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Found 1 result

  1. Good afternoon, On 07/10/2016 I parked in the Bradford Forster Square carpark, lost track of time, and overstayed by 37 minutes. On 17/10/16 I received a Parking Charge Notice for £85, payment to be made within 28 days of issue (of notice); discounted to £50 if I pay within 14 days. They have stated the Date Issued as 13/10/2016 in the reference section and 10/11/2016 in the big black box, but that is probably irrelevant. I have entries on my bank statement to prove I went to Costa there, I actually spent all morning there catching up with an old friend, but the entries are dated 08/10/16. I guess their payments don't show up automatically. I have emailed Costa for help, they replied immediately saying they have no influence. I also emailed the land owner, British Land but have had no response yet. I have read quite a lot about parking charges in the last few days, mostly about Beavis... I remember reading on one thread on this forum that the company placing the parking restriction signs must have planning permission. I have checked Bradford's planning portal and cannot find an application for PP for parking restriction signs at Forster Square. I then telephoned Bradford's planning dept and was told that the signs were probably small enough not to require PP. I told him the signs are 0.9m x 0.7m, to which he suggested that I email the enforcement team. I have done this and included the measurements and a photo of a sign. I know the enforcement team are thin on the ground and I think it unlikely that they'll carry out an investigation in a time scale that will be of help to me. What I would like to know from the kind people on this forum is, do I have a case for no contract because of a lack of PP for the signs? I have read The Town & Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) Regs and I think I have a case, but I'm not a lawyer ! I hope to use this in ParkingEye's appeals process. If I am unsuccessful I will probably pay up as I do not want to pay the full charge, which I'll have to pay if I go over 14 days.
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