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Found 3 results

  1. MOD to review Armed Forces exemption from UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/mod-to-review-armed-forces-exemption-from-un-convention-on-the-rights-of-persons-with-disabilities
  2. If you’re a BT customer with a disability, and find it hard to use Directory Enquiries, then here’s some good news for you – they have a special service for you, which you can use for free. So what do you do? Or what do you need to do if it is a member of your family or a friend who wants in on this service? What To Do First, dial 195 and ask for the registration department. If you prefer, you can just dial 0800 587 0195. Then, a form will be sent out to you, to fill in. This is likely to need confirmation from your doctor, nurse or consultant, just so you can confirm that you have problems accessing information through the usual channels. Once everything has been okayed, you’ll be issued with a PIN card and once you have that, you can use it within a couple of days of it being issued. Then, to actually use the service, dial 195, where you’ll be asked for your PIN and your name. Once that is confirmed, you can use directory enquiries for free. http://www.bitterwallet.com/free-bt-directory-enquiries-service-for-people-with-disabilities/87627
  3. I want tips for getting jobs, rather than just not being sanctioned. Th WP Advisors are not much help, more of a hindrance. Mistake: this should have gone in the Employment Forum. Bad night's sleep problems.
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