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  1. In the same mill familiar to all- Vehicle Control Services Limited. Did all the online stuff - rejected surprise surprise. Letter from bwlegal threatening commencement of legal proceedings in the form of County Court Claim Form. bwlegal called my on the 'phone today - I am shaking! How do they get my number?? They asked me to confirm who I was which I did They then asked me to go through some security questions. I declined. I said that I will wait for any court summons and defend myself to the hilt. I said I regard this call as intimidatory. I said they and their customer are charlatans and that their actions are unreasonable and that I will rely on the reasonableness of the court to see through this I instructed them clearly and concisely that they MUST not ever call me again and that any correspondence hereon in MUST be in writing. Specifics are vehicle stopped on red lines for 30 ish seconds on side road to apparent parking location, finding it not the parking location booked, consult satnav, turnaround and drive off. No parking, no picking up, no dropping off, engine always on, brake lights always on, always in gear, no obstruction, no unsafe practice. Can't recall which of us was driving Problem is, how can we stop these crooks? If it gets too problematic, they'll just give up and move on to the next, less challenging victim. Politicians, police, JLA - are you out there? What are going to do about it? Us little people can't.
  2. Hi everyone. We've had a motor trade policy for 5 years now. 10 days before renewal this year, the insurer flagged up 4 vehicles we've had for a while, and wanted proof of ownership and V5s. I neglected to send these when requested. Over the next few days, they started sending me emails regarding renewal, and that the policy will auto renew. The policy autorenewed, but I know they always want proof of trading (ie. recent invoices) and driving licences. I could see emails coming through, that we had X days to send these documents. In all this, I understood that the deadline for the documents for the renewal was 5pm on the 25th May. I sent the proofs of trading and driving licences, and said in my email "Here are the documents for renewal", and asked to confirm some details about cover. The lady answered my email, but didn't mention those previous proofs of OWNERSHIP of the other vehicles. I assumed those were for the past policy (same insurer). I carried on as normal, awaiting the insurance certificate. It never came, and the following Thursday 31st May (almost a week later) I called them at 4pm to chase it up. I was then informed that insurance had been cancelled due to not providing those proofs of ownership. I'd never gotten so much as a courtesy email informing me of this, and had been driving uninsured for a week. They said if I sent them, they would see about insuring me again. As it was late, they called me the following day (1st June) to say they could cover me, but that since it's a new month, the premium is now £450 more. They wouldn't budge. AND I now have a cancelled policy in my history, bumping up my premiums. Now my question is, all the policies so far were under our Ltd company which is being closed down. Obviously on the schedule of fact it was "Mr X and Miss X (XXX Ltd)" and the account payer for the insurance (on their docs) is "XXX Ltd". We are no longer trading under that Ltd company, we are now a partnership. So when we're asked have you ever had a policy cancelled, what do we say? Legally, if I say no, since the cancelled policy was under a Ltd company, am I covered? Thank you.
  3. hi all wife received a ccj from Weston super mare court we will ask for it to be set aside as she had no prior notice of action as, after looking into this they buy debt from others. Where would I start with a cca to find out how old this debt is and who it is from do I speak with arrow first - seems logical and then once I know who the debt was originally with i then send out a cca to that firm? thanks
  4. Having a few issues with Civil enforcement LTD They got my car in a pub car park in the east riding of Yorkshire where you have to go in the pub to let them enter your reg plate but this wasn’t made clear in the pub. I received a letter first letting me know about this parking charge when it stated that I hadn’t paid at the discounted rate of the first letter. Never received the first letter at all - so been trying to get out of this ticket Wrote to Civil Enforcement limited and they told me it was tough as they sent the letter and didn’t matter if I had received or not Tried appealing the ticket with POPLA but couldn’t. as Civil Enforcement limited wouldn’t give me a code to appeal the ticket. So POPLA wouldn’t entertain me So went one above and then Emailed BPA but they said they didn’t get involved in disputes such as this but I learnt that Civil enforcement LTD pay a membership to them I then got a letter from the solicitors on the behalf of Civil enforcement LTD. They have offered me a payment plan of an extortionate rate of £236 for been in this car park for 12 mins :mad2: Is there any way I can get out of this, Happy to provide more details if need be Thank you in advance
  5. Hi, Went to a wedding last year? I honestly cannot even remember how long ago it was. There was insufficient parking space at the venue and my vehicle was parked in an empty cash and carry car park just down the road. We did not see any signs/ information informing me this was private property/ charges etc. I have attached a google street-view image of the area in question - the signage is very small and I can confirm on the day - a vehicle was parked in front of the sign - big enough that myself and 4 other members of my family walked straight past it and did not notice it. The vehicle was parked approximately where the silver car is in the image. I received a parking charge notice on return to the vehicle and numerous parking charge notices via mail - I followed advise from a basic google search which advised to ignore. I now realise this was a mistake. Received the following letter through the post today. I have stupidly thrown away all previous correspondence and cannot even remember the date of the incident. Am I outside of the period in which to appeal? What action would you advise? Many thanks in advance
  6. Hello, I have received a number of letters from DRP (the debt recovery company that NE Parking Ltd use). My car was parked outside a hotel that has been closed down for over a year from 8-11pm at night. put a ticket on the windscreen so far down that I didn't notice it was even there until 3 days later when I turned my wipers on to wash my windscreen. The picture they included on the original letter shows my car but doesn't have the ticket on the screen in the window. I have ignored about 6/7 letters from them and now have received a 'final settlement offer to avoid court action'. Has anyone else got this far with them? Do they actually issue in Court? Thanks in advance.
  7. Its a long first post, but please bear with me...desperate? In 2001 i had a major epileptic seizure while at work, i have never had a seizure before and was taken to hospital.(where i spent the next 4 days) Over the next 6/12 months i was having quite a lot of tests done to see what brought on this seizure. In 2002 my wife and i bought our ex-council property,when we took out this mortgage we took out PPI i disclosed my illness which hadnt stopped me from working, and the seizures were now only partial and unfrequent there was no pattern to them at all. I was perhaps having maybe 1 or 2 every 3/4 months. When the PPI was taken out as i said i disclosed the illness, it was a fixed term of 3 yrs and they contacted the hospital and my GP for eveidence. However in late 2002 i was eventually diagnosed with a ''cerebral brain tumour of the right temperal lobe which was causing the seizures'' The insurers were made aware of this i think at the time i was paying around £62 per month PPI. In June 05 i had a call from my insurers they said my fixed term was now ending and did i want to contuine it, also had my condition chnaged at all. I said yes i did want to contuine it, and yes my condition had got worse. The reply was ..well as you havent claimed against this policy before there is no need for any further medical eveidence. But my premium was now going to be £65 per month, thats ok i said. My seizures were now getting very frequent and i was having 2/3 per week i was taken back into hospital for tests. Where lucky enough they caught this one on VT test and it showed that i was blacking out but having only partial complex seizures (not full ones). I was advised by the hospital to stop working and they would go for removal of the tumour (i was having regular MRI scans that showed the tumor was not growing , not cancerous, but was sitting on a part of the brain that was giving me seizures) and the removal of it was the best option, it was in a good position to be removed. Because my mortgage was taken out after 1995 i would have to wait 28 weeks before i got any help from the DSS. I wasnt unduly worried as i had the PPI...But they neglected to pay out!!! Their get-out-clause was A) It was a pre existing medical condition. B) it was a new policy? It wasnt a new policy i had just carried on the old one, and they knew of my medical history ...so what were they covering me for and why was it a higher premium? I went thru the Financial Ombdsmen/LLoyds back and fourth went the letters and then they changed the reason they were not paying out to: ''they didnt ask me to go for a medical i wasnt covered for the only thing that was wrong with me''?? Where can i go from here as to trying to get redress from either the insurers or brokers (was the policy mis-sold)? Anyway late 05 the mortgage company try to reposess and take us to court, the judge awards them 28 days? I borrow some money and employ a barrister who takes it back to court and this time we get a good judge who sees we have done all we can to resolve things and allows 3 months to sell the property, which we do in a week and are now in rented accomodation. We have a 17 old at college and a 13 yr old at school. When we were in court on the second time the mortgage company sought reposseion or £146k settlement. That was the figure they asked for. When we get the last statement after the sale we see they mortgage company have taken £156k, They say £8k on early settlement figure £2k on fee's. IMO an early settlement is the same as penalt clause in this situation (ie we were forced to sell) and therfore a penalty clause is NOT ENFORCEABLE in a court of law. I have now asked the barrister to look into this, he said the Penalty clause is NOT ENFORCEABLE IN A COURT OF LAW, but they are trying to get round it by saying it was an Early settlement figure, which they would be intitled to ''if i moved mortgage companys to find a better rate'' for example. Does anyone know of a case like this? What was the outcome? ANY help would really be appreciated, although we could really do with the money i would rather the barrister had in fees, than let the mortgage company have it!!! Thanks for taken the time to read this long post...appreciate it! well second like an idiot i posted in the wrong forum i posted under ''general consumer issues'' insted of looking at the site properly, so appologies to the MODS and other users of this board. please have a look in the general forum under ''repsosesion/PPI/early settlement'' I would really appreciate it if someone could take a look at for me or if the MODS could possibly move it to this forum. I never knew so many people had probs with gmac/eversheds llp (solictors) Thanks again all and i will update if i get some news from the barrister Three threads merged
  8. Hello All, Apologies if this has already been covered, I have tried to read others responses but not sure sure if they apply to my specific case. I wonder if anyone can please help? In August 2017 on my first day at my new hospital where I started work (before hospital induction) I accidentally parked in a patient car park rather than a staff carpark. I received a parking charge of 35.00. The week after i emailed the email address from the ticket (unsure who exactly) defending my case. I never had a response. Subsequently over the last 9 months i have received various letters about this (which have been going to my old address) and the latest is from Civil Enforcement Ltd. stating the outstanding debt is 206.00 and i have 30 days from the date of this letter until they will issue proceedings with the county court. I would like this issue resolved as soon as possible obviously without me having to pay, as I do not think it is a fair penalty. I would very much appreciate if anyone could assist me/advise me in moving forward in terms of responses? Thanks very much, Jay
  9. https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?482555-Hxcpm-pcn-St-Georges-Car-Park-Fitzwilliam-Street-Huddersfield-HD1-5BB&p=5074615#post5074615 The car owner has been issued with the same notice but I was the driver. Same experience as above. Where does he (the car owner) stand? It is annoying that someone takes the money for your ticket physically but then you get told you haven't paid. I also have the ticket as evidence. Again, parking attendant said to put on dashboard but no reference to terms and conditions. Interestingly I parked around 7:30am. It was dark so even if the signs were up at the time, they weren't illuminated so would that add weight to the argument? Do I reply or just wait?
  10. Animal medicines seizure notice: Aquatic Chemicals Ltd (trading as Technical Aquatic Products (TAP)) READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/animal-medicines-seizure-notice-aquatic-chemicals-ltd-trading-as-technical-aquatic-products-tap
  11. A new wall rendering and other exterior building works company FISHER RANDALL LTD is now trading. I sincerely hope that they are a good company and that customers who use their services get a good deal and that everyone benefits out of it. However, potential customers should realise that the director of this company is Micah Shaw who is the son of Harvill Shaw who has run a succession of wall rendering companies whose business model seems to have been to go into liquidation every two or three years leaving a lot of very unhappy customers behind with no redress. Harvill Shaw has been the subject of various pieces in the press and recently did some time in prison – probably because of his activities. The sole director of the new company FISHER RANDALL LTD , Micah Shaw was the director of one of Harvill's previous companies – but we aren't sure whether that was a genuine directorship or simply some kind of shield. As I have said, maybe this new company is under the genuine leadership Micah Shaw and hopefully it will trade properly, provide a good service, stand by its product, make good honest profits for its owners and its employees – as well as building up a reputation for high quality service and satisfied customers. However, we think it's important to bring this to people's attention. There were too many innocent victims of the previous operations. The repA_10639694_515-091524-14078366_1.pdf https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/investigate-caught-in-a-web-of-lies-510928 http://www.worcsregservices.gov.uk/news/2015/guilty-conman-jailed-for-two-years.aspx http://committee.cityofworcester.gov.uk/documents/g3966/Public%20reports%20pack%2022nd-Jun-2016%2016.30%20Worcestershire%20Regulatory%20Services%20Board.pdf?T=10 Thanks to Cagger: Chrisy for this information Pages from Public reports pack 22062016 1630 Worcestershire Regulatory Services Board.pdf
  12. I had a loan via satsuma loans (provident financial ltd) I started to find unaffordable. I did the right thing and rather than paying late I contacted them being honest and setup a payment agreement, which I have stuck to 100% and not missed a single payment since it was setup in may 2017. Despite this and the fact ive made major strides to improve my debt handling and credit record over the last 12 months its still had something dragging it down and ive just found out that its provident financial ltd. The record for them on my credit file is still showing as per the original loan agreement which I haven't been paying for almost 12 months now however this is no longer valid as the new payment agreement I had with them superseded this original agreement which explains why I haven't been making payments towards it. I have requested via experian and noodle that satsuma update this record to reflect the new agreement but they have refused to do so. My question is, is this legal? I dont see how when ive setup a payment agreement with a company's approval that the original payment agreement is still valid as surely you cannot have 2 payment agreements with 1 company for 1 loan.. ...the payment agreement I setup surely supersedes the original one? and I dont see how its fair that im being penalised for late payments on a loan agreement I no longer have any agreement to pay. this whole thing has utterly tanked my credit file despite the fact ive worked really hard over the last year to sort myself out and until I find someway to correct it it will keep on tanking my credit file. So just wondering what my options are here? Is there anyway I can force satsuma to update my file to show the new agreement rather then the out of date invalid one? Can I get some advice please?
  13. Morning guys, Here is my situation. My missus is being chased by a company called debt recovery services regarding a pcn for parking at no 8 caunce st blackpool. We recevied a letter from them on 15.3.18 regarding the ticket date of 9/4/2017 nearly 1 year later, this was the first time we had heard anything about the matter, we have had no letters from any body else, they are working for NE Parking LTD .. They are asking for £160 for parking in a situation that attracted a pcn? We have never parked on this spot and first called drp to ask what was going on but they was not interested and said we have missed any appeal points and want us to pay full amount. we called NE asking for proof and they want us to put it in letter form before they send anything out to us. After a bit of digging and speaking to one of their ground troops he got me a picture of our car parked not at no 8 caunce st, but outside caunce st car park in blackpool. Now i remember parking here as i had a bit of an altercation with a bloke taking photos of car whilst i was at the machine to get a ticket, when i challenged him he said he didn't see me and thought i had got off without paying, We had a bit of a row and i said i would park elsewhere, i was in the spot for no less than 4 mins.. We then heard nothing more about the matter until this year. i had no ticket put on windscreen and at most he could of only got a picture of back of car, and the front but from a distance, nothing close up. I use this spot usually once a month to get haircut at barbers next door and never had an issue like this before, im on letter 3 now from drp and my missus head is falling off as she has read horror stories about ccj's etc.. We have moved house since all this started and drp reckon they got our new details from dvla and that letters were sent to previous addres, but all our old mail has been on redirect from post office and we definetly 100% have had nothing come about this from NE PARKING. Surely after one year nothing can be done legally ? Can any good folk on here advise ?
  14. I am writing this on behalf of someone else. Where i use the words me i or us means the person involved. Not me. I was employed as a mobile with a well known security company. My main job was to respond to alarms and deal with them. When i started my job off i was told that i was on a gauranteed 24 hour contract (weekly). I was not given any paperwork apart from some paperwork to show how and what i should be doing. I was told be my manager that i would recieve my contract in the post during the next 4-6 weeks. I also emailed my manager and he confirmed that i had indeed signed upto a 24 hr gauranteed contract that gauranteed me work of at least 24 hours a week. This manager left and work was going on well until october when my vetting was complete and i was sent a 0 hours contract by Human resources. I immediately phoned up and was told to query this with my manager. 2 emails were sent and nothing happened. Again in january this year my manager changed and i raised this again with hr. The new manager said he would investigate this. He came back to me and told me that the email i had was worthless and that i was on a 0 hours contract. Worst bit my days have been cut where i was without any income for 6 weeks. Since august last year i have put in several uniform requests and have had 0 back as manager keeps on claiming he has lost paperwork. This is despite sending 2 emails to him. I now come to the part After having nearly 6 weeks without work i started back a few weeks ago. The first night back i was pulled by traffic police and asked why i was watching a video playing while driving. The mobile is on a stand. I told the officer i was not watching i was only listening to the music and mobile was facing other way. Officer gave me words of advice and then took my details and after a few minutes told me i could go. No probs so far. He then phoned my employers and told them he was concerned for my safety. I only found out when a fellow officer came looking for me. As far as i was concerned the matter was finished. I did not log it either. Fellow officer told me that a call had been recieved and that the matter had been escalated to the manager. No probs here. The manager phoned me the follwoing day and told me i was suspended pending a investigation and that suspension would be unpaid. I have been to the investigation meeting and i was shown a picture of me sitting in my van with the mibile facing me. I was told this was taken by the other officer and he was allowed to do this. I have now been told that a decision will be taken and if needed a disciplinary will be held. I have been told not to contact any of my fellow workers. What do i do ?
  15. Hi, My other half received a PCN from Civil Enforcement Ltd following her picking up a prescription at the local doctor's surgery. She has a letter from the surgery confirming that this was the case on the same date on which the PCN says. My wife decided to inform Civil Enforcement Ltd directly that this was the case, along with the letter, and surprisingly enough these cowboys rejected her appeal. She then informed me of this and I am now trying to sort it out. In their letter to her they said their internal appeals process has been exhausted and if she wishes to continue her appeal she needs to go directly to POPLA. Could you please let me know whether I can write to them again, along the lines of the thread below or whether I will need to go to POPLA? I'm guessing they'll just ignore any further correspondence directly to them. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?464918-PCN-from-quot-Civil-Enforcement If I need to appeal to POPLA could you please advise on what the letter should say? I have attached the PCN (I don't have a scanner at home hence the various pieces of paper covering up details - the letter is identical to the one in the link above). The incident date was 17 May 2016 and the PCN issue date is 15 June 2016. Thanks
  16. Hi all, I been ignoring few letters (stupidly I searched on googles about ignoring private car park parking charge and believed it ) for a parking charge issued on 03/05/17 at location West Gate Plaza West Bromwich, Moor Street, B70 7AD by Parking and Property Management LTD and recently I received Letter before Claim from Gladstones stating I own a debt of £160. First corresponding letter was from Parking and Property Management LTD dated on 07/06/17 and it was already a 'reminder notice letter', however i was not aware and the person who was driving the car at that time are not aware he was charged before this letter was received. The 'so call edvidences images' first picture was taken at 09:02pm and second picture was at 10:14pm, it also stated the they issued the ticket at 10:11pm. However the second picture show the car was turned on with lights on and the driver told me he had a kid in the car at that time and there were some accident, thats why he exceeded the 1 hour maxium time period. The signage for the car park is next to the shop signage above the car and one more signage is nextdoor shop also next to the shop signage on the right hand side. And it was at night time, it wasn't clear enough to read. 2nd letter was from Gladstones as Final reminder letter dated on 17/07/17, asking for £160, stating if I dont pay they are instructed to issue legal proceeding against me in the county court. And the lastest 3rd letter from Gladstones as Letter before Claim with a deadline of 14 days to respond of pay and the letter was dated on 31/07/17, but I was on holiday so I missed their dealine anyway. Stating they act on behalf the claimant and have now been instructed to commence legal action against me to recover the debts i own. But should I response to them now or no? As I feel it might end up bad if I keep ignoring them and I got confused with all those technical wording. I have not contact any of them or reply them so far. Kindly request helps! Thank you. P.S i can't seem to upload any images?
  17. Claimant -Lowells Date of Claim...02 Oct 2017 What is the claim for – 1 the defendant opend a jd Williams reg consumer credit acc under refxxx on 18/03/2008 (the agreement) 2 in breach of agreement the defendant faled to maintain the required payments and the agreement was terminated. 3 the agreement was later assigned to the claimant on 20/12/2012 and written notice given to the defendant. 4 despite repeated requests for payment the sum of £1530.00 remains due and outstanding, and the claimant claimes a.the said sum of £1530.00 b. interest pursuant to s69 count courts cost act 1984 at the rate of 8% per annum from the date of assignment to the date of issue accruing at a daily rate of £0.335 but limited to one year, being £122.40 c costs What is the value of the claim? £1837.40 Is the claim for - a Bank Account (Overdraft) or credit card or loan or a ctalogue or mobile phone account? catalogue When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? after Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. Debt purchaser Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? no Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? no but not sure Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? no Why did you cease payments?was made redundant What was the date of your last payment?4 or 5 years ago Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? yes Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? yes What you need to do now. we dont have any paper work for this and not sure were to start,i will be responding to claim and sending the sar ect out
  18. Hi All having not had dealings with this company LPS Ltd and not finding much on the forum about them i am looking at some advise please on where to go with this one. windscreen ticket issued 2.2.18 for exceeding time allowed after expiry of purchased ticket. i ignored the ticket and waited for NTK which arrived 12.3.18. any ideas please o which way to proceed with this one, i have attached NTK minuss personals and also pdf with Photos. many thanks Lets signs.pdf lps 1.pdf
  19. premier parking logistics are a part of BPA. i got one and now a letter form DCBL stating that a notice of debt recovery. what do i do? dont want to pay. but will pay up to £60 if needed dont want to say that and then they decline. Hi, got a letter on the 27th Feb 2018 stating that £100 invoice. Also, got a letter from DCBL stating that it is a notice of debt recovery. on the rear of the dcbl letter says case is not subject to high court or bailiff action What to do. dont mind paying up to £80 in installments but not really the £160 Thanks Quick replies needed please as 14 days from dcbl letter is up tomorrow. Was issued in birmingham. Both machines were out of order but stupidly did not take any photos of the machines!!!! They are with the BPA. Any Help thanks !
  20. Hi, the driver parked at Walmer Street car park on 8/4/17 and went over the parking time by 20 mins. After 28 days i received the 'Notice to keeper', which after reading online i ignored and any further correspondence thereafter. Unfortunately it is now being taken to court. My argument was that I did not receive any photo of the parking as i or any other driver of the vehicle couldn't recall parking at the relevant car park. I have a court case on 27th February 2018 and just received the Witness statement from Gladstones Solicitors. I have attached a few of the pages, please can someone advice on what i can do. I do notice from the photos the ticket that was purchased states 'Wilmslow Road' which is acknowledge in the statement but the case mentions 'Walmer Street', can i use this in court as my defence? if there is anything else that i can use so i can prepare before the case. If you need any other information please feel free to ask. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Many Thanks
  21. can someone advise me please... i have received a claim form from Ascent legal on behalf of the above. it relates to an amount £2864.14 which is in relation to a secured loan from black horse. i have paid them nothing nor have i replied to any correspondence in over 6 years - is the claim statute barred or not? thanks in advance
  22. Name of the Claimant Lowell Portfolio ltd Date of issue – 11 September 2017 What is the claim for – Particulars of claim 1) The Defendant entered into an agreement with EE Limited (formerly T-Mobile UK Ltd) under account reference 12345678 (the agreement). 2) The defendant failed to maintain the required payments and the service was terminated 3) The Agreement was later assigned to the claimant on 30/09/2014 and notice given to the defendant 4) Despite repeated requests for payment, the sum of £308.58 remains due and outstanding. and the Claimant claims a) The said sum of £308.58 b)Interest pursuant to s69 County Courts Act 1984 at the rate of 8% per annum from the date of assignment to the date of issue, accruing at a daily rate of £0.068, but limited to one year being £24.69 c) Costs What is the value of the claim? £418.27 Is the claim for - a mobile phone account When did you enter into the original agreement before or after:Not sure of date but think after that date. Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. Debt purchaser Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? Not aware. Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? No Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? No Why did you cease payments? Financial difficulties What was the date of your last payment? Think it was in 2012 but not sure. Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? No Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management? No You very kindly helped me sort out a claim from Hoist/Barclaycard last year which ended up stayed. This is another one my that has come for my girlfriend this morning and I am trying to sort it out for her. I have already sent an AOS via MCOL for this claim as I did in the previous claim. What is the next step, is it different as it's a mobile phone debt rather than Barclaycard? Thanks for any help you can give!
  23. Hi Looking for some last minute advice with this claim, when i started to tackle this back in 2016 i was taking advice from another forum and now know that the CPR18 was the wrong approach. The debt is for a credit card that was taken out in 2013, the total debt is £654.68, £784.68 with the court fees. My first communication from Hoist Portfolio was 2 weeks before the court paperwork arrived. I am appearing in court on Friday to try and defend this claim. I received a claim form from the court on the 18 Feb 2016. On the 22 Feb i sent a CCA request and a CPR18. On the 14 March i submitted my defence having received non of the information i had requested via the CPR18 and CCA request. On the 4 May i received the directions questionnaire which i selected mediation, the claimant also chose mediation. On the 24 May i received an appointment for the mediation to take place followed by an email questionnaire which i completed and had to say no to the question that asked do you have enough information about the claim to enter negotiations, unfortunately because i didn't have any of the information i had requested and i answered no this then meant mediation was no longer an option. I then heard nothing more about this claim until i received a copy of a court order dated 3 November 2017 sent to the claimant asking them to provide all the information within 21 days that i had already asked them to provide in the CPR18 request and not received. The claimant then had until the 10 January 2018 to pay a fee or the case would have been struck out. The claimant has provided what i believe to be all the information requested by the court and the hearing is on Friday. I have uploaded what they have sent me. I am not sure where to start with this, i dont know if its relevant but the account number that is menationed in the witness statement is different to what is on all the other documents but the card number is correct. Documents provided Witness Statment Terms & Conditions/Re-constituted Agreement Statement of account (not uploaded) Copy of Claimants predecessors system Notice of assignment Robinson Way letter Why when the defendant requests the information the claimant doesn't provide it, a year can pass by with hearing nothing, the courts request the information and they provide it straight away?? I know this is all very last minute but any advice would be much appreciated. Many thanks Macker16 claimant ws.pdf
  24. Hi I also received a PCN from VCS Ltd for stopping for 8 seconds on 28 May 17 to pick up my distraught Sister-In-Law at Liverpool Airport. She didn't go to the pick up point as arranged but thought it better to start walking towards the main road. I received the initial notice from VCS Ltd but ripped it up and binned it (so I don't know if it was within the 14 days timeframe). I then ripped up and threw away their second letter. The first letter from BW Legal came int he same envelope as a letter from VCS saying my account had been passed to their legal team. The second on says its a 'FINAL NOTICE' saying their client has instructed them to commence County Court Proceedings against me for the recovery of the Balance. I'm not quite sure what to do at this stage, I have read through lots of the forum threads and am thinking of sending BW a letter telling them I am not paying and to leave me alone. Any help would be greatly appreciated
  25. Received a claim? Yes Issue Date: 15-12-2017 Amount approx: 1979.25 Claimant: Cabot Financial (UK) LTD Solicitor: Mortimer Clarke Solicitors LTD Original Credit: Capital One Particulars of Claim: 1.By an agreement between CAPITAL ONE BANK (EUROPE) PLC & the Defendant on or around 08/10/2015 (the Agreement) CAPITAL ONE BANK (EUROPE) PLC agreed to issue the Defendant with a credit card. 2.The Defendant failed to make the minimum payments due & the Agreement was terminated, 3.The Agreement was assigned to the Claimant. THE CLAIMANT THEREFORE CLAIMS 1794.25 Stat Barred? No Have sent: Acknowledged the Claim, Sent a CCA request, Sent a CPR 31.14 request Have also file my defence. Well i had a letter back from their solicitors this is word to word and don't they proof check before sending out? also i know about Cabot Financial (UK) Ltd are unlicensed. Which means its an offence to under take debt collecting activity contrary to the Financial Services and markets Act 2000 and technically they aren't unlicensed they are unauthorised. "We confirm receipt of your defence. We can confirm that we acknowledged your request for documentation pursuant to civil Procedure part 31.14 and consumer credit act 1974, in the letter you sent to you on the 28/12/2017 (copy enclosed) In response to your assertion that our client is not authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority ('FCA'), the FCA register shows Cabot Financial (Europe) Limited permission as lapsed because, with the permission of the FCA, it has been made an appointed representative of Cabot Credit Management Group Limited. Cabot Credit Management Group Limited is a principal regulated firm and with the permission of the FCA, has .appointed its operational company, Cabot Financial (Europe) Limited, as appointed representative to perform debt recovery and/or debt administration activities on its behalf. Please find enclosed a copy of the Notice of Assignment and Statement of Account for your records. Our client's position is the documents provided evidences how the balance accrued and how a balance remained outstanding when the Agreement was assigned to our client. In response to your request for a copy of the Deed of Assignment, our client considers that it has no statutory obligation to provide you with any further documents in relation to the assignment. It has complied with its statutory obligations by sending you the Notice of Assignment in accordance with section 136 of the law of Property Act 1925. Furthermore, the Deed of Assignment is a confidential document client and the original creditor. We are instructed that the Deed of does not contain any personal details relating to you and is not disclosure. We can confirm that the remainder of your defense has been referred to your client for its instruction and we will contact you with a response as soon as possible. In the meantime, the Matter has been placed on hold." As you can see they are on about Cabot Financial (Europe) Limited, and not Cabot Financial (UK) LTD, also no Deed of assignment, or the original agreement, all they sent was the letter from capital one saying that they sold the account to cabot credit management group, and the letter Cabot sent to say they now own my account from Capital One and 3 pages of payments made to Capital one. What should be my next move? to me it seems they don't have the paper work to back their claim or am i wrong. And is there any other letters i can send to ask about the Deed of assignment and the original agreement?
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