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Found 2 results

  1. Hello, I was hoping for an outside opinion of the situation I have got myself into- I've been a customer of Bright house since Early 2015 and have had multiple agreements since then. I currently have 7 agreements, all but two with over 50% paid off, a few only have a couple of weeks to a couple if months left. My weekly payments are £80 per week right now. Some of my items are essential items some non - essential. I have found myself in a bit of financial difficulty of late, behind with rent, c-tax, electric... all of which I have been able to come to an affordable payment arrangement. My problem is with Bright house, I am at the moment 3 weeks in arrears as in order to make arrangements with all of my above debts I had to offer extra to them for the past few weeks, putting Bright house at the bottom of the list, I've asked for a couple of months reduced payments, they said no, and asked if I can just pay a small amount on top on the weekly amount I am paying to which they also said no, in all honestly I cannot afford the £80pw anyway so reduced payment is what I was hoping for. I am not willing to hand the goods back as I have paid so much for them, I know that is not how Bright house works but I've literally paid for these goods three times over, My fault I know, I went in with my eyes open. I still want to pay just at a reduced rate for a period of time, Do you think there is a way I can make this possible, they wont take part payment from me in store and are refusing to give me details to make BACS payments.... It all stared with just the one item, and I said to myself after this is paid I wont get any more, but it seemed so easy at the time each time I have made a new agreement with Brighthouse it has been after going into to store to make an enquiry or make a payment and at that point new products have been upsold to me. Each time I have made the staff aware of changes to my income and expenditure but have always been told ‘it’s best to leave it the way it is so we can add-on’. I have not been asked to provide proof on income since my sign up in 2015. It says on their website "The likelihood of adding further items on to your account are improved by ensuring your account is kept up-to-date. For each further application we will assess your income and expenditure and perform a credit check to determine your level of affordability." But that cannot be true as my credit file has 10 defaults and 2 CCJ's registered against me, my credit is truly appalling and any potential creditor should have some kind of obligation to lending responsibly. When I went in store and advised them of my financial hardship they told me I should take out a payday loan to pay off the arrears - surely this isn't right?! I am not looking for a way to not pay this, I intend to honour my obligations, I just need a little break that's all. I have had their advisers knocking on my door everyday for the past week, luckily they don't have my phone number anymore as I changed it a few months ago. Does any one have any advice about how I should handle this moving forward.
  2. hmrc have demanded £7k odd back in overpayments from my tax credit claim. I currently subsist on £250 a month, but I live with my partner who is not the father of my child and is a higher rate tax payer. He pays the mortgage and bills, I buy the food etc. I have appealed the demand, but they say that I have to pay the amount back before they have decided the appeal. They started to take me through affordability so that we could agree a payment plan, but obviously I cannot afford to pay back much on such a low income. They asked for details of my partner's income and liabilities. He has categorically refused to give these, stating that this is not his debt and nothing to do with him. This is true - it was an overpayment from before we were living together, and it is not his child. Does anyone know what hmrc will say to me when I tell them that he has refused to give details? Can they go after him for my debts? Will they settle for me paying them off at a rate that I can afford? I find it so stressful dealing with hmrc. I suffer from mental health problems and now every time brown envelopes arrive I have a panic attack. My partner is already furious because he has to pay the child benefit charge and I think he might well leave me at this rate and then I'd be eligible for the full £13k tax credits anyway - is this of any use in negotiating with hmrc do you think?
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