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  1. On the 6th of November my son ordered a moped online from a company called thescooterbox.com. He received an email asking him to do a direct bank transfer to a Lloyds bank account. Unfortunately it did not occur to him that this was not a normal process when ordering goods online. He was then informed that delivery would be three to five working days. A week later he had still not received his order when he tried to contact the company there was nobody answering phone calls or responding to emails. Now the website is down and I feel that he has been [problem]med for a total of £650.00. I have logged this with the police fraud department and was wondering if there is anything else that can be done to try and get his money back. Any advice would be much appreciated. Regards Kim
  2. On the 2nd of October 2015, I placed an order at www.xldata.co.uk for some marketing data. This was a personal purchase and was made under my name and using my personal home address. However, in error, I entered my work email address into the form. The company emailed me the data to me on 5th October 2015 and included an invoice which was due for payment within 7 days. I noticed that the invoice had the name of my company on it, albeit, the other details were correct (my name and home address) and because I didn’t foresee any issues with the purchase, on 11th October I made payment via BACS to the details provided on the invoice from my personal bank account. The total sum being £948.00. On the 12th October, I received an email from the company advising that payment had not been received – I advised the company that I could see the payment had been made and that they should expect it over the next couple of days. Over the coming days, infact every day, the company emailed me (the same person – Mr Clive Brown), advising payment hadn’t been received, I confirmed time and time again with my bank that it had been sent, however, there was a question about the success of the transfer that was raised by one person at the bank who advised usually a confirmation message is seen by the sender to confirm payment had been received successfully by the recipient, this was not present for this payment – the bank began to look into the payment. On 20th October, after a barrage of emails and phone calls, which got increasingly curt in tone, I emailed the company advising that I would like to cancel the purchase and confirmed I had not used the data and it had been deleted from my computer. The company refused to accept this. On the same day, I received an 2 emails from Mr Brown advising that he was to instruct his solicitors to commence legal action, not against myself, the purchaser, but against my employer, when I questioned this and reiterated that my employer had nothing to do with the purchase and that in any case, I was not an authorised purchaser and furthermore no purchase order was generated by the company, this was ignored. On 21st October a letter before action was issued to my employer. I have repeatedly sent proof of initial payment (screen shot of online banking statement) and advised again and again that this was a personal purchase, but the company continued to proceed and finally made direct contact with my employer where they forwarded all emails and correspondence from myself and made a demand for payment, threatening legal action through the county court. On 28th October, I received a phone call from my employers CEO, who was understandably, very angry, demanding to know why I had ordered data under the company’s name – I clearly explained I hadn’t and that it was a personal purchase, in his anger he demanded that I had 15 minutes to get rid of my employers liability or I would be asked for my resignation. Clearly, only being 3 months into my employment and totally taken back by the whole situation, I called Mr Brown, under the supervision of a member of senior management and paid another £948.00 by debit card, I also reminded Mr Brown that I didn’t have the data and that it had been deleted. To additionally clarify, there are no terms and conditions at point of purchase on the website at all, or on the invoice. My questions here are: • I do not want to continue with this purchase – my experience has been appalling • I have suffered great defamation of character at work and loss of trust and respect from my employers/colleagues • My personal affairs/information/purchases – my data – have been shared with my employer without my authority. Ultimately, I want my money back and the purchase cancelled – I am now £1,896.00 out of pocket, with nothing to show for it apart from a damaged reputation and my employment at risk.
  3. Tesco are seemingly intent on annoying absolutely everyone in the UK at the moment. So what are they up to now? Well, they’ve just announced that, from 23rd July 2015, the minimum basket spend for those of you who shop online for groceries, will change from £25 to £40. Of course, you can still spend below that amount, but if you do, you’ll find yourself paying the £4 surcharge. http://www.bitterwallet.com/tesco-up-minimum-spend-for-online-shopping/86484
  4. Hi all, hoping someone can advise on this please! I have been ordering clothes from an online retailer for around five years now with no problems. On my last order I returned some of the items, only to then receive an email from them saying that one of the items was damaged so they won't be refunding me for that item. I immediately told them that the items were fine when they left me, so they must have been damaged in transit, but despite numerous emails they are refusing to accept that they could be responsible and simply repeat that the item was damaged when returned to them, so it is my fault, so i am not entitled to a refund. Usually their items are delivered by DHL in a nice strong box, however this particular order was delivered by their own in-house "premier" service which I haven't used before (they were offering free premier delivery at the time), which means that it was delivered by their own driver, and the items were simply bundled into a cardboard carrier bag, not protected in a box. So they could easily have been damaged in transit (for example some items were on hangers, others were just wrapped in tissue paper and could have easiy snagged on one of the hangers). But I have no way of proving that they were in fine condition when they left me - it seems to be my word against theirs. I have been a loyal customer of this website but all they say is thank you for your custom, sorry for the inconvenience, but the item is faulty so we're not refunding you. Do I have any rights at all? Seems pretty strange that an online retailer can just claim that items were damaged and you have no recourse - particularly when it is their own delivery service so you can't claim against the transit company. Grateful for any advice please!
  5. Hi there, I am new to this and would kindly welcome some advice if anyone could help? I'll keep it brief and to the point. Work for global corporation, my head office based in UK. Employed by this company for nine years, no complaints at all. Had various directors, regional managers and line managers over these 9 years. Company was restructured late December 2014, I inherited a different regional manager and line manager in January (both who work in a different division and have no knowledge of the job I do, regional manger been there for at least 7 years, line manager only promoted to line manager in January 2015, previously same job spec as mine only different division). Was given a complete new territory in January unannounced (had been consultant for a different territory for over three years and built up good trust and sales with these customers). Regardless, went out and done my job, hit my sales target in January despite the whole territory being new. Two weeks into February had a conversation with my new line manager who was enquiring why the mood was so low in our team ( a team of ten consultants) and I had offered a suggestion that "maybe the constant negativity wasn't helping" . I said this as we had all received a barrage of negative emails and phonecalls from said line manager, and everyone was moaning about it, seen as we were a new team that had been put together in January, me being the longest serving employee out of the whole team said what I said. The day after, at 7.30pm I received a friendly txt from line manager asking if I could meet him the following day to have a chat about figures, I agreed as didn't think anything of it, went to the meeting location the next day, was invited into a room by line manager, next thing regional manager walks in (unannounced) asks me "do you know what youre here for" when I replied "it was my understanding I was here to have a chat about figures with line manager, he said "no, youre going to pick your way to leave this company". He said "you can either resign, or I will make your life hell and make you leave". You have until Tuesday the following week to decide. I told him after a barrage of abuse from him, I wasn't resigning. The next morning the abuse continued, wont go into detail just now but will if anyone wants to know the details, just want to get the main points out just now. The next day I met with HR as I was disgusted at what had happened and told HR everything that had been said and proposed etc. HR (after hearing my side of the story), two days later, they wrote back saying they had spoke to both concerned and that they had all agreed that they would all meet with me to have a discussion. I was horrified at this, I had been duped into a meeting were it was a 2 vs 1 scenario, no witnesses, was totally bullied and intimidated, no witnesses, and HR wanted me to meet with them again under the same set up, ( HR are supposed to be impartial but in our company they are not). Before this week came around I was that ill after the original meeting, had nearly crashed my car on a busy motorway after suffering a severe panic attack, more followed, that my GP signed me off work and prescribed anti anxiety medication. To cut a long story short, I raised a grievance, it was heard by same HR I had spoken to initially and another manager who offered me a "new position" when accompanying me down in the lift out of the meeting room once the grievance had been heard, I said nothing. It took them 5 months to conclude the grievance stating time out of office and work commitments. When the notes came out it was clear that both managers had colluded, also my notes were missing, when I asked about these, they then sent a diluted version of my notes, when I asked them that I wished them to be amended to what I actually said, they thanked me for the ammendum but stated it wouldn't change anything. They also added parts to my grievance which were not included, to absolve themselves I guess. My post was on a recruitment site straight after (I know this is not against the law but trying to give an insight). None of it was upheld. The two investigating, made the conclusion. In between the grievance conclusion and me stating I wished to appeal, the person I raised the grievance about was promoted. The Grievance appeal was heard by same HR person and finance director, was cut short as they had a flight to catch. I was then sent the notes of said meeting, it was so heavily diluted that anyone who didn't know about it would have a hard time working out what all of the fuss was about, my witness emailed their notes, after that, although a conclusion was promised by the end of last week, straight after my witness submitted their notes I received a "without prejudice" email asking me to accept a paltry amount of money. I would gratefully accept any advice on what to do next, if anyone has any questions please ask, I just tried to keep this post short (ish) and to the point. Thanking you all in advance.
  6. Hi everyone. Ordered asda groceries as always, they didn't turn up yesterday. 40 minutes later I rang up they said they said it had been cancelled reasons unknown. They promised the local store would ring me back to try and squeeze it in that day, as payment had gone through. Checked online banking and confirmed they had taken payment. Didn't ring me so I rang them, they apologised, said they would send shopping tomorrow. Got shopping today, however they have taken money a second time. Delivery driver said loads of orders got cancelled yesterday for same reason. Phoned asda, they said if I get the authorisation number and fax number of NatWest, they will fax them so I can get an instant refund. Otherwise the money is held temporarily for 7-10 days. NatWest gave me the authorisation code, but won't provide a fax number to the public and say their mechant provider (streamline) has the fax number. Phoned back asda, they demand fax number, I merge them on a new call with NatWest, who put me through to card errors deparment. Natwest now say they cannot even act on a fax, it is completely asda's fault and up to them to get me my money back. Asda will not do anything without this fax number. Their manager just went round and round in circles. They will not let me go into the store and have cash or do me a bank transfer. They say after 7-10 days I would have the money twice. At the end of the day, I am out of pocket by £76. It is a weekend we are supposed to be taking the kids out today. We are now stuck. This is absolutely unacceptable I have to wait for this long banking process to resolve itself. Asda will not provide any sort of goodwill gesture. Surely there must be something I can do to get these funds quicker. Why should we have to suffer? I have recorded the entire call (over an hour plus 6 other calls totalling another hour) its quite comical to here how this manager, asdas highest point of contact, is so simply minded. If I went into a shop and made the mistake of not paying for the shopping, then promise to pay them in 10 working days, they would insist this is stealing. How come it is acceptable the other way round? Sorry for the rant I am livid right now. Does anyone have any advice? Thanks so much
  7. I have just signed forms to purchased a used car from a dealership and have paid a small deposit. Returning home I have found the exact same car (can see the registration plate) for cheaper on the dealer’s website and advertised even cheaper on Auto Trader. At the dealership I went through price negotiations with the dealer and he said that he has reduced the original price by a few hundred, but even the final price we settled on is higher than the online sites. The dealer told me there was no way he could go any lower Do I have a case to complain and do they need to honour the online price?
  8. Angry customers of NatWest and RBS are reporting serious problems accessing their online accounts, with many taking to Twitter on Friday to accuse the accident-prone bank of another IT disaster. The latest IT problems emerged as customers tried to access their accounts and make payments, on a day that is payday for many people. NatWest said it is investigating the issue, but had no other statement to make. It told customers over Twitter: “We are aware of an issue with our online banking service, our tech team is looking into this as a matter of urgency.” But coming so soon after the last IT outage, the access problems have left many customers venting their anger over Twitter. Can't log in to #natwest yet again to check up on some transactions... and they want me to opt out of paper statements?! No chance. — Jacqueline F (@JackieF_0307) July 31, 2015"> Natwest IT problems The problems emerged early this morning, as some customers waking up and hoping to check their pay had gone into their account were unable to log on. Why does the @NatWest_Help app always go down on payday?!?! I hope there's no issues with payments again! http://www.msn.com/en-gb/money/news/rbs-and-natwest-customers-complain-of-online-problems/ar-BBlgcjC?ocid=spartandhp
  9. I am about to do a check with Trust online. I know i have no nasties but worth £4.00 to check. Especially TV licence as well as any CCJ https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCIQFjAAahUKEwjgxtfc1_rGAhVKBNsKHUr-CNI&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.trustonline.org.uk%2F&ei=5s-1VeC7OsqI7AbK_KOQDQ&usg=AFQjCNGfz1bOOlkvhrCCpLiz2-k0kpD24w&bvm=bv.98717601,d.ZGU Get through all the registration business and up pops card details powered by PAYPOINT asking as an extra precaution my address for bank card check. I have no objection to this in principle but the obvious question has to be do Registry Trust then have access to my new address?? I am not sounding paranoid it is just i had my brother living next door to me and he had issues with the CSA and the tax man (Late self assessment) returns. What makes it worse is that we have the same initial for our forename and DOB as we are twins
  10. I have some questions about the correct procedures for County Court summonses. I'd be really grateful if anyone could advise me on any of these queries. I have read the guidance notes for both online and paper forms but still have some uncertainties. Background: I am about to issue a County Court summons for unpaid compensation for use of part of my property by a builder. The basis of the compensation is set out in an agreement and related emails. My questions: 1) When sending in a paper N1 form, is it correct to send supporting paperwork with it? E.g. Copies of agreements, contracts, print outs of related emails. 2) Exactly how many copies of the N1 form, defendant's notes, and supporting documents (if these should be sent with the N1) do I need to send? I assume from the guidance that it should be a total of three copies of everything: One copy (i.e. the original form) for the court, one copy for the defendant, and one copy for me (to be sent back to me). 3) I was originally planning to issue the summons online but the Particulars of Claim box on the MCOL website is absurdly small. How does anyone explain the key points of their case with so few characters and lines to work with? Any help on these queries will be really helpful. Edit: I have found the answer for question 4. Questions 1, 2 and 3 still confuse me. Answered question below: 4) I am aware that one can send additional PoC by post if using the online form but, as I understand it, these later PoC are only to be sent to the defendant. The Court and the Judge will not see them unless and until the case comes to a hearing. Is this correct, or should one send additional PoC to the court as well as to the defendant? Answer: I see that form N215 'Certificate of service' requires that documents sent to the defendant must also be sent to the Court.
  11. Does everyone have difficulty remembering online passwords ? What do you do to make life easier ? I don't use the same password for different accounts or write them down, for security reasons. But this means that occasionally I forget a password and have to go through security password reset process. Surely there is secure system for people that have difficulty remembering passwords ? When you have even the best IT systems hacked e.g US military and government, it does make you think about online security.
  12. A friend purchased some hair extensions online with a regular supplier as she is a part time mobile hair dresser and has used this supplier for approx 18 months. The item purchased was for a booked client. The hair extensions didn't arrive and this is confirmed by Royal Mail who has checked the tracking information. However, the supplier didn't insure the goods for the full amount and therefore the retailer has advised that Royal Mail will only refund for the amount insured. The Terms & Conditions of the online supplier reads as follows; If for any reason, Royal Mail fail to delivery any special delivery items at their required time, we are willing to provide a refund for the postage paid and will make a claim to Royal Mail for the loss of this postage, if proven the item did fail to reach for its guaranteed time. We do not take any responsibility for loss of earnings or any other costs. If items are lost and you are willing to make a claim through Royal Mail, compensation levels are provided at http://www.royalmail.com for special delivery and recorded items. My friend has spoken with Royal Mail but they have advised her that as she is not the customer who purchased the postage for the item, they cannot take a claim from her. She is out of pocket for the hair extensions of almost £100 plus the loss of business from the customer, not to mention the loss of reputation caused by this event. I do not understand the T&C's above of the retailer as they look ambiguous so is there anyone who can kindly advise what course of action can be taken against the online retailer please?
  13. Dear all I have today received a county court claim form from Lowell Portfolio via Northampton, dated 2nd December. The claim is for an old Capital One credit card which defaulted in February 2008, due to being made redundant, falling into depression and the associated problems that go with that illness. I intend to defend it to the best of my ability, on the grounds no CCA has ever been produced, but when logging into money claim on line to complete the AOS, it doesn't show up! I obviously have the correct login details as I can see an unrelated claim (which I defended, and didn't hear anything more) from September 2012. It seems to be saying that the claim number, and or password is incorrect, I'm sure its been entered correctly, there is no scope for mistakes, all pretty simple letters/digits. I have a bit of paperwork from Cap One, and a copy of a CCA request I sent to Bryan Carter and chums, but again never heard anything more, that is aside from a constant supply of statements from Lowell, I was getting so many, I didn't even bother opening them, just binned them of late. I'm suspecting that the sudden interest in me, is if I'm correct, that the debt becomes SB a month or so from default, if this is the case, then the time is up in Feb/March 2014, so they're getting it in while they still can. I will send the paper form of AOS, to be on the safe side, but does that mean I cannot submit the defence on line, if money claim on line are just taking their time updating their system, and the claim shows up eventually. Q Should I send off another CCA request, or SAR, or is there something else I should be asking for as its now on the legal road. I have had a few years DCA free, so I suppose it had to end eventually Any advice, suggestions etc would be gratefully received.
  14. As we've looked at previous PPI claim possibilities we have also looked at earlier loans that were paid off using newer loans, something we should never have done, but this was all pre CAG My wife bought a car at Carcraft Sheffield in March 2002. She was pressured into buying by the salesmen who messed her about for ages saying they were having problems getting finance for her. Familiar story now I've read a few threads on here about them. Eventually she was offered a deal where they would reduce the cost of the car to help her get the finance needed (big of them !) and she signed an agreement with On Line Finance, which is now under GMAC. The insisted that she had to have the PPI and Warranty deals of the finance would not go through. This finance was paid off in November 2003 with a consolidation loan, which is how we rediscovered the details of the account. Several years later, now knowing about PPI and in possession of the returned SAR on GMAC, we see there was PPI and a warranty, so a FOS questionnaire is being filled in to send to them along with a spreadsheet of what we estimate they owe us. If anyone has any warnings about potential problems in reclaiming I'd appreciate them chipping in here. I have a feeling it will not be as straightforward as we first hoped.
  15. Stemologica are spoofing through surveys and trying to charge lots more money than people expect? what to do as I am in the middle of it at the moment
  16. Today the Ministry of Justice announced that from March a new service is being rolled out across the UK and Wales allowing people charged with some minor motoring offences to enter a plea online from any suitable device (including mobile phones) 24 hours a day. This will be done via a secure Ministry of Justice website and is an alternative to a postal plea or attending court in person. Motorists will be able to view their case details, view evidence and make their plea remotely. Motorists who use the new service to plead guilty at the earliest possible stage will benefit by receiving the maximum credit. At present the facility is limited to the following offences: Failure to identity the driver Using the vehicle without valid insurance Driving in excess of the speed limit http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/road-and-rail-transport/11438914/Motorists-to-be-given-chance-to-enter-plea-to-minor-driving-offences-online.html
  17. I was scrolling through one of the news websites the other day and got a pop up about a free trial of age reducing skin care products. All you had to pay was £2.95 p&p. As a bit of a joke for the wife I ordered some in her name. One set from Age Renew and one from Lumagenex. Have now realised that I have been sucked into a [problem] of sorts as the T&C's (should have read but did not) say that if I don't contact them within the 14 day trial period to cancel I will then become liable for further deliveries and costs (£79 & £84 pm). http://agerenewskincare.org.uk/terms-conditions/ http://lumagenex.co.uk/terms/ Both say that if I cancel I have to return the goods and will be liable for the postage. Probably my own fault that I have been well and truly mugged. I will be cancelling but is there any way I can get out of paying the return postage. Especially when both websites advertise as a free trial.
  18. A service allowing motorists in England and Wales charged with summary motoring offences to enter a plea online is being launched by the government. People charged with a minor motoring offence such as speeding or not having insurance will be able to enter a plea 24-hours-a-day via a secure website. The gradual roll-out of the "Make A Plea" scheme from March follows a successful pilot in Greater Manchester. The government says it saves time and money for the criminal justice system. Last year saw 4.5m minor motoring offences processed through the courts. The government is also considering whether the scheme could be used for other low-level offences. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-31653760 Warning: Expect an influx of copy-cat sites from the same bottom-feeders who rip off the unsuspecting by charging for something you can do for free. Here's the official government website: https://www.makeaplea.justice.gov.uk/
  19. Hello Ive got quite a big problem, on the 23rd of July my partner signed up to slimtoneplus and body cleanse on a 14 day free trail, I then went to check my balance today and exactly 14 days after she started the free trail I have been billed £75 and £37.50. I cant talk to anyone now because they are closed but i wondered if anyone has had any dealings with them, please someone help it has put me in a very bad position still weeks before payday. JB
  20. This was an especially acute problem over Christmas with a lot of complaints on the Amazon website about my Hermes (different from the Hermes network) but this applies to most online sales companies. The issue is this: as a customer you have to pay postage (quite rightly) but get no choice of who is used and usually no visibility of which company before you’ve paid. So, most Amazon purchases are delivered by the cheapest, most unreliable form whose online tracking system is sheer fantasy and is acknowledged as such by many frustrated customers. A company that many would not choose to use is getting their money, paid under compulsion. I’ve asked the question (but received no reply, which makes me think that the answer is yes) as to whether 3rd party sellers on Amazon are obliged to use my Hermes to deliver. Customers on the Amazon website who appear to know the background say that my Hermes had to buy a tracking system if they wanted to get the Amazon contract but bought the cheapest, most unreliable one that had been rejected as totally unfit for purpose by other delivery companies. It feels like a possible abuse of dominant market position, though of course that may be an unfortunate appearance not borne out by the facts. I think if CAG were to investigate they'd get to the bottom of it in a way that individuals can’t. I’d be prepared to put time into this. A good result would be to have a transparent choice between at least 2 named companies (at different prices if necessary) on checkout when shopping online.
  21. At the moment I am being hounded for what MBNA considers an 'underpayment'. I paid what I thought was the minimum last month, £380 -while they claim it should have been £70 more. In the meantime, I have CCA'd them and given them the follow up letter. It has now been 30 days since they received the original CCA request. Anyway, MBNA have handed the chase of the £70 over to two different companies- Aegis and 'Global-something'. They have been ringing day and night and weekends for weeks. They send me texts and leave long messages on my voicemail-either silent or with music. Today I got the harrassment template ready to go and rang them to ask for their postal address. They refuse to give me it. I read the letter to them over the phone. What should else should I do?
  22. I am in England and sold an item on ebay to a buyer in Scotland. Payment was by PayPal and delivery was made by a courier. The buyer is now unhappy (as they didn't read the description properly) that the laptop they bought is broken. The listing described the problems perfectly and said the laptop was "for parts or not working". Therefore I have no issues about defending this, should it go to court. However, the issue is which law applies: England and Wales or Scotland? I am not acting in the course of a business.
  23. Hi all, I ordered goods online last August from the above. Payment was taken but no goods have arrived 6 months later. The online business has gone into liquidation and now redirects to a different site (Classic Intimates.co.uk) What I want to know firstly is this. Is it legal to liquidate one online store without fulfilling orders and then 're-surface' under a different name? From a search on the net it appears that the same directors are involved and there are several other websites operating under the same 'umbrella' It would appear there are quite a few angry customers out there without goods or refunds. Thanks in advance
  24. Low-value civil court cases in England and Wales could be dealt with by an online disputes system similar to that used by eBay, a report recommends. A Civil Justice Council report says settling non-criminal cases of less than £25,000 online would reduce the expenses generated by a court. Principal author Prof Richard Susskind said eBay disputes were "minor", like many civil court cases. Her Majesty's Courts and Tribunals Service says it welcomes the report. The proposed online dispute resolution scheme would be similar to the one used by online marketplace eBay to diagnose and resolve disputes. Online facilitators would be used to help parties reach an agreement, and if that failed, online judges would rule on cases without the need for courts to be booked or for the parties involved to appear in person to give evidence. The report, from the council's online dispute resolution advisory group, suggests conducting a pilot, ahead of an anticipated full roll-out in 2017. The BBC's legal affairs correspondent Clive Coleman says the report is calling for a radical and fundamental change to the way courts deal with smaller claims. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-31483099
  25. Two questions: 1) What do we think of Prof Susskind's idea for "ebay" type justice? 2) Do you think that the CAG should be in charge of online justice?
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