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  1. Public anger towards Britain’s big six energy firms has generated more than enough heat over the years, and it’s making some firms fear for the safety of their employees. Around 400 staff at British Gas and EDF Energy have been kitted out with stab vests in case of sudden attacks by consumers who either have outstanding bills or, more controversially, tamper with gas and electricity meters to steal energy. The firms’ employees are tasked with investigating energy theft and forcibly fitting homes with pre-payment meters to resolve customer debt. Around 180 of EDF Energy’s staff have been instructed to wear protective vests after a ‘risk assessment’ deemed physical protection necessary against violent customers. Around 200 of British Gas staff have been advised to follow similar precautions. Read more: http://metro.co.uk/2015/06/21/energy-firm-staff-issued-with-stab-vests-to-fend-off-angry-customers-5256429/#ixzz3dsnavjVX
  2. Don't know if we are allowed to mention names here, but here goes anyway. Interested to know if a letting agent can legally switch energy suppliers on a house up for rent without notifying or seeking authorisation from the Landlord/owner? Discovered that Countrywide 'sold' the contract to E.on, (who incidentally have a whole department dedicated to that company). Countrywide get a fee (although E.on would not say how much this was) and E.on get a new customer (we know how apathetic most people are on changing their suppliers) on any tariff they choose to set. E.on said they took the contract on in good faith (ie. that is on the understanding that the Landlord had agreed). Clearly no checks and balances on E.on's part, but then scruples are always thin on the ground when money is one the table.
  3. Hello To cut a long story short, i had taken out dual fuel tariff with Scottish Power. When my 1 year contract came to an end they took it on themselves to issue me a new tarif without contacting me, anyway there were no accurate meter reading done by Scottish Power.so i made a complaint regarding the estimated meter readings Scottish Power decided to close the account. Scottish Power finally sent a meter reader to come and take a reading late February 2015, few weeks later i received a electricity bill shy of £800. I have been in touch and Scottish Power keep saying the bill is correct. I truly don't think my energy bill is correct, what are my options? Thanks
  4. I am having problems with Co-Op Energy returning an account credit to me. At the beginning of February I switched from them to Sainsburys Energy. The account was in credit, but Co-Op Energy claimed that they hadn't received the final electric meter reading from Sainsburys which would trigger repayment of the credit amount. Sainsburys claimed it had been provided. Co-op said they would look into it, but I then didn't hear back from them. When I contacted them in March Co-op said that because they were going through their billing system upgrade I would have to wait until this was complete then re-register my account on their website, and that it may then take another 14 days for the information to be updated. I did so, which took us to the beginning of April. I checked the online account and there was no information on it. I contacted their customer service team and they said they would re-generate the bill and resend it. This was around 1st/2nd April (so maybe they were being April Fools - or maybe I was!!). Two weeks have gone by and no new bill was received, so I contacted them at the end of last week. The girl I spoke to said that it had definitely been sent but she would generate another bill, and it may then take another 14 days to work out the credit. At this point I lost the plot and asked to speak to her manager, which she refused to allow. She went to talk to them and on her return offered me a £15 good will gesture, and said she would regenerate the letter and make the payment of the credit amount via BACS that day. Needless to say she didn't, and no letter has been received with the final reading. I have tweeted my dissatisfaction which obviously got a fairly quick response from their Twitter team (who knock off at 4pm). They have said they are looking into it but another two days have gone by with no response, no letter and no refund. I have submitted a subject access request to the Co-op to get evidence of all the communications between me and them, and have written to the CIO to complain about the Co-op's treatment of me and their withholding of my money. I think my next step is to contact the energy ombudsman - is this correct? Does anyone have any suggestions about how to proceed with this? I am losing the capacity for rational thought where the Co-op is concerned.
  5. Hi, Really can't seem to get any further with this... In January I started looking round to change my energy supplier, as EDF had nearly doubled my DD just before Christmas. Eventually, I subscribed to the Cheap Energy Club on MSE, which were having an auction in order to get cheaper costs for their members. In February (can't remember the exact date) I completed the online application to change suppliers to Sainsbury's Energy. I received confirmation from Sainsbury on or around 20th February, along with terms and conditions. A couple of days later, I received another letter from Sainsbury, saying that the switch could not go ahead as I owed some money to EDF. After thinking about things for a few days, I decided to stay with EDF as they offered me their Blue Price Promise deal, so I returned a card supplied with the "Welcome to Sainsbury's Energy" pack to cancel the switch. This was posted on 27th February. However, the switch seemingly kept going through, and after phoning Sainsbury's on 19th March, having received another letter saying they were providing my gas from 30th March, I was told that they hadn't received the cancellation notice within the 14 day cooling off period, but it was a couple of days late. After a long and heated discussion, the contract was cancelled, but things still seem to be going (or have gone) ahead. EDF say my electricity account with them will go "live" in a few days but they haven't been able to recover my gas supply from Sainsbury's (this is despite paying a regular DD to EDF and also informing EDF on the 3rd March that the switch had been cancelled by myself, when they immediately sent me new contract details for the new price plan and a DD schedule!). So basically I'd like to know where I can go from here? I seem to be stuck in a limbo of constantly changing suppliers (had an email from EDF just two days ago stating "The withdrawal process has begun for your EDF Energy Electricity account.". Meanwhile, I have just this minute received an email from Cheap Energy Club congratulating me on a completed successful switch! Sorry for the long post...I just wanted to include as much information as possible. Thanks in advance, George.
  6. New Which? research reveals that three quarters of you are completely confused by your energy bills, with 74% of people who receive energy bills finding them very complicated. . Our research, where we surveyed nearly 1,600 Which? members about their household bills, also revealed that 18% of the people we asked are not confident they can check the accuracy of their energy bill. It's vital to be able to do this if you want to be sure you're not paying more than you should for energy Which? believes that energy bills should be easy to understand, which is why we are running a campaign calling for fair energy prices. http://www.which.co.uk/news/2015/04/energy-consumers-bamboozled-by-their-bills-400728/
  7. Hello Coop Energy sent us a statement for electricty in April 2013 for £213 and did not send us another statement until August 2014 for £1,490. They didnt contact us and I dont always check the online account until a few months ago. After speaking with them on the phone they admitted: they dont supply Economy 10 meters and have been charging what we thought was the cheap night rate at the expensive Economy 7 rate since July 2012 - they also didnt advise us of this, apart from the terms and conditions and they never changed the fixed April 2014 tarrif. Do we have any redress? Cheers
  8. Good morning. I'm worried about the action Co-Op Energy might take against me and would welcome any advice. My story is as follows. Just over two years ago and having been out of work for a number of months, I decided to switch my energy supplier from NPower to Co-Op energy. It was not a smooth process from the start, mainly due to my flat having two meters -one being formerly connected to economy 7 but for a number of years previously disconnected from my flat. However I provided all the information asked for and assumed all was ok. It took some months before I started receiving bills and to be frank, this suited me as I was struggling financially. As time went on I continued to get quarterly bills and to my shame -due to lack of funds -I continued to ignore them. This was made easier due to the fact I got no threatening letters just the odd reminder. This situation continued for around 12 months, at which point I got a letter from Npower along with a bill. I had just found work so decided to call them and sort things out. They advised me that the switch had failed due to the two meters issue -in effect only the main meter had been switched-and that as a result the switch was going to be reversed. Accordingly I got another bill from Npower for an amount I would have paid had I still been with them-and never switched. I made a payment arrangement with them in respect of this debt and future energy use. Sometime after this I got a bill from the Co-Op. I called them advising that I had now been back with Npower for some months and had been paying the debt etc. Co-op advised that according to the national data base I was still their customer and owed them money. After calling Npower they confirmed I was their customer and to advise Co-op. This I did but they refused to accept this. They also refused to speak to Npower....and Npower refused to speak to Co-Op. After a number of further calls, the advisor at Co-Op finally agreed to raise an issue with their complaints dept. This was about 6 months ago and I've heard nothing from them. yesterday I found a card outside my flat from a meter reading service saying they had tried and failed to read my meter! I can only assume Co-Op still believe I am their customer and owe them money. Npower advise not to worry as Co-Op can't disconnect me-but what's to stop them? My meter is outside my flat so access wouldn't be an issue for them. There seems no point in calling them and I'm at a loss as to what action to take. Paul.
  9. On 3rd September 2014, the House of Commons debated whether or not new legislation should be implemented to shut down energy companies who repeatedly breach the terms of their licence. It's quite a lengthy debate, but here's the full thing: http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201415/cmhansrd/cm140903/debtext/140903-0001.htm (scroll down to column 292) 214 voted yes to the proposal, 298 voted no. Naturally there are a lot of different, often conflicting, opinions throughout. Quite hard to summarise briefly but will try: ----------- It is proposed to the house that the belief is: Consumers have a right to be treated fairly Energy companies will meet their obligations and provide good services Should a breach occur, decisive action should be taken to put things right and prevent further breaches Since 2001, Ofgem has imposed at least 31 fines totalling at least £90 million. Despite this many energy companies face ongoing investigations. Whilst the energy regulator has power to revoke a licence in limited circumstances, it is powerless to do so where an energy company complies with a penalty notice and then commit further seperate breaches of their licence (i.e. the slate is wiped clean). Since 2010, average energy bills have risen by £300 (twice as fast as inflation, four times faster than wages). Some argument as to whether or not these increases are due to green energy initiatives. Noted that where wholesale costs rise, increases are quickly passed on to consumers. The reverse is not true. Suggested that lengthy enquiries (sometimes even spanning 18 months) don't actually acheive anything and instead, consumer protection law should be implemented to speed up the process. Argument that current financial penalties do not present enough of a deterrent to energy companies - merely "a cost of doing business". Also concerns that such fines eventually get passed on to the consumer anyway, in the form of higher prices. Proposal put forward that the regulator is granted new powers to revoke energy company licences when repeated instances of serious and deliberate breaches of licence conditions occur, especially when they harm the interest of consumers. Counter-argument that such a power is harmful to competition. If an energy company were to be closed down, how would those customers be redistributed to other suppliers? Whilst the secratary of state acknowledges there are far too many cases where energy companies let customers down (citing mis-selling, poor complaints handling, poor billing, unacceptable treatment) and acknowledges this has been going on for many years - he believes that revocation of a licence is the nuclear option and is instead harmful to the consumer as well as the company. The secratary of state believes the energy regulator already has the power it needs and that the right balance is currently attained. Npower and British Gas (Centrica) are specifically mentioned throughout for providing terrible service to customers for many years. Revealed that Npower, Scottish Power, E.ON and EDF energy refused to provide the full £50 reduction to customers on fixed price deals (result of government changes to green levies on energy bills announced December 2013). Although the government stated non-payment would be unacceptable, to date no action has been taken.
  10. Hi I am having some problems with scottish power i switched suppliers the final account/bill i got from them they were asking for £400 I was paying by DD they asked for a meter reading i gave it and if i was using to much they adjusted my payments i do not understand how they say i owe them this amount i phone them they just keep repeating the same without explaining and won,t answer my e-mails. now getting threatening letters saying they are going to send DCA and contact credit ref and get me blacklisted if i don,t pay Has anyone else had this problem ? am i going to have to pay this even though i don,t think i,am in debt to them thanks
  11. Why are energy companies levying standing charges to domestic customers? 50 years ago only commercial and industrial premises where charged standing charges. So why the explosion in the domestic market? is this a hidden tax? Why do Companies such as npower and or Ebico offer no standing charge tariffs? What are these standing charges for? Most Energy companies would have you believe its to do with maintenance charges. But my experience of all energy companies is they do not carry out maintenance and certainly meter operators never do mainatainace on meters as most meters are inaccurate most of the time. Can anyone provide a clear explanation to this charge?
  12. Ofgem has ordered Spark Energy to pay £250,000 to Citizens Advice for 14 breaches of relevant conditions and requirements. These include: Refusing to allow customers to switch. Switching other customers without their knowledge Billing errors Failing to refund customers in credit Failing to notify customers of increases failure to provide accurate direct debit calculations. failure to deal with complaints properly Spark Energy are so bad they make Npower look almost professional http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-business-31490466 Notice of Intention to Impose a Financial Penalty on Spark Energy 16 February 2015
  13. Hi All, Just wanted to share my experience with everyone. I'm hoping that someone somewhere will pick up my story and this may aid ofgem and other authorities to put pressure on certain (you know who) energy companies to conduct business in a much more ethical manner. Recieved a call from a young lady pretending to my current supplier (eon) telling me they had sent a few renewal letters to which i havent replied. I had been away for 2 weeks so thought maybe the staff havent updated me and agreed a contract over the phone which turns out to be with BES through a closely linked broker of theirs. I think everyone is probably aware of how they opperate so this post is more about what impact it had on me and my family.... Wife suffered from depression and was diagnoised with cancer a few years prior. Im sure the stress of loosing our business after just 8 months had a huge part to play in her death 1 year later. Like I explained my business had to shut down, in the process i lost my home as we couldnt afford the mortgage. My 2 daughters eventually had to move back home in a small rented accommodation as i could no longer support them in their studies at uni. This has not just had and impact on me but its had an snowball affect on the whole family who have nothing left, everything has been taken away from us. I just hope some of the people involved with this company and some of the dirty tactics would just stop and think about the impact they are having on peoples lifes. Although i got bes off my back now and am trying to rebuild my life. I have a friend today who is currently in the same situation and i hope this story will help him and many others who are in the same situation. Cj M
  14. Hi All Today l recieved a letter from argos re a larder fridge l brought in November 2012. It was in regards to the energy efficiency rating it was given. TBH l was not fully concerned re this when l brought it just that it was big enough to go in the space it was the second thought re the fridge. Todays letter, I have summerised it, says the National Measurement office (NMO) and Argos conducted a investigation into the energy efficiency of the fridge and concluded that the product was using more than stated on the table. It was rated a + but it is actually a As part of the discussions between the NMO and Argos it was agreed it would be appropriate to compensate customers for the additional energy costs that l would incur over the anticipated lifespan of the appliance. The NMO has calculated that over the estimated life of the product it was likely to cost customer up to a additional £25 in electricity charges based on current tariffs and usage. As result they have enclosed a cheque for £25 to cover the additional expenditure. Please be assured that there is no saftey or other issue affecting your product. Please accept our appologies for this issue. Argos strives to ensure that all our products are of the highest quality and meet all technical and enviromental standards working with the industry and regulators to continually improve performance. Its signed by a contact centre manager. I have a few questions naturally. l have tried to speak to someone on the phone at Argos but the customer services staff cant give me more info as they can only tell me whats in the letter. The department that deals with these things does not take phonecalls or make phone calls and they cant be contacted by email or contacted in any way by customers nor can they contact customers. Also the customer services lady did not give me the details of the department l needed she said she would find out off her supervisor but cut me off. I decided that another 2 hours trying to get answers/being on hold was not worth being hung up on. I was not aware of the problem before and no one has contact me re electricity company or tariff were on tho l would assume they could easily find that out. * How do the work out what the anticipated lifespan of the appliance is * How do they no what the estimated life of the product is. * How did they come to the conculsion the additional cost is £25 * What tariff and usage did they use. * How did they determin how l use it. It might be a back up or second fridge. * How do l no this is correct as not every company charges the same. * If l accept the cheque, they sent it with the letter as said above, and put it in my bank can l still challenge there findings re the tariffs etc. * I understand the warrenty is only a year but l did read a while back about a judge ruling the Sofa, I think, should have lasted longer than that and a reasonable period of time tho l dont no what a reasonable amount of time is or if this applys to other goods like fridges. The fridge is still working I expect it to work for several more years to come. My last one lasted about 7 years and TBH was and still is fine, l sold it to a lady down road, just it was clogging up a bit. Also have a freezer of the same style that is 7 yrs old and a chest freezer that is 9 yrs old. Am l to then assume these have gone on longer than there anticipated lifespan and the estimated life of the product. Any advice would be great.
  15. Shortly before Christmas I found that I had a huge credit balance with my energy supplier, Spark Energy I contacted them for a refund of £1000 (which still left me with a fairly hefty credit balance, but having been stung in the past I would rather be cautious about it at least until the summer months). Their refund process takes a ludicrous 28 working days to complete, i am due to receive my refund some time next week. I received an email yesterday advising that they have had to reduce the refund amount to £720 "due to some incorrect meter readings which have now been removed". Checking my online account details, I can see that they have effectively credited every bill since March 2013 (all bar the first I had from them) and issued one whopping bill for little under £3k! All previous invoices have been completely removed so that I couldn't compare the new bill with the previous ones and figure out what they have done. I called them today and after much confusion eventually was told that my account was reviewed as part of the refund process and they noticed that there was a negative consumption of 409 units (which they estimated to be around £400) dating back to Nov/Dec 2013. I have lodged a complaint as the whole thing is very unclear and I am currently waiting for a call back from a Manager. I'm hoping someone can give me a bit of advice about where I stand with this and what my rights are. Am I right in thinking that this would fall within the back-billing principle and therefore since the error was beyond 12 months ago they cannot charge me? And if that is not the case, what are my rights in terms of the info they must provide? Surely they must be able to illustrate clearly the changes that have been made to my account?
  16. BES closed my business Back in 2011 having decided to invest in a small bar restaurant to the tune of £120k from money i got from a life insurance following the death of my wife, i was conned by BES and its associated companies (who BES denies any affiliation with) proven by some considerable investigation linking names to leases on premises occupied by such companies. I was monied and had good credit. After the second invoice of nearly £700, (british gas was £289 at this time) I knew I had a problem, thats when i had to find out what the state of play was with this company, one word sums it up,, say it with people I changed the legal entity of the business, BES ignored this, they continued to bill me, they then took me to court under the ltd company status, (doing this, they legally acknowledged the cOt= change of tenancy) BES then obtained a warrant to disconnect the original business, not the ltd company, the warrant was granted and the power was cut, my business was over that day. Can you all see what BES did wrong here?, its easy to see, if any of you had this happen , you are in a strong position to action against them, along with other breaches they committed against me of course. To date they have filed for bankruptcy against me for none payment of invoices, umm. let me see now I am a father to three young kids, I have no income anymore (thank you BES) No assets and Im on benefits with no money, BES incurred many of my debts by their action and have the audacity to send me bankrupt. I am now putting my case together with legal help to sue for damages and like i mentioned I need just ten more victims of BES to initiate a class action, we can stop BES if we pull together.
  17. Most of the major energy companies in the UK have reduced the time it takes customers to switch suppliers to 17 days. That’s down from five weeks last year but still short of the Government’s target of 24 hours. This means that the switch will take just three days, followed by the statutory 14-day cooling off period in which customers would be able to cancel the move. So far, The following suppliers are offering switching in 17 days: British Gas Ecotricity EDF E.on First Utility Good Energy Npower Spark Utility Warehouse GnERGY http://www.energylivenews.com/2015/01/14/energy-suppliers-cut-switching-times/
  18. hi, i'm not sure where i stand with this, i got my warm home discount, which i'm grateful for..my electricity supplier is EDF, when i phoned to enquire whether i could get a refund of the £140..they said no..it was government money and it was not for me to spend on things as I please, but its for energy needs..they said it wasn't mine really..i enquired about them keeping it as they are making interest on it and he said that no, they're not making money on it..is this normal? i was paid my warm home discount last year..surely this is okay? any pointers or insgihts appreciated thanks.
  19. I changed to sainsburys energy because their direct debit was cheapest. However, it later transpired that their direct debit was badly incorrect and had to be increased . However, even with increase it was same as previous supplier so i decided to stay with sainsburys. Also my annual uesage was 32% higher for gas and 25% less for electricity and my overall DDebit ended up from £90pm from previous supplier to £125 with Sainsburys I contacted Ombudsman and they say my traiff charges are correct -it was just DDebit wrongly set. He says i should accept £53 gesture from sainsburys. I should point out he is not aware of the useage anomaly as i just found it out myself and i have not contacted sainsburys about this either. Ombudsman says it it my responsibility to check tariff - but surely Sainsbury have lured me to change with incorrect low DDebit ? (surely this is headline figure that most consumers look at and not kwh/per hr) Also when my contract ended i have debit of £550 .During this time i instigated my complaint, and yet even with such a large amount and formal complaint they took the full amount.It is just fortunate that i had sufficent funds So to summarise 1 lured in with incorrect info to swap 2 Useage anomalys 3 Taking a large debit amount whilst in dispute. Is £53 sufficient for this ? I'm not demanding but trying to ascertain my situ as ombudsman wants response and wants to close file by 8th Jan
  20. If you are disputing your energy bill with your supplier, it can be a very difficult and heartless job. Gas and electricity suppliers occupy a dominant position and frankly there is not a lot of competition. Once they get you on board it looks as if customer service goes to the wall. We are seeing a huge number of complaints about billing by energy suppliers. Npower is a particular concern but the others are not far behind. Did you know that your electricity supply and your relationship with your supplier is governed by the Electricity Act 1989. Did you know that if you are in dispute with your energy supplier, you are entitled to have your own check meter fitted. You don't have to rely on one chosen and monitored by your energy supplier. The only rules are that it should be fitted by somebody authorised to do so – but this can be any qualified independent electrician – and also that the meter must be an MID meter approved for billing. Here is a webpage which gives you a list of MID approved meters: – https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/electricity-meter-type-approval-certificates-annex-mi-003 Did you know that if you are in dispute with your energy supplier and it is considered that you have exhausted all avenues and yet the dispute is not resolved, that you can insist that your supplier arranges a meter determination which is carried out by the National Measurement Office – pursuant to schedule 7 of the Electricity Act 1989. Once you have requested the determination, here is the procedure which your energy supplier must follow https://www.gov.uk/electricity-meter-accuracy-and-disputes#determination-process I have found that the Electricity metering team at the National Measurement Office are extremely friendly and informative. These rights are provided to you under the Electricity Act 1989. Why doesn't your energy supplier let you know about this? Because they don't like any independent scrutiny? Because they would rather sue your arse regardless of the justice of the case? Because they don't care about you the customer – they only care about their shareholders and their executive salaries? Because they are all Bloody lazy? All of the above?
  21. There is a call centre some where in the Glasgow area claiming to be "government funded" and promoting the installation of solar panels. The name they give is (nearly always) the "Green Energy Initiative", which if one googles for, turns up nothing. Being ex-directory and TPS registered, I grow weary of telling these people where to go - I have (at times) been polite, forceful, blunt, down right rude, and even vulgar. Nothing seems to work. If anyone has a confirmed address and traceable name for this outfit, I would be most interested. Have a box of kippers and some legal papers to send to them.
  22. Are you in credit to your energy supplier? Have you switched but not received a refund from your previous gas and electricity provider? My Energy Credit helps people who've moved or switched claim money back that may have been left behind with their old supplier. No matter how long has passed, legitimate claims will always be refunded. The average credit balance is around £50. An estimated £153m is owed by energy suppliers to former customers, who overpaid before making the move to a rival supplier. http://www.myenergycredit.com/ Getting an energy refund http://www.uswitch.com/gas-electricity/guides/energy-refunds/#step9
  23. On 12 November Ofgem issued notice of our proposal to revoke some of the provisions of the confirmed Provisional Order against Economy Energy following improvements in compliance. Read More Here: https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/publications-and-updates/economy-energy-provisional-order
  24. Hi all Please could I get some advice regarding an issue with opus energy. My father who owns a takeaway was visited by 2 British has guys on behalf of opus energy to check the meter (something which they did on all the shops on the parade) . After a quick check they advised my father the meter is over 20 years old so would therefore need to be replaced. They phoned back after a few days and made an appointment to visit and exchange it. On the day of the visit, 4 guys turned up (not sure why it required 4 of them) and went about their work about 15 mins later they produced a seal and told my father this wasn't the correct seal. My father simply said oh ok, as he wouldn't have a clue about it. They then went to leave and before doing so told my father the meter reading had been written down on a piece of pAper and left by the phone. Having only read the letter 2 days later (as my father assumed it was just a meter reading as advised) it's from revenue protection services for opus energy stating 'we have reason to believe the gas meter may have been prevented from registering all the gas used. We have therefore removed the meter and placed it in a sealed box which will remain sealed until the meter is removed for testing' It then says to call a number if we wish to witness the test being carried out or have any queries. This has come as a huge shock to my father who's not sure what to do as it appears he's being accused (pending tests) of energy theft. The gas men seem to have taken all the above action yet not once mentioned to my father, the meter wasn't even sealed infront of him either. Does anyone have any experience in dealing with such an issue and have any advise they could please share, Please advise Midlands bloke
  25. I live in a property that has a prepayment meter, when I moved in the letting agent said that they have written to all my utility companies to let them know about my moving and gave me the prepayment cards (one key for electric for EDF and Gas card for Eon) EDF wrote to me about the electricity and all is fine with that but they then wrote to me to say that I owe them £25 for gas, I advised that it was a prepayment meter and they said they would look into it and get it resolved. Fast forward to today and its still on going but now I owe £200 apparently, I called them up and they assured me there was a lock on the account so no action would be taken while they keep looking into it. I spoke to the national gas grid (xoserve I think) who said the meter wasn't registered with any company. Can EDF still hold me to the debt, no supplier has been registered to this property so how can I be charged for gas I pre-pay for? Also can I go ahead and register with any company for gas without any recourse?
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