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  1. Hi Y'all and Happy Easter I was wondering if anyone would be able to offer me advise regarding my claim with Barclays over mis-sold package account? I have had an acknowledgement saying that i had an ADDITIONS account in 1999, but i have no statements going back that far, only from 2004 when it was upgraded to an ADDITIONS PLUS. Does anyone know how much I would have paid in fees per month, back in 1999, for a Barclays ADDITIONS account? They are taking forever on this, I first complained in December '14 and have only just had acknowledgment wanting more info - I had an ADDITIONS in 1999 which was upgraded in 2004 to ADDITIONS PLUS and in 2011 to CURRENT ACCOUNT PLUS ( I left in 2012 as I was having problems with them raiding my mortgage account to pay my barclaycard) But as I have no statements from 1999 I don't know how much I was paying for the account Jo x Thanks to anyone who knows and can help
  2. Hi, I'm hoping someone here will be able to help. I'm at my wits end. On Wednesday last week the police turned up at my house and arrested me on suspicion of fraud. (A complaint made by my sister and about which I was interviewed on Saturday - I've done nothing wrong and hopefully that is what the result will be) On Thursday morning my Housing Benefit was paid into my account and I was able to use my account. By Thursday afternoon the money had vanished. I couldn't get hold of my bank immediately so I transferred my savings (only £100) into the account - assuming it was just an error - so I could pay for the food shopping. That money has never arrived either. I contacted the bank Thursday PM and was told the money was there, it was just 'not transactable' and they couldn't tell me why. Friday was bank holiday. I called again Saturday and was told the same thing. Then two more closed days. I called again this morning and was told the same thing and my child benefit that should have gone in this morning has now also not arrived. (well it has, I just can't access it) Strangely the balance that was already on the account was untouched and I was able to use that. (only about £50 which has now gone) I'm a single mum and it's the school holidays. I haven't been able to do any food shopping, take my son out, or anything and I'm now down to my last £8 with all my bills to pay. I have no idea what to do! No one will tell me anything. Has this come from the police? Is this something the bank have done by themselves? I have almost completely run out of food now and I have no idea what I'm going to do to feed my son. Can anyone shed any light?
  3. Hi, I bought some items from Thomann.de in December last year. Paid by Paypal. Got 'Payment accepted' notice and items arrived. A few weeks ago I get an e-mail from Thomann asking me to pay an outstanding balance. I thought it was some sort of phishing [problem], but after checking it out, everything seemed legit. I replied asking them what I owed them money for (at this point still assuming the order that was completed 4 months ago was, indeed, completed..) Apparently, my Paypal payment didn't go through at the time, but they sent the items anyway and opened an account.... I never received the supposed e-mail, and (as I pointed out in my reply) never responded to give this the OK... Thomann clearly weren't happy with that response as the next message contained a threat of a debt collection agency: In my response, I expressed my disappointment in them so readily resorting to threats, but also continued on the path to resolution: That was sent to them on Thursday (13th April). All the correspondence above were on the same day with messages about an hour apart. Today I get an e-mail from debt collectors.... I responded immediately with: Then I started searching the net for advice and found this place. Probably should have done that the other way round! So, where do you think I stand on all this? I think the two resolution offers I gave to Thomann are more than fair and reasonable considering the circumstances. They clearly disagree, but surely they don't have the right to pass onto a debt collector at this point?? edit: Forgot to add, the amount is £87.52
  4. Hi guys. After scanning through a few similar posts I thought it would be clearer to understand if I posted my own thread hi-lighting my own concerns specifically. Hope that's ok? I'll give an explanation of my situation then submit my questions. About 7 years ago I had a few outstanding debts on various overdrafts and c/cards etc. My wife and I owed around £4'500 in total. Nothing to get to worked up about. My wife and I seperated though and after a clean and simple divorce I was left trying to float the home finances alone. Living on half of our former income, things quickly started to spiral out of control. In the end I went to citizens advice who spoke to all the creditors and asked them to freeze all my overdrafts and cards etc and also freeze any interest charges. We arranged affordable repayment plans for each of them and all has worked well since then. One of the accounts was with Barclaycard. I owed around £1'500 and they kindly agreed a repayment plan of £12.00 per month. I set up a direct debit and all has been going great. I've never defaulted on a payment and I've watched the debt steadily fall. Just a few weeks ago I called them and asked if I could up the payments from £12.00 to £24.00 per month in order to clear the debt more quickly, as it was now down to a balance of just £429.00 I was told by the representative on the phone that it would be easier to leave the account as it is for a while as Barclaycard were in the process of transfering some accounts to another company who would be taking over the management of these accounts and collecting the remaining debts. I said I was not happy with this as my debt was with Barclaycard and it was them that I was in a contract. I explained to her that I could not see why it was ok for Barclaycard to suddenly change the contract. She tried to reassure me it was all ok but I insisted that I speak to her supervisor. After a minute or two another voice came on the line and told me not to worry and that it would be fine to up my repayments. If I wasn't happy to switch company's then no switch would be made. I hung up satisfied with the outcome. Then a week or so later I recieved a letter from Barclaycard dated the 10th Oct 2016 informing me that they have, and I quote... "closed and transfered your Barclaycard account to a company called Assett Link Capital (No.5) Limited. They've appointed Link Financial Outsourcing Limited to act on their behalf so they'll be looking after your account from now on" On the same day I also recieved a letter from Assett Link Capital confirming that Barclaycard had "Assigned" the account to themselves and that they in turn had appointed Link Financial Outsourcing Limited to service the account on their behalf. Included were contact and bank details to arrange payments with Link Financial. With all this looking so official and above board and not wanting to once again incur charges against the account, I went ahead and visited Link Financial's website and filled out the online direct debit form. I then recieved an email thanking me for my completing the Direct Debit set up form and that my information had been received and they would begin setting up my Direct Debit shortly. Although I wasn't happy at being forced into accepting this change I felt it was more important to stay on top of repayments rather than damage my now recovering credit score. I have since seen some online articles which have caused me to have concerns. So the questions I've been asking myself are as follows. 1) Am I in any danger of being defrauded by a fake company who have access to my personal banking information? 2) Are Barclaycard in breach of contract by handing my debt on to another debt recovery agency? 3) Barclaycard say they've "Closed" the account where as Assett link say Barclaycard have "Assigned" the account to them. Is this the same thing or are these companies being clever with their wording? 4) Now I have filled out the online direct debit form with Link Financial have I obligated myself to repay the outstanding sum to them. 5) If I have not obligated myself to make repayments to these other agencies and do try and challenge paying back the debt, will this have a damaging effect on my credit score? I appreciate your taking the time to read this, much longer than anticipated post, and look forward to any help and advice you good people may be able to offer. Thanks and regards. Skinz72
  5. Hi, I've been trying to despute my water bill with Welsh Water as I feel I'm being over charged. In a recent conversation with a representative I was told that my property was on the lowest tariff I am still paying more than my neighbors & friends in much bigger properties. I pay £32.00 per month but my neighbors are paying between £18.00 & £22.00 per month. Is there a higher complaints procedure I can go through to get myself heard as so far I've been met by unsatisfactory excuses as to why I pay more. Thank you for your time.
  6. Hi there, I'm 55 and have a personal pension plan that has a value of £17600. Up until our disabled child was born I worked full time, when he was born I had to give up my job to become his carer. During this period of adjustment to our new financial situation we incurred some debt - £13000. I thought great, I can take it all as a lump sum and we can clear the debt... only we are in receipt of tax credits since our joint income, husband and my carers allowance = £21,000 per annum. However I've since realised that by doing this £75% of the lump sum will have to declared as income so basically will affect out tax credit award. So we would pay the debt off but have no tax credit income. So not really a viable option. The other option is to take the 25% tax free lump sum (to get the leaky roof fixed) and put the rest into the retirement savings account to pay the debt when I retire. If I do this, how will this this saving account be viewed for tax credit purposes. Will it still count as income even though we don't draw any money from it. It will be invested but could fluctuate wither up or down. Thanks in advance
  7. I recently sent a claim form to reclaim the PPI and other charges that I had with House of Fraser store card which then belonged to GE. Santander now deals with it, and after many letters they have agreed to send me the refund. However, the letter is about 4 pages, and it says I cannot claim interest charges and other charges because of the time limit. I know it was from 1999-2009 and it has been a long time. If I were to send the letter can someone have a look at it please. They said some money was refunded, but I cannot recall as it has been a long time. Also mentioned about the second account I cannot recall that either. They offered me full and final offer of £161.75. I know the PPI amount was only £2.00 or less at the time, and I remember cancelling it sometime ago. Does this amount sound right. Thanks
  8. Just when I thought I am getting everything in order here comes Lowells with a Pre-legal assessment letter. How funny they are sending a letter for an account that was settled. It was an old account that I had with BT which is also SB'd as last payment was made in 2010 (disputed termination fees which was settled). I sent them a letter to say that I do not owe them or BT any money and they are trying obtain money by fraud.
  9. My partner has had a letter regarding WTC. They are pushing her to open a bank account. She has been using a post office account for child benefit and wtc for many years now. Has anyone here had the same? is there a reason for it! usually is regarding dwp/hmrc. EDIT: Forgot to say we already have bank accounts but my partner has always liked using the post office one for budgeting etc. Tia
  10. Hey, just wanting to know where I stand. Let me start with saying i'm no newbie to computers and this wasn't a case of me giving away my login details via some [problem]/phishing email. I have more than 20 years computer/internet experience under my belt and even have no use for anti-virus software (put it this way, I know to avoid anything which might gain me a virus and know the system registry and background tasks like the back of my hand). My ebay account has been up and running for just over 15 years without a problem. eBay has always been fine for me. To cut it short, the past few days the money in my bank didn't quite add up. Something was pending for £30. I guessed it might just be their systems catching up. I had a look at my eBay account and shocking to me was a purchase done a few days ago for a computer game priced at £30. I knew it wasn't me or anyone else I knew who made that purchase. Some cheeky sod has well and truly defrauded me out of money. They bought the game (which includes a download code and a disc). They read the eBay inbox message with the download code, redeemed it and got the disc (which is useless as the code has been redeemed) dispatched to my old address that was still saved on my account. They even tried to hide the fact by paying for it, not out of my linked PayPal account direct (which shows on my PayPal account transactions), but via my debit card saved on my eBay account (that processes through PayPal but doesn't show up in my PayPal transactions history). The only way I can imagine this happened was because of ebay's 2014 data breach and now how frequently they require someone to change their password. About a week ago I logged into my eBay account (via a typed address) and was forced to change my password. My current password was secure (7 digits long, 2 capital and 1 non capital letter), but as I would struggle to remember another similar password, I used a basic password I used to use 10 years ago. It's possible that login/password combo was saved by a bot all those years ago and was detected as being my new password and the account was accessed. Where do I stand now? It shows on my bank account as card payment to paypal. The bank have cancelled my card and i'm guessing they could do a chargeback that will likely cause me fees with PayPal and a suspended account. Will PayPal/eBay refund this? Considering the voucher would have been redeemed by now. Thanks
  11. Hi, Today my partner received a letter from Lowell's Finance telling her she owed a very large amount of money on a Littlewoods account. She has had a Littlewoods account in the past but it was paid up and closed about two years ago. So now we are left in a weird position, this money has accrued and we haven't had any post about it before now, from Lowell's or Littlewoods. We can't remember any log-in information, and when we try to recover the forgotten password with my partners email, it tells us there is no account existing with that email address. We don't know if it's some kind of mistake, or we have been the victims of fraud for over a year. But it's definitely not us that have used this account, and now I'm worried that we have been left with a bill and our credit affected because someone else has opened a Littlewoods account in my partners name. Any advice would be much appreciated.
  12. MY 16-19 account had been opened in december 2016 and yesterday, the 23rd of February, I received a letter that my account was being closed, and that Barclays were unable to continue being my bankers. It offers no other explanation. I realized yesterday that my card was missing when I attempted to call them and tried to find my account number and sort code. I decided to go into a branch and was told that my account did not exist. I'm concerned whether there is any way I can reverse this decision and whether I will be able to open an account with another bank or building society such as Nationwide or Santander? There is no issue of money being stuck, more the inconvenience of having my account closed down and having no idea about it
  13. I have just moved house and let Scottish Power know as we have been customers for 13 years paying a direct debit monthly and never defaulting. Yesterday I had a text from the bank and looking at my accounts they have taken £1,452 out without any prior communication. When I rang them they said it was arrears which I did not have any idea about. I can't understand why I have not been contacted about this as it was so much as I would have paid more each month. I went to the bank and they have refunded me but obviously I have to sort it out. Surely more communication should have been given, they e-mailed me when they needed meter readings. Can anyone please comment on this. Thanks for any input.
  14. Hi My husband has had an account with JD Williams for the past 6 years, 4 years ago we experienced difficulties and they accepted interest free payments of £20 per month which we have paid religiously ever since. Last week he received a letter saying the account had been sold to Lowell and that all payments should now be made to them. I have no issue doing that but they have now started calling our landline (my hubby works nights so we could do without that really!) and we don't want to start being harassed when everything's been fine for 4 years. Is there anything we can/should do? My son answered the phone and is now worried sick :-/ Many thanks Maudy
  15. Well now having issues with BT i was unable to pay the outstanding bill of £123.89 therefore i called BT regarding the issue. Within 24hrs my services were cancelled and they added fees and sent another bill which was £432.25. I called them again only to told they have now passed the debt onto CD UK Ltd and for this action they added 25% to the outstanding amount which as of today is £616.76. This is a complete joke but how can i sort it out without getting robbed blind by BT or this firm CD UK. They are now texting my works mobile and emailing directly to my works email as well so getting very fed up as they are not willing to discuss the debt and only ask for the full amount
  16. Hi, It's a bit of a complicated issue, but I'll try to keep it concise. It's relating to my partners BC account, for which he put his head in the sand until 2014 as he assumed PayPlan had 'sorted it all out', since starting a DMP in mid 2006. I took over the issue in 2015, helping him, as we discovered BC failed to default the account in 2006 (and where still trashing his CRA files). The journey since has been frustrating to say the least.... ...I use 'I' in this context as I have been writing the letters etc on his behalf to try to get this sorted. I have a complaint with FOS, re Barclaycard failing to default a CC account in 2006 and adding interest between 2007-2016, at times as much as 17.9% whilst on a DMP. I raised complaint with BC in Early 2016, raising with FOS 6 months later (in time), BC refused to default account, and referred me to the FOS. FOS have now stated its both out of time, ie more than 6 years ago (only by BC using this as an excuse to stop the FOS investigation), and secondly the FOS adjudicator has stated it is fair, and in BC T&C that interest can be charged after the account is cancelled, as per T&C. ...my problem is that in 2 CCA requests no terms have ever been provided, the one copy I did receive with my DSAR does not reference interest under the section number the FOS states, oh and the FOS has actually failed to include a copy of the terms they are referencing! I intend to escalate to an Ombudsman, but need a little advice beforehand. My Q is: When a credit card is cancelled, by the creditor for the cause of 'my failure to meet minimum contractual repayments' (for 5 months), does this deem the contract to be terminated and thus no longer valid. Ie can BC legally charge interest if they have withdrawn credit facilities and 'cancelled' the account? (There are internal BC notes from DSAR which state account is closed in 2006) I always thought that when closing the account, withdrawing the card and stopping PPI etc then he contract was finished and interest could not be charged. (Oh and defaulted which is my main complaint to BC, the interest being charged is the second part of the complaint as I think this falls also under unfair treatment). History below: In summary, in 2006 default notice, not complied with (was in considerable financial difficulty), received a letter from BC stopping PPI as the account was cancelled. All credit facilities were revoked. DMP with Payplan started FIVE weeks after account cancelled. Then a 2nd default notice issued, after the first DMP payment, but before DMP accepted by BC . This too expired before BC accepted DMP. For one year interest was stopped, but then failed on 2 DMP payments , only managing a partial payment for both, in 2007. (DMP temporarily failed due to bullying from another creditor to make more payments to them outside of DMP!). Interest was restarted and never stopped despite numerous letters from PayPlan request that it is stopped - all letters were ignored. Between 2007 - 2016 made regular payments, and in Sept 2016 managed to pay off the remaining balance with a small PPI Claim received from another company. Between 2006-2014 buried head in the sand assuming PayPlan were working in best interests. Also assumed BC account was defaulted, all the others out of 13 creditors were defaulted between 2006-2009. In 2014/2015 realised both that BC was not defaulted and that wouldn't be getting the interest 'refunded' upon completion of DMP ( as promised by PayPlan - unfortunately only verbally!). This is when I intervened eventually leading to this Formal complaint to BC. any advice before I reject the ajudicators decision would be great. Me_too
  17. Hi I've just read a topic on another forum about in essence joint credit cards. I was surprised to read that the second card does not have the same protection offered to it as the primary card. I just wanted some input as to whether this was correct or not, as I currently have a joint card and while I am the secondary user I probably use it the most. This is the link to the conversation: Thanks for the input
  18. Hi All, new to the forum. The work you guys do is great so I've bought a webmail account to support the site how I can. A family member has received a letter from CapQuest stating they've taken over their T-Mobile account. The letter seems politely worded but not fooled going by CapQuest's reputation (I've been through several threads on the site). This appears to be due to a default on a 'phone contract around 2010 I think (aftermath of the recession). We've moved to a new house since then and they must have employed their usual methods to get in contact at the new address. The first DCA was Lowells who added a default a few years after the original default and were hassling for a while then stopped. It seems CapQuest have picked up the baton so to speak. Nothing was paid or acknowledged with Lowells. It's past six years now so are they still able to pursue this? I've advised sending a Statute Barred letter but thought I should get some advice here first? Thanks for any advice offered.
  19. I paid them for a couple months via Monthly Standing Orders which i set up, this was after the Debt Management Company I used folded, I then stopped paying all of them recently ... I have just received a true copy of my original CCA from Halifax, back dating to 2001, so will now need to sort a repayment offer with them They are the only 1 from 5 to provide thus far, so tbh i still had a great result This is very true, i assumed info from a company like StepChange would be best i would get, not a mention or suggestion of doing CCA's came from them Sometimes their hands are tied to give certain aspects of advice and as I say CAG was a blessing in disguise when i read what people were saying about making CCA requests I have just received a true copy of my original CCA from Halifax, back dating to 2001, so will now need to sort a repayment offer with them, they are the only 1 from 5 to provide thus far, so tbh i have still had a great result ! Better late than never, very true
  20. Today, 3 days before Christmas I learned that Santander had closed my account without warning. On the phone they said they are sending me a cheque with the account balance - that is my Christmas spending money for the family. I asked them what good is a cheque when I now don't have an account - open an account elsewhere was the reply - they know that will take 2-4 weeks and probably longer at this time of year. If they were decent they would give you a warning and allow you to collect your money as cash from the branch - not send a cheque which they know very well will take weeks for you to access. They have my email and phone number surely they could have advised in advance - what if I had been in a restaurant at the time they cancelled and I could not then pay the bill or worse still been abroad with a hotel bill to pay!!! Been with them for over 25 years and have never had a complaint from them about my account - it was in credit - :mad2:
  21. Millions of people who have basic bank accounts may be paying higher fees than necessary.. Basic bank accounts are designed for people who do not already have a bank account and are ineligible for a standard current account .While eight million people have basic accounts, around half of them are still liable to pay fees for failed payments. Completely fee-free basic accounts have been available since January 2016, following an industry agreement. Vulnerable customers who have such accounts are not charged for failed payments, or for going overdrawn. The Treasury figures show that 3.7 million people have accounts that do not conform to the agreement, struck between the government and the banking industry, in 2014. Of those, 3.6 million bank with Lloyds, the rest being RBS customers All the other seven big High Street banks do not charge fees for basic account customers http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-38289654
  22. Hi, I sent a CCA request a week or so ago- received what seems to be a common reply today stating they'd complied with the request and they've supplied nothing more than a copy of their current t&c's. No signatures, dates, endorsements etc. The card's quite old, so I'm sure the £12 on the current t&c's is incorrect. Suspect they're trying to fob me off. Where too next- a dispute letter? Thanks
  23. I have 2 defaults on my account (by from Lloyds). I've paid off the debt on both completely about 6 months ago. I know that paying the debt doesn't remove the default notice on credit file. Obviously, I'd like to get rid of the default notices on my credit file ASAP, as they're causing me issues in a joint mortgage application with my partner. We're having to just do it in her name now, which is frustrating as means we can't count my income towards it. I've read lots of accounts of people removing defaults. Can you give me some idea about removing the defaults and my best course of action to get this sorted ASAP. Some details: - I'm sure they've listed the default dates wrong. Bringing them forwards, which is obviously detrimental to me as well. At the very least, they should be back-dated to the date when the default actually took place. But ideally, I'd like them expunged. - the debts are both paid off. - debts were sold on to other organisations (other than Lloyds). So to summarise: can you give advice on default notice removal, please? Any links to resources would be much appreciated. Kind regards,
  24. Hi, I have found some info on this question but can't really find a definitive answer. My situation is this:- I have a delinquent account showing on my credit file (both Equifax and Experian) from a Halifax personal unsecured loan I took out in 2007. I am reasonably satisfied that this loan is now statute barred as I have had no contact with them since late 2007. (I have not made any payments or acknowledged the debt since that time). However Halifax did have never registered a default with the CRAs and the account is showing as delinquent with the last update being August 2010. Both Experian and Equifax tell me that this will remain on my file until six years after they eventually decide to serve a default notice. I know that there is some vague guidance to lenders from the ICO regarding when defaults should be registered, but I wonder how much weight this carries. I would obviously like any default backdated to a reasonable date. If anyone has successfully challenged this sort of situation I would be grateful for your advice or possibly the letters used. Thanks George (Please do not make moral judgments, I would not about you and my circumstances are quite unique, and very personal)
  25. I would be grateful for some advice. I occasionally get some eatables and pickles from India using Fedex courier services. My father paid the charges for the courier services in India and declared the item value which was 15£. I have received the parcel without any issues. After 3 weeks time i got an Invoice letter from Fedex for the payment of 30£ for Duty and Tax. In the Invoice its clearly mentioned that the total value of the goods was 19£ and Fedex was asking me to pay the Duty and Tax of 30£. I have attached the Invoice. I have called Fedex and queried them about the invoice, they said some miscalculation will send another one, but again they have sent the same Invoice of 30£. After few weeks later i got a call and a Message from Controlaccount saying ' Please contact Controlaccount quoting reference number **** in relation to Fedral Express Europe Inc'for which i did not reply. I have called Fedex again and queried them about the invoice, this time they have asked me to send an email to customerservice explaining the situation. I have sent them an email and got a reply from them saying 'Having investigated the matter in more detail, the invoice on this occasion has been issued correctly. The charges have been levied by the local Customs authorities in the destination Country. Please find attached a breakdown to show how the charges have been calculated (Breakdown attached). In the breakdown the value of the goods was showing as 76$, i am not sure how they got this number. The initial Goods value as per the invoice is not matching the breakdown which they have send me through an email. Please advice. Thank you Krish Fedex Breakdown.pdf
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