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Found 6 results

  1. If you’re a BT customer with a disability, and find it hard to use Directory Enquiries, then here’s some good news for you – they have a special service for you, which you can use for free. So what do you do? Or what do you need to do if it is a member of your family or a friend who wants in on this service? What To Do First, dial 195 and ask for the registration department. If you prefer, you can just dial 0800 587 0195. Then, a form will be sent out to you, to fill in. This is likely to need confirmation from your doctor, nurse or consultant, just so you can confirm that you have problems accessing information through the usual channels. Once everything has been okayed, you’ll be issued with a PIN card and once you have that, you can use it within a couple of days of it being issued. Then, to actually use the service, dial 195, where you’ll be asked for your PIN and your name. Once that is confirmed, you can use directory enquiries for free. http://www.bitterwallet.com/free-bt-directory-enquiries-service-for-people-with-disabilities/87627
  2. (For someone else) I started claiming universal credit a few mnonths ago after being on JSA. The advisor do you have any health problems? I said yes (alcohol problem) so she asked me to put a sick note in and I handed it in (3 months ago) and I havnt heard anything back, any advice on where to go from here? Thanks
  3. I had a court decree for a credit card (approx £6000) I used for expenses in a business that went bust It did not get paid back in approx 2006, Just checked my credit files with all agencies and nothing showing up, must be more than 6 years ago. I get letters from a solicitor every few months asking for a payment or they will enforce the decree. I have never responded to any of them as I have no income, no assets and no means to pay, Over the last 6 years they have sent debt collectors/tracers to my home 4 times and all have been told the same thing re my circumstances and if they wish to bankrupt me then go ahead and do it. The question that I have is how long does a Scottish decree remain live and enforceable. If they could enforce it what can they do and what am I actually obliged to tell them. Many Thanks David From Hawick
  4. Looking for some advice before I do some aspects incorrectly. I am claiming PPI. I have downloaded the FOS rolling credit calculator and I am aware of the FOS forms to send to originators of PPI, just need to clarify one or two points. 1. Do I approach the originator of the credit, even if they have sold debt to DCA, I presume I do but just checking. 2. Do I hit PPI and unlawful charges at the same time. ( I am aware the calculations are separate in their calculations and on separate forms) or do I claim PPI first then go for unlawful charges. 3. I had a Debenhams store card that was opened in a rush, the PPI was added, she thrust the application form at me and put crosses where I sign, I cancelled when I realized but was diagnosed with cancer shortly after so it was 3 years before I cancelled. Debt was sold to Link and I am paying back monthly but having done my rolling credit, once the PPI is off the card went into credit and would have stayed in credit if it were not for interest and over limit fees etc. So do I draw attention to this or just claim PPI for now? And once again do I go to Santander who sold the debt or Link who will probably equally ignore this one. 4. How much info and what do I send in with my claims? Do I send the calculations form in with my letter or not. I have all statements to all my accounts ( I never throw financial stuff away) oh and I was employed by my own company at the time, and was also being treated for cancer when most of these cards were taken out. Thank you so much to whoever replies. I have spent years literally not knowing what I was taking out but concentrating on getting better, now I am, I am fighting back, and have just worked it out that if by some miracle, I got my PPI and my unlawful charges back I would be debt free! If only!! I will certainly make a donation to this site if I start getting any on this back.
  5. Hello all CAG members. I have opened this new thread to hopefully address the issue of directory enquiry costs. http://www.guardian.co.uk/money/2011/may/16/warning-118-directory-enquiries-charges http://www.bt118500.com/ http://www.lovemoney.com/news/household-bills/landline-phones/17577/true-cost-calling-118-directory-enquiries http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/news/article-2213838/How-guys-118-118-cashed-deregulation-directory-enquiries.html http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1195274/118-inquiries-cost-times-callers-think.html http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/mediatechnologyandtelecoms/telecoms/5623900/118-calls-more-expensive-than-callers-think-says-Which.html Full listings of directory enquiry call numbers are here: http://www.telecom-tariffs.co.uk/dialdirq.htm http://www.guardian.co.uk/money/2009/dec/01/mobile-directory-enquiries-service http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2006/dec/02/news.mobilephones http://www.lovemoney.com/news/[problem]s-and-rip-offs/rip-offs/12025/the-big-118-ripoff http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/phones/directory-enquiries-free http://www.thephonebook.bt.com/publisha.content/en/search/residential/search.publisha? When I post I hope all the relevant links work and sorry if there is a duplicate on this issue on the site. aa
  6. Hi, I sent a CCA request a week or so ago- received what seems to be a common reply today stating they'd complied with the request and they've supplied nothing more than a copy of their current t&c's. No signatures, dates, endorsements etc. The card's quite old, so I'm sure the £12 on the current t&c's is incorrect. Suspect they're trying to fob me off. Where too next- a dispute letter? Thanks
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