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Found 2 results

  1. We've been in the property 12 months, and 10 months in the landlord has served us with a section 21. So we have two months to leave. An estate agent has been in touch regarding viewings and we have been as accommodating as we can. We have found another place to rent and have asked if the landlord is willing to end the tenancy early, and the answer was no. We can leave early but still need to pay until the end of the 12 months. The new landlord doesn't want to wait that long and if we cant move in earlier he will have to let it to someone else. So, in an attempt to persuade the current landlord I have pointed out that we have been very flexible with the viewings, but have no reason to do this. If he isn't willing to negotiate the leave date, we have no reason to be as flexible as we are, even to the point of not allowing viewings at all. Am I within my rights here?
  2. nb. subject should be freeholder not leaseholder Hi, in a nutshell we are trying to get information on ground rent owed to freeholder and monies we believe owed to my partner (leaseholder) from the freeholder and not sure what action to take next. Here's the timeline and more information: Dec 2013 Roof of my partner and her then husband (we'll call him Gru) leaks resulting in exterior and interior damage to property Freeholder refuses to make insurance claim as behind on ground rent despite not providing my partner and Gru with required invoices for ground rent Decision made to have work carried out by partner and Gru and pay contractors directly March 2014 Up to date on ground rent Freeholder makes insurance claim Insurance payout agreed by Gru and paid to freeholder - £975 Insurance payout not forwarded on. Not chased due to personal circumstance including partner not living at home. At some point a verbal agreement on paying ground rent was reached with Gru while he resided at the property which my partner was not party to. Still no invoices from freeholder for ground rent. My partner moved back into the property in February 2015 and Gru moved out. May 2015 Letter hand delivered to freeholder (he's local) requesting payment of insurance money June 2015 Second letter sent to freeholder, same as above August 2015 LBA sent to leaseholder threatening court action September 24th 2015 Email sent to leaseholder in last ditch effort to stave off court action September 25th 2015 Reply from freeholder intimating an amicable solution regards offsetting ground rent and insurance payout October 12th 2015 Chased freeholder for information October 19th 2015 Chased freeholder again for information October 19th 2015 Freeholder replied advising still looking for some of the information October 20th 2015 Polite confirmation What action should we take next? I'm aware it's good to show effort to mediate before jumping in with court action and freeholder has shown his desire to counter-sue for ground rent, even though he appears unable or unwilling to provide us with information on how much we owe for ground rent. Not even sure if he can hold onto the insurance money in lieu of ground rent. Any help and advice greatly appreciated. Thanks, Kris
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