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  1. HI All, I am at my wits end with my builder with whom I signed a contract agreeing the scope of work and duration of work (8 weeks). I am in the 8th week of the contract and the work completion is not in sight. He has delayed the work all along sighting every possible reason and I am genuinely concerned that the work will not be over by the end of the week. Do I have legal recourse against the builder ? Any possible help/guidance you can provide will be greatly appreciated. Happy to provide any more information if required. Many thanks, Swaroop
  2. Hi, I was caught by the revenue checking inspector/office, while travelling from Wickford to London Liverpool street for not paying full fare for my journey. I have been regularly travelling from Ilford to Liverpool street by having an annual ticket. Quite recently, I moved to Wickford and travelling once or twice in a week. I was travelling part of the journey without valid ticket (for more than once) in order to save few pounds based on the wrong advice that I had received from a friend. Because of which, I am in trouble. Ticket inspector/officer caught me and found out that I am doing this for about 5-6 times and said that he will send my case to court and said not to issue any fine, even though I requested him many times. I fully regret for what I have done in the first place. My finances were bit tight because of recent parents visit to UK, new mortgage and other additional expenses because of new place. All these things played part of my thinking and made me to follow wrong friend's advice, which I should not do in the first place (and fully regret) in order to save few pounds in travelling. Office was not able to match my name with the address that I had given through the system that they use for checks on the day, when he booked me in September. After around 2 months, I got a letter from Greater Anglia to confirm, if I am the one, who has been caught. I am having a family with 2 kids and they are fully dependant on my earnings and they will be in deep trouble, if any thing happens to me and with my employment. I don't want them to be in trouble for the mistake that I had done. I am having sleepless night because of constant remembrance of the incident and feeling ashamed for what I did in the first place. Please advice, what I have to do, now? What kind of capital punishment that I am going to face? And is there any way to get settlement out of court with Greater Anglia. Your immediate help and advice is much appreciated. NOTE : Right after the incident, I starting paying full fare for my journey and kept those tickets as evidence (if needed).
  3. Hi apologies if this is the wrong part of forum im posting in. i bought 45000 indian rupees in 500 and 1000 rupee denominations on ) Oct 13th last month. for my holiday in feb 2017 From TravelFX by Bank transfer (wish i'd paid by credit card now but they only accepted Bank transfers) then beginning of this month indian prime minister declares all 500 and 1000 in effect null and void. its nearly £550.00 worth and TravelFX wont buy them back. even though though they have a buy back policy. and now wont communicate with me any further even though i have been polite at all stages in communications with them. i stated to them that i should get a refund as a consumer under the sale of goods act, but they replied bureau de change transactions are not covered by the act. is this true im shocked if it is. ive explored all avenues in the uk with indian banks etc but nobody will take them so i believe my hope is to get the currency exchange to take them back and refund me. surely my purchase must be covered under some sort of consumer law. Any Help would be much appreciated and as with all help i've received in the past i will be making a donation to the forum
  4. A close relative of mine, my mum, had a contract under my dads name with vodafone that finished on 8th December. Just before it ended, she took the pac code and gave it to her new provider ( as she got a sim only deal elsewhere) When the contract was taken out, it was an iphone 4. Still in very excellent condition even now. But trying to get it unlocked is an absolute nightmare. She has tried the online request forms, on more than 2 occasions, twice it went through but no response whatsoever, other times the audio captcha was so hard to read even i couldnt make it out, tried ringing them but since shes no longer a vodafone customer she cant get through. So, my mum had to fork out an pay for a vodafone sim, and a fiver credit to activate the SIM just so she could get in touch with vodafone to be told she has to go to a store and they can do it. So she went to the store, to be told oh no you have to do it online' She is,as expected, really annoyed from the total inconvenience. What can be done? Any ideas?
  5. Evening I was issued with a PCN a few weeks ago for no 25 parking in a loading bay,,however, this is a more complicated story 1)There are 3 time restricted parking spaces outside our flat complex Mon-Sat , parking limited to one hour between 8.30am-6pm and no return for 2 hours. This is fine as many residents use the spaces outside of these times. It has been parking spaces for over 10 years 2)There is a catering shop opposite the flats that has a loading door and about 18 months ago they had a white line painted across the loading bay doors. Again this was fine and the shop closes at 5pm and 3 parking spaces remained the same 3)Two weeks ago we noticed that one of the residents was issued a ticket on a Friday morning and the traffic warden pointed out that its now a loading bay,,the council had now painted "loading area" horizontal to the end of the white line for the catering shop 4)There are no other changes to the 3 spaces, no new signs and the same 8am-6pm parking restrictions so we assumed it was a misinformed traffic warden and guess what, yes I got a ticket myself at 10.27am on a Saturday after 6 mins observation..Now I should of maybe got a PCN for parking for over an hour (I slept in) ;-) but it was a infringement 25 loading rule! 5) So, the council responded to my appeal (Council Parking Officer)who totally disregarded my concerns and said new rules mean "loading area" painted on the floor is sufficent and there is no time restriction so its 24 hours,,so why is not stated 24 hours anywhere and why should I know the Dept Transport new rules and given a resident using these spaces for years how would we assume the change if no-one warned us. Even the catering shop is not happy as 4 customers have had tickets so it seems the council have just used this as cash cow opportunity and I have not yet been offered to appeal through an Independent person? 6- See pics
  6. Hi all its been a long time since I've posted. I worked at this agency since 2014 and was suspended without pay over a safeguarding issue. Due to stress and anxiety I went on to statutory sick pay and the employer went quiet. I wrote to them recently and they responded that the case is on hold and I have to come off the sick for the case to proceed. At the moment I'm thinking along the lines of an Employment tribunal as I think that they are behaving very unfairly. I don't really want to stay with them over the way that they have treated me but I just don't know what to do next and am worried sick about having no money at all. Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.
  7. Hi I purchased a second hand car from a Vauxhall Dealer via bank transfer on 13/10/2016. Last week i had the reversing lights intermitantly staying on while driving and then on Thursday the battery exploded! The car was towed to the garage where i have asked for a full refund. They have said they have replaced the battery and cleaned the battery acid up. However when i have asked for a full refund as i have no faith the car will not have any damage from spraying battery acid they have refused but have offered me the next service free!! Can anyone please advised if i should be given a full refund as it is within 28 days of purchasing this vehicle?
  8. Hi I wonder if anyone could give me advice. In March our Alphabet lease car (Ford Cmax ) had a new engine replacement due to neglect on our part, it missed 2 services and the engine was damaged. We paid for a replacement engine block at the cost of 4k. Since getting the car back in Early April its has gone back on several occasions which are listed below 1. Injector seal replaced 2. 4 injector seal replaced, after cabin had exhaust fumes coming into it from engine bay, smoke was visible when car was idling 3 Engine blew up on M25 whilst I was in outside lane (coolant pipe malfunctioned) 4 Diesel leaking with strong diesel smell in the car cabin, car was returned to the dealership, they had the car now for a month, and have admitted that the 2nd replacement block was not fitted back in correctly by the technician, who hadn't been with them long. • Replaced inlet manifold as damaged bolts also cross threaded • Re-tapped cylinder head to accept rocker cover due to poor installation rocker cover loose and bolts cross threaded • Rerouted engine harness incorrectly routed and not plugged in on various multi plugs – customer reported reverse lamps inoperative not plugged into reverse lamp switch. • Rerouted gear cables as incorrectly routed • Replaced clutch pipe as routed incorrectly and damaged as a result • Replaced AC pipe as damaged (bent) • Replaced lower roll restrictor as damaged • Re-torqued all bolts on engine as various bolts loose or incorrect placed • Replaced bolts missing and bolts that where incorrectly fitted • Clean oil and fuel on engine • Tidy rest of engine clipping various hoses/pipes etc back to where they should be located. We have obviously spoke to the dealership regarding compensation, they have offered us £500 which I feel is a bit insulting as they have put our safety at risk through poor workmanship. Should we accept the offer, or do we have grounds for more? We have not involved Ford Uk in this at the moment Thanks in advance for any advie
  9. A friend of mine is a carer but she may be handing in her notice today but this is one (of many) areas I have little to no experience in so any help would be gratefully accepted. This lady is on £7.35 per hour. She only gets paid for the time she spends at the clients home, no travel time is paid. She has to be at her first client around 6:00 who lives 15 minutes away and during the day she has times where she is not needed so has 2-3 hours off each day however she also does the night run, getting her clients into bed. She doesn't normally get home until 10:30-11:00 and then up again at 05:00 to start this all over again. Surely there must be some breach of law there. Her wage slips do not show how many hours she has worked, just a unit rate. The same applies to her mileage allowance. For her mileage allowance, nothing is paid for the first 25 miles and then 12 per mile. She does on average 50 miles a day and tends to work 6 days a week. I already have her permission to act on her behalf so when she does hand in her notice, I will be sending a SAR to the head office of the company she works for. Hopefully they will specify how many miles they have paid for and any other allowances (if any) Is there any way of calculating hours based on mileage? This is a rural area so not much traffic. She has not opted out of the working time regs even though she does more than 48 hours per week. she is on a zero hours contract so she feels that she has to do the work or lose money from losing hours if she objects.
  10. Hi All I hope someone would be able to help me with this matter! I was driving to work the other day and it was 6 in the morning and it was dark and raining and visibility was very low and I was driving on a country lane. I mis-judged one of the sharp turn and as I tried to steer my car into the bend, the rear wheel hit the kerb and my car got out of control and slipped and then I hit the garden wall (yes!! if you were thinking like me that who are the idiot people who hit someones wall....thats me!) Needless to say that the garden wall was knackered. The house owner was a nice guy and he called the police. The police came and took all the information from me and then told me dont worry these things happens and then gave me a lift to the nearest train station as well I called my insurer the same day and told them everything how it happened and they said dont worry we will take care of any claim that will be raised by the third party. I received another call next day telling me that my car is write off. I was thinking that everything is settled now, until I received a letter from my insurer today. It says: We have examined your description of the accident, together with any other information supplied to date, and regret to advise you that we feel it is unlikely that we would be successful in fully defending the third party's claim against you. This conclusion is based on our experience of handling other motor vehicle claims and the approach of the Courts in deciding issues of liability in such circumstances. It is therefore our intention, given that we have to keep commercial considerations in mind, to deal with the third party's claim now, on the most economic terms that we can. I hope that someone would be able to shed some light on what this letter actually means and what options I have? Thank you
  11. nb. subject should be freeholder not leaseholder Hi, in a nutshell we are trying to get information on ground rent owed to freeholder and monies we believe owed to my partner (leaseholder) from the freeholder and not sure what action to take next. Here's the timeline and more information: Dec 2013 Roof of my partner and her then husband (we'll call him Gru) leaks resulting in exterior and interior damage to property Freeholder refuses to make insurance claim as behind on ground rent despite not providing my partner and Gru with required invoices for ground rent Decision made to have work carried out by partner and Gru and pay contractors directly March 2014 Up to date on ground rent Freeholder makes insurance claim Insurance payout agreed by Gru and paid to freeholder - £975 Insurance payout not forwarded on. Not chased due to personal circumstance including partner not living at home. At some point a verbal agreement on paying ground rent was reached with Gru while he resided at the property which my partner was not party to. Still no invoices from freeholder for ground rent. My partner moved back into the property in February 2015 and Gru moved out. May 2015 Letter hand delivered to freeholder (he's local) requesting payment of insurance money June 2015 Second letter sent to freeholder, same as above August 2015 LBA sent to leaseholder threatening court action September 24th 2015 Email sent to leaseholder in last ditch effort to stave off court action September 25th 2015 Reply from freeholder intimating an amicable solution regards offsetting ground rent and insurance payout October 12th 2015 Chased freeholder for information October 19th 2015 Chased freeholder again for information October 19th 2015 Freeholder replied advising still looking for some of the information October 20th 2015 Polite confirmation What action should we take next? I'm aware it's good to show effort to mediate before jumping in with court action and freeholder has shown his desire to counter-sue for ground rent, even though he appears unable or unwilling to provide us with information on how much we owe for ground rent. Not even sure if he can hold onto the insurance money in lieu of ground rent. Any help and advice greatly appreciated. Thanks, Kris
  12. Really need some advice as to what to do first,, do I call Lowell ? How do I respond to the forms I know there is a deadline we have to meet. My boyfriend has received a claim form from a Vodafone contract he had no choice but to cancel due to the recession, he had no work and got himself in a bit of a mess which he is still in the process of sorting out. At the time he did visit the citizens advice who helped him, they advised he offer to pay Vodafone £1 per month which they declined. I have copies of most of his bills from 2005 onwards, sadly the copies he gave the CAB are missing which are the crutial ones, however I have bank statements showing his regualr payments to cover the missing vodafone bills. He had been a customer with them since 2005, they had one dispute in 2008 when his bill suddenly jumped for one month to over £200 which was rectified/reduced as it was an "error", apart from that he was a loyal Vodafone customer until 2010. He disputed the last two bills they sent him, he received one for £205 and called them to dispute it, he was told they were looking into it, he decided not to use the phone during the last month to see what would happen, he purchased a PAYG phone from Tesco, Vodafone still sent him a bill for £211 which the bank rejected as he had no funds to cover it. Prior to this all his bills were between £80-90 per month, he never followed up on the dispute he raised as in his eyes they had taken £205 the previous month which he had not incurred, plus at this point he was not in a great place in terms of his mental health due to being out of work and unable to live/survive financially. Ironically if you look at the call records of his phone he barely used it ! Vodafone wrote him two letters 4/1/11 saying he owed £326.97 then 14/2/11 stating £575.24 was owed. He heard nothing then until now when he received the claim form from Lowell saying he now owes £751.26. What should we do? I have read lots of other threads but feel this one is slightly different. Please help
  13. Hi all - it's been a while. I have a technical question about reissuing a small claim. I have started a small claim against two companies pursuant to PECR 2003, the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Protection from Harassment Act 1997. The basic story is that the first defendant commissioned the second defendant to generate potential sales leads for them. The second defendant did this by making "Survey" calls from India and then the second defendant sold the opted in leads back to the first. They used Indian call centres, out of date data and ignored the TPS register. I've logged calls going back 4 years. several times over this period I have identified that the second defendant was party to this business activity on my line and notified them to stop - but they didn't. The first defendant didn't exactly know how the leads were generated because they didn't ask. I'm sure some clever legal person would explain how this is negligent. The first defendant has offered to pay about 15% of the claim plus my claim costs and has also apologised and terminated their use of the second defendant. The first defendant is a very big UK nationwide retailer (Sounds like dicks and carhorn whorehouse) of all things technical and is branching out into providing / distributing broadband services - hence this business activity. The second defendant is a grubby bottom feeding outfit that is responsible for probably millions of the spam calls that are made in the UK each day. I have agreed to settle with the first defendant and have signed and returned N279 Notice of Discontinuance. I think I am better off getting them out of the picture and it saves having to argue vicarious liability or negligence etc. Since proceedings started in June, the survey calls have continued. I know the second defendant is responsible because they are calling asking for the same incorrect name of someone who has never lived at my house. Some of the calls are exceptionally abusive. I would like to discontinue against the second defendant too and reissue a bigger claim. Is this ok?
  14. I’m an existing 3 customer, I was called 13th July 2016 by their in-house sales team offering a special SIM only deal which was a 12 month contract. I agreed to the deal offered and was told that the SIM card would be posted to my address. I receive no further communication from 3, on the 9th August 2016 I notice that my account has been debited for monthly amount. I contacted 3 and expressed my surprise as I hadn’t received the SIM or their usual welcome letter detailing details of my tariff and confirmation of my Direct Debit being setup. I was told that a SIM would be sent out and it would be with me within 3 days, I went off on holiday on the 14th August and have just returned having still not received a SIM or any documentation. I spoke with 3 telling them that I wish to cancel my order as they have failed to deliver the SIM, they have confirmed that there has been no activity on the new SIM. I was told that to cancel the contract there will be charges incurred by me which equates to 97% of the yearly amount, I’m surprised at this as in my opinion 3 have failed to honour the side of the contract and I have not been availed of their services. I have the contact number for their complaints department in Glasgow as my call was escalated to them from India this evening, the best that they are offering is to credit my account for the two months that I have been without the SIM, and the next payment will be debited 11th September. I was told the only way to prevent the money being debited would be to cancel the Direct Debit. Any advice on where I stand with this would be much appreciated.
  15. Hi, I hope someone can shed some light on this situation. We bought a new kitchen from a company called Kutchen Haus / Nobilia. My kitchen fitters began to fit the kitchen without too much problem bar a few missing parts. When it came to fitting the integrated fridge and freezer thats where the problem begins. My fitters unwrapped the freezer and fitted it into the unit and discarded the packaging. When they unwrapped what they thought was the fridge they realised it was actually another freezer! The second freezer was a better freezer so we decided to keep that and purchase a fridge from elsewhere as the company would take up to 6 weeks to get me the fridge i wanted. Kutschen Haus were ok with this however they said they were only willing to take back the original Freezer and provide a refund if it was in its full packaging. My problem is that my fitters threw away the packaging so where does that leave me? the freezer is brand new and has not even been plugged in! (it does have a couple scratches on either side from where the fitters took it in and out of the unit it was fitted in). My argument is that if they had sent the correct fridge and freezer in the first instance we wouldn't have this problem as the fitters would have fitted both. What are my rights in this situation? any help and advice is greatly appreciated. Many thanks
  16. Hi guys, I have purchased a 2008 E92 - 325D sport - from a dealer, the car looks and drove perfectly, one issue that came up while on the motorway, it beeped followed by loss of power the amber gear wheel appeared on the dash and on the communication screen came up with "automatic transmission fault" parked on the site of the road, switched on and switched off still the issues was there, on pulling away the car seems stuck in second gear. I took it back to the dealer where I bought it and its under warranty, I haven't heard anything from the dealer yet. the car has 48k miles on the clock, its in really good nick, full service history. as I've just bough the car, less than a week, i'm I in any postion to reject this car if i'm not satisfied/happy with the possible repair? or what should I do if I drive around and say after 2 months or more this issue occurs again, where do I stand legally as a consumer? and what action can I take, the car was 11,000 pounds and bough and I used my savings. look forwar to hear thoughts and views as always cheers
  17. Well, I'm usually asleep by this time but totally stressed with a situation because of my incompetent husband. I received a NIP for a speeding offence in Oct 15, I am the registered keeper. As I wasn't the driver of the vehicle, I signed the form and dated it and gave it to my husband to fill in the details. At the time we were separated, so I left it at his and told him to deal with it. It's August now and god only knows the truth whats happened but one of his mates was called into court to fill in a statutory declaration because he wasn't driving the vehicle at the time. I've come to know now they're going to probably going to get in touch with me now for an explanation. I will tell them that my husband should have dealt with it, but will I be in trouble for this as I've never done anything wrong or been in trouble before So just to confirm, the original NIP was signed and dated by me but all other details were left to my husband to fill in.
  18. Hello there, New user to the forum but hoping i can get some help. I bought a dreams Barcelona TV Bed 2 years ago. Bed was fine and working until approximately 3 months ago when the TV raising mechanism stopped working. Upon calling Dreams CS they instructed me to get in touch with Homeserve Furniture Repairs and have them come and assess the issue. Last week i had the technician come to my house and assess that the motor which raises the TV is no longer working and that they would send me a quote for the part and installation within the next few days. Today, i receive a letter stating that HFR can't obtain the part from dreams, but i'm welcome to speak to Dreams directly to try and get the part and at which point they can come and install for a cost etc. I've spoken with HFR and they have told me that Dreams do not supply them with parts at all - Whats the point of using them then??? I have spoken with Dreams this morning and sent them a copy of the letter as I want to know what my next step is in rectifying the issue with my bed. As HFR have labelled the problem as an out of warranty issue, and it appears Dreams no longer sell this particular bed model, is this any recourse i have to getting this issue resolved? Thanks in advance. Tony
  19. I recently transferred from DLA to PIP. On my award letter it stated that any carer's allowance in payment wouldn't be affected by the change. However, as you can guess there is a glitch in the DWP system which meant that son's carer's allowance was stopped without warning. Easy enough to resolve with a phone call, but for anyone transferring it's as well to be aware that there could be a problem. In son's case as this happened over Xmas it was actually 3 weeks before he realised and in the meantime had incurred £54 in bank charges which DWP have agreed to refund.
  20. Hi there , yesterday on the 1/07/2016 , i boarded a train from llansamlet to Cardiff , there was no conductor on the train , as I arrived in Cardiff I had to go to the unpaid fair's desk , as I was there about to buy my ticket I had a stupid moment of madness and told the guy at the ticket office that I boarded on Bridgend but he caught me out by saying that there were ticket tolls at Bridgend and I completely froze , I then got taken by a transport investigations officer she gave me a quick interview and asked me questions in regards to what just happened , I told her I was sorry and that it was a stupid thing to do and I even offered to pay for the fair there and then but she said no because the repercussions of this will be a lot more ' hefty' . The lady told me that I would receive a letter which I must respond to giving my side of the story , I have seen many posts where people have been summoned to court . Has anyone got any advice for me when I respond to this letter in what I should say or do should I attach a payment invoice covering the fair and the admin fee ? , I have a feeling cause I lied to them they are going to take me to court no matter what I say . If I do go to court what would the outcome be ? I have never had an encounter in this manner with the Arriva trains wales before this is the first time I have done something like this . I have encountered with the police for something silly in December which I had a fine for will that effects me if this goes to court ? I was really idiotic to even lie about where I boarded and it is something that I would not do again . If anyone can help me out and advise me I would greatly appreciate it . Thanks Shaun
  21. Hi there I'm on a zero hour contract and have a couple of concerns over my rights. My concerns are 1 - should I be on the same pay as full time employees after 12 weeks. 2 - Get asked to go home early but take it as a holiday at that exact time. According to my partner regarding issue 2, as she's a manager and says most of her employees are on Zero hour contracts it's actually illegal to send them home early at that exact time unpaid or make them take it as a holiday if they want it paid. As they need to give you notice for reduced hours.
  22. Hi I have just recently had my hours cut at work by 4 hours a week. My holiday period on the old contract ( and new one) runs from april to april.... I had already taken all my holidays by the end of July - due to it being a special holiday that was all approved by my boss. Now my contract has been changed --- although i have NOT signed or even seen the new contract ...... I am being told that I now owe the company 15 hours in holiday time already taken !!1 Need some advice / help in resolving this as I think that i have not been treated fairly or in accordance with employment laws but i will need to quote "acts" or actual laws so that I can show my employer if i am being treated incorrectly Thank you in advance for any advice
  23. Hi, I recently had a £800 repair bill to fix a broken wiring loom where it passed through a hinged part of body work designed and purposed for repeated opening and closing (power roof), the car is a 2009 308cc and i have owned it since 2011... Now to me this area is designed to move, it has wires that pass through it and as such if they have broken they have been spec'd or installed incorrectly at time of manufacture... Or do i have to suck it up and accept that parts of the wiring loom are subject to 'wear and tear' Thanks in advance for any advice... Paul
  24. Hi All, I had an email from UseNext below ====================================================== Attachment: Your invoice ====================================================== Customer data: Removed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- Invoice line item: Invoice number/Mandate: ... Invoice date: 22.03.2016 dunning charge dunning charge:3.... Number of Items: 1 Unit Price: 5,00 Euro ------------------------------- [uNXDE307] UseNeXT Smart+ (22.Mrz.2016 - 22.Mrz.2017) (CET) Number of Items: 1 Unit Price: 79,46 Euro ------------------------------- Net Price: 84,46 Euro Tax: 20% equals: 15,89 Euro Total Price: 100,35 Euro Date of issue: 03.05.2016 The invoice total contains overdue fines in the amount of 5 EUR. Kind regards, Your UseNeXT team ============================================================== UseNeXT is a service provided by: Aviteo Ltd. Legally registered address: Aviteo Ltd. Regional Branch Josephspitalstrasse 15 80331 Munich Commercial register number: HRB 153436 Tax number: 143/117/10088 Managing director: Christian Robert Schuetze -------------------------------------------------------------- Aviteo Ltd. - Palladium House 1-4 Argyll Street London, W1F 7LD - Great Britain Comp. Registration Office Cardiff No. 5069029 ============================================================== Please do not reply to this email! We do not control the mailbox, so you will not get an answer. For further inquiries to our support please click on Removed Link I've replied a few time telling them I had cancelled this on the 20th Feb 06 the same day I signed up to it. These have been ignored. Yesterday I received a letter demanding payment. The account was cancelled well before 14 days but they are saying this isn't the case. Advise is needed.
  25. Can anyone advise? I have submitted an ET1 claim for unfair dismissal after being dismissed by new employers for gross misconduct by the new employers after the store where I worked was sold. It was taken over in Nov 2015 but now it appears the sale has not completed due to the new employers disputing the stock price.. What will this mean to me with regards to my claim??
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