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  1. I changed my name in 2006 whilst living in England and from then on-wards I did not make any payments towards my debts in my old name. I did not inform my banks or creditors of my change of name and have not applied for any credit accounts since then. I have been living in Scotland for 1 year and all of a sudden I have had Sheriffs Officers visit my address on a few occasions looking to speak to my "old alias. I have not acknowledged the debts at all, I have simply told them that there is no such person living at my address. My questions are: A. Can Sheriffs officers pursue a debt in Scotland that was built up in England? B. If so, can they pursue these debts if more than 6 years have passed and there has been absolutely no contact or acknowledgement of the debt either by phone, writing or any other method? C. Can I continue to use the same method to get rid of these peoples i.e. plead ignorance that the person doesn't exist at my address? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!
  2. I received a letter from one of the debt companies that have taken over a debt I had for £165 they offered me a settlement payment of £50 so I took this offer and I have paid the £50 The guy I spoke to was rude and very unhelpful! He told me that this account would show up as Settled instead as Satisfied .. If I were to pay the £165 then it would be satisfied, he then went on to ask me a number of questions as to why I could afford to pay £50 but yet I can not pay £165. So I am wondering what the difference between Satisfied & Settled is ?
  3. Can anybody help me. I was one of those who Wonga owe compensation for their fake letter scandal. I received a tonne of their fake solicitor letters for years. I was told I would receive a letter as I am affected. Nothing ever came. I have emailed them about.. 20 times, ALL I ever got was a robot default response saying I am affected etc. I emailed two official complaints that I have received no letter and called them, and they did not even bother to respond to those at their complaints email address. What can I do!?!
  4. Cllr David Allen,*Surrey Heath Borough Council*member for Frimley Green, said: “The company gives tickets to those people whose wheels are over the line and if you are over by a minute or two, they will ticket you. It has only been an issue in the last six months. "We are trying to do as much as we can, but we are also appealing to drivers for them to be responsible and not disregard the regulations.” http://www.getsurrey.co.uk/news/surrey-news/frimley-motorists-still-being-hit-8450443
  5. I have a couple of old debts still on my file 7 years after the default date. I'm still being hounded by Lowell for these old debts which were catalogues and a store card. I thought these were removed after 6 years? I understand that it sounds like i'm trying to get out of these debts but if i could afford them i would pay them. Should i offer a couple of pound per week or continue to bury my head in the sand? I'm frightened that they're going to turn up at my house like they keep threatening to do. Also i had a pay monthly sim that i paid out of my bank. The guy who served me at the shop said it didn't come with a contract and if i wanted to cancel it to just cease paying the up front bill. Which is what i did when i didn't need it any more. I've just noticed that that's on my file too Thank you for your time.
  6. Hi, I can't sleep for worrying about this even though I'm exhausted! I was interviewed by a revenue protection officer on board a train in London in the middle of September, who suspected me of fare dodging. He interviewed me under caution, placed me under arrest and said that my case was being referred to the prosecutions department of the train company for consideration. I still haven't heard back from them and am worried they have sent me a letter which has got lost in the post. Is it normal to wait so long? The RPI had said it would take about 6 weeks for the train operating company (TOC) to contact me. I was travelling from south east London to East Croydon via London Bridge. I had a season ticket from my local station to London Bridge but no ticket for the onward journey to Croydon, which I had planned to buy at London Bridge. As it turned out, I was in a rush, the Croydon train turned up within two minutes of me disembarking from the inbound train, and I jumped on it thinking - mistakenly - that I could pay the difference on board or at the other end. Honestly! I was not until recently a regular train user as I had private transport to commute to and from work and have in the past paid on board trains for tickets, so genuinely did not realise I was committing an offence at the time, and it was never my intention to dodge a fare. I'm a reasonably well-paid professional person with no criminal record, so why would I want to jeopardise my good reputation and future career prospects over a fare of a few pounds? When the guard came round I said I needed to pay him a fare and asked if I could pay him the difference on my existing season ticket but he said he was issuing me with a penalty fare. I thought this was unfair and refused to pay it. It gets worse. I then told him why I thought this was unfair and that I had offered to pay him the regular fare. I felt I was being unjustly criminalised. Then I refused to give him my name and address when asked because I felt frightened of him. (He was a big, scary guy, which I accept is no excuse or defence, but I suffer from an anxiety disorder, was under a great deal of stress and behaved irrationally.) When told I faced prosecution and was being arrested, I said I would pay the penalty fare - twice - but the RPI said he could not take a payment from me, and did not say why. I also gave him my name and address. On the train the guard suggested I had given the wrong address because he rang a help desk, which told him I was not registered at the address given. But I am! I realise now that my lack of co-operation was a big mistake and I have accepted that I will be prosecuted. I wrote the TOC a letter straight away which I sent by special delivery, and emailed them, providing documentary evidence and a copy of my season ticket and Oyster card, as requested by them. But, three months on, I want to know if I should contact the TOC to check they have not already written to me? I do not want to find out further down the line that I was convicted in court in my absence because I did not receive their correspondence. More about the incident: When the guard arrested me on the platform at Croydon, I panicked and rang the police, telling them I was being detained by an unauthorised person. A police officer attended and supervised my interview with the guard at my request. Before the police turned up a fellow passenger intervened on my behalf, saying to the guard that he was shouting at me, and bullying and intimidating me, that he was a big guy and I was a woman, and the way he was treating me was inappropriate. The two men ended up arguing vigorously. The fellow passenger finally left, but refused to give me his contact details when i asked if he would be a witness. I gave him mine but he never contacted me. In my letter to the TOC I asked them to look at the CCTV on the platform, which would confirm my story about the passenger's intervention on my behalf. I also asked that the footage be made available in the event of prosecution which would show the two men clearly arguing. I don't want a criminal record but accept I may end up with one, which I believe stands for 5 years before I no longer have to declare it to employers. Could someone confirm this please? This would affect my employment and may even result in job loss. I am also an Australian and British citizen and fear it may adversely affect my right to re-enter Australia. As well as outlining all of the above, I said in my letter that I regretted the way in which the situation had escalated, that it was a genuine mistake that would never be repeated and that I would like to pay the penalty fare plus additional administrative costs. I also explained that in the past four months I had moved house, that the vehicle that I used to get to work was stolen, had had a brain aneurysm diagnosed and was presently being investigated for lung cancer. All of which possibly contributed to my unhelpful reaction to the guard. I supplied documentary evidence to back up all of this and gave the TOC permission to contact any of the relevant authorities to check the documents' authenticity, should they wish to do so. I also enclosed a letter from the council confirming my address (given to the guard) and a letter from a psychologist confirming that I had received cognitive behavioural therapy for anxiety. I had a lawyer look over my letter before I sent it to the TOC. He recommended a barrister, should the matter proceed, and I will take his advice and hire the barrister if I receive a summons. The question is, should I contact the TOC to ask why I have not heard from them? The solicitor I saw told me that the TOC must bring a prosecution within 6 months of the offence, otherwise they are not allowed to pursue the matter further. I realise NOW that I was in the wrong on the train - I just didn't realise it at the time, which I realise (now) is no defence. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading this far.
  7. Ok Here is the story. Back in April I parked in a car park at a local retail park - I was picking up a single item - the car park was full, so the only spaces available throughout the car park were the disabled spaces, so I chose the one furthest away from the store entrance to pack. I went into the shop and returned to my car after 2 minutes, find I had received a complimentary parking invoice from UKPCS, for parking in a disabled space without displaying a disabled permit. I had had dealings with this organisation before and eventually they gave up as I did not pay or even contact them, I decided to do the same and ignore them - yes I know about POFA etc, where the advise is to appeal but I was going off on holiday in a few weeks time. while away they sent their NTK, which I ignored when I returned. I have had the usual reminders for DRP+, and Zenith collections, and still ignored them. On Monday I happened to visit the same shops in the same car park - and thought as its Christmas they will have their parking attendant out invoicing cars - imagine my surprise, not only were there no parking attendants but all the parking notices have also been removed from the car park, and the car park is no longer controlled. IF they finally take court action wouldn't the fact they no longer control the car park be a point in my favour? I know its a big IF, and is probably never going to become a when but you never know.
  8. Stolen mobiles are still causing victims "shock bills", in spite of government promises to cap call charges, Citizens Advice has said. The watchdog said consumers have faced charges of up to £23,000 each, after thieves used their phones. A year ago the culture secretary, then Maria Miller, promised that such charges would be capped at £50 by the Spring of 2014. The government said it was waiting for the industry to agree the details. Citizens Advice claimed as many as 160,000 people a year are hit by high call charges, following the theft of a mobile phone or a SIM card. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-30429347
  9. Hi I am a Newbie to this I have had a long ongoing battle with HFO Services/Hfo Capital for over 13 years over a car I had on finance with Welcome Finance which was taken back by Welcome. I have today received a letter from HFO Capital demanding payment or they will carry our enforcement action etc etc. having not heard from them for over 12 months prior to this letter. This debt went to court over 7 years ago before I had found out about CCAs etc as if I had sent them a CCA request this would have not got to court in the first place and I was paying the judgment off by a monthly payment. the judgment is just about paid off now but the letter I received today shows a balance outstanding of almost twice the original judgment amount. I thought HFO Capital / Turnbull Rutherford have lost their licence to trade according to news items and threads on here. Can somebody help shed some light on this. as this is stopping me getting on with my life having to have my home and other assets in others names to try to stop them getting charging orders etc as they tried a few years ago and got an intrim C/O on my previous home as the house was in both mine and ny partners names my partner appealed to the court and the charging order was removed by the court I really don't wanto go through this again all I want is closure on this. Pleease Help!!
  10. Hello, I am wondering if you can help / provide advice for my brother. He ended up in some financial difficulties following a car accident which meant he was unable to work (self employed) for a while several years ago. As a result he got into some financial difficulties which were finally sorted in 2012 (or so we thought!). The debt was for a credit card at Lloyds TSB, who passed the debt to a company called 1st Credit. A full and final settlement figure was agreed with 1St Credit in May 2012 (we have a letter from them confirming this). However, in August/September 2012 for some reason Lloyds sold the debt on again to a company called Apex. Both Apex and Lloyds confirmed that it should not have been sent to them, and we have complaint responses from both companies in September and October 2012 confirming this. The letters also advise that the debt is closed off and Apex were sending it back to Lloyds. We thought everything was fine as no further contact however fast forward two years and we have now received a debt from a company called Cabot Financial (dated 3 November 2014) claiming that the debt has now been sold on to them. It is clearly the same debt, as all of them quote the same amount right to the penny as well as his original lloyds credit card number. We are clearly very unhappy with this as he is looking to rent a property soon and we are worried that this could affect his credit etc further. In addition to this, Cabot Financial's letter states that the original lender is "Prime Credit 1 s.a.r.l" which is not the case and we have not had any dealings with them (as was lloyds, 1st Credit and Apex) so we are at a loss with who to go to - Lloyds, Appex, 1st Credit etc. Does any one know if there are any links between these companies (i.e. is this Prime Credit 1 s.a.r.l linked to Apex/1st Credit etc).
  11. I too fell foul of Parking Eye, stopped for 33 minutes in a staff carpark, in Poole September 13th 2104. I did the silly thing of appealing, stating the reason for temporarily using their facility, which was rejected. One of my main concerns, is that the legal framework has moved on a bit, and Parking Eye have updated their process to improve their success rates. Is the advice still to ignore the parking charge Notices from Parking Eye? Thanks, Graham
  12. Hi all, Defaulted on a Direct Line loan some years ago and after dealing with CCCS, I have been paying off a manageable amount back. Direct Line put a charging order on my house to secure the debt, should I choose to ever sell my house. After many years of paying monthly via CCCS and the debt being sold on at least twice, if not three times, I am now contemplating selling my house. My question is this, if I now sell my house, will the solicitors just pay the charging order for the outstanding money to Direct Line regardless or will the fact that the debt has been sold on, now mean that they cannot pay it to Direct Line and nor can they give it to the company that bought the debt as the charging order is not in their name ?
  13. I recently wrote of to akinika to settle a debt I have with them, I was a little cheeky and asked if they could reduce my debt by 70% (previous debt companies have done this with me in order to settle my account quickly ) instead of paying £212.21 I would pay £65, they sent me a letter back saying this is "not acceptable, however our client would accept £180.37" They have also asked for a breakdown of my income & expenditure which I have typed up for them, after I have paid everything out (rent, council tax, gas electric) I am left with £0 a month. I am currently a full time carer for a parent which I have stated in the letter so for now (due to being made redundant) I am not working and my income is all accounted for. What action can they take now ? I physically have no money to set up monthly payments to them, I am only able to pay the £65 as a family member is willing to pay this for me, but due to them being retired and on state pension they can not afford to give me £180. Can they take me to court ? If so, does the fact that I offered to make a settlement payment count in my favor ? How much should I have offered to pay them ? Any key information that I should add in my income & expenditure letter ? ** This account is for JD Williams for a catalog** Thank you
  14. hi, just noticed this article about minicredit http://www.google.info/forums/showthread.php?47704-Micro-Lend-Uk-Credit-Licence Was doing a bit of research as I have an FOS complaint against them for irrresponsible lending. Have got recent emails from the lovely Kristale. Has anyone got a loan from them recently? What happens my claim if they go out of business?
  15. Hi all, When i first got parking charge back in April, i found this site and made use of a company set up to help people with their Parking ticket claims They were very fast to respond and very helpful. I had already appealed to the parking company but they just rejected it and said I could appeal to POPLA but really not worth my time. They did not supply POPLA code. The Claims company contacted them for code but appeal lost due to out of date code - dealt with it, Claims Company got a new code and re-submitted appeal which won. Yay!, all dealt with. Except now, the parking company UK Parking Solutions has sent me a letter demanding payment and threatening Debt Recovery and extra charges. Is this legal given POPLA appeal already won. Does the POPLA appeal verdict hold up in court? Should I just ignore them or do I need to take action? Thanks
  16. I am currently in a debt management plan through step change paying off debts mainly to Santander & one to barclaycard. The outstanding balance is currently around £12k, it has only just come to my attention that once 6 years have passed from my default date the debts can no longer appear on my credit file. my question is simple.. .what happens if I stop paying the debts once they have dropped off my credit file?
  17. Might sound like a stupid question but here goes... In 2006 my wife instituted divorce proceedings. I was in a bad place at the time and didn't respond at all. I received a decree nisi and a solicitor's bill but I didn't get a decree absolute. How do I find out if the decree was made absolute? If it wasn't, am I still married?
  18. Hi, I moved in the house on the 27th July 2013 and we had a 12 month contract. This obviously ran out on the 27th July 2014 and we are still waiting for a new tenancy. I rang him 4 weeks prior to the 27th July to see if we would be stopping and to make arrangements to get a new tenancy sorted. The landlord said he has it in his diary and he would be around before it expired. But every time something crops up. Every single time he is meant to come something important happens and he never tells me. I find out by ringing him and asking if he is still coming. I rang him today and he never answered so I left a message. He rang me back two hours later to say he would be around today. So I cancelled any plans I had with the kids and stopped in. Just rang him again and again something cropped up. It is nearly two weeks now since our tenancy ended and its starting to annoy me. Any advice? or has this just been a rant and a case of me waiting? Cheers
  19. Hi All, Just been reading another thread and thought I would re-post about my problem with Welcome Finance. I took out a secured loan in 2006, the property was repo'd by the original mortgage lender (I gave them the keys instead of going to court). Welcome got a payout of 10G from the sale, I thought that was that. About two years ago they came back to me demanding a further 10G as it was a shortfall, so began a very long and inevitably fruitless complaint with Welcome. All until the last letter that I had which stated: "The loan was pre-paid, which means the loan was in CREDIT at that time not necessarily settled" I've sent my complaint to the FSCS on the advice of the FOS, however am I right in thinking that they should have settled the loan and gone no further? As they are a failed company guess they are trying to get as much money off people as possible.
  20. Hi I have a debt of around £500 with Marisota which by my reckoning is made up entirely of their £12 charges. Can you still reclaim charges or has it all been stopped? Anyone had any success with this company, they go by other aliases such as jd williams, simply be etc thanks
  21. After 6 years of hell my credit file is now completely clean with equifax and experian but callcredit are still showing a default that should have gone 12 days ago! I've raised a dispute and they said it could take 28 days! Any idea on how I can get this gone ASAP!?
  22. Hi all, Background.. I took out a loan approx 14 years ago from the bank i was with at the time (HSBC) and payed all the payments until i lost my job a couple of years later. I thought the PPI would cover my payments but it didnt so i defaulted on the loan. This resulted in the bank also closing my account and eventually selling my debt onto Metropolitan Collection Services. I was unable to open another bank account at the time due to bad credit etc.. . but at the time didnt matter as i had wages etc.. paid into my parents bank account. Metropolitan chased me for a while and i eventually started paying a little each month via a payment card and have been to this day! I eventually grew up, opened a new bank account in 2009 after trying a number of banks, Natwest finally accepted me. I now have a family, credit card, bills etc.. and have run a free credit check through Noddle and the old loan debt from 14ish years ago does NOT show on there! Question is, do i have to still pay the amount each month via payment card or can i get rid of the outstanding balance with this not showing on my credit check? Thanks in advance, all info appreciated
  23. i have a debt from welcome that was sold off to lowell and got a few grand outstanding on there. welcome were absolute dicks to be so in no rush to pay it off now ym default has dropped off. so instead of the £200+ a month i was paying them im paying about £25 to lowell at the moment.
  24. Hi All, I'm still waiting for my claim form to come through, should I be concerned that it hasn't arrived yet or are others still waiting? I did call them and update my address details over a month ago, so there should be no reason why it shouldn't arrive. Thanks, Andy
  25. Ok so brought a car exactly 3 months from garage, its a used car and i paid about the market value (certainly no lower) During the 1st 4 weeks i was noticing i was putting about a litre of oil in every week and the heat shield fell off (minor but still) and the air con and blower packed up completely. It was not leaking oil it was burning it. Contacted the garage who agreed to take it back and 'have a look' they did and 'fixed' the car. fast forward to now and the car is suddenly using a litre of oil a week again, basically i think they temporarily hid/fixed the problem rather than a proper fix, I think its burning so much because of the piston rings and all they did was clean the breather pipes out. So i got it, it went wrong, they had it back, fixed it (apparently) and now again its broken again. As said ive had for exactly 3 months, can i still reject under SOGA
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