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  1. Good morning, I have outstanding balance with EON for £624 and have done since 2016. I have always disputed this balance as it appeared far too high for 2 months bills where I was not living in the property due to renovations work. The last payment on the account was in September 2015. To cut a long story short, I was due to set up a payment plan with simply past due credit who put the account on hold after I questioned EON sharing 6 late payments on my account in 2016. EON refused to refuse the payment markers and I wrote to the past due credit in February 2018 again asking to set up a payment plan but received nothing back. Last week, out of the blue, I received a letter from EON requesting a the full balance by 31st January or a default would be put on my account or if I did pay monthly by arrangement, "we will share the information about the arrangement with the CRA". My credit files are squeaky clean and near maximum with both agencies apart from the one with Equifax which bizarrely after 2017 showed payments on my account to EON then last month it showed a late/missing payment in December 2018 despite no arrangement being in place. I want to pay the full balance but am worried about how negatively it will impact my credit history as I've heard that "settled" can be viewed very negatively - some also say that a payment arrangement can be almost as negative as a default! Could anybody kindly give me some advice please?
  2. Hi all, Santander have made an offer based only on the PPI amount and associated interest and no interest because... 'On a rolling line of credit account 8% out of pocket interest is only applied if the loan would have had a credit balance had the PPI not been included. ... This is in line with the requirements of the FOS and FCA' I believe this to be complete nonsense: I take a restitution approach with unjust enrichment. Had I had the PPI amount then I could have invested it and gained at least 8% interest. Has anyone challenged this and been succesful? Do you agree with me? How do you challenge their full and final offer? A letter first stating the argument I assume then ... FOS seem to be under pressure and likely take a while??? or... direct to county court? I have exactly the same argument presented to me for no interest offered on my Credit Card PPI.... Any advice would be helpful... thanks
  3. I ordered a 2 x sofas and 1 x armchair from Sofology on 30/08/2018 (cost inc delivery, furniture protection) £3783.50 of which £400. 00 deposit was paid by bank cheque card, the balance is due prior to delivery which I intend to pay by credit card. Due to the numerous complaints now noted with this company, as well as other high st furniture retailers, I want to be aware of what my consumer rights are if I encounter any of the complaints already noted eg, sagging sofa, poor quality construction, poor quality leather in terms of wearing excessively. I am sorry for the hypothetical question but I want to be forewarned as to what steps I should take in such circumstances and under what act etc. Many Thanks
  4. Hi everyone I have an Energy Company giving data shares to a Credit Agency but the shares are not showing the outstanding amount or reduction in what's been paid every month. I was under the impression that to avoid breaching GDPR certain parts of the data share should include this to show a true reflection of the account and so other potential lenders could see where the account was up to etc. Some months inbetween others they wouldn't give any information! When I queried this with the Energy Company they then started showing the shares as an 'i' which I believe stands for Arranged Payment. Ok, so does that mean they can just show a status of AP every month still with no current balance and outstanding balance? How are other lenders meant to see when this will end? They also shared information via the Credit Agency during the dispute I raised that said I was responsible for the supply at the address with incorrect dates. As that's been sent to the Credit Agency in response to my dispute, would that breach GDPR?
  5. Good afternoon... I have an issue with PayPal . I have been frauded online and I've been left with a 7000 pounds negative balance I can't pay.. story is as follows. .. I met someone on a website called people per hour.. who wanted someone to help them sell items on eBay whilst I'll earn commission... I did this for 2 items and sold them to 2 buyers who then paid me via PayPal.. I then stupidly paid the money into my bank account and transferred it to the actual seller who then decided to go missing and not send the product to the buyer... Leaving me in the lurch.. the 2 buyers were luckily refunded but now PayPal are asking for thier money back.. . And have threatened collection agencies.. . I've informed the police and both eBay and PayPal but to no avail... What do I do here?? It was a genuine mistake by me and iv been defrauded... I'm not paying PayPal one penny... I even have emails to prove my innocence as the original actual seller has contacted me loads via email.. . Will the collections people just send me letters or will they actually turn up??? Will it just go away or is my credit score in jeopardy?? Help.... I am law abiding military man who feels awful I got involved in this stupid [problem]...
  6. Hi all, I am close to paying off a secured loan. The balance of £988.00 is made up of the fees and interest on fees levied over the past 7 years. I want to have these charges refunded and this will clear my balance. Should I send a letter before action and should I charge intererst.
  7. I have a negative balance of £320 but can only afford little payments, I’m hoping to be lucky and not get any letters etc untill jan at least I will have it paid off by then, Hi, I have a negative PayPal balance of £320 (first time) and can only afford one payment each month, I was spending money I didn’t have and now suffering the aftermath, iv read loads of posts about what happens but how long do you actually have before PayPal close account or sell the debt to collection agency’s? Do people actually come to your house or do u just respond to letters and phone calls? I’m sure PayPal must email you first before handing it over to someone else or do they just do it without notifying you? have no idea if I will get letters etc? ’m sure PayPal have to notify you first before sending your debt to agencies? I’m hoping to pay it off before it gets to that point ( hopefully January!) any advice would be good thank you!!
  8. A family member recently passed away suddenly with an outstanding balance on their personal loan a/c of £2,000, £400 in their current a/c and £500 in their savings account DWP have contacted me to inform of an overpayment of pension credit of £200 which of course must be repaid Next of kin has been in touch with RBS bereavement service, whom claim they can take the £900 in the deceased's RBS a/c's against the outstanding balance of the loan 1. Is this true? 2. What happens to the remaining balance of the loan? 3. Should we inform RBS of the DWP overpayment? & 4. Can the DWP overpayment be taken from the £900 in credit? Advice appreciated
  9. I had to reregister. I was pj2, but CAG no longer has a password renewal option (or it doesn't work, as the page doesn't exist), so there was no way I could get back into the forum. After years of paying an old debt slowly, Robinson Way sent me a letter: "our client is today offering you a 50% reduction of the balance you owe in settlement of your account. Paying XXX will clear your account and you save XXX and become free of this debt. Please note that where this account is recorded on your credit file and you pay by reduced settlement, this will be updated as partially settled with a zero balance outstanding, and not as settled or satisfied however our client will not pursue you for any remaining balance. We may even be able to accept this over 3 monthly instalments... when you contact us, one of our customer contact representatives will discuss your current financial circumstances with you to ensure that any reduced settlement arrangement you commit to remains affordable". I would be very grateful for advice: how can I make sure I can't be pursued by anyone for the balance and that the balance cannot be sold on to a DCA. Shall I write and say I would like reassurance on this point specifically? Also, how do I avoid full disclosure of financial circumstances? Maybe email is better than phoning them but I don't see after years of paying that they have the right to trawl through my circumstances.. Could I just say, "I could raise" the money to pay it (without stating whether I already have it) and don't wish to discuss further, but agree to their offer? Thanks for any help.
  10. Hi New to the site and would be grateful for anyones help here. Myself and my brother both have an Audi lease agreement. Both business PCP deals. Term ends on both cars tomorrow. I have just found out yesterday after contacting Audi Finance that the balloon payment of £24.95k plus admin x 2 will be leaving our account tomorrow. circa 50k. We have today handed the cars back as agreed and taken out a new deal / car each. New cars / deal do not start until March 2018. Unfortunately the Audi garage we deal with had not informed us that we had to contact the finance company and clarify that we would be returning the vehicles, and stop the balance payment due. The guy at Audi who got us the deal says Audi finance should have contacted myself detailing what we had to do with regards to the current deals. Audi could not stop the payments due to leave our account on the 30th, too close to DD date. I have also been told today that they will try take the payment again in 10 days time and if not paid it will default. I was also told by the same gentlemen at Audi finance that there is nothing else I can do. After default it will affect our credit rating. Obviously I do not want to make payment as we had secured a new deal + cars returned. We also do not have the money to cover the payment. Nor can we make full payment. Does anyone know what Audi do after default? Has anyone any experience of this sort of situation? i am not concerned about the credit rating affect upon the business nor am I concerned with losing the next car /deal agreed. (deposit paid and likely gone) My concern is the procedure of what Audi may do after default. Regards
  11. Please Help and give some advice I have over £7,000£ negative balance on my Paypal account - I can only say its my fault and I have to blame only myself but i want to pay off everything as soon as I can I had a call today from Paypal asking to pay this otherwise they will pass it to Debt collection, they gave me 7 days from today to pay as much as I can but what after ?? Did someone had simillar expeience ? What happenes after 7 days ? I asked to give me 8 weeks to pay it off but she didnt want to lissen Please advise, looks like they dont want any aggrements, I have to add that this debt its not old, week only
  12. Hello. Any advice appreciated please, I have a full paypal account which has been verified and never any issues in 15 years, its backed up with a bank classic account visa(TSB) with no overdraft facility part due to jan 2017 just completed a 3 yr trust deed form 5 completed currently awaiting form 6. Cut to the chase I offer no excuses but my mother taken turn for worse last week : i stupidly gambled online last week. I had gaming casino account for number of years betting mostly small amounts, I honestly cannot explain why or the right details but I suddenly started to wager large sums! I knowingly had £1200 in my classic account (NO overdraft) started to bet large sums out of character which escalated in me asking paypal for more funds which are linked directly through the online gambling UK website, I started to panic having spent the £1200 in my account and just ask paypal to credit me! I had no real grasp of the situation just blind panic and get my money back I asked paypal for 5 further transactions which were £1000 £2000 £1000 £1000 £2000 £400 all of which paypal processed to the gaming website leaving me £6600.42 in negative balance which already had swallowed my £1200 credit linked to bank account. make things clear : my bank account paid paypal £1200 but due to no overdraft : paypal went negative £6600.00 1 week latter they are asking me to fund the account I have no means to pay due low paid and have bills please whats my legal standing. I have no mortgage or own car etc It might be worth adding the payments were obvious to gambling website paid to platinum games
  13. Hi Firstly, those in debt finding it hard to see light at the end of the tunnel, don't be disheartened, it can be done. After 8 years, I am within 9 months of being debt free. however, this hasn't been without issues and I could do with some advice on what should be my last issue.... Sorry for the length, just don't know best course of action... thanks in advance for any help I defaulted on an Egg credit card, they sold the debt to Arc Europe. Barclaycard bought Egg. Barclaycard transferred the debt to Moorcroft. I have consistently paid the agreed monthly amount. However, during the transfer from Arc to Moorcroft 3 payments went to Arc totalling c£250. In July 2016, Moorcroft sent me a letter stating an incorrect outstanding balance, incorrect by the same c£250 exactly. In November 2016, I wrote the following to Moorcroft (names & reference no's excluded, and amounts rounded to avoid identification).. In reply to your letter dated dd/07/2016 stating the balance was £x. I disagree with this balance, my balance is £y. This represents a difference of c£250, which equates to monthly payments of £z. My account transferred from ARC to Moorcroft in September 2011. At this time, my balance with ARC was £6k, before my September 2011 payment. This is confirmed in your letter dated dd/10/2011. I am not aware of missing any payments, can you provide a full breakdown of the account including any interest or charges applied please? Today, I believe the balance is £a. I will not pay any additional balance until I receive a full breakdown of the account including any interest or charges applied. Please do provide a full breakdown of the account including any interest or charges applied. Today, they have responded with (pleasantries have been excluded) Our client has advised that they have a balance of c£900 on their system. a letter is attached from our client as confirmation. The attached letter (on very poor Barclaycard letterhead and unprofessional format) says dd/12/2016 Dear Sir/Madam RE : My name - Account No. my account number Thanks for contacting us. Unfortunately, statements are no longer produced on the above account. I can confirm that the outstanding balance of the Account As of today is c£900. I trust this information is of assistance to you. Any queries, contact us, we are here to help. So in summary, I know why we disagree with the balance. Moorcroft won't acknowledge this. Moorcroft have created a fictitious letter from Barclaycard trying to pass it off as from Barclaycard. The debt is no longer on my credit file, it is clean. I suspect if I contact Barclaycard they won't recognise the account. All payments since Sept 11 have been paid to Moorcroft using their reference number, except the 3 made to ARC. what do I do? 1) stop payments immediately 2) report Moorcroft to FCA 3) subject access request to Moorcroft 4) send Moorcroft a firm letter as per - you are wrong. payments have been made to Moorcroft not Barclay - you are fraudulent. you should create fictitious letters using someone else letterhead. - offer 10% of the correct balance to go away? help please....
  14. I wonder if anyone can help me. I have a t mobile current balance showing on my credit file from 1999. The amount is for £155 It is not showing as a default, only as a current balance. How can I get this removed as experian said that T Mobile must do it? Any advise would be greatly appreciated as this is giving me a poor credit score. I have not been in contact with them since 1999 and have made no payments at all.
  15. At the beginning of October I booked a one night stay at the Black Horse Hotel in Otley via Laterooms for the night of 15/10/2016 at a cost of £80. The terms of booking are payment on arrival and if you cancel less than two days before arrival you forfeit the cost of the first night’s stay. On 13/10/2016 a pending transaction of £80 showed up on my account On arrival at the hotel I was asked to pay, which I did. This resulted in a second pending transaction of £80 appearing on my account, which, when combined with the £80 from two days earlier reduced the available balance by a total of £160. Effectively, in terms of my available balance, what they’ve done is charged me a cancellation fee two days before I was booked in case I didn't show, charged me again for accommodation when I checked in but not refunded me the cancellation fee at the same time. The manager was unavailable at check-in I was assured they would be around in the morning. Unfortunately, in the morning, the manager refused to speak to me directly but said, via a member of staff that; it was just how the Laterooms did things, it wasn’t them that had taken the money, that it was security in case I didn’t turn up and that it didn’t matter because the money hadn’t left my account. Fortunately this hasn’t caused me any problems (at least not yet) because the balance in my account is high enough to cover both payments but I’m annoyed at being deprived of the ability to spend my own money and it certainly would have caused me problems if it had been nearer the end of the month. Leaving aside the dubious morality of the hotel’s behaviour have they actually done anything legally wrong or actionable? I suspect not because, when the transactions go through the £80 reserved on 13/10/2016 will be cancelled and I will have made no loss. The only thing perhaps is that, although on 13th it was certain that I was going to be liable to pay the hotel £80, either for accommodation if I turned up or cancellation if I didn’t, neither of those events could happen before 15th so it was only on 15th that my card should have been processed PendingTrans.pdf
  16. Hi. my balance and available balance on my HSBC account is a difference of £42 and i have no idea what this £42 is. My overdraft limit is £600. My account at the minute reads £364.74 and my available balance reads £922.74. it looks as though £42 is coming out of my account. But i have no idea what this £42 is. And i haven't bought/ordered anything for that amount. And when i go into standing orders or direct debits it doesn't list anything worth £42. Just my phone contract and car insurance which is £50/£54. Any ideas? Thanks.
  17. Help and advice welcome. To end my debt nightmare a family member has offered to help me pay off my debt. I wrote to Cabot saying that a family member was offering to pay £800 for a full and final settlement. The original debt was for £4000 and was a CC. There are no charges that I can claim back, I just want this sorted before I move house. Cabot wrote back saying. “I am happy to accept the £800 you have offered as a one off payment to close the account. If you still wish to proceed with your offer, once the payment has been received your account will be closed and your credit file will be updated to show as partially settled with a zero balance.” I am not interested in my credit file or obtaining credit in the future. Are Cabot trying it on by showing the debt as partially satisfied? Could the balance be sold to another DCA? If the family member wrote to Cabot saying that his offer is only made on the basis that the balance won’t be pursued by themselves or any other DCA, would that be any good. Any help or advice is very welcome.
  18. Whilst i have a little experience with reclaiming charges etc this was some 7 yrs ago so i just wanted to make sure i follow the correct procedure for this one. Old Barclaycard debt with current balance of £696 against £500 limit, BC wrote yrs ago closing the account for no apparent reason. A/C opened march 2008 and no activity since at least 2009. PING PONGED with various DCA's for a good few yrs, latest was with MKDP LLP until letter recd from both MKDP LLP and Robbers way regarding account being re assigned to HPH2 LTD and Robbers way will be collecting on their behalf, both the MKDP and RobbersWay letters came in the same envelope. Checked noddle and default regd by MKDP on 17/9/2014, account reassigned 21/9/2015 to HPH2. I have no statements. Some of the balance will definately be charges, late fees etc so i know i can work with this, just wanted to check where to start, is it CCA or full SAR? Many thanks in advance guys
  19. I will soon be being left money from a Will to the sum of 11 thousand. What can I spend it on and still keep some so it does not affect Income Support?
  20. Hi Everyone - this is my first post! We booked a cottage with Welcome Cottages in February 2015 with their £25 special offer deposit deal. However, we decided not to go ahead with the booking for financial reasons when the balance was due late July because I'm on a temporary contract at work which could end any day. Welcome Cottages are now chasing us for £145 which is the balance of the deposit. I sent them an email asking them the following questions: "On the Welcome Cottages website, the cottage appears to have been re-let again from 4 to 11 September 2015, which covers the period of our cancelled booking. Therefore, if the cottage has been re-let again, please can you explain why we are being asked to pay Welcome Cottages an amount of £145, when the owner of the cottage and Welcome Cottages appear to have not suffered or incurred any financial loss from our cancelled booking. Please can you explain how the amount of £145 you are claiming was calculated. Can you also provide a breakdown of actual costs and losses suffered or have been incurred by the owner and Welcome Cottages, resulting from the cancelled booking." and they replied with: "Thank you for your email. Unfortunately, as you know, the reason for cancellation does not meet the qualifying criteria for a refund of some of the monies paid. We understand your concerns and are grateful for the opportunity to explain our position in more detail. You may wish to show this letter to anyone you seek further advice from. It is unlikely that the CMA is the appropriate forum. At the time you made your booking, the low deposit offer was running which afforded you the choice to pay in full, pay the standard deposit or the low deposit. You were advised at the time of booking, if the booking is cancelled for a non-qualifying reason, the difference between the low deposit and the standard deposit is payable - (£170.00) in your case The amount of deposit is commensurate with the cost of the booking. The cancellation terms provide many qualifying reasons for cancellations ; including redundancy, illness, death and even when extreme weather prevents travel. Many other companies do not provide this benefit at all. Of course, there is no obligation to continue with a booking if our terms are not agreed to. We feel that if you had read the low deposit terms, and the booking conditions, you would have understood that the low deposit offer does indeed allow a booking to be secured for £25.00 with nothing more to pay until 8 weeks before departure, but that if it is cancelled for a non-qualifying reason, the difference between the low deposit of £25.00 and the standard deposit becomes payable. This is an industry standard and not an unfair contract term. Our booking conditions carry a Plain English Campaign Crystal Mark and we believe that Section 4 is clear about the low deposit offer and that the cancellation terms are also clearly presented. We hope we have satisfactorily responded to your concerns and look forward to receiving the outstanding amount of £145.00 by return. Welcome Cottages have ignored questions I put to them in my first email but have confirmed that cottage has been re-let over period of our booking from 4 to 11 September in another email. We have not said that we will not pay the £145 balance and Welcome Cottages have hinted that remaining balance could be paid by monthly instalments. However, if Welcome Cottages had not re-let the the cottage again and they and the owner had made a loss, then we consider that we would be liable to pay the balance. Therefore, do we have a case to challenge having to pay the remaining amount of £145 because Welcome Cottages and also the owner have not suffered a financial loss on our original booking as they have successfully re-let the cottage? I also consider that they will be making an additional profit because they have also made a profit on the new booking. Or are we still liable under contact law to pay the remaining balance of the deposit? Any comments or advise will be gratefully received. Many thanks in advance.
  21. hi i hope you can help me i am new to CAG! to cut a long story short in september 2014 the sales person sold us a conservatory in our home and it was agreed the sizes etc and that the entrance in to the conservatory from the kitchen would be flat. the contract was signed on this basis and also that it would be completed asap as we had a new baby on the way. the company was a complete joke to deal with and we tried to pull out of the contract in the december 2014 because the director spoke to my husband like he was something he walked in and said the conservatory wouldn't start until March 2015. we were threatened with paying 70% of costs so we had to stay with them as we couldn't afford to do this. then the director said they could start end of december (i think this was because my husband told him the contract stated asap and thats what salesperson agreed to). the conservatory has been built but its not flat like requested and it is not straight! we have had wooden flooring laid and it is obvious that the actual conservatory isn't straight. we contacted the company in jan feb mar april and may to say about this and the installation team came out to view conservatory and said that they could fix it easy and told us what they wanted to do after speaking to a third party builder we were told that this would cause issues in the future as the doors would bow. we contacted the company and told them we wanted a different solution and explained why. we put this in writing and said if they don't complete the work in 4 weeks we will go elsewhere as time is of the essence and we had been waiting since september for a conservatory that was meant to be an asap build. we were informed that the flooring would have to be pulled up and it would be at our own cost to get new flooring and have this relaid. the total cost of the conservatory was 9500 and we still owe 1600. we have sent letters of complaint in, we have sent letters saying we need this finishing asap and we have sent letters quoting the supply of goods and services act and they ignored us. from may until september we heard nothing and then we received a letter asking for payment. they were then asking to let the installation team come and see conservatory - we told them we had already done this and explained everything. we did not hear anything back until feb this year when we received more letters requesting payment. we have records of everytime we phoned, every letter we sent and every visit we had but they are claiming not to have received these - so its our word against theirs. we did request a subject access request to see what information they held but its past the 40 days now and still no receipt despite chasing this. we have now been sent to a debt recovery company. we sent the letters to the debt recovery company to explain why we were not paying and they have now sent us a letter saying they have spoken to the company and they are determined 'in the extreme' to recover the debt and will now take us to court. i am really worried now as we have been saving up to get the conservatory fixed by another company as we will have to pay for new wooden flooring etc (which initially cost us 1450 as we got expensive flooring to ensure it lasted with 2 small children in the house). we will not be able to pay a third party company, get new flooring and pay the original company. can anyone offer any advice? we have not yet got court papers but they have threatened court action if payment is not made in full by 3rd may 2016.
  22. So I would like some info if possible; Puchased a right to acquire, council valued property at 107,000 2 bed back in 2007. received 9,000 discount so purchase price 98,000. took mortgage for 101,650 fixed rate 5 years. I had a bit of a financial clitch after 2 yrs and had some arrear, i had suspended poss order. i paid them due to a claim i received but what i was told would clear them wasnt correct and i quickly ran in to trouble agsin. i had a fixed rate mortgage so i presume the monthly amount should remain the same for 5yrs, but it never and they annually increased the amount due. They applied for repossesion again. I was shocked to see a statement from them with various failed direct debit amount never agreed so looked as though I constsntly broke payment agreements with them. they charged arrears fees and court costs etc to the account and included them when they calculated interest. They told me it wasnt in their interest to allow any concessions to help me get back on track. At the final hearing the figure although by now i had paid nearly four years on the fixed rate mortgage the balance was more than started with, i never fully knew how many payments they claimed i missed as they just gave an amount. The DJ was rude to me and never allowed me to reply; Between the DJ and their solcitor it was agreed; I was unable to afford the property, (although by now I was in employment). They decided property had neg-equity. (no valuation reports or breakdown of this reasoning was produced to back this conclusion). The figure stated to the DJ as owing by this stage included the 5,000 fixed rate fee, this figure actually reduced and it had 5-6 months of its term left so the amount was considerably less. As the DJ wasnt interested I could not speak up (basically bullied me into crying and i ended up pleading with him, all he said was no use in crying) and say they had in fact grossly overstated the balance along with the added incorrect rate increases.(altering mortgage terms). They had began charging me for insurance that they added to the balance plus this contributed to the overall balance owing when calculating annual interest (would have ended up paying interest on top of interest each year for the mortgage term, as I refused to pay the insurance) (i had my own insurance which was for the required insurance indemnity amount as stated in contract 100,000, their insurance cover was for far less than stated as allowed 75,000). (this was of no significance to them and they continued to add the insurance fee). Reposession granted, 3 children 2 weeks to leave. I gave up and moved out. As I could not move some itemd struggled as nowhere to store them i had requested if possible to return the week following eviction to collect rest and informed them of items. Upon my arranged return nothing was there all have gone no explanations. The property sold for 75,000 as i found out, even with the improvements I had part completed, loft room with window and full staircase access, driveway; new bathroom with power shower. fitted full length mirrored wardrobes. Then came their bill, payable by return, "rofl" mortgage shortfall removal costs ??? specialist paint removal ??? agency fees?? securing property (i had already surrended keys to bailiffs day before) fee for 5 yrs fixed rate clause, however had been reduced to the term remaining so considerably less than quoted in court. (can they even charge this as they took to mortgage away i never switched to another provider etc) (contract must be void once repossessed surely). all in all excess of 40,000 shortfall due They never pre-agreed or gave notice of the extra costs although their paperwork did state all additional fees would be agreed prior. I never got to know why it sold so low, but believe it was valued far less than the council had said it was worth when purchased, can not have depreciated in value by roughly 30,000 plus in 4 yrs could it..?? I wrote to them asking for explanations, costs,paperwork etc. They never replied but then I received a solicitor letter with same demand for payment. So i wrote to them and referred the solicitor to the letter I was waiting a reply on. Nevet got a further reply from either. Nearly 3 yrs after repossession i received a letter informing me i had been incorrectly charged arrears and default fees over the term of mortgage and they totalled with interest 1500.00 but they were placing this against the shortfall balance. This was something i had already brought up but they chose to dismiss it and ignore me. In turn the incorrect fees with interest applied yearly had given a misleading figure owing for the account, and false information was supplied and in turn relied on in court. This no doubt would have contributed to the decision in granting repossession. The letter says the refund should put me back in a position before they where raised. Clearly not, im still minus my home. I have not heard from the mortgage provider since December 2014 as this was when they issued the letter with the details relating to the refund of charges etc. Upon checking my credit report recently the mortgage states closed with a balance 0. No change from when they sold the property as my credit file stated this info straight after Surely the shortfall should be on the balance? No other defaults etc for this account either. Can anyone advise me if they have acted inappropriately in any with their actions? Could the property have been grossly over valued with intent originally by the council appointed valuer, so the priced fectched on sale could be a realistic figure? If so is there anything that can be done to expose this? Can a fixed rate mortgage payment increase during the fixed term? Can a fixed rate fee be claimed still upon mortgage surrender that has been initiated by the provider and not the mortgagee (Me).? Why would my credit file show balance nil?? Should I have any defaults on my credit file for the mortgage? Can the nil balance be altered? Can a shortfall amount be claimed when there is no record of bslance on my credit file?? Any advice or answers appreciated
  23. Hopefully an O2 rep will see this and advise. My Father in Law has lost his mobile phone which had about £60 of credit on it. He went into the local O2 shop but as he is 80 years old the school leaving age assistant refused to help as FiL can't remember some of the security answers. There must be another way. H
  24. Hi there, yesterday I received a letter from the debt collection company (Shoosmiths) working on behalf of Tesco personal finance to inform me that, despite having a ccj issued in 2009 (which I have consistently adhered to) they require me to fill out an income and expenditure form to review my payments. Following advice from a debt helpline, I was advised to contact them collection agency to request a balance in the hope that I may be bale to offer them a lump sum to clear the debt. Having just done this I have been informed by Shoosmiths that they cannot give me a balance amount as my balance is 'under review'. They also cannot give me a timescale for when I receive information about the balance, despite my having only 14 days to complete the income and expenditure form. This all seems a little 'convenient' in their favour to me- surely a balance is a balance, I have paid x amount off of this so they should have a list with my payments and charges attached to my account shouldn't they? How can they 'review' a balance? And not to be able to let me know when this balance will be available to me seems as though they are stalling for me to complete the income and expenditure form. Has anyone else had dealings with this company or experienced anything similar please? Any advice would be greatfully received Thanks in advance
  25. Hello, I am a newbie here. Hi, curious to know what Difference Between the current default Balance is? I have 3 defaulted account 1 shown the Default Balance as 2198.37 & the Current Balance as £2002.56 The Other One Shows the Default Balance as £567.00 but The Current Balance As £577.00 in the Third one both the Default & Current is the same . but I have not Acknowleged it or made any payment to any of them since the Default appeared. what do these mean? Current vs Default and in the context of my file . P.S : I noticed these Balances changed somewhere during the last year one's current balance went up the other down Kind Regards,
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