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Found 17 results

  1. Hi has anyone had any success with claiming money back for the mis-sale of PPI through the Next Directory Store card. I have been told by NEXT that I have paid £1, 130 PPI since 1991. I have made a claim via the PA(GI) ltd , outcome expected next week, but have not seen any successful claims on any forums. Any success stories would be appreciated. Thanks
  2. If you’re a BT customer with a disability, and find it hard to use Directory Enquiries, then here’s some good news for you – they have a special service for you, which you can use for free. So what do you do? Or what do you need to do if it is a member of your family or a friend who wants in on this service? What To Do First, dial 195 and ask for the registration department. If you prefer, you can just dial 0800 587 0195. Then, a form will be sent out to you, to fill in. This is likely to need confirmation from your doctor, nurse or consultant, just so you can confirm that you have problems accessing information through the usual channels. Once everything has been okayed, you’ll be issued with a PIN card and once you have that, you can use it within a couple of days of it being issued. Then, to actually use the service, dial 195, where you’ll be asked for your PIN and your name. Once that is confirmed, you can use directory enquiries for free. http://www.bitterwallet.com/free-bt-directory-enquiries-service-for-people-with-disabilities/87627
  3. Hi! If anyone could assist me with this I'd be ever so grateful! I have an enormous number of cds & dvds of archived stuff as well as (unfortunately!) an untidy filing system on many old HDDs, so what I'm looking for is a *Freeware* (i.e, not trial or one with 'pro' features you've to pay for etc.) Directory Printer Utility that prints in a neat format (*not a plain text only one!*):- 1) Folder Size & Name, Date Created/Modified; 2) File size & Name, Date Created/Modified; 3) A colour icon for each type of list entry - having the icon assists me in sorting directories out! Many thanks.
  4. Hi all, I would like some advice please on my partner's Next Directory account which was opened around start of 2007. Payments have been made in full and on time etc over the 10 years, and the account is fully up to date. My partner's CRA records are spotless and we do not want Defaults or any AP markers etc to be recorded. Before Christmas, the account was suspended out of the blue and now the credit limit is tracking down to keep in sync with the current outstanding balance. My partner emailed a complaint of being unable to use the account, and in response received a goodwill payment. The complaint also asked for the credit limit to be reinstated otherwise no choice but to close the account and request a copy of the CCA. The limit was not reinstated. This week, a letter has been received from Next that basically says 'sorry - but we dont have a record of the signed agreement'. The letter also helpfully encloses a new CCA for my partner to sign and return along with various printouts of notice of variations and a screen print out of the outstanding balance on the account. Obviously, we are aware that the account is now unenforceable. However, we dont want any adverse markers to be recorded on the CRAs. Has anybody else been in a similar position, and what options are open to us now? i.e. balance reduction, 0% interest, reclaim interest etc? Alternatively, given that Next do not have permission to process my partner's data, can they be asked to close the account and remove all data from the CRA? thanks in advance...
  5. Good afternoon CAG, I have today received a claim form from Lowell issued from Northampton for an old Next Directory account. I dont know when I opened this account as they do not state. Could someone please give me a little guidance on how to deal with this please? Thank you guys
  6. I emailed Next and Isme with a list of my income and outgoings and asked them to accept a reduced payment of £36 a month. I explained that I only have Carer's Allowance and Income Support totalling £72 a week. I have £18 a week left so I offered both catalogues half of this. Isme not replied yet but Next have refused my offer but said they will accept £54 a month with no interest or charges. Can anyone please advise me on how to respond as I cannot afford more than £36 a month?
  7. Has anyone had recent dealings with a company called Big Green Book? I paid for a directory listing last year on the basis that the fee would be repaid if I had no appropriate enquiries - the only 'enquiry' I received was a really strange phone call from someone at BGB saying he was phoning on behalf of a company who wanted to bring me their business. When I asked for the name of the company or a contact there, he became rather vague. I asked for an email to clarify the situation but, of course, it never materialised. And when I tried to contact BGB to find out what was going on no-one replied to me. A year on and needless to say they are not repaying my money and as no paperwork has ever materialised there is not much chance of seeing it again. What I am doing is reporting it to Action Fraud. A couple of colleagues in the same field (counselling) have come forward with similar stories. I would be interested to hear from anyone else who has had dealings with this company.
  8. I had a Next Directory account opened in 1991 in which was paid off in full in 2004 and closed. On checking my old statements it has come to my notice that their are various monthly PPI amounts deducted (£1,244 in total) in which I cannot locate any agreement to or ever signing anything. I sent the standard template letter with payment requesting Credit Agreement details etc. I received a response from Next advising that when the account was opened a pack was sent to me explaining that PPI was automatically added and would appear on the 2nd statement. I was also invited to write to Next to advise if it was not necessary and how it could be cancelled. Therefore it was not their responsibilty for suitability of said policy as they were not regulated at the time. They also go onto say in the case of Next Directory consent is not given in the credit agreement but is contained within the T & C's which appear in the Directory and on the website and cannot confirm how the account was opened due to length of time ? Next say that they do not need my consent to share information with such agencies as this would be addressed by agreeing to T & C's when placing orders. Finally they are unable to provide a copy of a signed agreement and that by law they do not have to anyway but have sent a blank copy of Credit Agreement and final statement of account details. I have today received a further letter from Next advising that I contact the policy administrator First Assist re PPI complaint, who I called and they advised that it is Next's responsibilty for mis-selling ( as it was sold by Next) and not theirs ? Now my questions are obviously what do I do next ? Do I pursue First Assist / underwriters if regulated ? If underwriters how can I find who they are ? Also do I still submit a SAR to Next or am I wasting good money ? Any advice would be very much appreciated.
  9. hi there everyone, i received a letter from capquest approx 2 weeks ago instructing me of ccj action i wrote back asking for a copy of my credit agreement for this debt. i opened the account in approx 2003/2004 and the last payment on the account was approx 2009/2010. they sent me a copy of the agreement. .. but unsigned. ...it has my name printed at top with address and account number, they sent me 2 copies of these... both unsigned and no date i have checked my credit reference agency file and it doesnt appear on there either just wondered if someone could advise me on the next step to take i have apparently till the 22nd september as they are putting account on hold till then or so they have instructed me so need to take whatever course of action tomorrow, latest saturday morning help lol
  10. Hi Guys, Carter has litigated for Lowell who claim to have bought an outstanding debt from Next Directory for just under £700. As it will be allocated to SCT what options have I got for disclosure of documents? I know I've never signed any agreement, I've had no default Notice, Termination Notice or Letter of Assignment. Carter has added interest and fees to take it up to nearly £900. I've acknowledged the claim but a bit stuck for a defence, any advice please? Thanks in advance.
  11. Hi All I checked my bank account today and found that my Sky bill was extraordinarily HI on checking my bill online I find I have been charged the following:- 10/10/13 15:26:25P43 Rate09059156500Premium Rate00:19:23£33.710 On putting the telephone number in to Google it returned the following search:- http://www.fastphonenumbers.co.uk/tax-office-customer-services/ Call the number below to obtain the phone number for: HMRC Tax Office Tel: 0905 915 6500 The information provided is also available free of charge from other sources on the internet such as this url. Calls cost £1.53 per minute plus network extras. Call time after the first minute is charged on a per second basis. Calls from mobiles and other networks may cost more. The required number will be given in under a minute if you do not wished to be connected. Once you have dialled the number on this page you will have the option of being directly connected to HMRC Tax Office customer services or having that number read out to you. Please have a pen and piece of paper ready to note down the number. If you choose to use our connection service and are put in a queuing system then please hang up and try again later. FastPhoneNumbers.co.uk is a directory enquiries service and is in no way connected or affiliated with HMRC Tax Office, we are a directory enquiry and connection service only. We are a form of directory enquiry service and we charge for the service we provide which consists of instantly delivering the exact number searched for together with an integrated connection service - if you opt to use our connection service we will re-read the per minute charge of using it before connecting you to make sure you are fully aware of the costs. Our connection charge and per minute charge currently costs less than BT's 118 service. You can use this service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. We believe that our service is useful, convenient and transparent. If you are in any way dissatisfied with the service that we provide, please contact us and we will deal with your query within 2 business days. Users of our service must be at least 18 years old and have the permission of the bill payer. Has anyone got any idea on how I can get my money back. I did not make this call or give anyone in my house hold permission to make this call.
  12. Hi there, I have an online account with Next Directory and a monthly standing order set up. I realised last week that my standng order for the past 2 months had not quite covered the minimum payment required. Once I realised I contacted Next and brought the account back up to date. Whilst I realise this was my error, and I accept the £7 charge (per month) for not making the minimum payment, I disagree with the 2 'missed' payments that are now reflected on my credit file. I have contacted Next to discuss this and explain that this isnt a case of 'missed' payment, it was an error on my part for not checking and subsequently increasing my standing order to pay my monthly bill. I was spoken to by Customer Services in a very patronising way, when I tried to reason with her and request that they re-consider the data held against me, she point blank refused to assist in any way. My credit score has taken a massive hit based on what can only be described as human oversight as apposed to shirking responsibility for paying my debts. This is creating a bigger strain as I am currently in the process of applying for a mortgage, these supposed missed payments are effecting my creditworthiness. Can anybody offer any advice here? Many thanks in advance.
  13. Hi I've made a complaint to Next regarding PPI on my Next Directory account. I do not remember taking it out and would not have knowingly done so. They have come back with a very vague letter stating it would have been taken out either by ticking a box or during a phone call but they have not stated which and have not provided any supporting evidence.They seem to just be making a general statement rather than specific to my account. I have made a subject access request but am just wondering what to do after that if they don't have the application or can't prove where I select the cover...Next have confirmed they are not covered by FOS so presumably they can just keep rejecting my complaint as they know I can't do anything further apart from court action (I assume) which I haven't the foggiest how to go about! Any pearls of wisdom? I have looked at other threads on here but from what I can see, no one seems to have had any success!
  14. I've just found some statements relating to a Next Directory account which was held by my wife. First statement (Number 160 dated October 2004 - Last statement number 183 dated November 2006) All appear to show Payment Protection charges. Account closed in November 2006 when my wife's ill health forced her to close down her business. Prior to that date account had been run correctly by my wife from statement number 1, as far as I am aware. Account placed in hands of debt agency by Next in November 2006 so I guess there had been payments missed in period leading up to closure.. No mention of PPI cover! Wife did not pursue, neither did she pay debt agency who now appear to have gone away. Any advice on how to proceed here? My basic view is as follows (although I will take advice from the good people here!) I should send SAR for full details. If so, where do I send it to please? I should pursue Next for PPI refund plus interest from start of account to closure date? Does my wife stand to get refund of PPI here? If so, can Next set it off against the outstanding debt? Any advice gratefully received. Thanks.
  15. Hello all CAG members. I have opened this new thread to hopefully address the issue of directory enquiry costs. http://www.guardian.co.uk/money/2011/may/16/warning-118-directory-enquiries-charges http://www.bt118500.com/ http://www.lovemoney.com/news/household-bills/landline-phones/17577/true-cost-calling-118-directory-enquiries http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/news/article-2213838/How-guys-118-118-cashed-deregulation-directory-enquiries.html http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1195274/118-inquiries-cost-times-callers-think.html http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/mediatechnologyandtelecoms/telecoms/5623900/118-calls-more-expensive-than-callers-think-says-Which.html Full listings of directory enquiry call numbers are here: http://www.telecom-tariffs.co.uk/dialdirq.htm http://www.guardian.co.uk/money/2009/dec/01/mobile-directory-enquiries-service http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2006/dec/02/news.mobilephones http://www.lovemoney.com/news/[problem]s-and-rip-offs/rip-offs/12025/the-big-118-ripoff http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/phones/directory-enquiries-free http://www.thephonebook.bt.com/publisha.content/en/search/residential/search.publisha? When I post I hope all the relevant links work and sorry if there is a duplicate on this issue on the site. aa
  16. Mrs Sam wrote to Next Directory earlier this year and enquired about the possibility that she had been charged PPI on her account. The account is now closed. She received a letter back from them in May which stated that no PPI had been charged to the account. Mrs Sam was going to let it go at that. I advised her to send a SAR and we would review what came back. What did come back was pretty thin.A copy of a standard credit agreement, undated, unsigned and no mention of Mrs Sam anywhere to be seen and some basic statements from 2005 and 2006,without any evidence of what the charges related to. There were also three documents of interest: A list of abbreviations used in the documents, which helpfully pointed out that Payment Protection was referred to as PPP. A 2-page "Miscellaneous Events" list which covers the period from 2004 to them receiving a SAR request earlier this year. One of the events clearly states them sending Mrs Sam a letter confirming no PPI had been charged to the account. There are a number of other events listed referring to PPP but, surprisingly the details of these events have been blanked out! I believe that "redaction" is the current vogue term. A single sheet "Statement of Account" which gives opening date of account (over 20 years ago); sales to date; payments to date and interest paid to date etc. The most interesting statistic on the page is PPP Charge to date: X. X is in excess of £500.00! So what do I do now. I'm guessing Mrs Sam sends them a PPI Consumer Questionnaire and a letter claiming a total refund of the PPI. Can anyone please confirm if that is the right course of action? Also what does she claim? Is it X or is it X plus interest? In which case what figure should she apply for interest? Any advice gratefully received. Thanks. Sam
  17. Hi Have had a Next account for about 6 years now, always paid on time but recently found the minimum payments a struggle. Wrote to Next and they have agreed to stop interest and lower the minimum payment. However in the letter it states we do not have a credit agreement on file so will send you a new one for you to sign and send back. Please could I have some advice on what to do in that situation? Thanks
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