Scottish Power turns up to fit my prepaid electric meter. He takes one look at my meter and says, "Can't change your meter, there's a problem". Well the problem, according to the electrician is that my meter has other stuff wired into it, which he guesses to be, the communal power for the entire building, hall way landing lights on every floor, fire alarm, AND another flat - again guessing it to be the little bedsit behind my flat, but on the same floor. So my questions are: Has a crime been committed? Where do i stand legally? What action should i take? (Can't afford lawyer - I'm on benefits) What should i do about this money Scottish power still insists i owe them? This whole situation has been massively stressful. I've actually developed Alopecia which I directly attribute to the stress of the alleged debt and the excruciating frustration of trying get coherent answers from Scottish Power. I don't need to tear my hair out, it's falling out all by itself! All suggestions welcome and greatly appreciated.
  21. Hi Everyone, I posted today regarding a CCJ that has been registered against me for an old Santander overdraft. After receiving advice I am going to ask for proof of the payment they say I made in 2009, and once I'm satisfied, I will pay it in full as I am trying to put ourselves in the best position for a mortgage and can't afford CCJs. My concern now is though, is if this one has found me from the past, will the others? I had an Egg Card, an MBNA Card, an HSBC personal loan, and a Capital One Card. The HSBC loan was with a DC for a while, and became statue barred. I have written confirmation from them that this is the case and have not heard anything regarding this debt since. The Capital One card was for £240, so not a huge amount. I have never been contacted regarding this but am worried it might have gone to a previous address. If I do get a CCJ for this though, due to the amount, I would pay it immediately in order to protect my credit file. My main concern is the MBNA, and EGG Card. I have not seen any letters for these in many years, and I can't recall seeing any since the address I actually had them in. The Santander account that has registered the CCJ now, was from that address and they made no attempt to find me by way of searches etc, just sent all correspondence to that address and then I got a default judgement. My question is, is there anyway, short of physically going to all my old addresses, to find out if any other DCs are trying to contact me? So I can deal/dispute/pay anything before it reached the stage of a CCJ? If an amount of £1000+ ends up as a CCJ I'm going to struggle to pay it immediately in order to protect my file. NB My credit file shows no debts as all have passed 6 years on default date. Santander defaulted in Nov 2008, but I have never seen EGG or MBNA on there. I can only go back as far as September 20014 though. To my knowledge, I haven't made payment to any debts for over 6 years so likelyhood is they are statue barred anyway but would like to know if any DCs are actively trying to contact me before they go to court. Any advice appreciated, even if it's to be told that I have to just sit with my fingers crossed. Many Thanks
  22. Ok a quick scan on his forum says I'm not alone but here's my story - just wondering what the best set of steps is, i.e. complain to NPOWER even though I'm not a current customer, raise it with the regulator, or other options. I was with NPOWER until December 2014. I paid my bills on a monthly direct debit budget scheme. When I switched suppliers I very kindly received a cheque from NPOWER for the balance on my account and thought that was that. Of course I then got bills, lots and lots of bills with lots and lots of amounts. It took them, in my opinion far to long to switch me as well. I contacted them and asked how I could owe them anything when they'd just sent me a refund, asked them to send me definitive bills with readings etc. In the end I gave up and heard nothing. in August I suddenly got a series of communications. At the beginning of August I got 2 bills, one for gas and one for electric, 16.19 and 4.37. Then on the 12th of August I got a reminder for the gas, at £293.98 and one for the electric at 129.97 (remember I haven't been using them for about 8 months now!). These were quickly followed by those very special telemessage things that are supposed to scare you on the 26th and 27th August. Now here's where they really excelled themselves because on the 28 August I got a threatogram from Collections Direct for the gas, 293.98 (at least the amounts were now consistent) but one day later, on the 29th August I got a letter from NPOWER advising me they'd made a mess of it all and were writing off any outstanding balance. And all went quiet. Now I'd have to be honest and say I could not have told anybody whether I did or didn't owe them any money. The number of bills I got showing different amounts - including a refund - had me completely lost. Now today I receive reminders again, pay in 7 days etc etc. So I want this gone once and for all. I've not been a customer for over 15 months. So do I complain to them in the first instance or should I just take this straight up the food chain?
  23. this just happened to a friend. .. warrant was issued 12 months ago to old address AFTER the new rules came into force. the 12 month period has just elapsed, my friend expecting that "it's safe to come out now" contacted the bailiffs by phone. Note, my friend was found and contacted about a month ago only by email and no evidence has been provided so far to confirm the debt was valid, they sent each other a couple of emails mainly disagreeing with each other. It turns out that one of the emails sent by the bailiff (2 days before 12 months passed) was their idea of a "payment agreement".. . of course this was never acknowledged of agreed to by my friend and the exact wording I am waiting to find out, can the bailiff simply create this payment agreement without agreement from the alleged debtor? The result is that the bailiff has reset the 12 month clock with a simple email. Please someone tell me this isn't right. Thanks
  24. Hi All My partner was involved in a road traffic accident in March 2013. It seems an obvious case where the other driver was at fault, yet the insurers have just decided that liability cannot be proved so have recommended a 50/50 settlement. These photos that show the approach to the junction where the accident happened: http://s511.photobucket.com/user/rk1974/library/Road%20Photographs pictures 1-3 show my partner's approach to the junction (heading north), picture 4 shows the other driver's approach (heading south). Here's what happended: My partner was driving on the road shown above, on the right hand (inside) lane, driving northbound. She noticed the light was green so proceeded throught the junction. In a split second she noticed another car pulling in front of her, but it was too late, the next thing she remembers is her head hitting the air bag. The other driver was coming from the other direction (southbound) and had made a right turn attempting to cut across two lanes of oncoming traffic. She hit the right-side of my partner's car at the front, the other driver suffered damage to the front of her car. The cars rested on the road and blocked the northbound traffic (in photos 1-3, on the left side of the road). Given the damage caused to both vehicles, where they ended up on the road and the laws of motion, this situation could only have been caused by the other driver driving into my partner's car. Now I thought in these cases the standard response was to find the other driver at fault since she caused the accident by driving into a flow of oncoming traffic? The police were called to the scene and the drivers were helped from their cars. My partner remembers a bus was in the left lane travelling in the same direction as she was when the accident happened. She was told by the police the bus driver reported the accident. My partner also remembers an off duty police officer arrived at the scene immediately and checked her condition. The police later contacted my partner to say the other driver was given a formal warning about her driving. The other driver claimed she was not liable and claimed she was stationary when the accident happened. We thought this was laughable and simply a standard case of not admitting liability until all the facts were evident. If you look at photo 4: http://s511.photobucket.com/user/rk1974/media/Road%20Photographs/road4_reverse_zpsb820d3a9.png.html?sort=4&o=3 the other driver could not have been stationary. To be in a safe position she would have to be in the right lane on her side of the road waiting for the filter light to turn green. Even if she had pulled out ready to turn you can see that there is plenty of space just left of the box junction for her to have been in a safe position that does not obstruct the oncoming traffic. Given the positions the cars rested in, if she was actually stationary her car would have to be positioned sideways (she would have had to been static in the box junction with cars oncoming!) and my partner would have had to swerved left then back to the right to cause the damage to the cars! The insurance companies have determined as the police warned rather than prosecuted the other driver liability is not certain. My partner was asked by the police what course of action she recommended. As she thought the other driver would suffer enough financially if she was found liable, she recommended a warning. If my partner recommended a prosecution would this have influenced the police's decision? The insurance company are also claiming there were no witnesses. This is something we will investigate further by contacting the police for copies of statements and Transport for London for the bus driver's testimony. CCTV cameras were also not in use at the time of the accident. Can we also request a detailed breakdown of the other driver's counter-claim as what we have been told so far seems frivolous? And a full breakdown of how the insurers reached their decision (Data Protection Act - Subject Access Request)? My partner's insurance company wrote to her to say that liability cannot be determined. It could be in court, but they recommend against that. So they've decided it's a 50/50. Thanks if you've taken the time to read all of this, any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Cheers, P.
  25. Hi, Today enforcment agents came to my home asking for a person that dosent live here for a year now. I made a mistake by letting them in. They said they had the right to take any goods to disharge the debt the person has. I explained to them that he dosent live here, show all my documents including tennancy contract, bills, etc. They still said they are going to take the goods and then i need to send the documents to the council to get my items back or i can pay the sum and they are going to leave. They send i can get refund from the council as soon as i provide the documents. I paid the 400 pound debt and they left. Is their action legall? Can they charge diffrent person for fine he dosent own? They took the money from my debit card. Thank you for any help or advice!
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