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  1. Hi , nasty taste left in mouth by Samsung. Whilst cooking, i used my S8 as a timer, as per normal. multiple timers set, and running. turned round to check time, and the screen was flashing like mad. A crack was developing before my eyes. A phone call to Samsung sent me to their Romford "customer care" centre where i was told i had dropped it The phone is not yet 2 months old. I was told that screen damage invalidated the warrantee, and also refused a second opinion, as 3 "engineers" had already looked at it. cost of repair is approx £350, after 1.5 months use am i right in thinking that it had a fault inherrent since manufacture, and that should be the route i take? The phone was bought via carphone warehouse, on an EE contract. EE contract appears to state the the phone is owned for the first 6 months by the company i purchased it from, so should it be carphone warehouse i approach with this issue? leaves a really nasty taste in my mouth, i suspect it is CPW that i need to go for, but they have been phenomenal to me over the past 12 years- would be much better if i was able to go directly to Samsung At time of purchase with CPW i also bought a "gear4" protective casing for the phone, and it has lived in it ever since. It was not a cheap case either Please help Kind regards iain
  2. Hi guys will start this " high level" but appreciate we may need to delve into the lower level detail too.. In April 2017 a case I was a defendant for was "struck" as an order placed by the judge upon the defendant was not complied with. Through the post last night I get a new county court for the same account, same claimant but different "solicitor" to send " payments/ documentation though to. Is this REALLY allowed? and if so in what cases? Just strikes me as odd Thanks
  3. Long story short, without going into details.... though happy to if needed... I submitted a defence to a claim against me by a plumber (though the debt collection agency did it on their behalf) in small claims court. The claimant had to respond to my defence by a certain deadline, which they didn't, so a 'stay' has been put on the case. As it was explained to me this means the claimant has to apply to a judge to resume the case. When I spoke to the court they said an application could be put forward any time in the future, so there is no time limit. So I have a few questions I wonder if anybody could help me with... 1) Is that the case that there is no time limit for an application? I've been waiting to get some works complete until this is sorted but if they can put an application in any time this could never be concluded! 2) Do judges often agree to applications to resume the claim? Or must there be extraordinary circumstances? 3) The company seems to have stopped trading under their current name (removed their online listings). If the claimant company change their trading name, or close the business and reopen under another name in the future, can they still pursue this claim? Thanks so much for any help you can give.
  4. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/jun/20/sfo-charges-barclays-bank-executives-ceo-2008-qatar-fundraising I reckon they will get off with a slap on the wrist and a fine.. this after the SFO will have spent £thousands if not £millions of tax payers money trying to make a case against them.
  5. Hi, Last year in May I badly hurt my ankle. It was massively swollen and bruised (I can upload a picture if required). I had damaged my right ligaments in the past and had gone to the hospital and been told just to rest it for a few days. With this in mind, I did not go to hospital for 4 days assuming it was just ligament damage. However, after 4 days the pain was much greater than previous + was much more swollen and bruised. I decided I would go to hospital. Note, I was able to limp on it, but not put much weight at all on it. I went to Accident and Emergency and because it had been 4 days, I was subjected to 'Triage' and a Nurse gave me a lookover. I told her I believed I had fractured it as well as ligament damage. She claimed because I could put some weight on it, it was very unlikely to be a fracture and decided that I did not need an X-Ray. She advised me to go home and rest it. Over the next few months my ankle was in agony daily, I struggled to put proper weight on it for about 4 months and could not do any sport for 7 months. Even after this, I could not properly participate in sports and stopped after a few weeks. I still had pain in the ankle (even when lying still and sleeping, it would be sore after walking for 5 minutes etc) After 11 months of pain, I decided to go private to get the issue fixed. I was given a procedure to repair the ligaments and during this procedure, there was 5mm of bone snapped off in my ankle (the fracture I had suspected). Now, if I had been given the X-Ray when I went to A&E this fracture would have been spotted and I could have received the correct treatment at the time and would not have had to have a year of agony and being unable to enjoy sports. Does anyone think that I have a case? This is my ankle at the time I went to hospital I'm not sure the photo has worked, I do not have enough posts to post a link to it either. Hopefully this has attached now Ankle.pdf
  6. Hello, I've a similar story where my car got rear ended. I've decided to use Sytner (Mercedes dealer) Insurance to claim for me in order to repair the car in the official dealership. Sytner then uses Auxillis and everything was taken care properly but after 1/2 months I've received the contact from Principia Law where they will act for me to recover the HIRE CAR loses. I'm concerned about the terms and conditions where it's mentioned the costs (success costs + police report etc) that I've to pay that I was not aware! I was not aware of the need for an external company and hidden fees, can someone explain a bit more how this works ? Thanks in advance
  7. Hi hoping someone can help/advise, I received a CCJ for the amount of £2802.71 for a credit card. England based. I can't pay this and on the form it does not tell me how I can pay this off in instalments. I have lots of debt which I am dealing with but this one slipped through, my fault totally. Any advice on how I should proceed would be much appreciated. Many thanks.
  8. I think this is the right place for this. Please move if not. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/education/education-news/pay-deductions-teachers-supreme-court-ruling-strike-precedent-a7753991.html
  9. Council refuses to pay gran after breaking her windscreen http://dailym.ai/2qomwbu A council lawnmower propelled a stone into a car owners back windscreen smashing it. The car owner issued a court claim and the council are defending it next week, saying their employee was not negligent. You can understand why the council are defending the claim, as a lawnmower operator in this situation would not be negligent, if they were operating the lawnmower in accordance with its operating manual. It is not possible to check every little bit of grass to see whether there might be a stone.
  10. Firstly, I need to say that I live in Scotland, in case this makes any difference to the law involved. I own a flat in a tenement building that I rent out. Common charges are dealt with by a factor who then bills the owners. My bills are sent to my home address for my attention, so it is clear that the factors are aware that I don't live in the premises & have my home address. Some time ago, the factors got in touch with all owners to advise that major work was required on the building & each owner would have to pay around £3900 in advance to have this done. I paid my share as requested. Several months after this, they advised that the work was going ahead, and scaffolding was erected. The contractor then contacted me to advise that they required access to my flat, and the work would entail the complete removal of the bay window at the front, which would then be rebuilt. My tenant, who had one month still to run on her lease, understandably moved out. Three months later, I received a bill from the factor & sent them an email advising that as I was not now receiving rent for this flat & had paid nearly £4000 up front for this work, I was not in a position to pay the bill. I then received a council tax demand. I informed the council that owing to the work being carried out, the flat was uninhabitable, and they asked for proof. I emailed the factor asking for this & they ignored my email, resulting in the council sending debt collectors to my door. Eventually I sent a letter to both detailing the situation with copies of my correspondence etc. the factor finally sent a letter, not to myself but to my mother-in-law's address (she also has a property in this building but hers was not affected by the work), confirming that the work had been completed in September 2016. The council tax bill was duly amended, however there remains a bill to be paid from Sept 2016 to March 2017, and also the factor is now asking for payment of their bill. A total of around £1100 for both. My question is, as the factor knew I was not living in the premises, do I have a case for negligence? I asked several times for information on how the work was progressing & when it would be finished (I have emails as proof) and was only advised eventually in January 2017 that it had been completed in September (although, actually it was not complete even when they advised that it was as although the exterior work had been done, there were no windowsills in my flat and plastering work had still to be done, which I got done myself). Do I have a case to take them to the small claims court for the council tax & their own factoring charges for this period?
  11. Hi me again! SI had a copyright claim against a company last year which was transferred into my local county court on the small claims track. The judge ruled he couldnt hear the case as he knew nothing about copyright. It took him several months but he transferred it to IPEC (intellectual property court) in London. Now the problem is he didnt transfer it into the small claims part of IPEC , he wrongly transferred it into the main court and I am now facing costs of £10,000 against me instead of £120 maximum from small claims I have only just become aware of whats going on regarding the notice of transfer although it has been withIPEC for about 5 months now is it too late to challenge the county courts trasnfer to the wrong track?
  12. Hey guys, was wondering if you could give me some advice on whether I've handled a used car situation, as after putting it off as much as possible, I've been given no other choice but to take a car dealer to court 8th December, me and my girlfriend traded in her Corsa for £400, for a Polo plus £500 cash (£900) total. The dealer checked her car, and had access to it for about 4-5 hours. I test drove one car, which broke down straight away, then test drove a similar but more expensive one, but only at 30mph up and down the local road. I refused the £50 Mot offered (Had 4 months left), as I have a very trustworthy garage that I wanted to take it to. As soon as money changed hands, the car cut out when I drove it out, to which the dealer said it was just because the car was parked on a slope and it's just the petrol and would be fine after putting some petrol in it. despite driving 15 mins back to my home, and putting in £10 petrol, the car kept cutting out, whenever going over speed bumps the car would make awful scraping sounds. when I took it to my garage they said there were two minor problems and an oil leak from the sump pan. They said the dealer illegally sold me the car, and that they would have to fix these problems straight away. Dealer argued the case, but eventually accepted that they needed fixing, and booked me into his local garage. 5 days later i took it to his garage, and when the work was done the mechanic denied that he was even told to look at the sump pan, and that he wouldn't look at that until the dealer gave the go ahead (he did fix the 2 minor problems again, contacted dealer, who reluctantly said he would book it in, to which was another 5 days away. When car was taken to garage, he kept it for a few days, and finally rang us to pick it up, but it was still cutting out while driving. due to it being Christmas, it took just under 2 weeks to get it checked by my garage (5th January) to which they said that it wasn't fixed, and that I need to take it back. Again contacted seller who arranged it for the 9th (a day after a month of having the car). On the day I was unwell and my girlfriend didnt feel safe driving the car, I text to cancel, but then the dealer started ignoring us. I tried ringing but no avail. i gave it a few days and then text him again to say that I wasn't happy with the car and would like a full refund. No response. spoke to citizens advice, who said send him a recorded letter. Which I did. But again no response, i text him saying if i dont hear back I will take it to court. Thats when he finally responded saying that it's my fault for buying a used car, and that he won't be giving me a refund and that I can take him to court but to let him know in advance. There's been a lot of back and forth between me and him, but the only thing he's willing to offer is £400 refund as he says the Corsa I traded in had a Head Gasket problem and it's cost him £480 to fix, even though I was not aware of this problem, and he had ample time to check and reject the trade in on the day. He's also listed the car without saying that he's fixed it, but is saying he's fixed pads and discs, which he never mentioned to me. I offered that he could have the Corsa for free, but the minimum I would've taken was my £500 cash back, to which he declined. Now I've applied for small claims court and am claiming over £1200 as I've had to keep the car insured and taxed to keep it on the road as I have no where else to store it I was debating whether to claim for traveling costs, as the car was bought to travel to football matches but I've had to get multiple coaches and trains on the day Do I have a good chance of winning?
  13. My other half is being taken to court by these guys for an unpaid loan from the bank of Scotland the sum is £1680 plus Intrest . Now he's never had a loan with bank of Scotland. But has with Halifax which I believe is all one group now ? . I'm unsure whether to admit the loan or defend . Think the loan company who have it now is central credit . Should I ask them for the original loan agreement or would they have to have this in order to take him to court ?
  14. I'm glad to see someone else has mentioned this on here, though not as glad as I might have been a few months ago to have seen it –*I'm in a near situation , albeit via Hastings. Passed onto Albany when, after being hit by a third party with the amount of damage virtually guaranteeing the car, an 2002 Ford would be a write off, I asked Hastings about a courtesy car –*Albany were too happy to help and said I needed to check a few documents online and once signed they'd be able to send a car, albeit a hire car, though they were at pains to point out that it wouldn't cost me anything and that anything about fees on the documentation I should avoid as it wouldn't apply. that done i was passed onto Helphire who arranged for a 2015 Vectra to be delivered. Only kept the car two weeks as I bought a new car then and cancelled the hire car which was then picked up. Seemed like the end of the matter. However after Albany saying in October they were submitting the costs, just over £950, to the third party insurers, the third party insurance have refused to pay so Albany then instructed Principia to act and get the money back and have issued a county court claim, with myself named as claimant and third party as defendant. They sent a questionnaire about the accident and whether there are other cars I could have used or if I have credit cards before sending out the county court form. As with the OP I have an insurance policy which indemnifies me against the third party not paying up (including, presumably, losing the case in Court), but that does rely on me cooperating with Albany in recovery of the costs. Stressed doesn't begin to cover it, it's one of those "had I known then" situations really....
  15. Hi guys, Following my recent situation, I've been reading your very informative forum, and thought I would ask for your help. In November 2016, I attempted to cancel my membership at Xercise4Less Glasgow online . Having worked in a bank, the first thing I did was cancel my direct debit to stop any further funds coming out. Although I'd completed the form, I now, in hindsight, realise my system must have crashed before it went through completely - and I take full responsibilty for this! I had also moved address, so did not recieve any correspondence from either the gym or Harlands. Fast forward to Wednesday 1st February: I recieve a text from Xercise4Less stating: 'Dear Member, Harlands have advised they will be sending your account to a third party debt collectors in 14 days. To settle with us please call 01132038602'. I rang straight away, explained the situation, and the Xercise4Less worker informed me that he would waive the fees and I had to make a 1 off payment of £64 to resolve the matter. We agreed that I would pay the amount this Friday - 10th - and that was that. Fast forward again to February 6th - I recieve a panicked phonecall from my mum, telling me a debt collection letter (dated Feb 2nd) arrived for me. Bear in mind this went to me home address in Northern Ireland - I don't know how they got those details. This letter was from CRS, and detailed that 'Our fees of £102.50 have been added. Therefore your account balance now stands at £162.49'. I rang Xercise4Less straight away to question why I had recieved this letter, when I had agreed upon a settlement with the gym already. The employee assured me that the payment on Friday (tomorrow) would end the matter and to ignore any further correspondence from CRS. Finally, today Thurs 9th, I recieved a text message from CRS saying they want to speak to me. Having read these forums, I have no intention whatsoever to respond to CRS/Harlands at all. Fingers crossed the matter is settled tomorrow, but I still have a very uneasy feeling about the entire scenario. Any tips or pointers will be greatly appreciated!!
  16. Hey everyone, not sure if this is the correct place to post but will give it a try. My Mum and Dad run a family business that I also work at, in September we were working in Blackpool for a couple of days. A few weeks later we received a speeding fine through the post from Cardiff central ticket office. No photo was attached just the notice form. My Mum replied saying yes that was our van reg ect but we wanted to see the photo just to make sure it was us and to identify who as driving at the time (me or my farther) We received a reply saying we must provide details of the two possible drivers but still no photo. My Mum replied with the details of the drivers but stated again without a photo we could not confirm who was driving. Then we received a letter saying we had failed to provide details of the driver and the matter may go to court. My Mum sent a message again saying who the two possible drivers were and to send the photo and we can easily confirm the driver. We heard nothing more until a court notice come through in December with the photo attached. Rang the central ticket office tried to explain what had gone on , but said we should just fill out the court form the court has to deal with it. She said just to put what has happened on the sheet and they will see its a mistake and will return to the ticket office. Now my Mum hasn't kept any of the correspondence with the ticket office as she didn't believe she has done anything wrong, we received a letter from the courts at Cardiff saying we must attend a hearing there on February. Now my questions are Do we have to travel to Cardiff just for the hearing or can we have it changed to our local court. Any one got any ideas how we can defend this as they genuinely didn't send a photo until we received the court papers I sent a sar from the library to the central ticket office to just get the info they hold on my Dad hoping for copies of the letters my Mum sent, they have refused saying we need to prove identification but my dad did sign the form Thanks in advance for any help Jay
  17. Hello Caggers I surely can't be alone in being in this position, but I can't find any other threads on the subject. I was rear-ended by a third party (very little damage to my vehicle, but her's was a real mess), and I foolishly followed Admiral's advice in using their recommended Claims Management Company (Albany Assistance - I use the term advisedly!). Long story short, they took five working days (spanning a weekend) to do a whole load of unnecessary investigation, and gave me a credit hire vehicle for the duration (nine days total). Given that they were holding my car hostage, this was all outside my control. However, the third party's insurers are refusing to pay up for the excessive car hire charges, so Albany (through one of their partner companies) have issued a county court claim against the third party herself, but as I have incurred the charges, I have ended up as the claimant. Does anyone have any experience of this type of case, and can give me any advice as to what line to take in court (Monday 12th). Maybe transcripts of any case you might have been involved with or know of??? Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
  18. I am a defendant in a fast track case. I have the other parties documents I requested copies of from their disclosure by list. There are other docs I know of the existence of and want the other party to disclose them as I think they have left them out because they will hurt their case. I have written to them requesting these be disclosed but have not heard back or received supplemental disclosure of these docs. I don't expect to hear back as they refuse to communicate with me regarding this litigation. I am planning to apply for a Specific Disclosure order and cannot find much guidance online on how to go about this. I want them to disclose specific documents, rather than to do an additional search as I think these should have been found and disclosed within the search they already carried out. There are 11 docs in total I want them to disclose. Some of the docs are mentioned by them in emails they disclosed, some are police records they can get through a subject access request, they have disclosed the Crime Ref numbers of these incidents and referred to them in letters they disclosed. My questions are: 1. What do I put in the draft order? 2. What do I put in my supporting evidence/information to support the application? 3. How do I refer to the places that bought these documents existence to light? Many thanks
  19. 1. Bought audi on balloon CCA agreement It ended Feb 2012 Requested vehicle to be collected They ignored request and then from then until now all default notices incorrect All their paperwork shoddy 2. Kept vehicle in storage for first 8 months Actually bought a lease Audi thinking they would collect. 3. They wrote to me Jan 2013 saying they wouldn't pay storage charges Had to remove and asked garage where it had been kept to leave their awaiting audis collection 4. Wrote to audi numerorus times They failed to collect. 5. Had a court date booked 19th oct which I was happy to attend Their sols cut a very late deal with my sols Tuesday 18th Oct I told sols I wasn't happy that t's would net be crossed and i's dotted they weren't. 6 My sols agreed that I would deliver up vehicle Had told her it hadn't been used for 4 years and would be unusable due to the amount of time lapsed 7 Audi collects keys for vehicle and sign off log book 24th oct They go to collect at address given some 27 hours later Audi not there Have reported to police but my solicitor says I am still now liable and in breach of agreement Feel like my solicitor just wants to get rid of all case and me pay for everything ! because its been totally messed up I had a really good case prior to this rushed agreement Can anyone help my solicitor doesn't want to!
  20. I am divorced from my husband who is living with his new girlfriend. I am the carer of our two children. When we got divorced the agreement was that he pays £300.- per month and has the kids for two nights per week. He at some point shortened it to £200.- and told me that's all I am getting. Financially I could cope with this reduction and left it at that to avoid any hassle with him. He then paid £200.- on the first of every month but started to have the kids less than 2 nights a week, he would have them willy nilly when it suited him. I asked him to stick to the agreement or pay more maintenance. He declined to do either and told me to sue him if I wanted anything. I decided to start a case with the CMS and paid £20.- for the privilege. They assessed his income and his personal circumstances and decided he should pay around £90.- more per month, based on him having the kids for at least 52 night per year. he has been told to pay me £289.- on the first of every month, but starting on the first of December, not the first of November. I am now a bit concerned that he won't pay anything on the 1st of November, which would leave me short that month. His last payment was on the first of October. going by the CMS he doesn't have to pay anything for eight weeks. If he fails to make a payment on the first of November and says the that's in accordance with the CMS, can i still pursue the missing payment for November through other channels, i.e. Small Claims court or would that be a waste of time ? Strictly speaking he has underpaid for a while and now he gets a free month on top of it ?
  21. Hi - I hope someone can give me a bit of advice. My daughter, who recently split with her ex, got into a fracas with him and he is accusing her of robbery i.e. taking his mobile phone. Laughable, considering he stole her phone, run up £100 debt on it and also left her thousands of pound in credit card debt (in another thread). Police don't want to know about that part. Anyway, because of the tussle, they have decided to charge her with robbery contrary to section 8(1) of the Theft Act 1968 and she is due to go to court in November 2016. She suffers from depression and anxiety, both of which are currently being treated, no previous offences and definitely not known to police in any regard. She is also unemployed and has no income presently whilst Universal Credit is being sorted out (first payment date will be around November 18th). My questions are: 1. Will she be able to get any legal representation? 2. Can she gain access to any witness statements prior to court date - this is the most relevant question because she is thinking of just pleading guilty so the judge is more lenient. The anxiety this is causing her could literally be the straw that breaks the camel's back, so the thought of it going to trial is killing her. I'm loathe for her to plead guilty due to the impact on future jobs/credit etc. We think the witness is contrived and therefore my daughter feels there's no point in standing in court saying she's not guilty when the odds are stacked against her. Unfortunately, she doesn't have a witness of her own. I would be really grateful for anyone's thoughts on this and hopefully point us in the right direction for further help. Thank you
  22. I'm on the wrong end of a county court case that has been total chaos. I never got the original application. I had moved (this was about possession, originally, but was settled and I moved out) the landlord had the papers sent to my old house, and didn't use my forwarding address. Eventually I found out about it and managed to get a copy of the application from the court a couple of days before the hearing. I got a "response" in but because it was late the judge didn't have it and it got adjourned and I got told to pay costs. I went to the PSU, asked court staff, went to CAB, asked about legal aid. Noone seems to be able to help. We had another hearing just recently, 3 days before the hearing the court told me they had no record of my original response. I sent another copy by fax and another by email to the court. They never acknowledged it. I called them back and all the court said was "anything you have sent will be provided to the judge". When I said I was worried as they could not specifically identify my response (while they could identify other things I had sent) they got stroppy with me. At hearing, I checked and the judge said he had got something from the date or the original response, which I took to mean he had received it. during the hearing he didn't seem aware of anything I had said in it and I when I tried to refer specifically to one thing I had to give him a copy of it. He found against me, taking my deposit away, in giving his judgment he said a number of things which lead me to believe he had not, in fact, seen any of my evidence. He said some things that are contradicted by the evidence I provided. The only evidence he referenced, at all, was that provided in the original application (by the other side). I don't know if the judge ever got my defence, or if he did, if it was complete, or whether he read it. I just learned (on CAG) about a thing called an Allocation questionnaire? I never got one of those. I I don't know what "track" this was allocated to. I didn't get a notice of hearing for the most recent hearing. I never got a copy of the orders made at the first hearing. It goes on... I'm a litigant in person. I have nothing left and am single parenting a disabled child on benefits while trying to find work (and fighting the council to get my child into school). I'm looking after my mum with Alzheimer's. I desperately need help. I tried to get the other side to mediate but they ignored me. At the end of the day, I can let the main matter go (that would be morally wrong, but I can live without it). The problem is the costs. I can't pay any costs, that will bankrupt me. I need to appeal. I have lost a week trying to get help from the CAB but I don't know where to start. I want to try to get pro bono help but I need to be referred to that? Anyone who has any advice on this, or knows where we can get real help...
  23. I have a few queries that I hope people can help with 1) Can a party ask for Additional Information - if a Claim has not yet been allocated to a Track. Can a Court allow Additional Information - if claim not allocated? 2) If other case management issues are held the same time as a Strike Out application wouldn't that prejudice the Strike Out? 3) How long after the Directions Questionnaire should Allocation take place? 4) In Discrimination cases are Assessors needed for a Strike Out - as this could be Final Hearing. Thanks.
  24. Hi all, I started this thread following a post on Ginger's thread located in this forum (unable to post links yet). I have the same situation: 1) I sent a standard letter asking for the basis of the invoice and offering to go through POPLA as court is unnecessary. 2) Got an "appeal rejected" letter despite not actually appealing, rather just requesting information and offering to resolve the matter. 3) Got further letters from ES Parking and then one from Gladstone. I didn't bother wasting my money on postage sending a reply as I saw from every other person that they just ignore it anyway. I have a couple of weeks to submit my defence. I'm expecting to win, naturally as these guys are nothing more than low life cowboys. Any advice on what my defence should consist of? I was thinking of the following main points: 1) The driver was not identified and ES Parking refused to help in identifying the driver despite my request for information. I am only the registered keeper of the vehicle so why should I be liable? 2) The fee is not a genuine pre-estimate of loss (I have previously won a case through POPLA on that grounds) 3) I offered the claimant the option to resolve this through POPLA to avoid court and my offer was simply ignored. 4) My original letter (sent by recorded delivery) requesting information on the basis of the invoice was simply ignored with subsequent letters making unfounded demands for money 5) The invoice itself is baseless as ES Parking are just contractors, they don't own the land. That's the crux of it, is there anybody willing to help me in terms of adding extra points and the wording which will go into the defence? I'm also looking to make a claim for loss of earnings due to attending the court case should they go ahead with it - any help with that would be much appreciated. Many thanks all
  25. Hi, I am an employee on a Zero Hours contract. I work with Mr. X and had to take him to court and won the judgement. The 14 days deadline has passed and he is yet to make payment. I have a question about how to approach the working environment with Mr X who I took to court and was awarded the judgement which hasn't been paid. The case took two years to go to court during which time I had to endure being harassed at work. Before the court case, I sought Mediation to avoid court action and complain about being harassed. The meeting was held by my line Manager at work who chaired an impartial meeting with Mr. X. Following this meeting Mr. X went to H.R. and then another meeting was held and I was advised / warned to only engage in work related discussions with him going forward. The entire Management Team support him (apart from my line Manager who's hands are tied). Therefore I cannot follow the standard grievance procedure in the staff handbook (i.e. speaking to Management first). We still work together and I haven't seen him since the court case but will do tomorrow. He is discussing the case with colleagues at work and stating the 14 days given to pay doesn't matter as long as he pays within 30 days, he can get the CCJ taken off his record as if it never happened. I am concerned that Mr. X may approach me at work regarding the case. Where do I stand legally? I have contacted ACAS and understand about my rights to work in a safe environment (mentally and physically). If he approaches me at work to discuss the case, would I be considered reasonable to advise him to send me a recorded delivery letter for any further discussions regarding payment arrangements? If I have to make the payment to go back to court to make him pay will the Judge see my behaviour as unreasonable and that I am supposed to talk to Mr. X on his terms? Any advice would be appreciated.
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