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  1. Question. When is 100% solid hardwood not 100% solid hardwood? Answer. When it is sold by Oak Furniture Land. While it is true that they did not use any veneer, they use a choice of words when describing their furniture. OOPS! https://www.asa.org.uk/Rulings/Adjudications/2016/10/JB-Global-Ltd/SHP_ADJ_339625.aspx#.WAfBrST_qM8
  2. The council wants to gain access to my property to do some work on my neighbour’s property. I have already allowed them to put scaffold into my part of my land as my house is semi detach. This has been on for over three months I have no realistic time of when the job will finish. Furthermore i have been subjected to continuous cleaning resulting from the building and roof tiling dust. Thy have repainted the neighbour house while mine is still caked up in dust. I have reported damage to my roof tiles and my gutter damage by their workmen but they have not responded to my complaint 4weeks on apart from coming to view the damage. Now they are asking for more permission to put scaffold in my garden in order for them to complete their work. Please what are my legal position here? They might decide not to fix my damage properties after they complete their work or roll me in long time complaint and finally dismiss my complaint. What are my legal rights here?
  3. hello, part of my son's job is to visit business's and rectify electrical issues they have. Often in shops or banks he has to park quite close so he can transport his tools. He has received a parking charge notice and I'd like advice please. Please keep things simple... ...I've looked around the site and other consumer sites (eg moneysupermarket) and its my understanding that when parking on private land, the bottom line is that it is unenforceable in law please clarify the above son visits a bank in Warrington and parks up, gets a wrapper on the windscreen with the words "parking notice enclosed" within the plastic wrapper is the ticket from a firm called "parking ticketing ltd" based in Ducie Street Manchester reason for ticket: parked on private property in contravention of the site parking restrictions as displayed on the signage or permit... .....A parking charge of £100 is due within 28 days of the date of issue. A reduced rate of £60 will be accepted if paid within 14 days with failure to pay the full amount within 28 days will result in the charge increasing by a further £50 date of issue:27/1/16 observed time: 12:05 issued time: 12:18 my son emailed them and explained his circumstances (probably have his name now) but they rejected his appeal. Do we just ignore this demand and bin it? this type of event is an going thing for my son as his employer expects the work to be completed but they won't pay any fines. There are security issues with banks in such that, it takes time to sign in and once in, you cannot just come and go as you please so the 10 minute observation grace period is used up before the bank manager even signs him in most times many thanks
  4. Hi, Im hoping for some advice please. My ex is trying to get a share of my property by claiming beneficial interest. From what ive read he has no claim as we are not married, house is mine & he has never paid the bills or mortgage. He has applied for a unilateral restriction to be placed on my house. Ive read I can dispute this with the land registry but im not sure where to start & cant afford a solicitor. Does anyone know the process or anymore info? Will this mean I cannot sell or remortgage my house? Thanks for reading.
  5. Hello, My house is a semi detached, next to my garden fence is a piece of land of which I m trying to acquire . What it is, is that there is public footpath which runs diagonally across it next to my fence. But then round the edge of the land is a ready alternative foot path too Which people also use. I have tried contacting the council, they own the land, but it has been adopted by the Essex highways they said, because of the footpath. One of the reasons for wanting the land is because passers by keep kicking and damaging my fence as the said path is just next to my fence, I have children and does not feel safe leaving them in the garden. Also because of the lay out, dog walkers without lead always stun us when leaving the house. I have reported the fence damages to the police and have a reference number. Another reason is because I have a very substantial garden and an additional portion of this piece of land will give me an opportunity to build a new property on it, I have invited an agent who has done the measurements and would only need like one third of this land. Is there any one to advise on the best way to approach this please?
  6. Private Land Fiasco Hello People, Thanks in advance for your help and your patience. This is my first thread ever, so please bear with me. On 14th January 2016 I was slapped with a parking charge notice by Parking Control Management (UK) Ltd for my car being on The Runway, Salisbury Village, Hatfield. I had gone to a small planning exhibition and I was in the community centre opposite for no more than 10 minutes. There was a small amount of parking inside the gates of the community centre but when I got there it was chaos, and so I noticed a space on the opposite side of the road and thought it would be okay to park there. No yellow lines and another car parked close by. Unfortunately for me, when I came out of the centre I saw there was a notice affixed to my windscreen. I also only then noticed that there was a parking about 10 metres away with all the gobbledygook about permits and contracts. The reason I did not see the sign was that I am a carer for 2 people and I was in such a hurry to get in and out of the planning exhibition that I forgot to check for parking signs. The PCN stated that it was issued for "Parked without clearly displaying a valid PCM UK Ltd permit (at the time of enforcement)". They did put a reference on the PCN showing photographic evidence. I had no idea it was private property and I was surprised because The Runway is actually part of a public bus route. I had read up quite a bit of stuff on MSE and Parking Cowboys and so I decided to wait for the NTK. This arrived posted on 16th Feb with given date as 18th Feb. It did mention the POFA 2012 and worded it that I am required to do one of the following pay the outstanding amount £100 or if I was not the driver, provide the full name of the driver etc. It did also mention the appeals service IAS (but I understand this is about as impartial as a tied agent). I thought long and hard about what to do and say. As far as I was concerned, it was just an honest mistake. However, when I replied (as the keeper and not the driver) I declined to name the driver and said "apparently the driver did not see any parking sign and given that the ticket was issued at 16.27 hours on 14th January, I am not surprised, as it was 10 minutes after sunset on a murky winter afternoon. Therefore, as the driver did not see the parking sign, there was no contract formed and no offence committed". I continued that as keeper of the vehicle I am therefore declining to pay this charge and asked them to cancel the ticket. Incidentally, nowhere has it given a parking period. It has only specified 16.27 - I don't know if this is relevant. PCM replied on 17th March that they are " confident that the signage is adequate and clearly states that contractual obligations you agree to by parking. PCM maintain that the terms of this contract are concise and clearly displayed throughout the parking area. It is not sufficient to assume that the parking restrictions didn't apply. Further advice should hae been sought or alternative unrestricted parking should have been found." I actually felt like writing back to them asking "what part of the driver did not see the parking sign" do you not understand? However, I decided not to engage in any more letter tennis. I decided not to appeal to the IAS because they do not allow mitigating circumstances to be taken into consideration. I have now had a letter from Debt Recovery Plus, advising me that I should now pay the amount owed ££160) by 9th May, so I decided to ignore that as well. I note that DRP are quoting Parking Eye vs Beavis, but I don't really see there is any connection. I have spoken to the person on Salisbury Estate who liaises with PCM and found out the landowner is Bovis. I think the next move will be to ask the landowner if PCM have their authority to take people to court. Well, that is my story so far. Obviously I would prefer not to have to go to court, but it may be that this is the only place where I can actually tell my side of things. I would be very grateful for any constructive comments you have for me. Thank you.
  7. Hi, I have a family living in a caravan on my land. What notice do I have to serve before applying to the County Court for a possession order. I understand it is a Trespass Notice. Many thanks.
  8. Hi, I am writing to see if you can give me some advice with the following problem: I took over tending an allotment garden in 1996 from an old lady who had planted the boundary hedging around the plot of land not long after the housing estate was built before the second world war. The lady died a few years after passing the care of this land to me. Halton Council never contacted me regarding the use of this land. The housing estate was originally council owned and is now a mix of privately purchased and housing trust owned. Halton Housing Trust took ownership over from the council around 2004 and they also have never contacted me regarding use of this land. I have therefore maintained the land for some 20 years now, cutting the boundary hedging and growing vegetables for myself and my family. A neighbour has been sharing these maintenance responsibilities for the past year. He has erected housing for 3 chickens approximately 6 months ago and they are now living on the allotment, we are also in the process of building raised growing beds and paved foot paths. Just as another piece of background information, I started a bike project in 2007 on the land adjacent to the allotment. The setting up of this project took approximately 18 months during which time I had contact with Halton Housing Trust regarding the permission for use of this land. At the time it was mentioned about the allotment and the CEO of HHT at the time stated that he knew I was using the neighbouring land as an allotment and in said that this was fine with him for me to care for this land rather than it been neglected. Halton Housing Trust have now sent me a letter of trespass and stating I have 14 days to remove all property and buldings from this land, which consist of greenhouses a small shed and the henhouse. They also state if I wish to contest this I have 7 days to do so in writing. I received this letter on 20th of April 2016 and would appreciate any advice you can give as I am very upset and angry about this situation. Regards Carl
  9. The background to this subject can be read on the following thread. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?448461-Tom-Crawford-eviction-by-bailiffs-Freeman-on-the-Land-(FMoTL)-nonsense-has-no-place-in-the-courts. Today, Tom Crawford has attempted to 'reclaim' his former house. He is presently on the roof of the property. The following is an extract from a press article that has just been released: Evicted man Tom Crawford says he has 'reclaimed' his former Nottinghamshire home by locking himself inside. The 64-year-old, who was evicted from the house on Fearn Chase, Carlton last year following a lengthy battle over his mortgage, posted a video on YouTube on Monday, claiming he had taken back the house. Supporters of Mr Crawford turned up at the bungalow, offering warm clothes and food, while police were also called to the property. On Monday afternoon, several police cars were at the scene as Mr Crawford's wife Susan claimed her husband was inside the boarded-up house. Read more: http://www.nottinghampost.com/Police-presence-Carlton-Tom-Crawford-says/story-29007353-detail/story.html#ixzz44DWAJPQI
  10. Hi there and thanks for reading, I leant my car to my partners brother last November whilst he was over here on holiday as he lives in Spain. My insurance allowed him to drive so no worries there. Whilst he borrowed the car he parked on Private land in Cardiff and received a PCN which he never told me about. obviously after the ticket was not paid or appealed they wrote to me advising me of the fact and to which I replied with the drivers details and his address in Spain. I heard nothing more until about 4 weeks ago when I received a letter from a solicitors acting on behalf of the parking company advising me that if I did not pay the PCN in full plus expenses I would be taken to court. I wrote back to the solicitors advising them that I was not the driver at the time of the ticket being issued and again gave them the name and address of the driver all be it a Spanish address. I told the solicitors they should direct their action at the driver and not me. Today I have received a county court claim asking for £256 to paid or a CCJ will be registered against me. I have replied to the court claim with a full defence and explained to the court what I have wrote above. My question is as I was not the driver at the time of the ticket being issued and I have supplied the drivers details on 2 occasions am I liable for the charge? Any help or advise would be great. Thanks
  11. I work in a place with very restrictive car parking, my boss refuses to pay for the car park so staff have to instead. I pay a monthly fee through my manager to the owner of the property for the last two years to park there. Originally I would get a receipt, but these phased out. Our verbally agreed parking spaces moved between two car parks (owned by the same company) and we were told if our own space was taken to just park somewhere else.. . Parking became a pain in the backside because it was unenforced and we bagged the landlord to enforce it as part of our fee, else it made no sense and wasn't fair on legitimate parkers who paid and couldn't park. He did... Millennium parking services. And now I've got a parking charge notice which I don't seem to be able to contest. Knowing one of the two car parks is locked overnight, I parked in the other one as I was staying late, and came back to a ticket. Following advice on various forums I ignored the ticket but waited for the notice to keeper. This arrived in 5ish weeks, on the same day I went straight to their website and launched an appeal. Another month later, I get a Notice of Liability from PCS for £150, I launched an appeal on the day of arrival through PCS a nd every time I email them (they are good responders) I get the repeated reply that I'm out of the 21 days to appeal and have to face up or go to court. The last message back read: "The time to challenge the charge has now expired and therefore access to the Independent Appeals Service (if applicable) is no longer available. I have made notes on your file, but it does not alter our position and this parking charge will stand." Now the easy solution is go to the property owner for some kind of evidence, but in the past he has flat out refused receipts (with a short 6 month stint of receiving them in the middle) which we only assume is some sort of tax thing. He's also generally useless taking over a year to give us CCTV footage when someone drove into the car park and scratched a member of staff's car before leaving, so I don't hold much hope there. So where do I stand? The signs in both car parks explain that we need to display permits which we have never been issued. We do know the owner and people we pay are all legit, we know the parking company are legit. I'd welcome a court appearance, but with no evidence my side, and I assume a photograph theirs, I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. The auto high lighting on this site has recommended writing to the property owner copying the parking co in. That's probably my next course of action so if all else fails, I have evidence that I'm doing everything to resolve it. .. that wouldn't stand up in court though surely..?
  12. Hi, I am a new member and this is my first post. There is something that is bugging me for few days. I am studying in London Middlesex University, and free parking is very limited. There are only 3 short streets half a mile away from the university, which are unmarked. As the parking space is limited, sometimes many park outside the pavement, on the grass and the platform I marked in the street view outputs below. 2 days ago when i was looking for a parking, I saw a guy with an unmarked vehicle writing ticket to all the vehicles in the platform and the grass. But ignored the vehicle parked on the pavement. Also I saw a no parking sign on the wall,which was not there before. I can understand that the platform can be a private land (which I doubt), but can a company issue a private ticket to vehicles parked on the grass. Isn't the grass a council land? Would you be able to advice me whether it is unlawful or not, as every day tens of students are getting ticket at this area. I have uploaded and marked the points in question. As i am a new member, I cannot upload links, but you can see the exact location on Google map by copying and pasting the following coordinates: 51°35'07.3N 0°13'21.0"W Thanks for your time spend. Kind Regards
  13. My partner bought his bungalow end of 2013. Prior to the purchase a Private Search of Local Land Charges was made. We have concerns about the search because we received a letter recently from Hampshire County Council saying that they are install double yellow lines outside the front of the bungalow. This has been called a Traffic Order proposal. We objected to this immediately, the Council wont install a disabled parking bay outside the front of the bungalow claiming its too close to the junction, we disagree. They wont allow us to park the car in the garden again claiming its too close to the junction. Again we disagree. If we had known about this before purchasing we would have pulled out. We are a blue badge holder, and we feel the council is beyond uncooperative. We have contact the local mp to see if she can help but to also find out exactly when the traffic order was approved. We understand its been in the pipeline for years. Surely this should have been picked up on the searches? Can anyone please give any advice, we are distress by this as we wont have anywhere to park.
  14. Hi, Decided to post here as after googling ANPR it seems a lot of people here have relevant experience. Went out Sunday morning to find a ticket on my car. I live on a private road (with what I believe are ANPR signs at regular intervals). The ticket says I was parked on double yellow lines in the early hours. I checked their website and the photo they have as evidence doesn't show my wheel over the line (of course there may be more photos?) - I didn't read the ticket until after I'd driven off but I believe my wheel was actually passed the end of the lines. There are no bay markings. I would like advice as to my next course of action. Should I write to them and ask them to prove it first and send me proof that they work on behalf of the land owner? Ticket (all details correct) and 'evidence photo' attached but censored in case they are watching. Many thanks for looking! EDIT: Forgot to mention, my car is leased so cannot risk a Notice to Owner.
  15. Hi All, It's been a while! I have a question for those who have been through this process. Long story short, I'm involved in a case that's going to the above tribunal. Both sides have asked for it to be held locally, but the Tribunal have said that it will be held in London. We have asked them to reconsider as someone on our side suffers bad health. We haven't heard from them yet, but that's by the by. My question is, if it does go to London, is it held in a court-type setup, or is it more like a conference room (all sitting round a table)? I appreciate that if it is to be held locally, it depends on what's available. Its happening at the end of the month.. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated Cheers Luke
  16. First of all thanks for reading We need to sell or remortgage our house as son is disabled and we need to either make adaptations or move to a bungalow. We bought the house 7 years ago but had debt in the past and just after we bought the house we were chased heavily and they got a ccj against us. They put an interm charging order on the property 3 years ago. I am not aware of any final order had been made and they have not communicated with us since. I have obtained a copy of land registry and it sates the following : Equitable charge created by an interm charging order of the xxxxxxx county court dated xxxxxx in favour of xxxxx. Court reference xxxxxxx What does this mean? If we sell do we loose all equity? If we remortgage will the money pass to them?
  17. hello I was given a parking ticket from a company called TESGB 2 weeks ago, the fine was issued to the wrong number plate (confused x by k). In the first place the fine was unfair as i parked my car at the bank's car park and before taking my child to the toilet (there were no toilet facilites onsite) nobody made me aware that i could not leave the premises but even then there has to be an exception to the rule as the bank does not provide facilites. My husband suggested i should write to them to clarify the issue and informed them that PCN was invalid, then i received an email advisiing me that they were going to re-issue the PCN to the correct car and I have now received a letter informing me that my appeal has been rejected and that i have to pay. could anyone kindly provide advice on this?
  18. Hello all, as a newbie to the forum please bear with me. Here's the situation. In march 2015 I was issued with a parking ticket for parking outside the gates to my apartment complex. The reason I parked outside and not inside the gates in my private space was that the electronic gates were broken and it was nearly midnight. I parked in of the two visitor bays and went to move my car back in in the morning, by which time a ticket had been submitted and the gates were fixed. I appealed to the company but they told me my appeal arrived too late and that the matter would have to be passed on. Currently my fine is with a debt recovery firm who are now demanding 160.00 or I face court action. I spoke with the debt recovery firm but they told me the best they can do is take a reduction in the fine. I feel really aggrieved by this even though I know I am not without blame for appealing a little too late ( a few days ) but I am so annoyed that it was because of the broken electronic gates ( which are always breaking down ) that I must now face court action or a large fine . If there is any advice anyone can offer me I would be very grateful. Kind regards.
  19. Over the past few months a large number of Facebook pages have been set up (mainly by Sovereign Citizen/Freeman on the Land activists). A common feature of these pages is the use of highly dubious methods of 'beating the bailiff'. The most common feature, and one that is sadly costing debtors dearly is the advice to refuse to speak or correspond with the enforcement agent and instead, to pay the amount of the actual 'debt' (Liability Order, parking penalty notice, court fine) direct to the creditor (minus bailiff fees of course). From further reading it would appear that the reason for refusing to 'engage' with the enforcement company is that by 'engaging' the debtor becomes a 'joinder' and therefore is agreeing to a 'contract' being entered into (a daft Freeman on the Land theory and one that has no basis in law whatsoever). A rather worrying suggestion that I have seen on quite a few of these sites recently is the advice to debtors to make a complaint about bailiff fees to the Magistrate's Court under the provision of Regulation 1 of the Magistrates Courts Act 1980. This is novel idea and one that again is being sold by 'Guru's' and has no basis whatsoever in law. Of course as with all such scams, there is no evidence whatsoever of any court 'successes'. This is despite the highly inaccurate 'claims' on these Facebook pages that once the summons is laid before the Justice of the Peace that the Justice will either issue a summons directed to the bailiff requiring him to appear before the magistrates' court to answer the information or more ludicrously; that a warrant would be issued ordering the bailiff to be arrested and brought to court to answer the charges. A copy of a recent 'template' is provided in the following post.
  20. Hiya, apologies if I've posted this in the wrong area, but I've got to say thanks for all your help in trying to sort out my mess. I've a new question, I've a CCJ, which involved a Natwest bank lodging a claim for an amount against my house with the Land Registry. I intend selling my house, when the Bank takes the charge from what's left after paying back the mortgage, there won't be much left. Is it possible to negotiate with the Bank at this stage to try and reduce the claim against my property? Many thanks.
  21. On behalf of a friend... He has received a parking charge and is now being chased by DRP debt collectors for £160. The property management has a contract with UKPC but my friend owns the space outside his flat. He did not display his permit on his windscreen properly, hence the charge. Date of charge: 9th May 2015. A ticket was issued. No further correspondence as they wrote to his old address (he had recently moved). DRP notice received 16th July. No appeal has taken place. Next step?
  22. Every daily newspaper is today reporting the dreadful events of yesterday when Tom Crawford's long running battle with his mortgage provider (Bradford & Bingley) came to an end when bailiffs eventually entered Tom & Sue's bungalow and repossessed it in accordance with the court order. Given the high profile and public interest in this case, over 70 police officers were in attendance and the cul de sac where Tom and his wife lived was closed off. Police also hand delivered letters to all his neighbours to advice them of the reason for their presence. http://www.scoop.it/t/lacef-news Sadly every year thousands of homeowners suffer the same fate as Tom Crawford when their home is repossessed but none of them get the press publicity that this one has. There is because, unlike other home owners, Tom Crawford is a support of the Freeman on the Land movement. A few months ago bailiffs attempted to repossess the bungalow and social media sites appealed for supporters to attend the address to halt the eviction. Over 500 protestors gathered at the property forcing the bailiffs and police to retreat. Following that days events, Tom attempted to stop any further action by appealing the possession order to the court. In doing so, he did not seek assistance from a solicitor. Instead, he sought the services of various individuals who are well known on the Freeman on the Land (FMoTL) and Sovereign Citizen circuit. Quite simply.....the court rejected their silly arguments.
  23. Hi, I work for a housing association and we have a car that has been dumped in one of our car parks for over 6 weeks. We do not believe the car is owned by a tenant and it is SORNed. The land is owned and maintained by ourselves however we have been unable to identify the owner of the car. Can anyone advise what we could do to get this moved?
  24. Hello all, anyone know about second charge and Deed of entitlement? Interesting Case with IDEM Capital, advice required please Hi All Slightly complex situation but here it is, any advice appriciated. Overview We have a mortgage with NRAM and a secured loan with Picture>Webb>IDEM. We cannot make payments and are in default. NRAM looking to put us on a voluntary repossession scheme which are happy with. IDEM have had us is court. Today was the third hearing and they didn't show as they cannot find the correct Deed of Entitlement information, witness statement and paperwork. They asked for Adjornment via letter (not sent to us only the court) but the Judge struck out the claim as they had said they would based on second hearing and paperwork etc beign wrong. What kind of solicitor can best give advice on this? (I.e Conveyencing, housing etc?) Given they cannot prove Deed of Entitlement can we challenge their charge at the land registry and have it removed? Again, your advice is most appreciated!
  25. Dear all, on the date of January 21st, 2015 i visited a friend in London to which i had to park my car within the car park provided. I could see that signs were posted stating permit holders only. I had parked my car and proceeded to go inside to my friends room to obtain a visitor pass however once i cam downstairs i had a parking ticket on my car. I was furious as i was only gone a short while to obtain what was required to park my vehicle there in the first place. The date today is 15/04/2015 and i have just received a 'Parking charge notice' from a company called TNC parking services stating i owe £100 for this 'offence'. I have pictures of my car with the ticket on it and with a visitor pass. The letter i have received from TNC parking services states they are acting on behalf of their client P4Parking uk ltd. it also clearly states all parking charges are placed on hold upon receipt of an appeal. Furthermore TNC do not accept appeals as they did not issue the PCN and that all appeals should be made in writing directly to P4Parking within 28 days of this letter. If the appeal is unsuccessful then i would be provided with the contact details of the Independent appeals service (POPLA) with a unique 10 digit verification code reference. Could someone please advise me on this situation as i feel i have not done anything wrong and should not pay £100 for this unfair ticket. Thank you all for reading this post! Kav
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