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Found 6 results

  1. Hi, I'm a customer of Three and am currently on contract. My Sony handset has broken, and through no fault of my own. The screen has literally just come away from the frame, without being dropped or anything. Three do what they do best - wash their hands of the situation and refer me to Sony. Sony are taking ages to sort it out, it's been almost two weeks since I first called Three and they referred me. All this time I'm paying for a contract and I don't have my handset! Where do I stand from a legal point of view? The sale of goods act covers me, as the phone was bought before the newer laws came into effect. And from what I understand, it's the responsibility of the retailer? And they should do it in a reasonable time so as not to cause me inconvenience? It's causing me inconvenience. I don't have my phone, which I need for many reasons. So would I have a strong case to take Three to court via small claims? I'm really sick of these large companies, and would love to be able to send in the bailiffs. I did try to upgrade early, but Three want a fee to do so, which I'm not willing to pay out of principle. I only have 3 months left, and it's not my fault my phone has fallen apart. From what I understand it's a design flaw with the z3 compact. Any advice would be appreaciated.
  2. On Monday of this week I was in a meeting at work with about 20 or so colleagues. One of them had only just joined the company and was staying over in Manchester (head office) as he was based in the London office. Unfortunately during the meeting this colleague had an epileptic fit, falling off his chair and banging his head. Our office first aider was on in the room in seconds, and asked for coats / jackets to be placed under his head to prevent him from injuring himself further. As my suit jacket was on top, it ended up being covered in blood. Later that day I took the jacket to Timpsons to be dry cleaned, however they refused to take it as the blood hadn't fully dried, so returned it again on Wednesday. Yesterday I picked it up to find that most of the blood / saliva was still on the suit. Timpsons have offered to re-clean the jacket, however say that there's no guarantee it will come out. I wasn't to bothered about the cost of cleaning the suit - A couple of pound is nothing compared to the guy having a fit and injuring himself, however I am a little bit more concerened if the jacket is ruined, seeing though it cost almost £200 only 3 months ago. My question is, if the jacket / suit is ruined, who's responsible for replacing it? I don't want to come across as cold hearted, however I also don't want to be massively out of pocket. Is it My employer - They specify that you must wear a suit to work. The culture dictates that this is a nice suit and the phrase "look like your going to a wedding is often banded about. It was my work's first aider who placed the jackets under my colleagues head, as well as the presentation video (put together by the marketing team) without no warning of flashing lights which seemed to set his fit off. My colleague - He was staying at head office for a week and didn't bring his epilepsy medication. He knew that he was prone to fits (as he said the following day) but didn't speak up when told we were going to watch some videos on the projector. Me - That's life. Things happen beyond our control and I have to live with it. As I say, I don't want to come across as harsh. I'm not particularly fussed paying £10 to have the jacket cleaned. I just don't want to be £200 out of pocket (more if the suit is no longer sold as the trousers would be useless without a jacket) when it wasn't my fault. I'm going to wait until I get the jacket back from the cleaners for the second time before raising the issue with work. Also, if you were in this position (had your clothing ruined) or my colleagues position regarding the ruining of someones suit what would you do? Thanks in advance Scott
  3. Hello forgive me if this is the wrong forum but it looked the most likely one for what I need to ask. On Monday morning (18/11/2013) my Grandmother (aged 76) was crossing the entrance to a car-park (a supermarket one) it was raining heavily and she had her umbrella up, she didn't see the car and she was hit and knocked down. The Police were called and the Ambulance, my Grandmother was taken to hospital and is still in there as she has a broken knee. The driver is an 81-year old. Just really trying to get to the bottom of who is at fault here. On the one hand my Grandmother's umbrella would have blocked her view but I know for a fact she does look when crossing the road and on the other surely if the driver thought she couldn't see him he should have at least called out or sounded his horn. My Grandmother doesn't wish to seek any damages but she is worried that she will be blamed she has no money either so is obviously very afraid right now she has numerous health problems so this added stress and hospitalisation isn't making things easy for her. So does anybody have any advice please ? Also how will this affect the driver with regards to his insurance etc ? Thank you.
  4. Hi I have a question on council tax liability hopefully someone will be able to answer for me. I live in supported accomodation, housing association property sublet to a managing agent (who provide the support). There is one other person in the house. I have an AST - on the 1st page it mentions only myself as the tenant and states the property is “made up of” “2 bedrooms, - (Shared) Kitchen, Lounge, hallway, Bathroom & Study” ,then says “Number of people allowed to live in the home 2 people.” There is nothing else in this brief document (advisor at Shelter I once saw said it was brief and inapproiate for the type of accomdation) about room allocation or anything like that, doesn't mention the other tennant at all. Nor does it mention anything about council tax. For 8 years, myself and the other (unchanging) tennant have received a council tax bill in both our names. We used to both claim CTB, then he started working and paid half, I claimed CTB for my half (as before), then I have had to make a contribution since April 2013, following changes to CTB. Potential complication is that the other tenant is my brother. Apart from the name, our tenancy agreements are identical. My brother is now moving out, managing agent are moving someone else in...questions are... Should we have been liable for the council tax all this time? In the period between my brother moving out and someone moving in do I become liable for the whole council tax (less 25% single occupancy reduction)? When someone else moves in, will I have joint liability for council tax with this person? Thank you very much in advance
  5. Hi Sincere apologies if this thread is in the wrong place, or if there's another identical thread (I looked and couldn't find one). I purchased something (£500ish) that was faulty from a large online retailer, they then gave me a refund before I sent it back to buy a replacement - which I did using the refund. In the meantime I sent the original faulty item back and they then refunded me again once they received it. I've since received the item I bought using the original refund and my online account balance for this retailer still shows my second refund. My questions are quite simple really: Is it my responsibility to to tell them? Can I keep it? What happens if I keep quiet? Thanks in advance
  6. Hi all, haven`t the foggiest where to ask this but our water is high in the outside drain and loo going down slowly. Problem happened before but I can`t remember which way the flow went and who was the end of line before the waste went into main sewer in the road? I suspect my neighbour is last in line so the blockage must be from her to main sewer so is she responsible? last time, I am informed, due to my bad memory, that the problem was in the main sewer way down the road?
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