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  1. Hello, I am looking for help and advice relating to this on-going dispute I have with the Nasty-west. (Edit) Long story so give you the short version. Reclaimed back bank charges before they put a legal stop to it. Tried to reclaim Advantage gold service charges -they denied it Reclaimed ppi on one loan.. They have never reviewed or addressed the three previous loans with ppi on them. I refused to repay the loan until the resolved the ppi- they didnt. Instead they told me to court and won over a technically and obtained a charging order on my house. I have contacted the ppi deparment on 2 occasions for redress to the previous loans with ppi. They don't even answer me. The CCJ they obtained for the loan is an accumulation of the loan, bank account, mis-sold ppi and mis-sold advantage gold service. So as far as I am concerned they are take money from me via shoesmiths that they actually sold fromme. Any help or advice greatly appreciated
  2. Had 250ltr of our hot water tank leak through the ceiling recently. There was a little damage there before (shower leaked a few years ago) but it was too much hassle to fix. Now the damage is much much worse. The insurance are paying for the flooring but are refusing to pay for the ceiling saying I've not experienced any financial loss because it was damaged already? Is this normal? Surely its like saying you can't have a new carpet if its wrecked because there was a fag burn on one corner?
  3. Just noticed marketing emails coming back in from house of fraser. After everything that has been happening, i'm not sure if I should order again. Anyone recently purchase anything from HOF, and did you have problems?
  4. My mum has had a mortgage for 45 years. It represents 17% of it's value. They don't want to continue it, once it reached the end of it's term, even after agreeing to continue it in May of this year. We only get to know a repossession court date is due on 30th of this month, 10 days ago. Barclays know she was staying with me over summer and it was only a neighbour checking post, that alerted us. (Barclays has made it very difficult for me to assist my mum on the issue) They wanted a message from the doctor, which they got, now they changed their mind and want a more formal letter via the post. Before 'possibly' reconsidering. Her rate was/is a minimum of 5% and went higher when rates increased recently. So they are earning well from her. Plus she paid off two loans they sold her, to pay off overdrafts, they kept letting her fill up! Until we asked them to stop. Both stink of miss selling. The impact of this will worry her, cause her to fear leaving her home and disrupt her recuperation with us. An effort that took her from being skin and bones, close to death (even with carers/social workers visiting), to eating and being more healthy.
  5. Hi, I have a question about last wills and testaments. I am a dual French/British citizen married to a British citizen and we have lived in the UK for almost 20 years. We own a house in the UK (as joint tenants). We want to write a will that will say to whom we want our respective share of the house to go to once we are both dead. We have no children and won't be having any. In my case, I want my share to go to my husband but I want to make sure that when he dies, if I'm already dead, my share goes to my siblings in France, who are French citizens, and not to my husband's family or new partner for example. Could someone please help me and let me know how I can make sure that his happens? Are there specific types of wills for UK people who want to leave their assets to someone in Europe? I have received very conflicting advice from some solicitors. Thank you very much in advance! Sonia G
  6. I have been on the waiting list for a hip replacement for 6 months now and have been told it could be another 5 or so months wait. My problem is I have sold my house and am moving out of the area. When i register with my new GP will they try and put me on the list at the nearest hospital (the bottom of the list) or keep me on the one I am on. i have looked on the NHS choices website but there is no information about this ,only that I can choose hospitals.
  7. Hello group, I have had a letter from debt and revenue services saying they will visit my property ( i'm not unduly concerned as I dont live there ) However this is for a supposed debt of an auto renewal house insurance of £50 which they have now pushed up to over a £100 with their terms and conditions : I had previously told Admiral last year that I did not wish for them to continue after 12 months and cancelled my DD so they couldn't take it ( they tried) and I insured with another company. My question is ...does this situation go on and on ? are these idle threats? does Admiral seriously take people to court for this and win ? what is is the law on auto renewal? and should I just ignore this or write to admiral CEO ? Thank you very much for your advice and help ? Gem x
  8. I have recently (well still in the process of assessment) had to go on Universal Credit due to moving into an area where they have rolled it out in the past two months. I was on Income related ESA in the support group and was told when reporting my change of address that I would have to claim the new benefit. As mentioned I am still in the 4 weeks and 1 week assessment phase. The property I have moved into is incredibly small and it is affecting my condition due to feeling claustrophobic, consequently I am considering moving house again out of the area to another region where UC isn’t even running yet. Can anyone advise as to what happens if on UC and you wish to move please!. Even though I have only lived there 4 weeks my HA will require a months notice but the prospective HA will require rent payment at sign up. There is no mention of a benefit overlap of 4 weeks anywhere on UC (unlike the old Housing benefit system which had this four week overlap provision, were in effect both councils pay rent for up to a month). Can anyone advise on this housing issue please?. As a side note, I had a similar problem with the currently flat, I signed for it an the 10th July and obviously couldn’t move on viewing it, I moved in on 24th July and immediately claimed UC (no other option) the UC said they wouldn’t be paying rent from the sign up date only from UC claim commencement date. No mention of a benefit overlap what so ever, has anyone encountered this and got somewhere with them as I’m hitting brick walls
  9. Hi Everyone, I would really appreciate your help here, as I think the Post Office home insurance are mis-advising people. I am moving out of my housing association flat to a house I just bought with my girlfriend. I have a 6 week overlap for the two properties so we can renovate and decorate prior to moving in. I already have contents insurance for the new house. My flat was covered for the last 6 years by the Post Office, I told them I am moving and have to cancel the insurance as there is already insurance at the new house, so they can't insure it. As such they have to cancel insurance at the flat as I won't be living there and can't transfer the insurance to my new property. However, they are still wanting to charge me an £35 early cancellation fee. Surely this isn't right, as they can no longer legally provide a service to me? Are they [causing problems] people like me out of £35? Many thanks in advance!
  10. I intend to get professional legal advice on this as I'm making my Will, but I thought I'd test the water here first. Please don't ask questions about the reasons for my wishes, it is a complex situation and I don't want to discuss it. Circumstances: I own my home outright, I am the sole owner. I bought the house outright with no mortagage and only my name is on the deeds. My girlfriend moved in with me when I took possession and a few months later her son moved in as well with my agreement. They are both named on the Council Tax and have bank accounts and mobile phone bills at the address, her son is an adult and out of full time education. All other bills are in my name only and my partner makes no contribution to the bills nor has she contributed anything to the maintenance or improvement of the property over the 6 years we have been here. If my partner does a food shop alone she uses my credit card account which is in my sole name but she has a card as 'Mrs Homer' so it's not actually in her own name. As we are not married and according to information I have been given, my partner has no legal claim to the property at all upon my death. I have checked and that does seem to be correct, despite some people saying common law rules apply, which I understand to be false. I intend to write a Will which will bequeath the property, savings and goods to my sister and her children, with advice for the house to be sold. My question is: Can my Executor give notice to my girlfriend and her son to move out so the property can be sold and do they have to comply? My intention is to Will an amount of money from the sale of the property to my girlfriend's son to help him get on the housing ladder and the rest of it to go to my Sister's family. Nothing will be bequeathed to my girlfriend, so she will have to make her own living arrangements (I am sure that will be with her son). It doesn't sound too complex but I wondered if anyone had experience of this?
  11. my landlord texted saying he wanted access to the loft as was wanting to fit an Ariel, I was ok with this and have prove that he said it will help prove my tv reception. today arrives and fits the "Ariel" well what can i say its 100% not an ariel and it is an telephone mass for EE from sigfox! Im fuming as it is plugged into my electric and I've contacted my landord for answers and nothing! what damage is this gonna do to the health of my family the house is already falling to pieces the electric needs rewiring, the windows need to be double glazed or the rotten wood replaced, the shower is broken, the guttering is hanging and yet this! Im at my wits end, any advise please guys.
  12. Hi everyone, firstl, apologies if ive posted this in the wrong place. Im in desperate need of some advice/help, I lost my mum, brother and dad in the last 3yrs, last year I found my fiancé of 23yrs was having an affair, he left and said I could keep the house ( joint mortgage). I had a breakdown after he announced earlier this year he now wants me to buy him out. I paid the mortgage and utilities over the last ten years and I have sought advice to be told theres absoloutely nothing I can do. Im struggling to remortgage to pay him what he wants and now have been told he can get a court order to make me sell. Does anyone have anything that I can look into please.
  13. Hello, In a nutshell, I left the UK in 1990 to live in France, was unable to keep up mortgage payments and unable to sell resulting in a repossession in 1991. A DCA chased me (I don't know whether they purchased the debt or were working on a commission basis), the last I heard from them was about 1997. Since 1999 I have been living in Italy and have rebuilt myself. Neither the DCA nor mortgage company have contacted me since 1997, but I do not think that they have my address. There are no CCJs listed against me at my last UK address. Is there anything that they can do now as I continue to be a non-resident? If my address became available is there anything that could be served against me? Thanks for any advice...
  14. My house buildings insurance renewal has been refused due to a motoring conviction. As far as I know houses don't have wheels or engines and aren't subject to the Road Traffic Act. How on earth can motoring convictions apply to houses?
  15. Good afternoon everyone, Yes, it's my first post at the forum because I haven't had any problems like that and my knowledge of UK's law is very poor on this field. Let's start from begining. I've bought a car in August 2017 and got few PCN's that I didn't pay at the begining. After few weeks I got 2 letters from Medway Council to pay two different PCN's that I've paid (last one was on 27th September). Two days after I've moved to another flat in gorgeous Chatham. I've informed DVLA about moving and have VC5 with new address and a date 08/11/2017. Since then I didn't get any letters informing me to pay PCN's at my new address. And here the story begins... Last Friday morning (27/5/2018) I went out to my car and I saw it's going away on a service car . I've had no idea what's going on but I thought it might had some connection with those last years' PCN's I called Medway Council to find out what's going on. A lady I was speaking with told me that it's being taken by Jacobs because of unpaid PCN's and gave me their number. I've managed to contact with a man who was in charge of my case and he told me I had to pay £950 if I wanted to get my car back (while my car is worth £1500) and every next day I'll be charged £15 for parking. I needed this car next day to get me and my girlfriend to work so I'd met that man and paid him all the money he asked for just not to lose next day without the car. Do you think this kind of acting is legal? In my opinion I was robbed and I regret I didn't called the police that my car was stolen. Can you please tell me if there is something I can do to get any money back? Thank you in advance for any help.
  16. Hi what a pain. I arrived from Yorkshire early morning to check on my friends house in London, They are on holiday. He left me 30 day passes to park in permitted Zones outside the house street. When I arrived, I stuck one in my car - an one day all zone pass. 7:30am. About an hour later I saw a tow lorry outside about to lift my car. I went outside and said I have a pass and this is the house I'm staying in. Apparently I didnt read a sign they stuck up a few days ago? who knows. It said Parking prohibited on dates 30th april (today) due to footway reconstruction on both sides of road from house number # to # including my mates door number! They said just move your car 2 houses up and you're fine cos you have an all zone permit..but dont forget to pay the fine too:mad2:. My mates car was fined and lifted to a new spot too..i couldnt move his because it wont start..suffice to say they went on a rampage and fined every other car on the street. Can i appeal and what do i write in the letter? Thank you. Jaws
  17. Hello, I was hoping for an outside opinion of the situation I have got myself into- I've been a customer of Bright house since Early 2015 and have had multiple agreements since then. I currently have 7 agreements, all but two with over 50% paid off, a few only have a couple of weeks to a couple if months left. My weekly payments are £80 per week right now. Some of my items are essential items some non - essential. I have found myself in a bit of financial difficulty of late, behind with rent, c-tax, electric... all of which I have been able to come to an affordable payment arrangement. My problem is with Bright house, I am at the moment 3 weeks in arrears as in order to make arrangements with all of my above debts I had to offer extra to them for the past few weeks, putting Bright house at the bottom of the list, I've asked for a couple of months reduced payments, they said no, and asked if I can just pay a small amount on top on the weekly amount I am paying to which they also said no, in all honestly I cannot afford the £80pw anyway so reduced payment is what I was hoping for. I am not willing to hand the goods back as I have paid so much for them, I know that is not how Bright house works but I've literally paid for these goods three times over, My fault I know, I went in with my eyes open. I still want to pay just at a reduced rate for a period of time, Do you think there is a way I can make this possible, they wont take part payment from me in store and are refusing to give me details to make BACS payments.... It all stared with just the one item, and I said to myself after this is paid I wont get any more, but it seemed so easy at the time each time I have made a new agreement with Brighthouse it has been after going into to store to make an enquiry or make a payment and at that point new products have been upsold to me. Each time I have made the staff aware of changes to my income and expenditure but have always been told ‘it’s best to leave it the way it is so we can add-on’. I have not been asked to provide proof on income since my sign up in 2015. It says on their website "The likelihood of adding further items on to your account are improved by ensuring your account is kept up-to-date. For each further application we will assess your income and expenditure and perform a credit check to determine your level of affordability." But that cannot be true as my credit file has 10 defaults and 2 CCJ's registered against me, my credit is truly appalling and any potential creditor should have some kind of obligation to lending responsibly. When I went in store and advised them of my financial hardship they told me I should take out a payday loan to pay off the arrears - surely this isn't right?! I am not looking for a way to not pay this, I intend to honour my obligations, I just need a little break that's all. I have had their advisers knocking on my door everyday for the past week, luckily they don't have my phone number anymore as I changed it a few months ago. Does any one have any advice about how I should handle this moving forward.
  18. Does anyone know offhand what the situation is with insurance if you use house/pet sitters for an extended period away from home? These wouldn't be tenants - no rent but there would be meter readings and they would pay the home owner for utilities.
  19. I have CCTV pointing to three external walls and I'm planning a house move. If you saw a house with CCTV on it for sale, would you still consider it? I am in a quandary over will CCTV prevent my house sale and should I risk taking it down? H
  20. Hi I have received a claim form from the county court for an o/s HoF storecard debt. The amount claimed before charges is £526. I stopped paying HoF/Newday about a year or more (maybe two years) ago as I couldn't keep up with the charges they kept adding to my bill. The original purchases amount was around £120 approx but then the late payment charges happened and interest on those then more late charges and more interest and now it's just got out of hand. I am tempted to phone Lowell and tell them that but I know it won't make a difference. I have used advice given to me previously to respond to these court claims and I still have that on here so I can look it up. Should I follow the same course of action? Lowell have been writing to me and warning me etc but I see so many letters that I just don't read them anymore. Help please. Thank you in advance again for your assistance.
  21. Sorry if i have posted this in the wrong section but here goes . Me and my partner currently live with my mum in her house . The house is paid in full and my father has passed away . My mum wants me to buy the house for £160,000 so she can give my 2 brothers and other sister £40k which is their inheritance and £40k back to me. I have about 50k in the bank so we said we would buy the house for £120k thats with my inheritance off and i would get a mortgage for 70k which me and my partner could afford easily with my 50k deposit against the mortgage . I rang halifax and they agreed and everything was fine with the mortgage . I went in to see them today and when they heard i was buying my mums house they said that i wouldnt be able too . My mother is 77 and when i buy the house will continue living with me untill she passes away . Me and my partner are happy for this to happen plus we get on the property ladder . The bank said that with my mothers age that this was not possible . We are totally gobsmacked and wondered if any one knew another way around this . Thanks in advance
  22. Yesterday in the House of Commons, Sir Greg Knight's Private Members Bill entitled: Parking (Code of Practice) Bill received its 2nd reading. The support that he received was overwhelming (and thoroughly deserved) and the Bill now passes to the Committee stage. Rougue private parking operators have cause for concern. Yesterdays debate is worthy of reading: https://www.theyworkforyou.com/debat...ailiff#g1160.0
  23. I had the cabin components delivered on 8th January Due to issues with the base we did not start building the cabin 25th January We have now encountered a few issues with the build, and the company will only respond via e-mail and not over the phone which is dragging out the resolution of our queries At the moment the doors will not align correctly and are out of alignment by 8mm. We have now been told to put the glass into the doors as they will hang differently, but we cannot see that this will resolve the situation Now, we have found another problem in that all four panels of glass are scratched. The company have asked for pictures but this is not easy to get as the scratches are hard to see even with black card behind them. The company have advised that I signed for the goods at time of delivery as being in good condition, but there was no way you could check each item as there were hundreds of bits of wood as well as glass and plastic items. I would like to ask for some advice on what to do next? I paid by credit card so should I raise Section 75 for faulty goods if they won't replace the doors or glass
  24. Hi all i really need advice on this, i' ve lived at my home for over 33 years, last year i was diagnosed with diabetes then had a heart attack, that drove me into deep depression, burying my head in the sand and from my wife. i started gambling, hiding this from my wife by hiding letters from post ie bank statements all letters so she wouldn't find out what i was doing. next thing i stopped the mortgage direct debit to pay a big bill off forgot to put it back on then found myself in arrears leading to eviction. i am now homeless through this stupidity. is there anything i can do???? been homeless for 3 days not spoke to barclays yet because i dont know what to say? the arrears our around £6,000 plus whatever charges they add on? i can get a loan to clear arrears but i was told no way? should i try to appeal at the courts? if so how? please help anyone kind regards steve..
  25. Hi, I don't know if this is in the right section. My mum passed away in may and my brother is sorting out her affairs. She inherited her house from my Grandma and Granddad. We are trying to sell her house and the buyers solicitor has asked a very strange question. My grandma and granddad brought the house in 1940 and the house did not have a fitted bath at the time. My dad had just started a building business and installed the bathroom for them. The solicitor is now asking if they had permission to install the bathroom which of course we don't know. Is there any period of limitation regarding this or anything else we can do. Thanks JJ
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