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  1. Couldn't find a suitable forum for this... unbelievable. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-berkshire-34412120
  2. hi Our child was involved in an accident and the case has got a date in the county court.the other driver crashed into our car when he was drunk,then got out and seen the damage he had caused,jumped back in his car and drove off. Now the drunk was never charged for been drunk or leaving the scene,even though the police were called.the drunk river now says it was only 2mph crash,even though damage to our car was £3000. Will our child have to give evidence or what actually happens in the county court??? will the judge look t the evidence himself and make a decision? is the court room going to be full of people or just the parties involved?
  3. Hi i'm a taxi driver and was on the lookout for a new 8 seater cab with wheelchair access as my current vehicle was ready for the knackers yard and after shopping about decided to use a company call cab direct. I ordered a peugeot eurobus with them on 27/7/2015 on finance and paid £1000 pound deposit. I felt after speaking with salesman on the phone that things were a little rushed by him and he didnt quite explain things but i assumed with them being suppliers to the taxi trade and after looking at the pictures of vehicles on their wesite that they would know what they were doing. When i recieved the paper work for the order it was clear that he hadnt explained a great deal to me on the phone because i dicovered that the cab wouldnt have basics like handles to hold on to whilst getting in and out and a step to help people whilst getting in and out. So at this point i questioned the seating as the cab needed specific seating comply with council regulations. The seating and types of seats were described to me by the salesman on the phone the best way he knew how and it sounde like he was describing what i wanted and what i had seen on their website so it was on with the order and wait for delivery. Fast forward to 17th september and the vehicle was at my door being delivered. I was shocked as the vehicle was nothing like any pictures on their website, wasnt like anything i was expecting or had ever seen in 15 years of taxi driving and was not like i felt they described it to me. My main bones of contention were that there was no partition between the drivers front cab and the passenger section in the back ( a big safety issue for me due to previous experience ) the middle row of three seats (which are removeable ) would have to be totally removed from the vehicle and stored away from the vehicle in order to fit in a wheelchair passenger which isnt practical at all. I refused the vehicle and it was taken back to cab direct and they then told me the would do their own investigation. Thay came back to me and said the type of vehicle i was expecting was the sr or srx model how ever the sold me the sx model. They said they could see the website was mis leading how ever pictures on there are for illustration purpose and this is stated on there website. The pointed me toward the download brochure on their website to tell the difference between models how ever i dont ever recall being told on the phone which model was sold to me and after going through all my paper work i cant find anything stating the model type. That being said after looking at their brochure and if i had known the model type im still not sure i would of being able to distinguish that there was difference between models and there are no pictures in the brochure that resemble the vehicle the supplied. Thire stance is they supplied what they believed they were asked to supply so the fault is with me. I believe that the goods were mis sold to me as they were not adequately described and are not fit for purpose. I asked to cancel under sale of goods act but they were having none of it and told me sale of goods only applied to goods bought for cash and since the vehicle log book is registered to me and the finance company have paid them then this is an issue for me and the finance company to sort out. I rang the finance company and informed them yesterday and im waiting for them to ring me. Where do i stand on this from a legal side of things ? Sorry for long post and any help/advice is greatly appreciated
  4. If a claim was dismissed, can the solicitors have a 2nd bite ? POC are identical ? Can you advise on CPR or any case law applicable. Old utilities bill circa 2010, value 1500.00 Final reading provided, final supposed bill paid. Came out of blue. Defended grounds back billing rules, produced final bill in court that was paid. Claimant wanted to not go before judge in meeting before hearing, I insisted we did. Judge dismissed case. Any help appreciated... C
  5. Hi all, first post here following a visit to court this morning I wanted to thank those of you who have published your stories as it was both informing and reassuring while researching my case & I also wanted to pass on what happened. Briefly I was being fined for lack of insurance on a vehicle which had been in the possession of a dealer for five months prior to the date stated, but all correspondence was sent to my old address it reached court level without my knowledge, first I knew was the arrival of a payment demand which funnily found the correct address! one statutory declaration later, the first case was closed & a new one opened with six weeks given for me to try to sort it out of court. I sent the dvla full explanation, letter from the garage, copy of the declaration etc & waited, this morning I was out chasing the postman to see if the reply which they say they have sent but can't 'discuss by phone' would appear before I set off to court but it hadnt so defence in hand I spent the morning waiting to be called, finally went in to be asked if I was still pleading not guilty? Yes. If I had traveled from home, yes, If I worked/childcare etc yes followed by the fact that they had no prosecutor! That I should go buy a lottery ticket & my case was dismissed! So happy to have avoided going through it all and relieved to be free from conviction but at same time I wanted to prove myself innocent rather than win by default & feel indignant that my time was wasted while I presume they did not organise a prosecuter? although the court offered travel expenses it doesn't compensate for the amount of stress that I've gone through fighting this or the time off to attend. my question to those of you still reading is this, how do I now stop the enforcement office chasing me? Despite the court notifying them that my statutory declaration was accepted for the original case they appear to have no record of this & have continued to send letters and tell me they will be bringing in the bailiffs on Monday! Now the new case has also been dismissed are the dvla & enforcement office going to register/accept this? Before leaving I told the magistrates that I was still being persude & their only answer was that the court has/would tell them & if still harass me tell them to contact court directly, trouble is I tried that last week for the closed case and they wouldn't listen! So happy days cases dismissed but I have a strong feeling this is not the end of my battle.
  6. Hi i have had a similar experience with a child minder She took me via MCOL to a county court over a debt the claim was struck out but now she has instructed bailiffs.(correction -a dca - DX) What I need to know is if the claim was struck out how come she can instruct bailiffs , has she broken any laws in doing so and can i now counter claim?
  7. Thanks for taking the time to read this, I'd be really grateful for any advice please. I had two accounts which were sold to Cabot, they wrote to me in July 14 and then issued a MCOL case ten days later via Restons claiming £7,138. I part accepted the claim but said that the figures were completely wrong and I only admit to £1,000 of the claim. My response was received in time by the processing centre and I then heard nothing until March 2015 when I received a letter from Restons advising that their client was still trying to get together the paperwork. I then got a letter at the start of July 2015, again from Restons advising that they were intending to accept my offer and needed a full income and expenditure to be returned IMMEDIATELY!! I wrote back to them and said if they meant my £1,000 offer I would pay that in return for them stopping all action and confirming in writing that this was in full and final of both accounts. I heard nothing so phoned them and they are adamant that they can't consider my one off payment without a full income and expenditure - silly. I have contacted the central court who confirmed the case has become automatically stayed as more than 6months X days has passed since the original claim was submitted and Restons only action was to file for automatic judgement (sorry if that is not the right term) three days after my part acceptance was returned, otherwise the court has heard nothing from them. My questions are therefore 1) As the case is stayed should I bother with the income and expenditure or just chance the fact that they won't do the necessary paperwork and cost to get it unstayed (given that they couldn't get the paperwork in time first time)? 2) Should I pursue them with my offer or just leave them now to reply if they want 3) Should I apply for a set aside and if so what are the risks of letting them open the case again? Sorry for the long winded explanation, hope you can help.
  8. Could someone please help me. I have drafted a very long defence, but would like to consider part 20 against Santander. please help defence due in 21/07/2015 4pm The is pertaining to an authorised overdraft disputed in 07/07/2008. Now Hoist have issued me with a claim
  9. Hi there, I thought I should write this post on Consumer Action Group as some of the threads on this forum provided me with some valuable advice when I first got caught about three weeks ago using my partner's student oyster card on Transport for London. The case has now been settled out of court and I thought I should share my experience with others who may now be in a similar position. I had been using my student's oyster card for about 8 months buying weekly travelcards with the occasional use of top-up (when the travelcard was not valid for those zones or when the travelcard had expired for that week) before I was caught in early June 2015 by a revenue inspection officer. I was asked various questions about intention to use and how long I had been using it for, to which I combined both fact and fiction (I was under duress and, like so many others, I had no idea what the potential repercussions could be). I was then cautioned ("You do not have to say anything. But it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence") to which she proceeded to ask more questions (such as 'do you have another oyster card? 'do you have any money to get home?', 'who buys the travelcards..?' etc) before I said goodbye and walked away (remember that once you are cautioned you have the RIGHT to respond 'no comment' and to walk away until you have the opportunity to seek legal representation). Luckily, my revenue inspection officer was extremely amiable and told me I could walk away if I wanted to, so do bare this in mind if this happens to you. I was then sent a letter about three days later from the Special Investigations Team asking me to attend an interview for 'historical offences' and 'irregular usage' of the student oyster card and another letter a couple of days later form the Area 10 Investigations Team asking me to make any comments about the incident, otherwise known as a 'Verification Letter'. In both letters it was said that if I failed to respond it may result in the case being progressed by the Prosecutions Team. I had read somewhere online that if you are asked to attend an interview, it was seen that your case was more 'serious'. So, when I received the first letter, I started to panic, and decided to ring various solicitors to inquire about legal representation. Of the two I spoke to, [removed], I tried a third solicitor to get a different opinion from the two others who, although seemed incredibly efficient, also seemed quite impersonal [removed], (Do bare in mind also that these costs would have been on top of any additional monies I would have had to pay to Tfl for fare evasion discrepancies and the admin fees involved in handling my case file, mounting up to a cost of over £1000 in total, a sum I wanted to lower as much as possible). I then spoke to someone at [removed], who gave me some invaluable and incredibly helpful advice about dealing with Tfl (all for which he did for for free, about 20 mins of his time over the phone). He told me that many individuals at Tfl were incredibly reasonable [he gave me the direct phone number of the head of the prosecutions team] and if I failed to get through to ring the number on the letter and find out which member of the investigations team was handling my case and ask whether it would be possible to arrange an informal settlement. I was incredibly anxious about doing this (just because i wasn't sure what to say, whether I would be giving them more information than needed, whether it was even possible or not etc), but his confidence and reassurance gave me the vote of confidence I needed (hence, why I am now sharing this with all of you, to know that you can do the same), and also that he wouldn't be able to take on my case legally anyway as he was so busy. I then spent the following morning finding out who was in charge of my case, to which I finally got hold of someone [removed], and said that I wanted to arrange in an informal settlement with regards to my case, that I was incredibly sorry for my actions, and that I had been incredibly anxious about the incident and its potential outcome (a guilty verdict would have resulted in me losing my job). He responded really reasonably, telling me that he understood that people become incredibly nervous about the potential outcomes to their case and he didn't want anyone to ever lose any sleep over it). He said that I should respond to the verification letter by email providing details of how often I had used the oystercard and for how long for. He stressed that it was important for me to be as honest and upfront as possible, because they were able to investigation quite a lot of information about my journey history (remember they have whole teams investigating each case in detail), and to provide any serial numbers of any other oyster cards I had been using at the time. I then emailed him with all the details, being completely honest about how long I had been using it for, stressing my apology and my anxiety and my willingness to repay any costs. Just over a week later, I received an email from another member of the SIT team saying that I that they had agreed to an informal settlement and gave me a sum I had to repay within the next 14 days. This has all been paid and settled now, and I am extremely thankful that I did not incur the additional costs of solicitors' fees, or have to go through the trouble of attending an interview (which I think would be have been quite a scary experience). The point of writing this really is to not only realise that there are reasonable and helpful people out there [removed], but for others who are in a similar position to realise that Tfl can be reasonable and amiable people, who's intention is not necessarily to prosecute members of the public, but to regain costs that they have lost by you evading the full fare. The main thing is that Tfl want people to be compliant and honest, which I am thankful I have now done (there is always an element of skepticism of giving too much information anyway). So, the main tips are: 1) Do not be afraid to ring and speak to someone over the phone (thankfully we do not yet live in a age where everything is so drenched in bureaucracy that we are unable to talk to another human being) and 2) respond promptly to both the verification letter/or interview letter (or whatever you receive), and do not ignore it and think it will go away (for your sake as much as anybody's - I know I lost a fair bit of sleep just about the idea of being prosecuted, however remote it may have actually been). If you do have any questions about my case or anything else, please reply to this thread and I will try to answer them (I can only really talk about my experience, not about fare evasion on London buses, other train lines etc, though I do assume the process may be similar). Hope that has been a useful and (hopefully) inspiring thread. Thanks, Wilson
  10. Hi not sure what section to post this one in but we urgently need advice. My son is appealing a final hearing in a custody case He has paid all his own solicitors fees up until now. As well as maintenance payments so he just has no money left for further legal assistance hence he is having to do this appeal on his own He has been granted leave to appeal However the order stated he needed to supply to the court a full transcript of the hearing there is no way he can afford this. What can he do? Can the transcript be given on a disk ? Does it have to be typed. Is there a family law section on this site where we can go for advice or are there any solicitors out there who can advice him. I hope there is someone who can help Thanks for reading Luby
  11. I need urgent advice on a major issue I am facing with the local authority and need urgent advice on the best way forward. I bought a council flat on a right to buy several years ago. In the last 4 years there have been several works the council have done and the charges were quite substantial. One the first invoice I was given an option to spread the payment. On the others no such option was offered, although they claim it was offered. The charges in addition with the annual service charges, it became quite difficult to keep up. In February 2014 the council took me to the county court. I explained at the court that I could not make the full payment but was prepared to enter into an agreement to make instalments, but for reasons I was never made aware of the council suspended the case only to resurrect it in May this year. Between the original case and now I have been making instalments and reduced the balance. On or around the 15th of May I received 'Judgement for Claimant' for the value of £1,329.61, including charges and interest. The council had commenced county court action in February 2014, but suspended it, but I was not aware that it had been suspended. I spoke to the council because the value claimed was incorrect as I had made a payment of £300 before I received the judgement. They confirm it. I sent an N245 to the court providing income and expenditure and the sum I am able to afford. I have not yet had a reply from the court. The balance due from the case is now less than £1000 due to the instalments I have been making On 18th June I received a 'Breach of Lease' notice from the council enclosing Notice under Section 146 of the Property Act 1925 and asking that I make full payment within 21 days or further legal action would be taken resulting in forfeit of the lease. This was despite not receiving any decision from the County Court. I have researched Section 146 of the Property Act and I do not believe the council are acting in accordance with the law. Further I have spoken to the council and more than one occasion and had various email exchanges about the possibility of instalments payments but they are refusing to even consider it, even though they can see that I am making an effort to make payment. I am not sure what steps I can take now and my wife and I are quite worried at the possibility of losing our home and would like some advice on how to tackle this issue. Many thanks
  12. Six years ago (in 2009) a Freeman on the Land (FMoTL) supporter by the name of Mike Dobson (Mike:of the clan Dobson) drafted a Removal of Implied Right of Access notice which he used to ‘scare off bailiffs’. He advised on the Freeman Ireland website that the notice should be put up at the boundary of the ‘private estate’ and the ‘public access way/street’ and that if a bailiff came to the door of the house they should be politley told that they would be trespassing and that they would have just 60 seconds to leave before a call would be made to the Police. Due entirely to the internet, the Removal of Implied Right of Access notice drafted by Mike Dobson went 'viral' and appeared on the Freeman on the Land’s favorite media outlet; YouTube. In 2010, the notice first appeared on the popular FMoTL forum; Get out Of Debt Free. Within a short time all popular Freeman on the Land websites carried the notice with many of them making their own changes to the wording. In March 2014 I researched the background to these silly notices and started a thread on this subject which to date has received over 12,000 visitors (link below): http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?420602-Notice-of-Removal-of-Implied-Right-of-Access-(NOROIRA)....where-did-these-bizarre-notices-come-from PS: Unfortunately, the internet sites that recommended using this notice were unaware that the notice proved to be a complete and utter failure for it’s author; Mike Dobson (see link below) http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?420602-Notice-of-Removal-of-Implied-Right-of-Access-(NOROIRA)....where-did-these-bizarre-notices-come-from&p=4664219&viewfull=1#post4664219
  13. Anyone else received a letter from DR+ digging up any old outstanding PCN's and quoting Mr Beavis and PE Court Case?! I received a PCN from PE 2 years ago, initially ignored it then had constant 'ping pong' in the mail for about 3 months, mainly with advice given from CAG, until finally, DR+ and PE went away! Then, after over a year, yesterday DR+ write to me in quite a threatening manner quoting Mr Beavis! What a complete joke! Are people responding or ignoring these?! Thanks
  14. http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/news/protect/2015/06/motorist-takes-parking-charge-challenge-to-highest-uk-court I would now argue that if any PPC try to use the current judgement in their claim that the defendant highlights that an appeal has now been filed and the reference to Bevis be inappropriate until the supreme court make a ruling. Let us hope common sense prevails.
  15. Hi Please could someone can help me with the following, I have kept it s short as I can. A BAYV company took me to court for the return of goods, the civil case was heard last month and I defended myself, the judge adjourned the case as part of my defence was that the company's credit agreement was unenforceable, the judge set a 2 week time limit for me to write a statement explaining reasons why and a new hearing date was arranged for today, I turned up early but the claimant phoned 10 minutes before the hearing to say they would not be attending as there had been an accident and they were stuck in traffic, I went into court and asked the judge if he could strike it out as I did not think that 10 minutes was sufficient notice and I felt that the claimant should have said that they were going to be late and asked the courts advice, the case was the first one scheduled to be heard today, I said that I thought it unfair that I should have to attend court again as they were made aware in the first hearing that I suffer from anxiety and a chronic bowel disorder, the judge still decided to adjourn the case. I was very upset as I thought that the nightmare would be over today whether it went in my favour or not I just wanted it over with. When I got home I checked for road accidents and /or delays along the route that the claimant would take and the surrounding areas and there has been none, I feel so frustrated and upset that this company appear to be using delay tactics as they are aware of the personal difficulties I have or maybe they just wanted more time , I don't know Is there anything I can do?
  16. I sold a baby carrier to someone in France and purchased delivery via packetport through Parcel2go. I paid extra for insurance to cover the cost of the item £130. The parcel was collected on 7/5/15 and I was quoted delivery should take 5-10 working days meaning it should have arrived by 21/5/15. Alarm bells started ringing when a Hermes driver came to collect the parcel but as tracking seemed to be updated I wasn't too worried. The buyer jumped the gun a little and started a paypal claim for non receipt on the 11th as the tracking information was confusing to her. I wasn't too worried as I assumed tracking would continue and had been told by paypal as the tracking was showing the item was still in transit they would not complete the claim. The tracking hasn't changed since the 11/5/15. I have been in contact with Parcel2go daily and each time have been told different things. I was originally told the item arrived in France on the 14/5/15 and they were waiting for details from the courier. On the 20/5/15 I was provided with a tracking number for La Poste which didn't work On the 21/5/15 I was told to open a claim which I did. On the 22nd the claim was rejected as the parcel had supposedly been located. I contacted p2g immediately as the buyer still hadn't received anything, tracking had not been updated and to top everything off paypal refunded the buyer. I sent a letter of complaint in to p2g, I'm still waiting for a response and took to social media. The p2g twitter team said they would look into it and get back to me. On the 23/5/15 I contacted the twitter team again for an update, they said the courier had delivered to a mailbox and asked me to confirm the address. On the 27/5/15 I was told p2g were still waiting for an update and I would be contacted. Today is the 29/5/15 I contacted the twitter team yet again and was told they delivered to number 1. I advised there wasn't a house number so why was it delivered to number 1? I've now been told they will get back in touch with the courier. I am out of pocket as I have had to refund the buyer as she won her paypal claim and I no longer have my item. P2g don't seem to be interested in helping me, the service I paid for via packetport was sent via a different courier, I have been lied to and promised management call back on 5 occasions which didn't materialise and I would like to reclaim my money. Will I have a case with the small claims court?
  17. Hi I'm posting on behalf of my boyfriend who is extremely mentally unwell at the minute and has been for some time now. Basically what has happened is for the past few weeks he has steadily been slipping into a state of severe depression with extreme OCD and paranoid/visual thoughts that have cumulated into him gambling huge amounts online. The other day he managed to go through his life savings in little under an hour to 2 hours. A total of nearly 20k. He had a breakdown and didn't know what he was doing, saying hours before it happened that he didn't want to live anymore and that everything means nothing etc. In the little time that I was unable to provide support when he was feeling this low, he went online and bet the money away in the casino. Now ordanarily I'd put this down to a huge mistake and a big lesson in life, but the fact that he's got a lifelong problem with severe mental illness, and was also not a huge betting person until he had this breakdown (been a member on the site for many years) I think that there should have been better controls in place to flag up something wasn't right with the betting pattern. Either with the bank or from the site. He has been on medication for quite a few years for his depression, and I think that it's sad that one breakdown and extremely bad episode has lead to him losing everything without warnings. I had to stop him from taking his own life the day before this happened and he was gambling then as well, then I had to stop him again after he lost everything as he said that he didn't want to feel like this anymore and be here. The amount of withdrawals and deposits in the period that he lost the amount are substantial. Depositing thousands at a time, withdrawing, redepositing, reversing etc etc. The bank didn't warn him or block the transactions in that period even though they were very put of character and also the site didn't attempt any contact or provide any warnings. Its a last ditch attempt as I know how ruthless the gambling industry is, and I for one am the first person to say that a 'a fool and his money are soon parted' but this is completley different. He wasn't in a fit state of mind and was wreckless and self destructive, essentially rock bottom. I am trying to find out if there is anyway whatsoever of obtaining SOME of the money back? He wasn't a responsible adult and didn't care what happened, I feel as though the transactions should have been stopped by the bank or even by the website as it was out of character. If there is anything that anyone could advise me to do to try and recoup some of the money lost then I'd be greatful. This is a genuine circumstance and he has a LONG history of problems dating back to when he was a child. An episode like this should not be allowed to ruin him financially under the circumstances, especially since there was no contact from the bank or betting site regarding very out of character betting patterns, withdrawals, deposits etc etc. Can someone please help as I'm trying my best to look after him at the moment and also sort this out to some extent. Thanks
  18. Following the Rev. Nicholson case I am going to default on council tax and argue the costs of £75.00. http://www.bailii.org/ew/cases/EWHC/Admin/2015/1252.html I am going to challenge the validity of the costs being on the summons as the only amount that can be claimed is the outstanding sum. Application for liability order 34. (1) If an amount which has fallen due under regulation 23(3) or (4) is wholly or partly unpaid,or (in a case where a final notice is required under regulation 33) the amount stated in the final notice is wholly or partly unpaid at the expiry of the period of 7 days beginning with the day on which the notice was issued, the billing authority may, in accordance with paragraph (2), apply to a magistrates' court for an order against the person by whom it is payable. (2) The application is to be instituted by making complaint to a justice of the peace, and requesting the issue of a summons directed to that person to appear before the court to show why he has not paid the sum which is outstanding. The summons states the £75.00 is "Summons Costs". The issue fee is only £3.00
  19. Hi, I urgently need advice with regard to my Resignation Letter and what it should say. My maternity leave officially ended on 31st March. As the tribunal was set for Tuesday 7th April, I did not want to resign before the hearing. I am happy to say, after 18 months of upset, financial hardship and my poor mother's relentless efforts to get justice for me, I won my case for Pregnancy Discrimination and Victimization outright on Tuesday (7th April) After announcing the verdict, the Judge told me that, now, I must resign immediately and make a further claim for unfair dismissal. I would like to know, what I need to include in my letter bearing in mind my new claim for Unfair Dismissal Many Thanks
  20. Hi I am in a lower management role but not for much longer. After flying through my probation with no issues at all, certain things have come to a head. I started to struggle with the increasing demand for me to adopt an 'aggressive' approach to my team, as this is how the department (as a whole) works. THis is far from my management style - something they knew well duing my initial interview...Anyway, after a meeting with my manager, HR became involved and another meeting was called. I had already been the 'victim' of certain management lying about what had been said in certain situations so before I spoke to the senior manager in HR (on a one 2 one basis) I set my Iphone to record. My concern was that I might be dismissed (for what I didn't know) but I was hoping to find alternative emplayment in a different department. I went on to ask what I would be dismissed for if finding another position wasn't possible. HR person said loudly and clearly (three times actually) that I would not be dismissed, going on to repeat that I won't be dismissed as they have no reason to dismiss me. Go forward ONE day I have now been told I have a disciplinary hearing next week where it's likely I'm going to be dismissed for., and I quote, ...Some Other Substancial Reason. Where do I stand with this....I have total and absolute proof of them saying they waon't dismiss me because they have no reason to and now some made up reason to do the deed. Of course, at this point, they have no idea of the recorded meeting but I just had a feeling I'd need to do that to protect myself - and so it's been proved. Not sure next course of action
  21. NameThis is my case so far: Jobcentre DWP Accusations, Claimant’s Defence and Claimants Evidence (this was in a table but the format changed here): 14/08/2014 - Failure to attend interview/signing. Claim was closed. I notified the Jobcentre that I had a job interview they will tell my adviser. Was assured it would be sorted after a Rapid Reclaim on recording. Company and person I went to for the interview. Email, Phone call record. Claimant is working. Very low payment put through. Amount changed many times. I supplied payslips and was on a wage top up. Was assured it would be sorted on recording. Wrong calculation/averaging on payslips recorded evidence of adviser admitting this. I signed 4 statements and provided the evidence asked to show I was not working. Bank statements, P45. Claimant is working. No payments put through. New Claim. I signed statements and provided all details they asked to show I am no longer working several times to many members of staff. Was assured it would be sorted on recording. Wrong calculation/averaging on payslips recorded evidence of adviser admitting this. I signed 4 statements and provided the evidence asked to show I was not working. Bank statements, P45. Claimant is working. No payments put through. New Claim. I signed statements and provided all details they asked to show I am no longer working several times to many members of staff. Was assured it would be sorted on recording. I signed 4 statements and provided the evidence asked to show I was not working. Bank statements, P45. Claimant is working. No payments put through. New Claim. I signed statements and provided all details they asked to show I am no longer working several times to many members of staff. Was assured it would be sorted on recording. I signed 4 statements and provided the evidence asked to show I was not working. Bank statements, P45. Claimant is working. No payments put through. New Claim. I signed statements and provided all details they asked to show I am no longer working several times to many members of staff. Was assured it would be sorted on recording. I signed 4 statements and provided the evidence asked to show I was not working. Bank statements, P45. Claimant is working. No payments put through. Not entitled to bus fares. Failure to attend Community Service. New Claim. I signed statements and provided all details they asked to show I am no longer working several times to many members of staff. Was assured it would be sorted on recording. I asked for the bus fare for the interview during the interview the XXXXX said she will not give me the bus fair, although she had done previously. She did not give a reason why. I than asked for the bus fair to get to the Community Service interview that was two hours away, they did not let me have any bus fare or travel card. I had no JSA payment and no transport allowance there was no way for me to attend interview. I signed 4 statements and provided the evidence asked to show I was not working. Bank statements, P45. Bus receipt, audio recording of XXXXX refusing to provide bus fair. Recording of XXXXX being informed no JSA payment had been received. Emails informing XXXXX I have not had JSA payment put through and require £6.30 bus fare. Other cases of misconduct towards the claimant: Non receipt of benefits during payslip dispute. According to Part 10, Section 2, (1) I should be receiving my JSA as usual despite any dispute of payslips. ''Sums to be disregarded in the calculation of earnings'' ''2. (1) In the case of a claimant to whom this paragraph applies, any earnings (other than items to which paragraph 1(2) applies) which relate to employment which ceased before the first day of entitlement to a jobseeker’s allowance whether or not that employment has been terminated.'' Non supply of clothing allowance Non supply of travel card. Preventing me from seeing my terminally ill Father that was in William Harvey Hospital. Continued harassment despite my asking to resolve issues. The stress of my fathers illness, my mothers care needs and the constant harassment by the DWP became unbearable. Non adherent to Job Centre Regulations 16, ©, (ii). Circumstances in which requirements must not be imposed – My Fathers Illness and passing away. I was told I must attend interviews or my money will be stopped several times, this is false information which leaves me feeling very distressed. I was told incorrectly by XXXXX that there are never Managers in the building. Interviews on 06/11/14 with the Floor Manager and Advisor I left feeling humiliated and deeply distressed. Avoiding communication with me. Withholding information. Non adherent to Job Centre Regulations Part 2, Section 16, 4b. Not processing two appeals sent to two offices. In my opinion, bullying behaviour Unlawful financial penalties (“disallowances” and “sanctions”) Unnecessary delays in addressing complaints or appeals In my opinion, blatant lies, manipulation and incompetence when corresponding with me and Councillor XXXXX. Breaching your own deadlines on dealing with a complaint. Non adherent to Job Centre Regulations 16, ©, (ii). Circumstances in which requirements must not be imposed – My Grandmothers terminal Illness and battle with cancer. I have 5 years of documents, audio, video, emails, phone call records and 2 Subject Access'. It would be a lot easier for me and my representative to bring along the relevant documents and show them to someone. I have spoken to two managers and they both refused to see any evidence I had. The citizen advice bureau don't know what to do they did not understand basic terminology or practice. My MP took my details but ceased communication. Councillor XXXXX did attend an interview with me and a Job Centre manager but ceased communication after that. I suspect she was using it as her own training and to win votes. The Police online crime report did not respond to my email. My JSA adviser XXXXX ceased communication. The Job Centre say they did not receive my appeals. I have sent an email to the Independent Case Examiner and waiting for response. I would like to speak to someone that is high up enough in the company to resolve these issues. Is this possible?
  22. Bryan Carter issued court papers to me on 11th Feb 15 regarding an old t-mobile debt the last payment to them left my bank account on 23rd December 08. I even have a statement issued by lowell covering the period 01/10/08 to 30/04/12 showing nil payments and the balance is still the same today. They can even get their statement right. I filed a defence stating that the debt was statute barred under section 5 of the limitation act 1980. Have received response from bryan carter saying they intend to proceed as the limitation period runs from the date the original creditor became entitled to demand payment. Default was issued 10th July 2009. They want me to settle the matter by way of Tomlin Order. Any advice on how to proceed I thought statute barred was from the date of last payment which was the cause of recovery action. Regards
  23. http://parking-prankster.blogspot.co.uk/2015/02/civil-enforcement-ltd-in-criminal-case.html Civil Enforcement Ltd in Criminal case in Aberdeen Book your front row seat and popcorn for: Aberdeen Sheriff Court Wednesday 4th March 2015 Criminal #17 Civil Enforcement Ltd SCS/2015-025464 AB14012607 Court 1A Civil Enforcement Ltd (CEL) is being prosecuted for: One count of operating a fraudulent scheme and 11 counts under the consumer contract regulations. This is an initial hearing which CEL are unlikely to attend. However the Procurator Fiscal has indicated that if they do not attend, warrants will be issued for the arrest and detention of directors so that they can be brought before the court. Prankster Note It might well be hard to find an actual director of CEL, what with a dormant shell company and a South African hired name as apparent straw man. The Prankster suggests getting in touch with Ashley Cohen and Gary Wayne to see if they know of the real people in charge. They don't muck about in Scotland! CEL have been abusing the English court system for years, and despite numerous complaints have been getting away with it. They dipped a toe over the border and now are well and truly in the system. Happy Parking The Parking Prankster
  24. I recently brought a new stereo for my car. the transaction went smoothly the item arrived. I then installed it in my car some features of the stereo wasn't working. So I messaged the seller stating some things weren't working. He replied saying that everything worked fine before he shipped the item and that he doesn't accept returns. He claimed maybe I had broke it. So I opened a case with ebay. I stated the issue he then replied saying it was working fine before he shipped it. Then he went on to say he would refund me when I return the item. What shall I do!? He is clearly going to say that the item is broke when I return it to him. Do I wait and escalate the case myself after 8 days and get ebay involved? Or return it first?
  25. UK: Grieving Family Face Horror of Exhuming Their Grandfather After Muslim Family Complains About Relative Being Buried Next to Non-Believer http://no1forum.co.uk/showthread.php?707-Racism-is-rife-and-native-Britain’s-are-biggest-victims&p=1302#post1302
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