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  1. Hello, 6 months ago i called the council to report a road fault and they said that we live on a private road which was the first i had known about it. I asked a few neighbours and they didnt know that either, apart from one who purchased their house 5 years ago . They had said that their solicitor had made them aware. We have tried to get the council to adopt the road but they have quoted silly money to get it up to spec and i am in no financial position to afford this. There are 10 houses in the street and we all chipped in to get the bit of tarmac repaired which was under £200 by a local guy. The council say that the kerbs are not to spec. We bought our current house 8 years ago and were not informed that the house was on a private road and would not have bought the house knowing this. Surely this is something our lawyers / surveyors should have picked up on ? The houses were built in 1972 Any advice? Thanks
  2. Now i read this-i usually research a touch but decided for you to tell me what a load of rubbish,you have put on. Let you have a go at old Tawny.Politely if you can. One persons view.Do you think these figures are correct.And their view on things. Do not make me research.I will if you insist. Wonder what MPS really think of us. What they would write in one paragraph.About us. Like this person did,about them. The revolution is coming. Oh dear where is that smiley.Putting flak jacket and safety gear on. Who is first.
  3. We bought our home approx. 11 years ago through the old Homebuy scheme through a housing association called Beth Johnson. we got given a 25 % loan which is repayable at any time in the future, and whether the house increases or decreases in value they have a 25% return upon sale . We still own the property but its legaly called a charge or something . We put a biggish deposit down ourseleves . The house is worth approx. £170k now and the mortgage is around £60k we are divorcing and I need to contact Beth Johnson to ask them legally if I can ever transfer this to another property and at least inform them that divorce is in progress and I may be the sole owner if the Halifax agree . Beth Johnson seem to no longer exist ! Every time I google it Sanctuary Housing comes up - so ive emailed them to ask who on earth has a charge over my property now .No reply . Im a little shocked that I never received any documentation to say Beth Johnson had transferred ownership or whatever happened to them,, and that I have absolutely no idea who now has a charge over my house ? Any advise would be very helpful ?
  4. Hi all I run my own Property Maintenance business and recently took on a job to completely refurb a bathroom whilst the occupant was away. The customer gave me an idea of the goods they wanted and chose tiles ect. They left the money with me for the labour and the supplies before they went. I then went out and sourced and purchased all the supplies. On the return of the customer I presented a final figure to them and listed every supply individually. I also gave them £365 back which was left over from the supplies money. I have given them a printed receipt from my business with the labour cost and all the supplies listed with the cost. The customer is now saying he wants all the receipts from the suppliers (as I think he belives I have ripped him off on some prices) however these are my receipts for purchases made through my business. Can anyone advise on the situation please. Thanks
  5. Hi all I'm after some urgent help please. My ex partner and I took out a secured loan with Paragon a few years ago to cover some debts we had. Then we split up and I took over the loan so that I could keep the house. Everything was going fine, even when I lost my job in 2011 as I walked straight into another one so could keep up the monthly repayments. Then in Feb 2012 I lost my job and couldn't make the payments, so I was making token payments each month of £10 or £20 depending on savings against the monthly due of £156. I applied for help from DWP with my mortgage and my loan and at first they said no to to the loan but then agreed to make payments to the loan but only of about £11 a week. I have been suffering from depression for about 2 years and battled alcoholism on and off for nearly 10 years. I've also been receiving bereavement counselling following the death of my mum in Nov 2011. At first I used to talk to Paragon on the phone and I regularly completed their income/expenditure forms and they seemed ok but acknowledged that my debt was increasing. Unfortunatley recently I've buried my head in the sand over it and ignored their calls as I got more and more depressed about applying for lots of jobs and not getting an interview or getting to the interview stage feeling pretty confident but then getting turned down. Last week they sent me a letter saying that they may pass my account to a their field agent to call from Excel Counselling Services.. .I know that this is just a posh word for a bailiff! Today he knocked at my door whilst I was out getting electric put on my key card and he put a note through the door. The letter doesn't mentioned the amount that is outstanding but I think it's around £2k. His note is all friendly about we need to talk about it or he'll have to tell Paragon he's not talked to me and I could risk losing my home. Can I send him the following letter? Dear Sirs, Re: Account reference Paragon Personal Finance Ltd................ I refer to your visit dated 18th February 2013 informing me that your company has been instructed by Paragon Personal Finance Ltd to visit me, in respect of arrears on the above mentioned account. The purpose of this letter is to advise your company that I believe that my circumstances fall within the category as contained within the National Standards for Enforcement Agents of “vulnerable situations”. The reason for this is that not only am I a person who has suffered a bereavement in the family with the death of my mother in November 2011, for which I am receiving counselling for. I am also currently unemployed having lost my job and am in receipt of benefits. I am also receiving treatment from my GP for depression and alcohol dependency. Accordingly, I would like to request that you do not visit my property again as this would cause undue stress and anxiety. Instead, I would like to request that you return this case back to Paragon Personal Finance Ltd. I would be grateful if your office could confirm safe receipt of this letter, and confirmation that the case has been returned to Paragon Personal Finance Ltd. I am copying this letter to Paragon Personal Finance Ltd. Yours Faithfully I was also going to send the letter to Paragon, along with another income and expenditure form and a cheque for about £20 with an offer to keep paying £10 a month by dd. Is that ok? Should I be doing something else? He says in his letter he's going to come back so I was hoping to get the letter in the post to him today to stop him calling again as my Dad is coming to see me tomorrow and I really dont want him to get dragged into this and I've recently started seeing someone who I really like and I'd be really embarrassed if he turned up whilst he was here. Please help, I'm now sat in tears as I'm scared that I fought my ex really hard to get the house and stop him taking it over with the woman he left me for, and now i'm scared I'm going to end up homeless. I hope this all makes sense. thanks Mary
  6. Thank you to all at bridgehouse mansfield who today helped with the passing of a loved one got us in without an appointment had someone with him constantly put him on oxygen to help him breathe Thank you for how kind all your staff were simba/aslan ???? - adopted 2005 - feb 2016
  7. My wife died just over a year ago. The house we live in was bought in her name only, and the mortgage is in her name only. I obtained Probate and I am the beneficiary of all assets and debts. Last week I phoned up the lender - assuming it would simply be a case of switching the deeds and mortgage to my name and continuing payments. I was concerned when the person said that in those situations they usually required the mortgage to be repaid - which i couldn't do without selling the house - and I would have no-where to live. Despite my late wife owning the house/mortgage, ALL monthly payments have been from MY account and have never been missed. Anyone have any advice on this? Thanks
  8. Here on the discussion section of the forum there have been various threads that have touched upon the matter of 'in house' bailiff enforcement. For those unfamiliar with this term....this is where local authorities are setting up their own 'in house' bailiff operations. The decision to do so is mainly a financial one spurred on by the Taking Control of Goods (Fees) Regulations 2014 which provides that enforcement companies may charge a 'Compliance fee' of £75 when sending a statutory Notice of Enforcement to the debtor. If payment (or a payment proposal) is not made within the 'compliance stage, an enforcement agent may make a personal visit. An enforcement fee of £235 is chargeable. To assist with discussions on this subject, it may help to read the view of 'in house' bailiff enforcement from the perspective of the enforcement industry (who are naturally opposed to local authorities taking bailiff enforcement 'in house'). The following is a word copy of an article that featured in a trade magazine a few months ago.
  9. Hi All. I bought my car back in November privately for £5500 cash. I asked if there was any finance outstanding etc which they said no. Just before Christmas I fell ill with my kidneys and now await an operation. Unable to work and having started a new job I do not get sick pay losing £630 per week. Now my rent is due along with lots of other bills. I made the decision to sell my car, downgrade and use some of the money to left to pay off rent and essential bills. I took it to a garage saw a car we liked. Arranged to swap my car and get £1200 back. The dealer checked my car out to find out there's an outstanding finance agreement. I spoke to the creditor, who is Barclays personal finance who agreed there is an outstanding agreement and they require some forms to be filled out which I have done. I had to write down where I bought it. How I paid. If I had a receipt. When buying the car the seller drawn out a receipt stating how much I paid for it and when and we both signed it. It also asked if I knew if there was any finance outstanding which I didn't and if I had done a hpi check which I did not. I have also sent copy of the log book showing Last owner. i also wrote Down I bought the vehicle in good faith , which I did. Now that was a few days ago. This car is the only thing what can same me my partner and our 1 year old getting kicked out. We had some savings but that went on last months bills and Christmas. I need to sell the car but now I may lose it and have nothing. I took out a loan to pay or the car initially so we may lose the car and pay for something we do not have. I have read that if you declare the car was bought in good faith and you have a receipt of some kind they will let you keep the car . However I am unsure about this. Someone said just sell it anyway as they will just remove the hpi mark as I bought the vehicle in good faith. Is there anyone who can help me with this as I'm making myself more I'll worrying about this and my family getting kicked out. I am a hard working person. Pay my bills and provide for my.family and now this has happened. My family can't help as they are elderly. I just have no where to turn to. CAB were useless, as where the finance advice line. all I keep being told is to seek financial help from family. Which isn't an option and we can't get loans as I went bankrupt a few years back due to my employment going down after a bunch of break ins. Please help
  10. Morning all, I'm new to the site so please forgive me if I have posted in the wrong section. I am currently signed off work and have been since June 15 with Joint Hypermobility Syndrome, Chronic Pain Syndrome and depression. Recent blood tests also show that I now have (what my GP called) 'A very severe vitamin D deficiency' I am a social housing tenant and live on the top floor of a 2 story block of maisonettes. There is no communal lift in the block and I have to walk up and down over 50 stairs to get in/out of my property. The pain I constantly suffer makes it difficult to move very far or at any speed and I only usually go out to GP appointments. My condition has gotten worse over the past 7 months and I have been moved up a band on the housing register, but am still a good year away before my bidding makes any difference. I have also joined Homeswapper, but unfortunately no joy yet. I approached my housing officer to try and get a managed move due to my condition and she said that the HA no longer accepts managed move requests on medical grounds? Does the HA have a duty of care to move me to a more suitable property? I explained to my HO that I have no quality of life as I am virtually imprisoned in my home. I sleep on the sofa downstairs (which doesn't help my condition) because I have started having panic attacks that there will be a fire in the block during the night and I wouldn't be able to make it out of the property quick enough. My depression is getting worse because of this situation. I asked her for the names of the people responsible for the decision on managed moves so that I could make a complaint, but have not had any response and I would appreciate some advice if possible before contacting them again. If anyone has any advice I will be extremely grateful Thanks, Cay
  11. Did I just hear that right ? Surely there's enough babies in the house as it is..
  12. Hi Guys. I'd be grateful for some advise please. I split with my ex partner and the house was sold. Prior to completion I was advised by my solicitor that there was a Charging Order on the house for my ex-partners HFC credit card bill for £1330, and that this money must be deducted from the equity. I didn'teven know that my 'x' had the credit card and suspect that it dates back prior to our relationship or almost definitely prior to us buying the house seven years ago. I also suspect that he never bothered even going to court to try and sort out the problem (whenever the court case was?) - and I certainly couldn't fight for my own rights as I didn't know anything at all about it. Unfortunately, we still have some large outstanding utility bills on the house and now that the money for the charging order has been deducted, without my consent, involvement or even knowledge of the outstanding credit card bill, there will be insufficient funds to clear all of our debts. My 'x' is knowingly playing a very selfish game as he is quite aware that the electricity bill is solely in my name. Furthermore, I am at a greater loss as my 'x' is refusing to pay his half of the expenses that I incurred, which had previously been agreed, like Council Tax payments, plus decorating and doing up the house, which achieved a considerably higher selling price (which he has benefited from). As if this isn't enough, in the early stages of our break up, he stole my dog, and has since said that the only way he will give the dog back is if I pay for 'everything'. If I had the money - I would! - I love my dog and miss him so much that it has made me ill! - But, unfortunately, I haven't go the money and even if I did, he still wouldn't play straight. Somehow now, I have got to find a way of paying for the utility bills, which due to his Charging Order for his credit card bill, we will not have sufficient funds to pay. If he paid back to me half of the money taken for the Charging Order and also his half of the bills that I have paid out as mentioned above, it wouldn't be such a problem. But he is ignoring my solicitor letters and we are getting nowhere, and now the utility companies are chasing me. Lets face it, he's had it easy. He's had his house done up and sold for him, had his credit card bill paid and also has my dog. The legal system doesn't seem to have any substance for people who are just trying to do the right thing and it seems that people who don't care about others, the law, or anything for that matter seem to get away with it! So, sorry to ramble on! I'm wondering now if any one knows if there is any way that I can get my half of the money back from 'his' Charging Order - as it wasn't my debt - and there are other bills (which are in my name) that still must be paid. I will then be able to pay off the remaining bills. I know that he just wont bother, and I don't want them hanging over me for the rest of my life. I'd also be grateful for any advice any one has about getting my dog back - Officially. ( I've had enough offers off friends to go and get him back for me - but I want to have him back officially). Thank you to any one who takes the trouble to read this and has the knowledge and wisdom to offer me any advice. It will be greatly appreciated.
  13. Hi, I have been a Virgin Media customer since February 2011 when I moved into my current address. I have made occasional changes to my package (e.g. added Sky Sports in May) but other than that my services have remained unchanged - TV, phone & broadband. I am moving house tomorrow and have just phoned them to ask how to go about transferring my services over and was told they (probably) can't service the new address and I will be subject to a £190 termination fee as I have 6 months remaining on my "contract". As far as I'm aware, I haven't signed or agreed to any new contract in the 4.5 years I've been with them. I did receive an email in May after adding Sky Sports thanking me for "agreeing my new contract with them". I then received an "update" email confirming the changes I had made to my package - the wording used in this email was "changes to your package", not new contract. So I am confused. I wasn't aware I even had a new contract, since all I did was add some channels. And surely it isn't my problem if they can't supply the new property with their services? Any advice would be much appreciated. I am being absolutely robbed in letting agents' fees and cannot afford an extra £200 for nothing!! Thanks, Anna
  14. Hi there, I specifically searched and joined this to find out information. I have done a terrible thing but to me it wasn't a problem until now all because something come up last week I had to use my money for something else. Well first of all, I got 6 items in total from bright house. But most of the items I no longer have, as I sold them to get money. I know I shouldn't have done it and now deeply regret doing it because, something come up last week where I had to use my money on something else. Long story short, I called them up because I realized that I was going to have difficulties paying this week. But sadly, I quickly found out, that they were not helpful at all, or in the least flexible when I told them I had problems meeting last weeks payment (yesterday was the deadline), although I explained this, they still went on about paying before closing time on Saturday. Furthermore, I was also told I am now going to have a fine for about 80 pounds, for paying late ...and just to make it even worse, they told me I can not just pay this coming weeks money I would have to pay the fine first. Well to be honest there is no chance that is going to happen as I only get 70 pounds this week and I need half of it to buy food to survive until next week. I suppose the point really is, if it weren't for this over the top late payment fine, I Would be able to catch up on the payments I missed by next week and everything would be all back in place again. But unfortunately because of this late payment charge and the fact they want that first, makes it impossible for me to pay them anything. So I know the next step, they will come to my door to retrieve the goods back. But like I said I do not have most of them anymore, so what happens now? IS it possible I could get prison time for selling the goods? Or will I get charged with theft? Well the thing is, I am quite disappointed that they were like talking to a brick wall when I told them I could not make payment, and then when I explained how I would catch up on the payments they insisted that I would have to pay the fine first..well to be honest, this awkwardness makes me not want to pay them another penny anyway. It is either my way or the highway in my opinion, they haven't accepted my way, so it is the high way. (of course) In saying all this, I have to be honest I am quite concerned exactly what is going to happen now as I said I have sold most of the goods, I sold them on gum tree and there is absolutely no way of retrieving them or even tracing them. So that idea is out. Anyone any suggestions? has any one any idea what will happen to me now?
  15. Hi all i hope im posting in the correct place. just wanted to share and get advice. My parents live in a council house and have been having work done by a company called keepmoat. The work is now sort of completed(according to them). My mom has copd and is on oxygen and also has fibromyalgia and my dad has parkinsons and dementia. The issue is they were left for 24 days without shower and kitchen facilities and when they finally installed shower they didnt seal it so they have a leak going down into kitchen which has been ongoing for 6 weeks. They have broke my parents bed, mirror, wall unit and damaged their wooden flooring. Their downstairs toilet was not plumbed in and my mother relies on this alot as she has IBS. They were prmoised on 6 occasions that this would be plumbed back in and nothing was done. my mother had a really bad flare up and and as she uses a stair lift she couldnt get upstairs in time to get to the toilet and had an accident and i have never seen my mother so embarrased or uncosolable it really broke my heart. She spent her 65th birthday in bed crying. they have plug sockets that dont work because the electricians didnt run wires to them, there is holes in the kitchen ceiling, cracks in walls and ceilings and they put the wrong floor protection on the floor in the kitchen which i slipped on and damaged muscles in my back. I have been phoning them multiple times a daily and also contacted local mp and am getting nowhere.Im really at the end of my tether and am considering going to the newspapers. But just wanted adivce on whether people think this is the right way to go.
  16. Hello I am new here and desperate for some advice. It's complicated but will try and keep it brief but below is a summary. In August 2006 myself and my now ex husband needed to refinance an existing loan with GE Money a broker referred us to Blackhorse and we were offered a secured loan of £40k. We were categorically told that we could only take the loan if we had the PPI as well even though we said the repayments were way to high to afford. We were convinced by the Blackhorse rep that this was our only option like idiots we signed. The loan agreement states Regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974. Total amount of loan with PPI was £52,075.05 (we did query this as we were told absolute max allowed to borrow was £39,000 the balance is cost of PPI). 10 year repayment period. Interest rate of 11.9%. A year on and we realised that the PPI should not of been sold to us as we had our own insurance through our employers (we had told the Blackhorse rep this before signing)! After a bit of a fight £10,373.35 was credited (so it shows on my statement). Another year down the line and a divorce. I got into payment difficulties and missed a few payments (I always made Blackhorse aware of when and why). PPI came to light again as when Blackhorse credited the original amount they had failed to refund the payments we had made and the interest. In 2009 Blackhorse finally credit the account again with a refund of £3,561.31 only after I had refused to pay anything until they did! I carried on paying reduced payments to Blackhorse as I was struggling on my own with the loan and main mortgage but had accrued arrears made up of missed payments and charges of £23,435.47 Blackhorse went for a SPO in November 2012. Blackhorse wrote to me the same month to say they were charging me 11.292%. I have carried on paying the court agreed sum however on occasions I have not been able to pay the whole amount on the due dates and payments have either been split, late or not the full amount. I always called Blackhorse and made them aware if paying extra when I could and for once they were helpful! In October 2014 I received my annual statement and was shocked to see that even after paying over £7K the balance of my loan had only gone down by £145! I queried this and put in a complaint to the FOS. Within in 4 days Blackhorse rang me and said "good news - no more interest, when I queried why all of a sudden they said "good will gesture"! Roll on to May 2015 when I receive letters from Blackhorse and Skye to say loan was sold on. I rang Blackhorse and asked why they said no longer "allowed" to operate those loans" however everything with my loan would remain the same. I then called Skye when my first payment was due 1st July 2015). Made the first payment via debit card however the rep entered the wrong post code so had to do again. Again was reassured smooth running of account by Skye. Checked bank account later that day to find I missing two lots of large payments! Rang Skye oops sorry a mistake we don't have the money it's in limbo, called my bank who confirmed the wrong payment was in limbo and would have to wait until it wasn't collected to recredit my account. My bank then blocked my cards as believed it was fraudulent due to high amount twice! This took almost two weeks which meant I incurred bounced direct debits bank charges and £253 liability order for non payment of council tax! Skye just said oh we didn't have the money physically so tough, On making my next payment the lady I was speaking to said about setting up the payment plan by direct debit. I explained I was unable to do that as sometimes I have to make split payments as money was very tight. She said send in your pay slips, statements and expenditure and income and we can see if we can get you a more comfortable payment. She asked was was comfortable now I said the amount but what about SPO. She said well it's a fresh start with us and took the reduced payment. She confirmed to make the reduced payment until they had reviewed my finances. I made the reduced payment (split) this month on 29th. Thence stepdad I received a call from a rep who told me she had reviewed my finances and the history of the account from Blackhorse and as there are still £9,315 owing on the arrears and as my finances clearly show I ve no extra finances to clear these - they suggest I sell my house to clear the whole balance on my loan otherwise they will possess. I was shocked! She said they are no ,onger able to help me and I have until Monday to respond. Sorry this is so long but thought the whole history would be helpful. Sorry I forgot to mention I have paid £45,102.41 to date and the balance on this loan is ......... £42,676.88, the lady who called from Skye in Friday also said the the original term of the loan was up last month and that I had breached the SPO as when it sent to court a new agreement was put in place (news to me as I never signed any new agreement) that the loan would be extended by 4 years to allow for all arrears and payments to clear however I would need to be paying over £900 a month to do this - I currently pay £700 which is £80 more than agreed by court.
  17. Hi All I am posting on behalf of my Ex wife. My Ex and her new partner live in a house share rental, Two of the other tenants have now left, The landlord wants the remaining people to pay full rent,for all three rooms that were let. Also they have found out that the others who have left, there deposits have not been returned. The Landlord is living in another country(south Africa) So the main question at the moment is the rules regarding house share the same as letting a property. they are prepared to pay for 2 bedrooms but not the 3rd. At this moment I have not had sight of the contract, (if any and will be speaking to my ex's new partner later. Any advise would be appreciated. Leakie
  18. Hi I hope someone can help I need some advice I have items from bright house and at the time of taking them I was in a better finanicial position now I'm struggling and don't know what to do as 2 of the items I originally had I no longer have as I sold them to make ends meet now I just want to take the other item I have back how do I explain why I no longer have all the items and what would happen thanks
  19. First of all thanks for reading We need to sell or remortgage our house as son is disabled and we need to either make adaptations or move to a bungalow. We bought the house 7 years ago but had debt in the past and just after we bought the house we were chased heavily and they got a ccj against us. They put an interm charging order on the property 3 years ago. I am not aware of any final order had been made and they have not communicated with us since. I have obtained a copy of land registry and it sates the following : Equitable charge created by an interm charging order of the xxxxxxx county court dated xxxxxx in favour of xxxxx. Court reference xxxxxxx What does this mean? If we sell do we loose all equity? If we remortgage will the money pass to them?
  20. Some years ago we took out a secured loan with the above. We have since cleared the debt in full however we are now selling our house and have been informed today that Dean House report in conveyancing they still have security on the property. There are no contact numbers or details for dean house. What do we do??
  21. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/giant-house-spiders-are-invading-british-homes-following-wet-and-warm-summer-10467050.html
  22. Hello all, I live with my landlord and two other tenants in what was his house. He put it up for sale and somebody has 'purchased' the house, he will pay my landlord this Friday for the house. Long story short but my landlord is going through a divorce and half of the money for the house that's now sold, is going to go to his wife. But she has not agreed to the amount being offered to her and wants more than half. Now my landlord was informed today that we all have to move out this Friday. Also just to inform you, my landlord has been told by his agents twice that we needed to move out by the end of the week, last week and the week before. The new owner has already showed the house to some students and they want to rent it from him. I was there when they came to see the house. The new owner doesn't even want to bother with cleaning/sorting out the house before the students move in, he wants them to move in the day after we're to move out. This sounds weird to me, I mean surely if a house is sold, the current landlord living there, or any tenants would have a month, in which to find a place? None of us have found anywhere to live yet, if we have to move out on Friday, then unless by an absolute miracle, we find somewhere, we will end up homeless. Is there something going on here, this doesn't seem at all right-or even legal (though I might be completely wrong about this). Is there something that my landlord could tell the estate agents regarding us having to move out by Friday, so that we could at least have two weeks to look for somewhere to move to? Also what are the legal requirements regarding somebody buying a house and giving the current landlord and tenants notice? Thanks for reading this and hope to hear from you soon.
  23. Open House London is the capital's largest annual festival of architecture and design, taking place on 19 & 20 September 2015. Open House London is a truly citywide celebration of the buildings, places and spaces where we live and work. It provides a unique opportunity to see, explore and learn about Londonʼs amazing architecture and design over one weekend. With more than 700 buildings opening their doors this year, Open House Londonʼs selection will include beautifully designed residences, innovative infrastructure projects and prestigious civic buildings, alongside a programme of neighbourhood walks, engineering and landscape tours, cycle rides and expertsʼ talks – all for free. http://www.openhouselondon.org.uk/index.html
  24. Afternoon All, Any and all help is appreciated. CH filed for penalties after accounts were not registered on our file (even though accounts were sent) The company accounts are all up to date and we have filed accounts before and after the year in question on time. BACKGROUND A company director posted the accounts in question (on time) to CH via recorded post but to date we are unable to find the certificate of posting. The accounts were never registered on the company register and therefore raked up penalties. Unbeknown we received a Judgement in Default - found out after being refused for a charitable non-geographic phone number. We applied to set-aside the judgement and were successful on the grounds 1) that we did not receive the claim and 2) that we have instances where we have sent documents to CH, they have signed for the documents but our company register was not updated. We have receipts, copies of signed recorded mail certificates and emails form CH. Our accountant is also able to provide a witness statement where he has sent CH documents on our behalf again via recorded post and they also have not been updated to the company register. FAST FORWARD We would like to put our defence forward in a coherent and ligitant manner as far as possible and wondered if there were any standards or rules we could refer to in order to reinforce our defence. Or do we simply state the facts as is? In essence, we will be presenting the following; 1. Accountant has filed information - Information had to be resent via recorded delivery. Postage receipt. 2. Accounts in question was sent by Company Director. - Evidence: Unable to locate postage receipt 3. Other documents sent to CH. Same documents resent 2 further times – due to not being registered on our Company register - Evidence: Postage receipts, Email acknowledgement The arguement seems to boil down to us stating that we sent the accounts in on time and CH stating that we did not. Though it is 'sods law' that we have the before and after postal receipts, we seem to be at pains in locating the receipt for the accounts in question. What we do have, is other receipts and can get a witness statement from our accountant stating that he has also sent in documents and they have not been registered on the company record. REQUEST Support to compile a defence given the information we have. Apologies for the long post, but hopefully it makes sense. Many thanks.
  25. Hi guys, This isn't my usual post, so please excuse me if I miss out any information. Sometime around 3/4 years ago, my Grandmother had work done which was funded by a council grant to renew her Electrics, Central Heating, Windows, Bathroom, Kitchen, roof and facia boards. Soon after, the work was found to be unsatisfactory. The man at the council who issued the grant to the builders in question stopped responding to our calls and it was just accepted that we'd have to deal with these issues. Time has passed, and we've just not stopped finding faults. About 18 months ago, I wrote to the man from the council, who brushed off my complaint as "Not his problem". Previous to this, his comments were "If you think it's bad now, you obviously didn't see the state of it before", although, I kinda think this is why the council issued the grant to her? So, recently, the hot water tank has ruptured, causing the ceiling in the landing to come down, making the stairs wet and upsetting her Stannah Stair Lift. What do I do? The home insurance won't cover the hot water tank, although they have said that they will stem the leak and deal with the damage resultant from the rupture. How do I go forward with this? The local councillor isn't concerned, the local MP has ignored us and the man at the council is just using our slow actions to his advantage. I am tempted to go into the council offices and create havoc, but I don't want to get into trouble myself. This is having a massively negative effect on my grandmothers quality of life, added to the lightswitches that were left in place but not connected, the double glazed windows that don't open, the leak in the ceiling resulting from the bad roofing job and the new radiators which were charged to the council, but in fact, are the old radiators... What can I do? Any advice accepted gratefully.
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