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  1. Purchased a car in May on finance, car was £5k so not a small amount (7.2k after all finance is paid over 3 years - sub prime) I arranged the finance and was given a list of approved garages I could pick a car from. Went to see the car, signed the paperwork and it was delivered to me on the 21st May. I found out after buying the car it had a reconditioned gearbox and made the finance company aware of it - I was not happy. Anyway, a week ago I noticed the coolant looked weird, it had gearbox oil in it. I have taken it to two local trusted garages and neither will touch it. The last garage have had me down there today to discuss the car, it has serious issues. It has wrong parts fitted to it, parts have been blanked off, it has an intercooler fitted that it should not do and they are not even sure if the gearbox is the right one. They will not quote to fix it, they think it might have had a front end hit and been bodged up. It is basically a shed. (they have provided most of this in writing which I have forwarded on to the finance company who have yet to get back to me) I have had the car I think a couple of days over 6 months however I have only done 2,000 miles in it since purchase. Surely the problems prove the faults were there at the time of purchase. I can't be expected to pay 7k for a car that has lasted 2000 miles and 6 months, can I? What do I do!?
  2. Hi All This is my first post as I'm currently having issues with Samsonite and a suitcase I bought. I bought a small cabin bag size suitcase from a genuine Samsonite outlet store in York during the Black Friday sales at the end of November. It cost £41 which I knew was really cheap for Samsonite as I already have a couple of their cases. I used the case for the first time during a trip to London in mid January, during which time the retractable handle broke while waking along a train platform (so much fun!). I took the case back to the Samsonite store where I purchased it, and was told it would have to be sent away for repair as it was more than 6 weeks since I bought it. I've since received a voicemail from the store advising that the case could not be repaired, and to visit them to discuss. I'd really like to know what my rights are before I travel to the store (which is 90mins from where I live, so I need to be prepared), as to what I can get as a replacement. I do not want store credit or my money back, as I know I won't be able to buy a replacement suitcase without putting a lot more money towards it. As far as I can see the suitcase wasn't fit for purpose, and I'd like a replacement at no cost to me, but is this what I'm entitled to? Any help would be much appreciated so I can be prepared to fight my corner. Thanks Claire
  3. Hi, I purchased a Peugeot 207 from a reputable dealer (or so I thought) for just under £3000 just over six weeks ago. This car is on finance. The car broke down, the clutch has gone completely, just after six weeks and I have driven less than 200 miles in the car. The dealer are blaming me for the fault and are refusing to put this right. I have quoted the consumer law 2015 at them stating that they have to prove the car didn't have the fault when I purchased it. They are still refusing to deal with the situation and that I have to pay for repair. Now I am desperate to get the car back on the road as I use it to commute and to pick up my kids from my estranged spouse. Should I pay for repair and try to claim it back? Should I just cancel the finance? Any advice on this welcome. Thanks Oh and to name and shame the dealer this is "Crescent Cars" in Baldock Hertfordshire.
  4. Any help would greatly be appreciated. 1 Date of the infringement - 16/10/18 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] - 21/11/18 3 Date received - 23/11/18 (via email from the company I lease car from.) 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] N 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes number plate & time stamp of entry/exit 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] N Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up N 7 Who is the parking company? ParkingEye 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Durham County Mariott My partner could not pay for the parking as the ticket machines were not working (would not accept any money). It was heavily raining and she had our 1 year old with her. Below is what the PCN states. [Removed - dx]
  5. Hi all, Looking for some guidance regarding 5 legitimate?? (unsure) PCN s on a broken down vehicle. Scenario. My sons car broke down away from his home. He has a valid residents paid on street parking permit for his home. but could not arrange a tow . He tried one garage.... but no availability, until finally contacting an available garage 5 days later which was then free to tow and repair it . He put a note in the vehicle windscreen to advise of breakdown. He received 5 PCN's over nine days. Could anyone guide on a suitable challenge? Please. Also on legality of number of PCN's issued. Many thanks . email me if allowed. Cheers Steve.
  6. Hello Everyone I bought a secondhand ride on lawn mower on 24th March this year, it was from a dealer and was advertised online, but I can't remember which site. It cost £3200 I paid by bacs, because of the drought I have only used it for 5 hours (by the mower hour clock) so far, last night it dumped the transmission oil out and lost all drive, it looks like it has been repaired and bodged up as I can see instant gasket sealant hanging out. Without getting a mechanics opinion I would think that it needs a new hydrostatic transmission. Do I have any rights under the sale of goods etc etc. It is a domestic machine and I bought it to cut my own lawns not as a business. I have contacted the seller, his reply was more or less "tough luck, not my problem" . I did quote this: Under the Consumer Rights Act 2015, goods should be of a satisfactory quality, fit for purpose and as described. My rights have been breached because the item you sold me is faulty. I would like a refund/repair/replacement." He replied that as it was a secondhand vehicle I only had 30 days to complain. Do I have any right to a refund? I have looked at the Consumer Rights Act 2015 but it's in legalese, I think I might have grounds to send it back as it's within 6 months but I can't find a specific reference so that I can metaphorically use it to beat the seller over the head with.
  7. Hi there, heres the story, I paid for an early upgrade online with ee. the cost was £251 including the early upgrade fee to buy out the rest of my contract and the upfront cost of the new handset. Now I ordered this the same day my new bill was generated, however my payment date for this bill is the 10th of each month, it was not due for another week so I didnt see a problem. in the after morning after ordering I checked the ee tracker to find news of my delivery only to find it `timed out` it couldnt find any record of the order number in other words. I phoned ee to find out what was going on, the rep told me for some reason the system had taken my upgrade fee but then straight away refunded it and it was on its way back to my account, she apologised and said if I wanted it back quicker I could get an indemnity on the direct debit with my bank asking them to cancel it and I should recieve payment that same day. Since then I found a better deal with another provider on the same handset (vodafones 32gb of data v 8gb ee were offering for the same price as I was paying now monthly!) I decided id use the refund to pay off my contract with EE and go with that one instead of upgrading. I contacted the livesupport on the ee website just to ensure the upgrade hadnt been put through again and to make sure it was indeed cancelled before going with the other network. I was then told that I was not being issued with a refund, the funds instead had been put towards my account balance and it was now in credit (this was presented as something I was apparently meant to be happen with) Now I wanted the refund, my bills not due till the next week and I didnt want to pay it till my next payday which falls before my payment date anyway. I was told I couldnt be refunded as the payment had already been put towards my bill and id just have to get a refund of the credit after paying my bill the next week. My issue is I never authorised this, the payment was sent as part of the early upgrade service it was payment for the early upgrade fee and the handset it was never authorised by me to be used as payment for my bill. EE have just gone ahead and done this without my permission then used that as a reason for not refunding me, I dont see how this is legal to use a payment in a way it wasnt intended without asking esp when the payment is taken as payment for a specific. product and service such as an upgrade. Not happy as not only was my payment used for something not intended by me and without my permission but the woman on the phone in the morning was obviously utterly using me. What I think has happened is ee have sneakily used the fact I made a payment for this upgrade as a way to have me pay my bill off early and just cancelled the upgrade so they can use the payment for this. Obviously very dodgy practise if so! Im just wondering if my misusing my payment in this way ee may have broken any part of their contract, id love to get a bit of revenge by using it as a reason to tear it up. Latest update got in touch with my bank, they say I cant get an indemnity anyway as the payment was by card (so the ee rep was totally using me this morning it appears!) but that the payment is still pending so it shouldnt take any time at all for EE to refund as they can just cancel it.....lets see if they choose to or see if they choose to `keep the money` on my account balance against my will......what they do will decide if I take further action im guessing, EE rep claiming they dont have the ability to cancel a pending payment......utter rubbish! I will be taking this further! luckly ive saved the chat transcripts. anyone else experienced this kind of thing?
  8. Government moves towards a shake-up of broken housing complaints system READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/government-moves-towards-a-shake-up-of-broken-housing-complaints-system
  9. Please help, I am at my wit's end. I contact Jacobs on behalf of my mother, who is disabled and mentally ill. I also cannot say all of the details because she isn't entirely open with me, somehow she has incurred Council Tax debts, we have been making payments to the enforcement company Jacobs since April 2017. These payments started after my mother had ignored the debt for so long, that bailiffs visited our address. I had to pay them a sum of money (somewhere in the region of £300, which I had to go into my overdraft for and am still facing the repercussions for to this day) to get them to leave our property. They did not take any items, and they did not make an inventory of items. I have been making payments each month of £20 since the end of July on my mother's behalf. Before that, we were paying more than we could afford - after sending off evidence of my mother's disabilities and low income, they agreed to let us pay £20 per month. Unfortunately, in December, we were unable to make the payment, I paid double on the 15th of January 2018 (£40) thinking this would be okay. The next thing I know, I have several missed calls from a mobile phone number and a voice mail ordering me to contact Jacobs before they send bailiffs to our address. The woman on the phone was awful - she goaded me to a point where I lost my temper, and insulted her. She was threatening to send bailiffs who would enter the property with or without my consent, threatening to send my mother to prison, and would not take 'we can't afford this' for an answer. On the 18th January, we had to pay £159.25 (which left us in an awful financial situation) to stop bailiffs coming to the address (as we had children on the property and I would rather starve for a few weeks than have them deal with that). From that point I set-up another arrangement so that we would begin paying £20 per month again, starting February 10th 2018, to be paid the 10th of every month thereafter. I made the payment on the 10th, and have a reference number for it. Today, we received letters dated February 9th claiming the agreement has been broken. I called Jacobs and the agent on the phone said I would have to contact collections, as according to their records, I should have paid the £20 on February 1st. He claimed that this is because there were 31 days since our last payment, which is absolutely not true. Between January 15th and February 10th, there are only 26 days. The phone number he gave me was for the same woman I had to speak to last time - I called her, and she was as belligerent and unhelpful as the time before. She said texts had been sent (not received) reminding us to pay, and said she would need to listen to our last call to ensure I hadn't agreed the 1st before she could do anything else. Surprise, surprise, there was no record of that call, and they're taking their own word over mine (despite the fact that I would not arrange to make payment on a day that we have no money in an account to pay with). We cannot afford to pay the charge they are asking for (in the region of £600) and we cannot have bailiffs visiting the property, as we have two young children (both under 6-years-old) in our care due to it being the school holidays. No matter how many times I ask to speak to a manager or someone other than her, this woman will not take the case further. So we're to expect to have people turn up at the property tomorrow to remove goods. Please, any advice you have would be much appreciated. I don't know how much more of this I can take.
  10. Hi all... after advice... Purchased a Samsung 55" tv through a work scheme (comes direct from wages each month). UK Mail tried and failed to deliver on 3 occasions due to me not being home... (1 day notice was given) . I eventually picked tv up from depot on 1st Dec.. Tv was only thing left on van when it arrived back at depot and was lying flat and not secured.. Got home and unpacked tv very carefully, only to find screen was cracked. Only realised this after we had put stand on and turned it on... I immediatley sent email to the department at work with photo attached. Heres where my problem is... they got back to me asking for photos of box to check for damage and try and claim from UK Mail,,, no damage to box so that was a dead end... then tried to claim from supplier but they refused and now want tv sent to Samsung. this means the tv has to again be sent by UK Mail. Tv is already cracked and could sustain further damage in transit and if Samsung refuse to replace it, again goes in transit back to myself.. Any advice on what i could do..
  11. I Bought a Miele washing Machine in 2010 with a 10-year Parts & Labour waranty. A month ago, it began clunking during the rinse cycle. I called Miele, to book an engineer, & was told by the advisor, "if we can't repair it, we'll replace it." An engineer arrived last week, diagnosing a broken drum. The machine has only performed 1,000 hours use in 7 years, which is extremely low. I have Polished stone on the kitchen floor, & the engineer advised that despite laying protective coverings, the floor would likely be damaged during the repair, due to the weight of the drum assembly. Because I had been forewarned of this, Miele would not be liable. He also offered 60% off a new appliance, however with 3 years remaining on the warranty, this is not an option I would follow. I called their customer service team who agreed, with no alternative repair location, the repair could not be carried out. They agreed to supply a new machine of equivalent spec, HOWEVER I would have to pay £180.00 for delivery/installation. I informed them I was not prepared to pay this, as I had already been told I would receive a replacement if the machine was beyond repair. I am now dealing with their "customer experience team", at the highest level. As of now, they are saying they won't waive the £180.00 charge. I've read the terms of the warranty, which do state "at our discretion, we may replace the appliance", so they aren't obliged to replace it, however the repair is not viable due to space restriction & the likely floor damage. I have lost all faith in Miele, I've spent a month with no use of the washing machine, which in the engineer's opinion is a fire-hazard, due to sparking during use. Does anybody here think it's reasonable to be asked to stump up £180.00, because of their inability to carry out the repair, in line with the terms of the warranty?
  12. Hi all, I wanted to share my experience with PC World in relation to my broken laptop I bought a Levono Yoga 2 touchscreen laptop in March 2015 for my wife, For the price of £599 and it has been great until 2 weeks ago it just failed to power up i booked it in to PC world's Know how, Paid the £60 and they sent it off to be repaired, They then contacted me and told me that it would cost £447 to repair as the motherboard had failed, As you can imagine, I wasn't going to pay that to fix it and asked for it to be returned so i could recover all my wifes files from the hard drive When i got home i googled PC World customer services and registered a complaint online saying that i thought a laptop should last longer than just over 2 years, A few days later i got a call saying that i need to take it back to the PC World branch, Get it varified that it wasn't working, Which seem odd as they had made a report on it, And they would issue a pro rata refund i have gone in today, They returned the £60 that i paid, And issued a £306 pro rata refund voucher, to replace it with a brand new laptop, Cost me an additional £103, Not bad for 2.5 years use I read lots of bad stories about the Currys/Dixon group But in this instance, Hats off to them
  13. Hello fellow forum members: I’ve just received a Country Court Claim form : I’m a complete novice at this, I’ve never been to Court before - or posted on here before. I hope someone can give me some advice. The claim is from a gate installation company who have done part of a (verbal) contract made 18 April 2016 to make and install an automated sliding gate, around £5,600. I haven’t received any paperwork from the company (Contract, T&Cs, design, safety and compliance etc), nor have I signed anything. They laid the track for the gate in concrete on 01 June 2016. The ground works were done by a freelance carpenter. My builder who was present raised concerns with him about how the work was being carried out, and was told ‘this is how we do it’. There was no quality control during the installation and no supervisor visited the site during or after the installation. The owner told me they were very busy, I’d have to wait for the gate. My husband agreed “as long as it’s in before winter”. 15 July 2016 I received a new quote by email for the gate and installation for a 28.5% price increase. I did not agree to a new price. If I had known they intended to change the price part way through the contract I would not have agreed to proceed. 03 Aug I got a statement for just under £918.00, no invoice. I queried it (nicely), saying I had not received an invoice, what was the charge for. I was told it was for some work which I had commissioned my builder to do ie they did not do this work. I wrote to them. They then said the charge was “for site visits and a track ordered but did not go ahead”. I had asked only for a sample of the track. This is not an order. They said they had sent an invoice 27 July (not received by me). I wrote a nice letter back disagreeing, but suggesting we just continue with the work and contract as originally agreed. They wrote back to say they would take this amount off the final price on completion. However if I paid this I think it would mean that I had accepted their new higher price. 16 Sept 2016 email - the owner changed their description of the work they were charging for again: now it was for the installation of the track and wiring. Still no invoice. I asked them to forward the invoice. They did so 27 Sept . It’s now 2 months since the date they claimed it had been sent. The construction of the header (date, time of sending, subject etc.) of the forwarded email does not match any other forwarded emails and additionally shows the last (Sept) description, not the one given us in July when it was supposedly sent. So it seems the invoice was never sent, and that this 'forwarded' email is a fraudulent document. I was still waiting for a response from the owner to the letters I had sent. 25 Oct I received another threat of county court action. I wrote back 06 Nov, acknowledging the threat and telling them we had lost confidence in the company and would not continue with them. 15 Nov I received an invoice for 10% ‘late charge’ i.e 10% of their invoice +VAT. I wrote back 16 Nov confirming that the charge was in dispute and I would come back to them in a few days. 18 Nov received County Court claim dated 16 Nov. They have ignored all the questions and points raised with them, and have just continued to stick with the new price quoted after starting the contract, and this later demand for payment. They haven’t started making our gate, it’s well into winter. We called in another gate company to quote, they have told us the track laid is not straight and not flat and will have to be removed and replaced. I sent photos to the Gate Safe, an independent charity/training/industry oversight body. They agreed the track had to be removed. The job is difficult and complicated and may require removal of newly constructed landscaping and may affect the foundations of a wall. It will be highly disruptive. Gate Safe has safety concerns about the claimant’s work, as do we. I wrote to the claimant 17 Nov 2016. The claimant has offered to have “an independent company’ assess the track” (23 Nov) and say they ‘will put right anything that is incorrect’ if necessary. We have no confidence in the claimant’s ability to do the work, or their contact’s independence. We would like to get the track removed and go to someone reputable. If the claimant relays the track we won’t get a warranty from any gate manufacturer/installer as they won’t have laid it. They really have put us in a difficult position in addition to holding up our landscaping works still further. What am I reqd to do? Have I got grounds for a defence and maybe a counterclaim? Any advice or help would be gratefully received. I’ve looked at the Consumer rights Act 2015, is this the (only) legislation to quote?
  14. Hi Guys, I'm was a customer of GB energy, and after finding out they're I bust followed the advice to take a meter readings. However when I went to get the electric readings I found that my meter doesn't display the numbers and is faulty. GB energy will not respond and Ofgem keeps cutting me off when I try to phone them. Any advice please?
  15. Hi all. Been a good tenant for 10 years now, but have the worst Landlord ever. He has many properties, and trades as a business. We are down to get a new boiler in 2 weeks time, but the old one sprung a leak a couple of weeks ago. It was manageable, and we still had hot water and heating. Unfortunately, the water has got into the electrics and if the boiler is turned on, all the electricity in the house blows. They sent a man out this morning who does all the gas safety checks for them, and without even opening up the boiler, he told us that it is beyond repair, and we will have to try and get the new boiler fitted quicker. This cannot happen, so now they are expecting us to go without heating and hot water until 3rd of March. We have kids, so this can't happen. I really think the old boiler can be fixed, but they just don't want to pay for it, when we will be getting a new one in 9 or ten days. I am going to ring them and tell them this is not acceptable, but I don't know where I stand regarding the law. Please help. Thanks in advance.
  16. Hi, I'm a customer of Three and am currently on contract. My Sony handset has broken, and through no fault of my own. The screen has literally just come away from the frame, without being dropped or anything. Three do what they do best - wash their hands of the situation and refer me to Sony. Sony are taking ages to sort it out, it's been almost two weeks since I first called Three and they referred me. All this time I'm paying for a contract and I don't have my handset! Where do I stand from a legal point of view? The sale of goods act covers me, as the phone was bought before the newer laws came into effect. And from what I understand, it's the responsibility of the retailer? And they should do it in a reasonable time so as not to cause me inconvenience? It's causing me inconvenience. I don't have my phone, which I need for many reasons. So would I have a strong case to take Three to court via small claims? I'm really sick of these large companies, and would love to be able to send in the bailiffs. I did try to upgrade early, but Three want a fee to do so, which I'm not willing to pay out of principle. I only have 3 months left, and it's not my fault my phone has fallen apart. From what I understand it's a design flaw with the z3 compact. Any advice would be appreaciated.
  17. Hi, My sony Bravia TV has developed a fault after two years, where by the screen is green when I turn it on. As it is outside the Warranty period I asked currys to fix, replace or contribute to a new tv under the SOGA. They said unless I can get a independent report demonstrating that the TV had a manufacturing fault they can't help me. I paid £575 for this TV and two last only two years is a joke. Where can I get an independent report carried out? thanks for your help.
  18. Hi, Hopefully someone can help me here! I bought a Macbook from Curry's through Creation Finance approx 24 months ago. The keyboard and trackpad stopped working and I took it to Apple who provided me with a report that it was the logic board that needed replacing and they told me to go through Curry's to get it repaired under EU Laws. I did this and Curry's said they would send it off and repair it which was great. They had it for about 3 and a half weeks and I went to collect it today and the Macbook doesn't even turn on. Ive charged it up etc and its just completely dead. I rang Curry's again and they said all they can do was book it in for another repair. Do I have any other options here? Can I claim under section 75 through my credit company? Thanks!
  19. We brought a bed from a argos just over a year ago (was around £200 reduced) the warranty has ran out by less than one month, the metal frame of the bed that holds the mattress has snapped (well its like the welding has failed) and a bracket fell off on the other side at the opposite end Made a phone call was told we would be passed onto some else and they would be able to place or repair it we was then told its over a year so it won't be replaced or repaired (by the person we was passed onto), but if we get a independent review of it like you would a washer or freezer they might repair or replace it at there discretion. My question is are they within their rights to say that as its literally just over 1 year and how do you get a independent review of a bed? (leather sides with a metal flat frame for the bed and it lifts up) EDIT: a google search of "Bed with hydraulic hinge under storage" will show the bed
  20. I purchased a Lenovo laptop from Currys about 18 months ago but it recently stopped working. I have been told that it is probably the solid state drive that is faulty so that is not something that can be accidently broken by myself. I know it is out of warranty but I seem to remember that there is a law that states that items should last for a reasonable time. If this is correct do you think it is worth taking it back to Currys? I am reluctant to do this without some advice as I do not have a great deal of faith in them. Thanks.
  21. I am having loads of hassle with Jacobs, i was paying as agreed £45 a week, then i went on the sick from work, i tried to lower my payments and just got passed around from one person to another. This went on for 15 weeks, i sent a copy of my wages paid into my bank account via email to Jacobs, got an email back saying they would be in touch in 5 working days, they then sent me a letter 10 days later saying this copy was not good enough, they needed my wage slips, i told them to phone council as they too had to ring my employer to get details, nothing from Jacobs and they would not come to an arrangement to lower payments. I phoned jacobs to say i was going back to work and would be able to start paying £45 a week again, this is when i got told i would have to pay £300 in 7 days and my payments would stay at £45, or i had to pay £200 and my payments would be £65 a week, i explained that having been on £85 a week sick pay for the last 4 months i could not pay a lump sum, the girl said that while i was on sick pay of £85 a week i should of paid a minimum payments of £12.50p per week yet all the time i was talking to them this was never mentioned once, now they are saying they are going to put another £235 fees on, can they do this?. thanks
  22. I've contracted myHermes to deliver a pair of Mission 782 speakers from the UK Mainland to Portugal. I've been buying speakers and amplifiers in the US and UK for months now, and apart from a Onkyo receiver being totaled by SEUR, 22 packages where successfully delivered. This baselines standard quality of service + my definition of good enough packaging to sustain normal transportation stress + a normal BAD transportation claim being settled correctly by ebay (that onkyo dropped by SEUR represented immediate FULL refund). My myHermes experience starts with the transportation of the 2 speakers. They where bubble wrapped (2 layers big bublle, then the edges where card-boarded, then a layer of foam wrap together with gum-tape holding everything together). When I got the speakers, the center drivers where: Speaker 1 - marked and broken inner cone Speaker 2 - no cone visible! it was inside the speaker together with the big magnet that makes a speaker work...both broken beyond repair. This speaker also had the front protector assembly broken. I've received much more fragile speaker delivered with less protective wrapping... a set of Castle Acoustics for instance was delivered with the box containing them literally falling apart, with the speakers showing, wrapped only in a layer of small bubble wrap...yet perfect in condition as they where handled with care, as you would expect from a transportation service. Since the ONKYO case, I decided to estimate the replacement value for those 2 speakers, and during contract from myHermes, I added insurance valued good for 200GBP. After receiving the damaged speakers, I've seek a repair solution and managed one at 162GBP. During claim, I added photographic evidence, together with a estimated cost form ebay parts to repair the broken drivers... that was not accepted as it was not a receipt. So I immediately brought the parts and added the receipt. Then came the so called deliberation: Insufficient packaging...no settlement. Please accept the good will 30GBP. Talking with client support the "official version was repeated over again"... a total and complete loss of my time. My conclusions?: 1 - they must be self insured and so in conflict of interest regarding defending the client against a claim.... hence insurance is a [problem]. 2 - insufficient packaging is an easy to claim nonsense.... Speakers are as heavy as they are fragile... dropping them is enough to damage them, even on original factory packaging... competitors had no issues with worse packing quality, yet myHermes managed to destroy 2 independently packed speakers...not one, but 2. They where packed for transportation, not rugby playing! The seller could have wrapped the speakers in steel... if they decide to shoot them instead of transporting them, no packing will ever be enough. This is the main point! A transportation company should transport their customer goods with care. Wrapping and protection serves the purpose of eventual, normal handling, accidents... not systematic, negligent, handling. 2 speakers 2 "accidental handling accidents"??? those odds would make billionaires on the lottery. 3 - During a claim, no claim is processed until you actually present a receipt of you paying for the repair... so they will force you into loosing more money. Then they deliberate... this is total disrespect for the client and a very bad practice. 4 - Finally they offer a "Good Will" refund. If they offer ANY sort of refund they know they are guilty.. the 30GBP is a joke and serves to reinforce that the insurance is actually no more than a ripoff form myHermes instead of a real insurance from an 3rd party entity. 5 - Will never use them again ever. 6 - Will pass this experience to EVERYONE ELSE OUT THERE so others do not suffer the same fate. 7 - Will seek alternative ways of punishment (legal or simple bad publicity). 8 - If Ebay global shipping decides to use myHermes, I would not opose, as they have the power/volume to press myHermes into submission (just as they've done with SEUR and the ONKYO case). BUT I've already posted on the ebay community forum as many other have. I honestly think that the decision is down to price and that quality is ignored... but it is worth the try.
  23. Trying to help a friend of mine who has got himself into a bit of bother He is an events manager, and runs events for a venue The venue pay him and he in turn puts the nights on/ pays the acts etc, he has never had any form of contract with them - not sure if that makes a difference- he ran 5 shows so far all of which he was praised for the quality of etc A few months ago he was contacted by an agent of a big name act who offered to supply him with some very decent acts to try new material out - at a higher level than he was currently, he put this to the venue and they paid my friend to organise/ promote it, they also paid for a range of 2016 shows. The total of which came to £13500 The issue he had was at the same time baliffs etc have been visiting his home demanding money, he used the above money to pay them and as a result does not have that money anymore. He then discovered that the agent that promised the acts and he had the agreement with was doing so without the acts behalf - he contacted an act who had no knowledge of it - he contacted Action Fraud and has a reference number for it Fast forward to a month later and he has had an email from the venue to say they are going to both the police and civil routes to recoup the money as he has not used the funds for the intended purpose He is in a position that he can repay in full within 3 months which they have rejected Now obviously I dont for a second believe he booked it fraudulently and the fact he went straight to Action Fraud I believe shows this but have they got a case against him with regards to him spending the money on the baliff company , if the shows had gone ahead he would have been in a position to pay it all as planned by the time the nights came along
  24. Firstly I would like to apologise for the rant and the length of this post, but I feel its necessary. I upgraded my phone with Vodafone in July and everything was working fine until September. My phone started to have issues with its screen and would start doing things when I wasn't even touching it. I proceeded to use Vodafone’s live chat and spoke to someone named Shancky, this was on the 27th September. I decided to ask the question of "If i send you my faulty iPhone 6plus, would I be able to get an iPhone 6sPlus instead?". Shancky proceeded to tell me that this was fine and I confirmed this around 3 or 4 times to make sure I hadn't misunderstood anything. Happy with my answer I was told that someone would ring my the following day to arrange this. I made sure to save this conversation so that I had the evidence should anything go wrong. This never materialised so I decided to get back onto the live chat and spent a good 3/4 hours being passed from person to person in trying to get this sorted. I was told by someone on the live chat that there was no recollection of the conversation I had the previous day and they advised me that I had to go to my local Vodafone store to show them the conversation so that that I could then ring the repairs team and they would be able to see the notes. I spoke to a gentleman in the store who then sad that he couldn't add these notes to my account and that I had to ring up and get an email address to send my chat conversation to. I was again left feeling rather frustrated with this as I had driven 25 minutes to my local store and the person I spoke to wasn't really that interested in what I was saying. The assistant actually decided to start cleaning his desk while I was telling him the problem. I drove home and ended up ringing for the email address to send my live chat conversation to. I was then told there is no email address and they weren't sure why I was told this. I was beginning to get a little frustrated with this now as I was just trying to get sorted what I was promised. I was finally told that my problem would be sorted and that I could get a "none like for like swap" and that I would have to go back down to the Vodafone store to send my phone off. This was now Monday 5th October. I went back down to the Vodafone store and sent my phone off to be sorted. I showed the assistant in the store the live chat once again and he wrote on the form that was sent off with it that he had seen the live chat and I was promised a non like for like swap. Happy with this I went on my way and waited for Vodafone to get back in touch to let me know my phone had arrived back. On the 12th October I received a text message to say that my phone had arrived at the Vodafone store so i rushed back down to the local store to pick it up. I was disappointed to see that it wasn't the 6s+ I had been promised. I question this with the assistant in the store and he informed me that they would only have repaired it and it would then be swapped for the new 6s+. Getting more and more frustrated with this now I headed back home. I rang Vodafone on the 16th October to get my phone swapped as this is what had been advised by the assistant in store. I rang at 1.30pm and was on hold for 26 minutes before being cut off so I rang again and was on for another 39 minutes. When I finally spoke to someone, I was told that there ws nothing on my account to state that I had been promised this phone swap. I was now starting to get extremely frustrated. So, I headed back down to the Vodafone store AGAIN. I showed the assistant in store the live chat conversation AGAIN. The person spent around 10 minutes writing out in detail everything that was in the live chat. Off home I went to ring Vodafone AGAIN. I spent 1 hour and 44 minutes on hold/being passed from person to person and not getting anywhere at all. Each person I spoke to I was being asked the same questions, I told the same story and was told that it was the wrong department and that I would need to speak to someone else. After spending so much time with this, I finally got to speak to a member of a department who knew what they were talking about. He could see the notes on my account and got my phone sorted for me...Or so I thought. I was informed that the iPhone 6s+ was currently out of stock but I should get a text message to tell me when its back in stock within a week or so. A DPD driver would collect my 6+ and deliver a 6s+ at the same time. Its now the 2nd November and I still haven't heard anything. Frustrated that I hadn't heard anything I have rung Vodafone back today to get an update. I was passed again from one person to another, to another and then cut off. So I rang back again. I have spoken to someone today that is now saying there is no recollection of the live chat conversation or any of the messages/notes put on my account from each time I went into the Vodafone store and that I was not entitled to a phone swap. That was the last straw for me and I have now had enough. I was told that I had to go back down to the Vodafone store to show a member of the team the live chat conversation that I had already done 3 times before! I am now at the end of my tether with Vodafone and the levels of service received from them. I rang to get an update of when my phone was being delivered and was told there was nothing at all on my account. I have complained on social media with no response and have complained again today. TL: DR – Vodaphone promised me iphone 6s+ as a replacement for faulty iphone 6plus, endless chasing and can never “find notes” – losing my mind with frustration. My second reference of the complaint to Vodafone: WRT165 [#11810278]‏ EDIT: Just wanted to add in my initial conversation with the live chat adviser from the 27th September. Ive removed the first few sentences as it was my personal details... Shancky: Perfect our dedicated team will contact you and get the replacement handset at your place. You will receive an email conformation for the same by 6PM today and within 24 hours this will be done . Shancky: Is there anything else I can do for you today? ME: Great! Although I've only just recently got this phone, is there any way of getting a 6Splus instead? Shancky: Yes you can opt for this . Shancky: If you wish to have an Iphone6plus I will request you co contact us between 8AM to 8PM tomorrow and we will connect you to our dedicated team who will help you get the Iphone6 plus at a very discounted price . Our team is closed on weekends or I would have helped you with this right away. Shancky: So please help me confirm if I shall place the order for replacement now or will be be contacting us tomorrow for the new iphone deals ? Shancky: If you can help me with your best possible time I can help you even with the call back arranged . ME: Would I have to pay something to get the 6S plus? Shancky: No you need not have to pay anything extra for this. ME: Okay great! ME: Well if someone can contact me to get a 6S plus instead then that would be great. Just to confirm that I can speak to someone and get a 6S Plus instead of a 6Plus for no cost? Shancky: Yes we will help you get the call back arranged for the same. Please help me with the best time so that I can call back arranged . Shancky: Please help me with best time so that I can help you get the call back arranged. . ME: Okay, but just to confirm, I can get a 6S Plus for no extra cost? Shancky: Yes exactly . ME: Great ME: Around 9am tomorrow would be a good time Shancky: Perfect...!!! We will help you get sharp at 9am and will make up your morning really happy and the day filled with joy
  25. Morning all, looking for some advice before I email M and S. I bought a bed 2 years ago £350 and last night the support that runs through the centre of the bed has detached itself at the bottom of the bed. Where do I stand? I paid with m and s credit card Thank you
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