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  1. Interest rate increases without informing the customer CONC rules i.e customer not informed:- ? surely there is a time limit before they introduce increase, and the customer given a chance to disagree and state no further use will be made of the facility and just pay off outstanding under original interest Rate????
  2. Action plan to accelerate remediation of private high-rise residential buildings with ACM cladding READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/action-plan-to-accelerate-remediation-of-private-high-rise-residential-buildings-with-acm-cladding
  3. Open Consultation Banning the use of combustible materials in the external walls of high-rise residential buildings READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/banning-the-use-of-combustible-materials-in-the-external-walls-of-high-rise-residential-buildings Important please be aware this consultation closes at 11:45pm on 14 August 2018
  4. National Living Wage workers set for £600 pay rise from 1 April READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/national-living-wage-workers-set-for-600-pay-rise-from-1-april
  5. One of my credit cards is increasing the interest rate by 7% come next month - they must think the bank of england is going to do so soon then. I am going to reclaim my changes of several years with compound interest so can I want till next month after the increased rate rise before writing to them or am I on a sticky wicket?
  6. Safety of Scotlands High Rise Homes to be Examined - The Scottish Parliament READ MORE HERE: http://www.parliament.scot/newsandmediacentre/105470.aspx
  7. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-39077957 Royal Mail say this is necessary in order to continue with its Universal Service, where it delivers letters across the whole of the UK for the same price.
  8. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/jan/03/petrol-food-prices-uk-rising-2017 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2017/01/10/food-prices-rise-inflation-returns-supermarkets/
  9. http://www.expressandstar.com/business/uk-money/2017/01/27/figures-show-steep-rise-in-recorded-personal-insolvencies/
  10. “The tax take for this group of people has fallen by £1 billion since HMRC set up its dedicated unit. At the same time, income tax paid by everyone else has risen by £23 billion. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/fatcats-pay-1billion-less-tax-9700294 http://www.taxresearch.org.uk/Blog/2017/01/27/public-accounts-committee-says-hmrcs-lack-of-transparency-has-eroded-public-trust-in-a-fair-tax-system/ http://www.rossmartin.co.uk/sme-tax-news/809-mps-initiate-key-changes-in-hmrc https://www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/public-accounts-committee/inquiries/parliament-2015/high-net-worth-individuals-hmrc-16-17/
  11. As the CPI was minus 0.1% as at 30 September 2015 the Government has confirmed there will not be an increase in April 2016. All AFPS Pensions will therefore remain at their 2015 level.
  12. If a person receives notification of a County Court judgment that they had not known about, (normally because the summons etc had been either sent to a previous address or had been incorrectly addressed etc) then they can approach the court to request that the judgment be 'set aside'. The procedure is outlined in the following 'Sticky'. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?454644-What-Form-What-For-Where-does-it-go An application to 'set aside' the judgment or to 'stay' the proceedings is made on a court form called an N244 (known as a General Application). At present there is a court fee for filing an N244 of £155. If the person submitting an N244 is in receipt of qualifying benefits, they may be exempt from paying this fee. They would be required to complete an EX160 form. Last year the government issued a Consultation paper to seek views on increasings the fees for N244 applications (and many other court fees as well). There was an overwhelming response opposing the fee increases. Despite this, the cost of filing an N244 Application is to rise from £155 to £255. There are many other fees increases, one being the court fee for issuing a claim in the County Court. If a claim is made for a value of between £1,000 to £5,000, the issue fee will be £205. The link below is to an article from the Law Gazette. The online comments are worthy of reading! http://www.lawgazette.co.uk/news/senior-judges-lambast-government-over-court-fees/1/5053272.article?PageNo=1&SortOrder=dateadded&PageSize=10#comments
  13. Partner is a skilled welder/fabricator. Been with current employer for 24 years. Currently on £9.67 per hour. Older brother took over firm some time ago, for 8 years has refused my partner pay rise every year. Boss wont say why he refuses an annual pay rise. Because of the cost of living going up and his wages not reflecting on this, anything my partner can do?
  14. Hello New to here and after a bit of experienced advice I have worked as a window fitter for almost 3 years now for a small local company and gone from being a 'fitters boy' learning the ropes to now leading a team and running my own jobs. I've learnt on the job from colleagues and completed NVQs along the way I started on a low wage with a view that as I learned and could do more my salary would increase, this didn't really happen and I only saw a small increase after a years learning. As it was a job with a friends family i stuck it out and cutting a long story short after being given my first job to run and then subsequent ones I had a review meeting with my line manager and the MD (she runs all HR, payroll, accounts etc as we're a small company) and it was agreed I would go from £17k to £24 which I was over the moon about and felt like I'd finally go somewhere. At the end of the meeting she said she'll need to write a letter to add a change to my contract and summarise what we said in the review meeting (plans for further training, planning for future etc) 4 weeks on after I had an accident which left me with a broken toe and received a parking ticket (which I offered to pay as it was completely my fault) I have been told I won't be getting my increase this month. Initially the MD wanted to hold it back for 3 months but my line manager fought my corner and so far has made it only a month. My main question is can she do this? After all we agreed a new salary as my responsibilities and role had got bigger and now I'm expected to work on my old salary and do more My second issue is with our working hours. The company hours are 0800-1700 (1 hour for lunch) and there is a clause that says from time to time it may be necessary to work earlier or later to meet the needs of a particular job and also that an extra hours worked outside these times would be collected as lieu time and can be taken back as time off or in exceptional cases paid as over time with our salary All of the above I'm fine with but a few weeks back our MD has emailed everyone saying that any time worked between 0700-0800 and 1700-1800 cannot be claimed as lieu time anymore and her justification is that if you work a bit earlier or later it shows you're going the extra mile will be taken into account when it comes to bonuses etc (which are discretionary) so potentially she could have 2 hours a day free work from us Is this change allowed without any kind of consultation? Sorry for the long post and I hope someone can help and perhaps I could one day share any knowledge I've got.
  15. The company I work for has increased wages by a derisory amount - for the staff who have been there over 1 year. I, along with another colleague temped there through an agency and have done since last year - me starting in Septemer and my colleague several months before that. My colleague was taken on by the company in December last year. I was taken on at the beginning of May. Our contracts are that we are classed as "casual" staff but have the same rights etc., as the "fully permanent" staff. Neither my colleague or myself have received this payrise. We do the same job as everyone else. I'm sure the company is breaking the law on this. When I temped there through the agency I got paid the same hourly rate as everyone else (same goes for my colleague). As I said, the pay increase is derisory - doesn't come to £3 a week but it is the principle of this. Anyone know how we stand on this?
  16. Up to 10,000 Axa pet insurance customers are being moved to NCI Insurance as Axa leaves the market to concentrate on "key products" – motor, home and travel cover. By August 30 2015, all customers will be shifted on to NCI's insurance books. NCI told MoneySavingExpert that it would provide "similar levels of cover" to Axa, and will "continue to insure any medical conditions identified while customers were with Axa under the terms and conditions of the new policy." But a number of customers who have already been moved to NCI say they are facing huge price hikes, particularly for cover for pre-existing medical conditions. Many insurers will refuse to cover animals with pre-existing medical conditions, however, pet owners who want the most comprehensive type of pet insurance will need to opt for "lifetime" cover. Insurers will set a high maximum amount per year – say, £10,000 – but you will still have to renew the policy each year, and some insurers can refuse to renew it. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/insurance/pet/11598970/AXA-pet-insurance-customers-face-price-hike-of-up-to-2000.html
  17. Increase in older drivers losing their licence on health grounds 3 hours ago An increasing number of people over the age of 70 are being stopped from driving for medical reasons. In the last year, the figure rose by a third to nearly 13,000. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-31617865
  18. I have a Very mail order catalogue for many many years, have a huge credit limit and only every owe it £100 - £150 at a time at most. Maybe a couple of day late payments but NEVER been in default, never not paid etc etc. can they just send me a letter increasing the general interest rate from 14% to 26% a nd make it apply to the amount I have outstanding. I thought it would be on future orders but it appears it's on everything I owe. Can they just randomly put the rate up? I didn't order goods at 26% can they legally just effectively charge me what they like.
  19. MPs' salaries should go up by the planned 9% to £74,000 after May's general election, the body in charge of their pay and expenses says.
  20. The price of NHS prescriptions is to rise by 20p in April and again next year. NHS dental charges will also increase by up to £5 from 1 April. In a statement, Health Minister Norman Lamb said the increases were justified given the increasing demands on the NHS, with spending on medicines alone almost doubling since 2000. Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland have scrapped all prescription charges. Around 90% of prescriptions in England are currently dispensed free of charge. There are exemptions for people on low incomes, children and the over 60s. The current prescription charge is £7.85. Dental charges will also increase. As of April 2014, the charge payable for a band one course of treatment will increase by 50p from £18 to £18.50. The dental charge for a band 2 course of treatment will increase by £1.50 from £49 to £50.50. The charge for a band 3 course of treatment will increase by £5 from £214 to £219. The cost of prescription prepayment certificates - 'season tickets' that can be bought to cover prescription costs for three or 12 months - will remain unchanged at £29.10 and £104, respectively. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-26529262
  21. I took out a deal through mobiles.co.uk at the beginning of this month and I wasn't made aware of any imminent price rise. Where do I stand? Absolutely fuming to be honest! My webchat with o2 came out with this cracking quote ; Quote: Originally Posted by O2 if you would have contacted us on chat or visited our O2 store, then we would have given you all the information. They were basically saying I should have went to a store to get info on the price rise so it was my fault for buying online! They constantly said it's in the terms which I never received anyway. I did read a quote by ofcom in a news article that says ; Quote: “It can’t be that they bury this away in their terms and contracts,” an Ofcom spokesperson told Telecoms.com. “We are assessing what is provided to customers at the point of sale with a fine tooth comb to ensure that it is being communicated completely transparently, so that consumers can be said to have fully agreed to it at the point of sale. Transparency is the key thing; they have to be abundantly clear, transparent and up front at the point of sale so consumers can make an informed choice.” What are my rights in this situation? Should I have visited a shop to make sure the price would stay at £27 p/m or are they misinforming me again?
  22. Hi, Just a quick question. I have an account with JD Williams and today had a letter from them that from February the APR is going up at 10%. Can you reject the rise and carry on paying what I owe as long as I don't order anything else. Thanks for your time JJ
  23. I wanted to cancel my broadband / phone line service with Virgin. I phoned up to cancel a few months ago but was told of the cancellation fees so I didn't bother. I have recently found that I could cancel without charge because they are putting the prices up in February. But apparently you can only cancel a month after they first tell you about the price increase. The problem is they emailed me about it in November, so now the month has passed. I was wondering if there is any way that I could still cancel without any charge?
  24. Partner works for crane company just been told one depo is being paid 10% pay rise just because it has another crane company near by. So crane drivers don't leave. crane depo partner works at getting 30 p extra an hour. Can they do this as partners crane company also has other crane companies near by.
  25. Ofwat, the water regulator, says it plans to block Thames Water's request to increase customer bills by up to 8% next year. The regulator has published a draft decision blocking Thames Water's request for the interim increase. Thames had asked to add an extra £29 to the annual average household bill. The draft decision will be followed by a short period of consultation to allow for any new evidence. The final decision is due in November. Thames says it has faced extra costs of £291m, because various items have cost more than the amount estimated when the price regime was set in 2009. Ofwat and Thames disagree about how much these items will cost the company. These include bad debts, the transfer of private sewers, land purchases and higher Environment Agency charges and could not be fully estimated at the time. As part of the regulatory process, Thames Water had planned to apply for an increase once the figures were known, In response to Ofwat's statement, it said: "We will review Ofwat's draft proposals and submit our response in due course." Evidence Every five years, Ofwat sets the prices that water companies can charge. It said it had now looked at the evidence that Thames Water had provided and that although the company did face higher costs, they were not high enough to trigger a price rise. Thames is the only one of the 18 regulated water companies to have applied to the regulator for a bill increase in advance of the next pricing review. Ofwat's chief regulation officer, Sonia Brown, said: "We said we would challenge Thames Water's request. We have looked at the details and do not believe the current evidence justifies an increase in bills." The regulator's consultation on its draft decision gives all parties, including Thames Water, the opportunity to submit new evidence. Any price increase would start from April next year. Ofwat's previous agreement with Thames allows it to increase charges by 1.4% above inflation in 2014-15. More on this story...
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