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  1. Hi all, newbie here needing advice before possible court action. I was in dispute with Aqua over charges applied after they closed the account and my account was being managed by their dispute team. However, Aqua sold the debt refusing to accept my dispute. I had been getting hassling calls from DCA and kept asking them to return the account to Aqua. Eventually after about 5 calls in 2 months i sent them a Cease and Desist email (I know it should be by mail but they confirmed receipt of the email and later in writing.) They have since just sent me copies of statements showing the balance being claimed matched the last statement. Conveniently they had no record of the dispute with Aqua. I dont dispute all the debt and offered them same as I offered Aqua (750 of a 1000 balance - the extra being i believe unenforceable charges --In brief they've closed the account because they withdrew the product from all customers apparently. I have a letter showing this and sent it to DCA. At that time Aqua should have closed the account (to confuse matters Aqua never actually closed the account when they said in writing they would) but had they done it, i no longer had a line of credit and my argument is you cant charge overlimit fees once the limit is removed by closing the account. I refused to pay them anything all the time they continued to charge me these fees, hoping common sense would prevail I suggested to DCA they have 3 options - return to Aqua, accept my offer which is still probably double what they paid for it or take me to court.. NB Till now, they have not yet sent me a copy of the original CCA so i suspect they are unlikely to go to court without it. Just to add all the comms between me and Aqua were via their secure email as part of my account and i attempted to get a copy of those mails and Aqua claim they are no longer available so evidence of the exchanges cant be found. Hence i am looking for general guidance about : 1) Can a CC sell an account in dispute? 2) Can a DCA refuse to return an account in dispute with the original CC 3) As part of the C&D letter I told them I would start charging for my time if they contact me further unless its to accept one of the three options - i wont physically invoice them but presumably can keep a record and if it goes to court and i win ,deduct it from my settlement? 4) Any thoughts on my statement that once a CC account is closed by pure reason of them no longer offering the service, can they charge overlimit fees still (and interest on that overlimit fees) when i no longer have a limit. Surely it now just a debt which needs to be repaid? Thanks for your attention...
  2. pugilist

    Tax return issue

    Hi everyone! May be anyone can advise me what to do next. I still didn't get my tax return money and I can't understand why. 6th Jul 2015 I sent this message to HM Revenue and Customs: Dear Sirs, My Tax Return documents for the year ended 5 April 2015 were posted to you on the 5th of May 2015, today is the 6th of July 2015, but I still have not got my tax return money. Can you please update me on the situation? I need to know what's happening, why I still haven't received the money and when can I have my money. I sent this letter to the following address: Pay As You Earn and Self Assessment HM Revenue and Customs BX9 1AS It's been more than one month since the 6th of July, but they didn't reply me in any way. What should I do next?
  3. Hello there, I have a question about a tax return. I am new in UK and I started to work at Domino's in 2014 june. It's my first job in the UK but from the very first month I was overpaying tax because of the wrong tax code which was simply "BR". I was paying all together ~260 pounds ( PAYE ~210 , NI ~50). At the start of december my manager gave a call to HMRC and they changed it to appropriate code. They've also told him that they will give me back what I've overpayed, but manager forgot to ask when that will happen. Hopefully one of the guys at work used to work for NI and told me that they should send me a tax return check around july 2015. My colleague at work already received her tax return check but I'm still waiting and it's august. I was wondering if it's possible that there is some kind of delay or should I try giving them a call? From what the guy who worked for NI said that I don't need to fill anything or call them, just wait.
  4. Hi all, I was freelancing last year, opened up my ltd company very early January 2014, and the first accounts will be due in September, along with the tax money. However, for personal reasons I'd like to hold onto that money a month longer. Can the payment be legally delayed for any reasons? Thanks, JB
  5. Hi everyone this is my first time on here so please be gentle with me I ordered some goods on line on april 25 of this year from an online company that seem to have a reasonable reputation but through one problem and another I was only able to come to a decision yesterday not to use the goods i emailed them with my invoice number and asked for return procedure this is the reply I got Hi Christopher, Thank you for contacting us regarding this. It sounds like you have had a lot of hassle with your old wind deflectors. Unfortunately, you purchased these wind deflectors over a month ago and this means that you are out of your time to return them to us so we couldn't accept this back from you. Perhaps you could manage to fit these as you originally intended? do I have no option but to accept this many thanks Chris
  6. Hello - I'm hoping you can help me out regarding a parcel I've sent with Hermes. The item arrived damaged (technically, all that arrived was a noticeably empty box) - and so was rejected by the recipient. I've contacted Hermes (who hadn't bothered to tell me that it had been rejected), who have said I need to pay for the return delivery to be able to obtain a photograph of the item to claim for it as a damaged item. Is this correct? Should I have to pay for return delivery for an item they've damaged/lost? Thanks Sam
  7. Hi all, Yesterday a breakdown firm helped me with a flat tyre (the tyre iron failed, so I couldn't do it myself). They sorted it out, but unfortunately the driver did not return my wheel lock key, and I was in a rush so I forgot to ask before I drove off. Now I'm stuck with the space-saver for now. The breakdown firm say they've asked the driver, and that he definitely doesn't have my key. This happened on the M4, so I'm crossing my fingers that the thing is lying on the hard shoulder where it presumably fell off the wheel nut when I drove away, but if not I'm going to have to pay to have four wheel lock nuts drilled out, and a replacement set. Are the breakdown company to blame for not returning my key, or am I to blame for not asking for it back? It was done through my insurance, if that makes any difference. Thanks for any advice.
  8. Hey guys need a point in the right direction with a situation as regards to returns to work after a period of illness. Basic summary can elaborate further if required. OH is FTE with a 37hrs per week contract, been there approx. 4 years. Due to ongoing medical issues was recently (and generously I think) given a 4 week period of best described as rest leave which was fully paid and without the need for medical certification as was at the suggestion of the employer. Idea was then to return to work next week however following a review meeting yesterday they have stated that they feel it will be better to return on reduced hours of approx. 27 hours per week for a month. This is despite OH feeling ready to return full time but as its only a month is reluctantly happy to do this despite the reduction in take home pay and this again will be reviewed at the end of this period. My question(s) are can the employer insist in reduced hours for this period and possibly future periods despite there being no medical note suggesting a phased return and her wanting to work her contacted hours? If they can insist on this is there an obligation then to pay the contracted hours rather than the suggested working ones based on this would be their decision not supported by the employee or on recommendation from a doctor? Thanks in advance guys/girls my HR knowledge is way out of date and to be honest in any phased return I have dealt with in the past usually resulted in the employee being paid the contracted hours regardless of hours worked during it.
  9. Hello, Thanks for adding me! My question is (and I have tried researching here and others) before asking, so can anybody please clarify, when a RTW has to be completed by, basically my wife has been back at 4 days and still has not been approached to have one. Is there a time limit for instance, that if her employer has not completed by, then it becomes null and void and the 2 weeks sickness cannot be added to her records. (I only ask as this is "hearsay" at the moment) Regards, Dave
  10. Hi, Grateful for some advice. I've received a council PCN in relation to parking in a free 4 hours on street parking bay. According to the PCN, I was 'observed' parking in the bay at 8:41 and they slapped the ticket on at 12:53 just after I arrived back at the car to move it (= overstay of 4 hours and 12 minutes - 2 minutes just outside the mandatory 10 minutes grace period). On the council website they 'present' photo evidence of parking in in the bay, however all photos are timestamped with a time of 12:55. They have no evidence of the start time except on the PCN where it says 'observed at 8:41'. I remember parking at around 8:40 - 8:45 that day and I distinctly remember there were no parking wardens anywhere in sight. How would all this stack up at appeal (or even in a court of law)?
  11. Hi, We recently bought a vehicle from Carcraft. We had the usual Mis-haps with being called back to sign paperwork they'd forgotten etc - but that's not the issue. We recently had the car MOT'd at their Radcliffe branch, and there were a few advisories. Some of those indicated rust, and also a leak (I think transmission fluid?) The car has been used for a month since this, and then - yep - you guessed it, engine management light came on. I pulled over immediately, and contacted them. They wanted me to take it to Radcliffe - which is a fair drive - and I wasn't prepared to do this given the dashboard was screaming at me to check the engine. They reluctantly agreed for me to take it to a Halfords - which was mercifully less than 1 mile away. I made it clear that I wasn't going to be able to pay - however when I got there it was £49.99 for the diagnostics test. Later that day we picked the car up - the work hadn't been completed as Halfords weren't sure if the repair that was needed was included in the warranty. After a few phone calls they agreed to pay for the work as a 'goodwill' gesture. The whole experience from start to finish has been dreadful. I'm not sure what a 120 point inspection is, but I was assured that the vehicle I'd been sold was roadworthy and reliable. The car is 2010 - and I'll be paying for it for the next 3 and a half years. Given the difficulty in getting a simple warranty repair done, and the number of faults that seem to be creeping up with this car - I'd rather like Carcraft to have it back. It's done less than 4k miles since we bought it. I doubt the previous owner/victim of this car had the greatest of driving credentials - as we found Cannabis in the doorwell. Bottom line, the outstanding on the car is: £5,500 I've spoken to the finance company - if they take it back we'll still owe £3,000 So sounds to me like I've been well and truly shafted. The total I'd pay if I keep the car is in excess of £10k - for a car that seems to now be valued at £2k. Carcraft won't budge on this matter - is there anyway I can force their hand?
  12. Hi, I did some mystery shopping a few years ago, so declared myself as 'self-employed'. I didn't think I had to do a tax return for 13-14 as I didn't actually do any mystery shopping, that year so I was hit with a 100 pound fine. No tax was owed. I'm a student who could really do without this, I'm not even a proper 'self-employed' person! I appealed and it was rejected. On my letter, it says there is a 5 percent penalty on an unpaid payment 30 days, 6 months and 12 months after the due date. So if I didn't pay the penalty for 12 months, is it correct that I would owe around 115 pounds? What if I still didn't pay? I used the calculator on the HMRC website, but that only applied interest to the actual tax bill, which would be 0 in my case, not the penalty, so I'm confused.
  13. Hi, after some advice please! In July 2014 I returned to work after 9 months maternity leave. Before I left, I trained up another employee to cover my job during maternity leave. I had therefore expected to return to the same role after the 9 months, as the job is still active. However on my return I was shown to a different desk in an adjoining office and told I would learn that role. Nothing at all was mentioned about my previous role. Well 8 months on, still nothing has been mentioned about my return, my previous role, current role etc etc and the other employee is still doing my previous job. Surely this is wrong??? If my job still exists and there is no business reason why I could not have it back, I should be doing that job!!! BTW I have been at the company 15 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Only the thing is... Am I missing something here, only I'm sure I filled in the paperwork for this and sent it in before the 31st of July last year. That was the deadline for paper and 31st January is the deadline for online submissions right? I've responded to everything they've sent me in the post so surely this is a clerical error and I should appeal against it? Unless I've missed something.
  15. hi all, long story short: i sold an item on ebay listed as 'for parts not working' as it was broken. buyer didnt like it so they wanted to return it, the reason was that it was 'broken'!. ebay case found in the buyers favour and it was sent by collect+ couriers to be returned to me. i never received the parcel, i phoned collect+ and they said it is with a neighbour but no signature. i've asked the neighbours and no one has it. i've phoned ebay 26 times (no exaggeration) over 2 weeks at work during my lunch hour - on one occasion i was on hold for 55miutes!....on the first call ebay contacted collect+ and verified that i havent had my item back...so now each time i phone them they say they will cancel the 'reimbursement fee' that i 'owe' them from my account...i have received messages/ebay stating this but the fee hasnt actually been removed...hence why i have had to phone back 25 times...all i get is the same thing "sorry it is an admin error and we will now remove it"....it doesnt happen and i keep getting emails to pay the fee. i know they are just blagging me. what can i do? thanks for any help.
  16. Hi all, Just a quick question; I've been off work for two weeks & wanted to rtw tomorrow, (I've worked there just over a year) not had any warnings / been late ect) Despite being told that was fine this morning I've just been phone by another person & told I cant rtw till I've been interviewed & an appointment has been made for Wednesday with the manager..… I've never heard of anywhere I've worked doing this… anyone else heard of this? Only thing I can think of that might be an issue is that I've emailed them whilst I've been sick (to let them know I was going to dr's & that I would be off, also let them know what was wrong/what was going on next dr's appointment ect) emailing was easier than trying to ring as no one answers the phone & meant I had proof I'd been in contact Thanks for any help x
  17. Hey guys! I am once again being trodden on by rich people! So I shall post here to see if anyone has any advice for my plight! In november I moved into a rented house in our town, for me and my girlfriend, who is disabled by the way! The landlord was messing us around from the off, trying to let the property when they hadnt even bought it yet, so even though they gave me a start date for the move and I paid up the rent in advance I couldnt move in because she technically didnt own the property as it was awaiting some signing or some such nonsense! Anyway, when I finally got in, there was damp, leaking roof, and RATS the rats kept us from sleeping which is very bad for my partner as she has myotonic distrophy and needs lots of rest. I told them about this problem straight away and about the damp and mould and leaking roof. They just flat lied and said it was just "condensation" - which Ive never had in other properties and that the rats were just "mice" and they would "sort it out" They didnt sort it. Nothing at all was done - eventually after many emails from me they got the council to send a pest officer round who tried putting poison down (had zero effect). She came back two more times, on the last time she said there was nothing she could do and you can never get rid of these rats as they could be coming in from anypoint in the house from underground. The whole time I had had very little sleep - and as soon as another suitable property came up I moved in. I was in the rat infested place for a little over 8 weeks. Since moving out, I told them I have to move, as the rats are causing me ill-health, she has at first asked for proof I had paid my council tax and water and electric and gas bills - which I emailed her. Then I have heard nothing and she hasnt replied to my three emails asking when I will get my £500 deposit back! She has since relisted the property as "newly refurbished" (LIES!) even though it has a terminal rat problem! One thing that struck me is I never had to sign a form like I did with the last landlord about the deposit protection scheme. So I very much doubt she has followed the law that requires all landlords to put tennants money in a deposit protection scheme. Anyway I have read that If I take her to court, then I will get the deposit back, and she may even have to repay me twice the amount. So can anyone tell me how on earth I can take her to court? I have no experience in this and cant afford a solicitor!
  18. Hi, Long story but we moved into a flat in approx 2004 and lived there for 2 years. We paid a £400 deposit. My father in law moved in with us (landlord knew about this) and after 2 months we moved out and the tenancy was signed over to my father in law, with is as guarantors. Our deposit was transferred over to cover my father in laws deposit. So from 2006 until now my father in law lived there. Unfortunately just before Christmas my father in law died unexpectedly. He left no will and had no real money, (a small pension, very little in his bank account). He is not married, he had 2 children my husband and my sister in law. The police have put my husband down as next of kin. My husband found out whilst going through his fathers paperwork, letters regarding his father paying an extra £50 every 2 weeks to the landlord to cover a water bill he had got into debt with. The landlord had agreed pay it for him. The latest letter my husband found was from the landlord saying the water bill had finished and there was one more bill of £100 to pay. When my husband questioned the landlord he said my father in law had kept paying it even after the bill was dealt with. My husband has worked out this would have been £600 over payment. So the landlord has £400 security deposit and £600 Of my father in laws money. The landlord has told us he is just working out the money and the cost of cleaning the flat (it was very dirty, no carpets just laminate flooring everywhere). We have now received a letter from him saying In relation to the deposit and fathers overpayments I can confirm I have most of the information in hand. I need to get the figures accurate so am just awaiting the cost of cleaning. Please do not feel I am being awkward with you,(as I also wish to resolve this quickly as possible) but I will require information on who is the executor of your fathers will, or the licensed administrator of his estate (if he died intestate). This may well be yourself, a family member, or a nominated person but we are only permitted to discuss this with that person. As any monies must go to your fathers estate. Please supply this at your convenience so the matter can be resolved. Regards Xxxxx What do we have to do, to sort this. We agree there needs to be cleaning but now he's asking for a licensed administrator. I've tried looking this up and am unsure whether you have to pay for this. Do we need to go to a solicitor or does my husband write back and say there is none as next of kin all monied should come back to him? It's not a huge amount but it is what will help with the funeral costs. We not after the money for ourselves just for the funeral costs. Any advice would be most appreciated. Thanks
  19. I have hired a car for 3 weeks recently thinking it would be needed until my new one arrived. The hire was paid up front via the firms website. I have found out that my car is going to be ready early and I will be able to return the hire car a week early. When I told the hire company they said that a refund of the unused hire cannot be refunded even if the car is returned early. I am within my rights to demand a refund? Thanks
  20. I was employed for 6 1/2 years by a company in the UK but was permanently based overseas. Recently I was dismissed (im taking this to the tribunal) and they brought me back to the UK. I could only bring one case with me and had to leave the rest of my belongings in Europe. I asked for them to please get the rest of my stuff back home to me and they have refused. What can I do about this? thanks
  21. i have been off work with stress for two months and now the doctor has given me a fit note to return but on reduced hours for up to eight weeks, my company have sent me to an Occupational Health nurse who also reported that a phased return would be of benefit. However the HR dept will only support reduced hours if i take the rest as annual leave or if i don't have enough left can take absence with no pay! Has anyone got any advice if i can challenge this or have had similar experience.
  22. Hi all, I purchased a BMW 320d saloon with 101,000 miles on the clock for £2400, full service history and the car had just recently had a oil and filter change, the dealer had been using it he said. I looked at the car and I pointed out that there was a very slight noise, ticking from the engine, he said it wasnt a problem. It was around 6pm on a Thursday night when I paid and collected the car. I paid for the car with cash as I have bad credit and dont have a credit card, the car was purchased from a car dealer. The following day I travelled to see someone about 30 minutes away and drove on the M6. On the way back the car lost power and the engine noise was easy to hear and I thought that the turbo had gone, although there wasnt any white smoke. I told the dealer what had happened and that there was a knocking noise from the engine as well as a loss of power. He said that he would take the car to his "man who looked after his cars" and get it sorted. He called me back and said that he couldn't look at it til Tuesday. The mechanic called me and said that he had changed the oil and filter and took it up the motorway and it was fine, on the way back it had lost power again. He thought that it was a software issue and he couldnt do that. The dealer then called me to say that he would need to take it to a BMW specialist but if he took it to BMW it would cost a lot of money so he had found a local BMW specialist who the owners were both ex BMW technicians and he would take it there but again they wouldnt be able to look at it till after the weekend. I went to collect it with him later that week. When I collected the car I noticed the noise was still there, they also changed the front brake caliper as it was seized and was dangerous. When I got back to work I rang the garage who had done the work and they said that they had noticed the noise but the dealer had only said to sort out the power loss and hadn't said anything about the knocking noise. I called the dealer and told him about the noise, he said that they had sorted the turbo and I knew about the knocking noise when I bought the car, I said that the car didnt sound like this when I bought it. He said he had sorted the power loss issue, there was no warranty with the car when sold, where do you draw the line at looking at the car, he had spent £300 so far, I reminded him that even though he said there was no warranty he was bound by the sale of goods act. I said I would take the car back so they can do a report on the noise. The report said that the engine was internal and would require the engine stripping down to investigate further. I know that is going to be very costly. I told the dealer and said I would like to return the car, he said he didnt want it back and that he had fixed the car and the garage said it was ok to drive. It is ok to drive but the garage told me it may last 9 months but it it went after that it wouldn't be cost effective to fix the car. I asked the dealer to refund me and he said he would give me £2000 which is less what he spent on the repairs. I refused. I asked for a refund shortly after and was refused again. I said I would start court proceedings. A week later I sent him a text stating I would accept £2200 as I thought this was fair for both of us 3 days later I still havent heard anything from him. 95% of the correspondence has been by text and has been backed up on my Google account so I have a record of what was said. The car is insured, I had taxed it for 12 months and the car is now on SORN, I am driving the company van which is a LWB high roof transit so me and my family are restricted on where we can go which is not ideal for parking at Xmas! Suggestions about what to do next would be appreciated as I have no money to buy another vehicle.
  23. Refund fraud mistaken return tk maxx, bought lots of items in august, returned new jacket/jeans from my wardrobe which tk maxx claim is not theirs. Seen cctv and i have returned an item with a tag from another. I have been under a period of stress with baby/uncertain job/family member advanced cancer. It was an innocent mistake as i thought the tags belonged to those items. in actual fact, there is no distinction on the label between a jacket and another jacket. and this is the case i put forward at 'police chat' with solicitor, it was strange debating wether TK M sold 'Superdry' stuff. I left without caution. What happens after police interview? Office mentioned he will call tk maxx and have a chat. Any ideas??
  24. My samsung reference number is ,,,,,,,, I bought my samsung tablet from argos in april 2013 and in january it developed in problem and i had to take it back to argos but they told me the only option i have is to call samsung which i did, i was told instructed to send it back with the self addressed envelope they sent to me few days later. I was told then that it would only take ten working days and if for any reason it could not be fixed they will replace it. However that was not the case because till this day which is over nine months samsung has refused to return my tablet. I have made several efforts by writing to them via email and also sent a registered letter but all to no avail, they only thing they have succeeded in doing is to continue claiming that they have tried to deliver my tablet through dpd. At some point i had to write them telling them that if they really could not deliver my tablet which was quite unlikely, that they can send it to any of their service centre in london and i will be happy to go and collect it as this has really inconvenienced me, but all this falls on deaf ear as they are not not even making any effort to contact me and find a way to send my tablet. i have come to the realization that samsung is a company that has little or no respect for their customers hence the unprofessional behaviour, and obviously has no integrity since i have the option to go to court and make a claim i want to know the best option available for me, is it making a claim through section 75 of the credit act or to take samsung to court directly because to be honest i would like to avoid getting other companies involved. As this is entirely samsung's mess and they should deal with it.
  25. Getting married soon and ordered a personalised cake topper. When it came it was not really the same style as the photo example. Specifically, the "Mr" and "Mrs" are not at different levels and the first letter of our surname is not overly large as in the example (see below) The example pictured is as so: The one we got looks like this (click for bigger): [ATTACH=CONFIG]54567[/ATTACH] Emailed the seller the asking if she could make one with the above features, reply was: Thank you for getting in touch, I apologise for the long delay in getting back to you. We are sorry to hear you are unhappy with your order. I have had a look at the photograph you have sent to us, and can see that the way the & has been placed is due to the letters included in your name. Because of the L we are unable to have the exact same design as Mr and Mrs Smith. We are always happy to send a proof before processing an order if this is requested. Unfortunately we are unable to send a replacement free of charge as this item is not faulty or damaged. However we would be happy to include 25% discount on a new order. I replied with: I understand that each design will be different due to the different letters in various surnames and it is unfortunate that ours didn't allow for the usual style to be applied. What really attracted us to your design was that it had multiple levels of words (The "Mr" high up, stylish large "&" followed by a lower level "Mrs". The surname also had a large Capital which balances out/matches the large "&" sign). I'm sure you can understand why we are slightly disappointed with the end result, as it has very few of the advertised example's features. If it is not possible, as you have said, to create a topper with a similar concept to the example using our surname; then can I regretfully request a refund. I don't like to ask, and I am more than happy to cover the original postage costs. She said: Thank you for getting back to me, unfortunately as this item is a personalised item we are unable to offer a refund or exchange. However as a gesture of goodwill I can either refund you 25% of the order or we can offer a 25% discount on a new order with another design. So, It is a personalised item, but it doesn't really match the example. Am I entitled to my money back? or is the 25% off actually more than generous? I'm just interested more than anything, as to whether she's right or not.
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