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  1. Hi everyone, Same old story, I cancelled my direct debit during August of this year and have been receiving the scary emails of debt collection from Harlands, who have then transferred this debt to CRS who continue to try and scare me. The difference I have compared to others is I had in fact posted my intention to cancel my membership, as I was moving away from the area as I had finished a placement role there, and was returning back to university. Now, to maintain that I cancelled my dd on the day of last payment I posted this letter a month and a few days before the scheduled date. I would have done this online, but I was in the situation where the internet was not set up in my new house, and I had evidence of my new address in paper form. I didn't think much of it and simply posted my intentions to the letter box on my street, addressed to the Xercise4less branch I frequented. Well it couldn't be easy could it? I received communication from Harlands in September, a month after the dd was cancelled, so the day the dd was usually withdrawn from my account. i was on holiday however and didn't read it. Then October came, and they emailed me again. This time I read it, and this is where the journey began. I owed them £72.80, (2 months of membership plus 2 emails). I decided to contact the gym manager with my situation as well as Harlands about the situation. Harlands? They decided to ignore me, and the gym manager didn't read my email but said they don't accept letters, which is (probably) why my cancellation never came into fruition. So, because my life does not revolve around chancers, I set up an auto response to harlands emails referring them to my initial sob story, while I focus on my studies. So now we're at this point, with CRS saying I owe them daft amounts, I would quote, but they sent the letter to my old address but I'm assuming it's over £110.40, their last quote. I'll be honest, I have learned my lesson that I should have read the contract in order to prevent this fuss occurring, but I am not letting them punish me this hard for it. So, I must ask, what should be my next steps, and should I seek to resolve this? Thanks in advance guys.
  2. A letting agency has been demanding hundreds of pounds in payment before prospective tenants are allowed to view properties for rent, the BBC's Victoria Derbyshire programme has found. The practice, by Flintons, breaches guidelines and could be unlawful..Shadow housing minister Melanie Onn said renters needed more rights and the case was the "tip of the iceberg". Flintons, in London, denied any wrongdoing and said it did not charge any fees for viewings. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-46111015
  3. Sant refuse to allow payments to registered payees unless I give a mobile number for them to send a OTP I have a registered list of payees but S will not allow online payments without a mobile number. The Ombudsman has said Sant can create any Ts&Cs it wishes and this is covered in new Ts&Cs. FCA says S are not 'in breach' I am seeking another way to contest this demand as it puts me at risk of IT attack because I cannot operate a mobile phone securely and also I consider that it is a 'harvesting tool' for S's benefit. I have other accounts banks and brokers and none have demanded mobile numbers. S declares it as a necessary safety requirement. but that is plainly untrue. I am aware that I can change banks but that is to gift victory to Sant in a dispute that involves that section of folk who do not have a need or want of a mobile phone. Surely there has been a long enough history of banks imposing restrictions on customers that benefit only the banks and dis benefit the customer. Can anyone offer guidance as to how to bring pressure on Sant to revise its policy.
  4. I was in a relationship with a man who was both physically and emotionally abusive. He had used my bank account to commit fraud and HSBC held me liable for the debt from the fraud which is £9,566. I managed to find another place to move to and made sure I was virtually untraceable on social media and the internet. I never told the police about the abuse at the time for fear of him being arrested then released and onto me. However I did report the fraud to the police through Action Fraud and they replied a few months later saying that they cannot follow up on it as there is not enough evidence. Now HSBC are harassing me to pay back the debt, I'm a 22 year old student who cannot pay back such a large amount. Although I am terrified of him I tried to locate him so the police can find him yet he is nowhere to be found and I believe now that he had been using a fake identity whilst with me. HSBC have been immensely unhelpful, I have gone back and forth into branches and made numerous phone calls which have all been useless and I cannot take out debt relief management plans or file for bankruptcy because the debt is from fraud. They also filed a CIFAS flag marker against my name so I have to use an online bank now and will not be able to get jobs in many sectors when I finish uni, for 6 years. I opened a case with the Financial Ombudsman which is taking a long time but have been studying hundreds of their decisions on similar cases and they never rule in the favour of the victim/consumer, so I am not confident. What do I do?
  5. Hi, First time post here, but given the nature of what is going on I could really do with some advice. So this all relates to a refund they gave my partner and I some 2.5 to 3 years ago. At that point we were living in a one bedroom flat with a prepayment meter. Now, according to nPower, due to a mistake on their side (they said over charging) we were to be refunded £500. Upon receipt of the refund letter my partner phoned nPower customer services to ensure it was genuine and it wasn't being handed out in error. We were re-assured it was genuine and that we were definitely owed the money. Flash forward to yesterday where one of their lovely threat letters was dropped onto my doormat in our new house. This letter stated that we owe £429 due to unpaid charges (from 2.5-3 years go!), with £7 of that being a trace charge as we hadn't provided our new address to them (we left nPower about 6 months before we moved house and went with another provider and ceased to be a customer, therefore no need to inform them of anything). Now, according to nPower, the money they refunded was correct, however, as the money really should have gone into the pre-payment account and not the standard tariff account we have taken £500 from them and not paid for our gas and lecky which was used under the pre-payment account. I understand the issue they are having, but I fail to see how after 3 years they can try to claim we owe this money. It is simply their error, and their mistake, and I feel a time frame of 3 years is far to long to try and be claiming money for debts we never accrued from non-payment. We have never not paid for our electricity or gas! What should I do with this? They are now wanting to escalate it to further with the view to get the bailiffs in.
  6. Hi, I had a 12-month membership since Sept 2016 with Xercise4LEss. £9.99 a month, I was a uni student. I didnt realise it rolled over onto an automatic monthly membership. earlier this year I realise I was still paying for a membership I no longer used (I've now finished university). I went into the branch and asked the guy at the desk and he said it has to be done online. I went to cancel online, and I didnt have my "W-Number". -> Could not cancel. This was the nottingham branch of Xercise4Less. I now live in London. It did happen a second time I was going back to Nottingham, and I popped in again and was told it has to be done online and I should ring a number. I rang the number and it said something like "hi this is X4L customer services. Busy atm. Leave your number, we'll get back to you" ->> Left my number, they never came back to me. I then just cancelled the direct debit because obviously already been paying £120+ for a membership I wasnt using (didnt know I was paying for!!). I got an email saying I had to pay £25 admin fee. I sent a complaints email to customer services. They didnt bother to respond to my complains but simply put "you have to pay" More emails were exchanged back and forth..time went by and then it went from a "you have to pay £25 admin + 2 months membership (~£45) to I now have to pay £69.98. 7th September is the deadline for paying that otherwise it is passed on to a "debt recovery company" or something and they threaten the fees will increase significantly. My question is this: 1) What would you advise I do? 2) Can HArdlands/this debt recovery company they use etc. FORCE me to pay? 3) Can / Will they take me to court of £70? 4) Should I pay, or should I ignore? Many thanks! Ryan
  7. Good Morning, I'm hoping for some advise on here please. I have a liability order with Rossendales for £814 and also signed a WPO/ CGA in January 2018 to agree to a payment plan of £200 per month. Originally, the amount was around £1300. I missed a payment on this and the agent over the phone told me I had to increase this amount to £300 per month or they can't help and would go to an enforcement officer.I agreed (as had no choice) on 1st June I missed the £300 payment. Today, I have a letter from Rossendales to say that no extension/ plan will be agreed and full payment now needs to be made. I called them today and she said no payment arrangement at all can be made I offered £400 on Friday and £400 the week after- this was declined. My question is, has anyone had this situation before I wanted to know how long it will take an enforcement agent/ bailiff to attend my property demanding full payment or seize the goods because it's Monday 11th today and I can have the full balance on 25th but I have no idea if I even have 2 weeks until they turn up Any advise is welcome it's all new to me and I've read through so much conflicting information. The Rossendales telephone agent had no idea either by the sounds of it TIA
  8. Hi all! I’ll try make this as concise as possible! A friend of mine sold an item (an old instrument) on gumtree valued at £3000. A buyer came forward asking various questions about the instrument all of which were answered honestly and to the best of her and my own knowledge. None of the information contained within the article was misleading or mis-informative. After answering all the questions the buyer said he would need to come and view the item prior to purchase to which he was explicitly told no problem come whenever you like. Then he sent another message later that evening saying he would like to make an offer of 2750 which was fine and my friend accepted. He then said he would like the item dropped off at his father in laws work which was also done straight away. After he eventually got the item (3 weeks has now passed) he has come saying he’d like a refund as he believes the instrument was over priced for what it is and he isn’t happy with it claiming some parts of it have been replaced or refurbished. As a professional musician I tried the instrument prior to selling and it was in full working order. As the instrument was very old and neither myself or my friend were the original owner we did not make comment on the originality of the pieces or their history as it is often impossible to tell. All we did was provide a surplus of photographs as part of the ad and answer all questions honestly without misrepresenting any information about the item. The buyer has repeatedly messaged threatening involvement from his solicitors should I be worried? He was given the right to come and view the item but he chose not to and I have proof of this in text messages. None of the information was false and no details of the instrument were misrepresented. My friend has since spent the money on a trip to go travelling hence the reason for me writing this message, the buyer only has my contact details. The buyer also messaged claiming he had the instrument valued at £2250 would I be willing to refund the difference, something I’m also not keen on doing as I’m starting to believe he only bought the item to sell on for a larger profit and thus the question of originality is the source of his frustration. Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated should I entertain a refund or the threat of legal action? Cheers Concernedseller
  9. Hi, This morning I had a very important meeting that I could not miss and went to park in my usual car park. Unfortunately it was full, this has never been the case before, but I sucked it up and used the larger car park across the road where the minimum stay is 4 hours and they charge £2.50, this is why I never use it. This car park is never more than half full, but was full today. Obviously something local was going on as this has never happened in all the years I have been parking. After driving around for 10 minutes and no space appearing I saw a space that was not blocking anyone at all, and it looked like a space. There was a small triangle of yellow lines right in the corner of the space, that made it look like you could maybe not park there, but I checked all around and it was blocking no one at all, there was ample room. I took the chance as I really could not miss this meeting and paid my ticket. When I came back I had a ticket on the car, this small triangle in the corner was half obscured by leaves and was not the easiest to see. I took a pic of the leaves covering it down the side and at the back, I also took a pic of the front of the car as it really did look like a parking space with white lines at the front and to show it was not blocking anything. It was just this small half obscured yellow triangle at the back that made me doubtful, but that made no sense as it blocked nothing. I am not trying to say I am in the right as I thought it maybe a non parking spot, but paid my money and had no choice but to take my chance, missing the meeting would have cost me far more than the ticket. Is there any point trying to challenge this ticket or do I just suck it up and take it, the least they could do is take the £2.50 off is the ticket was invalid. Thanks for any help Paul
  10. I'm planning to call CAB on Monday when they open, but would be grateful of any guidance in the meantime, or suggestions of more appropriate organisations to contact. We brought a house on the 21st July, and straight away gave meter readings to the energy company and took photographs of the meters. It seems that the previous owner gave their final readings on the 4th July, and they're trying to pin the gap on me. When the bills started to arrive they were from the 4th July to 31st July. I've since called and emailed to complain several times, they agreed to set up a new account for me with the correct start date and promised that they'd “cancelled the incorrect bills”. They assured me that I wouldn't be responsible for the debt on the original account for when I wasn't living there, and to ignore any further letters. I paid off the new account in full immediately, switched energy suppliers, and thought that was the end of it. The only other contact, aside from the standard switching account letters, was an "immediate action required" letter for the original account number, but I ignored this as I had been advised to do. This morning, a letter from Allied International Credit came through saying the matter had been passed to them for debt collection. Obviously I have no intention of paying it as I wasn't living here, but I'd quite like to wrap the matter up once and for all before we get someone knocking on the door.
  11. As the title says. This is not a final notice, but the very first. I'm not even sure what the debt's for, but I've looked at the template letter on here and I am going to send that. Just wondering if there's anything in the CCA that stipulates a minimum amount of time to pay back the debt. Cheers!
  12. Hi folks - first post, as I'm somewhat annoyed/concerned that an issue I thought had been dealt with has reared it's ugly head today. Long story short, I used a parcel booking service to pay to ship a cardboard bike box overseas in October '16. This was all fine in terms of goods arriving, until I received an e-mail 11 days later stating my parcel had been measured by the courier as bigger than the stated dimensions and therefore I had underpaid by approx £50 for the volumetric weight. The service I paid for cost £30 so as you can imagine I was less than impressed! I was so convinced it was attempted fraud I reported them to Action Fraud and cancelled my bank card, as the small print of their T&Cs state they will attempt to recover the amount they consider outstanding after a short period. Their justification for the additional charge was nonsense after I disputed the additional cost, and even their own website disagrees with the way they attempted to justify it. I also liaised with the parcel carrier directly, but aside from intervening to try and get the booking service to see sense it just went round in circles. I asked for information that was never supplied, but eventually sent them the pictures of the parcel which I'd taken prior to shipping, with a tape measure in shot, in early December which they wanted to use to generate a refund to them from the courier before they would wipe out the invoice. All went quiet until early Jan when another copy of the invoice arrived by e-mail, which I quickly responded to. At this point I was told the opportunity to appeal with the courier was past and to pay up. I queried whether the photos I'd sent had been passed to the courier but received no response. I chased this again a few weeks later asking if no news was good news and if my previous e-mail had been received - again, no response. I assumed until today they'd either got the courier to refund and hadn't bothered to communicate with me, or they'd just lost interest. My last comms to them was end of Jan '17. Today, by e-mail, I received the following from an e-mail account called Admin Judges which I've anonymised a bit: I found this site by searching for the company name, but the references are quite old. I presume that rather than acting for the company concerned they have simply bought some packaged debt and are chancing their arm at minimal cost to themselves and see what they get back. I've had no letter in the post, but I imagine the costs and threats will escalate over time? I can afford to pay it - that's not the issue - but I begrudge the slimy way they've attempted to get extra money out of me - seems a common tactic for the firm concerned. Sorry for the long post and thank you to those that have read this far - what advice from well informed regulars on how best to deal? Many thanks
  13. Hi I need some advice please. Recently I replied to a direct mailshot from a Manchester-based PPI claim company called Consumer Claim Line. I had had a credit card some 20 years or so ago (Capital One card) and I wanted to find out if I had paid PPI on the payments. I returned the paperwork and thought to take advantage of their advertised "no claim no fee" offer to get this investigated. A few weeks later received a reply saying that their preliminary findings were positive and that I should sign the enclosed form authorising them to investigate my claim further. With this same reply paperwork enclosed was another form asking me to list any banks that I may have had accounts with in the past and they would look into these accounts too. I signed the authorisation forms for the Capital One account and sent back the other form listing the Clydesdale bank although details of this and the Capital One account I was not able to furnish as I had no paperwork and no recollection of any details. They said that details weren't important as they had ways of tracing accounts. A fortnight later I received correspondence from this company stating that their investigations showed that the Capital One account had previously been looked into (sometime in 2009 or 2010) and since I had not informed them of this they were invoicing me for a Cancellation penalty fee of £360 for wasting their time. Along with this invoice were two additional "letters of authority" for two Clydesdale bank loans (taken out sometime in the 1990's (I think) which they wanted me to sign and return to them. I telephoned them to explain that my claim on the Capital One account was made in good faith and that I had no recollection of having this investigated before (I have good medical reasons for general memory impairment which I explained to them) I asked them to therefore cancel this penalty fee they were demanding. I also stated that as a consequence of the outcome of this first experience I didn't want to return the forms for the Clydesdale bank investigation as because of my memory impairment I could not guarantee that this case had not also been investigated in the past. I had no recollection of this being the case but then again the same applied to the Capital One case. The supervisor whom I was explaining this to was not sympathetic to my position in fact he adopted a rather aggressive and threatening stance, threatening court action on non-payment of the penalty fee saying that for every subsequent reminder-letter they sent me an additional £20 would be added to the cancellation fee invoice . He further threatened that if I didn't send back the second set of "letters of authority" (for the Clydesdale bank loans) duly signed by myself a further £360 (each) of cancellation fees would be invoiced to me for payment. A few days later I received out of the blue a phone call form the company (from the same supervisor) saying that they have reconsidered and that if I go to my doctor and get him to write a letter confirming that my medical condition and strong medication I have taken (over a period of over 20 years) have indeed led to among other things severe memory impairment. I duly went to my GP and he wrote out a letter confirming what I had said, and I sent this doctor's letter in to the company. A week or so later I received another phone call (again from the same supervisor as before) and he now said that he would not accept my doctor's letter as he had met people before with the same condition that I suffered from and he didn't believe that it could cause memory impairment. In other words he completely disregards a doctor's medical opinion on a patient he has been treating for 25 years in favour of his own unqualified prejudiced and generalised opinion of the condition I suffer from (the condition is in fact Severe Clinical Depression). The decision stood he said and I now owe them 3 x £360 fees plus £20 further penalty on the first case ... a total of £1100. Can they do this ? Is there anything I can do about this ? If nothing else maybe this post will warn others of this companies practices. Regards, Jackthehat
  14. ’ll try and keep this as brief as possible but I’ll need to explain a bit of background. When I was in university I rented a room in a house with three other students that I didn’t know between July 2012 to June 2013. Npower supplied the electricity and gas. I gave the first meter reading in July and the first bill came in October and we each paid a fourth to the landlord and I thought this arrangement would continue. However, towards June 2013 I contacted the landlord as we hadn’t got any more bills and queried what was going on he said he’d put the bills solely in my name. I was amazed that this was possible and called Npower to refuse to be the only sole name on the bills but they said this was the landlord’s right. Shortly after that the other tenants all left and two of them half way around the world. The bills at this point still hadn’t come to the house (although they might possibly have done so but one of the other tenants liked to take people’s mail…) and I gave a forwarding address and explained that as I was only one of four tenants they should only send me a fourth of the bill. Instead they started sending widely varying bills (anything from £1300 to £2000+) and after talking to them on the phone failed I then wrote them a letter showing them my tenancy agreement saying that I was only responsible for a fourth of the bills, emails to and from the landlord where he took responsibility for paying the bills if we paid him. Npower ignored all correspondence from me and the demands for payment became nastier and they and debt collection companies started sending letters to my parents as well calling them. I wrote them a cheque for over £500 which was a fourth of what they were asking for at the time. The demands didn’t stop and became more and more frequent. It was deeply stressful and if I’d the whole amount I’d probably would have just paid but I didn’t; however, the demands finally abruptly stopped. But, now more than four years after I paid Npower the £500 and the demands stopped a debt collection company called Wescot that Npower used before has started asking for money again. I think this was because I just updated the electoral register to my new home. It’s a horrible and not to mention embarrassing to start life with my partner in our new home and to be threatened again by this very ruthless debt collection company. I am not sure what to do next and was wondering if someone advise me what they make of these options? Just pay the damned bill and all the nasty extra charges they added. Would this be the end of it? Would accepting it give them the right to damage my credit report? Ignore it and hope it goes away like last time. It hasn’t affected my credit rating so maybe they don’t have enough information about me? And perhaps me going on the electoral register here just tripped some automated system? Pay the bill but take the only other U.K tenant to small claims court for their share? Or even half would that be possible? Threaten to refer their behaviour to some ombudsman or consumer body? Things like calling my parents and writing to them, calling on a Sunday, using aggressive and threatening language etc. Would this scare them enough to leave me alone? Sorry for how long this post was and thank you if any advice you can give.
  15. Hi all I used to be with Sky for my phone & broadband, I contacted them on the 4th April to see if they would do me a better deal as Virgin were offering me a deal that was £15 a month cheaper.. . The call centre drone I spoke with wasn't interested in retaining my custom after something like 16yrs and so I started the cancellation process. This would take 2 weeks, my new provider would also notify them that they were taking over my phone number. I paid for my service in advance at the end of March which means my account was up to date aside from any call charges right up to the end of my contract.nn I have emails from Sky telling me that I am leaving and end date is the 20th April. Virgin installed my cable phone line and service on the 19th April and I have been using that since then. My sky modem was unplugged on the 19th too. The emails from Sky state that they have received notification that my phone number is being taken over, that my service will end on the 20th April and the number would be transferred by the 29th April... I think it actually transferred about the 27th although I can't be exactly certain. I then receive a letter telling me that my service was ending on the 1st may, in direct contradiction of the previous contact I had via email. As I was already paid up until the end of April, I cancelled my DD so they couldn't 'accidentally' take payments they shouldn't and a figured that was the end of it. Today I got a letter demanding payment of £46.99 and a threat of action plus a £7.50 'late' fee and informing me that my services have been suspended... . quite what services they think they're suspending I have no idea as I've not been a customer since the 20th April. I have not been notified of any final bill that's owed (by my calculations, there's actually a chance they owe me a little bit of a refund) there are no call charges to pay because I had their 24/7 free calls package which was paid in advance for the month. .. even if I assume the worst and that my billing date (usually the last day of the month) is 2 weeks later than my billing cycle. that only means I may (and I stress may) be liable for 3 or 4 days service. I have received no Final bill of any kind, the only contact is A: them telling me the date of my contract end B: Letters/Emails trying to get me to rejoin Sky C: Letters demanding money after service has ended I can find no contact email address for them and refuse to speak to them by phone as I'm not paying call charges (no longer free if not a sky customer) to try and get them to sort out their screw up. I can't even find an address for their complaints team. If anyone has an address of their complaints dept, an email address that actually works or a freephone number I can call... Please let me know. Additionally, any advice on how to deal with these incompetent nincompoops would be most welcome. I'm concerned that they may try and mess with my credit score because of their failings.
  16. Hello CAG! As stated im 16 years of age. I am ashamed to say that one day I was extraordinarily stupid and stole an £8.00 rucksack from primark. I was stopped and detained by two men (who were very rude and arrogant) who proceeded to demand my name and address, which they said they would check on "police radio". I gave them said info and they let me go. A few weeks later I receive a letter from "RLP" demanding £186.50, and claiming that I stole £12 worth of goods. I have a few questions. what should I do about the letter and fine? is the police radio thing legit or a scare tactic? could I get into any trouble with police? could I get taken to court if I ignore the letter? thanks a lot guys.
  17. hi all, I have a ccj with Cabot for over £7000 which I have been paying regularly for atleast the past 10yrs. i have started receiving letters from them stating:- "We need your attention - potential legal action", "your credit file indicates that your situation may have changed", The ccj relates to a loan from Bank of Scotland, my situation has not changed, my only income is carers allowance (all other benefits go direct to disabled wife). i do have other debts and pay them off at the same rates per month £5 each, at least one of these debts is held by cabot. at the bottom of the letter there is a brief explanation of what legal action could mean but that refers to a ccj. any thoughts on this would be gratefully recieved sorry if this post is a bit rambling volac123
  18. I am enquiring on behalf of a friend who recently changed employer - he is still doing the same job but through a sub contractor. When he finished, under the instruction of a supervisor, he left electronic items he had been provided with by the employer in the company office. He has since been informed that these items have gone missing and so he owes them over £1000 and his last weeks wages were withheld to go towards this amount. Are the company allowed to do that and is there anything he can do to appeal this? Thank you for any advice.
  19. Hi Here's hoping someone may help My son signed a tenancy agreement with a letting agent but has not taken possession of the property, due to having difficulties obtaining the deposit. The agent has told him he is liable for the full 6 month rental amount . is this correct , ie is there no cooling off period etc many thanks in advance
  20. Do I need to immediately pay an Invoice marked as Payment Immediately? We recently had some carpentry work done. No payment terms were discussed or covered in the quote. We were not impressed with the work done nor the way the work was conducted. The work was estimated to take 3 days but took 3 weeks. That is incidental to the legal requirements for paying the invoice. I'd just like to know when would be a reasonable time to pay the invoice. The carpenter has chased the invoice and is threatening further action. (We received the invoice 2 days ago).
  21. Hi, I have been a member for years, but this is my first post. My husband has received a letter from UCS, stating that they have been instructed by UK Parking Limited, for a PCN in (afaik) a private car park. It states that UKPL wrote to him & that we did not respond & therefore cannot appeal. We have had no correspondence from them, And I presume that they would have had to write with date & time stamped photographic proof? They are stating that we were parked after the expired time on a P&D ticket and the original charge was £100 and they have added a £60 Admin Fee. They have threatened him with a solicitor, if he either does not pay, or does not say who was driving the car, if it wasn`t him. They are also trying to use scare tactics by quoting the case of Parking Eye V Beavis. The letter then goes on to "advise" us not to believe information given on the interent, and to gain legal advice. I have been trying to find an email contact for them, so that I have a paper trail & also because I do not want to speak to them (hubbie doesn`t have time due to work, so I am dealing with it). I wanted to email this - Pls can anyone advise if it is acceptable to send? Hello, I am contacting you as my husband was sent a letter from you, saying that UK Parking Limited had instructed you to contact him, due to non payment of a parking charge notice. The reference number is - ******** We have not received anything in writing from UK Parking Limited and I presume that they have to contact us with evidence of any wrong doing, such as timed & dated photographs. I am sure that as a legitimate company, you wouldn't expect anyone to make payment without such proof. I presume that you will be contacting them to send us the relevant information before you proceed. Yours sincerely, Our 14 days to respond is up tomorrow (well today as it is now gone midnight!) Thanks & Kind Regards
  22. a friend of mine is being bombarded by a claims management company, he has had repeated requests to sign a form giving them power to act for all/any ppi claims he may have, secondly he has been sent a bill for a ppi he settled direct with a bank and cannot recall signing anything to authorise the CMC to act for him. I spoke to them on the phone for him and told them that unless a copy of the contract showing he had agreed to them to act for him was received he would not respond to any further communications. he is now being threatened to be taken to court which is upsetting him as he is a pensioner, my question is can anyone point me to what letter would be best to sent to the CMC to request the copy of any agreement they may hold many thanks
  23. Hello good people of the CAG. I have just arrived home from Uni and found 7 letters from a company called Debt Recovery Plus Ltd, each letter demanding £150 for unpaid parking charges. These charges span a period between 16/10/15 - 06/11/15. I called the company to dispute the charges as the ticket machine has been out of order (It is still not working!) and the lady at the car park who checks to see if people have payed and displayed told me to place a note in my windscreen stating that the machine is out of order and I'll not get a fine. DRP told me on the phone that I cannot appeal as I'm am out of the appeal period. I didn't receive any letters from the company that issued the original charges (LDK Security Group Ltd) so this is the first I know about them. Was the guy from DRP correct in informing me that I cannot appeal? Any advice would be very much appreciated. Thanks, Paul. Update: I have just visited LDK Security group website in search for proof of parking violation and apparently there should have been a note stuck to my car with a reference number on it. This has not been the case.
  24. Please help! I am a student and voluntary Children's Worker, there is no way I can afford to fight this and lose... Frankly, I'm scared. I received a Notice to Keeper from CPMS Ltd on the 4th of December (apparently dated the 26th of November) demanding that I pay them £100 for parking without a permit on the 26th of October, or that I give them the details of whoever was driving at the time. The Driver is even worse off than I am, she's in no state to deal with this stress. Details of the event are: In the early hours of the 26th October, the Driver arrived at Halls of Residence in Manchester. Tried to obtain parking permit from reception, but as it was out of office hours it was closed. Security not authorised to handle money, so the practice is to leave a note in the book for when reception opens. Vehicles are then registered as being authorised, pending permit being written. Permit paid for and obtained from reception in the morning, however a PCN has already been placed on vehicle. Driver advised by security to just ignore it. Didn't think to tell me. --Fast forward to 4th December-- I, the Keeper of the vehicle, receive Notice to Keeper in the post. Panic! I have contacted the Halls Reception, but they said there is nothing they can do, it's nothing to do with them, go talk to CPMS. What do I do? My mother is seriously unwell at home, and having bailifs turn up on our doorstep when I'm not there would kill her... I'm sorry if this is in the wrong place, I just don't know what to do.
  25. Hello I'll try to keep this simple but would appreciate some thoughts on the matter. 6 years ago I moved in to new property and the agreement was that I paid two months rent upfront half for the first month and the other half for the last month, so when I gave my motive to move out I did not need to pay for that month. For 6 years we kept the house clean n tidy and never gave the landlord reason for concern. To the extent that he never renewed our tenancy agreement. . So in September we told him we were moving out n that the last months (Octobers) rent was paid and we will be out of there by end of October. We moved told him that e were leaving a bed and wardrobe which he welcomed. 2 days ago I receive a letter from an estate agent saying I owe £850 for November rent and tax, money for having to paint the house because children had scribbled writing on a couple of the walls, in 6 years he did not decorate/paint the house for us even though he said he would and for changing locks. All this because we left a couple of boxs and furthermore we didn't return the keys even tho he was on holiday in October and never told us when or where to leave the keys. Trying to charge for clearing out mess which is a lie Really don't know how to approach it I spoke to him and said that I was upset and asked why is a third party getting evolved
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