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  1. Hello people, I am new on this forum so please have patience with me. Last year I was searching for insurance for my girlfriend's car so I went on money supermarket or confused (can't remember exactly which one ) I put the details on there HER being the policyholder and me as named driver on policy with the option for business miles everything ok i got quotes from a lot of companies and we have chosen GoSkippy from the whole list, made the papers put down details for direct debit insurance went on and i though I have a business insurance but I was mistaken. The problems started yesterday when she changed the workplace and the new company asked her for business insurance (she is a career). I phoned the company to ask them to put her also on the business insurance and then i had the surprise when they told me she has the business insurance, not me. I told them that they give me a quote for the business insurance for the named driver, not for the policy owner and they told me that they don't do business insurance for the named driver only for the policy owner and they gave the policyholder a phone call (after 2-3 month we made the policy) but no one answered, and they indeed acknowledged that they had the initial proposal with business miles for the named driver but they changed that and they dint told us. I asked the lady what was happening if the police caught me without the business insurance and they impound the car and she told me i with be to blame.I asked for a cancelation of the insurance she said ok but i have to pay some cancelation fees , and i told her i with not pay because its not my fault either they put me also on the insurance with business miles or cancel for free the insurance and she told me that neither one of my options are available. What options do i have here? Because apparently, i lose either way. Thank You PS : The lady from the phone aknoleged that the conversation is recorded and that they changed the original proposal with the new one without informing us. PS: Please excuse my writing, i am a foreigner i am learning now how to properly write in English. Thank you again for your patience.
  2. Received today and the time is not correct also i think the code is wrong the fact was i had a disabled person in the passenger seat needed the loo very quickly so i cut around the to light at 1703 the ticket saying 1702 the code also said 38l think that was wrong to but i needed to get them to a loo asap and had sat in the traffic 20 minutes already and could not pull into the left as was a bus lane what can i do
  3. I am the property owner of a 1st floor flat with one flat below. Had a water leak (fixed) and owner of the flat below has put in a claim for damage to his property. I bought the property before I was married under the name 'Miss Schroedingerscat'. My partner is on the deeds as an 'interested party' but I am the owner of property and mortgage. We got married, My husband is 'Mr Jon Pavlovthecat' and I took his surname. The owner of the flat downstairs should know that I am the owner, as the freehold is owned by both of us and obviously there was legal contact etc at the time of buying the property. He knows I am married now as we contacted him ref converting our loft (we own that, not freehold) with my new name and explanation of marriage. He has made the claim against defendant Mr Jon Schroedingerscat. Which is a) not his name and never has been and b) is not the person against which the claim should be directed, not being the owner of the property. Rather than going through the whole process of my dispute (to be fair I've already written it out), should I just cite this as the reason for my dispute, as it's not an error in spelling or because I changed my name, it's the wrong person, and the wrong name of that person. What happens if I simply dispute it for this reason and no other reason? If the court disagrees that this is a valid reason, what happens next? NB. I am disputing the claim for a number of reasons, so this is not an attempt to get out of liability for the claim.
  4. Hi, Wifes parents recently moved house and a parcel was sent to them but the wrong house number, £50+ food hamper tracked by my hermes. it was signed for on the on the 20th but didn't find out till 2 days ago it was sent to the wrong house. He's been round to the house and they have denied all knowledge of having it. Just wondering where we stand legally on this as the parcel wasn't in the persons name who signed for it. is it a case of tuff luck or can the police be contacted for theft?
  5. Hi Guys need a bit of advice please. I got a Penalty Charge Notice the other day from Wirral Council, I popped onto the website to pay but couldn't get the page to accept my details, thats when i notice that they have put the wrong VRN on the PCN. my Reg is DB12*** they have put DB18*** Looking at the VRN they have put on the ticket it doesn't exist with DVLA When i put the wrong VRN details into the Wirral Parking website i can see that they have a picture of the correct VRN but the picture is just a close up of the VRN and doesn't show the vehicle illegally parked. whats my best way round this?? I was going to log on and dispute the PCN under the grounds of the wrong VRN that is on the PCN within the first 14 days and get the inevitable ball rolling?? or is it best to do nothing for now and wait for them to make the next move? Eagerly waiting your reply's Cheers Steve
  6. Hi, I have received a letter from TFL for failing to produce a valid ticket, pass or photocard for my journey the London Underground. have asked for my side of the story and have been advised that legal proceedings may be taken against me. What happened is that I was on the tube then an inspector came on and I gave him the Oyster card that I had used for the journey. He scanned it and asked to see the railcard attached so I gave him my student railcard. He then told me that there is a greater discount on the card and asked if I have another railcard. I said that I don't. The inspector revealed that it was a privilege discount which is 75% and that I should have a privilege card to be entitled to it. he then cautioned me and started questioning me and I explained that I bought the blue Oyster card and then asked a staff member to attach my 16-25 student railcard to it. The inspector withdrew the oyster but returned my student railcard. I was told that even though it may have been a staff mistake where the wrong discount was attached, TFL can still take action against me for using a discount that I wasn't eligible for and benefitting from it. Please advise me on how to respond to their letter. Should I argue that it is not my fault that the staff made a mistake and I am not responsible to correct it. It was the staff's responsibility to check the right discount was given and there was no reason for me to assume they could not properly perform their job. Also, I could have only found out that the wrong discount was given after using the oyster and then calculating the fare I was charged, so travelling without a valid photocard was unavoidable. I didn't know that privilege discount existed, so even if I noticed that I had a greater discount, I would have still not known what is was for me to go and report it. I would appreciate any help on how to respond to this to get the best outcome possible.
  7. Hi all. Brief background to my delimma; Opened up a vanquis account back in mid 2013, kept on top of it for a few years until I went through an extremely difficult time, they increased my credit limit to £2000 around the same time and I blew the lot and stopped paying because I didn’t care about anything. It was then sold to Lowell’s solicitors I ignored the first letters until I received the pre action protocol letter. I responded to that asking them to prove it. Today they replied stating they were waiting for response from creditor and my account is on hold in meantime. Total debt is £2396. But I also noticed some of the information on this letter is wrong. The last payment date and the amount is incorrect and also the default date. I checked through my bank statements and they’re a month out with the payment date. They have my last payment as November for £70 odd, but my last transaction was in the October for £30 odd. Then the default is recorded in May the following year. I’m wondering if it’s worth letting it go to court if they seem to have wrong information. Would be really grateful for any information or advice anyone has. Many thanks.
  8. Hi all, When I got my payslip for October, there was an Attachment Order on it which took a significant amount of money from my wage. I knew nothing about this attachment order prior to receiving my payslip. I spoke to our payroll provider who told me it was put on by the County Magistrates. The payroll eventually provided me with the paperwork sent to them by the court. This appertains to a person with the same name, D.O.B and had my N.I. number and payroll number on it - the only thing that didn't match was the address which is in a town some 20 miles away that I have never had any association with. I have spoken to the Court in question, who are currently looking into it although they were very sure they had the right person. The court say the attachment order letter was sent to the address in question and was returned as 'not know at this address'. I have been told the matter is for a court case in 2017 which was for 'Failure to Comply With an Environmental Order'. This is something I have definitely not been involved in. I'm being made to feel like I have to prove my own innocence but am struggling at how I can do that as they seem to have all my details. EIther somebody has been completely brazen and gone to court pretending to be me or somewhere in the court system, there has been an enormous clerical error... I'm going to consult a Solicitor on Monday morning to discuss my options as this is definately nothing to do with me and because of this, I have been unable to meet my monthly financial obligations. Does anybody have any ideas where I can go with this?? I'm at my wits end...
  9. Hello all, I have had a long running issue with BT I have my broadband no problem paid by direct debit and with no issues, however when I renewed, because I was on a business line I asked to be changed to a standard domestic line long story short I was persuaded to keep the Business line with promises of any faults being pushed up the queue as businesses take priority and there was a free Samsung Tab E when renewing the contract so I said yes and away we go. So the twist is when I was renewing the contract they had my business listed completely wrong and for a completely different industry, I informed them of the error, and requested they change me details but they haven't, and then they started sending a separate bill for the tablet, I have rung them several times telling them the tablet was supposed to be a free gift, which they say it is but I have to pay for the sim card which is £8 per month, I complained again then relented and told them if I was going to keep the sim card which is not being used and has accrued no data usage as it is only used in the house by wife through the wi-fi, I wanted the correct business name applied so I could set up a direct debit through my business account, they did nothing except keep issuing the bills which I ignored assuming they had been told enough. now today I receive a letter from Moorcroft under the wrong company name demanding £365 for an £8 a month contract which lasts 2 years where do they get their figures from. So to the point what do I do to get rid of these idiots. And sorry for the long post Sorry just to clarify I still have the broadband with no arrears and no issues its only the separate tablet account that is an issue.
  10. Hi All, I need a little advice. I have received a CCJ letter from a private parking company called CPM. The CCJ has been put together by Gladstones solicitors. I have already submitted an acknowledgement of service however due to a holiday have only now a few days to file my defence. I noticed that the CCJ has spelt my name wrong on the summons letter for example by one letter - Joe Bloggs Would be Jje Bloggs. As I understand the court process they are all about the details - so surely this is enough to use a defence? Any advice would be greatly received. TIA
  11. Hi all, Just after some advise as this may be a bit different to other people cases. Today I received a Parking Eye "Parking Charge Notice". It's my car which my wife drove to take me to hospital, she paid using the Pay By Phone app, however she entered her cars registration by mistake. I worry she done this again the following day also! I've appealed and sent a copy of our proof (screenshot with incorrect registration on it) but now I'm wondering should I of come here first before quickly rushing into an appeal? 1 Date of the infringement - 13/09/2018 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] - 27/09/2018 3 Date received - 01/10/2018 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] NO 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? YES 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] YES APPEAL - I have received a Parking Charge Notice for my car, which my wife was driving at the time taking me to hospital. We made payment using the Pay By Phone app, and once I received this letter have only realised that payment was made however it was made for our other car (*OTHER REG*) as my wife has often used her car to make payments as she has been to the hospital a lot recently (as I’m sure you can check by her registration). Unfortunately this has been a simple error and I attach proof that the payment was made and you'll be able to confirm this as her car *OTHER REG* did not enter the hospital car park on this day. Have you had a response? [Y/N?] NO 7 Who is the parking company? Parking EYE 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] - Sunderland Royal Hospital
  12. Was stopped by an inspector for using parents freedom pass a year ago. Provided ID and name etc. Driving license I showed had a previous address so all correspondence was sent to this wrong address. At the time when the inspector requested ID I did not provide updated address as this was not on the license. I now regret not giving current address but at the time I simply provided my ID and did not think of this. Name and DOB given were correct. I have now recently received a 'Further steps notice' letter with court fine of almost £500 and discovered that this case had gone to Magistrates court in my absence. Should I make statutory declaration as I was unaware or will I be questioned for not updating the DVLA of my address?
  13. Hello My husband apparently went the wrong way down a one way street. He didn't see any signs. I was going to ask if anyone can identify any technicalities we could use to avoid paying the PCN but I can't upload the photos as I don't have enough posts! So I will ask the only question that I can without photos...The PCN arrived yesterday, 21 June 2018, (with first class postage) but I note that the notice is dated 13 June 2018. This means there is a very short time before the 14 days expire. Does this give us anything to argue? Thank you so much
  14. Ill start by stating i have never had any dealings with Lloyds Bank in my life but they have registered accounts on my credit report. There is two accounts on my file one mortgage for an address which is not mine and also a credit card again which is not mine. The mortgage is in serious arrears and the credit card is listed as defaulted.I am also receiving debt collection letters. I have had problems with Lloyds in 2010 - 13 where they also had a CCJ against me. They also sent a letter from there solicitors to my address stating i was a fraudster. (see attachment) I managed to get things erased from my credit file eventually through a lot of hard work , and eventually i went to the newspapers and FOS who helped me sort it. I received a disgraceful amount of compensation for what they had put me through and now they have managed to wreck my credit file again. I have sent SAR off and i am awaiting response. Again this is for a person with the same name and DOB as me but this person has a middle name and i do not. Any help or similar experiences with this kind of thing would be good to know so i can again chase them. Thanks. Sorry attachment here from mentioned above. see my other links https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?488056-Barclays-default-not-mine-!!!&p=5129009#post5129009 Lyons Letter.pdf
  15. My father appointed a contractor to do some work on a boiler in a hotel that he does property maintenance for, there was a dispute between him and the contractor and the invoice they raised was to my fathers company. The claimant being the contractor has issued a claim form but in the name of the hotel company name as the defendant. This should be my fathers company. What do i need to do? Thank you.
  16. HI I have both my Gas and Elec accounts with N Power. I have been with NPower for almost 10-11 years. Quite some time ago I fell into arrears with both accounts so went onto pre-pay and started to pay for usage and payback on the meters. I have recently checked my file, there is 2 things that dont add up. no.1 the start date on both files are wrong. The 1st 3 years the accounts were held in my company name as the house was being used for business. It seems that they have moved the accounts over onto my personal name after the company went bust. I have questioned them on this but they say that the files dont go back that far. no.2 the debt upto 6 month ago had come down from 1600 to 780ish on one account. There is then a U for 2 months and then it more than doubles to 1800ish, this coinsides iirc with when we had a new meter fitted. I have told them that it is wrong, but they have said its correct and closed the case. It is impossible for the debt to go up like that on a pre-payment meter. What can I do on both issues please? Its affecting my credit rating. Many Thanks:-x
  17. Hello, Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I placed an order with Amazon 23/03/18 for canon 6d camera, "delivered" and signed for 26/03/18 On opening the parcel I find a desk lamp, yes a £13 desk lamp which Amazon sell instead of a £1700 camera! call is made to Amazon who state, will email an affidavit. This is filled, signed and emailed back to uk-deliveryinvestigation at amazon Cs reply back and state they will be in contact within 72hrs. It has now been over 72hrs. So an email is sent out stating: I have been very patient in waiting for your investigation. If you can shed some light on the matter before I look into speaking with my bank and starting a Section 75 and bringing in Trading Standards. They get back with , 'We have fully investigated this matter with the carrier. And if you want us to take another look provide a police report'. I feel this has nothing to do with the carrier, their carrier Amazon Logistics. I email again this time for the serial number of camera, they state this would be on the box. They are really funny I have asked Virgin credit card to step in. In the meantime has anybody experience this from Amazon? And has anybody any advise? Kind regards and thank you for reading this post, very much appreciated. Dan. p.s. I order a lot of camera related material from Amazon and have placed 370 orders since 2016. And below is just a bit of Columbo. The box size the lamp came in was an E6. Amazon normally send cameras in a E3 box size with 'corrosive materials' sticker. If I would have noticed the box didn't have the 'corrosives sticker' I wouldn't have signed for the order.
  18. hello, I have a problem, how to sort it out.. Around half year ago, received response pack from county court. sent them back defence N9B form, but they haven't received and i lost a case. I know I should send registered mail..but unfortunately. Now received notice of debt recovery from DCBL £261 + £75 recovery fee for parking ticket. The thing is I have a proof that vehicle on date of issue been sold already. Should I go to nearest court or any other ways?
  19. Hello. can someone with the knowledge please advise me on this one? I am currently suing a company through the small claims court for my money back (under £2000). It is a big company and I have issued papers in the name on a receipt I have from them for my purchase. Let me use the made up name of ZZZCompany Ltd. A solicitor has filed an acknowledgement but stating Joe Soap the third V ZZZservices Ltd (or something along those lines). Am I correct that unless ZZZCompany Ltd files a defense in time, I would get judgement by default as the wrong defendant has responded? It is likely the companies are in some way connected - maybe part of a bigger group, or different divisions of a bigger company. But If I take Mrs smith to court and Mr Jones files a defence, surely Mrs smith could find the case found against them by default as Mrs Smith didn't actually file a defence? It may be a silly question, but I would have thought the correct name needs to be responding. What could/is likely to happen from here?
  20. I have received a ccj for unsecured credit at my home address and there is no defendant with that christian and surname at this address. Would this make the ccj or any enforcement valid? For example the defendants name is spelt Richardgale Bridg but there is a person here called Richardgalle Bridgewaters. I have used fictitious names but the mistakes are exactly the same in proportion. I do not really want to go to the expense of having the ccj struck out. But, if that name is so wrong should I just ignore the ccj and any enforcement action. I am not too worried about bailiffs but I am worried that if the creditor requests an oral examination the person with the similar name could get arrested for ignoring it.
  21. Hello all. I submitted a claim using MCOL a few weeks ago for a Deposit I gave to a Landlord (LL) when I lodged with them for 6 months, a total of £600. I am claiming that amount, including interest and court fees totalling just over £700. I took all reasonable steps to get the deposit back but the LL started blanking me and made promises to pay but never did. I started the MCOL process and they submitted an acknowledgment of service, stating they are going to defend the entire claim. Fair enough, thats their right. However herein the problem lies. I had been using the LLs current address to send all my formal letters and put it into MCOL with served the particulars of claim to them at that address (thus enabling them to submit an acknowledgement of service). However in their acknowledgement of service they put changed their address to their old address where they no longer live and havent done so for a year. This now means further documentation from the court will go to their old address - and my best guess is that when it comes to it they will try and get the claim set aside because they haven't received further court correspondence (because they've intentionally put an old/false address). Does anyone have any advice on how to deal with this? Thank you!
  22. Hi there, hope someone out there can help. About 6 months ago I received a letter at my current address, which is a property I have owned and lived in for 2 and a half years, chasing payment for a parking ticket for a car that I do not own. The car is and was owned by my brother who lived with me briefly at my old property, which I sold 2.5 years ago. I contacted the company and explained that the car was not mine and explained the situation. My brother and I have the same initial and surname. Today, I checked my credit file and saw that a CCJ has been issued to me for £275 in respect to the ticket. I did not receive any correspondence at all in relation to the court action, and see that it was issued in my old address which I have not lived at since I sold it in 2015. I contacted the court and it was for a parking ticket issued in late 2016 for a car that I do not own and never have. I did not keep the correspondence I received a few months ago so do not have the details of the company that contacted me previously but this action has been taken by Gladstones. As the CCJ was issued less than 1 month ago I have paid it so it gets removed but can anyone point me in the right direction with regards to getting this money back and bringing Gladstones to account for their error? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance
  23. I got a PCN sadly I never realised my Disabled badge ran out yesterday. All be it a fair, as my fault for not noticing. The form to me is filled out incorrectly, stating my dark blue car is grey. Would this have any bearing as to the PCN being legally not binding? I ask as every other form I know needs to be filled in correctly or gets thrown out of court ect ect.
  24. Hi I have sent my mobile phone to a shop in Nottingham to be repaired, and they have sent it back to the wrong address , the bloke is claiming that is address that i sent him, which is total .. as the address it was sent back to is 400 miles away, he has said theres nothing he can do, is this right ?
  25. Hello PCN issued by Smart Parking for wrong VRM a zero instead of O was entered. The alleged contravention happened at HAVEN BANKS RETAIL PARK EXETER A ticket was purchased for the time parked but a zero was entered instead of letter O PCN received 06/11/17 Date of alleged contrevetion 21/10/2017 I appealed, not realising that I had entered a zero instead of O. Not sure if I disclosed the driver ( sorry didn't realise at the time what a mistake that may have been). Sent supporting evidence of purchased tickets- I had know idea what I had done wrong. Appeal refused although they acknowledge my tickets as eveidence of tickets purchased. Appeal refused as a zero was entered instead of the letter O I'm now appealing to POPLA I'm struggling to get my head around the legal jargon and which bits apply to my case. Any help would be much apprieciated.
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