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  1. As above I've got a Birmigham city council penalty charge notice for entering a bus lane. Its £60 or reduced to £30 if paid by the Christmas eve (merry christmas to me. I did drive in the bus lane but I just want to make sure it is being enforced correctly and that they are doing their bit correctly and legally, not trying to evade it or anything I just know these are likely done in bulk. For anyone that knows Birmingham city centre, it was St Martins Queensway. It was saturday afternoon and absolutely manic + my engine was overheating. Will be honest I've not driven this route in about 15 years and was fully using the satnav. See this link, my sat nav was telling me to turn left so I crossed over fairly late and turned into the tunnel which is as can be seen in this photo a bus lane, by the time I had noticed it was too late and I went into the tunnel about 40 yards where there is a gate on the right which I used to turn around in and come back out the way I had come. Now the thing is that the photos they have provided show me coming back out of the tunnel and turning left back onto the main road not going in. The lane I am in does not say bus lane. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@52.478504,-1.8932093,3a,75y,236.94h,96.8t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sCqmX0jiPV2qJIHxsCBR0Rw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 Now if you go back up the main road the way I had come, it was poorly signed and there were likely buses parked infront of the signs, I suspect I had only entered the left lane at the last second and entered the tunnel. Just to be clear I admit doing it however I think its pretty unclear and I was causing no danger or did I make or mean to make any gain from doing so. I guess I just want to make sure they are legally doing this correctly and if I have any grounds to appeal. I'm not going to risk £30 and my time if its not worth the effort. Its the principle though.
  2. Hi, Hope you can help, this is my first Penalty Charge Notice. I park on the same road for 6hrs 3 x week for work and have done for years. I have always paid and for at least 1yr have been using the pay by phone app so it is easy for me to prove that I always pay, regular as clockwork on these 3 days at the same time every week. On this day I was frazzled and tired and rushing to work and received an important phone call at exactly the time I was paying by phone. After the call I forgot to pay. I told the council all of this and I immediately offered to pay the usual parking fee owed as I always do and they still want me to pay a fine! I think this is really unfair and it sticks in my craw as it was an honest mistake so I really don't want to pay the fine. Do I have any chance/way of winning an appeal or is there no way around it and should I just (very begrudgingly) pay? They say they only observed my car from 14:07 til 14:12- only 5mins, is this a way to win an appeal? Many thanks for any help.
  3. hi, i cancelled an order before it was delivered. it was a shed and had a 'manufacturing' phase so i assume made-to-order, but it wasn't bespoke. i've been refunded 75% and sent a handful of letters asking for the other 25%, following correct protocol, pointing them to the consumer acts that say "The trader must not impose any fee on the consumer in respect of the reimbursement." just filling in the moneyclaimonline form and want to check i'm not missing anything obvious before submitting. the initial response from them before all the letters was "Thank you for your email. As you are aware, the charge for cancellation of the order following manufacture is 25%. This has been deducted from your refund which as now been processed. Please allow 3-5 working days for the funds to reach your account." thanks, kristian
  4. Hello all, I have just had a parking charge notice through the door today and I could do with some advice. Details as follows: Date of the infringement - 07/10/16 Date on the NTK - 13/10/16 Date received 10/12/16 - with a covering letter saying they sent it to my DVLA registered address first and got my current address from a credit reference agency. As far as I'm aware all of my details are up to date with DVLA - I've lived at this address almost 2 years, it's the address on my driving license etc... Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of the Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? Yes Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes - timestamped photos of me presumably entering and leaving the car park. Have you appealed? Not yet Who is the parking company? Parking Eye Where exactly? Corporation St car park, Preston For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under? There's a BPA logo at the top of the page, but no specific mention in the letter. They are stating that there is a 1hr20 time limit on free parking and I arrived at 10:40:59 and left at 12:36:15, so 1hr 55 minutes. I'd love to be able to appeal but not sure if I can. I don't keep receipts except for electrical goods and presents and I can't see anything on my bank statement around that time for any of the shops in that retail park, but I wouldn't have gone there if I wasn't planning on buying something, it's in a bit of a weird place. I also had no idea there was such a short a time limit on parking there, I've never stayed more than about 15-20 mins before. Is there a way to prove I updated my details with DVLA before 7th October and they're at fault for not sending this out? Or that they (illegally?) contacted a credit reference agency to get my information? Or can I appeal on grounds of original 28 day payment date of 10/11/16 + 14 extra days to re-send has passed? (plus an extra 13 days if sent on the 7th as per the date on the letter) I'll go back and look at the signage one day next week, as people have been advised on other threads here, but their notice states that there is signage "clearly displayed at the entrance to and throughout the car park". I think it's just about walkable from work within my hours lunch. Thanks in advance for any help.
  5. Hi there, long time reader first time writer! Hoping someone can clarify the most up to date advice please? I've received a NTK from Athena ANPR Ltd for a "Civil Parking Charge Notice" for £90!!!! for overstaying in a carpark at a Lidl store. I hadnt noticed any parking restriction signage. The store was due to close shortly after the vehicle was parked and was closed well before the vehicle left. Alleged Infringement date was 24/03/16. Date on the NTK is 31/03/16 Date received was 02/04/16 There is no mention of schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012. There are 2 photos on the document showing only the vehicle number plate and headlights (the rest of the photos are very dark), they are supposedly from an ANPR system which has overlayed some text stating that the first photo was taken on entering the car park (with the time) and the second on exiting (and the time) I've not made any contact with Athena ANPR. The document states that the appeals official body is the IAS, and also that the company is a member of the IPC. I've had an inappropriate invoice from a ppc before (as a NTD) and have read into their poor operating standards and manipulative and bullying tactics. .. and at the time the advice I read on-line was just to ignore the NTD, which I did, and they never followed it up. This time around I saw a post stating the advice had changed and so I was hoping someone might be able to confirm if my best action is just to ignore it or to write back stating that they will need to take the matter up with the driver of the vehicle at the time and that I'm not obliged to disclose that information to them since they are not a local authority or police constable etc. Many thanks in advanced!
  6. Hi guys. Simply put. Parking fine - £82 Forgot to pay it. Went to a Debt Collector, who added their £75 on top. As soon as I got the letter and remembered the debt, I paid Stockport Council via their website The £82. I have an email proving so. This was October 3rd Just had a letter placed through the door tonight for.... The original debt £82 Compliance fee £75 1st visit £235 Total: £392. Am I missing something here? Clearly a lack of comms between the council and the bailiff. According to the law, do I have to pay the bailiffs' fees for a debt I paid 2 months ago? Thank you so much in advance
  7. Hi, We recently moved house and new property did not have and working landline. Previous supplier was Virgin Media but that was cancelled by the previous occupier's family. When I looked to transfer from my current home the website said I would have to pay a new connection charge for engineer etc. As BT couldn't provide the service I arranged for Sky to provide phone line and Broadband as part of my existing TV package, BT however want to charge £169.75 early termination of contract fee and a separate charge of £31 for "cessation of broadband." My question is simple, are they entitled to make these charges as I moved house to a residence that did nnot have a supply.. Surely the contract was broken. Any advice would be gratefully received how to avoid these charges Thank You Trojan
  8. I also got a PCN from ECPs in july 16, for parking at the Shell garage, Gatwick. ANPR demanding £100 - £60 if i pay now On the advice of Money saving expert, i have ignored the letter Now its mid Nov 16, Debt recovery plus ltd have written asking for £160 on behalf of clients ECP, with 5 days to pay or they take to court On basis of what ive read here, im gonna gamble to ignore and see what happens.....am I right?
  9. Hi, long time since I have been on so hope I have put this in the correct place. I am taking two large loans from a friend and family, to clear some business issues, both of which need to be secured on my property. Lawyers are asking ridiculous sums for agreements and posting the charges. A full legal charge appears to be too complicated and time consuming for my needs so I am proposing equitable charges which should suffice. My question is, what forms do I need to submit to the land registry and can this be backed by a simple loan agreement between lender and borrower? Would there be templates on the site for loan agreement and charge as I cannot seem to find them myself? The loan agreement I can find online if necessary, it is the charge details that I do not have. Many thanks for any input. r
  10. Hi , re Congestion Charge non payment. On the 13OCtober 2016 when the closure of Tower Bridge was in place I just realised , upon receiving a PCN today, that I had entered the congestion charge via liverpool street station while according to TFL that was not the correct diverted route. I was genuinely and truly sure it was. Funny enough the PCN came 1 month after it all had happened when memories are toally faded away and I was sure there was some sort diversion sign directing me through that CC area . Eventually a small yellow sign that barely a motorist could see in the middle of the crazy traffic when you already need to have sights on every move you make .. . Even if there was any diversion sign still, as I knew from the massive sign in Tower bridge seen month before about the closure period and by a quick read on METRO news, I was aware I could cross London Bridge. Hence I automatically though and logically that that would be a correct route. Any help in this or right things to write in my representation? I also would not see any reason why I should not have paid the CC charge if was aware of it, especially having 24h time to do it... would much appreciate yur help was actually thinking to write the following... Dear Sir/Madam, I would not not consider myself liable for the congestion charge (CC) non-payment penalty because I was in truth and genuinely thinking to follow a diversion for Tower Bridge closure. I am also very surprised that this communication come after a month from of the fact. I truly entered the Congestion Charge is because of Tower Bridge works and I am sure I have seen a sign diverting me toward Bishop gates which seems pretty logical also as way to follow as diversion. I don’t see any reason why I should have not paid the congestion charge if there’d be no closure of Tower Bridge and I had gone through that part of the Congestion Charge area. If I was aware of that I would have had time to pay till the day after but again and in bona fide I was totally not aware as sure of been following the diversion. I would be so grateful if you could accept my apology and accept the fair minimal usual payment for entering the Congestion Charge zone. Yours sincerely,
  11. Hi there. My mum parked at the riverside leisure centre in Norwich to attend a swimming class, and was later told about a membership to attend the centre. This followed by significant delays to the application process pushed her stay over the two and a half hour limit on the parking. I have attempted to contact the manager of said facility who basically says "its not our fault, its yours" and is basically refusing to do anything until he's looked into the delays that I feel he thinks I'm making up. My question is where should we go from here? I can see that the overwhelming feeling on this forum is to ignore met parking and get on with life, and I feel that it is entirely their fault (there was one sign near the main door warning of the 2.5 hours and that it can be extended for the first 90 minutes only, which would not have helped in this case, and the fine notice on the signage is extremely small) If I have broken any rules, please be accepting and inform me, I'm a bit livid over this to say the least.
  12. Hi Guys, Really hoping someone can help me with this as have read several forums now and I'm really confused/worried on what I should do next. I'll give an overview of what's happened and have also answered the questions suggested in other threads below.. .if someone could please help me with this I'd be really grateful: A few weeks ago on 2nd June I parked on what I thought was a side street, there were double yellow lines on the main road and the double yellow lines stopped at the entrance of the side street. There was an office on the left to where I parked which had a gated entrance and a sign attached saying "Private Property" which looks like the area beyond the gate is private. On the left hand side of the road there were also yellow hazard/no parking cones. On the right hand side (the side that I parked on) there were no cones and no signs either. There were also no signs at the entrance of the street which is why I believed it to be a public road. On the right hand side a few yards from the road there is a warehouse type building with "Private Property" signs on its wall, between the wall and the road there is a wooden barrier and between the barrier and the warehouse wall there is an area for cars to park which looks like a private car park for the warehouse which gives the impression that the private property signs are for this area. I parked here for 15 minutes upon my return found a sticker stuck to my drivers side mirror, telling me I've been issued a fine and to contact the number provided for parking advice. I called the number and it put me through to Leeds City Council who then confirmed they had issued no fine. I threw the sticker away assuming it was someone trying to scare monger. A week later I received the attached CPM Letter 1. The letter says I was being charged for not Displaying a Valid Permit but it wasn't clear that you had to display a permit to park on this street and the photos they've taken are at a weird angle. I then looked this up online and sent a letter back to them which was recommended on one of the forums I read, please see attached Letter sent to UKCPM. I have received a letter back and I now don't know what to do next, please see the attachment CPM Letter 2. They haven't answered any of my questions and refer me to a website to review the photos they took online. The information on this is slightly different as online it says the time of issue is 14:29 but the 1st PCN letter says 14:00. 14:29 is definitely not correct as I was back at my car by 14:20. On their signs and 2nd letter to me they've referred to being members of BPA but in the first letter they've referred to IPC. On the BPA site they don't appear to be members. Please can someone advise me on what I should do next, this has never happened to me before : '( I hope I've given enough information. I have some photos of the street where I parked which I'll post below. For tickets received through the post (Notice to Keeper) please answer the following questions: 1 Date of the infringement – 02/06/2016 2 Date on the NTK – 08/06/2016 3 Date received – 13/06/2016 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? - NO 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? – YES – please see letter attached (CPM Letter 1) 6 Have you appealed? Have you had a response? I’ve not appealed but I have sent a letter requesting more information and received a reply, please see attachments Letter sent to UKCPM and CPM Letter 2 7 Who is the parking company? – UK Car Park Management (CPM) 8 For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. There are two official bodies, the BPA and the IAS – YES its IAS 9 If you have received any other correspondence, please mention it here – no further correspondence as yet. Attached are photos of the entrance to the side street where I parked and different views of where I parked. Attached is another photo showing the entrance to the side street from the main road, Private Property sign, warehouse, the land that looks like a private car park outside the warehouse next to the side street and the gated entrance with the sign on the gate. I hope these photos help. CPM Letter 2.pdf CPM Letter 1.pdf Letter sent to UK Car Park Management June 2016.pdf Pics 1.pdf
  13. Hi , I received a charge from MET parking, apparently my charge was observed for 20 minutes. The reason my car was parked at the front was because i had just returned from the school run, unfortunately for me, where i live they are building the Royal Wharf. which means that every day for the past 18 months if you move your car from 7.am and after, your space will be taken, and all the other roads have no space due to amount of contractors they have working on the site. ive seen some people arrive as early as 5am and sleep in their cars until they have to start, and of recent vans are parking and leaving their vehicles on the road until Fridays, meaning less and less space for residents on the road, on the day of the offense, i arrived from school run with my 2 year old daughter, and there was no parking spaces on my road or on any of the other road around. My daugher was bursting to do a number 2, so i parked at the front and took her upstairs. When returned i had received a ticket. I don't have a permit to park in the 3 car space available on the grounds. Im stuck on how to appeal
  14. Please help. I've received a parking charge notice through the post. It is £70 but reduced to £40 if I pay by Thursday 10th. I ran over the 3hrs parking by 35 minutes as I was breastfeeding my distressed baby in the back of the car. I challenged this on the website as the letter suggests but have had no response or acknowledgment. I don't know whether to just pay the £40 as I cant risk having to pay the full £70. 1 Date of the infringement 23/10/16 2 Date on the NTK 28/10/16 3 Date received 30/10/16 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? No 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes, car driving in and out of car park 6 Have you appealed? Yes on website saying was breastfeeding baby in car as he became distressed and asking them to look at videos of car park as would see that I got into back seat with baby. Have you had a response? No and no acknowledgment 7 Who is the parking company? Smart Parking Ltd 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Greenwich Shopping Park, Charlton
  15. Hi, all the charges are in my husbands name I did not know about them until they had already gone to court and been put on the property, they have been on the house since 1997 heard nothing from two of them no request for payment or anything since 2000 but one is with Adams & Sons and they contacted my husband last year have a lovely letter from them saying that they are going to get a local estate agent to drive passed my house to do a valuation then try to force me to sell it their charge is for £5000 offered them £2000 but they said no and havnt heard from them since. scrudge
  16. Anyone have any e maill addresses for somebody at Dart charge who isn't a robot? I've just wasted nearly 2 hours on the phone to them as they have raised 3 penalty charges for my account (they mean my reg no) which they show as being £10 in credit but they refuse to apply the credit to the crossings I made. I have never dealt with such useless people (and I work for the NHS) who tell me 'the system may give you a refund it may not' and then expect me to pay again for soemthing I've already paid for! I also wish to complain about one particular call taker who was so rude it was unbelieveable and I want to request the recording of that convesration. Thanks to them I now need a new keyboard...
  17. On the 10 May 2011 I received a PCN for staying longer than I should have in a car park at Berkeley Precinct in Sheffield. I have never entered into any correspondence with the issuing company on advice from forums and the media. I believe it was initially Parking eye but over the years I have received letters from various companies and a solicitor. The solicitor's company even rang my home. Due to not being contacted for over a year I threw away the paperwork I had received believing that it was all over. BW legal have taken over and have been offering me discounts etc. I have now received a Letter of claim, balance due 154.00 and threatening me with County court action, CCJ and siting Parking eye v Beavis. If I don't pay and they take me to court the total bill is estimated at 272.50 I have until the 10 November to respond. I have had nearly 6 years of this and am worried. I didn't originally pay the fine because the company had not put any additional signage up at the car park as far as I was aware stating that you couldn't stay longer than 2 hours however I did not take any photos etc once I received the PCN. Can you help me as to what I need to do ? Do I need to write to them denying the payment etc. I feel I don't have any justifiable defence that I can evidence. Thank you.
  18. Good afternoon, On 07/10/2016 I parked in the Bradford Forster Square carpark, lost track of time, and overstayed by 37 minutes. On 17/10/16 I received a Parking Charge Notice for £85, payment to be made within 28 days of issue (of notice); discounted to £50 if I pay within 14 days. They have stated the Date Issued as 13/10/2016 in the reference section and 10/11/2016 in the big black box, but that is probably irrelevant. I have entries on my bank statement to prove I went to Costa there, I actually spent all morning there catching up with an old friend, but the entries are dated 08/10/16. I guess their payments don't show up automatically. I have emailed Costa for help, they replied immediately saying they have no influence. I also emailed the land owner, British Land but have had no response yet. I have read quite a lot about parking charges in the last few days, mostly about Beavis... I remember reading on one thread on this forum that the company placing the parking restriction signs must have planning permission. I have checked Bradford's planning portal and cannot find an application for PP for parking restriction signs at Forster Square. I then telephoned Bradford's planning dept and was told that the signs were probably small enough not to require PP. I told him the signs are 0.9m x 0.7m, to which he suggested that I email the enforcement team. I have done this and included the measurements and a photo of a sign. I know the enforcement team are thin on the ground and I think it unlikely that they'll carry out an investigation in a time scale that will be of help to me. What I would like to know from the kind people on this forum is, do I have a case for no contract because of a lack of PP for the signs? I have read The Town & Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) Regs and I think I have a case, but I'm not a lawyer ! I hope to use this in ParkingEye's appeals process. If I am unsuccessful I will probably pay up as I do not want to pay the full charge, which I'll have to pay if I go over 14 days.
  19. Hi all This is my first post and feeling pretty stressed My background , well was working in oil and gas for the last 20 years until i was laid off in October 2015 and only just started work again (first payday on 28th Oct) all my savings gone on bills but now behind on council talk and Mortgage but payment plans in place with them. I also have a step change management plan in place While i was unemployed i tried to claim on benefits but was turned down as not payed enough National Insurance this year !! My wife received a letter through the door from Equita today from a congestion charge , i had a payment plan in place £25 a week but being unemployed and earning nothing i fell behind on that so hence enforcement letter saying i owed £419 client debt £202 Paid £92.92 Compliance fee £235.00 Enforcement fee £235 Outstanding £419.92 I phoned the Bailiff tonight who was damn right horrible tried to ask for a payment plan he flatly refused and said i had a week to pay the £419.92 which i could pay next week (the last day i have according to him) out of my wifes wages but that would only leave £200 for us for 3 weeks or i could pay half of the £419 and just survive until i get my first pay packet. He will not have any off this and will only except full payment Feeling really stressed about this worked all my life and im 42 first time been in this situation Can anyone advise please Thanks Tony
  20. Hi. rightly or wrongly I ignored a Parking charge notice from TPS and they have now sent me a letter from the solicitors following up on this charge, it doesn't state anything about courts, but says I have 14 days to pay the fine Would you continue to ignore this? Also, on another note, looking at the original charge notice the postcode of the offence is actually incorrect, now that I am beyond the appeal process date should I just ignore this also at this stage?
  21. Hi guys, my daughter had my car on holiday and overstayed her allotted 60 mins in a McD's car park, South Hayes by 25 mins. Because of this I received a parking charge notice for £100, discounted to £50 if I pay within 14 days. I live in Scotland and I am not too familiar with English Law so can someone please tell me if I have to inform them legally who was driving the vehicle? They quote paragraphs 9(2)(b) and 9(2)(f) of Schedule 4 of The Protection of Freedoms Act telling me that the driver of the vehicle has to pay this charge and that if I don't tell them who was driving then they can pursue me for the charge. Any advice on how to go about this would be welcome. Thanks. hodgsoi
  22. I collected a ticket for parking on the pavement from apcoa parking in southwark..camberwell station road I said to the ceo that I was in fact on railway property . His reply was I shouldn't be parked on railway property and I pointed out that it would have nothing to do with him You can see that other vehicles are parked in a similar position further back. Mine is the Citroen he didn't seem to be bothered about the vehicle blocking half the pavement ! Comments please .
  23. This weekend my daughter received a parking charge notice from MET Parking Services that her vehicle was parked for 71 minutes , oversstaying the free parking time of 60 minutes. Although she is the registered keeper, she was not driving, I was. We stopped at the restaurant, and had a lot of trouble parking. The car park was full and there were many taxis there. After we found somewhere, we queued for food and we waited about 25 minutes in all to pay and for it to be cooked. After we had eaten, we used the washroom facilities and went back to the car. We had to wait about 10 minutes to reverse out of our space as there was a queue of taxis behind us blocking us in. Imagine my horror when the parking charge arrived, charging us £100 with a discount of £50 if paid within 14 days. What should I do? Do I appeal? I phoned McDonald's customer services, but all they advised was that I should of asked the manager for an extension in time for parking. Thanks
  24. Can someone please give me some advice on what to do next? I parked in a Parking Eye carpark and paid the appropriate fee. I left before my time was up. I then received a fine and it appears I only entered half my car number rather than the full one. It's a small carpark so it's perfectly obvious that no one else parked there with that combination of letters at those exact times. I've since checked and there IS a sign (set very high above normal eye level when using the machine) saying that I should enter the full number, but it's not a carpark I've used before so I didn't notice. I appealed to Parking Eye who offered to reduce the fee to £20, then I appealed to POPLA and this has been turned down. Could someone suggest my next move. Should I just pay up - the fee is now in full again? It seems so unfair as I paid for the time I was there and they aren't suggesting otherwise. Can someone really "fine" me in some enforceable way for not entering my car number properly?
  25. Sending sar off tomorrow, not sure if there are many charges on this one, I have been pretty good with Citcards even though I dont have the card anymore............
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